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>Total War: Star Wars refers to a rumored upcoming video game, reportedly being developed by Creative Assembly, which would combine the "Total War" strategy gameplay with the Star Wars universe, potentially allowing players to command large-scale battles across different factions within the Star Wars galaxy.
finally, empire at war 2
>>1958815 (OP)
Would be cool, but I hope it's not just clone wars stuff.
>>1958815 (OP)
How did they get the licence?
They can't do world war 2 but they can do fucking star wars, this is going to be complete shit
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>>1958815 (OP)
CA openly said that setting of their future Total War is inherently so dark and brutal, they can't justify making blood and gore separate dlc for it in particular. Star Wars Total War was never real. Assuming that literally who consolefag journo wasn't simply outright lying, his source who "reportedly" leaked TW:SW in best case scenario mistook Cadians for Endor Rebels, Sentinels for AT-ST and Power Swords for Lightsabers.
>>1958815 (OP)
ah yes, the setting which has ground battles well suited to the TW formula. I can't wait for the x-wings to be totally ineffectual flying units and darth vader soloing armies.
>>1958815 (OP)
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What setting do you think you're talking about? Star Wars has a shit load of ground battle stuff.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGFb37ZU9Ls [Embed]

Yeah and they're fantastical style ground battles too
>no ww1
>no victoria era
>but star wars is good
I hate creative assembly
its not happening, wh40k is next TW game
>>1958815 (OP)
>they can't even make line warfare work
>wants to make game with tanks,planes and space combat
>it's going to be mouse wars anyway
This sounds horrible.
>they can't even make line warfare work
you can get decent enough line battles in fots tho
>ww1 tw
I pirate everything but I'd buy that
>>1958815 (OP)
Star wars is for gays and women. CA would be stupid to make a total war from it. Just do 40k like everyone wants.
>>1958815 (OP)
fuckin siiiiick I love star wars!!
>Just do 40k like everyone wants.
like every faggot, nigger and woman wants? No thanks. Stay in your unwashed ass and pits containment shops and boards.
I just don't get how a Total War game works with stuff like 40k or Star Wars. Fantasy or Empire/Napoleon is the most I can stretch it because combat is fairly static in those compared to how chaotic and overwhelming more modern, let alone a sci-fi setting will be. Like, how exactly does gameplay look? Won't it just be an RTS like C&C where you buy squads of units?
Ive been getting the nagging feeling CA wants to go the MtG route of branching off into different multiverses for future games, which would suck massive donkey dick but I really dont think they could pull off a Star Wars.
>I just don't get how a Total War game works with stuff like 40k or Star Wars
Then you need to shut your mouth and play the fucking fantasy titles and you'll see that they have firearms, artillery, tanks, air units, flamethrowers and all sorts of different weapons.
The only real complaint should be that CA's too stupid to figure out that the scale of battle maps should be larger than a football field.
I thought the license went to the dogs recently
Theres no need to be so hostile, doubting CA is pretty reasonable considering their track record. The big question here is if they will do space battles and how they will work. All past total war games effectively worked on a 2D plane, space is different. They could go an Empire at War route and effectively make them play as a 2D plane but the ships fly on the Y axis in context of where they need to be. It would be the simpler route to go if not a little lazy feeling in 2025. As far as the scale of Star Wars you dont even need to do that much, again Empire at War gave a sense of scale well enough and stormtroopers would only be in a regiment of like 25 soldiers each. Total War regularly allows thousands of troops per battle.
Space battles will just be meme naval warfare which means, non-existent or at best troops getting off of the ship to fight on land
because they're a dev house that retains no talent and only shuffles basic interns through it and forgot how to make naval battles in the fifteen years since Empire.
True but this isnt like we are fighting on a continent with some islands, your navy would be fairly essential to go from planet to planet. (assuming we are operating on that scale and not getting Coruscant Total War). If its an afterthought like past Total Wars it would be a huge mistake since the Star Wars IP lends itself to having epic space battles. Hell plenty of the games that have them whether strategy or FPS tend to be considered the best parts of the game. Honestly the more I think about it the Space aspect will really be what makes or breaks the game I think.
all TW games with guns have them fighting in Napoleonic blocks, trying to adapt the TW engine to WW2 or WH40k style cover shooting would be a nightmare and almost certainly not work

I think a WW1 game could work, make a formation that spaces out the soldiers a bit more and make them individual entities, use whatever code they made for garrisonable buildings for trenches.
>>1958815 (OP)
Please, no. Enough of this faggotry.
On one hand the star wars IP should be very cheap right now because it's a dead franchise
on the other hand is there even enough factions to make an interesting total war game?
>On one hand the star wars IP should be very cheap right now because it's a dead franchise
anon, that's not how business and corporations work. It's not very cheap and it's not going to ever be cheap. They could release 60 more Acolytes and it still wouldn't become cheap.
They paid BILLIONS to acquire it, and it has... le endless POTENTIAL. It's also managed by the most rabid greedy jews possible in the world.
Even if they flop another 100 Skeleton Crews, you will still have to put a million on the table to even start talking about licensing.
The only option the star wars IP gets sold for less than billions upon billions of dollars, is if Disney goes bankrupt overnight and all its assets are put up for auction. In which case you can still expect billions upon billions of dollars of competition to acquire it.
>>1958815 (OP)
that s fucking retarded and it s going to flop harded than pharoh , what kind of reddit onions star wars chud is going to buy a STATEGAY GAME . then again this is tw so it fits the target audience , it s just the setting that makes this retarded
Voting for tww2 to be the next game tho since we apparently don t give a shit anymore
You need to fix your brain damage tard.
Try playing a Total War more recent than 20 years ago and then maybe you can have a real opinion on the slop oozing out of the CAjeet studios now
As i said, fix you brain damage tard.

>static musket lines are the same as future space laser small squad skirmishes

Bold of you to tell the other anon to shut his mouth, being so stupid and all.
The player can do line warfare formations but the ai is incapable. This is true for all of the games featuring gunpowder, even warhammer. They would need to get this right before they attempt a Victorian or WWI game
>>1958815 (OP)
>nnoooooo too many firearms in Warhammer 40k it wouldnt make sense to make a total war game out of it
>make a Total War game on fucking Star Wars instead
>>1958815 (OP)
Based if OT era
Cautiously optimistic if PT era
DoA if ST era
>is there even enough factions to make an interesting total war game?
Clone wars era sure, the Imperial Era would be boring tho. Post imperial era used to be interesting until the RAT took over.
There would be if they set it in Legends canon (obviously they wont) with all the schisms and divisions in the Empire after the death of Empy Palps. Sequel Trilogy basically forgot all that though and just made all the factions/politics of its era GI Joe/cartoon level and yeah, there wont be anything to do there.
>>1958815 (OP)
how would that even happen aside from being basically empire at war 2 with total war sized land battles incorporating some tactical gameplay and then space battles, which would be something entirely different for CA but is just too expensive for them to develop
>>1958815 (OP)
The only thing that could potentially redeem them at this point is a proper medieval sequel with like 50 plus playable factions that aren't just different coloured spearmani units
>Cautiously optimistic if PT era
full of shit boomer faggot
CiS vs Core Worlds Republic is way more interesting in a strategy setting compared to the absolute bullshit asspull that is the original rebellion and the decline of the empire with EU sources.

>le righteous rebels defeat le evil empire by being le good
>scale doesn't matter
>three dudes on a stole freighter with guns can take on a militarized totalitarian state ruling the galaxy which for the past twenty years has solely focused and used all its resources on occupation and military development
>because the enigmatic leader and his two lieutenants die suddenly

far more realistic is a massive galaxy spanning civil war, but a topic like that would've never come to be in the 90s
people were too sheepish back then

the EU at least touched on aspects similar to that
CA is not working on Star Wars, the are working on 40K.
>abloo bloo reddit spacing muh realism
This has already been confirmed not to be the case, GW is ending their relationship with CA at the end of 2026.
Interesting where did you hear that?
Should have bought Pharaoh then.
>>1958815 (OP)
>Total War
Surely they'll bury the series before releasing another failure?
star wars has line formations?
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Aren't the prequels only seen in a good light only when compared to the sequels?
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>>1958815 (OP)
>>1958815 (OP)
Sad if true

Jar Jar as a hero unit lmao. Fantasoy fans will love it
1-6 are good movies and I'm really fucking tired of contrarian retards claiming otherwise. Battle for naboo is kino.
Podracing is kino.
Battle on geonosis is kino.
Obi-wan vs Jango Fett is kino.
Battle over coruscant is kino.
Boarding invisible hand is kino.
Crashing invisible hand is kino.
Hunt for grievous is kino.
Clone battles are kino.
Order 66? You guessed it. Pure unadulterated kino.
Fuck off with your wrong gay opinions already. Prequels are and always were based. I don't care what some retards on twitter and /tv/ are saying. They huff fermented turds and write shit takes all day every day
CA doesn't have any of those things in any modern TW title. What they have is a generic_unit_entity class object with identical features no matter what unit entity it is supposed to be representing. The ones that can shoot, all have the same generic missile weapon with the same features and functions. This has been the case since Rome 2, and it has utterly destroyed the tactical gameplay landscape of TW, which is why spreadsheet-level statistics seem to be the basis for all game mechanics now.
Not nearly as invested to care that much, was just wondering.
>>1958815 (OP)
CA would have to figure out how to do ship battles which they seemingly gave up on after rome 2. They did it well with Empire, Nappy, and Shogun 2 (other than FOTS). Space battles will be harder with 3d space.
Please god let it happen

Kill CA once and for all
I think this is finally it
They know they can't do historical
They can't get licensing for fantasy
Maybe they'll do another remaster?
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I agree. A 40k game would suit a real time system like Company of Heroes. Something a little bigger scale like Steel Division 2 would be cool.
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>CA doesn't have any of those things in any modern TW title
Yes it does. Imagine pilpuling this hard
>What they have is a generic_unit_entity class object with identical features no matter what unit entity it is supposed to be representing
You have no idea what you are talking about
> and it has utterly destroyed the tactical gameplay landscape of TW,
TW:Warhammer is the first and only TW with tactical depth to it
>spreadsheet-level statistics seem to be the basis for all game mechanics now
If that was true animations wouldn't be a massive factor in how units behave
>TW:Warhammer is the first and only TW with tactical depth to it
low effort bait
>>1958815 (OP)
I don't give a shit about Star Wars so I don't care
ok thanks for posting in a star wars thread we care about you and your opinion
>>1958815 (OP)
I would like a large scale 40k or star wars strategy game but not a Total War game in those settings.
I think it's more likely they'd do 40K over Onions Wars. But I don't see a way they could accomplish it without creating a new engine specifically to handle it. Aside from single-entity units, fantasy is largely regiment based so that translates easily to Total War. But 40K is cover-based with loose squads which wouldn't translate that well to the Warscape engine. I guess they could go the DoW route to implement it, but at that point they're just remaking DoW/CoH. And given how incompetent CA are, I can't imagine them doing a better job even considering how shit modern DoW games are.
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>>1958815 (OP)
It is unlikely that the concept of total war on star wars will be similar to strategies on antiquity and middle ages, it is more likely to be something similar to wargame.
It has to be 40K. If they chose SW they're stupid, it's just a dying franchise.
is the empire at war campaign good? or should i play galactic battlegrounds instead. the latter i already own
Cringe cuckcore
I had fun with it but I was also a child, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
>>1958815 (OP)
On the one hand, Total War gameplay is much more suited for line battle and close combat.

On the OTHER HAND, Clone Wars canonically looked like this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEKOWpt1AvI [Embed]
Bras have we ever seen a space combat game in which the vessels weren't just "sea-ships in space" ?
Everything we've launched in to space is "sea-ships in space"
If you want mecha, just say so
Have you ever seen a fantasy animal that wasnt just a mash up of Earth animals? No and the reason why is the same.
what do you want them to be? Food? You want a biomass celery stalk ship you can snack on while hyperspacing?
FPBP, though I'm wondering how moving units on the map will work. I haven't seen every Star Wars movie so I don't know better, but people ITT are saying the clone wars would make for a good campaign, I'm guessing that's because they take place on just one planet? I heard somewhere that CA swore off doing any more campaigns that span more than one map like the campaign in Empire Total War, so I'm having trouble conceptualizing a Star Wars campaign since I remember Star Wars being about going to different planets, which implies multiple world maps.

That sounds badass!

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