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Fuck that specific spot edition

Thread to discuss Graviteam tactics and Combat mission games and others like them.
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I have a screenshot addiction with this game, looks so good zoomed in
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got him good
he should not have played the italians
What were those 32 other vehicles?
all his trucks and a couple of cannons, many caught in the open and destroyed while on the move, completely destroying all his AT capabilities and allowing my Stuarts and M8 greyhound to kill dozens of men each
now we're playing another with me as the Volkssturm against his USA defending a city. Gotta hope he blunders his Sherman Jumbo flamethrower tanks, those things are terrifying, already burned a few old men.
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update: he blundered
3 tanks killed in a single turn by panzerfaust ambushes
the germans don't get enough credit for the panzerfaust, I love those things
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Here's a neat thing that happened, popped a T-34, it burst into flames, but kept rolling forward creating a fire trail that eventually spread throughout the whole field.
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Does fire wound/kill men? I'm pretty sure it does given some shit that's happened but I've never been zoomed in on a unit to see it happen.
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The war is lost....
I read online that one of the German African armies had their signal corps sunk on the way over from Germany. Is that why I don't have any fucking wiremen in Tunisia?
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>flamethrower tank fires flamethrower at large building, passes through entire building, hits 3rd story of building behind, kills an entire squad of mine instantly
fucking combat mission jank
clearly they just made flamethrowers clip through buildings in order to represent their utility against troops inside, ignoring the obvious issue that flamethrowers don't actually penetrate anything
im mad
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Lobbing shells at Britbongs with my stubby artilleryfu
Same here bro. I need to try the American side of these campaigns. They've had a fuck ton of field guns in this one.
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I didn't realize bodies from previous battles showed in in deployment. I've seen destroyed vehicles, terrain damage, and trenches before. Never bodies though. They should have worn their helmets
Sound like a seething grav tranny to me
yeah its a neat feature for sure
Ok next time they CM games go on sale I got two left before I own all the ones I want to, and it's between Fortress Italy and Final Blitzkrieg... which do you recommend? I'm leaning towards Italy due to the crazy terrain, but FB probably has some nutty late war stuff
I would say Italy just because it's an underappreciated stage of the war. You can play as Italy and utterly fail to defend your home.
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>Soviets breach 1st line
>Everyone runs but my flammenwerfer
>Barbecues half a dozen ruskies and then gets obliterated by an artillery shell
I was audibly chuckling, its fun to actually zoom in and watch them go at it sometimes
I am leaning towards FI... I'm also a huge fallschirmjager fag and they had some of their most prolific battles in Italy
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>zoom in
>company commander dead within 5 seconds
I'm never zooming in again.
All you had to do was back out of the hole.
what ps1 game is this?
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No bully the potato bro
Game looks really nice on a beefy system
nah, I'm just kidding
Graviteam on low graphics really looks like a ps1 game though
think we'll ever get a CM game set in early war (1939-1940)?
Battle of France would be kino yet it's barely ever represented in games

In real life the 5 cm spgr round could penetrate a T-34 1000 meters away also superior optics and training I don't know man this feels like bullshit.
Also about 50% of those T-34 would literally fall apart on their way to the battlefield, this again not reflected ingame.

Gamedev said that german infantery was bad against tanks but there's plenty of accounts of wehrmacht soldiers sneaking up to them in Stalingrad with AT granades to blow up thos goddamn comunists.

I don't know where to start from, there is so much historical bias in this game.
Any campaigns where pre built defenses play a role? I started Mareth Line in Tunisia, but the fortifications seem like a bit of a trap. They are instantly shelled and I'm taking nearly as many losses as if they were in the open. I really like fortifications, but when I read about ones in WW-2 there's usually some line stating something like "it was overrun in 3 days"
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Clockwise from top-left:
Soviet casualties on the salt dome near Romny; German soldiers assaulting Tyupchin; Soviet armored cars destroyed by Flak 88's; Soviet tankers repairing a damaged T-34 during the German assault on Tyupchin

Zooming in can lead to some pretty cool or funny moments
>guy throwing a grenade at a Soviet artillery crew hits one guy in the head and knocks him out
>German platoon commander killing a Soviet platoon commander in melee combat during an assault
>BT tank getting destroyed by a direct hit from off-map artillery
Can I move only infantry in an APC + Infantry recon company? Manual says either shift click or alt click will select the different groups. I can see only the infantry be selected with alt + click, but when I actually make an order the APCs start moving too. Enemy infantry is stuck in some rocks and it's going to fuck my APCs to actually dislodge them.
But im no clue how to use flamethrower, my guys always dying pretty fast, and if they kill at least couple of comrades its would be nice but in general they do nothing
Yeah that's usually my experience too but not this one, this dude carried that heavy fucking thing around Russia, he was gonna use it
>>1954445 (OP)
Do these Graviteam Tactics games have full free campaigns or is it all scenario shit?
Both games have campaigns included in the base game. Might not seem like much at first but the campaigns can take a while to get through. Tunisia goes on sale in a bundle that includes all DLC for pretty cheap. I think I picked it up for 10 dollars. Mius Front DLC goes on sale pretty often too.
Full campaigns but you will get better bang for your buck trying Tunisia first
beware of rocks though, if you can see them they WILL knock your treads off
Okay, thanks guys.
Any idea why these guys named all of their games "Graviteam whatever?" I completely overlooked the games thinking they were sci-fi shit years ago.
They got their copyrights fucked over by a shitty publisher in the past, so now they have plaster that shit on all their new titles for copyright reasons
>beware of rocks though, if you can see them they WILL knock your treads off
It pisses me off to the point where it damages my enjoyment of certain operations quite a bit.
>road running through rocks
>set half tracks to march by road
>half trucks for some reason drive fine until the middle of the rocks, then go off the road in random directions
>3/4 half tracks knocked out
>unit useless for the rest of the battle, maybe the rest of the operation
Its to the point where I don't move tracked vehicles if there's a lot of rocks. They become static defenses. Don't have this problem in Mius unless I'm driving directly over trenches.
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I'm actually seething
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>Watch Hauptmann Krautstein silently disappear from the UI
Very sad. Does this actually matter? I didn't get the CO killed notification that I sometimes do and they still have a listed command level. Looks like it may be lower than it was.
These guys on halftracks die so easily, is there a way to tell them to stay buttoned?
act with caution but it doesn''t always help depending on where the enemy is
I just got reinforcement pz. grenadiers with half-tracks in Transcaucasian front operation, and this dudes doing their job pretty nice. Just one squad of 11 or 12 dudes attacked defended forest line in the night and manged to kill 36 soldiers and captured around 10 - 15, no clue how they done this. In my head plan was just to probe this forest line, also they lost only 3 men but then in the bush random flamethrower dude shredded almost all of them, sad ending for such stellar attack
I ended up fighting a battle here on the next turn and noticed that the road is in red squares on the deployment map. Does the pathing go by that grid system at all or when they (occasionally) try to avoid rocks are they going around the actual models? I had some tanks go up the road just fine.
I wish graviteam had actual detailed nato icons instead of every type of tank just being the tank icon
They feel much more useful in Mius than Tunisia. I know there's already been tons of bitching about the rocks, but there's so many terrain obstacles that it really limits where you can take them.
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Patton bros.... not like this.
I have graviteam operation star are the newer ones much improved over it? is tank warfare tunisia the same gameplay as the graviteam tactics one? Are they working on a new game or has the war disrupted the development team?
Why don't they make a new game?
CM3 is coming at some point. In the Battlefront update this month they said that it would be a WW2 and modern game in quick succession.
Coming in two more weeks
Currently stuck in the air raid bunker so it's hard to dev. Apparently they're releasing models of Jap equipment so may see some eastern Soviet/Jap battles soon. No idea if he's every talked about the idea of releasing a full new game. I imagine they're just going to keep releasing DLC for Mius.
How to get into CM?
I got all of them but I'm kinda overwhelmed with the options. Scenarios seem kinda large to the point I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I just open a scenario, look at the pretty models and close it down.
start with the really small missions and work your way up
>have tanks backing out of tank trench
>one flips
>abandoned with only minor damage (lights) because it's upside down
>somehow flips right-side up again
>retards just sit there instead of getting in and being useful
They make me mad. Not sure what determines whether or not crews reman abandoned equipment. Hopefully it's in the manual.
Almost 400 hours in and I just found out how to sight in arty during deployment.
Has anyone played Gates of Hell ostfront? How does it measure realism wise to GTM/CM?
do I actually fight in cities/villages in Graviteam?
My infantry, whether in trenches, in other cover, or in buildings seems to eat continuous shit, even guys like pioneers or SMG platoons who ought to do well always die in droves to the enemy
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Like how do I even go about defending this?
Not every tactical battle is going to be winnable, sometimes it's best to withdraw to try to preserve/redploy your forces
Playing mid/late war Germany in any game is going to be all about delaying the enemy, causing damage and then counter attacking when they overextend themselves
>Unity engine
Fuck. Guess they wanted to keep that sweet, sweet CMx2 performance
It's just Men of War ie. on the realistic side but with some gamey shit on top
With a bit of finangling you can actually make the game use your GPU.
I can't imagine unity being worse, it isn't a fucking grognard engine after all.
What i'm more worried about is what happens when CM3 comes. Will the games get a paid (with price reduction) remake or will they just forget about them.
Shock Force 2 worked out well so I imagine it's what they'll do again. They mentioned the last piece of anything being done is the BAOR module for Cold War. That game might get permanently hamstrung with not having German units
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Anyone know what that box on the left-hand side and the rail on the right-hand side are for? Found some vaguely similar boxes on Panzer III diagrams labeled as tool storage but no rails. Maybe just a rack to tie shit to? There's a shovel underneath it but that's slotted into a special holder.
maybe the rail on the right is somehow connected with the fact that if, for example, gears without a track need to move a little, although as i wrote this, option does not sound very good
Not too sure what you mean by that, but I think I found the answer. I think it's a guide rail for the radio antenna. All the models and modern museum pics I've found have the antenna seemingly folded down into it. Pic related
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Here's another modern pic of a museum piece. Pic I posted before is a model.
What's the best sound mod for Graviteam?
>Anyone know what that box on the left-hand side and the rail on the right-hand side are for?

The Box is just tools an some spare parts,
the rail is protective storage for the antenna.
>Back when the History Channel good is now turning into myth and legend.
You remember what show that was? Seems like there's a lot of tank variants I'd like to watch anything going into that much detail.
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It really does. I have to stop myself from turning of the UI and just watching shit unfold. Time to try Peleshi again. I bungled it bad the first time I played.
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Any idea what might be happening here? 3 tanks turned their turrets around and are now targeting a spot about 1km behind friendly lines. No enemies behind me on the operational map and pretty much no way for them to get there. I've had a lot of weird shit with this. Last time I tried it I had units considered as under heavy fire but they weren't taking any artillery fire, weren't taking casualties, and most weren't really under direct small arms fire. Could have been some combination of factors I wasn't recognizing, but it felt odd as I've never had units panic so quickly with so little resistance (like 3/4rds of a company going into panic 5 seconds into a light firefight with an infantry platoon who didn't inflict any casualties on them)
Noob question. I have a bunch of arty spotters who are attached to arty companies. Some of those have actual guns in those. Is that spotter spotting for those guns? Like if I have him in spotting and calling missions will that deplete the ammo of those arty units, which I could otherwise put in a BG? Also do spotters always have their own guns? Will two different spotters always have two different pools of ammo or will they draw from the same one if they're in the same regiment with the same gun type?
arty spotters who are in the same platoon as a gun and firing crew = will spot for those guns
arty spotters who are in the squadron/company's command platoon = will spot for off-map arty
if you have a little box in the right top hand of you UI that mentions "Scheduled Support" with a bunch of options for different ammo and timings, and a little green flag on the tactical map for designating artillery then you have the latter.
Spotters for off map artillery in the same regiment spotting for the same gun group (evidenced by number and calibre of guns) share ammo but this isn't frequently the case most of the time
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I'm so glad this game has a screenshot without UI button, I just take shit that looks cool and then go through it later when done playing, and post the funny/kino ones here
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>arty spotters who are in the same platoon as a gun and firing crew
So in the case of pic related, this FO is spotting for those 105mm guns even when they're in reserve? Ammo will pull from them and if I put them in a BG this spotter will lose his guns?
>Spotters for off map artillery in the same regiment spotting for the same gun group (evidenced by number and calibre of guns) share ammo but this isn't frequently the case most of the time
This is mainly what I was looking for. I'm guessing there's not a great way to tell. I swapped out two spotter squads who were in the same regiment and had the same caliber/number but the new one was full ammo-wise. I have a whole lot of spotters and wanted to make sure I wasn't screwing myself down the line by not being more reserved with my spotting.
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It's kino to watch, especially things like a forest assault where you can't really see anything from above. CQC fighting gets funny too.
>single rifleman about 200m out from his platoon for some reason
>runs up to lone Soviet CO
>punches him in his brain, stunning him
>lays down next to him then shoots him in the face as he's getting up
My troops are too tired to move effectively in battle. A single movement to an adjacent node makes them exhausted. Playing Furtive Spring as soviets in 3rd campaign (Nepokrytaya/Peschanoe) and I don't know how to approach this, I am supposed to take ground but my forces are combat ineffective as soon as they leave their initial positions. 4 turns are not enough to slowly advance. Should I just abuse those few tanks I get and regimental artillery and pretend the infantry doesn't exist?
I've only played some of Furtive Spring, but it seems like It's going to be suffering no matter what. You may be able to put them into reserve then pull them back in when they're rested a bit. You can prob smash through them with just the tanks. I'm not sure how the German AT is in that one, but it's not great in the ones I've played.
There are some reserves for the soviets. You can run the current guys into the dirt then switch them out, or put the inf into reserves, move, then put them back in before you attack. How risky this is depends on your settings. If you're playing direct control there's zero risk, but with the indirect control you can run into the enemy understrength. I think units put into reserves don't get ammo replenished but they seem to replenish stamina very quickly.
How hard is it to get into this game? The most "realistic" games I played are Steel Division 2 and MoW.
It looks very interesting to me, but I'm scared that I will get overwhelmed.
Operation map is turn based and the tactical battles can be paused, so there's no pressure to do things quickly. There's a lot of info and other shit you can basically ignore until you learn more about the game. The units can do certain things themselves and I started playing right after I did the tutorials. People say they're shit, but they give an intro to the most basic shit you'll be doing. Also keep the manual open and read sections when you come to them in game. There are a lot of complexities but I haven't come to a problem I wasn't able to quickly solve by checking the manual or steam discussions. There's also general overview videos by a youtuber called warsimgammer or warsimmer (something like that).
So in Combat Mission, is it possible to tell a unit "move forward, retreat if fired upon"?
Anyone else play Graviteams old tank sim Steel Fury? I found a good download of their sekrit club ITM mod and holy shit it's so fucking good
is there mechanical difference in combat mission black sea and cold war or it's just content?
looking to get into this series
Will preplanned artillery maintain accuracy even if I move away from where they were originally deployed? AFAIK I can't tell what the current accuracy of an ongoing fire mission is. It can be hard to tell if I'm accidentally dropping arty on myself or if the enemy is doing it.
Yes but it might have received the update. Basically Cold War has the tanks able to fire out to 1200m without any real delay in aim. That's it. If you're buying them off steam or matrix these days they should all be on the latest engine also.
thanks, I guess I'll try black sea first because they say cold war only has USA and Soviet side which is lame imo
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More screenshots. Clockwise from top-left:
Soviet I-15's about to bomb German positions; German soldiers during an assault; Soldier facing Soviet KV-1 with a pistol (he survived, don't ask me how); Soldier posing in front of destroyed T-34; Machinegunner engaging Soviet troops on the slope of the salt dome; BT tank taking a bath.
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>see explosion
>zoom in
>see this hero rubbing his head in the center of a scorch mark
Wew he took a direct hit from a anti-tank gun and got back up.
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This campaign was brutal. An avalanche of Soviet tanks facing a hailstorm of German shells. I almost lost it because I forgot to reassign my AT to units after reorganising the front at turn 7 which meant I had to retreat from one battle the moment I spotted ANOTHER FUCKING GROUP OF TANKS.
The StuGs and armored cars were a blessing, I don't think I would've managed to push the Soviets back in time without them.
Preplanned artillery is offmap; so you can't move them away; only their observer-- until they have it dialed in, they have to at least be able to see the explosions to know that the arty is on point
if you are talking about on map artillery and observed fire, if you move a gun they'll have to take time to re-aim it, and the officer will have to observe the fire again for it to stay accurate
>anti tank gun
that's why I suppose
the gentle STuG has saved my ass so many times I've lost count-- I prefer towed guns for just defense, because they're a little smaller, but if you keep STuGs or Marders back to plug the gaps in your line and mop up enemy tanks which break through its a godsend
In the big operation you get with the base game, I had a single STuG with 9 tank kills by the end of the operation
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I just love it when my retarded drivers go right into a 155 shell crater and flip their vehicles
adds a little spice to each mission
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Soviets versus Imperial Japanese in Manchuria DLC when?
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>so you can't move them away; only their observer
I did mean the observer. Also realized I didn't specify that I'm talking about graviteam here, not sure how it works in Combat Mission. I believe I answered my own question though given the results of this battle. If you have scheduled only artillery, it will keep the same accuracy that shows in the deployment map when you schedule it and keep firing basically no matter what. Doesn't matter if you pull the spotter back so he doesn't get killed. I was asking because I had played a battle where I set scheduled only arty with very poor accuracy and dropped it right on my MGs and anti-tank guns.
>see a single man with a pistol walking in a field 5km away
>2 minutes later mortar fire drops on their head
Did this happen IRL? If I have arty and I see a flare I call it. I've played too many campaigns already where I've let 100s of shells sit there unused.
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>not pictured: MG recklessly firing tracer rounds through tall grass 20m away
Grim of Death DLC was pretty boring. It was way more infantry focused than the pictures lead you to believe.
>300 hours
>never once have seen a flamethrower actually throw flames
Which DLC are good for it, or have flame tanks? I'm assuming it's good for urban fighting, like IRL, but I don't know the conditions for it to be triggered.
>way more infantry focused than the pictures lead you to believe.
Most if the listings are like that. If there are vehicles in it, they will be focused on in the pics. Croatian legion has 3 pics of this epic "APC" where it looks like you sit on bench seating that lifts you over the armor
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I actually looked it up right after making this post and it was apparently made to primarily tow artillery. Still looks funny.
The variant that mounted a 57mm is even cuter.
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They did it again
I'm getting real tired of these fucking forests. Next turn I'm swapping in the real heavy arty and I'm going to turn this into a WW1 battlefield. I have like two turns until night and I don't want to be clearing woods in the dark.
>I found a good download of their sekrit club ITM mod
link nigga?
Gravitranners how many DLCs have you pirated?
I bought like half of them, generally will pay for niche games to support them. I just checked and it does seem to be on cs.rin.ru though.
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pak36 certainly cant be underestimated, even at 260m some volkssturm can lob that stick of pain straight into your dustbin launcher and nuke you
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>drives over some pebbles
>every single tread link flies in different directions
At least they look imposing
the dieppe raid was too genius for this world
See now that would be a good combat mission scenario, trying to somehow not get completely raped on that lovely beach and actually push out and even survive for long enough to evacuate.
I do very much hope the next combat mission is set in those earlier days, I've had enough 43-45
So I've recently watched "Stalingrad" and now I'm kinda looking for something that incorporates that specific thing into my vidya.
So I checked out Graviteam's stuff as they seem to be into the whole ww2 milsim thing but they specifically skip the siege of Stalingrad (Graviteam Tactics: Dawn of Blau set before and Graviteam Tactics: Raid taking place after) so now I'm wondering, is this some sort of taboo subject thing? Or do devs just agree that the whole scenario sucks for gameplay?
IIRC the graviteam dev has said he intentionally looks for smaller unknown engagements as parts of larger battles. I'm not sure there are any campaigns taking place in a purely urban area, but I haven't played them all. The campaigns are also like 6-24 turns with turns being from 1-3 hours. Best you're going to get is a smaller engagement over some outskirts village. If you mean the German 1993 Stalingrad it's pretty good.
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>don't worry comrade, the entire enemy force isn't waiting in that treeline over that small hill
For me it's the flares. They always add to it.
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the lead dev is a true autist auteur and he prefers to highlight lesser known battles-- that plus the engine, which was originally developed for much shittier Eastern European machines, can't handle massive urban sprawl too well-- the AI and unit behaviours were programmed with that in mind so it was never made to handle house to house all that well
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Yeah, sometimes some really funny shit happens
pic related; the this Iraqi commander got blown out of his tank by an ATGM; landed on fire in the tree next to it; it really reminded me of that webm of that one Russia T72 commander getting turret tossed and slamming through the roof of a nearby building
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Trying to win Op. Nasr as the Iranians is absolute hell
Going in, I had no idea the Chieftains were so shitty; I played the Iraqi sides of the campaigns a while ago and I remember them regularly wrecking my T-55s-- I looked it up on the steam forums and sure enough there was a few long threads about it with Andrei shutting people down for complaining about 'balance'-- one suprise exception, most of my Chieftains only got enemy personnel carriers before exploding, but one crew managed to kill six Iraqi tanks before theirs got lit up by an ATGM--all four crew members managed to bail and survive the battle, so I guess they are going to be Heroes of the Revolution back home or something
I managed to scrape by in the first campaign thanks to a combination of Air Support, close range ambushes with RPG wielding infantry, and a column of enemy tanks getting bogged down after one of them throwing a track near a ford by the second campaign is really kicking my ass-- ATGM M113s, BMP-1 Malyuks have done nearly all the fighting; my helicopters seem to get turned away quite easily by machinegun fire compared to last campaign, and I don't have enough infantry or cover to adequately overwhelm them with RPGs-- I've had F4 Phantoms do a bombing run in one battle, but they chose extremely retarded targets, to the tune of only taking out a few enemy command vehicles and BRDMs

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