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game on life support from now on (conveniently after the sale)
3 was already messy with the inclusion of natives and asians. DE made it entirely WAY too messy with everyone from medieval to modern times juggling stupid home city cards with their identical incoherent units that take wildly different damage from everything.
Is 3 worth playing?
Why did they do it? Did they cut off the support and new content for the game meaning abandoned it?
>didn't even need to build whole new architecture sets, just a unqiue building or two
>could still borrow most unit models from house of Vasa and Oldenburg
Hell, the Explorers would be the most difficult part, and they've apparently a backlog of them to give out every month. What happened?
>>1945690 (OP)
Pretty much confirms what I’ve been guessing for awhile. AoE3 is noticeably less popular than 4 and absolutely dwarfed by 2. Developing it just isn’t worth the time given its playercount.
It also tells me that unless Age of Mythology Retold gets a big player bump from the two DLCs they’re on the hook for that will be all the development that game receives as well.
As an aside, steam data has a new entry for AoE2, so that will be getting DLC within the next 3 months or so lmao.
3 is strange and was always the black sheep because of it. Like it’s weirder in mechanics than Age of Mythology is, the game with monsters and god powers.
It’s being left behind because it isn’t as popular as 2 or even 4 and it isn’t a new game like AoM Retold
Waiting for the quiet cancellation of Retold DLC, not gonna lie.
>it’s weirder in mechanics than Age of Mythology
AoE3 tried to hard to not be AoE2: Americas in its mechanics and while some were really good ideas (batch training, all units with melee/ranged modes), the implementation was weird, pathfinding was worse than AoM and damage bonuses ended up making no sense after so many expansions.

If anything they should've leaned way harder into the AoM formula than what they did, just not with the campaign. We should've gotten a bunch of individual campaigns like AoE1 and AoE2 instead of that stupid shitshow obviously made to be the Spanish campaign converted into "Knights of Saint John"
I wouldn't say it's dogshit but I definitely prefer AoE 2, AoE 4, and a lot of other strategy games over it. If you mean you got it in like a bundle or just grabbed it while it was on sale and it's been sitting in your backlog, okay enough for a playthrough but I didn't like it enough to recommend someone buy it normally
They did a weird thing with making a historical RTS super hero-reliant, possibly to stand out more from AoE 2, and the counter system was extremely heavy-handed from what I remember with making units do literally like 3x-4x the damage against a specific unit type and dogshit against every thing else in the game which I hated
AoM (half of aoe3 playerbase) is next.
Holy shit, that's tragic, makes sense why they're so quiet about it with no release date in sight. They would have to refund a shitload of people for the Premium edition though.
Depends. If you like AoE2 more than life itself - don't play it, just don't. If you liked AoM the most, you'll see a lot of familiar gameplay elements and a lot more on top of it. And if you prefer to cycle through different maps and civs in skirmish, trying different things - you can't miss it, there's just so much stuff to do.
The game has a lot of complexity that makes it difficult to figure out but fun to learn. It's is free to try - though most of the content is locked behind the 'base game' dlc.
Will they at least carry on with AOE4 DLC? I'm still hoping for some kino Aztecs vs Spanish.
>>1945690 (OP)
Damn shame. On the plus side, I guess I'm free to uninstall this now and play different games for once because suddenly I no longer feel in the mood.
I thought the pathetic reception of such a grand new release would work in AoE3's favor, though I guess that one is also underperforming and already five years old. They really overextended themselves by releasing all these games in quick succession and pumping out DLCs. Not only was it taxing on their end but the playerbase was also spread out between all these games.
Can't really say I am that upset. They have 5 AoE games up right now and technically only 2 of them are even popular. AoM kind of seems to be doing ok and I do find it a bit weird that it's not more popular, but it is what it is.
Honestly I don't even care at all. What were the new civs going to be? Denmark and Lithuania? Big Whatevers if you ask me.
Gotta love how they strategically dropped the news right after the RTS fest.
its really bloated, its like they were trying to make it closer to grand strategy games which were getting popular at the time of its original release. some people like it for that reason but it's worse than 4 imo.
>>1945690 (OP)

https://youtu.be/Y29aGTbg62A?si=n-HPOz7OxlqiNEV_&t=52 [Embed]
>Waiting for the quiet cancellation of Retold DLC, not gonna lie.
They'd have to issue refunds if they did that. People already bought season passes, though I do think the chance of anything after the season pass is over is looking grim.
aoe3 is free
It kind of just feels like it's a bit all over the place. Even the devs said that they didn't have much direction and weren't happy with the game. It's not bad and I think it gets a lot of unnecessary shitting on but the stuff that makes it unique do just feel like they aren't fully fleshed out. It also doesn't help that most AoE fans are fagots who don't have a love of actual history and think the past stops at fucking muskets. At least we got America and Mexico which are both fucking kino.
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rip in peace the best RTS
why are you pretending to be retarded?
I like AoE3 because it has a lot of variety, with each match throwing more unusual stuff at you to process. Unfortunately, that's lethal poison for competitive scene, aka stable audience which keeps the player count big. The game is much more suited for casual play.
It's fantastic. I love the fictional story based on real events. Love the card system too. Lets you focus on playing exactly like you want.
it was

I got it for free then didn't play it because it's shit
Fuck e-sports, man. I hate that today RTS has to be super competitive and professional in order to survive. Also I guess this buries the dreams for anything else, no Persians, no more Africans, no Oceania, no Brazil. Fuck e-sports, so much.
>>1945690 (OP)
I played the original as a kid with only a couple other RTS like Rise of Nations and Stronghold Crusader as comparison and I loved it. The campaign is alt-history kino and I liked the mechanics they used to give the game a colonial feel, like sending shipments from the old world and interacting with natives.
If you really like AoE2 and competitive RTS games you will probably hate it though, I think it's best played casually.
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my favorite autistic bit is that playing as civs gives you points that you can spend to decorate your home cities. It's pretty comfy and rewarding to get little colorful bit (especially since they made all of the lighting/environmental effects cost more than 1 point)
thats a really retarded move id say , that will cost trust issue with the devs at World edge from the community and there was already some since the Return to Rome bassicaly made the peoples owning AOE1 definitive bought the game for nothing
How does 4 compare to 2?
It's strange they never added a setting to expand the build bubble in treaty matches, seems like something that would have been there in the release of DE.
RTS studios need to fucking stop trying to be the new Starcraft , its that fucking simple
nah AOE 4 , they had announced that a new dlc is in the making for it but nothing about the content has been revealed , its the next to be Axed
>>1945690 (OP)
Fuck em for killing the best of the series.
main complaints are the aesthetic, homing missiles, and that it's not Age2
one complaint i've seen is that the Age4civs (12 and 4 variants) play too differently from each other, meaning it's harder to learn multiple civs (turks build academies and need vizier points, byzantines need to build aquaducts, delhi needs research mosques, rus hunting lodges, abbasid/ayyubid berry mills, etc) while Age2 is MOSTLY (because there are 45 of them) stuff like "cavalry civ" "crossbows civ" "light cav and horse archers civ" "eagles civ" with subtle, calculable differences between them that a more casual player won't be able to notice too much of (free wheelbarrow OP, slav farming bonus, japanese fishing, etc)
for example, I am pidgeonholed into 3 civs in Age4 that I know how to play whereas I'm okay playing random in Age2 because I can adjust my strategy
i like them both for different reasons: Age2 is definitely better looking and has the superb compstomp/singleplayer environment (the age4 campaigns are dogshit), but I like Age4's aggro-plays and the variety when I feel i'm stuck in a rut
>the age4 campaigns are dogshit
yeah i agree , a lot of them are just scenario where you have to hold waves with a predifined army on a super tiny map and the few bases scenario are so heavily scripted they arent fun
You did not play aoe3 if you think it's hero centric or were like 6 years old
>hero centric
This ain't wc3 or supcom even. You get a dude to creep treasures age1. In age4 he can crack shot. Generally he's there to explore fow and snare shit. He's generally unless a warchief civ a thing to do before the real fighting happens. There is a reason no serious deck has hero upgrades.
>counter system rough
No less than aoe2, certainly not as much as 4 where units often do fuck all vs stuff not their counter. It's basically 2x rock paper scissors where every unit is countered by 2 and is countered by 2 of the 6 main unit types. Musketeer, artillery, and hussar notably tend to brute through stuff. Some units like lancers and pikes are more specialized but compare to aoe4s spear>bow>cav it's far more well rounded.
Yeah for 20 burger bucks you get like 16 totally unique civs with a combo of cards 50+. It's incredible how many maps, cards, units, and even game modes there are. For 20 dollars if you like rts or the time period or a more complex game than aoe2 worth it. If you don't think cards belong than no.
The aoe3 competitve scene is very alive, very retarded but very alive and is literally the reason we even got a DE. They formed most the initial balance but devs said fuck them give people shiny shit and the game grew. Hell 3's numbers have spiked past aoe4s multiple times before and after f2p. But clearly some fuckhead wanted to jerk off the starcraft2 crowd so we got all remaining effort on AoM lagtolds promised dlc, and aoe2/4
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you can see they simply hate the game since mythology and mythology retold have less players and still alive while the original 3 got deleted and the 3 DE got won't get already announced content.
why? probably because new civs require unique gimmicks and not just unique units with different skin and stats or because it's set on the chud time period.
they can't axe retrold that quick after release. And they already sold DLCs in form of premium edition.
>RTS has to be super competitive and professional in order to survive
Is that even true? How often do you see a new RTS thrive because of its competitive scene? Strategy gaming industry is propped up by singleplayer shitters I would say, they're the ones buying a new game every once in a while.
This is a boogeyman you’ve deluded yourself into believing is true. AoE2 isn’t alive because of muh espurts. It’s alive because more casuals are playing it than ate playing AoE3 because it has more and better casual content than AoE3.
I would bet money that AoE3’s DLC sold like fucking shit because it was just civs with no campaigns
There's such a big difference in the volume of content between the DLCs for 2 and 3.
2 essentially gives you just a few campaigns, a couple new unique units and a set of unique techs. 3 gets you new distinct civs with new units, techs, shipments and home cities, plus a whole bunch of diverse random maps, new natives, new outlaws, new mercenaries, and new mechanics. Sounds like it takes a lot more work to prepare an expansion for the latter.
yeah if they gonna axe retold it will be once the two civs that are part of the season pass will be released
I wouldn't because the last DLC, knights if the Mediterranean, sold very well. On par with aoe4s first dlc if not better. And it was 2 European civs (easiest to make for aoe3) re used many assets and included co op and unique maps for scenarios. The canceled dlc was 2 extremely popular civ requests (Poland and Denmark) and by all accounts given player counts were up from the last dlc should have been fine.

This screams axed by CEO for "strategic reasons" aka they are gambling that killing this IP and redeployment to other flailing projects will keep them in the black long enough for hos golden parachute I mean great vision to pay off.
>>1945690 (OP)
they should pull support for 4, not 3. Retards
maybe because nobody was buying the Hero cosmetic packs or something so they needed some new way to monetize the F2P game
my dumb, stupid, and cheap idea for the executives would be making it so that you can select a flag, so that German fags can finally chose between being the HRE, Hapsburgs, or Prussians
I don't think it would be too much confusion, since flags aren't used that much outside of buildings, which are already rather color coded. If there was concern, then maybe town centers, forts, and outposts could both fly the civ and national flag. It might be a bit confusing for some new players and the new world revolutions but it's not that important and you can get $1 from all of the euros and third worlders
>English, Scots, Irish
>Trastamara or Bourbon
>Ming and maybe Joseon or the Dzungar Khanate because ASIA
>every single fucking clan imaginable
>gran columbia because it's never ever getting in now
There are a lot of mods that do that already but yes, 1 dollar many would still buy to support the game. There was plenty of asked pfp, explorer skins, and unit skins that never got used to monetize despite existing in game already. They just couldn't be bothered.
It's still a 7.5/10 RTS. It just had a lot of weird quirks. It's in a transition state between a "classic" rts like AOE2 and a "modern" rts like COH, which is a little ironic since the game takes place in the transition from 1500-1800.
The game at launch had a super obnoxious metagame where you could access more powerful units and upgrades by winning more games, which would then give you more powerful units to use in the next game. You could end up spending a ton of this meta currency on noob-traps that were functionally worthless and now you are at a huge disadvantage.
DE and even the original look and sound amazing though. The way buildings and ships get blown apart by cannon fire had my jaw drop when I first saw it.
>grand strategy
I don't know about that but I can see they put more emphasis on 4X elements.
I'm surprise they never did a dlc where they introduce companies like the East India Trading Company as a playable faction. Playing as a semi-private governing entity would be something almost entirely unique to the time period the game covers. The same goes for Pirate Republics.
literally the best game in the franchise
>The way buildings and ships get blown apart by cannon fire had my jaw drop when I first saw it.
Yes, twenty years ago the destructible physics blew my socks off. I was in awe back then
>2 essentially gives you just a few campaigns, a couple new unique units and a set of unique techs. 3 gets you new distinct civs with new units, techs, shipments and home cities, plus a whole bunch of diverse random maps, new natives, new outlaws, new mercenaries, and new mechanics. Sounds like it takes a lot more work to prepare an expansion for the latter.
And the latter despite taking more work did not sell as well as the former because it didn't have anything the casual players care about.
>I wouldn't because the last DLC, knights if the Mediterranean, sold very well. On par with aoe4s first dlc if not better.
>Knights of the Mediterranean reviews:
>The Sultans Ascend reviews:

Yeah they totally sold the same bro. The Chronicles DLC for 2 (which is the highest effort DLC in AoE2) already has double the amount of reviews as Knights too.
AoE3 was abandoned because the amount needed to develop new DLC wasn't seeing great returns, especially when that development team needs to be all hands on deck to make Mythology DLC to save that game instead.
>Playing as a semi-private governing entity would be something almost entirely unique to the time period the game covers.
That's the premise of AoE3. You're playing as a settler colony. That's the difference.
You can play as the EIC by partnering with Britain as India and building an export deck.
>reviews as a metric
Are you actually retarded?
>forgot anniversary edition was an asspull cause no one wanted malians or ottoman or any aoe4.
I know it's a meme aoe4 fan boys are there cause they were too stupid together past bronze in SC2 but fuck man did you forget this whole debacle?
>it didn't have anything the casual players care about.
With so much stuff to play around with, I actually liked playing skirmish. AoE2's skirmish is no fun by comparison, there's virtually no variety in civs and maps.
>reviews as a metric
>Are you actually retarded?
At least I have quantifiable data. You have literally no evidence to your claim of:
>knights if the Mediterranean, sold very well. On par with aoe4s first dlc if not better
Explain why or shut the fuck up.
>forgot anniversary edition was an asspull cause no one wanted malians or ottoman or any aoe4.
Wasn’t a DLC and was done so because AoE4 was blatantly unfinished when it released. If they tried charging for it they would have been raked over the coals.
>I know it's a meme aoe4 fan boys are there cause they were too stupid together past bronze in SC2 but fuck man did you forget this whole debacle?
What the fuck is this schizobabble? Stay on topic.
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aom bros we are going to make it right? we are not getting canned in less than a year right?
Right now you’re in a decent spot because it sounds like AoE3 was sacrificed for AoM’s sake. Unless Immortal Pillars does abysmally bad you’re guaranteed to get both major expansions at the minimum. If it does really well even if player retention remains subpar I can even see you getting the 4th major god for the other factions too.
However I would be very surprised if there’s a third major DLC after Immortal Pillars and whatever the second one ends up being.
i prefer it over 2. it can get pretty deep. i never liked 2's extreme difficulty.
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I can't believe she just single handedly killed AoE3:DE
AoM in 3 months has already made more money than AoE3 in 5 years
Where's the fucking DLC, Phil?
it has a slightly higher all time peak. I seriously doubt that.
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I hope so, fuck AOM
I blame the pricing. No way in hell I'm paying $30 for an old ass RTS with a new paint slapped on, and straight up downgrades like lack of skeletons. Waiting for a -75% like with AoE2:DE, that's more like it. Make new, original, inspired games if you want that kind of money on launch
$30 is an absolutely fair price. What price do you think they should have set?
With the support dropped maybe they'll merge it with 2 just like they did with Return of Rome. Instead of maintaining three separate games they could have one supergame with all sorts of time frames and theaters.
Aoe1 and aoe2 share the same engine. Aoe3 does not. "Integrating" aoe3 in aoe2 would be 50 times more work than finishing a two faction DLC.
>aoe 3 but worse
why would anyone want this?
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Does the game still have this as the first thing you see?
It is, aoe2 niggers only play aoe2, they can't in to other rts, so don't listen their retarded opinions.
This is what happen when you lump entire countries into one civ like total retard. Prussian fans such as myself have to play as the niggerly HRE instead of superior Prussia. Good riddance.
I just found out they have killed MP support for the original AoE III too
Fucking jews
I had to drop the campaign after 2 missions because of how cringe it was
yes, and two diversity coaches (black, male and female) call you for a complimentary session. Satya really wanted players to feel culturally enriched when launching aoe3
Hehe, if they could do that without cost I bet they would.
I assume they haven't reversed their decision to rename the "colonial age" either?
I just want a map conquest mode for Aoe3 where I unlock cards as the conquest progress.
you got a mod in the ingame workshop to change back the names anyway
That doesn't give back points to the new devs, even if the mod would change the names to various vegetables.
>>1945690 (OP)
Oh no no no AOE3keks how can you cope being the black sheep of the AOE franchise.
>We have replaced inaccurate or stereotypical depictions
>Aztecs remain the same with pyramids for barracks and "warrior priests", they only changed their flag for a faggy one
>Incas use a modern flag too
it's also not the case that they removed the stereotypical depictions because they were incorrect, it was because sometimes it better to hide the truth to not hurt people's feelings.
Why was there never a setting to adjust the size of the build bubble for treaty games? This should have been something implemented with the release of DE.
This is why (((historians))) are still trying to cover up Carthaginian sacrifices and are trying to say it might still be Roman propaganda despite archaeological evidence strongly pointing toward it being true. All non-European people must be coddled.
after a quick search that was like 2500 years ago, why would anybody today care about covering up anything that happened so long ago?
An excellent question, I really wish why they do this. Hell even the Greeks and Hebrews in the Old Testament or Tanaj denounced the Phoenicians for their child sacrifices.
Because only Europeans are allowed to be known for doing immoral shit
Caeser & Suetonius's blatent luing and slanted views were eventually challenged and found to be incorrect. So after centuries of being accepted as truths, they wanted to see how much Roman propaganda was actually propaganda.
Like the Gracchius back and forth or the barrack Emperors smearing each other.

And finally it was because they couldn't find the ruins of the child sacrifice areas, the Tophets to use the term from the Bible. They did eventually find them, they were embedded in the cemeteries.
germans is the same
Guess they chose the best place do to their sacrifices, huh...
I like it but it's got strange decisions, mostly the home cities thing.
Honestly though you should basically expect any RTS not called Starcraft or AoEII to be abandoned because RTS basically has the Quake III problem.
RTT is what sells now because the lack of base building for most people means they won't need to start an Adderall prescription just to start playing the game half-decently.
The minute they do that the studio will go under because no one is going to play anything that feels like a traditional RTS with other people if it isn't AoEII or Starcraft.
My main complaint is that it's trying too hard to be Age II. Did we really need another medieval game when AoEII is already there AND got a graphical makeover?
Just having the infantry actually throw fire into a building to burn it down instead of randomly poking it with their pikes was to me a huge improvement in the presentation of RTS games.
Not to be a contrarian but I always disliked how that looked.
I mean execution-wise it could have been better but to me it was a step in the right direction instead of the "everyone fire their guns at once at the enemy building," thing all other RTS games do.
I think execution was pretty good. I don't see a problem with how they implemented it
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so, now that it's over, what would you have done?
now where will i go for my colonialism fix?
Add Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay for War of Triple Alliance DLC
Peru and Bolivia (or Peru-Bolivia into either country like the mexican revolution choices) plus Chile for a War of the Pacific DLC
Gran Colombia into Venezuela, Colombia or Ecuador, Persia (maybe starting as Safavid and turning into Afsharid, Zand and Qajar as you age you with Pahlavi as the secret revolution route) and Poland-Lithuania into Congress Poland and in the final age into 1920s Poland or Lithuania depending of the player choice for a DLC focused on rise and fall of empires.
Split Germany into Prussia into German Empire proper and Austrian Empire into Austeia-Hungary or Czechoslovakia plus adding Romania for a central/eastern Europe DLC
Add Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece for a Balkan DLC, for teh lulz make Serbia able to revolt into Montenegro or become Yugoslavia in the last age and add croatians, albanians and bosnians as minor factions.
Rework China so it can become the Republic of China if you revolt.
Siam/Thailand, Aceh and Malays for a SEA expansion
Boers, Zulu, Belgium and Kongo for a central/south african expansion
At the bare minimum Poland, Denmark and Austria. Korea even to complete to complete asia.
The whole area of the Pacific is blank. Surely there are plenty of islands and natives to include in an expansion.
the islands and natives that are british colonies without a standing army or own government?
This. Maybe for last, central asia and mena are much more interesting.
>>1945690 (OP)
Deserved. AoE 3 DE community is the worst among the Age franchise. They deserve no game balance updates either. Most of their content creators are intentionally looking to mislead devs into making bad game balance choices. Overpowered DLC civs like Ethiopia, Italy and Mexico are actually memed as underpowered so that devs can be fooled into completely breaking the game. Any kind of sensible nerf receives hostile reception from retards who were using broken stuff as a crutch for their ranked games. Smurfing is extremely common, with top content creators in the community openly smurfing on stream to bash noobs. Furthermore, racism against players with Chinese and Korean names is widespread across the AoE 3 DE community, as the English speaking players often accuse Chinese and Korean players to be map-hackers and cheaters. They are incredibly arrogant and toxic despite being the black sheep of the Age of Empires franchise. It will be hilarious when the hundred "fan-made" balance patches are just top content creators buffing up their main civs even more.
>Furthermore, racism against players with Chinese and Korean names is widespread across the AoE 3 DE community, as the English speaking players often accuse Chinese and Korean players to be map-hackers and cheaters.

they are tho
There's already a mod out there called Wars of Liberty with almost everything you listed already implemented.
>Be chilean
>One of Chile's unique units has a bonus against natives
>War of Triple Alliance DLC
That's almost WW1 time.
If AOE2 could cover over a millennia then AOE3 could easily push into WW1 if needed.
A good WW1 RTS would be amazing
There's no way we'll ever get a good one, tho. Not as long everyone forgets it was an actual world war and only go for the western front trenchwank instead of covering actually interesting theaters.
>AoE4 could have been kino late 19th century with WW1, Inter-War period and WW2 into early Cold War.
>ww1 with no trenches
Well, that's a though one. US intervention in Arkhangelsk and Vladivostok lol? Czechoslovak legion and trainfaggotry? I mean Russians had trenches in galicia, Turks had trenches in Syria, Bulgars had trenches in Thessalonica.
Playing the US with all the heavy cannon upgrades is basically WW1
>covering the conquest of the aztecs, the american revolution, and ww1 in the same fucking game is the same as the 1000 years of cavalry riding down infantry mobs
Keep it in your pants fagtron
AOE1 covered a longer time period, you have no excuses AOE3kek
would be nice a port for the definitive edition but fags said they won't
anon, go to google and count how many years did it take for humanity to transform from farming agrarian societies into the first modern republics.
Then count how many years it took from modern republics to the industrial society.
The answer might shock you and also answer your dumb take.
You're right, I will now fight to the death until Age3 can finally represent Saddam Hussein's war against the Iranian Revolutionary forces, since that fits the timeline
This attitude is why you'll get no more DLC
it is the life of pike and shotte/gunpowder chads to suffer (like they did)
RIP aoe3 played a lot when I was younger. Playing and enjoying aoe4 now.
ackshually low overall player numbers and sales numbers are why we will get no more DLC. AoE2 and AoM are the moneymakers right now
>>1945690 (OP)
Saw what they did to the warchiefs expansion and didn't bother buying it. AoE3 ran fine on modern PCs anyways.
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Using the flags idea, >>1946304, create a bunch of blankets so that we don't end up having 60 fucking civs for every third world shithole. With 22 civs already existing:
>Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth*
>Austro-Prussian Catholic/Protty states split*
>Balkans blanket*
>(Denmark can be a Swedish flag variant)
North America
>Cherokee/Southeastern America Mississippian blanket
>Pueblo/Southwestern America blanket
South America
>Gran Columbia*
>blanket for all of those other states south/west of Brazil, I'm sure the sudacas have a term for them*
MENA + Africa
>Persia (Timurids, Saffavids)*
>Barbary Pirates (they already have half of the assets)
>Congolese blanket, ie, central jungle africa
>wider Bantu blanket, ie temperate/coastal east/southeastern africa, from Kilwa to the Zulu
>Mongolic/Turkic steppe blanket
>Thai/SEA blanket*
>Indonesia/oceanic blanket
>Maori/Polynesian/Filipino blanket
That adds 18 more, practically doubling the size of the game to 40, which can never be fucking possible, when Age2 is presently at 45 (pending the upcoming china split)
If we just go by the more manageable highly-desired* list, it'd still be 9 additions
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>Denmark can be a Swedish flag variant
du borde känna dig ärad
Leftards still think Carthage was built by kangz.
Aoe2 has a shitton of custom campaigns and some are pretty enjoyable. There arent many for aoe3 right?
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Another humiliation ritual for aoe 3
AoE3 map editor is kinda annoying to work with, worse than AoM which is what it's based off.
Can it at least achieve more? I always thought it was overlooked.
I'm inclined to believe you can do everything you normally can with AoM trigger-wise, with a few important changes and additions.
The thing is the changes make it more finnicky to deal with and the additions aren't all that useful.
Truly I haven't spent a whole lot of time with it compared to AoM where I made a ton of scenarios. I did get a few vanilla AoE3 scenarios made back when it was fresh that were quite fun, a Napoleon map and some Dutch fight vs Spanish missions with a bunch of variables and units changing sides.
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I saw picrel when I visited the aoe3-homecity site. I guess modders are now free to add whatever now that devs wont.
>caribbean pirates
>the cowboys
i can't tell if this is based or cringe

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