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Last thread >>78945649
>Currently live
Roberu Lost Judgment
Temma Elden Ring DLC
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Astel would like to know what anime songs are popular overseas.
Idol's pretty popular back when oshi no ko was airing, maybe he should dance to that. Also micomet covered this song so maybe Astel and Izuru could do a duet of this song.
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>>79229995 (me)
Should've added this too
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this robechan could f*ck me everyday
we know, mea
i could f*ck this robechan everyday
I was about to call you timetraveler, but then I checked and both covers actually got released in same day.
Why micomet got to go to miko's channel but bratt's was released in official holostars channel?
They want to promote the Bratt unit, their other recent covers have all been on the official channel, and Astel did say he'd like a sub channel to be made for them (and other units like unplan and Uproar), because monetization on those sub channels could help fund their activities.

For Idol specifically though they did also release solo versions on their own channels.
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> c'mon EOPs, help Astel-senpai out
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Kyomu suzume, more like, Kuuru suzume.
So cool.
this anon is >>79229159 is Liz
Miyabi Cooking Stream
holostars always lack of everything
lack of clips
lack of translators
lack of accessible to kaigai audience
lack of support from the management

but they have too much merch and too much spam of online advertisement, that's basically all they have.
merch is the main moneymaker you doofus
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Speaking of lack, this maid Arusan is so fuckable I want to stick a vibrator under that dress
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remember this temma? lol i remembered they said the original pose was too slutty they nerfed but it's still is
is it, but every week is too much when the community is small. they won't be able to increase the stock like astel wanted
Sorry for not bumping the thread bros, no Majin stream yet + wage slaving + still deep into the danmei hole.
I really like this Little Mushroom novel I'm reading right now.
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Speaking of merch, does the shift of all the group merch being only on animate/movic actually help them I wonder? For fans the only benefit seems to be the bromides. I suppose if it was on the official Holo shop we probably wouldn't get stuff like the cups and anything else that isn't plastic.
I need art of top Miyabi needs molesting both
we just need more art of top miyabi
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I do... imagine how much more lewd it was, and they got to see it. If only that draft could see the light of day.
Also, amusingly, I noticed he posed similarly during Flayon's showcase. This lewd knight...
miyabi deflowering every member by debut order treating them as his sex slaves and demanding them to pay for his food ToT
But Yurustars is dead...
Miyabi just mentioned Arusan on stream minutes ago, Temma and Arusan watch each other's SF6 streams too
There still is hope
no, give up. they haven't even mentioned it in a while so basically a dead unit like the others.
still not as dead as babudon riznote and mafia
yurustars forever
Hanakishi communication at its finest
you're so nasty, i like that
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I remember an anon saying Temma has big bulge irl but didn't remember where they get the info from.
it's roommate shit, kishimen love to flaunt that info
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Iirc there was at least 4 months of nothing outside of individual celebrations, Holofes merch and VPs before the Rakuten Spa collab. It's just the summer spam that will calm down later again.

It probably helps as in serving as stealth advertisement just by being in local stores and being accessible for local fans. Also animate charges less for domestic shipping than holoshop too. Your last point is correct too because movic is specifically manufacturing those goods too for example the customania is their copyright product for those acrylic frames. The nui designs is theirs too which is why they need to contract movic if they want to produce new ones.
Nice but he should've used edible glitter
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he didn't? why did he even put it then? lol and he wanted aruran to eat them?
That was a pretty quick konbini run... he also sounds like he's dying kek
he used silver dragees and called them athrun instead of arazan
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His sword is magnificent
Kajuugumi and Bratt game collab at 22JST tomorrow
Also Kingdom Hearts and Utawaku as well
Hell yeah let's go
What are they playing, did he say?
Shien mentioned having to postponed a Splatoon collab few days ago so maybe it's Splatoon.
I believe it's this game
Majin trying out SF6 M. Bison
I don't expect him to stick with Dictator but we'll see
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I hope it's not splatoon and is that other one instead. Looks fun
He confirmed it's the chain game.
Honestly Majin's best SF streams are just when he messes around with characters in casuals, glad he's having fun with Dictator
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Ummmm bukatachi!?
explain why your oshi isn't streaming but bullying Majin during casuals
MaFia hate each other
He hates streaming
Unexpectedly he likes Dictator and will practice more, I'm happy with this development
No one linked Uyu's Passpartout...
Vertical passpartout is a blight on this world, fuck that shit
Vertical Palworld was more painful but my love for Uyu overrides my hatred of vertical gaming streams.
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More power to you
I wish he zoomed out a bit so that the screen didn't cover the top of his head
Looks cramped as hell
I've written fantasies about them fucking each other but lately I crave violence. Holostars should have a fistfight. Then I could tend to their bloody noses.
who would win the holostars fistfight? my bets on miyabi
Why Miyabi?
keeping in mind that im a massive newfag, miyabi just feels like hes the type of person who says that hes like a black belt in some martial art at a dinner without realising thats even special
>chained together
>Boss put them in their Arabian Nights outfits for the thumbnail
Great, now I'm going to have horny thoughts of them being taken to the slave market to have mob oil baronsinvestors in a bidding war to buy the set. ToT
Forgot the link
I'm betting on Temma. Oga is too soft to actually get in a fistfight with the others and Temma would have no issue with trying to beat up Aruran.
temma would easily be top 5 i think
I think it'd be Temma. He has the strength and won't feel too bad about using it.
But the winner isn't really important, I'm more interested in how they'd behave when filled with adrenaline from fighting. Someone like Aruran or Oga would hold back because they know their strength but I like the idea of weaker guy like Roberu just fucking losing it and needing to get pulled off from Astel or something, since he's always keeping up the professional front. Or Izuru grabbing a rock to make it more even fight, since he's a twig
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izuru going cain and abel on the rest of the boys kek
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>Someone like Aruran or Oga would hold back because they know their strength
That sounds so hot and sweet. Aruran would hold back so much on Izuru because deep down he loves him however he’s so fed up from his bullying but won’t hesitate to punch full strength on Astel and the others
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Izuru choking Aruran while riding him later, ordering him to stop being such a softie towards him ToT
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Cute kishi
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We need more top Miyabi! I miss this artist...
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Miyabi is known for being unathletic and having no stamina (he's gotten better though). There are actual black belts in the group though--Temma and Altare, and they both showed this off in their 3D debuts. Astel and Izuru have also said they were black belts, but it was when they were younger and they obviously have no interest in it now.
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Gamma-nui enjoyed the catfish
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Miyabi schedule for the day
Kingdom Hearts 2 at 13JST
Utawaku at 19JST
Chained Together with Izuru, Astel and Shien at 22JST
I thought that was nekota tsuna for a sec. I wish they also had a boob window outfit
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The bartender nui is a snack.
Hey! Don’t die!
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Same. I just looked at the thumbnail and thought it was her. Got confused where I was for a second.
Do you think Aruran actually likes being bullied? You think for like 4+ years he would be kind of tired being the punching bag for other’s jokes but he takes it all with a smile. It’s quite fascinating
He's a masochist, of course he likes it
At the same time I feel like he doesn't get bullied as much as when he was Arupapa.
I don’t think I’ll ever shut up about Izuru and Arusan being the best potential duo
Please never do, I love your posts.
Gamma Elden Ring
>bullies himself physically a.k.a training everyday to destress
he definitely likes the pain
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Getting a snack from the fridge what do you guys want?
KH2 issues, stream hopefully at 14JST
You got some soda in there? It's a hot day.
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yeah can I get uhhhhh... a hanasaki miyabi kh stream
give me the alien
Ice cream, cookies and cream flavor
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Miyabi Kingdom Hearts 2
axel was my childhood crush miyabi you better take care of him...
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Collab on the 28th
qrd on who these people are and how they know each other?
I think I recognize one of them
Sukoya Hana. Now art sister to Shiorin
They’re all TRPG players. Special mention to Sukoya on the right for being Shien’s sister’s ex
Shien choosing his sister's ex over his sister....
Okay then, who's green person and brown kemo over there?

Also, I knew it was Sukoya, cant mistake the eyes. Nor that beautiful silver hair.
Green guy is Meitantei Jack. He’s more of a TRPG host than a player + he invited Shien to play a TRPG scenario on his channel nearly two months ago (ft. Carro Pino from .LIVE)

Middle one is Mokota Mememe from .LIVE. Don’t know much about her but she also indulges in TRPGs like most of the .LIVE girls
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who is the biggest rapist in holostars and why is it rio
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“anesan let's collab again some time"
>never does a proper collab with tomoe again
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That's KH2 done
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Miyabi Utawaku
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>chained together
>used the slutty arabian agf art
he knew what he was doing
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There are two kinds of thumbnails.
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Chained Together with Miyabi, Izuru, Astel and Shien
https://youtu.be/hI0yc2fDTnA - Astel
https://youtu.be/l_2f8J1wI-Y - Shien
Why is Shien's name "Tengu monkey"?
>Boss telling Izuru to do an Only Up RTA
Majin 4ever blueluminous
thought he wasn't going to stream tonight, glad to be mistaken
>astel saying the game is easy peasy
cocky seaweed
Even though it is going well I find it interesting, it's fun to see good teamwork and progress.
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I only opened the stream just now and went 'Huh? Who's being quirky and named themselves 'E (Pull)'?' Then I realised.
I wonder how long they're gonna be here, no~ru ke~pu is already stuck in my head
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Poor Izuru...
Astel said he initially invited Fuma, imagine if there was Fuma instead Izuru kek
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This person appeared on all Stars chat, Aruran and Octavio's too.
On a serious note, do you think Uproar can clear this game?
What’s so cool about that
I love uproar, so never.
Absolutely not
IDK, suspicious? I opened other streams, but no, they were only on our boys' streams.
kek what an ending
After 2 and a half hours of suffering, they all fell back to the beginning stage and rage quit the game…
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Stop being retarded.
OMG no one saw that thing XD
Maybe, just maybe, they only like holostars hence why they’re in their chats? Fucking retard, use your brain
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What's so special about that? I almost never chat outside Stars and my holo oshi's streams. Looks like a person just getting into the fanbase.
Cute Animatic Clip
That tooth story was one of my favorite chat stories last year, I wish the government gave out money for them too
The first collab is with Ajinomoto: https://aete.ajinomoto.co.jp/pages/lp_astelleda?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=astelleda&utm_content=jk_12_02
A restaurant? I guess it really was something only JP nikis would recognize.
That’s interesting, I wonder why they picked Astel specifically though.
Probably because he has the biggest appetite among all the stars members
robechan doesn't eat, robot don't need msg
Hey, when he went out to eat motsunabe with Rio for the radio show he actually asked for seconds. Even Rio was shocked to see it.
Have you seriously never heard of ajinomoto before?
nta but no
>he never eats MSG
what a stale life you have...
Mostly known for msg and other spices but this is for a meal subscription program.
I'm that anon, and no.
Ok, thanks anon. I never bother to check out the ones they have here, feels too expensive compared to just going grocery shopping yourself.
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Which Holostars member is most likely to go “hip hip hooray!” And do this
I would say Aruran after the jumps he was making in the live.
I don't know about the hip hip hooray part, but Gamma can definitely jump like that
Hands down Aruran
So that's what it was.
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Aruran, Astel and Gamma
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At first glance, this one kinda look like something from an otome game
It does kinda have the vibes of Miyabi questioning his possible LIs
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>This Art
>Shien not being here
Why would Shien be there. He wasn't part of the Mixed Nuts performance.
I thought Oga was just sticking out of the top of the fucking car. Like he was just so tall he was jammed through the roof.
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Really? You've never heard of one of the biggest MSG manufacturers in the world? This sponsorship is for their frozen meals though.
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I'm a spic, my family is full-on traditional natural spices.
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Roberu in Kagura Mae’s outfit could be interesting I think, legs spread apart,,, humiliated and disgusted as he’s violated in his friends outfit
Kagami Kira
I guess that checks out. MSG is still more of an asian thing
Tsukishita Kaoru
Fuma playing on a slot machine (?)
Yakushiji Suzaku
Is that really his last name? It doesn’t feel real
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Oga doing another Capcom watch along
Jesus christ Fuma scared me
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Gamma Drawing

I don't think you should worry about something like that.
Brother, Jurard was attacked for bantering with A-chan about Holotori.
Never underestimate their retardation.
Shinove got her
That's the problem you dumbass
Miyabi FFXIV
It shouldn't be but here we are.
Sigh...I'm just on high alert...
You’re more obsessed over antis than antis are with the stars kek. Mentally ill behavior at its finest
I just..sigh...

Well, you couldn't be an anti, you're in this thread...
i hate astel
Majin Dokkan Battle
not even 15 minutes in and Majin's already suffering...
good, i like watching him suffer
>a-chan leaves
>Majin gets fucked over in gacha
what an ill-omened stream
Astel Ajinomoto sponsored stream
aran is on shaka and haitani's team
wait no I'm an idiot, the team's haven't been mace yet there will be a draft stream on 15/07 to choose them
can you at least tell what tourney is this
why am i watching an alien shill frozen food to me
I probably won't even be able to find most of these in the supermarket
Because he's a cute salesman.
nta but it's the SF6 portion of the Rage Super Match
Rio P3R
I don't mind ERB being on Astel's stream, but I wished the EOPs wouldn't bring it up so much because it's a sponsorship stream.
man it's so awkward. she doesn't know the chat etiquette at all, keeps derailing the conversation, mentioning chatters by name etc. a true EOP queen for all the EOPs
Does she not know JP chat etiquette? Especially since this is an important sponsored stream.
Nope, she was even spamming messages in Subaru’s chat as well a few days ago

For fans to post about the meals if they buy them.
I'm used to his chat being ridden with annoying EOPs but it just bothered me because it's one of his first important sponsorships. It just wasn't the time and place for it.
I am ready to believe those are falseflaggers tryna make En fans look bad
Do you ever look at your posts and tweets and see how much of a parody falseflagger you look yourself? Stop being retarded, watch streams or work on your mod.

Astel utawaku
About the mod...I think I ra into a fatal error at the end of Ch12.
May need to call help since I'm at wit's end.
And that's aside the bigger problem.
Seaweed what is this
>elizabeth is fucking reimu-tier
The times he has played with the autotune before werent as heavyhanded as this.
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The Arusan bullying never stops... but that's also how Miyabi shows his love
What a slut.
im gonna suck on those collarbones
Shien Splatoon with Meitantei Jack, Mokota Mememe & Sukoya Kana
Roberu with Tamaki, Mea, Mari, Life-sensei and Akasaka Aka
Great news, Uproar are gonna do Chained Together
Thats going to be a loud trainwreck
They’re gonna do worse than Kajuugumi + Bratt
Temma Elden Ring
Temma Elden Ring DLC
Miyabi reached level 90 in the new job!
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that blood? mine
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>moaning while his kouhai is watching
whore seaweed
Yaranaika, /stars/?
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Astel what the fuck
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Can you guys watch my baby?
I'm putting that thing in one of Musk's rockets and sending that fucker home
>sending that fucker home
you say that like the rocket wouldn't explode on launch kek
I don't like Liz. She's annoying as hell in chat.
She's probably only going to do it with astel, next zatsu will be entertaining
Didn't she likes Majin?
>She's probably only going to do it with astel
That's worse, I like Astel...
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What do you mean?
Yes, I will feed him chocolate cake.
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Meh, that's just her continuing to be a Starmin but now on her work account lol
I don't think I've seen a coworker spam another's chat this much, even for EN. I'm sure Mane-san will say something about it eventually since it can get quite disruptive.
Astel did that to other stars a lot of times tho?
The "Temma was playing fall guys" reaction at the end gets me every time
She's done it in other chats too.
He hasn't.
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>clock strikes midnight, signifying the start of Suntempo's 4th anniversary as a unit
>Astel is singing
>Temma is deep into his current brainrot game
>Roberu is in an external collab
>the only ones celebrating are the fans on twitter
Can't deny they're the most consistent group...
>external collab
That celebrate Mea's anniversary mind you
management should just disband suntempo live on stage so people stop begging for them to collab every waking moment
This whore is annoying, there, I said it.
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>Arusan showing off his body like a whore
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File: IMG_9896.jpg (2.41 MB, 3022x3232)
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File: suntempo stairs.png (249 KB, 408x355)
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