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Schedule: https://x.com/takanashikiara/status/1804995838835331169

Last stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElGuC110avY
Next stream: 80s Karaoke Rebroadcast @ Sunday 06:00 GMT+2 Midnight EST 13:00 JST

Unarchived Karaoke Archive: >>78965912

2nd Hololive English Concert, Breaking Dimensions, @ Kings Theatre Brooklyn, August 24-25th

Hololive Stage World Tour, New York, Jakarta, Singapore, Atlanta, Kuala Lampur. Future information to be announced, but New York will be in AnimeNYC, same time as Breaking Dimensions.

OffKai Archive:

HoloFes performances:
https://files.catbox.moe/sq23fb.webm solo - CHIMERA
https://files.catbox.moe/g0gtww.webm Chloe/Kiara - WILDCARD
https://files.catbox.moe/64jbvr.webm Kobo/Kiara - Hero For a Day
https://files.catbox.moe/ww5jok.webm Seishun Archive group - Seishun Archive

Check out Kiwawa's end of year live!:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LNv7CzFJgc
Encore (members only):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kntCuR3T6Po


STREAM HER ALBUM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcfm3INYVo&list=OLAK5uy_lv1JlMsabUlWH11GLfHBWkYAfuEfGuYLY
ADDITIONAL STREAMING LINKS:https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView

Stream Sleep Talking MV: https://youtu.be/1SUXKcFX_WY
Stream Retrospective MV: https://youtu.be/oKfKokIKqZw
Stream The Great Wanderer MV: https://youtu.be/H_Q8hB7v6qw
Stream Love Rush MV: https://youtu.be/cuUcvVI3S20
Stream Pineapple MV: https://youtu.be/WuvtwRYkOU0

Stream Hero For a Day: https://youtu.be/2yduox5pYH0
Stream Fire N Ice: https://youtu.be/yV83laHeOj4
Stream Korean DO U: https://youtu.be/AviJuDMEmEc
Stream Holotori Dance: https://youtu.be/BcO9bZavHRg

Stream ReUnion: https://youtu.be/4ytZJoWR2mI
Stream MindCraft: https://youtu.be/OQuGEpICY2o
Stream Kyoufuu Ooru Bakku: https://youtu.be/VyzR-J17RBQ

New to Kiara? Try some of these streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsAbCDORf2yR6sqaL8KOhTpAvi4GxyewC

Art source: https://x.com/kivonotbabu/status/1806162786319528220

Previous thread: >>79287033
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I like this chicken!
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Wawa feet
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I Love Takanashi Kiara
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kids with wawa maybe
kids with Wawa definitely
But how many? 5?
11 so I can coach my own football team
Why are orb tits so appealing?
They are representative of the world
1 son and 4 girls
full of milk
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A KFChattino
Good to see her being patriotic for once
>for once
kiara unapologetically supports everything Austrian every opportunity she gets.
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we need an edit of her like this
On my list
mamma mia..
I've heard of this guy being called a schizo but it seems he just replies to every single Holo on X or am I missing something?
Never heard anything about this guy desu, I think he made a cool remix once
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I hear Gura got AoEII
Sametori when
nice animation on Kiara
Might as well bring over the latest lewds
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I haven't seen this artist post anything for a while now
Tomorrow. Be ready fellas
Gura is going to choose Fauna over Kiara
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Gn fellas
Or good morning
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Still hoping for that cover one day
She's eating fuckin beans
a moment of hysteria
why is she dressed like a nazi
Ahh... it's a good thing she got A-chan on holotalk already...
ah fuuuuuuuuck. god speed Eugene
Oh nice, I kinda like the purple highlights on the spiky twintails more than the normal yellow.
I hope she does well wherever she decides to go. It sucks but man I never could have imagined a day where A-chan actually left
legitimately sad to see her go, specially because of what I assume are lingering concerns her family's health. the best to a-chan
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>I hope she does well wherever she decides to go
A-chan got paid partially in stocks since the very beginning, she is loaded.
>A-chan retires
I chose the wrong day to open Twitter.
>leopard prints on Kiara
I wish I could have gone to Dokomi.
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out of character
She finds them tacky iirc. If she lived in Osaka while in Japan she probably saw a lot of old ladies wearing them.
>a lot of old ladies wearing them
I should go to Osaka
they are not sexy hags with thick thighs and nice asses. they are actually just grannies
Say no more. Im booking my flights as we speak
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>>don't take your shirt off! Control your urges!
>takes her shirt off when they win
What did she mean by this?
Hot dommy Austrian mommy topping submissive Italian
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the coalition is going as planned
I’m sincerely heartbroken but I hope her relative gets well soon.
IMO actually pretty hot, and realistically anything looks good on Kiara
if anyone in EN could pull of a gyaru it’s her
Raora would pull it off so much better, it's not even funny.
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wouldn't panther prints make more sense?
But that's just black?
I haven’t been paying attention to the new girls, is she just a confident method actor or has she a gyaru-like character?
she is a living Italian stereotype with mommy vibes
panthers can have spots too.
I think Kiara should have written a better message than a mere "No..nooo" for A-chan graduation
They interacted many times and she even was in holotalk
But I guess she's busy and stuffs
Probably couldn't find the right words or is still crying at a burger king or something
She's probably dm'd her.
Tweet are just for the public.
Why does your Wawa keep waking up Italian?
Raora discord sex probably reactivated her love for Italy
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Kill yourselves
3 long days.
I fucking wish.
Is she coming back on Monday or will the watchalong be her first stream?
It's one of the first things I noticed when I got the final piece. It was late night and I didn't want to tell them to redo it because she hates them lol. I think it looks hot. I doubt she dislikes it more than her default anyway
I doubt she's going to notice them
You would have to zoom in really close into her chest to see them
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It could be more subtle but I also think its nice.
Thanks for the edit!
Forgot but here's the full size
Cute wawa in a mori short
Kiara's small hat is actually a fungus that regrows after every time she removes it
brainrot symptom...
What an utter klutz...
I unironically love vagueposters
I was having sex with her and she accidentally dropped a bowl on my toe. Fuck it hurts
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Dear god
No wonder she hates mushrooms on her lawn so much. It reminds her of her second hat she'll never get rid of.
I think the guy drawing this thought that Ö is an emoticon and the country is called Sterreich.
Kek didn't notice
So you’re telling me I can suck on it?
Have they tried being a cute girl?
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hey guys
I finally remembered what this reminds me of
Reine reading the vaporeon copypasta
Hey there Smoothie, you little shit
Free blowjobs today ;)
Sweet, put on the uniform and get sucking
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We really need this but a kfp worker
An ESL 2 view is releasing a cover of Sparks soon if anyone cares
Cute, I'll give it a listen later
My contract says i am onligated to consume all kiara related media
Remind me, did Wawa mention she's gonna have another original later this year? curious if it was gonna be something completely different from before
She tweeted that she picked a track earlier this month.
ok yea there was that tweet, thanks
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My sexy, sweaty wife :)
Thank you artist for drawing girls with big round booba
Nice, it was cute. I hope she sees it.
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I thought nobody could top Marine for how erotic her outfits are, but Kiara blew everyone out of the water with this one
Got to be honest. When Kiara first suggested the idea, I was a bit meh on it. But then it turns out the outfit was pretty great. Hopefully the school outfit will be the same.
Same, I wasn't too sold but the final product is amazing. I hope she goes all in on the gyaru look, legwarmers and all
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Not thick enough
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holy sex
I'm craving one of those fat turkey legs you see at festivals now...
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Wawa has officially given me a Leotard fetish.
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She does it again
I will never forgive this cunt for abandoning hololive because of chronic trend-hopping brainrot
Depriving the world of greatness is morally wrong.
>Wawa is tarded
>wears a leotard
Don't be menhera over menhera artist, Just appreciate what she has done and let her roam free looking for more hot lesbians.
>Wawa has officially given me a fetish
many such cases
So you’re telling me I can chomp on it?
KFPbros... Why does everyone hates Kiara ?
I kneel
You are running out of baits, huh?
Still would
Trying too hard.
wawa cute
I'm sad that Kiara is not going to do a plugsuit outfit, and go with the schoolgirl one instead.
But if she's going for gyaru look, it might also be pretty sexy.
yup, he is running out of baits and also losing his mind
Leotards are the apex of fetishes. Congratulations, anon. You've attained a level of enlightenment that eluded even Buddha himself.
So who's actually gonna try to get tickets to BD concert? Might just shoot for front row Mezzanine and hope for the best
I live in New York, might as well try.
I don't know if aiming for the cheapest or most expensive seats is the smarter play through.
Kek. Kiara's been winning so hard lately it must've mindbroken her antis to entirely new levels. I'd almost feel sorry for them but if they're going to anti an absolute sweetheart like Kiara of all people then they deserve what they get desu
>Whining over nobody replying to you
Of course it's a seething beggar. You got a brit to humour your boys. Be grateful maybe?
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Kiara just got a smash hit new outfit, revived Myth from the dead, has propelled the Austrian national team to two historic UEFA victories, her polaroids are so popular it almost scares her, and KFP loves her now more than ever. Are you feeling perturbed?
I don't mind shitting on kiara but just posting random hate comments doesn't leave room for much serious talk.
Oh and she just hit 1.53m subs and is very happy about her growth picking up. I forgot to mention that part. She's winning so hard I can barely keep track of it all.
>Deleted alongside shitposts in global and a Kiara catalog thread
>seeing them talk about meeting her randomly at the con or outside of a restaurant, saying hi and making jokes with her
Man...She sounds like a sweetheart. I'm jealous of the people who can just be around her and have friendly banter.
I think it was particularly cute to hear she took a photo of the line for polaroids so those people can get their spots tomorrow
Ah man I took a nap and missed it
Man, I feel so bad for not being able to go even though she told us not to feel bad, not get hyped or excited. She's too good man, I just want to see her grow and be happy, she's too precious.
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So fellas, what have you been up to today?
Elden ring DLC
feeling jealous of everyone @ dokomi and judging them for being fat ugly out of shape losers to make myself feel better and wishing their return flight is on a boeing but I don't mean it fr I'm just salty from the fomo
Oh you don't have to be jealous of them, anon. You have to be jealous of me, her future husband.
got a new TV, watching more shows
wage cage
Today is my only day off this week so I'm making the most of it by sitting at home all day in my PJs, playing elden ring, stalking her and dokomi kfp and drinking some home made cola.
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Yeah I feel made of cubes too. It's real cube hours.
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>still up responding to some kfp there
Man I love her too much. I'm seriously feeling worse and worse about not going.
working and playing TotK
I am bad at TotK and honestly a bit impressed Kiara didn't constantly mess up the menues like I do.
important announcement!
>and judging them for being fat ugly out of shape losers
literally me
A wideo!
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i bet she's lying and it's not a wide-o at all, but a youtube short!
Kiara can sometimes be surprisingly good at games. I sucked more than she did at Elden Ring when I first started.
Missing Wawa...
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that kfp featured in the video is me btw
I'm the on blushing by the way
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What the flying fuck
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Cute Frog Wawa merch
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>No ass
Got my tabs open
>kiara themed cafe during AX
>hour drive one way from the convention center
I also don't want to feel like a giant loser going to something like this alone.
>rejecting a possibility of find a cutie patootie waitress

You can get it shipped at least
>I also don't want to feel like a giant loser going to something like this alone.
Anon, you're never going to go and do the things you like if you keep worrying about being a loner.
It's like a once in a year event, don't let that hold you back. There will be tons of loners at the con as well.
I'm okay with being alone at cons since 90% of the time there I'm in lines getting merch. Anime Expo has always been the line con in NA anyways. I feel like a cafe is different. DESU the drive is probably the thing holding me back the most though
Sex with Wawa while she wears a Surtr cosplay
I prefer Pramanix
And I can be Silver Ash
bros. how does kiara smell?
do you guys have a way to search for kfp at dokomi tweets? I want to read what people say and see photos but I don't know how to twitter and my stalker game is not strong
I wish I lived an hour away from events. I went to one that had a 4 hour train ride.
An hour travel isn't too bad for an event that happens very rarely. It'll be annoying, but at least you won't regret not going afterwards.
A smug as fuck Wawa from another Mori short
I don't live an hour away but the place is about an hour away from anime expo. I can't afford to live in SoCal, especially down town LA lmao. It's already going to be a grueling 6 hour drive from my house to the hotel.
Since everyone seems to want me to go, I might go in the evening of the 7th although it's probably cheaper to have it shipped out to me considering gas prices are like 6usd down there.
This would've been easy uf we could still see likes. Look up any of the usual con goers like Salubrious Beets, jero, lunchbox, moondog, PatC etc
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I wrote this
I want kiara to hold my pepis like that…
Sex with Kiara while she cosplays me and I cosplay her

Like my saliva
Besides her being happy at meeting so many of you for the first time I'm glad there hasn't been any sighting of that one guy.
my wawa
I genuinely believe that if he showed up KFP would kill him, at least I would
People know who he is if they made the trip. Unironically he'd be in the floor in seconds if he showed his face.
hey guys
I'm sure you can alert security to problem individuals if you are a guest and he already caused issues last time, plenty of cause for them to blacklist him.
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15 minutes till tickets go up. Queue up and try to be in the middle for max orange-ness.
ganbatte on the tickets
i hope you guys get it but only if i get it. we need orange penlights everywhere during group songs. i was at connect the world and there was way too much blue
Godspeed on your ticket gacha KFP.
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Pray for me brothers
Anyone get a good spot in line?
>queued into the 5000's range
I'm fucked unless everyone only buys 1 ticket exactly.
>In 18,000th place
Didn't expect to go anyway...
I have 200 people in line on one device and 2000 in line on another, I might actually make it.
The 200 for sure, 2000 probably not.
Korone? What are you doing here?
>low 5Ks
It's pretty over. I got world Tour Soar tickets though so it's alright.
>didn't get to go to Dokomi and stuck seeing a majority of the "core" kfp meet her and have a fun time with her
>got queued up in like at 6000 so will probably not be attending BD
I fucking hate today.
And it's probably going to hurt even more as she streams less and less because of Japan.

I should honestly just take a break from Kiara, KFP and hololive in general. I'm just feeling extremely disappointed and sad.
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Is that all it takes? Imagine a world where she just decided to stop streaming things she liked, cut down on stream hours completely, and was ruining her health because of her personal choices outside of work/streaming. This is what I am currently dealing with while supporting FuwaMoco along with Wawa.
This era of Wawa is seriously a renaissance. She's been really happy, has a home, likes to mess around in the garden, is cooking, has lots of cute stuff to tell us. How you could be sad about KFP and the state of Wawa right now is crazy.
>>didn't get to go to Dokomi and stuck seeing a majority of the "core" kfp meet her and have a fun time with her
yeah, they probably fucked as well.
>>got queued up in like at 6000 so will probably not be attending BD
It's just a concert or whatever. Why do you care so much? Why do you all people care so much?
>And it's probably going to hurt even more as she streams less and less because of Japan.
what's even going to hurt?
>I should honestly just take a break from Kiara, KFP and hololive in general.
yeah you probably should take a break and figure stuff out.
Shit that is not the soundpost I thought it was, woops. Here's the right one
I like having time for second hobbies myself, and she still streams plenty.
Sorry ruffian.
>yeah, they probably fucked as well.
Don't be a disingenuous faggot.
>yeah, they probably fucked as well.
Damn. I know KFP can be gay, but not that gay
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Id fuck any twink KFP if they cosplayed as Kiara
holy shit nigga.... i want to go im minutes away from the fucking place! the que is soooooo long
Even got some for my bro. My fucking queue luck, one was under 500 and the over was over 10k. Thank god I had 2 browsers
guys if you have over 10k or 6 or 5 its done. i was 2.6k and used my place in line to buy both days im sure many are doing the same
>wawa performs in my hometown
>I actually got both days AND World Tour
cannot believe my luck
Congrats to those who got tickets! Looking forward to trying my luck when the time comes for the concert in Atlanta in December.
>300 in line
>2 minutes left
t-there's still a chance right?
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Hopefully both days can stand on their own

I had the opportunity to buy both days but shrugged and cancelled the other one because I thought it was a bit pricey for a similar concert
>No uncensored version
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is this you chicken? congrats on the tickets, and thanks for the horny commissions btw
Thank Christ i got help with getting day 2 tickets, but my god did i get fucked over by gatcha
Will I look like a dumbass wearing the breaking dimensions gear to the Soar concert?
I imagine lots of other people will have the same idea.
You'll be fine
You could also just wear orange
The world Tour? they sold penlights advertising that though?
Have fun out there chimken.
Kiara cute
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Congrats to the goobers who got tickets. Don't forget to wear your KFP chef apron to the concert and nothing underneath.
Anyone know a good place for resellers
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private kfp karaoke at dokomi. I've been waiting for this artist to get on the fever night outfit trend.
what is this chicken looking at during office hours?
Moral is pretty much doing comms 24/7. There's a Kiara slated for July, I bet that'd be a Fever Night one
Not to burst any bubbles but that is me and I'm the anons have linked above, he just decided to start July early.
I'm the one*
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I'm so greedy I got day 1 and 2 and I'm looking to go to the Atlanta concert too when the time comes
Hmm... maybe I'll think of something then
Will Kiara stream more Fallout New Vegas?
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yes but don't expect it soon. it got moved from regular series to when she feels like it. plus the faction choice paralysis is making her hesitate
Sounds like she considered but couldn't do a long stream bc football on that tuesday
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seriously what is this chicken watching on the screen, it looks hot
I got you
that's fucking HOT! thanks chicken. if only this wasn't just a single panel it's so good it deserves a full doujinshi

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