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anyone still remembers this game? what are some other obscure strategy games that you were grinding back in the days?
Based Polfriend
/vst/ is populated exclusively by Polacks, we just speak English because it's the rules.
I can confirm this even though I'm not Polish.
>>1939638 (OP)
>69 Polish New Onions
16,90 dollars.
Great, now I got a boner
yeah that chest hair is sexy af
>>1939638 (OP)
>read about it in a gaming magazine as a kid
>fast forward 15(?) years
>buy it on gog for $1
>it doesn't work in wine
>nvm, I'll play it on windows one day
>never do
I guess I should try again now that I've learned about dxwnd
works perfectly in wine for me. did you install the the wine32 package for the 32 bit layer? old software don't work if you try to run it via wine on a 64bit architecture.

This being said, you'll run in an entirely different issue when you try it. This game has a weird copy protection which was pretty common at this time. So it will detect that you don't run it with the original CD. I tried it with the original CD as well as an image of the original CD. Both times I got the message that I don't run the original CD and it even deleted all files (save, config, etc).
The problem is that wine kinda weirdly accesses the optical drive, basically it even emulates the optical drive via a virtual drive even when accessing the physical optical drive. Sounds weird, can be solved via wineconf but I'm not that deep into wine that I could tell you the details.
I guess advertising really does work. That magazine ad from 15 years ago finally fleeced you out of $1.
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>tell me you're a zoomer without saying you're a zoomer
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>>1939638 (OP)
>anyone still remembers this game?
I barely remember the game but don't remember what the gameplay looked like, other than the minigame with making your own pizza

>what are some other obscure strategy games that you were grinding back in the days?
Does Lego Rock Raiders count as obscure?
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And does Theme Park World count as a Strategy Game?
I remember video game magazines, anon. Gamergate demonstrated that the industry was nothing but advertising posing as third party reviews. The joke was that after all these years, the ad finally got to you and took your $1. Haha.
I remember when game magazines had game ads that were ads, and game reviews which were written by poorly paid compsci students. we are not the same.
>Does Lego Rock Raiders count as obscure?
Nah, it even got a remaster. On some UE but it was still pretty good. I enjoyed it.
>>1939638 (OP)
I can't at all remember the name but I picked up a disc for a trucking transport company simulator game at a truck dealership/repair place when I was with my father once and played a good bit of that
>>1939638 (OP)
I remember getting it because I liked Pizza Tycoon. It did the job ok I guess.
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cool, it worked out of the box this time.
We're taking over the town tonight, boys!
>>1939638 (OP)
isnt this unironically one of the most realistic buisness sims that were ever made?
oh wait nvm, its pizza connection not pizza syndicate
>>1939638 (OP)
Pizza Tycoon?
no, it's Fast Food Tycoon. why the fuck would anyone release a game series under four different titles
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I swear I am the only one that ever played this. I don't even know how I got this copy, it was just one of the discs my based neighbours would burn and bring us when they came over when we were kids, probably pirated it. Wish I still had it, altho it's probably abandonware now so you should be able to play it for free if you want.
>>1939638 (OP)
I watched some gameplay of that game, and I have to ask who is it for?
Like part of it seems really autistic-like spreadsheets and diagrams, but at the same time everything from GUI to sound effects is very childish, like every time you click a button there is a cartoon eating sound.

So, I feel spreadsheets and economy management will drive children away, and kiddy graphics and sound effects will drive adults away.

I have never seen game design and graphic/sound design contradict each other so strongly.
it was a different time when games didn't take themselves so seriously and gamers weren't jaded faggots and niggers. You run a pizza mafia but it's lighthearted and fun. You design and furnish your pizzerias, design the pizzas, put ants on the pizza as an ingredient, and bomb rival pizzerias. There's a bit of business management too, hiring cooks, managers, waiters, etc It's a comfy game.
It might surprise you, but kids back then didn't have Subway Surfer and Tik Tok, so they usually had a bigger attention span and actually learned how to play the games they had.If spreadsheet autism it is, then spreadsheet autism you shall learn.
Anyone play Casino Inc? Played the shit outta it recently when I discovered it was rereleased on steam
It's German. This is all you need to know.
I played it in primary school
cultural differences mate, in Germany children as young as 6 enjoy enconomy simulations and trading stuff-
Anyone here remembers Patrician?
>I have to ask who is it for?
Me when I was 10 and me when I'm 35.
>who is it for?
computer games used to be for nerds. Kids who lacked the attention span played outside.
Lost Kingdom >> all
>>1939638 (OP)
More like who is the cover for? 9 year olds who are both hungry and horny?
This kind of stuff was just normal back then.
>>1939638 (OP)
>69PLN in times when smokes costed 7~8zł and gasoline was 4.90zł per litre
No wonder we used to be the leaders in online piracy.
I wish the boomerang weapon didn't dissapear anytime you'd accidentally move while using it.
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I'm Jewish, but they're all from Poland anyway.
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Thanks for giving me an excuse to find this picture.
>>1939638 (OP)
How is this game obscure in any fucking way?

Can confirm
Nigger, I spend my today's home office replying to the grand total of one e-mail (blessed be the final Friday of a month as home office) and making Cologne into biggest city of the Hansa.
Still, Port Royale 2 is where the series peaked.
69 was considered a bargain price back then.
And smokes cost back then 3-4.2, while gas was 2.85-90
I fucking love that line from Glina (from 2004), where two of the main characters make a bet for 5 zeta:
- Wanna bet for a fiver?
- Why a fiver, exactly?
- Cuz that's how much a pack of smokes cost
There are many dated elements of that series, but nothing dates is as much as the price of cigs.
Imagine being a guy who bought (!) Theme Park and paid 109 for it. 109 in 2000. That's like a price of a new, mid-budget GPU back then
>. Gamergate demonstrated
That you are a clueless zoomershit. Now back to >>>/v/ with you
and half of them are troons and schizos
>tfw missed out on the early MMO era because lol 10 American dollars per month for UO in 90s/00s Poland
Thank God for Runescape
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>middle school
>classmates play wotlk together and have fun
>tell my parents about a cool game
>it's $15/month
>they get an aneurysm immediately and beat me senseless for even suggesting so stupidly wasteful
>tfw missed out on the early MMO era because lol 10 American dollars per month for UO in 90s/00s Poland
You've missed out one of the best things in Polish net, especially if you didn't get into UO around 02-05 mark.
>high school
>classmate play UO so much, he failed a year due to insufficient presence in school
Weird times
when I come across the border I spend like 3000 onions for fireworks, lol
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this wasn't obscure by any means when it was fresh but it's astonishing how quickliy it got memory-holed to a point where people didn't know what I was talking about
Maybe because it was just bad?
It really feels like IG was doing those games in pairs: prorotype-real deal, building up on lessons from the prototype. So C1 is shit, but C2 is great. C3 is shit, but Pharaoh is awesome. Zeus is shit, but Emperor is fucking amazing.
And then Sierra's downfall took them out of the picture.
Tbh CDP was based with bringing "Extra Klasyka" for 19,90 of Kurwa Coins
That's how I got HoM&M III, Settlers 2, Tzar and many other games. Thanks, mom. Then again dad was a maritime worker so parents could afford those for me (even tho the only big ones I've got from them was CoD 4, og GW 2-pack, I remember I've saved up for collector's edition of HoM&M V all by myself - being 15 at that time and earning 100+ kosher shekels was something, paid every penny to a courier, was so proud of myself, plus I had a fresh print of CD-ACTION (big F) bought every month for 19,90 too, thx for reading my blog)
unpacked editions of those can go up for 2.000 PLN (500 USD) @ alledrogo
I'm convinced these are fake auctions for money laundering purposes.
I dunno mane, nerds sure can pay a lot for some stuff.
Your average nerd deals and does drugs in a trailer park or a ghetto, if not that then doing scams and buttcoin mining through virus payloads to earn money, or doing tech work as a job getting paid to do mysterious computer magic for others off the books. The stereotype of a computer nerd today was dated before the end of the millenium. Everyone else simply doesn't spend money like a drug addict would and they appear to have more money when they are just not being impulse buyers.
>Muh money laundering
Let me guess - modern art is just mafia grift to launder money, right?
no, luxury items such as unopened collectible copies of video games can be listed with arbitrary pricing, ranging from $1-whatever you demand. You can get the same used copy of a game for much much lower, but since it's such ancient unobtainium, it flies lower under the radar
Is that a controversial statement?
Based. Polack here too. The funniest thing is that most Polacks were so poor that buying CD ACTION for 20 PLN every 4 weeks and Ekstra Klasyka once in a while was a luxury. It felt good to grow in an upper middle class.
Not mafia grift, just grift for patreon bux and a specific clqiue behaviour of donating each other money amongst socjus circles. Why art? They want to Larp that they are artists capable of being at Da Vinci's level.
Obscure to normalfaggots or people really new to strategy only.
Anons, a friendly reminder this game is borderline /vr/ (the real /vr/, not nu-/vr/), so there are people age 24 who were born after this game came out
So it's not exactly obscure by any means. but it has it's age and was probably the least popular of the series.
I ethnically am Polish. It this a genetic thing with RTS's?
300 years of neighbors trying to genocide you does that to a mf. We have to be 3 steps ahead of everyone else at all times or we'll get genocided again.
>We have to be 3 steps ahead of everyone else at all times or we'll get genocided again.
fucking take the hint then.
Why else would people spend so much money on that kind of """art"""?
>I ethnically am Polish
What the fuck that's even supposed to mean? You're American, plain and simple. You speak Polish? Went through Polish education system, so it gets drilled into your head to masturbate to misery? No? Then you have jack shit to do with Poland, period
Be glad
To spite you
You would know, if you were a real, red-blooded Pole. Everything is a result of spite, personally aimed at (You)
As in that's where most of my family is from. The rest are Ukrainian.
You exaggerate. Sometimes you feel nothing but the sweet period of peace and quiet.
>t. not a Pole
Can confirm
so explain to me the poles+RTS meme
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I want to genocide poles with my penis.
t. Franz Bernd
>Apostołowie 2 & Osadnicy 2
Mój murzynie!
Don't forget about this kino ass-clencher too.
>He paid 20 cebulas for it
>Didn't get it for half that price in a news kiosk
Lmaoing at you
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>mfw kiosks are gone
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You can thank this guy.
They were doing just fine until he decided to "help". And by help I mean take over all their operations to fucking gas stations and leave them with nothing.
kek, what game is this?
>>1939638 (OP)
Game of my childhood. Original art, humorous, though I couldn't stand playing it now, a bit too clunky and manual management of syndicate was annoying.
yeah, the syndicate part was a bit fucked up. In your own, you couldn't swap the positions or generally kick out your employees, joining a syndicate completely removed the option to pick your personnel for a mission.

On the bright site, the syndicate was only profitable in the early game. Later on you spend all time to do business stuff.

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