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Is it good yet? do you still get the same events over and over?
>>1952874 (OP)
We are (very slowly) getting to the point where there are more than 10 events per activity.
At this pace, I say that by 2030 we will reach the point of mid-development CK2 in terms of event variety.

Jesus fucking Christ, how fucking hard it is to sit bunch of interns and tell them "write 30 events for each of [insert activity]"? This would be the least effort DLC and EVERYONE would get it, because fucking everyone is fed up with the low variety of events
>>1952874 (OP)
half the content of ck2 with reddit animations that actively sabotage immersion/RP. Static portraits are supreme
>>1952874 (OP)
>is it good
it's below the Sims but certaintly above most games if you are a woman
if you are a man it's too easy, could be more fun if they made it harder
>>1952874 (OP)
It’s good with mods like every paradox game
I like the Sims as a man but CK3 is such a bad Sims game. Sims in the Sims actually have reasons, needs and personality for their actions. CK3 is just a dumber doll simulator with some background moving parts. Requires the strongest head canon to make roleplaying funm
you're getting same 20 events for the whole game every 10 secs of gameplay and you're pressing the same option for each one
when Royal Court released and got negative feedback, I made a suggestion that they try to put out 5 general court events with every DLC; it doesn't sound like a lot, but, when they put out 3 DLC a year and maintain the game for 5 years, that'd be 225 events, which is exactly what Royal Court needed
they then ended up having to spend a large block of time to re-do royal court events with RtP, and I'm sure there was a lot of pressure on their team to work through the 100 events with the release date
I play without any DLC, AMA.
The current meme discussion is about knights being overpowered.
Yeah, CK really does feel unsatisfying for medieval sandbox roleplay. I honestly don't know why though, I think something is just fundamentally wrong with the approach. I don't even think the event mods help much. It doesn't feel like lack of events is the issue. If anything, events feel kind of overwritten and like they are constantly immersion breaking, partly because they're overwritten but also because you're just looking for the dice roll or payout of each choice. It feels like CK can't decide if it wants to be a medieval VN or a strategy game. So the medieval VN side of things isnt very compelling and the strategy game is too easy.
Why do you hate yourself?
Some normalfag vtuber played this game yesterday and the video is almost at 150k views. They did nothing but matchmaking and meme incest shit.
It's over. This game will never cater to the hardcore audience.
>>1952874 (OP)
The thing I can't stand isn't the paucity of events, it's the writing.
You guys whining about events have you tried this mod?

Matchmaking for me is the long term planning (strategy) of ck2.
DLC where you can plat the other government type when?
>have you tried this mod?
Fuck off.
Stop normalizing relying on mods to get systems that should have been implemented from day one.
Is there a mod to remove vanilla events? I find CK2 events were more interesting. Shorter but better. I barely read CK3 events anymore and just click which has a good bonus or less stress.
VIET for CK2 was such rancid dogshit that I'll never try the CK3 version.
>Stop normalizing relying on m
That was normalized 13 years ago tranny boy.
>game has been out for 4 years
>still doesn't have features that were added to CK2 less than a year after it launched
Don't care till republics, theocracies and or more implemented nomads. Get rekted Cksissies.
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>multiple people have said my mod's not working correctly over time
>all of my observer tests show that it is
can i trust some of you for feedback? My mod has options can disable/adjust levy amounts and contributions, though some people are saying that they end up getting more levies over time. Can some of you test this out and post results?
That doesn't solve anything nor answer my question.
Events are literally the easiest thing to write. You don't need any new mechanics, you just fluff the shit out of the existing material. Best yet, since it requires virtually zero debugging or other shit, you can crunch it with literal codelets, as long as they know how to write event prompts.
And it could be easily the cheapest to make and most bought DLC for the game.

At this point I sincerely wonder if not just do it myself and send the ready material to PDX with a "Fuck you, but have a nice day" letter
I have every dlc for this game but I refuse to play it and I will boycott every new dlc until they fix war. few knights can kill thousands of soldiers..... come on...... it's too unrealistic.
>Translation: I will complain about things that were never true and got nerfed to the ground twice over since premiere
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from official forum
nta but knights can still be buffed out the ass. I do enjoy that part of the game though.
https://youtu.be/Db40S82sqic [Embed]
>>1952874 (OP)
Landless gameplay outside of mercenaries seems pretty lame.
You do shit like perform plays and settle disputes.
But the gameplay is essentially:
>wait years to gain advantage
>once you have enought advantage you can execute the plan, outcome is determined RNG
>if you wait longer to get more advantage, your odds of success grow
>you reward 50 gold
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3 player characters from Mountain Blade riding around
But that's the thing - you need to organise half of your game to reach that point. Or you might just hire a single fucking retinue of heavy infantry and/or your culture's variant and be done with it, free of any charge or exploits.
In other words: just because you can, doesn't mean it is worth it. Especially since characters do die out of age, but retinues are forever
And to elaborate:
There used to be the infamous camelry exploit, where getting tier 3 camelry allowed you to get +2 knights, and that was broken as fuck, because you could easily end up with 100+ of those fuckers, barely keeping up with recruitment.
But buffing 10 of them so they have 40 prowess and 300% bonus each, so your entire fucking realm and character are spec'd for that one and only purpose? Why fucking bother, when you can achieve the exact same result with absolutely zero effort and just making a retinue of heavy infantry, station it in any holding with any knd of bonus and... that's it, done, you now have the same results as if buffing the hell out of your knights, except achieved without any sort of specing. Plus they can siege, too, while knights can't. And that alone makes uber-knights a gimmick meme post-nerf that came waaaaay back when Royal Court dropped.
>release sequel
>remove content from previous game
>sell it back as DLC
Happens a lot these days, it's why GalCiv has been shit since 2
>t. zoomershit who thinks living neck-deep in shit is normal
>Have you tried a shitty meme mod to make your game more meme lolrandom dumb?
Fuck off and buy an add. I'm not even opening that link, already knowing the numeral, so not even helping your positioning, cunt
>It's over. This game will never cater to the hardcore audience.
... this game never had "hardcore audience", you dumb, pretentious fucker. It was always about le random maymay shit, thanks to CK2 fostering entire generation of paradrones that are into this shit
>inb4 any sort of excuse
Ask me how I know you are a newfag larper that was in preschool when CK2 came out and not even sperm when PDX was still trying to make serious strategy games.
More like Dynasty Warriors with those ratios.
>he doesn't get 50+ kills per battle in Warband
>he doesn't get 300+ kills per battle in Bannerlord
Skill issue
You would be a 5 Prowess knight at best in CK3
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Learning is such a motherfucking barren wasteland when it comes to events
>You need glasses
>You struggle to translate
>You need glasses
>You struggle to translate
>You struggle to translate
>You struggle to translate
>You need glasses

From the very fucking top of my head
>The good old heliocentric event chain from CK2
>Learning to read/getting tutor when you are low Learning
>Any fucking event when you teach low Learning char from court how to read
>Any fucking event if you have a ward where you teach or try to teach them something
>Interactions with your court medic (potentially making a side-line with legal/illegal section, memes galore)
>Actually writing a fucking book
>Actually buying a fucking ancient book or transcript
>Or some off-culture trinket
>Studying any of the innovations from neighbouring cultures that your own culture doesn't have
>Studying the innovation you are currently pursuing (how the fuck there is no event for this is beyond me)
>Getting chummy with your priest/devout lifestyle
>Getting really, really into the religion you are following
>Any random (and again - meme galore) inventions your character can come up with, working or not
>Going through the ledgers of your kingdom (potential income and/or claim - or trouble)
>Going through legends and folklore of your realm (legend mechanics and/or source of claim or prestige - or penalties)
And so on and forth
This is all so basic shit and yet somehow it's not present in any form. Instead, the game tells me twice a year that my character needs reading glasses.
Sir, this is a CK3 thread. You are posting a late 15h/early 16th century cavalry armour of the Milanese design. And one that is made for a left-handed user, at that.
>>Learning to read/getting tutor when you are low Learning
I still don't understand logic for retiring the CK2 events for raising your skill if it is below 6. It's such a weird fucking omission, especially given how people were asking for those in CK2 for a long while and then they are asking for it in CK3 now.
Adding my 5 cents
>Variety of random +100 progress to ANY lifestyle, because you read a book about it vs. some sort of temp bonus
>Learning events that trigger during tours (but are lifestyle ones) when you visit a landmark of any kind, with similar choice, effectively a double-over event for re-vising a place you saw once
>Any random events with two characters petitioning and you trying to be the wise king solving it, made 3d6 of those for variety sake
>Conditional events - if you or your ancestors were doing some sort of events with local bonuses, you can study how it was done back then to see if something can be improved, repeated (ie building an irrigation canal, so you can check out if it can be improved or fixed now)
Those would be a bigger hassle to script, but the save file stores all that data anyway
In the new scale, it would have to be below 9 or below 6 baseline to make it work. In CK2, 7 was average, but in 3, it's 9, so thing would need to be re-scaled.
But that's the beauty of it - we now have baseline and final stat stored separately. Meaning you can get the baseline to some specific value, and 6 is the final value where it gives penalties in CK3 (which also means 7 should be where the average range starts, not 9)
Either way, it is perfectly and easily doable.
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Dev Diary 162 - Steppe by Steppe
An introduction to their present idea for steppe cultures
Nomadic governments
>use herds as main resource: ransoming dowry, bribes, or be stolen/raided
>don't use levies, herds become Horde Riders, who can be upgraded into other Horde regiments
>map naming scheme: culture head gets the cultural name (the mongols) while smaller rulers are house name + culture (borjigin mongols); cultural head has the biggest herd
>Nomadic Dominance affects vassal and domain limits, MAA, title and vassal revocation, settlement outside of the steppe (not shown)
>Obedient vassals: a threshold to not form factions, not start hostile schemes against lord, and vote in for them in the next election
>counties have a fertility level, which depletes over time to a fixed number, affected by domain size, stewardship, dynasty perks, yurt buildings, etc
>non-playable herders run around, restoring fertility. They've no armies, but can pay a small amount of herd if subjected by a ruler
>three sub-regions, each with an affected season for fertility
>depends on Dominance: level 2 can target counties and duchies, while level 3 can target kingdoms
>can negotiate a migration into another's lands, else fight for the land
>nomads who lose their lands become landless, keeping their yurts and Obedient vassals, but not their herd doesn't grow
>traveling domicile
>looser type of subject; Nomadic Tributaries have unique qualities.
>sets up a Tributary Contract, creating a truce, but can stop paying if suzerain looks weak
>nomadic tributaries pay in herd, while settled tributaries give gold
Confederations mentioned, but not shown
>low-tier rulers can band together against a bigger enemy, creating a defensive alliance for all fellow Confederates, though cannot increase Dominance or create new titles
Raid Intents
>desired outcome for raids
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Sounds pretty good. Knowing Paradox, something is going to be really broken on release. Herders are a weird mechanic and I don't think it makes much sense
They refluffed knights as representing the individual and a small personal retinue like how the 300 Spartans weren’t really only 300 but that is all most people remember to give a meme example.
they'll really do anything but make it possible for a holding to exist with no holder
>finally get nomads
>horse mana
monkey's paw
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They need more open ended events, not every event should be a story. They in fact should be the rare ones.
Thing happen A or B may seem dry on paper, but in practice it leaves more room for the player to roleplay and indulge in their imagination
>>1952874 (OP)
I wish they implemented a real loan system.
When you have negative gold you aren't allowed to do anything, and if you aren't lucky enought to get a loan from holy orders or the pope, you end up having to wait for years to get out of debt.
Like why can't you go to war in debt? War presents many opportunities to get out of debt, you might capture and ransom someone, and even get money from sieges
>Take a 1000 gold loan from Jews
>Kick them out when they demand I pay them back
Someone tell me why this wouldn't work
no one would ever lend to you again
Now that I've got all that gold to build shit I'll never need another loan ever again
You can't take loans from jews in CK3 because ti is anti-semitic.

You'd be surprised how much people willing to lend. England debt during HYW reached debt of 400K pounds, while having only income of 30K annually.
It had horse mana last time too
I think it's amazing except you can't play certain government types and that East Asia and South Africa are missing and that their could be way more events and options and more cultural flavor, I guess.
Why do they create mini-mechanics like obedience. It just doesn't connect with the opinion system or hooks at all. Such a hack way of doing things.

Similar to the regency mechanics, where you pressing buttons to shift power instead of actually using base mechanics.
Because the game is barren of gameplay, so they have to juice up the DLC content with minigames.
This. Same problem with EU4, each subsequent DLC just adds another menu or widget with no connection to the others.
>>non-playable herders run around, restoring fertility. They've no armies, but can pay a small amount of herd if subjected by a ruler
Why is that neccessary? You'd think fertility is restored gradually by itself.
Seems like that just way to avoid provinces being empty, because the game can't seem to handle colonizable provinces.

Also, these nomads seem to be exclusive steppe, so no Lappish reindeer nomads or Arab camel nomads. It's exactly the same mistake they did in CK2.
god what a joke
>Seems like that just way to avoid provinces being empty, because the game can't seem to handle colonizable provinces.
The engine can handle it, we saw that in Imperator, but devs are afraid of implementing it for some reason.
kek maybe so
as a kid I did some autistic shit with a lance when I was the last man on the field. You maybe did too.
Because they replaced all monthly chances with progress bars. Low Learning in CK2 sucked donkey dick.
What would you have had? Use development?
Not him but it's a symmetrical design, it's just that the perspective and image quality fucks it up.
>>1952874 (OP)
On that topic, are Republics playable yet? Or should I just go back to CK2 when I have that itch?
>Why is that neccessary? You'd think fertility is restored gradually by itself.
>Seems like that just way to avoid provinces being empty, because the game can't seem to handle colonizable provinces.
it's so AGOT can add the Lhazarene with an already in game framework when they expand Essos
>are Republics playable yet?
No. There were mods back in the day but they are all out of date as far as I know. Imperial administrative realms exist now that have some similarities with city owning, families vying for top power in the realm and a family estate but mostly are something else.
Trade routes, trade ports and ships don’t exist in unmodded CK3 like they did in CK2 so being a money grubbing merchant isn’t there yet.
With landless estates now existing in CK3 republics are more reasonable to see added but they say that wouldn’t be until next year at the earliest and they are apparently working on Nomads this year instead of the recent dev diary is anything to go by. The landless, movable domiciles are applicable to them as well so that was another one that made sense to expect.
I see. Well I might hold out on getting the game in that case I think.
Landless characters sound cool, but I'm not sure how well that works with CK. I remember how once they went more into "character-centric" content, for lack of a better name, in CK2 (mainly referring to societies) it just became way too easy to make a totally overpowered character with little effort, I wouldn't be surprised if it's similar with landless chars in Ck3
Why not write events? If you could do 3/day a couple of months would solve your issue.
Sure, how much is the pay?
Depends how much you market it.
That's not quite true though. Government change mod with the reform into republic feature is working fine even if not technically up to the latest patch. And trade posts, trade ports and trade heavy game is absolutely in the vanilla game. Money focus of stewardship is good 70% trade expeditions and shit and there are special culture traits and the whole silk road mechanic that play into that.
Wouldn't surprised me, I feel like features were literally added them in mind.
Like house mottos
wow can you at least take loans from upper class white bankers?
You can only take loans form holy orders for some reason.
Clan government is such a shitshow
they are programmed to constantly murder eachother it seems, even at the highest house unity
>they are programmed to constantly murder eachother it seems, even at the highest house unity
Really? Did you check the murder scheme files to see if there is a modifier making it more likely for clans? I know it was encouraged with Islamic government and religion in CK2 and it even blocked kinslayer traits in that game because of it.
Clans are more likely to land their own houses and also be hated by vassals if they don’t have alliances so perhaps that leads to a feeling of more murders even if it isn’t scripted as such?
i dont know, but i never seen so many open kinslayers in my family before, despite it being a capital crime.
i need to try to figure out why they are doing it. Im trying to give every grown man his own title, maybe they are trying to usurp them, dunno
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I did not care for landless gameplay
got cucked at a hunt again lads
then a deer killed me
So many parts of landless feel unfinished, like the visiting holdings aspect where you always have the same few options and chances for "rare" opportunities like picking up the barfly. And going for schemes especially early on is a straight up trap, you waste so much time compared to non-scheme missions. Like others have said, really only the mercenary gameplay is interesting.
Stags were associated with cuckoldry in classical representations
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i do
still trying to figure out why
would culture constructor at the start be too powerful
It's insanely powerful even post game so yes but it's your singleplayer experience so who gives a fuck
I hate ck3 "technology", flip, and magically everyone of certain culture magically have access to some shit, even in provinces that half-world away from main culture blob.
CK2 system while not perfect, was much better.
Landless gameplay only fun part of CK3, because it's not trying to pretend that game is strategy.
why does he have multiple assistances from spouse
Probably one from actual waifu and the other from a vizier or such. Or that mod enabled spouse bonus from multiple wives at once.
>you spy on Byzantium and catch up in tech in just a few decades
No, it wasn't. Shut up.
>catch up in tech in just a fe decades
In a single province. And then, if you move your capital, you it's stay in that province.
And as i said, it was not perfect system, but better than current slop.
>I got nerfed
>my shitter ass can't cope
>therefore, it's slop
If you like easier games, yeah CK2 is better, I guess. Shitter.
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Got the Queen of the Muzzies. Wouldn't mind making her a concubine but if she is beautiful everyone will cuck me.
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10 out of 10 in the middle east
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why are they always doing it
fucking retarded AI
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>close family
>equal realm
yet they still choose patrilinear marriage every fucking time
>Why do they create mini-mechanics
To peddle DLCs that are all self-contained entities unconnected with anything
>b-but why
Because they are dumb niggers, but they found out that there are even dumber niggers who will pay for those DLCs
How come I can't get my grand children appearing in scandinavian elective. Seems like I am doomed to play 50 year old guys who have already lived their life.
>he doesn't know
Enlighten me then so I do know.
By outliving your direct offspring and rising your grandkids as if they were yours, for the role of your successors. You basically play every other generation.
I just found this
>Also if you want to select your grandson as your playet heir. Disinheirt the grandson's father and he and all of his siblings should pop up as eligible candidates in the Scandinavian or Feudal elective selection.
So it's either run my children into plagues and doomstacks or disinherit them kek. I already take good care of the best grandkids.
>I just found this
Nigger, this is just common sense since the game came out. Part of the reason why Monasticism is so good choice for religion is because you don't have to cheat or do blatant Uriah set-ups, but just tell your kid to go fuck off into a monastery once he pops out a grandkid or two.
I am 100% certain the next big DLC will be China. The nomad government type is the necessary prelude to it, which will be the small DLC that comes right before. We're getting China in 2025. Screenshot this.
I think they will but I'd say give it a few years. They haven't done any India or African updates yet and I figure they'd at least give them something before they move onto map additions. I'd put my bets on 2028.
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>das rite, we wuz in baden
It's been half a year and they still haven't fixed the adventurer spam?
one of my favorite playstyles in ck3 is going intrigue, marrying my children to the 2nd or 3rd kingdom/empire inheritor in line (since AI dont value them as much as the 1st) and then just murdering the other AI children so that mine would be the one who's kids would inherit the whole thing. Anti blob playthrough with focus on renown, highly recommended.
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What do you think of the community packs?
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i think that paradox business plan is clearly working and that i have 1000h+ in ck3 thanks to it.
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i at least hope they programmed mongol invasion in their mod.
The blob was supposed to shatter 100 years ago
vanilla steppe gets me so angry
Channel that ARYAN VRIL and conquer some brown people
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god fucking damnit
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why did she do it?
who the fuck knows
>I am 100% certain the next big DLC will be China. The nomad government type is the necessary prelude to it,
... how the fuck either of those things is connected, schizo-kun?
>Can't figure out simple game mechanics
>Throws a bitch-fit about it
... you were saying?
being an adventurer is so boring holy shit why does everybody say this is a good expansion
Thinking of picking up this game or going back to CK2. I've heard you can work your way up from a landless character in this one. Is it also possible to go from landed to landless, like if another dynasty would inherit all your land for whatever reason or maybe even on a whim by choice?
got the Conqueror trait on my 34 year old Italian Emperor. RIP in peace the rest of the world, im taking everything with this broken trait
The real question is why not just add devastation to the province and reduce the development instead of having herders.

Adding even more npcs to the game seems stupid given the game tracks family history for everyone and destroys performance as the game goes on
Landless is just straight up op and the menus for everything involved with it are annoying.

Explain to me why we can't have every interaction for a town listed in one event click instead of having to shift through so many sub menus
The game doesn't treat your great grandchildren as related to you at all even if they're directly in line for the throne

This doesn't fix it because if they're more than a few people removed from you they're no longer considered actual members of your family and thus aren't beholden to that rule
>>1952874 (OP)
This game is so ass in multiplayer, why is transferring the save file artificially limited in download speed. Why can't we just use steam multiplayer. Stupid honestly.
Oh and it's very clear they don't have multiplayer in mind at all for their dlcs

The tournaments in a multiplayer game are beyond ass and barely work, you have to constantly pause and click through the events or it breaks the tournament
so its either a micromanage hell or maybe theres a mod for that.
There's not a mod for it. It's honestly incredibly retarded and leads to odd situations.

Example my son and grandson died before me making my great grandson the tier. I couldn't invite him to court though as he was made a wandering by the game and was in fucking Mongolia
Ck3 needs the ability to abdicate the throne, seems weird I'm forced to lead til deal even if I'm an infirm drunkard who's heavily wounded
That was exactly what I meant.
Devs claim reason why child mortality and fertility rates are lower than historical is to reduce dead characters.
But at the same time they are not very sparing with the rest of the game, e.g. there are many events that will spawn a random character and if you take certain character, the character gets just deleted.
But that character will still consume character ID
it would be too OP. abdication in the middle ages was quite uncommon, atleast in the western world
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>kidnap kings
>kidnap their heirs
>force the heirs to convert
>kill the king
I'm turning Khazaria to my religion and massively weakening them due to the civil wars that pop out. It's good fun making the religion map mode your blobbing.
>how are you still alive.jpeg
Would be redundant in that situation
>Devs claim reason why child mortality and fertility rates are lower than historical is to reduce dead characters.
That's weird because the reaper's due in CK2 improved performance because it made dead characters.
got killed by a bison lads
herbivores - 4, warlords - 0
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It's super easy to live long long in ck3 with all the life expectancy you can stack from buildings. (I'd argue it's more worth it to make sure you never pick up lifetime bonuses so you can cycle to leaders as young as possible)
Henry the 8th lived for what, 50-60 years? And he had every STD available, morbid obesity and borderline gangrene in his leg. Why'd you want to cycle leaders that fast anyway?
Cycling leaders is very good for country stability, you would preferably enter every life around 16 to prevent the ai from ruining relationships with others

Switching characters also effectively wipes out negative relations you built up
boy these late game wars are a slog
That's not how it works bro. If you cycle too often you lose out on the long rule, you lose your dread and intimidate, you lose a bunch of legitimacy and prestige, you eat the short rule and the relation to the previous king or whatever is passed along as a ticking down modifier.
Brother it's exactly how it works long rule does not mater when one legend gives you a five general reputation building or the same religion bonus building. Legitimacy only stands to go up on a death since you can just host a funeral. You can stack so many modifiers to negate a death but you can not do anything about hooks generated on you or secrets known about you
Lol alright but how late game are we talking here if that's reliably spammable?
With scaling costs and stewardship lifestyle pretty much the start of the game
>start of the game
>stacking legends
>stacking duchy buildings
I think we just have different ways of playing the game
Guess so but I wouldn't mind you elaborating how you get the ball rolling that quickly
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bison got another one lads
https://youtu.be/GlhOUyy4wbs [Embed]
That's 3 x 15% chances in a row need to get some chun li over here in this
>gets blanka instead
>huehuehuehue intensifies
In the modern game you only need about one lifetime to become filthy rich honestly, hard focus dev and cash, spam the exploit vassal decision from stewardship. Oh and go to every tournament or event offered to you and travel a lot, you can convert artifacts into gold after all and it'll pick up life style xp.

With the introduction of admin realms my new strategy is just focus on forming into an admin realm in the first life so I can chill for the rest of the game and not have to worry about lifespan or succession. Admin realms are just better than any other form of government and incredibly loyal and stable since you can just make it ran by exclusively your family.
Clan with zakat decree is nothing so scoff at either and much more hands off and tribal can stack some crazy bank before you convert but sure, admin is pretty good. I'm curious about how you're rushing both dev and tech level for the duchy buildings required for those cycling shenanigans though.
I can't speak for clans as I haven't really played them outside of grabbing achievements. The main bonus of admin though is the focus you give to each duchy and then the admin efficency of the governor giving 50% income

As far as dev and tech. I mean dev speeds up how fast you get tech since tech is based on average development of the counties the culture is present in, but really teaching up without researching is also easy of you're welling to hybrid your culture.

Hybrid with someone, have your heir turned into some other culture, hybrid that culture with another, and then hybrid the hybrids on the next life for instance is super strong and can grant you all the other lifestyle trees from other cultures

The other thing I'd say is being a vassal is extremely strong since you can just ask your overlord to transfer dev to your capital from his and ask him to build you holdings.
I honest to god don't think any of the other governments even come close to allround benefits, ease of use and sheer utility. You've got CBs, you've got basically free alliances and no factions with your vassals, you've got spectacular synergy with housemembers, you've got money, levies and combat bonuses out the ass. You've got the ability to habsurg your way into getting titles both domestic and foreign like there's no tomorrow. Without polygamy and or castration traditions it's miniature administrative when it comes to keeping your duchies in order. Make a republic duchy+ vassal and pop Jizya or Zakat on them and you'll be shitting out gold like Midas.


Almost none of that is precisely what you'd call early game. In theory later start and byzantine so graveyard two isn't out of the question by ruler 2 but just how are you able to *stack* legends early on?
MPnigs can go pound sand.
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>paradox still hasn't fixed the hybrid cultures between european and non-european cultures being 90% white bug
surely they know about this? Are they just too lazy?
The visit holding event feels like some sort of modded gameplay. Clicking through event buttons for core adventurer gameplay feels ad-hoc. This Dev team just has no idea. I doubt they even play their own game for any lengthy period of time.
i am losing my fucking mind over these artifact claim wars
Understandable. The Golden Buttplug of Antioch is a coveted object.
but i dont have any negative relations, i murder all my rivals before they could do the same. And any civil war generally just means more of my dynasty is getting the titles.
I'd say theres more negative sides in switching the ruler than positives. And ultimogeniture is the best since you can play longer.
playing the game makes you realize that polygamy for women is completely pointless and is just a modern fetish
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Next you'll tell me you never wound up jerking off due to the game, without a single Lover's Lab mod installed.
Best thing about roads to power is stealing all the holy muslim artifacts and sticking them in the cabinet of curios where nobody can use them.
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>34 rivals
Impressive levels of hate
There nothing to figure in CK3, you either get tech passively or choose one that you want to get first if you have most counties with your culture. That's all, and that's dogshit compared to CK2.
i should just stop trying to get witch coven in the house with 500 members, its impossible
Cadet houses could’ve saved you from that
Is her religion incest? Is there something you aren’t telling us?
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no its what she believes in
probably bad for polygamy although no inbred characters in 200 years
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god damn it another king appeared
wish these hohols would stop going west I'm going to get crusaded against
whats going on with the Byzantines that they have almost constant civil wars? i thought the new government made them OP or something
>Norse diverged in Ukraine
How? The AI never does that.
yeah that was me so I could be in charge of research
wanting more event slop is cringe.
>fuck the main succession line
>become an adventurer
>fps suddenly increases, the game becomes buttery smooth
is it worth constructing new buildings or upgrading in my vassals holdings? i have no shortage of gold
they pay you taxes from these buildings, i usually build them the lvl1 building just so they didnt build some stupid shit like hunting grounds
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looks good

compare to what?
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>content creator pack
Is this paid mods?
>having the aggressive and competetive sex vying for the same hole is silly
You don't say?
who the fuck plays CK3 for multiplayer in first place? holy shit
Paradox's argument is that they commissioned modders to make these, and so they would never have existed otherwise. However they justify it, this is an obvious approach to the slippery slope of paid mods, and a Steam store page with 300 micro DLCs that any new player will roll their eyes at and close the page when they see the cumulative price.
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ck3 has 78k reviews, roads to power has 1,8k. There are no new players.
>boot up game where I want to form slavia
>hate to defend against like the third crusade
>instantly lose all motivation to play
I don't think it's fair comparison. People only really review DLCs when they pissed them off and well, most Steam players don't buy all the DLCs in the first place. Last time I checked the steam charts, CK3 had 14-16k regular players and slowly rising
>play CK3
>no soulful sound effects
>return to CK2
I'm sorry you don't have friends anon
man i was about to bitch about the legends system being annoying, but holy FUCK Evangelize the Realm is crazy
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When are they gonna add content for this area?
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>he's still defending this shit
>he's pretending he isn't seething by getting filtered


CK2 tech is all incremental and linear. Just like building levels. Completely marginal increases to levy numbers, and opinion modifiers.

CK3 innivations can only be gotten one at a time, and are keeping out absolutely MASSIVE boosts. Like Crossbow Man-At-Arms, prior to which, there is no counter to Horse Archers. Massive Increases to man-at-arms from age to age, and levies just nerfed into the ground. Inheritance laws harder to get. Building advancements harder to get. And blobbing is punished, because your culture occupying undeveloped shitholes slows everything down.

CK3 is OBJECTIVELY more difficult than CK2, and you are salty about getting filtered, faggot. Bullying you isn't difficult at all. Like beating up a toddler.
Whenever they want more review bombing from China
You get some really good stuff from the heroic legends as well. Statues, CBs
>projection and mental illness
You are just schizoid, arent you?
>counters-matter, it's not just spamming single unit type all the way
Yeah, you are.
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leave the croatians alone you fucking idiot you're meant to be content
>t. never played the game
>the hardcore audience.
>Victoria 3 - woke numbers go up cookie clicker game with a thousand of nothingburger events to keep you busy, plays the same everywhere, also marxist power fantasy for some reason
>CK3 - incest meme game like 2 but casualized further
>Imperator - LMAO
>HoI 4 - arcadey nazi/communist world conquest lolcow simulator
>Stellaris - le space genocide game

Paradox legitimately hasn't a given shit about 'the hardcore audience' since at least EU4, arguably at least since HoI 3, and those games released well over a decade ago.
>losing up to 90% of your damage doesn't matter
Do you even play the game you're bitching about?
fuck off
i have a whole gang of paradox autists friends that play every fucking paradox GSG, yet only HoI4 is the one that we might play together once every year

but we never bothered trying EU4, CK3 or Vic 3 multiplayer
And these friends, are they here with us now? Take your meds schizo
>hehe number becomes bigger number
>hardcore audience
>math bad
>CK3 innivations can only be gotten one at a time, and are keeping out absolutely MASSIVE boosts. Like Crossbow Man-At-Arms, prior to which, there is no counter to Horse Archers. Massive Increases to man-at-arms from age to age, and levies just nerfed into the ground. Inheritance laws harder to get. Building advancements harder to get. And blobbing is punished, because your culture occupying undeveloped shitholes slows everything down.
It is a little more complex that that. For one it is often two at a time because the cultural exposure innovation growth is separate from the focus one but you have much less control over it.
This also overlooks the hybridization mechanics of the royal court dlc. Hybridize with a culture and you swipe ALL their innovations that they have and you don’t for your new culture as well as getting all your previous ones from your old culture too. This is similar to how forming Norman culture worked in the base game where you get all the Norse and French innovations for the Normans. Depending on the culture you can get a lot of them this way like if they have malleable invaders. It is also the only way to grab certain innovations or cultural traditions that are locked if you don’t begin with them like the Chinese crossbows or mystic ancestors.
I played there a few times in both games where you could, being a Han Chinese guy on the edge was kinda fun because it's a unicorn tier rare culture on the CK map with a different religion look and feel. Forming TIbet was also alright.
Playing in the Pakistan-India-Bangladesh area is just boring though, the whole subcontinent has been pretty much non-existent in Western pop culture for over a hundred years, so I just feel nothing about taking land there.
It's not much different from playing in Siberia, and even West Africa is more interesting.
>Empty steppe is empty
>Marshy swamps are marshy
I fail to see your problem
Russia is such boring region, but only because of the regions surrounding it.
LIke Russia itself is pretty interesting they added wastelands to the north and massive rivers.
But it's the fact Poland-Lithunia is boring and Eastern Ukraine is boring.
Also counties in Russia are extremely large like 5 times size of Swedish counties, so everything tends to look so fucking ugly.
>Also counties in Russia are extremely large like 5 times size of Swedish counties
this artificial restriction annoys me to no end, i use more provinces mod to circumvent it but its such a bitch to make work with other mods.
for some fucking reason they forbid longships for russia even tho the first thing in history that is written about that region is their river raiding. Every flavor mod adds them back.
Also they ruined Slavic paganism in order to make it "unique".
In CK2 slavic pagans could take concubines like all other pagans.
In CK3 Slavic pagans are only pagans that can't take concubines for some retarded reason even though there is a historical precident. Vladimir the Great had like a thousand concubines.
I love Russia in EU4 and I love it here.
>shall I wipe out the pajeets?
>take back Constantinople?
>hate chinks
>Might as well keep going past Alaska
You can do so much with it. Can't wait to play Veliky Novgorod at the height of it's power in EU5.
even christian european regions should be able to take concubines, which would be upsetting to the pope but they still did it. And the members of the church did it too, even more often.
There is a cultural tradition that allows it
Yeah, concubines and subkings pretty much characterize the early medieval period.
During early modern period, concubines became mistresses, and subkings became dukes.

Essentially popes kept telling people to cut it out and has the papal power increased during high medieval period they were able to pull it off.
So, accurate depiction would be Catholicism starting off with concubines, and AI pope should be scripted to reform Catholicism to ban them.

Even then, I'd like a soft approach, like even if religion doesn't allow concubines, one should be able to take them, even if cost you monthly piety or something
Hey I'd like more Russian and Eastern Europe content that would be cool. I just think it's extremely weird that India doesn't have anything yet. Unless were counting the Persian parts that kind of go in.
The biggest issue right now is that playing in India feels like playing in any other feudal European kingdom when it shouldn't.
when I'm flooded with money I usually start building new holdings in the empty slots in my vassal counties
I have no idea if it's the ideal way to burn like 3000 gold but it makes me feel like I'm doing something useful
There are cultural traditions for concubinage or multiple wives but it likely isn’t as widespread as it should be, in part because of the power and because of the way traditions work.
Similarly and probably more important is the religious investiture controversies. There is already a mechanic in the game for a culture to override a religious requirement (marriage vs polygamy vs concubinage) so there should get something similar for controlling investiture to have temporal in a spiritual religion. Of course CK3 is weird about it with the realm priest leasing set up and difficulty in making theocracies.
For something has important as it was in the medieval era not having investiture squabbles and Antipopes feels wrong. Antipopes feel like even more of an oversight with CK3’s more fluid head of religion system so you could have anti-HOF for more than Catholicism.
It's mostly a means for Tribals to catch up, as they're locked out of the tech tree. And still more difficult than just planting your Spymaster elsewhere. It's not really an exploit, unless you just get two people in multiplayer to collude.
I'm sorry you that don't have real friends anon
And in what period do you pull your head out of your ass and stop larping?
learning history = larping
Why not tie innovations to specific characters? You recruit or kidnap them and they boost a particular tech for you
It works that way for the development growth innovation for stewards. It is based on the stewards culture, not your own, so if you grab a steward from a culture that has it at a level your culture doesn't then they don't take the penalty for hitting development cap like you do.
wait, development growth is not what im talking about, nwm. I want to kidnap scientists as a savage and become technologically advanced, like mongols in a brief time before their shitty government system collapsed
i need to test it but i think the cap depends on the culture of the province, not the steward?
just spent 20 years murdering everyone higher than me in a title claim in a foreign province thinking that i would get it if nobody else is there to claim it. Nope. New owners just sprouted out of the ground endlessly before i gave up and conquered it in 5 minutes.
According to the development diary they allude to some sort of mechanic for nomads to do that in the upcoming nomad DLC but didn’t explain it yet. You can steal development for your capital up to about 15 development via raiding and sacking holdings though, which while not what you had in mind can improve your development and thus innovation speed. I believe it is described as capturing slaves.
The higher development growth from a better culture steward also lets you improve development and thus innovation speed too indirectly.
The wiki says that it is the steward’s culture rather than the county or liege for the steward’s increase development task but also says there might be a bug so who fucking knows and I’ll need to double check too now
Title claim is different than line of inheritance but I can see why it might be good to have a mechanic where the title starts going to claimants if there is no one left in the line of inheritance at all but inheritance vs claims has been a shakey matter historically too. I guess it is easier code wise too to have it default to auto generation if there is no one in line of inheritance instead of tracking line of claim inheritance too, how do you decide whose claim is “higher” after all.
>get declared a war on you
>declare a counter war
>kidnap the enemy leader
>win instantly, take his territory
>the whole thing took 1 minute
intrigue is the absolute most powerful skill tree after the patch that introduced agent slots
its probably not an issue, i just didnt know that the game doesnt value claims at all when choosing an inheritor. Even if its for a dutchy that you have a province in.
For some elective inheritance it can. I bought a claim on another title, killed off the other people and they elected me
>b-but why
it's the whole business model of modern paradox: they can sell more DLCs if they can be sold separately, it would be difficult to sell gorillion of DLCs few years after the release to a new player or someone who only has the base game
but there are always retards who will buy a new DLC because "it's only $30"

in the good old days (EU3) we had proper expansions which were built on top of each other and this problem didn't exist

this isn't going away unless PDX changes their whole business model which won't happen, EU5 will be the same
>They did nothing but matchmaking and meme incest shit
So like how most people played CK2?

>This game will never cater to the hardcore audience.
It never did.
Then learn it dumbass, don't just make shit up based on what you saw happen in CK2/3. The only culture in that timeframe and map with any form of legal and customary concubinage was present would be Seljuks.
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>it is illegal therefore it didnt happen
same sheltered naive tarded idea as
>we should take the guns away, then the crime will disappear
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My point is it wasn't institualized and ritualized like in the (far) east. He's talking about priests having mistresses since they couldn't and still can't marry, using concubine as a buzzword to scandalize it. That's in the game already.

You taking that shit at face value and then applying it to everyone is the same stretch as this priest was caught diddling kids. So every priest is diddling kids. The church is pro kid diddling and everyone who's part of that church is a kid diddler.
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are you just defending the christian church? i dont give a fuck, i just think the game should let you take culturally customary actions regardless of what the church law says because its what happened in reality. European pagans practiced polygamy long after being christianized but in ck3 the rule of church is absolute.
yes, marriage and sexual relationships should be a cultural thing, not religious. Religious authority might approve or disapprove but not make it impossible.
i think that would be a nice mechanic, having to change the cultural custom just for your people to start getting some piety
I'm talking shit about paradox being incompetent fucks that don't provide any substantial gameplay changes between catholics, orthodox, muslims and turks and just lump most if not all in the easiest and most retarded way possible 9/10. And experience with that shouldn't be used as an example for how actual things were. Say insular in ck3. Some local priests did marry but paradox translates that to all feudal lords practiced legalized polygamy.
Thought I would give out land to my champions that kept helping me in schemes.
Giving land to dirty bastards never worked out well on the succession haha
This is why sneaky backstabbing traitors are often given bad “rewards”. That recognition of talent trait can be tricky about it too because the recruits or pardoned get the powerful Loyalty permanent strong hook making them have a great opinion boost and never betray you but your heirs don’t get the same relationship deal.
>cultural custom
But it already is, merely implemented in a clunky manner because there is a cultural tradition that will override religion on allowing concubines or polygamy. The only issues are it takes up a valuable tradition slot and is only given at start to groups that have a religion normally disallowing such relationship (the Celtic Christians for example, which were originally polygamous by religion but had it changed to be by culture instead) so groups that get it by religion lose it when they convert so they would then need to go back and add it as a new tradition which is clunky. It is still less set in stone than CK2 where religion determined it and there was no overriding it with culture even if the current set up isn’t ideal. In theory it could be something like how cultures have their own military gender laws distinct from religion but putting everything into its own separate culture categories would likely be too powerful and easy to minmax.
>Merovingian kings
>7th century
Rather before the time periods covered in 3
>>1952874 (OP)
How hard is it for a first time modder to add dragons from AGOT to base game? Since it looks like no one is doing it.
>but in ck3 the rule of the church is absolute
Barely until the Greogrian reforms. After Charlemagne, Rome fell back into its own mob-devices until Otto sorted things out. But, even then, it was the Emperor leading clerical reform, not the Papacy, until the likes of Gregory started to assumes his own authority and start the investiture controversy
That is what he meant, comparing the game Ck3 where it is absolute with reality.
I find the lack of investiture squabbling and antipopes to be a much bigger issue than cultural concubinage concerns
I want to give ek2's mannimarco the conqueror trait in debug and see what silly shit he does
>>1952874 (OP)
Here is an idea that would completely reshape the game and make realm management even more important.

At the moment, only thing vassal can do is join faction revolt, so even passive vassals who hate their liege contribute power of the king.
But what kingdoms were completely dependent on vassals and their approval rating?

Like instead of vassals contributing levies, they would have to be called to war invidually like allies?
I don't mean to call all your vassals to every war, but you that would call 3-4 powerful vassals and rotate them.

If the vassal likes you, he will come to arms without a question.
But if he dislike you, he might ask a hook, and if you refuse, he won't come but will get a just imprisoned cause.
>want to play a gsg
>feel like I can't, because an update is coming
>last option is Victoria 3, and I might perish, if I do it recklessly
How do you get this game to run without crashing every 5 minutes?
Really? Mine runs like butter with animations and shadows. Looks like you need a upgrade unfortunately fren.
Nah they laws and dynamics in CK3 are getting so crunchy and varied and layered it's insane. There's always like 20 goals trying to be achieved, subtle changes in power, and if you listen to history documentaries and try to implement strategies and systems you hear about it often works just the same. This is like the most immersive emergent rpg I have ever played.
Check your error log to see what is going on and check your mods.
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EU4 is finished
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Is it worth pumping development here for the neighbour bonus radiating out or should I just keep working on the capital?
True, but it's too abstract for me.
How is your capital in comparison? Is it approaching the development cap for your era? Is your heir going to inherit it?
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just got this game and i play as landless but had to delete my chart as i thought the progress was too slow

i played the tutorial but i wanna play landless...how do i get anything actually done? i dont know what im doing
I think the capital is at 28 (not in game right now) but idk what the dev cap is. Been feudal for about 50 years and yeah, my heir gets everything. All the other provinces around Zythomir are sitting at about 8. I honestly like this system better than dev clicks in EU4. Maybe in the future computers would be able to handle a ck game with trade goods, pops, devving and characters.
The dev cap is based on innovation, it's a soft cap since you can go above it (there's calculations for how much it hurts your growth).
Based on the date of 977 you're either 20 (Public Works) or 35 (Communal Government) development soft cap
Cucked Kings 3
Shart Kings 3
WE WUZ II: The Age of Kangz 'N Shiet
Yeah, it's going to be 20 then. Not even sure if I have public works. Research is so slow for me.
If you don't even have public works then the cap is 10
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right hang on I'm going to load this back up that would be hilarious
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Ok so I have public works but the capital has no existing development malus.
Kiev - 28 dev
Zhytomyr - 19 dev
Existing development penalty only happens when promoting development with the councilor. If you just have passive development without using the steward then you won't get a penalty
Ah, gotcha. That makes sense.
why do you care? development produces so little benefits so it doesn't really matter
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You set goals for yourself and just play until you get bored. The closest thing to winning is to play until you reach the end date of 1453, but almost no one does that and you can turn the end date off so it never actually ends. Think of this like The Sims for men, you build up your home and play with your dolls by making them them fuck around and die.
ugh i fell for it again?
I just heard there was a medieval romance and royalty simulator experience
paradox already fucked me over stealing 338 hours from me with stellaris, i never won
i still need to win once so i dont lose pride
>Think of this like The Sims for men, you build up your home and play with your dolls by making them them fuck around and die.
That's how The Sims is played dough
that was the point
Was Elder Kings 2 abandoned?
Probably not. I've heard they struggled with the adventurer update
How do people normally use mods? I feel like there way too many mods made by large groups of modders which are for some reason split into many submods...
Why are there 5+ Expanded mods? Why is RICE and VIET not one single mod?
you've heard wrong
stop being a cuck king 3 and try to roleplay
have anyone else been having terrible time with the More provinces mod? Where it refuses to work with anything else like culture expanded, medieval arts or rice. And either im retarded or the supposed compatibility mod does nothing.
So is it dead or not?
it's not, you are just lazy to google
what breaks? or does it crash immediately
does agot have black people yet? I play CK3 for the visual genetics
Just use the ruler designer
im pretty sure there is lowborn black ppl already
Development gives you more money and levies for free and most importantly determines your innovation speed. Unless you are messing around with hybridizing cultures to swipe innovations/traditions keeping a tiny culture that you control fully and can easily pump the dev on can give you a huge tech lead over time.
The era year minimums can leave you with dead time sometimes even when you’ve discovered everything there is because of your maxed innovations.
Dev can also be useful on ensuring the land your heir is getting is better than those of your other heirs back when you don’t have good single heir laws so it is then easier to take them back or keep them in line.
yes, on map start
culture expanded sort of works but it replaces some women models with males. And no they dont grow a belly when they get pregnant.
If you are playing landless you won’t be royalty until you settle down.
If you want to KHAN mode then look at the major decisions, see the become a great conqueror? Aim for that one as a goal because it makes you a mini ghengis khan (which can stack with being the real one if your are Mongol culture and tribal or hybrid with them)
Playing someone Norse can be good for adventuring because they have extra content, Varangian veteran super soldiers MAA, longboats for easier travel and raiding, the incredibly good Pillage dynasty legacy (which is even more busted as an adventurer) and malleable invaders tradition that makes it easier hybridize later so you could start Norse then when you are ready to settle down march over to Mongolia and take the become a great conquered decision to grab a tribal backwater to land yourself then hybridize adopt Mongolian culture. From there you can start your conquest of the backwater then take the become Ghengis Khan decision to become a super double conquerer.
Remember that when you don’t have seige weapons you can hire mercenaries that do if needed.
If I go mongol I always end up needing to force myself to not hybridize with the han culture every time because they have a great tech lead to steal and the insanely powerful Mystic Ancestors tradition that can really break the game. I recommend doing it on a ghengis khan run at least once because the huge amount of land you get can all be given to your house members for insane amounts of renown (dynasty mana) letting you max out every single dynasty legacy easily.
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have you tried this mod
as you mentioned maxing out the research will give artificial limits on your research, so the benefits aren't large
maxing out research requires keeping your culture small, which leads to other kind of problem
levies are quite irrelevant since MAA + knights are much more important
for moneymaxing there are way better options than investing in development
more development is good but not a big deal, simply not worth of dedicating tons of effort in it
Anyway for actually playing a landless? There are many different ways to do it depending on your Camp intent.
You go around the map taking contracts which are a weird subtype of the scheme system based of different skills. If you want to become a conquerer khan then go Swords for Hire camp type then start taking prowess contracts and mercenary joining war ones.
One weird thing with being an adventurer vs landed is that your Men at Arms don’t replenish on their own, you need to do it manually by spending provisions or money on it or as battle rewards.
One of the 1st order of business will be to recruit some MAA and some followers for your camp so you can start filling your officer roles.
Don't you get like 80% free replenish in every castle every so often?
>start a fabricate hook scheme
>spend the time and opportunity cost to meticulously build up 20 points for a well executed plan
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you fuckers, buying this game was a mistake
for one playthrough i want and need to win and it needs to be ASAP
Help me out, which mods, what place, hurry up
win what
i just play until it gets boring and then quit
wll i want to honor the fact i fell for paradox and their tricks and WIN ONCE now
hurry the fuck up
early life section on (((Salamon)))?
No expel jews decision was a mistake
You can ask your patrons for it
pick any place in italy and try to get all the universities under your control (not vassal control), then you'll have a giant boost to your lifestyle xp (rpg leveling system), i dunno. Game ends in 1400's something, then theres a stat screen iirc, i only did it once in 1000h.
When are they revamping christianity?
i think you need a few weeks irl time to get to the end date.
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well i dont want to waste too much time, i alreayd wasted 338 hours on stellaris
Probably not before next year if this year has nomads as the big thing
If next year is republics then that is a good chance to work on theocracies, Christianity and Italy too
okay, pick any christian nation and reform it in to incestual polygamy, then jerk off and quit.
Paradox games are for neets by design.
also download the asia mod so you can get an asian waifu for your yellow fever
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pope kissers are having a good game. Just jumped into a war and debt maxxed this madlad so it's time to take back Denmark
io dont have asian fever
there were suspiciously many han women with the beautiful trait last time i played
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I installed porn mods for CK3 and it wont fucking run, any help?
I mean, might as well I paid for this
There's a strong case to be made about BBC focused appeal as well. It's made in sweden after all.
show your mod list
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i ain't opening that gay shit
is that pic with the mods off or is it the mods that don't run but the game does?
>try out administrative empire as a vassal
>rule goes fine
>get assassinated
>recover and try to have income
>get assassinated
>now i'm getting pissed
>die in battle
>now i'm a little girl who doesn't inherit territory
>only have my estate, which barely gives 1g a month and i make a quarter as much influence as everyone else
>grow up with intrigue and spend my time trying to assassinate my way back into a governorship
>murder the main successor, someone pumps a new kid into the position with all of their intrigue
>murder the main successor, someone pumps a new kid into the position with all of their intrigue
>murder the main successor, someone pumps a new kid into the position with all of their intrigue
what a wonderful gameplay loop
i only have like 600 guys in my army, i dont like this game, what are you supposed to do?

so i had a child with the king but the king was deposed as soon as i gave birth, then sent in some exile? and the new king doesnt like me, its over...cant a girl get to enjoy fine things anymore?

I deleted the save, this isnt like in the sims
china isnt in the game because they make all the plagues in wuhan???
this is the best argument I have heard against recommending quality games for anything.
I do have to admit the primsrch program incest runs are fun. it is hard to get the good traits without little retards running amok. when you do, you create a world ruled over by a race of incest proof purebloods who stand 8.5 feet tall geniuses built like hercules and beautiful as aphrodite.
Your character should've sucked more cock.
>>1952874 (OP)
When this game came out people here were coping that the several realism mods in the works at the time would fix the game. Seems like all those projects were abandoned, kek.
should have just fucked the new king too. when in doubt just suck and fuck your way to the finish line. women can be spymasters as well so if woman go intrigue focus
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this game is both too hard, too boring, and too lackluster. In a new game I got kicked out for being in too much debt, as a noble you actually cant do shit, you cant declare war, you cant buy stuff because gold is nonexistent

hive mind stellaris is at least pleasant to develop and play
this game sucks and its for nerds and virgins, uninstalling
okay I was trying to be nice but you hsve a skill issue
the game is just shit, you cant get enough gold for shit, its unplayable
Of course you like stellaris
there is definitely a point where you just cant even have feasts or tournaments anymore if your empire is too big.
>10 months until it begins
yeah screw that, guests need a speed modifier based on how many counties you control
I play the and the events are the worst part. I skip past them most of the time. You should come to the game for the gameplay not a shitty visual novel.
youre supposed to play on a 500 year time scsle. Speed it up
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>>1952874 (OP)
I only play this game with the rape mod, endless fun whenever I play. I can truly break my enemies now haha.
My guy the fuck are you doing?
>600 army
Get more troops through the military tab, have a higher martial score. get more land. etc
>Can't a girl get to enjoy the finer things
As a female character people are going to hate you because female ruler penalty. Easy fix, get the intrigue lifestyle and fuck your way to the top. And fuck the strongest guy in the land, not some literal who with no army.
>how do I WIN
You don't "win" in any paradox game. You set goals and when you reach those goals it's over. Even Stellaris, with the quickest end date rarely reaches the end because most people tap out before then.
shitposting simultaneously on /v/ /vg/ /vst/ and /vrpg/
is there a worse combination of traits to have
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>pick Lazy
>pick Shy
>pick Paranoid
>tried to update the game
>breaks literally fucking everything
I miss Republics so much bros
>making all your daughters into a big italian den of vipers that maxes out plots instantly
>pumping out non stop sons for the trade post cap
>cucking the other patricians to make sure their women pump out sons for their trade posts
>keeping the other families strong enough to keep the republic strong but weak enough so they can't challenge you
>deciding the fate of europe if you get annoyed with non stop mercenaries
I might play 1 of the Clan Giovanni in WOD.
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>Proves he actually doesn't play the game and has no idea what's even the problem
>I faced what was a game over in old version of the game
>I continued to play, because I wasn't informed it's game over
>I then made a post about missing the memo
Add either Cynical or Zealous, depending on your realm
If you actually play the game you do start skipping most of the recurring events. You don't autistically read out every single hunting event right anon?
kidnapping enemy wives and making them their concubines is already in the game
>Start a new adventurer run
>Almost always end up in the Byzantine empire with a Norman-Greek hybrid culture
Maybe I should try roleplaying a Mongol warrior wrecking havoc across the world instead.
the other day I accidentally ended up as a character who was Paranoid and Compassionate. That might be the worst combo I've ever seen, there are a crazy amount of events where you get a "nice" option and a "rude" option and paranoid gives you stress for the former and compassionate gives you stress for the latter
>decide to play small starting as a tribal pagan
>loose my only title under unfortunate circumstances
>become an adventurer
actually not even a bad outcome, ive already converted the realm in to feudal now it will be piss easy to convert back in to paganism and take it over, dont even have to wage war on my liege for independence now.
>reddit animations
WIth that you mean, type of looping animations they are doing?
Shadow of Fame is so cringe
fuck yea, just witnessed inheriting the money of a prisoner after executing him, for the first time
Yea but you can't make a conquered queen a concubine. Why? Because this game is a pile of spaghetti code I reckon.
>you can use Demand Fealty more than once
Adventurering is hilarious
my current pipeline is:
>gather enough money for an army doing whatever
>do mercenary work, sell prisoners, become insanely rich
>settle down
Going to take the opportunity to become a Knight of the Swan or great calculator?
usually takes too long, im currently intrigue maxing in a small county, just need money to build it up so i could defend it.
It does take a long time but gives some powerful bonuses for your decedents afterward. Maybe too powerful for conqueror.
I'm beginning to realize I like this game only because there isn't anything like it.
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>9000 vs 4
>4 includes the enemy warleader
>he got away
Something I realized recently is what my issue with ck3's progression is. It all feels gamey and artificial.

What in ck3 is achieved through the dynasty perks, the artifacts, the culture system, skill trees, and tech, was in ck2, for the majority of its lifetime, achieved primarily through laws and tech. I'm barely counting artifacts and bloodlines mostly because of them being added only in the last major update, Holy Fury, and thus most of my playtime was spent without them. My point is, is that the multi-generation quest for power is a lot more grounded in ck2 than it is in ck3, where the gradual increase in legal capacity is replaced with magic perks that you reliably get throughout the playthrough. Passing laws reliably required you to first strongman your vassals into giving up their legal power, which they would always try to reacquire. The way you got more powerful makes sense, you were able to hold more counties, extract more taxes, and call forth more levies. It was not perfect and was in fact made worse by Holy Fury through the addition of swaying and favours, but it's much better than what ck3 offers. The only remainder of this system is in feudal contracts, which are vassal based instead of realm based, and incredibly fickle to accidental resets. Besides this, you get all sorts of random, nonsensical bonuses through primarily dynasty perks and artifacts. Dynasty perks you get simply by playing the game, waiting to accrue dynasty mana, something you can speed up through various means. There's a plenitude of perks ranging from modifying your fertility, to increasing your martial. Once you get a dynasty perk, it's set in stone, you'll forever have that bonus until the end of the game, which brings me to another point. In ck2, you can pass as many laws as you can, making you be able to hold 15 counties, take 50% income of every city, and half of the armies of your vassals, but if you are usurped, you also lose the ability to make use of them.
Yeah, it's really modifier-stacking the game.

Think it desperate goal to drive towards other than blobbing.
Asked this in the other thread, I'm trying to play the princes of darkness mod but everyone is naked no matter what I do. Am I missing a patch or something? I've reinstalled, manually installed, whatever else but nothing works.
>if you lose you lose
no shit sherlock

>multi-generation quest for power is a lot more grounded in ck2
you mean when you can become the immortal lord satan in the first 20-30 years as a small count in rural kirgizia and then print unlimited holy order troops?
yeah, fuck off
>if you lose you lose
That's the thing. In ck3, when you lose, you don't lose.
>you mean when you can become the immortal lord satan
Yeah when I was talking about the improvement in efficiency throughout a playthrough, I forgot to mention meme events that won't leave a lasting trace within 2 generations time. As if people didn't disable that shit en masse.

Admit that ck3 would benefit from a deeper law system as a way for attaining power as a king instead of dynasty wide meme modifiers.
alright, fair enough.

>As if people didn't disable that shit en masse
that's a hell of an assumption that you can give fags that kind of power and they'll not only disable it but say no if it pops up

>ck3 would benefit from a deeper law system
as in have feudal contracts that actually benefit the overlord for a change? oh fuck yes
>That's the thing. In ck3, when you lose, you don't lose.
That's a recent thing
>I forgot to mention meme events that won't leave a lasting trace within 2 generations time
I would disagree, they can half extremely long lasting benefits. Your kid becomes a Child of Destiny and they're likely to reshape the map, especially if you play as them. You push aside artifacts as being irrelevant but let's not forget the hermetic order that lets you pump them out easily and reliably, plus the ones you can get from China.
do you have any other mods enabled
any mods whatsoever
no matter how unrelated they may seem, disable them
beyond that I got nothin
idk why nerds feel the need to pick at clearly tight-strung modders beyond a quick kick desu
>That's a recent thing
I'm not talking about road to power
I did that already. Several times.
>Seems like all those projects were abandoned
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intrigue is fun but unstable af.

discovered you could steal people's money by kidnapping them, recruiting them, kidnapping them again and then banishing them (kidnapping so you wouldnt get tyranny), currently pondering how you could do that to the church or people with titles.

Also got about 2k gold from venice by repeatedly kidnapping - ransoming - murdering about 10 of their leaders.
What sorts of mutants are you breeding into the world? Also what mod?
this mod >>1953620

dont worry, they kill each other all the time
i should probably to train absolutely everybody in intrigue
whoops, meant this mod >>1965047
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i guess they nerfed stealing money from your priest which is unfortunate, he is just amassing wealth without doing anything with it like a kulak
You can't imprison then banish to get that cash?
you can but the money is automatically transferred to the new priest whenever you imprison the old one.
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found out it's possible to give him the scourge of the gods modifier via console
gonna go out on a limb and assume I'll get flagged for spam if I post the command directly
anyway, that should be fun to fuck with IMO. Maybe smack it on him after a century so he doesn't assrape all of Tamriel unopposed, assuming he doesn't die from choking on a chicken bone.
I think those require you to have mannimarco selected or they’ll go to who you are playing instead
should be easy enough to switch characters and have him yoink land from some duke-level nobody somewhere in Craglorn or High Rock, since CPU conquerors apparently need a duchy level title or they auto-lose the trait&modifier
if he's unlanded you could use "laamp" command on him so he can be played however briefly is needed to give him land
>not getting 100% of your realm priest’s income
Can also make a small mod to change the event triggering that determines when the trait is lost
>not controlling the fief yourself
But muh domain limit
Your 17 gorillion sons that carry the pure blood of the prophet?
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What the fuck
>needing to give up a tax collector tax slot on a Barony worth of income
There are some benefits like being able to get the building bonuses for yourself or your dynasty for special buildings. But sometimes it feels like clan mechanics would work better with spiritual rather than lay clergy religions.
>needing to give up a tax collector tax slot
That's the beauty, you don't
i wish you could just add new provinces to the dutchy instead of having to blob
considering that you can steal money from the mayor but not the bishop there is no point in building temples if you can avoid it.
One thing I despise about CK3 is the persistence of contract privileges for conquered lands even if you're not feudal yourself.
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>That's the beauty, you don't
For clan vassals? You mean just letting them exist untaxed? Because you 100% need to use a tax slot on the barons if they are your clan vassal if you want to get anything from them.
I never said clan did I
Feudal gets a lame 10%/20% which still much worse than the 50%/100%+ you can get from a realm priest.
Admin is better of course but that isn't really the same circumstance
>Been out for five years
>STILL no good total conversion mods
What went wrong?
It's 25 + 50 from scutage actually. And for the sake of argument if >>1968655 is yours you only have a single tax collector and he's not even at half capacity so those slots aren't precisely at a premium with 5 or 6 collectors max iirc unless you directly control several kingdoms worth of vassals. Then you have a bigger problem with the vassal limit, even with legalistic, egalitarian and such.
But you missed my point of the benefit of having some of those extremely lucrative temple holdings under direct management.
from best to worst imo
>Princes of Darkness
>Game of Thrones
>Elder Kings 2 when it isn't kneecapped by updates
>The Fallen Eagle
>Elder Kings 2 when it is kneecapped by updates
>bits and pieces of After the End
there's also a Lord of the Rings one but I haven't touched it so I can't rank it in fairness but it does exist as well
>Lord of the Rings one
It's a lark to play with the western dwarves, reform into evil and create a harem of elves. You also forgot the WoW one.
started off with 350 but people got a bit enthusiastic and it sort of snowballed a little bit
The virgin 498 vs The Chad 10739
>how you doin over there cuck boy
>It's 25 + 50 from scutage actually.
Not for Barons it isn't which is the topic of this discussion, not Counts. Feudal Baron's can't get their contracts negotiated at all so you can only get their default amounts to work off with modifiers. Clans can get more but it will also use up their tax collector slots.
>you only have a single tax collector and he's not even at half capacity so those slots aren't precisely at a premium with 5 or 6 collectors max iirc unless you directly control several kingdoms worth of vassals.
That was a new one I loaded up to verify how it worked for clans so it didn't have anything other than the base starts. Also tax collectors normally can only have 12 each, not 21. I'm still in the process of updating mods so one of them is changing that apparently.
>But you missed my point of the benefit of having some of those extremely lucrative temple holdings under direct management.
You can instead put use your slots on castles and then still collect 50%+ from your realm priest as well as your Realm priest collecting from realm priests of your vassals.
I'm not sure what the topic is to be honest. You're new, which is fine, but I'm not interested in going over the most basic shit imaginable like how trivial it is to promote a baron to count and why that would be a really good idea in most circumstances. You're also using mods, which again, fine, but you're arguing vanilla. I'm talking about one thing, mid-late game own holdings, and you're shifting to something else entirely, early game vassal based income.
You're confusing me with how to proceed further with this conversation friendo.
>You're new, which is fine,
Not new, doing a reinstall to update for new versions.
> like how trivial it is to promote a baron to count and why that would be a really good idea in most circumstances.
Some circumstances but I am discussing all the slots in the territory you control. Early game the extra domain holding for temples and castles is where it is best actually because you don't want to spread your domain too much between a wide variety of areas when you are still dealing with multiple-inheritance laws. Having a couple countries in your primary duchy where you own them all and almost all holdings gives you a stronger base on inheritance for re-merging splits.
However late game owning 1 holding per counties and a lot of counties can be the best way to handle your domain as then. Have a bunch of temples that all get collected by your Realm Priest without hitting your vassal or domain numbers or a bunch of cities so you can get the extra money and development (this works best with the metropolitan 3 dynasty legacy as it gives a massive +15% base to city levies and taxes).
If you have lay clergy you'll need to own at LEAST two holdings per county later in the game in most counties unless you want one to be a worthless baron. Administrative of course is a different matter altogether because of how Admin authority works.
> You're also using mods, which again, fine, but you're arguing vanilla.
I understand how vanilla works which is why I am discussing that, it is foolish to use mods without having played with vanilla first.
Another thing while I'm at it... Scutage is Duke and King feudal only, you can't have a Vassal count with Scutage either.
would dividing the dutchy to different vassals help with development increase
It can but it can also reduce your income because of extra links between the vassal and you if you have a duke in between.
Each vassal can have their own steward that can develop their territory independently (but they may not choose to)
If you have something like the gardeners tradition it pays off too because that royal gardener position gives a big development bonus for their capital county and is accessible by counts, so the more capitals the more benefit there is from it.
That's a whole lot of you still talking with yourself. I said something very specific, elaborated on it, and you're still talking about almost everything else. Now it's inheritance. Really?

>Vassal count with Scutage
This is becoming a running theme but I never said that did I. You're the one going about court priest and his interaction with baron tier temple holders and I'm the one scratching my head going why would you bother with those peanuts with how investiture tax trickleup works on spiritual leaders vs temporal as head of faith or direct ownership or direct vassals with all the muslim but not necessarily clan only trimmings. But yeah, you know all about the game, you're just hiding your power level lol.
Actually forget about it. I'm just not in the mood for this shit. Enjoy your game man.
>black death casually spreading across the WHOLE WORLD
>3600 dead characters
>all my carefully tended dynastic marriages are destroyed
>development went from 20 to 8
normal settings btw
oh well, it was time to restart anyway
i now understand that i need to have a character focus on learning if i want to play dutchy only, having an excellent steward is not nearly enough
or do some shenanigans with culture merging perhaps but thats lame
actually looking at the map of development im the only one with higher than 0 for thousands of kilometers now but whatever
This dood looked at -3/-6/-8 Monthly development, and decided to fuck with the setting. Point and laugh at him.
perhaps i should take this tradition yes. I dont think i can order my vassals what to do if im smaller than kingdom iirc unfortunately.
>I said something very specific, elaborated on it, and you're still talking about almost everything else. Now it's inheritance. Really?
What did you say that is specific? Because there are a wide variety of factors to consider and balance here but the specific things you've said seem wrong or not applicable.
>This is becoming a running theme but I never said that did I.
You were talking about Max feudal taxes (25%) 1.5 for scutage.
>Feudal gets a lame 10%/20% which still much worse than the 50%/100%+ you can get from a realm priest.
This is what feudal barons will pay you. 10% tax, 20% levies as the base contributions. That's why I said it.
>It's 25 + 50 from scutage actually.
This is only for duke+ feudal and thus indicating you were talking about something completely different from me or at the very least misunderstanding the game.
>I'm the one scratching my head going why would you bother with those peanuts with how investiture tax trickleup works on spiritual leaders vs temporal as head of faith or direct ownership or direct vassals with all the muslim but not necessarily clan only trimmings.
Look at it this way. Say you have 10 domain limit.
Each holding requires at least 1 Castle, 1 Temple, 1 City if it has 3 slots. As feudal you can't hold your own cities so we'll ignore that part for now.
If you are lay clergy you'd need to hold at least 2 holdings per county unless you want to give it to a baron unless you intentionally leave holdings empty or , so you'd have 5 counties filling up those 10. You get all the income from those 10 holdings you hold. + 5 cities giving you republic vassal taxes
If you are Spiritual religion, you can only hold the castles yourself. So you could have 10 counties with 1 castle each, 1 church and 1 city each (possibly more). You get 100% of the income for your 10 castles but also income for an extra 5 republics.
what are you talking about, the setting is normal
Doesn't exist. The choices are Once/Unlimited and Random/Organic/Historical. What did you choose?
In the spiritual faith scenario, those 10 churches don't count against your domain but if your realm priest has 50 or more opinion of you (peanuts) you'll get 50% of their taxes and 100% of their levies. So with the 10 temples leased to your realm priest instead of 5 you'd hold yourself as a lay clergy follower you'd get 10x 50% taxes and 10x100% levies compared to the lay clergies 5 x 100% and 5 x100% for holding it yourself.
You'd get twice as much levies and the same amount of money just from your domain situations. More even because of the extra republics.
In reality it can be more complex than this with counties that have 2 or less holdings or 4+. The realm priest's stats also matter for the raw number of tax and levies they pull, and you'd also be getting extra from them because they tax your vassal's realm priests too.
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so is it's strength a random thing?
There can be other bubonic plagues that vary in strength, but "The Black Death" is always apocalyptic
>black death
Oh boy.
>An Apocalyptic Bubonic Plague will always be named Black Death.
>Organic - The Black Death follows the same generation rules as all other plagues
>Unlimited - The Black Death can appear multiple times
>Bubonic Plague
>Affected baronies
>Apocalyptic: 6500-7250
>Apocalyptic: 24-48
whatever, i will endure, i still like the concept
Sounds cool. Hope you don't get fucked too hard.
You like the concept of just wiping the map over and over?
I like watching this guy zieley's videos (he put me on to The Vinland Saga) but it makes me realise how retarded culture and tech advancement is
>I don't want my sons spreading our culture down here because it's really low development
So the meta is some unrealistic shit like having 1 province with 30 dev as your culture to power through the tech tree.
>shitter thinks he figured out "the meta"
Show your blob, then.
you first tranny boy
Do you even need a meta for ck? The game is a piss easy harem simulator at best.
Thanks for confirming you don't even play the game you're bitching about, dumb faggot.
What is the point of language?
Seems like a completely trivial addition to the game.
Gives a way of interacting between to cultures and can be a common link to them with a shared culture. Some interactions or schemes work better if you know the target’s language too. It also factors into the royal court system where the language can add to the glamour of the court and encourage others to adopt and learn it outside their culture too.
It isn’t terribly important but it can end up making a difference.
So you can flex on leddit how you converted entire world to some obontu bantu clicking shit
It halves different culture negative opinion so it’s useful if you have multiple cultures in your realm or a Liege of a different culture.
But doesn't seem like its being used for anything useful.
For example, instead bullshit abstraction, when do diplomatic interaction, you send your ambassador to make the diplomatic action, and his success is impacted by if he knows the foreign court's language.
>For example, instead bullshit abstraction, when do diplomatic interaction, you send your ambassador to make the diplomatic action, and his success is impacted by if he knows the foreign court's language.
That already factors into schemes like romance except it is about your player character rather than others
There are some court positions like court tutor where known languages gives a bonus to job capability
Which DLC are actually worth it? Are there any that are especially good/bad if you're playing multiplayer? That'd be the only reason I could be assed to give Paradox any more money. I saw the earlier back-and-forth over multiplayer but I figure that was just two anons sperging for no real reason so I'm asking officially.
>Which DLC are actually worth it?
Roads to Power for adventurer and admin governments
Royal Court for hybridizing/diverging cultures
Don’t pay for any of them
It really isn't
>bullshit abstraction
you're in the wrong genre my retarded, ESL friend
i hate the khazarian blob. Its ridiculously big and stable
How much did Paradox invest in the 3d portraits for them to feel the need to put them in every single game from now on? They look fucking awful in CK3 and they are totally unnecessary in Vicky3 and EUV
they make sense in CK3, but yea they aren't necessary at all in EU5 (they really suck lmao) or Vic 3
I actually find them useful for quickly recognizing and memorizing people now, and they're starting to convey more information at a glance as they develop it further.
I think EU finally having dynamic portraits is nice but I'd rather they be a clean 2D like the old ones
Everybody (even women) has the same chainmail hood helmet. It's fucking pathetic.
>decide to revoke a county as an admin empire
>says on the tooltip I can freely and legally do so, it will only piss off the count and nobody else
>I have no factions
>Most of my vassals love me +100
>he refuses and half of my empire rises up with him
bravo paradox
>"Hmmm, today I will do a Sasanid revival run, haven't done one of those in a long time"
>"Lets spice things up a bit and also become an adventurer before claiming a duchy, becoming a vassal of the kingdom which owns the the Sasanid banner, before taking over that and enough of Iran to end the struggle"
>One king of the region becomes a conqueror and takes over the rest before I can build up an army as an adventurer, even after several restarts
Well then.
Did his culture have the tradition that makes them more likely to refuse revocations?
You snooze you lose
This is more about the Combat Width mechanic than about knights themselves but knights benefit greatly from it. It is still janky.
The screenshot lacks context of the stats and modifiers of the knights and the commanders but I presume they were fighting defensively.
Well combat width has a minimum size of 100 so 3 will hurt more than help but the enormous portion of the opponents armies is levies so the knights are still benefiting. If the opponent didn’t have those levies they probably would’ve won.
Is Admin Empire worth it? Just released an Empire and he instantly went admin and became dynasty head despite having half my character's military power.
skill issue
revocations, revocations for everyone!
Is it? No internal strife and liberty factions?
Same happens with Feudal. Revolt after revocation is bullshit. I had my children who i have opinion 100+ revolt together with some faggot no-name from different culture and religion who i just conquered and was trying to take titles to give to vassal of my culture. It's basically have almost no check, it's not check for vassal having reason to join, it's checks for vassal having reason to NOT JOIN, and there just few of them.
Tribals are extremely OP and steppe cultures have the most OP retinue in the game so they can just steam roll everything
Do you need an assload of vassals?

>Administrative vassals cannot be given additional titles of the same rank as their primary title, cannot become powerful vassals and cannot ignore directives.
Smaller realms can probably do without and be more efficient.
Admin Empire is more powerful than others if you want to conquer the world but it has a real downside of only allowing the top liege to have a Royal Court (hard coded so you can’t mod it either). It stinks more that you’d expect because having a lot of royal courts of your dynasty is one of the best ways to generate dynasty renown for buying legacies and such with the royal glamour bonuses and all those artifact slots that can generate bonuses as well.
huh never thought about the courts, in my campaign i spent the last few years trying to destroy my kinsmen kingdoms
Thanks for the answers. I'm playing de jure Russia and true to russian form, I'm at least 3 techs behind everyone else so from an RP perspective an admin empire doesn't really fit. I think Russia will stay feudal (until the 1930s lol)
Do you know why my brother (who became dynasty head after I released him with Scandinavia) overtook me as dynasty head? Is it something to do with admin empire? His military power is still way beneath me.
It's completely busted, the only downside is more micromanagement.
You can use independent kingdoms for renown growth and Dynasty of Many Crowns but even vassal kings get courts. All those useless extra artifacts can be gifted to them so they’ll use them to generate renown for you. Income improving artifacts can help your vassal kings get more money from their domains/vassals and thus pay more to you as well.
>Do you know why my brother (who became dynasty head after I released him with Scandinavia) overtook me as dynasty head? Is it something to do with admin empire? His military power is still way beneath me.
Admin gets half as many levies (although governor efficiency can adjust the number) but has a thing with Title Men At Arms where each duchy and empire title has extra MAA slots linked to the title rather than the person, 3 per duchy and 5 per empire title. These MAAs can be borrowed between titles or by the top liege and the AI is highly encouraged by the code to make and keep these Titke MAAs so that they will be available. If he is an emperor with 2 duchies owned then that could give him an extra 9 MAA immediately but if his military is still worse than that probably isn’t it unless the formula is including potential borrowable ones too.
It could be that he stole the dynasty slot before going admin which cuts the levies available and provided massively, so he could’ve had more briefly before dropping. If that is the case you should get it back after the grace period for recalculation.
I’ll need to see if I can find the actual formula in the files
Fucking hell that is pretty OP. Makes sense why the ERE is so powerful and can keep pulling 10k stacks out of his ass.
>I’ll need to see if I can find the actual formula in the files
It's fine honestly but thanks. The only thing that was pissing me off was putting a point into sending people to the varangian guards and losing that privilege. Other than that I got everything I need out of dynasty traits so he can have at it.
>Fucking hell that is pretty OP. Makes sense why the ERE is so powerful and can keep pulling 10k stacks out of his ass
It does cost them some influence, political mana, to pull in troops that aren’t from their own title but it does allow for really enormous groups potentially. However note that title men at arms regiment size isn’t affected by the normal innovation or other increases, only size increases specifically to title men at arms which are in short supply. On the other other hand the governor efficiency modifier that makes admin lands give more money and levies with a good governor also applies to their title men at arms as an extra damage and toughness modifier so with good governance they are stronger for their size than normal ones will be.
Also for unit number the admin emperor will likely end up with tons of levies despite getting a flat -50% modifier to levy numbers and admin vassal obligations normally not giving many. This is because the raw number of vassals an admin liege can have overwhelms the reduction. Even at the lowest level of Admin Authority an administrative ruler has +200 to the number of vassals they can have, scaling up to +500 at max admin authority. Even a trickle from each will give a stupid amount. Levies in ck3 still are only good for scaring the AI with their number and sitting at sieges though.
>The only thing that was pissing me off was putting a point into sending people to the varangian guards and losing that privilege.
Well you can’t but others can and they’ll be sending them to you now so it’s not all bad.
Admin is by far the strongest government type but it does have some opportunity costs.
unfortunately in this modern day you can have either 3d models which are easy to use and create or you can have ai sloppa portraits
>Admin is by far the strongest government type
Too finicky with too many moving parts for my taste
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This event encapsulates literally everything wrong with the game.
>Muh intellectualism of l'Andalus
>Now pay up 375 golderinoes or get 75 critical stress because you're le snuffing just and forgiving
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not kidding either, these are literally the only two options
And what the fuck is wrong with this game's understanding of 'justice' and 'forgiveness'? It's ridiculous.
>Justice is when you let criminals roam free and forgiveness is when you get walked over like a doormat.
Fuck, this game sucks.
greatly looking forward to administrative falmer great family shenanigans to spice up sitting on my ass in Skyrim
whenever the hell ek2 updates
It'll update just in time to be out of date again!
as long as I can make family X Y and Z bicker over the centuries while some subjected non-administrative nords grumble in the south I'll be very happy
Is there a mod to remove these events? It's only going to get worse as they add more DLC. More DLC, more poorly written event spam.
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Yeah there is, but you get it through very strange means.
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Had to savescum this one lads
Clicked execute all but forgot my son was in there for some petty adultery haha
I think it was a bug btw. Dynasty head went to a few other losers in the other Empire then I formed a cadet house and instantly got it back.
>Admin is by far the strongest government type but it does have some opportunity costs.
I really don't think it should be.
Byzantine Empire had its own issues
>Paradox legitimately hasn't a given shit about 'the hardcore audience' since at least EU4, arguably at least since HoI 3, and those games released well over a decade ago.
This. People need to move on from Paradox. I used to like them, but their games are no longer for us.
>game keeps going to religious map view instead of realm
reeeee paradox
After the End CK3 blacked the americanist president, and the leaders of the HCC and California. They even made the muslim self insert in socal a liberal zoroastrian to own a humble conservative modder... libtards need to get roped inshallah
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It's nearly 1050 so a new era and I still only have 1 early medieval tech. This is getting me sad bros.
man fuck legendary hunts. excellent huntmaster, nailed every event, still failed at 49%
don't forget the unnaturally high rate of spontaneous lovers being assigned to your spouse regardless of loyalty values, with every hunt!
Hybridize with a more advanced culture and steal their tech
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These guys look good and I just took Constantinople. So I just drop my steward on them and he will get me higher acceptance?
Conquer more greek land, give greek vassals some titles afterwards for acceptance (make sure it says you'll gain acceptance). If you have some of your own culture vassals in greek territory tell them to promote acceptance.
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I only have this one (who I kidnapped as a child then married for the claims)
The Basileus is in a big civil war for the Empire so if he gets deposed I can just take more land without a truce timer. I could have went for her claim on the Empire but she wouldn't get any land to go with it? That's why I went for Thrace.
The only shit thing is that I got hooked into a 13 stewardship steward who is dogshit slow.
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>Ruler Embraces Heresy: Count Dumbfuck has converted to Lollardy
enough already. holy fuck this stupid game
Your steward can raise it but very slowly, your best bet is to conquer a bunch of greek land and raise a bunch of greek vassals which gives you a flat 1% for each.
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Thanks. I'll get on that. Just being held back by truce timers. I'm sure in CK2 you could declare on revolting vassals and if you won the war fast enough it would stick.
That is odd, we’re you not the house head before somehow?
I think inviting other hunters helps too
Maybe not upgrading them but building the holdings yourself if you can afford it is a good idea because holdings can’t be changed or demolished. Vassals tend to prefer castles that give military bonuses, fortification and lots of worthless levies. Temples and cities are better options so getting them started when you can is often a good idea.
Been 6 months or more since I played how is the adventure DLC? I creamapi all
Pretty fun, questionably balanced as usual although there has already been at least one round of nerfs. It is something different at least.
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Varangian Veterans do not fuck about. Don't even need levies anymore.

I was the house-head before. Lost it as soon as Scaninavia became an admin empire. It just kept passing through different, no-army guys until I made a cadet branch and it's been with me since.
>Varangian Veterans do not fuck about.
They’re expensive but they really are some of the best with their high stats, being heavy footmen, counter to heavy cavalry and no terrain weaknesses. The small amount of pursuit they have is very useful too when it comes to making attacks stick.
>Don't even need levies anymore.
Levies are unbelievably trash in this game for anything in war other than giving bigger numbers to count against garrisons early on and absorbing deaths if you want to assault fortresses during sieges. The main use is to fool the AI when it tries to determine your military strength because the big number, slowing down factions and other realms from declaring war. The Combat Width part of battle calculations makes levies actively bad in most scenarios otherwise. The AI isn’t very good at stationing its MAAs and maxing their bonuses so that weakens other realms too.
I was thinking over what people were saying about India being boring. The area has some benefits culturally, Dravidians can get the excellent Garuda Warriors tradition which gives 5 Garuda court positions (incredibly useful) and Lenka MAA, which are like Varangian Veterans except a little of their toughness and power is switched into even more Pursuit despite still being heavy Footmen. There are some innovations they can get and use along with being relatively high development early on too. Several early universities and there are a few interesting decisions too like stewarding the Ganges or forming India as a super empire as a goal as well.
I think the biggest issue is that eastern religions and their interactions with each other are quite lame compared to CK3’s handling of it with Hindu, Jain and Buddhism being able to be switched and each handling things differently. Not to mention the tenets for Hindu, Jain and Buddhism mostly suck in this game unless you make your own religion using one as a base.
So wait, you lost house head and dynasty head? I think normally house head is a hereditary thing rather than power within the house (unlike dynasty head) so it might’ve been ursurped by how the game handles Admin Families and their estates, powerful family attributes etc.
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>So wait, you lost house head and dynasty head?
I didn't even know they were different until now. I can't remember. Dyre the Strange starts as a cadet branch of Sigurdr so I probably still had house head.

I honestly think VV need a nerf. All I'm doing is sticking them on holdings with a barracks (some of them have Great Statues as well). If I went full autismo with Accolade stats could get even more out of them. With the Sapper perk and 5k heavy infantry you can trivialise sieges as well.
Tempted to swap out cataphracts for more VVs
>Dyre the Strange starts as a cadet branch of Sigurdr so I probably still had house head.
I think you can’t make a cadet house if you are already a house head so I don’t think you were it.
That entire thing was honestly pretty weird. Watching dynasty (or house, or both) going to guys with between 100 - 1000 troops when I had 10k and the Emperor of Scandi had 5k. The alert appeared to create a cadet branch randomly, I did it and I've had Dynasty head back ever since.
>I honestly think VV need a nerf.
They're DLC troops so you get what you pay for (pay2win). They are extremely expensive compared to other troops of their type so there is that at least.
I'd say the bigger issue is the opponents typically fielding mostly levies.
don't play as the human guys in Black Marsh in Elder Kings lol
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i heckin love christianity
Some of them are orange as fuck. Trump dynasty.
yea i always start with some freak
just recently discovered that you can replace anyone anywhere with the character creator, not only your playable character, thinking about making everyone in the region a different type of freak and then mixing with them.
>>1952874 (OP)
I will play CK3 or 2 based entirely on this: Which has the better music?
Which ones? The blind guys are in a tough spot but as long you survive Knahaten they're all fine.
Have you heard of the high elves?
Between all the dlc and mods I can’t even remember
Levies wouldn’t be so bad if not for the battle width mechanic. They’d still be a waste of supply though
There are CK2 music mods?
I think I saw them in the workshop but I never used them myself
CK2 Even the main menu music is better
plus the music is more immersive to the medieval era
https://youtu.be/MOW20IrnlIk [Embed]
CK3 is okay, but nothing special. CK2 has some great tracks, but also two or three absolute dogshit ones. Especially the ones from Holy Fury and crappy remix of the main theme from the Horse Lords or Songs of the Steepes. Out of many Paradox games, EU IV has probably the best music, with mamy amazing bangers. There's some crap there too, but you can instantly disable it with in-game music player.
I've never bothered either
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it worked 8 hours ago
Probably some buggy new patch
fixed it by deleting \AppData\Local\Programs\Paradox Interactive\launcher folder
March 12 is still a way away
dlc stopped working
had to fix it by once again copying the cream files absolutely everywhere and one of these places worked
csrin says to only put them in binaries but its clearly not the case
>In Western traditions, cuckolds have sometimes been described as "wearing the horns of a cuckold" or just "wearing the horns". This is an allusion to the mating habits of stags, who forfeit their mates when they are defeated by another male.
It is still associated with it in some places, you can see references to it in writings and art as well.
isnt it literally all animals, when defeated loose the ability to reproduce
Yeah but that is what it was
Even Faust has reference to it still, he uses his Devil magic to give a guy stag antlers
it was black prison the fucking lizard men trashed me
why do nubians have agrarian tradition when they have 0 farmlands in their region
nwm there are floodplains bonuses too
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ive tested the development boost from steward and yes, it turns out that the penalty from the maximum current development does indeed depend on the steward culture, not your own. Just another thing to micro manage.
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saved up all the small event retinues for a rainy day when I'm massively outnumbered and didn't use them again
turns out those traditions for 35% development bonus in jungles only serve to negate the -50% jungle dev penalty somewhat and do not in fact give you an advantage.
That's what I thought, good to know it is working properly. Something you can do to get a leg up if you fall behind as well too.
>turns out those traditions for 35% development bonus in jungles only serve to negate the -50% jungle dev penalty somewhat and do not in fact give you an advantage.
Unless they nerfed jungle to make it even worse for some reason Jungle is -40%, not -50%. Still means you're taking a -5% but that isn't quite as bad as a -15% at least.
For people that really want to dwell in jungles outside those african cultures, like in India, Lords of the Elephant + Jungle Dwellers can put it into the positives if you can maintain a level 4 or 5 stewardship or Learning.
Hills get it better because they can stack a cultural tradition for dev with a religious tenet too resulting in more easily overcoming the deficits
Still sad you need to minmax like that when compared to something like Hill Dwellers gives 20% which more than counters the -10% dev that hills give along with other benefits (although it is bugged currently regarding how the windmill building part works so you need to mod or patch it yourself).
Meanwhile if you DO minmax for hills with something like the Gaunche religion you can get a +60% bringing them to a +50% total after the base hills -10%. One holy site, one tenet and one tradition all of which give other nice benefits too.
Farmland or Floodplains with Agrarian can still do better (base +20%, +30% for agrarian to match the +50%, and if you are diligent another +20% on top of that for +70%) but farmland is rarer than hills.
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Going to assume this legend system is another DLC pay2win because chaining reassert the holy mission is fucked up. I know you could take a culture ethos By The Sword but why bother when you can just do this and get 3 or 4 kingdoms per character if you are slouching.
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>With nobles gathered in silent reverence, the crown settles upon my brow and seals my destiny by sacred rite...
Coronation DLC?
Fuck this stupid shit game
Sunset Invasion 2 when?
Monks and Mystics 2 when?
Can't wait for the new dlc when they'll add 4 new notifications.
stick all that up your ass until Republics come out (2026)
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What culture/religion do you play as, if any, to use this mechanic? I've only get enjoyment from ck2 via stealing wives nowadays
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idk about rape but I like Norse (for concubinage) with the abduct intrigue perk. You can also go down the pillage dynasty line, take practiced kidnappers so you can take women in sieges/raids and dish them out to your bros and family.
I like kidnapping giants.
its the one that has raiding by sea available which is only 2 regions in the game: scandinavia and west africa
you dont have to stay in these regions tho, you could move anywhere.
the ultimate minmax is also making culture hybrids but i havent tried it yet and increasing cultural acceptance sounds like it will take a long ass time
>increasing cultural acceptance sounds like it will take a long ass time
There are numerous mechanics that can make it much faster and there are traditions that drop the requirement acceptance to hybrid as well. Then the bigger trouble becomes the cooldown on how many years you need to wait between hybridization.
>traditions that drop the requirement acceptance to hybrid
limited to the steppe and scandinavians, if i want to get drakars this isnt helpful
It makes it easier to hybrid with them to steal it then use it for future hybriding. If you want to raid across seas the scandies will get you that at the same time too.
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nwm i forgot about this one
i didnt know that i need less cultural acceptance to hybrid with scandinavia
especially when the game tooltip still says 40
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The norse have this one
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turns out you can get a bonus from multiple traditions (wetlanders and hidden cities in this case) if a barony has multiple types of terrain and the debuff only considers which region the capital of the barony is in.
Ah that can get pretty potent then. You can move the barony capital too right?
i may be confusing the terms which is barony and which is duchy but in this case no, you cant move the capital inside the smallest title
or is it because they all belong to someone already... im out
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managed to get a regal looking 16 year old king then he got measles, 1 legged, disfigured and blind.
How did you fuck up that hard?
botched city prevention - RNG
catch measles - RNG
botched personal treatment - RNG
this got me 1 legged and the cuck cap over the character's nose lmao
5% chance of blindness - RNG
Also the Genius betrothed that he was educating died of measles and I had the skull icon death's door alert for 18 months but didn't die which is also really bad RNG.

I just save scummed back to 01/01
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>Travelers come from lands far and foreign, carrying whispers of strange ideas and distant threats...
Doing a realm tour is a painful experience. At least tournaments let you participate and a pilgrimage is over after one annoying series of events. A tour is just clucking through the same few events again and again, stopping you from doing anything else. I really wish there was an option to turn some off and just get an opinion modifier or something instead. Also lmao if it's a coronation dlc, modders have already done it for free and these clowns are going to make something subpar and demand money.
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Just conquered France and found out about this maniac from my dynasty who has been sitting between two superblobs for 13 years with 1 dogshit mountain to their name.
Q for pirates: cream api hasn't caused steam to lock you out of anything, has it?
piracy is a sin before the government
you cannot become a culture head over your liege lord if they are the same culture correct?
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holy fuck what a difference
fuck improving your culture, just befriend your steward, doesnt matter that he comes from an inferior tribe, him having no knowledge of communal government literally doesnt matter compare to the other modifier.
10 years and still nothing. With the other API Steam gave out a warning and a grace period to get rid of it. If Cream gets cottoned on to a new one will appear the next day. BELIEVE THAT.
man they still have not fixed that De Jure War bug with the ticking war score from the war target
You should brefriend all your councillors, all of them get a big bonus for being your friend. It also keeps them in line better if they are powerful vassals of yours too.
Best Friend gives an even bigger boost but you can only get one of those.
Do I need to know the lore for playing Price of Darkness?
>Crown and thrown and rod
Coronations are getting added 100% or they are being the biggest tease possible.
The coronations from the Holy Triumph mod are quite nice. I like the bonus that you can just raise your army and march to rome for pope to crown you.
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>A warlord rising from the steppe, forging a vast empire from the wealth of his conquests...
Wow they're adding gangus can to the game
No but it helps because then you'll known the powers of different clans and their historical rivalries and troubles.
It takes place on earth so lore is less important than other total conversions.
You can play as Santa Claus.

Stick to vampires though. I tried to play as a Mummy and got my shit kicked in. Even with Vampires I can't find a beginner friendly start (I reckon Mithras is the best for beginners but I don't want to play as him)
Just sitting there giving you a drip feed of tiny dynasty prestige
But with the changes to advantage that mountain fortress is likely more trouble than its worth
We're getting China
>>Travelers come from lands far and foreign, carrying whispers of strange ideas and distant threats...
That one sounds chinese
I think it'll be silk road stuff before actual China.
That makes sense, I'd prefer that to actual china.
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oh no
somehow i later befriended my steward who was already my best friend and lost the mega bonus.
1000h in i just learned about this simple mechanic.
oh yes
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I like Rimworld and to a lesser degree Stellaris and decided to give this a try. I could never get into HoI4 because it was daunting, the tutorials sucked and every guide video was over an hour and part 1 of 63 I also really don't give af about WW2 so maybe I should have never gotten it in the first place. Everyone says "just play the game" but nothing really happens and it's just like staring at a map in a foreign language. Anyway, any quick tips for jumping in? I feel like GSG games would click with me but I just need to get over that initial hump like I did with Rimworld which I logged almost 700 hours in since starting in July. I don't want RW to be my only game like it has because I don't want to inevitably burn out on it because it's the only fucking thing, I play but other games I've tried just don't click. I'll give this game a test and see how it goes from there but a basic tips like "build a hut then kill your neighbors with a stick you made" would be helpful.
Just do the tutorial ireland, you can figure out the basics there. Gold is always useful, prestige is sometimes useful, piety is only useful for making a new religion.
>no hooks on me
>mediocre duke keeps hooking himself onto my council even over two different rulers
>he turns 77 and dies
>6 years later
>his mediocre son hooks himself into spymaster position
Is this a bug or something I'm not getting. I don't like murdering people because everybody in the game is finding secrets at my court so it seems.

Also does anyone have any tips for:
A music mod that integrates ck2 music into the ck3 regular soundtrack
A mod that has settings which allows you to cull geographically irrelevant populations (India, West Africa if you are playing in Europe, for example)
Does his title have "council rights guaranteed" checked on his feudal arrangement? That lets him do it.
Yeah it does. Thanks man that was bugging the shit out of me.
>A music mod
Its called a youtube playlist
>A mod that has settings
not a setting but there are mods that cut brown people (be honest), they are called "performance mods", funnily enough theres no performance mod that cuts europe for "some reason".
its wild how thought through is achamanism and its culture in ck3. Everything is tuned for you to become a great power from nothing.
Meanwhile something like finno-ugric or siberian religion and culture are some of the most irrelevant and lame shit in the game, renders these regions unplayable.
There was entire dev diary about Canary Islands, around the time they were working on Fate of Iberia DLC. I think one of Devs either comes from there or had a special interest in the region
>funnily enough theres no performance mod that cuts europe for "some reason".
I’ve seen several actually but I don’t use them or any region cutting mod
That is one of the worst things to have on a vassal contract. One of the things to look out for is that if you take over territory with something like inheritance or a claim that doesn’t oust lower titles those people keep their own vassal contract arrangements leading to potential land mines if you don’t check them for stuff like this.
Piety is useful for holy wars and increasing your piety rank to make clergy or your other religion members like you more. There are some other decisions or interactions that use it, like asking the pope for money, for claims or for excommunications.
Some of the African religions have a bonus too when it comes to feudalising from tribal, they don’t need to organize their religion first, get less bonus prestige but get less opinion penalty for being unorganized with clan or feudal vassals too. Still nothing compared to what Norse gets with its DLC but it is something
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>With Chapter 4's reveal just a couple days away, we'd like to take the time to talk about the changes we're making to the foundation of the game before announcing what's coming next.
>Join us tomorrow at 2PM CET for a look at what's coming in our free 1.15 "Crown" Major Update!
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>Where pillars bear the weight of dynasties long since dust, we gather the strength of the realm to stand against the coming storm...
>Make sure to join us on YouTube at 3PM CET on March 12 for the first look at what's coming to CK3 in Chapter 4.
Downloading and organizing all my mods just in time for a new update to break them again
I wonder what will get nerfed into being useless, what will be buffed to being OP and what will be broken into not working now
I wonder if they will make stationed MAA need to gather where they are stationed
>>1952874 (OP)
>2025 waiting for Asia to be added, and instead getting overprice flavor content after overprice flavor content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkJehlr1tEw [Embed]
You mean far east asia
Very much, yeah.
The images and teases this time sound like China is in the cards but who knows. Nomads are almost guaranteed but they’re sounding rather gimmicky
Sorry for not being specific enough, I'm just fatigued from waiting for these lazy developers to do something actually substantial.
I’d say the culture update, travel activity system update, clan update and landless/admin update were substantial.
The strangest thing is that for most of these the majority of the update’s meat was in the free update, with the dlcs often getting less on comparison. The landless/admin gameplay might be the only exception to that.
i never organize my religion when going from tribal to feudal, its pointless, i just do it through the suzerain and take his, and sometimes then convert back, there are multiple ways how to do it quickly which involve some luck, like you continuing to follow your religion secretly or having a religious rebellion which gives you the option to convert back.
Organizing a pagan religion means that you loose the ability to raid, a pretty big deterrent when you start as a poor fuck.

>Still nothing compared to what Norse gets
yea, the game could as well be called Vikings 3 at this point, they are insanely overpowered
the only one ive seen is the chinese one but it doesnt count because it cuts everything but china and its adjacent regions
Organizing makes feudal/clan vassals like you more, gives holy wars, improves conversion rates, and lets you customize it into your own meme religion as you like without needing to worry about heresies so much.
You do give up a lot to do it so it is a rather brutal switch if you aren't ready for it yet.
anyone knows how do the buildings and other things that increase your life expectancy work? ive collected 2 of them that were supposed to increase it for 10 years and still died at 78 with Whole of Body from learning, which is normal. Do they only work on the new characters or something?
the only valuable part for me here is customization but raiding is still too important to give up IF you are playing as someone who has access to sea raiding, otherwise its whatever.
I’ve heard it one of two ways
Either it pushes back your chance to die of old age from the base 60 by whatever amount you have or it works by pushing back when you start to lose health from age and the speed you lose it
Normally you have a small chance of losing a little health each year starting at 25 with the chance of losing some each year going up yearly. Life expectancy pushes this back by its amount, so with +5 you don’t start risking losing some health until 30 and if gained later it calculates the yearly growing chance starting from 30 instead of 25.
Because of this life expectancy bonuses would do less if you are already at an extremely old age with lowered health because of it but it still would do something.
so yes, i would have to own them all from the start, which is a problem considering our current inheritance system
Perhaps not from the start but it probably would be more impactful if you own them earlier which is why the legacy and fecund trait +5 years each happen immediately from birth. But I don't actually know for certain. There is RNG involved so you might've just gotten unlucky.
After learning about the friendship bonuses to courtiers the ritual friendship tradition suddenly became top tier
>Double strong hooks on each other if best friend
I don't know
Is this Rajas of Asia? Which ver?
Bro, your reclusive trait "enter isolation"?
its THE chinese mod, where their nation and culture are the most powerful in the world
why havent you told me to enact feudal elective in each of my titles and solve the problem of inheritance forever?
and what is he going to do with it, he is already a courtier and likes me
Because sometimes the assholes won't vote for your genius, honest and just heir even though they have 100+ opinion of you and are also your best friend.
it may be a unique situation but im playing in canary islands and my only two titles are 1 dutchy and 1 kingdom, which means im the only one who can vote which means im gonna choose whoever i want or change my candidate at any time
i think i can grab more duchies as long as i can tolerate the negative opinion from too many of them with my vassals and i still will be able to keep the scam going
this is insanely strong. You just add the law to each of them and remain the only elector and owner forever. Can only be done when you are king, since you cant add the law to the counties
Extra duchies means extra duchy buildings too.
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i can build this immediately after getting the duchy as canary, no tech needed
The megalith builder tenet is great.
well, except the place should have my faith
How does that dev bonus work? If a county in the duchy has 4 holdings, does each get +15% for +60% total?
Don’t forget to consider building the little megaliths too for more development and popular opinion. The lack of money is sad though and if you aren’t lay clergy the piety and prestige is a wash too.
Did they ever do anything about vassal theocracies?
Oriental Empire?
>China mechanics
>Likely no China map
>India is still barebones while receiving unique art assets, with the only addition this time being Hindustan
>The absolute nothingness of Africa
I’m starting to believe they are planning on adding china this year
>We’ve also tweaked the options for when you restore the Roman Empire, such as offering a path to become Hellenic without activating Roman Hard More, as well as making said mode more enjoyable by tweaking event frequencies and removing parts of it that made little sense (such as increased diseases).
Oh hey, a change I didn't expect them to make. Who thought that permanent plague, reducing your entire empire to 0 dev within a decade was fun and engaging in the first place?
I wonder if they add playable china will they make China Administrative or some other similar government. Like how china imperial and Roman imperial were different in CK2, and then protectorate stuff as well. Probably not to the same extent as CK2.
not at all
if anything, the mod seems like a pretty solid point to bounce around to learn some lore
I'd rather get china than india content, at least more opportunity for cute asian chicks. I fucking hate indians and india. But I'd love african expac or flavor pack, especially east africa and ancient egypt restoration. I honestly thought this is the opportunity for Egypt flavor pack, since Egypt are the guys who stopped mongol expansion in middle east.
At least they may be turning sahel region into steppe-like terrain with nomads, which could be cool.
What's the Tutorial Island of CK3? Still Ireland?
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>At least they may be turning sahel region into steppe-like terrain with nomads, which could be cool.
That's not happening
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Dev Diary + 1.15 Changelog at the bottom in the spoiler
great, can't wait for the game to become even laggier after a few centuries
Can't say I'm surprised we're getting China, it's definitely not what the game needs right now but Paradox can't resist those sweet Yuan
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>Guards! Guards! There's a MAN in our tournament!
Stunning and brave
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Oriental Empires devs must be cooming right now. My game will be running like fucking molasses now, but at least I get a qt Chinese harem I guess.
Chinese being added is cool but can we get an overhaul to faiths? I want cults back and the ability to be a satanist.
They're giving clans a buff? I'm not sure they needed them
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>AI commanded player armies
Sounds like a fun way to role play a non-martial ruler, a good way to clean up borders and give the enemy AI a fighting chance. The AI combat/war rework is desperately needed.
>Muslims in india can use a decision to get Administrative with primogeniture inheritance
sounds strong
The changelog says they can all unlock it late game now
>Vassals with a very high opinion of you will no longer join the rebel side in title revocation revolts.
Bravo! I wonder if it will work, from the new update changelog
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You only have to conquer Bengal, the Deccan, and Rajastan, so you're already 3+ kingdoms in
India is utterly pathetic in resisting invasions, their multiple religions prevents them from joining in holy invasions
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got killed by a stag again lads
is white bear or white hart in this game like CK2? This is pissing me off now epic robert baratheon hunting accident meme
Yes you can get a legendary hunt and they are often albino.
I never get them. Just hare sightings (lol)
Well the new update is supposedly adding a way to toggle to only look for legendary sightings
That's quite good. just use hunts to make way for young kings until then.
Why isnt there a mechanic to be undetectable as an adventurer, why everyone knows where you are at all times
its fine, with development you get more building slots faster than anyone else
all counties in a dutchy get +15%, they all have their individual dev levels
holdings means counties in this case, not baronies, but there are other barony buildings that increase development and stack, like trade port or guilds, and i saw a legend that does that.
Whoever has the most baronies in a county gonna win in the long run, the game is rigged from the start. Thats why i play with the more provinces mod. Siberia is still shit with it tho.
i would be ecstatic if there were a way to add more baronies to a county while playing, thats my main problem with this game, if you want to get past a certain point of power you have to blob.
>automated armies
>you can now willingly remove the only semblance of gameplay from the game
my vassals will refuse to marry the giantesses that i invited to my court because they are lowborn but then will send me a marriage proposal to these same giantesses 2 months after. Fucking bpd ai.
sims game, not a map painter
Ah yes, I need to look for a beautiful genius wife for my (grand-)kid once every 20 years. Amazing gameplay right here.
and in the meanwhile you build houses and have grand rites yes
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ok im now aiming to hybridize with the north every pagan playthrough, wasnt even aware of this legacy
I figured that but it said holdings which is different.
It's really fucking good.
>fucking byzantium blob owns land in poland
rightful roman clay
everything is, it seems
cant wait for the stability nerfs
I'm curious how that seize outlaying duchy CB will work out, triple speed warscore for battles and sieges for the attacker sounds like it could be quite incredible.
The “kingdoms can break away” might help the AI Byzantine empire be more unstable but I don’t think it will impact players much because they are already disincentivized from making vassal kingdoms as an admin empire as I understand it. Admin vassal kingdoms don’t get title men at arms for the title, only Duchies and Empires. They also don’t get their own Royal Court as admin vassal kingdoms so you don’t get the benefit from having a lot of royal courts of your dynasty either so why the fuck would you bother? The only other reason to do it normally is to stay under vassal limit but you can get +500 vassal slots for being Administrative. Add in things like the 80 you get for empire rank and a few artifacts, traditions or innovations and you have enough vassal slots for literally every duchy on the map.
Maybe if they expand the map to add China and the far east it could become relevant but even then that is only if you are taking over the entire world and you don’t double duke some vassals (which you would end up doing with kings anyway).
Speaking of Duchies I’m curious about that ”found your own duchy” decision. I am guessing it will be like before with the kingdom and emperor ones as an optional rule but with how Duchy buildings and extra duchy capital building slots work I wonder if it would let you create new building opportunities. For some it wouldn’t matter like the tax office and extra micro duchies might cause trouble with vassal or duchy limits but some like that megalith could be beneficial even if held by the right vassal.
Alternatively I wonder what the size limit will be to it or whether you could make a snaking megaduchy while making other( to be vassal) duchies around you weaker in comparison.
I don't remember what they are off the top of my head but I'm definitely abusing that shit in console to tickle some tisms
hopefully it isn't bugged to shit or prone to causing performance diarrhea, I'd like to emulate new administration shenanigans where it feels appropriate
I barely understand a fucking word she's saying but I still think the accent is cute
All under heaven
pretty good name they went with, desu
it's great hearing the CK2 song, too
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Hell yeah
There are already mods that let you shift around the counties in different duchy titles but have a base way of creating new ones might let you do nonsense like have every county be it’s own duchy with the console instead of needing to do more extensive pre-modding of titles although I’m sure that would cause some issues and headaches. Might be good for a lark though.
>prone to causing performance diarrhea, I'd like to emulate new administration shenanigans where it feels appropriate
Well admin doesn’t cause as much performance issues as it once did but can still be a hit in big old empires. Maybe the new update will help that further (or make it worse for other things instead). I bet both.
>Chinks get to live their China must grow larger power fantasies
>Weebs get to live their samurai power fantasies
>That one weirdo gets to live his we wuz samurai and sheet fantasy
Oh shit.
Will china be mad about Tibet existing again?
i just want to fix the historical wrongs and make my home city the capital of the region instead of the one that currently has 10k citizens but was founded first.
why do they have to mention that they are anti european, isnt it obvious with their dlc's for the regions that nobody plays
Yeah like Spain and Scandinavia
>>1981745 →
spain yes, one of the least popular regions and dlc's after iran.
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they should start shaming people for picking britain or france, call them boring
I don't know who else to play as.... (seriously tell me another region to play in and I will)
canary islands, earliest start date
India, embrace your inner saar.
that was sarcastic btw. Christianity is barebones in this game, yet they are focusing on the shit nobody cares about.
>this is all normies who played for one time and never launched the game again
To be honest they introduce new shit just for it to be as barebone as Catholic Europe.
what's going on???
>least popular
Britainnia has tutorial island and several of the Vikings ragnarrsons are there. The Tutorial being there is likely the main reason.
France has Haestinn which is likely the biggest factor but also has the bald Karling and the Great Bastard.
Scandinavia is Viking land again
Byzantium is vgh roman empire
Spain has a DLC focused on it which is likely why it is in 5th.
>No one plays Persia despite it having a better dlc than Spain
>Not even several unique men at arms including Sasanid horse archers makes people want to play there
>No one plays Persia despite it having a better dlc than Spain
That is all starts since game launch so since Spain dlc came before Persia it might be lower.
“Persia” would be more split by Arabia and Persia for that DLC boost too I reckon so that would also split the statistics too.
What about it is better?

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