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A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Night Lord Doki... Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>STREAM The Final Heist MV
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>79270365

>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every achievement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)
>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)
>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)
>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!

Our Divegrass rentry, feel free to share your ideas!

>Do not reply to bait, shitstirring, tribaltards, numberfaggotry, or dramafaggotry. Be it inside AND outside the thread - Hide, Report, and Move on.
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My bounty hunter can't possibly be this cute!
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So. Many. Dragoons:
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Oh look, that's me!
Me please.
The goon with the sunglasses? Me.
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Dokibird style cutting board merch when?
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I'm the butthole goon
Damn you Mint...
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So. Much. Doki:
I don't remember writing this.
fun fact, this was posted by Orca's alt. No, there's no difference she's just as downbad on it
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I can fix her...
Repost from /mint/
I want to kiss Doki on the mouth
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Praise the Big Beautiful Doki Booba!
EXTRA horny...
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I now understand what that Archivegoon meant about Doki Lewds "going a certain way", after the outfit reveal.
Me with the hat
Finally... we have 3 versions now!
No idea what he's on about orca and rice were always going to draw futa
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Here's the list that I made of all the players that we have for Divegrass so far: Mintgoon, Snuffy, Gumi, DTTO, Hiiro, Commanderlen, Chibi Doki, Retro Doki, Tomato Doki, Crowki, Selenbear, DoKing, Booba Praiser looking at the Doki Booba images on three monitors, Dokitty poster, the Ratlen/Dokirat poster, "Doki should fart on my Dick" poster, Clowndoki, Blood Cult, Long Goon, Chonky Boy, regular Goon, and Egg Goon, Thomas Edison, Random Vtuber number 13, and Garfield cup!
Orca and Ricegnat only care about the drock unfortunately they are the biggest nsfw artists in the community
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>Aw dangit
I have futa on the archive already
I made it vague for a reason. Is it dumb? Probably, but I wanted to see what others speculated
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Really big shame, but you can't change people's taste, sadly
That reminds me to put the suggestions from the last thread on the rentry document. I'll do that soon.
Silly thought: deagle player, which would just be a goon struggling to carry Doki's revolver.
It's not my thing. Others can have fun and enjoy it if they want to, but personally it's not my thing.
When you've got 'em, flaunt 'em:
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i pray A becomes an alt outfit one day.
(i can see why Doki didn't want to redo retrodoki now though it just seems off)
They are the only dedicated doki/mint nsfw artist rn, we lost all the Selen/Doki ones that didn't draw futa, Cipher who was the only left one seems to be busy atm
I'm surprised there aren't many goons here who are willing to commission the kind of art that they like. Maybe it's just that I'm also used to /pcgia/ where a few people regularly commission art and talk about it in almost every thread.
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Btw, I just read the rentry, and I wanted to just say that the Mintgoon uses a regular Dragoon model, not an Egg goon one.
There's a lot of merch recently, all the money I had for commissions is going to merch instead and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon
In Soviet /HAHA/, God praises you
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I know, they're separate suggestions because the friends list also has eggmint.
I think A or C would've been great as either of the outfits for the new model, with the hairstyle and face of the Cowboy model! That would've looked great, imo!
True. Cowboy doki was made for yandere sex!
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This is a big part of the reason her next outfit will have her Big Beautiful Milkers visible!
Commandoki when?
Bros... I hate futa...
I see. Never mind, then.
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The logic for her current model is sound though. She wanted something that represents her interests in shooting games.
For more casual streams though A would be nice but i guess C might have worked if the hairstyle was closer to A or B maybe?
Waiting room btw!
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I'm not a huge fan of the cowboy theme. The outfit looks a little meh. It could've been a little bit more feminine, imo. I think the next outfit will probably be the Alt-Girl Doki outfit that the winner of the charity auction for "choosing the next outfit" decided on.
I'm excited to see how her hair feathers will look with future hairstyles. Putting them on her twintails like in A is neat.

Hope it's something she'll play around with.
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Praise those Big Fat Beautiful Milkers! Bound by the Sports Bra, waiting to be released again...
Damn, I really need to pinch her cheeks
>complain about the outfit again
Fuck off
C is so cute AHHHHHH
i don't care who they draw, i'm not paying anime taxes
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You watch your language there Mister!
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Those poor Boobs are probably so sore from being bound. They'll need to be rubbed and pampered and loved, and I'll do all of that for her!
Chibified Doki is cute
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DAD love
Are you somehow implying that drawing her with a dick is somehow a new development? Literally nothing changed
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I see boobshitter is back to shit the place up again
Now that she looks more boyish, those artists are going at it extra hard.
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Full Selen lewd that I posted last time
I'm glad to see there's still some people making them
They are going hard because it's an exciting milestone and moment for a new outfit reveal, not whatever gay fantasy you've imagined on your own
That raider has only made one post. The rest are from me, and another regular Dragoon.
He is now a Foxdog thing...
I wish we get some Commander soon
Bro, look at Orca's Tweets. She's literally talking about how she wants to suck Doki's "twink Dick".
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Are you new?
I don't see why both can't be true
can you try shutting the fuck up about your whole sports bra thing at some point? we get it
If i'm not mistaken, Lime's can switch her hairstyles and outfits at will! I wonder if it's unique to her or all of Cillia's rigs can do that?
Orca's dehydrated to the point of hallucination though
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Because one is being used to threadshit and is false, anyway. I'm fine with fantasy as long as it's not detrimental but this twink narrative has gotten too out of hand
Everyone knows Orca is the "sanest" dragoon, how new are you?
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Me and the other regular Dragoon like that theory. No. We won't "shut up about it".
Probably something she requested/had added to it. Maybe she'll get hair changes in the future
>boobposting is being used to threadshit by catalogfags
>"I'm gonna do it anyway!"
You're part of the problem
Just stop that, please.
Another part of the problem is malding at it and bringing attention to it instead of hiding the fucking posts shut the fuck up about it .
I did ignore it and clearly didn't fucking work
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One of the few smart dragoons
>No. We won't "shut up about it"
So you're just going to keep saying the same thing with the same images over and over again for months?
My point is that since the outfit reveal she's been mentioning it even more than usual, and she's been making even more art of Doki with a Dick, which is why I said that she and other artists are "going at it extra hard now". Nearly all of the new Lewds are of Doki with a Dick.
Based take, you are all a bunch of retards. Both sides. I am just here to talk about how much I love Doki the tomato.
I'll be honest, complaining about the boobposting is actually derailing the thread a lot more than the boobposting itself.
Just ignore it
Retards are gonna retard, I guess. Read the fucking OP.
This is literally no different than it has ever been with her
Where have you been? Do you know what thread you are in? We have many ritualposts.
Literally just her and rice. Are you dense?
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Doki would totally be pro-skub. Do not reply anti-skub shitters.
The shiny eyes toggle is so CUTE!
>We have many ritualposts
Ritualposts can be easily filtered, as they're the exact same thing every time. Some guy spouting his headcanon over and over again with slightly different wording every time is a lot harder to catch with things like MD5, comment field etc.
Maybe if he turned the whole sports bra cope into an actual ritualpost, it'd be a workable compromise, because then he can spout his headcanon over and over again and people who find it annoying can filter it.
I honestly think the people complaining about it ARE the raiders. One of them pretends to be a booba poster, and then they all start complaining about the real booba poster when he and makes his posts.
No, I don't think that's the case.
Pretty much, the same kind of people who cried about hornyposting in the past
They could just filter the words "boobs", "booba", "Tits", "Titties", "Badonkers", and "Milkers". That could probably filter all of the posts.
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Shut the fuck about this retarded shit
>I honestly think the people complaining about it ARE the raiders
If your definition of "raider" is politely asking one guy to stop posting the same topic over and over again, sure.
Has anyone tried doing Alt-doki art with the feather hair yet?
This, but let's just end this convo and move on.
I understand adjusting to shit takes a bit of time, and I can understand sisters raiding us because their Doki had a successful re-debut with Kamame as her mama again. We could all just ignore both sides or report them for spam if it continues by next week.
I don't think so. That sounds like a great idea though, since that would probably be what that 2nd outfit would look like!
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Raptorlen is disappointed
That too, and "bound".
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It's so funny how this is the thing that worked when they tried so hard with serious things
I'm honestly enjoying how ridiculous the whole sitation is regardless of my stance on the topic
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hey, don't call it a small thing! It's MEDIUM
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>It wasn't polite enough
Then, pretty please, with sugar on top, stop shitting up the fuckin' thread.
Is it working, or is it just them complaining about something that doesn't need to be complained about, to try and turn the real Dragoons against one of our own?
as a lesbian futa isn't my thing but I can imagine sometimes it is a strap
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Why do you hate Boobs so much bro?
I'm not going to stop just because some "Dragoons" decided to start attacking the thing I've been doing in nearly every Bread since 2023.
I did see one tweet recently asking the same thing but i don't think anyone has tried it yet.
I do feel like Tomboy might end up being too similar to either Alt girl or Cowboy to feel distinct enough unless Doki goes for a sports theme maybe?
Probably a closeted homosexual, probably a futafag too
>come to /HAHA/
>it's getting shitstirred
>come to /mint/
>it's also getting shitstirred
It's over
What I find stupid about this is that Doki clearly wants to have breasts, not MEGA MILKERS but ala anime magic kinda thing. And yet people want to make her a board. It's fine as a meme, but if you are serious then you are ignoring what she said when discussing her chest area, and you forget that Selen had the same gimmick, and how she had fun with it. That's all I am gonna say about it, and ignore completely from now on.
I just think that saying her next outfit will have "Big Beautiful Milkers" or that the current one has them "hidden" disrespectful to both Kamame and Doki. They are the size they are(A or B) and nothing changes that. That's the official size. That's all. (First and Last post about this. Let's move on from this.)
we can't win
I had the same reaction. Oh well, time to touch grass and come back later when the stream is about to start
It's funny how for the previous few Breads there wasn't any complaints about the praising posts, and now all of a sudden they're back in the Bread, complaining again.
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Why don't doki, dtto and rpr have the eagles carry them out?
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With doki spending all this money on a new skin suit, she should have really invested it more towards her top assets
>It's funny how for the previous few Breads there wasn't any complaints about the praising posts
Because they were in a form that filters can easily catch.
I'm not saying that the next outfit will have them. That's the raider.
Because it's the same old threadshitter posting on cooldown. No luck reporting him either because when other goons tried that, they got warned instead.
stop evading my filters
Ina poster I think that one fell a little flat
That's because they're saying stuff like "The next outfit will have "Big Beautiful Milkers" or that "the current one has them hidden" and the like. It's disrespectful to the hard work that Kamame and Cillia put into the model.
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All I'm gonna say is that this shit's fucking stupid and I have to wonder who the real retards are...
And that the people trying to shit up the thread since last month, trying to create some "divide" between flatfags and boob enjoyers have probably gotten their way now. Well Done...
Bro i have shit posted on nijisisters threads and get banned really fast because they all organize to report the shit out of my post(don't care since i have dynamic ip address), do sister really have more organization to deal with shit posters but not the Dragoons? The fuck?
Breaks my heart to see good art getting ignored, give it some love
Okay this is one of the raiders/shitposters, literally saying the same shit within minutes.
No one hates boobs, everyone hates the people shitting on doki
That should be the point of contention, not whatever this is
Shitters are gonna shit
>tfw long goon is mogged
>I'm not going to stop just because some "Dragoons" decided to start attacking the thing I've been doing in nearly every Bread since 2023
Then can you please just update the ritualpost with your sports bra cope, so that it can be filtered easily? Or at least keep the topic within the reply chain of your ritualposts?
Is what I said wrong?
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Long Neck! Long goon for scale
what do you have against zebras
Unfortunately one of the sisters is literally a janny.
To the idiot bitching about filters if they're avoiding them guess what? Reportable offense. You would know if you ACTUALLY tried now shut the fuck up
You said
>(First and Last post about this. Let's move on from this.)
Then proceeded to repeat it AGAIN, so I will categorize you as a shitposter.
I'm not the only Dragoon posting about that. There's another regular Dragoon who says he thinks that the boobs are bound, too. I think he's the same dude that used to post that image of Selen letting a Dragoon drink her milk straight from the source.
I'm not that anon. I just share his opinion.
A couple of hours ago during the last raid we were getting no response to our reports so I reported it all as illegal content and they finally got off their asses and deleted it
Sure sure sure. Whatever, I will ignore you now, so don't bother.
Chonkychad would never...
I'm astounded they tagged this. I hope Mint doesn't mind.
Mint will probably just block her again, like she did previously.
The fuck are you talking about, that's not mints tag, that's the ship's tag
She still sees it tho, she already talked about it and she doesn't mind
I swear they hate this thread. I have seen in some Holo threads shitpost get deleted as soon as they report it.
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You're surprised she used an unofficial tag???
Oh I see, thanks. "thief" didn't register in my brain as Doki's half.
retard, that's the ship tag. orca isn't an annoying shipper that shoves her art into the main tags.
That wanted poster is mine! she'll never realize I'm wearing a disguise!
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This looks like one of those 127 fan arts, I like it!
I've said it before and I'll say it again to remind you
Jannies took part in the raids on this thread a few months ago
They ACTIVELY hate us
They were trolling the shit out of us with deletions right around the big drama
If it really is some of you genuinely complaining about the booba praises, then you need to learn not to take the bait from raiders. Complaining and having a tantrum is what they want you to do so they can get in and cause even more of a commotion. In other words, just ignore it!
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> >>79353240
>There's another regular Dragoon who says he thinks that the boobs are bound, too
that guy doesn't bring it up over and over again the way you do, though. which is fine if you want to say the same thing over and over again, but please, just contain it to the ritualposts so the thread doesn't get derailed like this
In other news, has anyone figured out whether this is just a normal post or a hint towards something?
Doki just likes Kill la Kill, why can't you stop reading into things?
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So the size is B, since Doki said 2 letters. Done! That's your official size. Doki is not flat, Doki has no mega milkers, they are just nice sized breasts, MEDIUM. Is it Medium? Yes, motherfuckers, I am a woman, E+ cups are literally often reduced because of the amount of back issues they cause and only 2d girls can have them. BOOM.
Again, don't take the bait! Ignore it!
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Doki's next project is an anime by Studio Trigger
maybe it is a hint for a future project or maybe she really likes it, I'm not sure if she ever mentioned the show as selen
Doki will cosplay along with Mint Kill la Kill characters, why can't you stop reading into things?
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I'm sure I'll get accused of samefagging but this is my first - and *only* - comment on it
I'm totally cool with booba, but I feel like a lot of the people here, assuming they are genuine, are being non-accepting of the thing that doki wanted.
If you want to praise the booba, enjoy the booba, or get off to booba then you're ok in my book.
If you want to call the skinsuit a mistake, complain about change, or say doki is a liar about what she has, then you're a schizo
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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>I am a woman
My condolences, everything will be fine
Doki is a 2D girl, though.
woahh, possible Trigger collab? That'd be amazing.
Based, I love Kill La Kill.
Yes, but that doesn't change what is actually Medium.
Honestly getting them to do a balls to the wall over the top animation for her would be sick. I know they did one for some smaller games
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I don't give a fuck about any of this. Can someone give me a realistic estimation of when this garbage will stop so I can hibernate until then?
Thank you for the condolences. Maybe in another life I will have a dick I actually don't want a dick, but you get the joke
That guy decided to go with D, btw. He's the dude that made this >>79351324 with Perry in it.
It will stay as long as they keep being instigated by ritual posting. So, forever.
Until normalsharts stop crying about Elden Ring hippo.
At least annoy the fuck out of the jannies im sure they get pinged when they get reported posts, reporting also hides the shitpost at least so even if it doesn't get deleted you can carry on enjoying this thread, nijnigs will always nijinig they can't do anything else than shit and piss their pants whenever they see Doki being successful
It's over already. (I hope)
Bless you, Doki.
I saw his tweets, he knows the actual size but wanted to draw big boobs, nothing wrong with that. He is not the one claiming they are D.
That's very sweet
I'm really grateful to her friend that give her Elden Ring for free, that's going to be a huge incentive for her to play it soon
>You would know if you ACTUALLY tried now shut the fuck up
filtering generic terms like "bound", "sports bra" across the entire board is a terrible solution
Anyway, I love Doki. How about you?
Based, that's Doki for ya.
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>feeding the world with tomatoes
Alright, goons
Get to fuckin' >>79340251
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Bros! The CAWtist who made DoKing is asking if we want to have this as a main/alternate outfit
I absolutely love Doki
Like Sand Land she will probably feel obligated to actually finish it, too!
>he knows the actual size but wanted to draw big boobs, nothing wrong with that
god I wish our posters were smart enough to do this
That looks great
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Yeah probably this desu, if Doki wanted to actually be flat she wouldn't have pushed back against the initial design being completely flat or made it so there was more of noticeable curve.
Nor would she have brought up the whole "Sports Bra" thing HERSELF.
B would be the more realistic option in this case. But we're running on Anime Logic here so...
>tl;dr - Doki probably wanted Boobs but didn't think it important atm so they don't show up much in the final design
She has an Ass in the reference sheet anyways!!

(Anyways thanks for the more sane contribution Femgoon!)
100% YES! Altgirl DoKING is peak
She will only play enough for the charity obligations and then dangle the rest of the game over our head for future charities
Anyone else get really parasocial when at the end of a collab doki says "I'm gonna talk to my dragoons now"
Yeah me
That reminds me - can the models from that game, complete with accessories, be extracted? Would be useful for divegrass.
The way she goes "my dragoons" gets to me everytime
>tl;dr - Doki probably wanted Boobs but didn't think it important atm so they don't show up much in the final design
gee, thanks boobagoon. how nice of you to inform us why what doki wanted isn't actually what's on the final model and reference sheet, but is actually what you wanted it to be
That was before she was being given a free copy of the game and the big Collector's Edition that comes with a big statue, though! Now (just like with Sand Land.) she will probably feel that she'll have to at least finish the main game to say "thanks for the free copy and free Collector's Edition"!
It does feel like her love for us is wholly genuine, which is sweet.
Is she getting the same amount of stuff as that one Kai dude on twitch or is this something else?
Doki literally wanted boobs, Bro. She said that she asked Kamame-mama to give her some, and need I remind you that she was also the one who said "guys, I'm wearing a sports bra underneath!".
The Collector's Edition is expensive! Look it up. It comes with a big statue, and a few other things.
Tell me about the hippo, why does it filter players?
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Fast Hippo that have bites with shockwaves
not quite that but when she does her whole end stream speech "stay hydrated etc etc" and she says at the end "bye guys! mmmmmmmbyeeee" i always think she's about to blow a kiss and then feel sad she didn't
If you think she would have signed off on the final iteration if she wasn't 100% happy with it then I have a bridge to sell you. She said that because of people spamming about her size change
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Oh and you DEFINITELY know what she wants eh? Mister "Totally not threadshittter", I'm not even the Boobagoon lmao. I'm the ASSGoon.
I'm not even gonna give you your desired (you), now get out of here...
He's just arguing for the sake of arguing (or just simply stirring the pot.), at this point.
>hippos kill the most people in africa
>give them magic and they turn into the biggest murderers in elden ring
Alright, who let the /an/ nerd in?
>the ASSgoon
Absolutely, unequivocally, philosophically based
I want to see a massive dokASS
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Fr though why's the Gatekeeper the Messmer a fucking Hippo of all things!? It's the Flaming Bull from Sekiro all over again lmao
Sex with the bounty hunter!
>If you think she would have signed off on the final iteration if she wasn't 100% happy with it then I have a bridge to sell you
just look at how many iterations went into crowki of all things
>lions kill about 22 humans per year
>hippos killcount goes to 500 per year
That's why
>Oh and you DEFINITELY know what she wants eh?
no, that's what I'm saying, making claims about what she wants at all is fuckin' obnoxious. just being a fan of someone doesn't mean you can read their minds
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Literally skill issue
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Since when is Doki someone who would give in to Dragoons? If she wanted to be flat she would have said something like Wanna cry about it hmmm?
Honestly this is retarded, I said it already, she said 2 letters, that's B. That's not flat. Both flat and megamilkers are shitposters.

Ritual boobagoons, post your praise the booba stuff, you can reply with images but really, would be cool if you avoid the 'next outfit megamilkers' please, if it ends up happening, good for you but yeah. Assgoons, keep the good work.
>Ritual boobagoons, post your praise the booba stuff, you can reply with images but really, would be cool if you avoid the 'next outfit megamilkers' please, if it ends up happening, good for you but yeah
funny thing is, this is literally all anyone is asking for, but instead of coming to a working compromise people lose their shit about "raiders" or whatever
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I'm surprised everyone is giving head to shitposting and not to actual news.
We already noticed this >>79354646
Remember when a journalist had to invest himself and have knowledge about the topic he is getting into?, good times...
Already noticed, she is based and super sweet.
>doki wanted boobs and fucking kamame kept her flat
Fine, I will compromise. Note that if anyone does it again, it is a shitposter then.
Based Kamame
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shut up about this topic
>Fine, I will compromise
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Just saying that Dumb Hippo is both hilariously stupid, ridiculous, and annoying af. But NOT impossible, and you at least get rewarded some blessing for killing him so.
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Bit like what you're doing then? In any case just know that I'm not going acknowledge this whole thread loop again.
I thought this discussion was dead, but anyway, I never claimed to know what doki wants at all. since it looks like a compromise has been reached with the guy who kept bringing up the topic it doesn't matter anyway, let it die rather than doing the 4chan equivalent of subtweeting
Everybody calm down and watch Korean women
Thanks for sharing!
Watching Bowson too!
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hey /HAHA/, ligger here. So we were discussion our tradition of birthday cards in the thread (basically for the ligger's birthday we organize a giant 2000x2000 birthday card for users to put squares/tiles in and tweet it to them from a designated twitter account the caretaker uses for these) and one of the anons was wondering if you guys would like us to help you set up one for Doki or not? If you do we'd be willing to toss you guys the format and cross post it to our threads until whatever the deadline would be. For examples of what they look like finished:

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We can make one for sure, probably after today's stream we could make an anchor thread for us to post images to make a birthday card!
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OK, well if that's the case here's the base layout right here. You'll usually want a finalized deadline the night before her birthday so it can be tweeted out in time (IE like for example 8pm on the 3rd), with a list of things you guys know she likes for themeing and potential friends to include on tiles (a good example can be found here >> 78075329 )
Once you guys get rolling we'll be sure to cross post it to /lig/ as well
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Adding on to this >>79360987
/lig/ has a tradition of organizing birthday cards in order to show appreciation for our chuubas, and Doki's birthday is in seven days. I'm checking in here to see if any of you would be willing to step up and organize a joint birthday card for her between /lig/ and /haha/. You wouldn't be without help, but you do need to have enough knowledge of your chuuba to know what she likes/dislikes and what her sense of humor is like

As the card organizer, what you would have to do is:
>Make a ritualpost for the card with guidelines and the deadline
The standard rules are that submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400), but you can add more if you know there's something that's off limits for people to mention/joke about. You also want to include a cutoff time where submissions are closed, so you can have enough time to finish the card and send it out before the chuuba's birthday celebration starts. Some organizers also include some of her interests/hobbies in the post to help with submission ideas as well as reference material for their model
>Post the ritualpost so people can know that the card is being organized and submit tiles to you
I'm sure there are people in /lig/ who would be willing to contribute, so it would be a good idea to post it there as well
>Organize the submissions into a perfect rectangle or square
>Create a card border and message
Just like the examples in >>79360987 show. Help is available for this part if you need it, /lig/ has been doing this for a while so we've ironed out techniques that make this part a lot easier than it looks. We can get into the details of this as the deadline gets closer because this post is long enough already
I want to sniff cowgirl doki's boxers
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I forget. Did we ever learn what the u-san doki duet is going to be a cover of? That feels like the thing that would most fit if its a nod to something.
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Studio trigger is animating Dokibirds next MV
Yeah, and I'm Mint.
It was gonna be this, right? She even rigged the poll.
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You know usually I would say that's crazy but Trigger has done side jobs and now that a schizo showed up, this is gonna be Mint or Kamama doubter repeat isn't it?
>Night Lord edition
Reminder that traitor legions get the rope... except Thousand Sons, they are cool.
This is a Khorne general
Ah bump limit...
I'll get the next one
Nice! Also more info about the charity thing.
Seems like doki uploaded the emotes at the wrong size lol
>she's going to need to break the VOD emotes even more than she already did
wew doki
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bread is fresh!
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Thank you Breadmaker!~
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Thank you breadmaker

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