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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>dexerto vtuber journalist and biggest nijisanji dickrider is quitting
Another w in the bag for the niji anti bros
>Not forever
But it probably should be
>Not forever, but definitely a hiatus.
Shame, the internet would be better with this faggot removed from it permanently.
A rare win on both Holo, niji and the entire chuubaverse.
wait this faggot have vtuber model?
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i can hope and pray it's an indefinite hiatus okay
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>Vtubing ate me whole and spat me out

Maybe it wouldn't have if you didn't bat for a black fucking company, and turned a blind eye to their malpractices. Don't forget to properly tie your noose.
>Niji dies so hard their biggest shill FLEES
post THAT image
Who's this guy? Never heard of him. How the fuck does the concept of "writing vtuber" even work?
>biggest niji shill
>tattoo of silvervale
he was a notoriois nijishill/holo anti who wrote retarded articles trying to make holo look bad/niji look good. The thing is that he kept self-owning and having to damage control
one time silvervale forced him to change his interview because he tried to twist her statements into anti-idol shit
one time he claimed a luxiem collab would "break vtubing records" and it fucking flopped and got mogged by a random FWMC stream
>vtubing ate me whole and spit me out
No normal person experiences this in the vtubing community. He had this experience because he was a faggot (in spirit) and routinely acted like one by having retard takes on drama
shilling niji and vshojo while shitting on hololive
Isn't this like the 4th time he's said this in the past year?
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>"Niji EN dick too flaccid to ride now, I quit"
Here you go buddy, you can ride this instead
thank god, this dude is such a prick
Rest in piss retard
So he's basically just a wannabe journalist nijifag? Good riddance then. I thought he's an actual writer, writing stories and stuff like than on stream.
>nijisanji is so fucked up not even i can defend them anymore
is what he's saying
Even Niji fans called this dude out on his bullshit.

Honestly its a win for everyone
Holostars future member
It's unreal how much mileage this one reaction image has gotten. Fucking unreal.
The retard with a shitty Silvervale tattoo is all I know about him
Go to /wg/ if you want vtuber related writing
A stubborn, bullheaded bootlicker to the end.
Don't worry though he went to the Hololive Dreamhack concert so he's totally not a bootlicker
Good fucking riddance, guy was an embarrassment with less knowledge than your average catalogfag
Why the fuck did I read that with False's voice?
>recent news has been promising though (Denauth)
This guy fucking sucks at his job.
>scrolled down
>nobody has posted the infamous "this collab will break numbers in Vtuber history" pic
For shame, /vt/
>300-400 CCV within one week of debuts
Looks more reasonable than /vt/.
>i-if we subtract this part of the nijien revenue and pretend the yoy decline is the q3 to q4 decline the selen shock exists!
>nijien was popular in china? what's luxiem?
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Reminder that he started being a holoanti when Kiara called out his """journalism"""
Kill yourself Ducky
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Why are you here, ducky? Go drink your onions-infused kale smoothie.
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>i-if we subtract this part of the nijien revenue and pretend the yoy decline is the q3 to q4 decline the selen shock exists!
You mean the events they dusted off to prop up their numbers after shooting themselves in the foot?
what did kiara reply to?
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>vtubing ate me whole and spit me out
that was just the working for nijisanji experience he absorbed via osmosis like a plant
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Still makes me laugh, fuckin classic
Kek, forgot the fag has been.coming here as well
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>Shilling for one of the most hated corpo in Vtuber communities
>"Vtubing ate me whole and spat me out"
Yeah no shit sherlock, thats what you get for being black corpo bootlicker
how embarrassing
I dont understand people who put so much into vtubing when they dont actually like it or know anything about it and just make shit up on the fly
cursed image
FalseGODS winning
He always had the worst takes, is like he watched vtubers from inside of some weird bubble
Getting that Silvervale tattoo removed is probably gonna be an arduous and painful process
rip bozo
>Overestimated they were off their usual timezones and short notice.
The faggot even copes like a numberfag. Holy shit am I glad he's gone. With a bit of luck the next thing we'll hear of him is obituary.
Made many sisters believe that the word 'sister' was used as a replacement for nigger.
Didn't this guy already said this a month ago or something? Or was that a different person?
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>look this guy up
>he's a virtue signalling twat who tried to cancel another dramatuber

Someone tell him NijiEN doesn't have any black members.
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Dexerto's crimes against vtubing
>Infamous Niji shill since 2021, has been shilling how Kuzuha is the biggest vtuber ever since
>Wrote a hitpiece on Silvervale/vshojo, lied how she said that vshojo is the only corpo that allows you to talk about your family and how niji/holo bans it. Admits he edited it in as his """"opinion""""
>Made a retarded as fuck "top vtubers list" where he used a clip of Ayame for Pekora, reason for that being? He just typed in "Pekora-chan" in youtube and picked the first result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb82IGIHwkM&pp=ygULcGVrb3JhLWNoYW4%3D , he fucked up Sakura Miko as well
>Doesnt know that the -chan is short for channel and not a honorific
>When called out by Kiara he tried to turn it into Kiara sending her fans to harass him
>Tried to claim that the only reason why Hololive and Nijisanji are relevant is because "journalists" like him post drama about them
>Retarded as fuck and clearly doesn't know anything about vtubing culture
I mourn the toxicity that drove him out, but celebrate the fact that it nonetheless eliminated one more tazmi bootlicker.
He also has a Silvervale tattoo
Why are journalists some of the least informed on anything they cover? You see it everywhere. Not all of them, but it's insane how often this happens.
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It's been that way for decades. The online "journos" just happen to be worse, but journalism as a whole has been in the shitter. I don't even remember the last time the Pulitzer was worth anything.
How inspiring that he's leaving to pursue his true calling as a truck stop whore.
The bubble is called leftism
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I hate tattoos, but if you're going to get one, at least make it look good. This looks terrible.
who reads this shit
what for
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I wouldn't get tattoos of THAT quality even if someone offered me ten grand to do it.
I imagined Shion here saying
>eh? kimoi...
At least he acknowledges that nijiEN has been dying for quite some time, while still having a bit of hope for some reason.
he covered it up with the whole harry potter stuff last year kekekekek
>Made a retarded as fuck "top vtubers list" where he used a clip of Ayame for Pekora, reason for that being? He just typed in "Pekora-chan" in youtube and picked the first result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb82IGIHwkM&pp=ygULcGVrb3JhLWNoYW4%3D [Embed] , he fucked up Sakura Miko as well
he even don't watch the clip, truly holo anti,
>anycolor has closed all the money investments for nijien
>suddenly this faggot quits
kek this homo was 100% on their payroll
would not be surprised since they tried it in the japanese market in the past by making their own "organic niji clippers"
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easy money is easy money. The political selfellating fest ended in my country a couple of weeks ago yet there are still pieces of shit uploading the samey video of "OH MEY GAH, YOU WON'T BELIEV WHAT X SIDE DID NOW!" getting a fuckton of views just by changing the title and thumbnail.
Can imagine is the same for him with dramawhores.
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This. The only tattoos that I've ever thought actually looked aesthetic are the ones that Yakuza members get
>See 4chan calling people "sisters" all the time in an obviously negative way
>See people call Nijifags "Nijiniggers" all the time on 4chan
>See people called "Niji sisters" all the time on twitter
>Add 2+2
>Get 8
>Tell everyone "sister" is actually super sekret code for "nigger" and anyone who says it is racist
>Instantly turned to paste
Finally some good fucking news. Guy is a faggot and a hack and should stay away permanently. Fuck this guy.
As a leftist, I could never shill for exploitative companies like that guy did.
He's joining Holostars EN
The thing I love most about this image is
>So this luxiem+noct offcollab are probably to announce their 3d right?
THEY STILL HAVEN'T ANNOUNCED THEIR 3D. Yeah I know they're doing things in order and Ethyria would actually debut before them, but regardless it shows how fucking late NijiEN's management are on capitalizing on trends and now they've missed their opportunity to have huge 3D numbers. FYI luxiem debuted christmas 2021 and their 3D will probably happen in fall 2024. Nice job missing the window by 3 years.
If you are actually a streamer or something it can get really stressful. It sucks because vtubing should be something fun and relaxing for everyome, but you've seen the state of this board.
Not an article, but he also posted several tweets suing skewed maths to explain how NijiEN’s 2% merch cut wasn’t a big deal back during that drama, too
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did he say anything during the selen shock doki resurrection
i thought he did
i remember the whole "nijisister is le racist"
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It is unbelievable that someone was paid to do as shit a job reporting on vtubers as this guy
You could have done a better job just copy-pasting this board's /news/ thread into ChatGPT
Is this guy the dave meltzer of vtubers
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What would be Ducky's "They took Shibata's brain out to treat a concussion" moment?
Dexerto as a whole is a rag, not sure I've ever seen a quality article from them.
lmao he is completely delusional
Fucking worthless coattail riders.
What did Kiara say? I'm surprised it was even addressed.
kek. thx
literally fucking who
Meltzer is actually respected though, this guy wasn't
Depends on the journalist and what they cover. Almost every single journalist who covers media and entertainment is a very typical so.yjack looking motherfucker. Unfortunately this lazy form of reactionary clickbait has ruined a lot of serious journalism in science and tech as well. There are a few principled Lefty/SJW journalist who are critical of govt. and global events but those guys are usually underpaid and die mysteriously. Most right wing journalist are just talking heads who cry about trannies and the dying family structure despite them trying their hardest to kill it by making home owning impossible and forcing a renting structure in the US.
no malice to him personally but he definitely thought he was big shit in vtubing despite the fact that drama vtubers like False, Nousagi and Khyo exist and each of them run circles around him.
>he definitely thought he was big shit in vtubing
It was funny
>honest reporting
>dishonest reporting
As you said, the three vermin kings run circles over his retardation.
Genuidly die /pol tard.
If you think journalist who cover entertainment media or shit like "esports" are in anyway redeemable human beings you deserve to die a slow painful death.
Kill yourself Ducky. The world would be a genuinely less awful place without you.
RIP in pepperoni
Good rundown
>writing about vtubers
what a fucking leech lmao
Yes. There's a reason why everyone uses his star rankings
I'm a "nijifag" and I have no clue who this nigger is, holy shit you guys are pathetic
Meltzer is the Depressed Nousagi of wrestling
just because he beloved and know by a small faction of an audience doesnt mean he's respected anon
Dude even called himself a vtuber journalist on his Twitter bio but everyone kept calling him out for his obvious favoritism that he had to change it to vtuber writer.
Hey I ain't been in the /sp/ cesspool in a while but does /f1/ got good memes?
Just means he's in NijiEN 9 (maybe, I have lost count).
If this guy says Vtubing ate him and spat him out all without actually being a vtuber then there's no way he would make it
>le left wing good
>le right wing bad (and responsible for all the things wrong in the world)

Kill yourself
Get back to me when FalseEyeD is gone.
rest in piss
yeah you'd like that wouldn't tou nijinig
literally who?
imagine being a dramafaggot who cares about this crap
Not only was he in Niji's payroll, I believe he bought shares at somecpoint with his economies
>Kurosanji is sinking
>Rats abandoned the ship
Hiatus? Nah, probably this fag will never come back, as other shillers and bootlickers.
>Riku is going to stop investing on NijiEN
>The bootlickers are suddenly jumping ship
I want to think that he paid them, the alternative would be just too sad and pathetic
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Did anything happen with this?
Do Cover not vet "journalists" at all? The guy literally wrote multiple articles attacking them over shit he completely made up and they invited him to their office?
anyone can unironically tour the studio
its why some nijis, vspo, artists, mamas have done it
Before he got into vtubers he was a game """journalist""" - that should tell you all you need to know about him.
I don't know what's sadder, that he's getting paid to shill for Niji and everyone with a brain shits on him, or that he's probably also getting paid minimum wage like the interns.

You get what you pay for, Riku
nah niji shills are actually decently paid
iirc one of the paid "organic clippers" spilled the beans in the past saying that it was a very lucrative endeavor
velo and koeff hinted at the same thing as well
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Oh yeah, it broke some things alright, my sides are broken laughing at this retard.
Even a middle schooler is not this bad, good fucking lord.
I'm surprised they don't just use bots or AI for shilling considering the level of slop this idiot writes. I'm surprised he even got a job as a writer.
ahhh yeah
good riddance this faggot is so fuckng annoying
Of course Niji pays their propaganda wing more than their actual Livers.
why are you surprised? its not unsusual considering one of VTA job was to monitor and "supplement" any niji related discussion aside from making clips of the livers
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>Biggest streamer is some fictional character in an anime show
Is this real, bros? Is the merge finally happening?
Only serious journalism is war journalism
the only good journalist is a dead one
>one time silvervale forced him to change his interview because he tried to twist her statements into anti-idol shit
That was this guy? Good fucking riddance, then.
>random fwmc stream
Was gonna KWAB but I guarantee it was being botted because it was the doggos.
If it was anyone else though
didn't this guy aggravate both holo and niji?
>not long after debut
>FWMC collab with Fubuki
>it must have been botted!
Stop being retarded
He's generally been comically sycophantic towards Niji, so I don't know there. He did manage to annoy both hololive and vshojo fans by adding a bunch of quotes he literally made up into his interviews with vshojo members in an attempt to portray them as saying hololive was bad
i think it's one of those things where he thinks he's "in the niji fan community" because of his breathless turboshilling, but he's also so unbelievably fucking retarded and annoying that i would be surprised if the niji fan community in general wanted anything to do with him. so when this anon here >>78246544 says they don't want him, i don't have a hard time believing that. i can't recall ever seeing anyone praising him. the only discussion about him i've ever seen is variations of wanting him to shut the fuck up and go the fuck away.
Okay how long until he's back?
hes a fuckng nijifag through and through
>i would be surprised if the niji fan community in general wanted anything to do with him.
then consider yourself surprised since he was very active in the niji community and even went on several niji events off the job
I remember at the time of the silvervale article a lot of the people complaining were nijifags annoyed at him trying to present vshojo as the first and only group to try non-idol vtubing
>indefinite hiatus
hes joinning niji isnt he
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>hes joinning niji isnt he
>he's joining Niji
he gets what he fucking deserves
Didnt he randomly insult nijisanji in the aftermath of that silvervale interview?

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