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Got this game on Switch (thank you RCM jig) yesterday and I don't even know how to describe how empty it feels. Like I'm pouring hours into it out of a desire to beat it but I can't say I'm having fun like with 5, 6, or Beyond Earth. There's like a billion fucking civics and technologies that just make yields increase slightly or give you a building that makes yields increase slightly, the XP for units is gone, the unique civ identities are gone, the multiple difficulties are gone, and all the Special 6 modes are gone. Who asked for this?
>>1953230 (OP)
I guess no builders make all economy improvement moved into techs and building.
>multiple difficulties gone

i love nustrategy yieldcentric synmmetrical design
i love nustrategy yieldcentric synmmetrical design
i love nustrategy yieldcentric synmmetrical design
Wrong guess. Of course you can still improve tiles. What are you, stupid?
By clicking on them once every settlement growth. Also the tile improvements aren't nearly as visually pleasing as 6 or 5
>By clicking on them once every settlement growth.
yeah, as opposed to clicking on them when you have a builder selected.
>b-but planning when to make a new builder is an imporant skill and adds strategy!
no. it's just busywork.
>>1953230 (OP)
>I can't say I'm having fun like with 5, 6, or Beyond Earth

beyond earth was dogshit
Beyond Earth was better than 5, but none of you are ready for that conversation.
one more dlc could had saved it
Codex mod saves it. Minus the shit ai.
>>1953230 (OP)
>RCM jig
oh i didn't even think about trying my physical system after ryujinx was crapping out, mostly because I'm so lukewarm on it I can't be assed to get it out
>>1953230 (OP)
>the multiple difficulties are gone
why... why would you ever do this? just straight up cutting content
Lots of things are better than 5, colonoscopies for example
I had a camera shoved up my piss pipe last year. Doc squirted water up in me the whole time. It was the most painful thing I've experienced in recent memory, but it was still more fun than the entirety of Civ 5 because at least I have a story to tell about the time I had a camera shoved up my piss pipe after I tried to take a shit with a boner and my dangalang got caught between the toilet and toilet seat and bruised the ever loving holy fuck out of my cock to the point where I thought I died.

That was not better than Civ 5. Camera bit, sure, but not the Great Hammering.
>filtered by toilets and civ5
Yeah, guess my tallywhacker is just too big for toilets and civ 5.
nigga that dosent even make any sense
tile improvements are just buildings now, idiot.
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truly the average civ player
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>buyers remorse thread #6645637
>any discussion about strategy games
>massive faggots appear from the woodworks to bitch about civ v
Beyond Earth had no reason to exist, for all of 5's problems it at least had a reason to exist even if a lot of its ideas suffer from poor execution.

>I had no need of that hypothesis
t. Laplace

OP brought it up
When was the last time there was a civ thread on this board that didnt have someone bitching about civ v?
>>1953230 (OP)
>the XP for units is gone
Imagine they made a civilization game where every time you advance to a new age you become dumber and the game regresses and becomes more unplayable. Welcome to CIV VII. Civilization itself is regressing. Art imitates life truly.
An RCM Jig is a piracy device. OP didn't buy it.
>>1953230 (OP)
>Who asked for this?
the board of directors, larry fink, baphomet, etc
There hasn't ever been one since the announcement of civ5 became the personal vietnam for an entire generation.
>>1953230 (OP)
How does it run on Switch? i got civ6 on it a while back and it ran like shit, long loading times between turns especially in the late game.
Dropped Civ after 2 and 3 chads, we can’t stop winning
Occasional hiccups but runs just fine.
The game does have multiple difficulties, they just removed some and renamed most of them. It goes Scribe/Governor/Viceroy/Sovereign/Immortal/Deity now.
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You are genuinely retarded and obviously haven't played the game if you think the population management and improvement system from 7 offers exactly the same depth and freedom of choice as it does in 5 or 6. In 7 your population HAS to grow from your city center, which means if you want to improve a tile that's 3 away from your city you need to make a chain of improvements to get there, possibly even being forced to take shitty tiles to get to the good one. You also don't even get a choice of which improvement to build the vast majority of the time.
>which means if you want to improve a tile that's 3 away from your city you need to make a chain of improvements to get there, possibly even being forced to take shitty tiles to get to the good one.
That is literally depth. It forces you to make choices like "is it worth building my barracks outside of a quarter which will weaken its yields in order to reach this tile that has a plus 3 adjacency bonus for my amphitheatre".
I think you're hallucinating game mechanics since the game does a poor job explaining itself. From what I see there is no inherent bonus for a barracks being built inside of a quarter and on top of that you can very easily make that tile into a quarter in a few turns. The vast majority of buildings share similar criteria for adjacency bonuses as well. Even if you can get a +1 production adjacency temporarily that way there's no depth whatsoever to "should I get 8~ hammers now or +3 culture for the rest of the entire era.
Speaking of Civ 7 on the switch, has anyone managed to load the game without fucked-up textures, the map is completly dark
Didn't know the Nursing Home Wi-Fi let you use 4Chan.
Nope, switch emu development had died for discord forks.
play gladius
cic 5 babbies telling you the game has no depth when they play the autism puzzle version of the game
>>1953230 (OP)

I played I (DOS), II (Windows), V (several years after released), and VI (not many hours playing). I read everywhere that VII is shit. Now I have nothing to wait for in life. Such games are probably free on smartphones or in facebook browsers for free for kids.
>they had to rename Prince and King because they're gendered language
Play Polytopia and Civ Revolution
Governor is gendered you lackwit.
>>1953230 (OP)
Project lead did bejeweled and fortnite so go figure

It's quite bad, honestly: instead of having a sandbox where you do whatever you want in civ7 you need to get x points in anything, ie x resoursces in slots fo economic victory, x tiles with more than y yields for scientific and get x points for holding cities where emeny cities count as n (n>m) and your count as m

takes the soul out of building stuff fr fr no cap

UI was not made by a human being or didn't get tested at all and also basic QoL features like rerolling map because half of it is always tundra or "repair everyrthing" button didn't male the cut, there is no building planning tool, wich is shit because putting pins for future quarters was really fun part of civ6

Warfare is weird - if i remember civ6 introduced resource based limits on the amount of units you can have (ie in order to make swoedsmen you need iron), because previously players could just buy 10 turns worth of units and just steamroll enemy positions in a meat wave in civ7, while commanders are cool as an idea, we are back to human waves because individual units have no experience and thus can be just thrown into the enemy lines.

Diplomacy is worse than civ6 becasue bots will attack you even if you were friends the whole game (and they will never take any of your cities if you had garrisons there since they don't try to kill commanders first and you can keep buying new units

Also there are fewer eras, the only fun part is the first one and most of the music is whack
>most of the music is whack
How so? Is it weird or what?
it is quite repetetive

Schizo brain tells me that only euro music is boring - india gets rigveda rap and russia gets shitty red october ripoff instead of some opera piece from the imperial times, but in actuality most of it is boring - each civ has only 1 theme (not even like in 5 where there were peace and war themes) and AI for some reason picks the same civs over and over and over

Worst offenders are carthage, greece, rome, russia, khmer, and one of the indian factions with yo helena
Shame they got rid of Dance of the Aurora. It was the one thing that made tundra tiles good (and that one wonder that buffs tundra tiles in your city).
the water DLC ruined it
made the game more complex in the wrong places
Governor is as gendered as Actor or Mayor.
No-one uses Governess, Actress or Mayoress anymore for women. But King and Prince cannot be applied to women.

The only way anon isn't 100% right on why they were removed is because, well, let's take a look at what we used to have
> Settler
> Chieftain
> Warlord
> Noble
> Prince
> Monarch
> Emperor
> Immortal
> Deity
Colonial. Masculine + Leader. Masculine + Leader + Fight. Masculine + Leader + Hereditary, x4. Religious, x2.
So we can see that which conflicts with the current left, monarchism, maleness, inheritance, colonialism and war, have been removed, to leave us with
>I'm a scientist
>I'm a democratic leader
>I'm an appointed leader
>I'm a nondescript ruler
and two religious terms that would be more likely to be axed in the atheist 2000s than the crystal energy minded now.
Actress is commonly used
I miss the war themes, but Civ 6 had great music. I heard 7's civ themes on Jewtube, some are good, but most are meh. I liked Russia's, but they should've used something more Mussorgsky-like

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