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>More SOVL than any big corpo server
How did they do it?
>Vtuber Simp
>big corpo
there's the difference
Kanna's too powerful
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Is the server even modded?
Unironically I think it’s thanks to inviting girls from enough groups that you get some social tension between them. People were shit talking Mozzu, but her having a melty and creating a bit of (mild) drama is better than the sugar and roses facade we typically see.
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The only "tension" so far has been the awkwardness between the most socially retarded ones. Everyone has been super nice to each other for now.
Tension in a broad sense, that awkwardness is itself tension.
>organized by a good girl corp
>invite only to gatekeep men and whores
That's all it took
*Throws up*
Im surprised no one else noticed
Getting introduced to loads of new chuubas and watching them play on there has been good fun so far, more than I would have ever anticipated from maikura.
Good CEO, Kanna and also being made up of small corpos which have actual soul
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This and watching PixelLink in general over the past few months has completely revived my interest in vtubers. Good job Fatcat.
It's the novelty of being able to see cute girls from different backgrounds meet other cute girls for the first time, and seeing their interactions as a result. Also you as a viewer get to meet new vtubers too, and you might like some of them. Closed corpo servers where it's all the exact same corpomates will get boring faster.

Also it's only been a little over a week since the server opened so it's still fresh.
All it took as a voice mod and no males
actually off yourself
Phase doesn't want to be in it cause they're a bunch of fags.
Based. Let the laptop chuubas in
Anon do you really expect 100 retards to be able to handle a nether portal system so they can visit each other
Normally I would agree but it is better this way so they can quickly meetup with their friends for kino collab opportunities.
i don't want them in it either, so everyone's happy
They are in though? Rie and Pippa played literally yesterday
Two people isn't enough to represent a company with 27 talents. IdolEN has more people in the server.
idolen will be dead tomorrow who cares
that cgdct series could have been from holoen if had had competent members, but nop, except for fauna it was just a bunch of lazy-ass cunts that only used the server a few times.
I saw Mio joined today
You need to have at least 40-50 people on a server like this to keep it alive so a format like this is the only way this could work
doesnt the vsmp have like 100 people total or something crazy like that
They’re hovering around 80 to 90
the 24/7 CGDCT content from this has melted my brain
Fatcat just pays Pillow to be online 20 hours a day
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Mozu's tits
nice you won me over mr "fat cat"
Speaking of pillow, why wasn’t she invited to the server? She had to ask to get in lol. She seems confused by it too, especially since some smaller indies got in and she’s friends with some corps
What are you talking about she has been in since the beginning
She also wasn’t on the original announcement
I read your post wrong. She is just an indie and it looks like they were focusing on inviting corpos early on
All good man. It’s just they invited ayu and essie which are both indies too
She kinda was a bit unknown to most corpos until 2 months ago, it was unlikely she'd get in without her V4Mirai connections paving the way to VSMP
I’d never heard of her before she joined the server, and now she’s everywhere
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So much cute girls to watch
Ayu and Essie were invited after her and all of the indies invited before Pillow were excorpo
Cute overwhelmed Lass
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Yeah, she's literally living inside everyone's walls.
Yeah because Ayu is a close friend of Raki, and Essie was an invite from Fatcat himself because staff lurks /pxl/.
this should have happened ages ago but the small corpos were weird about collaborating
>Essie was an invite from Fatcat himself
really? holy based
stop using the server of my small oshis to attack the big server of my big oshis, you fucking retard, kill yourself
They actually care about each other and aren't forced to interact.
Bad post
I can't get any fucking work done while watching this. The vsmp has ruined my life and might cost me my job
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>aren't forced to interact.
Yeah, they're only forced to love themselves.
just quit your job and become a full time vsmp clipper
It's great actually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUkHgCx-_50
How is pillow so funny and cute and talented and beautiful
go back
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Go back where
I'm going to anti Phase Connect until they send at least 3 more people to the VSMP server.
Minecraft is fun anon. Check it out sometime.
You gotta bully Clara. She's got a friend or two in there.
>I'm going to anti Phase Connect until they send at least 3 more people to the VSMP server.
If that worked the entire company would already be there
Most Phase girls seem so stuck in their own little world, that they don't even have good enough friends, that would bother inviting them here.
anting on vt works because all of the phase girls here /here/ and take anons words as gospel
Mozu may be a bitch but she is one sexy bitch
Most of phase hates minecraft though...
i hate minecraft and i still think the vsmp is great
you watch for the cgdct content not for the shitty block game
I feel the same as you. But that's not the same as the girls wanting to play. The only other girls that really like minecraft are Muyu and Jelly. And Jelly has timezone issues
Too bad the server can't be connected to from SEA countries ATM lol
anon that won't make any money
no trust it will
SEAkeks stay losing
Kino. How can they beat this.
stop shilling your eprostitutes here, gunrun
>Nobody bothers to invite Mint
>The one person who really loves Minecraft and will guarantee your server will be populated forever
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There's a chance her invitation is already on the table.
But considering her past, and the kind of people she could drag along...
They might need some time to decide if it's alright to bring her in.

Also, she might already have different plans, and is not interested in joining.
Mint is on the Vshojo server and is preparing another one with Doki. She doesn't care about your 2view leech shitters.
uh oh melty
Gunrun finally lost it after being told to go back so much huh
i am never watching your vnig whores
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>2view leeches seething they've been called out
Not my fault you're all talentless trash unlike my oshi
>2view leeches
you realize there are bigger people than mint on the server right?
kek even
>mindless babbling
nice response, retard
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Keep seething for my entertainment 2view shitter
Only girls bigger than mint would be if Mousey, ShyLily, or Filian was there. Literally no one other than those 3 are bigger than her.
No one gives a shit about them, they don’t play outside their gated garden
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for me, it's /yubicraft/
Come to think of it, who are the biggest names on the server right now?
I know Miori with 491k, Pippa at 338k, Enya still have 616k on her semi active alt...
Pillow at 119k, but is quickly growing.
Rin Penrose is 80% confirmed, once she's able to stream, and she's at 723k

Any other 100k+ that I missed?
Why are retards in here falling for the most obvious falseflag attempts?
That thing is still alive?
alive and thriving
Anon everyone you listed with the exception of Pippa are 3views or even 2views sometimes. And Pippa is now a low 4view after having a melty about crowd controlling masks.
>nose HQ
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>after having a melty about crowd controlling masks.
is she this retarded?
Pippa is a mid 4view you dumb negro. She will always be bigger than your twitch whores no matter how much you seethe even with the Youtube debuff
Yeah. After Offkai her and like every Phase that was there got the coof, and Pippa had an umprompted meltdown on twitter about people not wearing masks to it.
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Mid 4view means her average ccv is at around 5k, which is not the case with Pippa considering she's incapable of reaching that even at peak median
>On youtube
>Still higher than mint when she streams on twitch
Go back to your cuckden, vfaggot
>Still higher than mint when she streams on twitch
Mint doesn't stream on Twitch, she exclusively streams on Youtube.
...wait, were you confusing Mint Fantome with Mint Castella this whole time?
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Mint doesn't stream on twitch retardo-chama lol, she streams exclusively on youtube unlike Pippa who streams on twitch quite frequently lol
And Mint still mogs Pippa with multiple streams that peak at 6-8k, something Pippa is incapable of
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>pippacuck has cuck images saved on his phone
Like clockwork rumao
Yubicraft and VSMP crossover would be huge
Excuse me I assume all whorejo orbiters stream on twitch what I do know is that mint hits 2k at her peak
Phase will poach her soon anyways so be grateful we are saving her
>what I do know is that mint hits 2k at her peak
Already proven false thanks to this aon >>79397465
Seethe about pippa being an irrelevant whore some more tho
This guy is seething harder at VShojo than anyone I've ever seen. Anyway have a fun clip of a JP ESL being corrupted thanks to VShojocraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-y6IZo13TE
>what I do know is that mint hits 2k at her peak
Amazing job proving that you know absolutely nothing, then.
your mint was luca's cumrag, it's a fact that you can never change, and please keep seething
Pippacucks try not to ruin random threads challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
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Uh oh capipi melty
just need more new anons to get fresh builds
>shit, I got my ass handed to me, what do I do?
>uhhh... "cuckcuckcuckcuck!"
The biggest irony is that pippashart is the one posting cuck images
Are we wrong though?
Based gameplaychad.
it was proven false retard
also pippa is bigger no matter how much you cope. handpicking streams where we had lower viewership proves nothing
>baitposters replying to baitposters
Kill this thread
Considering you have no proof to back up your claims, yes.
>cucks AND doxxfags
Whew pippanigs going full retard tonight. Must've been something in the water.
She is very certainly fucking him you dumb retard but whatever keep getting cucked
They've been this way ever since Pippa's change after Offkai. No wonder her numbers have been dropping
I mean yeah, pippa is fucking fleshtubers, everyone knows that
She probably had an epiphany about her retarded ways after she got the coof and one of her friends nearly died of it
proven false but keep looping you autist
I guess this thread is the best example, why inviting Mint is a bad idea, and why Pippa hasn't been officially advertised as a member.
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Well, if this thread is any indication, is that I don't want my fav chuubas anywhere near that server because holy fuck.
Sounds like the problem is Capipis or w/e they're called.
And yet the Vshojo server is thriving with Mint. Funny how that works when she's actually around people that consider her a friend instead of 2view shitters and garbage like pippa that just want to leech from her.
Cheating with a map cluttering the UI and waystones and fucking waypoint markers all over the screen telling you where you died cluttering the screen up even more. No thanks. Not interested in all these zoomer mods that turn this game into something that looks like pubg/fortnite or whatever the fuck.
Based. Either play vanilla or don't play at all.
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>they hate her because they want to be her
Sorry your oshi is a cumrag
Yup, vanilla in hardcore mode, with no shaders is the only rightfull way of playing the funny block game.
but enoiugh about pippa the biggest fleshtubers' cumrag
>>they hate her because they want to be her
Thinking about being a woman? What are you, a tranny?
Pippafags are seething because Mint's collab with Doki had thrice the viewers than pippa's collab with Doki rumao
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No, thanks
You can tell this one's a false flagger too because Mint actually only went on the VShojo server once. She could very well go again and is still welcome, but right after she joined was Offkai -> Japan trip -> COVID before she got back into streaming. The server is thriving, but not "because" of Mint lol.
Pippa's melty starts here and then keeps going on and on and on...
Half this thread is just baitposters trying to bait other baitposters
Time for you to watch her flirt with another male again! She on that pipipipi!
Mint is going to phase anyways so you are just infighting now
BetterEnd and BetterNether are legitimately great additions. Holy fuck is the vanilla Nether souless even after a whole rework, the End is even worse in this regard because the last update just added the gay islands with chorus and cities and nothing else and has been like that for god knows how many years.
Oh, that explains it all. She finally shown her true face and made it extremely obvious how fake she is in reality.
>idolen will be dead tomorrow
Did I miss something beyond the Yuko thing?
Yes they are collapsing as we speak. Phase will reign uncontested soon
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VShojo is not even competition they arent even an agency
god this thread is so shit
Cope pippacuck
Ironmouse is cucking you with Connor
Michi is cucking you with Kuro
Apricot is cucking you with every male alive
Hime is cucking you with her husband
Kson is cucking you with multiple japanese men in gangbangs
I dont even want to get into Melody
And pippa is cucking you with multiple fleshtubers wumao
There's only like 5 Phase people who like Minecraft.
One of them is Sakana.
You are not getting the other 23 girls to play, or at least not beyond a visit maybe one day just like Lumi and Pippa visited Yubicraft way back.
Tenma also visited and copies of her "marriage certificate" that were validated by Pippa are everywhere in the server.
I have one hidden in my deep ocean base
and we're only half way to bump limit...
Pippa has been neglecting streaming so her retarded fanbase has nothing better to do than shit up random /vt/ threads
The only Phase that I think likes minecraft and that I actually want to see interact with the rest is Wemi
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>moves the goalpost
Now add a mod that removes all the whores from the server
can phase and vshojo just peacefully coexist? its not like they are competing with eachother anyways
Small dog syndrome. The cognitive dissonance of those fags baffles me, one day they shit on Holo the other they beg for a collab.
sad stuff
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Vshojocraft is pure soul
All you need is to make pippa pull an hero on stream
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By keeping it female only, unironically
Just like with the V4M karaoke relays, PXL running this and keeping it CGDCT means that the entire environment doesn't have to deal with a big potential stresser for many of the people on it. It also doesn't filter whoever a coed server would, meaning a larger and generally speaking more enthusiastic overall viewer engagement.
TL;DR minimizing potential viewer antagonism leads to a more positive atmosphere and a positive atmosphere is conducive to kino

I will say that there are some girls involved who are a little too into it though, which while good for me as a casual watcher, is causing some internal friction here and there based on some stuff I've seen pop up on twitter. I've also noticed some of them suffer from the creeping CCV decline that sudden long-term collab spam has occasionally caused. I like the few girls I'm talking about(so I won't name them), so I hope it isn't stressing them out. Or maybe I'm just a concernfag and worried over nothing, I'm hoping it's that in the end.
i couldnt have seen any other agency aside from pixel get away with something like this. im so glad they did this as a viewer
collabs in general bring down ccv temporarily but in the long run they increase it substantially and this server is a collab machine
I hate Mozzu with a fiery passion. But that model is god tier
>>79404467 (me)
i do think for some it can hurt their viewership but its only because of the schizos freaking out over the vtubers not talking to chat as much because they get so focused on interacting with the other people on the server

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