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Anyone still play them?
>>1947032 (OP)
not really, no, I'm addicted to EU4 at this point
fuck yeah, Vicky3 is trash and there's really no other alternatives
I had hopes for the open source Vicky2 clones, but so far they've been disappointing
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>>1947032 (OP)
Oh and HoI3
I'm going back to EU3 because I didn't play them much before moving to EU4.
I recommend playing EU3 without Divine Wind, that DLC made the game really unfun.
what does it add that makes it unfun?
not him and I don't remember but did it add endless Magistrate spam? or was that Heir to the Throne
>>1947032 (OP)
I still play both. There's quite a few things I like more about EU3 than EU4, I hope EU5 has the best of both worlds between the two.
Not that anon but I assume he's referring to Divine Wind adding cascading alliances which meant that you would end up at war with almost half of Europe if you decced on another country.
Magistrates aren't really an issue if you upgrade your government type and build government buildings.
>>1947032 (OP)
Just make this a vintage Paradox thread.
Eu3? Sank a lot of hours into it in the past but these days? Not really. While 3 has some neat stuff like the sliders, Eu4 is generally just 3 but more which is somewhat rare for Paradox.
Vic2? Yes, although it's mostly for the Cold War mod these days which I think is still the best Cold War experience you can have in any of the Paradox games, I tried the mods for Darkest Hour and HoI4 but found them lacking in comparison.
HoI3? Never was a fan of it so no, but I still go back to Darkest Hour every now and then, also partly for the loads of great total conversion mods.
Just for the fun of it, I also recently did a Spanish run in Vicky 1, surprisingly fun game still, very arcadey compared to the later entries as well.
Can you play Darkest Hour in windowed mode?
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Cold War vic2 is such jank. But it's fun...
I wish East vs West didn't get scrapped, it had good fundmentals.
GFM is bloated to hell and the dev is a jew, HPM is dead, Crimememod is a meme. Why can't there be a good Vic2 modddddd
>HPM is dead
The active version of HPM is called EEM, Ending Extension Mod. Also, as the name implies, it extends the end date 20 years with techs and unit types to match. Comes with a lot of extra China flavour.
How can I get Communists to overthrow my government? I'm playing EEM, and they're the ruling party, but I want the Proletarian Dictatorship government so I can spread the Revolution via war.
I know I could crash the living standards of my country, but I don't want to. I just can't find the event id # for commies overthrowing the government
hummm... yes I see a lot of chinese stuff. Why is this weirdo obsessed with China.
If it works like the fascist coup event, you need 5 militancy for it to trigger
>why is a Chinese person putting China content in the mod
You retarded, my dude?
how would i know he was chinese
now that event about nanking makes sense, chinese propaganda
>you need 5 militancy for it to trigger
Would you happen to know where I can find the event id? I'd rather just pop the event manually rather than wait, it's already 1900
why don't you just add militancy through the console?
Oh yeah, I forgot I could do that
Those events are in CleanUp.txt on the events folder. For EEM it's event 60000
Holy shit THANK YOU anon
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How's MEIOU mod for EU3?
it's the best modded experience for eu3
>>1947032 (OP)
vic2 yes i play, my favorite country is colombia and i know its out of theme but i have never have a gf in my entire life, during my teens i spended all my freetime playing paradox interactive and creative assembly games, i form empires and destroy them, meanwhile people were outside learning how to behave in social interactions to not look autistic, i am socially retarded and i genuilly fear being a genetic dead end, now im focus in eu5, because lately this games have not been helping me escape from reality like they used to do when i was younger
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there was a MEIOU for eu3?
it's where MEIOU came from
You're not missing anything by not interacting with normalfags. If anything it makes you less of a degenerate and also gives you more time to improve on yourself like reading or exercising for the moment you do.
And don't bother learning EU5, it will still be crap on release.
>>1947032 (OP)
No, but sometimes i play comfy For the Glory aka upgraded Europa Universalis 2.
Extremely jank but I enjoyed it
Jank how?
what's the best mod for EU3 in general?
Depends on what you're after. Some like MiscMods or D&T are just "enhanced" versions of the original game that still plays a lot like the original, then you have things like EU3+, MEIOU or MM that can pretty dramatically change how the game plays.
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lmao wtf
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>>1947032 (OP)
Look at my Mittelafrika.
It's insane how badly they fucked up the map projection. What the fuck is going on with Bulgaria?
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They didn't bother making each tile individually like in HOI4
What does Europe look like?
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I have nothing to do with what you see in southeast France I swear. But I have everything to do with what you see in Greece and the middle east.
>be France
>install Communism in Russia
>my army doesn't get exiled
>the game doesn't say I have military access in Russia, so I can't revoke it
>nobody is going to give me access because my infamy is too high
How do I get my men home? I'd rather not have to sail them all on transports
WOW that map looks pretty
is crusader kings 2 any good? I didn't like ck3
In my experience, no, it's sort of there but I couldn't get it to work even back then on Win 7.
It's different enough that you should give it a try unless you're just completely turned off by the character management aspect. The game is great and had a good send off as well, it's quite a bit harder than 3 too. The most notable difference I think is the government types, 3 is extremely samey regardless of where you're playing but in 2, the minute to minute gameplay between tribals, feudalists, hordes and merchant republics is very different depending on which one you're playing as.
Beautiful looking game
anyone else remembers the Anon's historical bloat mod?
I suddenly remember it and I was searching its github to download it but it seems that it was taken down
Nvm I've found it
What did it do?
It was just a version of HFM but with even more bloat and random cultures
so basically GFM
I didn't touch it much but I remember the game being extremely railroaded
Is there anyway to disable cascading alliance in EU3?
uninstall divine wind
No, it's unfortunately not a setting or AI behavior that's part of the modifiable files, so unless you get your hands on the source code you're out of luck, or just don't get DW like the other anon said.
Adulthood is becoming a Francophile
I just finished a 5 year war where I rolled over all of Europe. My final army was just over a thousand brigades and I converted the NGF, SGF, UK, Russia, Italy, and Sweden to Communism. Partway through the war, the "install Communism" CB disappeared, so I couldn't also flip the Ottomans and Poland.
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Damn, EU3 look like this?
alt-history frankish holy roman superstate enjoyer
eu3 looks cool, then you play it and every time you try to do anything, the most random of craps starts happening and you have no idea what and why and then you rage and give up.
Random crap like what? EU3 usually only fucks you over with unlucky monarch deaths, bad events like peasant wars are avoidable with the correct sliders, so are religious wars. Like any other Paradox game it becomes pretty easy to powergame once you understand the mechanics and know what builds to go for.
I can accept this development only because I once saw a CK2 screenshot that had a German HRE, a French HRE, and the Byzantine Empire. I VGHed so hard at that
i dont understand how battles work and sometimes I lose and have no idea because i felt like i should win and vice versa. game is kinda just confusing, but i also dont have all dlc
EU3 uses dice rolls, so sometimes you can just get unlucky and get many awful rolls in a row while they get many great rolls in a row, but for the most part you're not going to see statistically unlikely streaks of bad luck and the way you win battles is like in most Paradox games:
>bring a bigger army
>use terrain to your advantage (don't attack over rivers, into hills, ESPECIALLY not into mountains, if you can then bait the AI to attack you when you're defending in terrain like this)
>bring a good general
>use correct army composition
>eu3 specific: get military national ideas like bonus morale, move your sliders towards land and quality
I initially wrote a much longer paragraph going into things like battle phases and combat widths, but I realized it's dumping too much info that's probably just confusing for you. What you should at least keep in mind is that cavalry is most expensive but deals A LOT more damage in the early game. Land tech 18 is when you'll get your first gunpowder infantry and then you'll start powergapping non-gunpowder armies - the early artillery units aren't very strong but eventually you'll want to field armies that have a 1:1 infantry:artillery ratio. The infantry act as a frontline for your artillery which can attack over them, doubling the amount of units doing damage. Early on in the game national ideas like Military Drill makes a massive different, to the point where you could have an army of 4 inf 1 cav and attack an army with 1 inf 2 cav and still lose if they have MD and you don't, combined with an unlucky roll or two.
>>1947032 (OP)
Since I wont start a thread for that, I'll ask here. I just downloaded For the Glory, what starting date should I choose classic 1419 or new 1399? And what cunt for a new player?
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It works on my machine.
US state borders are disgusting, they look even worse in EU3. V2 does a decent job at hiding the internal borders.
The internal borders are hidden in that image...
You're right, that just leaves the borders themselves being disgusting
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It's even worse if you consider geography, like wh on earth are west and east Washington in the same state?
This is some africa-tier border drawing.
There should be a bizarro V2 mod where the US borders are beautifully drawn along natural borders while the European borders are completely arbitrary squares
V2 border modding is a huge pain. Nobody is going to put that kind of effort in to make a couple meme screenshots for a dead game to post on a dead board.
Do you guys do any V2 modding? I'm struggling with a bug (probably bugged event) in the final HPM release where, when playing Shogunate->Japan, something causes the Korea AI to "turn off" or "pause." Once "paused" the Korea AI no longer does things like take reforms (it just sits on the 25k RP limit) so it never westernizes which means the Japan events/decisions to annex it are non-functional.
Does anybody know what event functions could cause a nation's AI to pause? I assume it's similar to how tag-switching can supposedly freeze up the AI.
I can't find a copy without divine wind. Gog doesn't let you pick and choose what xpacs to install
IIRC I think for this mod, you need a copy of Eu3 without Divine Wind I don't remember now. I remember trying to look for links of this mod and I couldn't find it. I'd like to try Eu3 without DW and Meiou
MEIOU works with Divine Wind, or rather there's a version of MEIOU for DW but you need a Paradox forums account to download it
>but you need a Paradox forums account to download it
I hate this shit so much. Also holding out anon finds Eu3 without DW
If I can remember my Paradox forum password then I'll download it and put it in a catbox for you anon (assuming it's not too big of a file)
wow very kind of you. I'd very much appreciate it, although if it's too big yeah don't worry about it I'll just make an account
Isn't it like EU3 where the redrawing of borders is trivial but you need third party software like Clausewitz Position Editor to move a lot of other shit like where in the province city graphics, province name and alignment, ports, the army unit will etc will be located?
Only ports have to be placed manually, everything else is auto-positioned if there are no positions defined
That's a big step up from EU3 then, in that gave everything has to be done, including text position, tilt, font size, everything. What makes mod modding in V2 such a pain in the ass then?
Pops would be my guess, but I never moded Vic2. Also, trying to unfuck the economy. Which is like the main goal for every modder.
Also Vic2 doesn't have scripted GUIs so no modern mechanics-modding is possible.
Also, Vic2 models can't be modified. The Project Alice team made a .xac converter, but making .xac files is broken in that.
I dled it and every time I open one of the tabs, it crashes. I DLED the latest version for Divine Wind. Help please
I feel like Victoria 3 would be so much more tolerable if they removed the HOI4 construction tab and made the armies normal
>>1947032 (OP)
Vicky 2 has DoD and Napoopan which makes it the best grand strategy game
Do you want your singleplayer game balanced around singleplayer or multiplayer?
>>1947032 (OP)
Of course. Despite its deficiencies, Vicky 2 is still one of the best games Paradox ever made, nothing's going to change that, most definitely not Vicky 3. Although while EU3 at its core is a better game than EU4, it lacks that modding support that Vicky 2 enjoyed over the years, making the gaming experience in 2025 less pleasant.

A bit better, those are screenshots of EU3 how it was in 2008, when In Nomine expansion was released. There were two other expansions after that, with some graphical improvements (and a fair share of gameplay ones).

I would say HPMP, but that's probably because I've played HPM to death. They're more or less the same, only HPMP takes it further in some areas. Maybe try both, starting with HPM.
>>1947032 (OP)

haven't gotten round to it yet, will probably get on it in a month or so.
You can download it from here without an account.
Imperator... Home.
I can say with a straight face that it has much more SOVL than ass wind.
They probably will do something like that in a few years.
Is Death & Taxes for EU3 good?
>don't bother making each tile individually
>But give each a unique name
>hoi4 make each tile unique by hand
>Don't bother naming the tiles
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I have Europa Universalis: Rome Gold edition.

Anyone ever play it? I think I got it as part of a bundle but never touched it
Yeah I ended up finding this link. My other post here >>1954609
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Not sure if I'm just retarded, but I can't get TGC to work at all. I put the mod files in the right folders, but every time I try to launch it, it either crashes the game or just loads vanilla instead.
Open the .mod file in Notepad and see what it says. Most likely, the mod is looking for a folder named "TGC" whereas the folder you downloaded is "TGC_[version number]". Just rename the folder to whatever the mod file is looking for
No tiles only states with battles decided by dice roll. (war wasn't a major factor in the time period chuds)
Tried this, now it just gives me the "Working directory doesn't seem to be correct" warning when I try to launch TGC.
Oh... I've never gotten that before. How does that error appear? Is it a Windows error or an in-game popup box?
Seems to be an in-game pop-up
Still sounds like a mod file issue. Are you sure everything is named correctly?
As far as I'm aware. I even went into the readme file and checked the image they included to demonstrate what the mod folder should look like, in case I seriously missed something. The second line of the .mod file is
>path = "mod/TGC"
and I changed my folder name accordingly.
I'm at a loss here. It seems like the issue is that the mod can't find the right directory. What are the other lines in the mod file? Is the TGC folder empty? I'm spitballing here
The TGC folder has everything it would need, common folder, decisions folder, events folder, etc. picrel is the rest of the .mod file, every folder mentioned here is in the TGC folder.
The issue is probably
>user_dir = "TGC"
Check your other mod files to see what they say. I'm away from my PC right now, but when I get home (in 5 hours) I can look at mine and give a better answer
>>1947032 (OP)
I never played EU3 but that looks pretty damn similar to Vicky2, does it play the same? Might give it a shot if so.
Alright, here's something funny: I removed that line from the .mod file and it launched. I loaded in and it seems to be fine. Guess I'll have to see if that has any bad effects.
Welp, if it works
Lmao I have thousands of hours in paradox games. I started buying them in Best Buy in the early 00s when Hearts of Iron 2 was there. I kept playing newer games but the last that came out that was enjoyable was imperator.
Still managed to have a have a wife and daughter, lots of friends and a career.
You could turn things around anon I believe in you
>>1947032 (OP)
It's been years since i played it, I had fun once i understood how it worked, bought it without the dlcs but i decided to mod it a little myself to make it look like it had the dlcs, what surprised me is that it uses excel sheets for localization and also the notepad, how could i make another start date without the dlcs? also do mods for non-dlc Vicky 2 exist?
just pirate it nigga

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