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This is FMWC's schedule the week they have a gen of new competition debuting. I don't understand. Are they actively trying to convert ruffians into justchads?
i don't understand, why is your concert canceled nijikek?
I'm going to grudgepost all of these threads after FWMC have the single greatest 3d debut in holo history
I like how in the /#/ thread I directly called you unicorns out for being open Fuwamoco antis. I'm vindicated yet again. Fuck you all.
>stream over them
>don't stream over them
1 hour of a live being marginally better than it otherwise would be is not worth losing months of streams
Their timeslots are completely different, what is this weak bait?
They're now learning why all Holos give up on schedules eventually. Don't announce something if you might need to cancel it
>gen of new competition debuting
only nijifags have this idea of more gens being more competition
>FWMC antis
You retarded?
>FWMC morning
>Portal 2
oh jeez, both streams they can't shill in #'shorts mode, I WONDER WHY THESE WERE PICKED
They've been on them since the Golden Week non-incident.
Fuck off, they had good reasons for canceling those streams. FWMC Morning was cancelled because they went out to eat, and Portal 2 was because they were tired.
rip lol
The teletubies for adults are recording and capturing their 3d debit, the 3d concert and their anniversary anon. Hololive is not nijisanji, they are not competing with each other or crying for spilling stew and waiting for cupons to get food.
What? Why on earth wouldn't they be able to make either of those #shorts format?
Your baits are somehow getting even worse.
No they haven’t retard, have you been falling for falseflaggers anon?
no one hates fuwamoco more than ruffians
>they are not competing with each other
this is objectively false. You can watch everyone else's CCV drop when Gura streams
what is a "homework day"?
What is this cope? Why do people on this site pretend like vods don’t exist?
Yes it is.
3D FWMC is the dream I've had since their debut.
rent free cuck
numbermutts are fucking cringe bro, imagine cancelling streams because you can't farm subs from them
Normally it would be a day off for vtubers but for them it's offline work
Don't let this thread distract you from the fact that NijiEN is merging next week
you're setting yourself up for disappointment. you can't become a professional dancer if you start as a hag, and even singing is hugely handicapped
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I don't see why that matters unless they have more graduations planned after the merge
they have day jobs?
Basically it's just extra work they have, so like recording sessions, stream prep, dance lessons, singing lessons and corporate stuff that comes with being in Hololive.
Anon, did you think their little VN projects, song covers, voice packs, etc. all spawned out of thin air instantaneously? Not to mention practice/recording for the upcoming concerts.
all Holos do that shit and they don't go on months long hiatuses to do so. All of Advent is preparing for 3D debut and only FWMC are ghosting
Mind explaining how they're ghosting?
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I'm watching to see them be adorable retards
compare their stream hours over the last 4 months to the rest of their gen
they don't need to take off months to practice to be retards
Alright but that's not ghosting, and the comparison is pretty moot since Biboo grinds games a lot more than both Nerissa and Shiori together.
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>He doesn't know
They need to practice in order to remain extra cute at all times.
I feel pretty ghosted when they cancel two streams in a week. Not to mention that the stream hours we DO get are low quality numberfagging vertical garbage
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I'm sure you do, sis.
Alright the morning show could have been explained better by them simply explaining it was a dinner with their senpai, instead of us hearing 2nd hand from Biboo. The cancellation today was unfortunate I agree because portal was one of the only decent games they were going to play in a while.
But ghosting to me is what Gura was doing for months upon months. Ie no communication at all. Fuwamoco have yet to be on the same level as Gura in terms of ghosting.
why is it easier for you to believe there is a vast conspiracy of people trying to sabotage sentiment against FWMC as opposed to some gachikoi being upset that their oshis have left them?
It does suck how they stream so much less now. The first seven months or so was a pretty good run.
I don't care if you want to call it something else besides "ghosting", but the behavior itself is shitty and selfish
Because it's not vast. It's the same 10-20 retards seething at them for months.
God, I miss the IP counter.
Let them be a testament to how much bullshit work goes on in the background.
All I'm trying to do is explain what "ghosting" actually means within context.
They don't cancel very often, so this is more of an anomaly for them as shitty as it is.
I don't really like these two but you realize MTYH, PROMISE and ADVENT are all hands on deck because of the world tour concerts and the breaking dimensions concerts right?
Of course they don't. Sisters have never seen a concert, so they don't know what it's like at all.
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Anon it's too soon please have some sympathy
what does that pic have to do with anything?
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Everyone who's a real fan of theirs knew from the start that they didn't join Hololive just be to be streamers with no further aspirations. In their own words, they're "hungry puppies" and that Hololive is a company of "infinite possibilities".
I am happy that they are getting work and opportunities that allow them to achieve their dreams and do exciting and interesting activities.

These are all the things they managed to do or are currently doing from their goals chart.
weren't they in a video game?
>seeing Fuwawa's fuwawas bouncing in 3D won't be worth it
Factually wrong and gay
You would get to see that even if they completely phoned in their performance like Shiori is going to
Cool. How many of those involved Nijisanji English?
no, not yet
They'll probably count FuwaMoco64 if it actually gets finished or getting into Holocure or a Holoindie game, whichever happens first.
is it just me or does mococo look fatter
>they should phone it in so they can stream more
Idol agency, idol talents, idol activities. Get over it fag
They have both Bijou and Shiori in their gen. Hololive being an idol company is a meme.
What percentage of Hololive's concerts have involved EN?
Higher than 0, that's for sure. Hell, just in 2024 we had holofes, dreamhack, and now connect the world and the world tour.
NTA but my oshi (JP) generally streams every day, but oftentimes there'll be a week when she has to cancel one or more streams separely or back-to-back for various reasons: recording, voice/dance training, photo/videoshoots, meetings, other administrative tasks, meeting/hanging out with other Holomembers, family matters, family emergencies, being tired from any of the above, and more. If you think cancelling a couple of streams in perhaps the busiest period of the past year for them is ghosting and a betrayal, I'd advise you to give up on them now because, especially since they've moved to Japan, it is likely they'll be participating in various thighs that will eat into their stream time. It seems to be their choice, and Hololive accommodates that, so your complaints won't be very effective.
That said, their hiatus for moving was a pretty hasty move. As a casual EN (EU) viewer, I'd gotten into the habit of trying to catch their afternoon FWMC morning streams, as well as their game streams, even if they were at 2am and I had to wreck my sleep for them. During/after their break, I've lost interest in doing that and, especially with Justice debuting and streaming in much betre hours for me, I've now no need to do so either. Consistency is an extremely important element for a streamer, and they jeopardised that, which is in part where you dissatisfaction comes from, and I understand why. I'm sure the twins realise this, and are now dealing with the consequences of their own actions, by trying to boost their subs through vertical streams. It's an unfortunate turn of events, but this is their choice.
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>it is likely they'll be participating in various thighs
>I'd advise you to give up on them now
I wonder who could be behind this post
don't strain yourself moving those goal posts
Literally no one in Justice is encroaching on their turf. None of the girls have cute voices, so Fuwamoco isn't threatened by them.
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Come to think of it, doesn't the holoEN concert go on sale tomorrow?
Think it'll sell as poorly as ChroNoir at WanderWorld?
>went out to eat is a good reason to last minute cancel streams
Didn't know ruffians were this fucking dumb
But what if they start muff diving eachother in 3D
fastest mask off in the thread
It was with Suisei.
They don’t want to overlap their kohais, because that would be a scummy move.
One person did beat Gura. Legit.
People who watch Fuwamoco literally don't watch anyone else.
Fucking entitled motherfucker. At least we got fuwamoco morning. The dogs work hard and even apologize when they cant make it.
no one believes your botting, stop wasting your money numberschizo
I have faith in Biboo. She's a hungry rock that the shark fears
She is a passable singer, but can Nerissa dance?
Too esl, too husky. Its a nice gimmick, but Fuwampco are a duo. Raora is mainly getting by being Gura's nepohire
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Go fuck yourself. Biboo beat Gura, legit.

>i-it was debut buff

Fuck off with the goalpost. Gura streamed for SIX hours and Biboo topped her for a good chunk of it. Without bots.
lowest SCs in EN
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You know what? I don't disagree with you there. Biboo rivals Gura in so many ways and truly outperforms her in one of the metrics that matter. Gura may be entertaining as a game streamer, but Biboo is a genuine endurance gamer. Can game competently and stream for longer hours. Its why Grindstone is a thing, its why people tune in to her Elden ring streams. But Biboo has also earned a good unicorn & gachikoi following, which she hasn't leaned into. Gura has by doing light GFE and being unicorn-friendly. Biboo just has to do a bit more in that regard and her SC numbers will improve vastly.
No, it's because her audience is all children and kids don't have money.
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Nobody is getting converted when none of the justice members cater to the FWMC audience. They don't have any otaku members and the only one with decent game choices is Gigi.
not related to this thread but i wonder how the justice members cater to the other 3 advent fanbases if they do
No, I have genuinely no idea what you are getting at.
Liz -> Nerissa
Gigi -> Biboo
Ceci -> Shiori
Do they have to? They seem to catering to new niches Holo EN didn't before.


The biggest one. She's been compared to Kanata and there's a good reason why - she's open to experimenting with music. That jingle stream was really good.


A unique brand of ESL, Italian ESL. Cecilia is Deutsche ESL after Kiara, but is competent in English like Kiara. But Raora is genuine ESL, with a limited English that is about Ririka level. Add in her NSFW art skills, and she's kinda safe.


I hate her, but I know why Holo picked her. I knew of ERB before Holo. I don't think she's Holo material, but she's a singer. If Holo wants to secure industry deals, ERB's a safe bet.


So far, the only real runt in the group. But Gigi did very well in her soft corpo, and she should be repeating that performance.
Gigi was also the runt in her small corpo tho
I dread the day their menhera fanbase leaves them. Please keep your people on a leash fuwamoco. We don't need them elsewhere.
>with a limited English that is about Ririka level
There is no way you have watched both of them stream and possibly believe this.
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I'll just give you a little hint >>77404507
Anon I have. Raora's english is about as bad. I know you want to say Ririka is more ESL, but I honestly think they're about equal. They can hold a conversation and form sentences, but don't know complex english words. Raora will go back to Italian when scared. We ENs will still lap up because "le funny foreigner", but Ririka would have done okay if she debuted in EN as "JP immigrant gyaru". Missed opportunity there Jap, should have had Ririka in Justice as fifth EN member.
If her audience were pedophiles she wouldn't have the abysmal numbers that she does
Ririka cannot hold a 2+ hour conversation in fluent English. Raora makes basically no English mistakes, even if she lacks very advanced vocab. Ririka screws up constantly, and her vocab is even worse. She's intelligible but not fluent by any means.
Like I said, its because she doesn't do ASMR and other light GFE stuff, which Gura has. Gura has done a maid stream with Fauna and a few other gfe streams. Biboo could pull it off, like doing a maid stream with Nerissa for instance, but she hasn't yet. Maybe she's too timid, maybe she thinks its not for her. But I do think she should give it a try. She'll rake in more SC that way. But if we're talking numbers and CCV, Biboo is doing fine with her gaming expertise.
you realize you are basically self describing as a pedophile, right?
this is a sister bait thread retard
should've taken Bae's advice
when the biggest star in the company invites you and your gen mates out to eat you don't say no
>should have had Ririka in Justice as fifth EN member.
>gluing unicorn horn back with ASMR.
Sexo but horrifying for the board.
you do if you give a shit about the trust of your audience.
you don't, you would be leaving the other two girls who don't speak japanese alone with someone who doesn't speak english too

and they did tweet out in advance that it would be cancelled
I'm just a numberfag who acknowledges why Gura has the highest sub count as well as earns a decent SC rating. As a numberfag, I do my reps and pay attention to what one streamer does that the adjacent streamer does. Aside from throwing allegations have (you) been doing your reps?
Gura is good at what she does, but not notably more than the rest of EN. She just got lucky.
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I'd take it honestly. Lyrica a cute! CUTE
shes a male collabing whore
no one legitimately cares about that and I'm tired of everyone pretending to be unicorns. get a new meme jfc
Yeah her luck being she debuted during COVID, and was the first of her gen. Not to mention the strength of that first gen. Its why I honestly think that if 2023 Bijou had debuted in 2020 with Myth (either as Gura or alongside her), she would have pulled a similar result. But again, I am pointing out some of the things the Goob has done that Biboo hasn't, which is why its not a perfect comparison.
im not pretending and i do care
Boy, it would sure be ironic if Ririka has done a 2 hour collab with an EN that speaks essentially 0 Japanese. That said, I do actually agree with you that Raora's seems better, I just don't think the gap is as wide as you're saying. (And honestly probably part of it is that jumping from Japanese to English is much harder than jumping from Italian to English, which in some sense makes Ririka seem actually more impressive for how much better she is than the average Japanese person, whereas the English level of the average Italian person is almost certainly much higher, so Raora doesn't stand out from the crowd as much.)
Lets add more fuel to that fire!!
Ririka's barely talking in that collab, the entirety of Raora's is one long convo with no game to distract. I've actually studied abroad in both Italy and Japan, and at least in civilized areas, Japan has better average English proficiency. Remember that Holos are largely dumber than the average population
I mean, she barely talks, Ririka has a good grasp of English, but she has a shitty vocabulary, which is the opposite with Korean one(always forget her name), she has a better accent and knows more words, but her sentence structure feels worse.
yes you are, and no you don't. maybe you'd whine if your oshi had a male collab, but you wouldn't drop her
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And Raora has years of english streaming under her belt. She'll be fine. Her accent's thick, but she managed to be a bigger /lig/ger even with that debuff.
it would have been kino if she was a liger instead of a panther
To be honest I already lost faith in them when Fuwawa week was cancelled for no reason. I could tell that they weren't going to be able to work the way Holo JP do. Now every stream has this desperate 'W-we're protecting you smiles wight Wuffians!?" pressuring technique that they use to gas themselves up.
People tell me they cried on member streams regarding the whole JP streaming situation, but I just don't trust it at all. Seems like more manipulation.
i legitimately would if it was with one of the sharts or another male vtuber
>JP streaming situation
That they stream less because of whole moving stuff? Crying could mean anything really, can be just pressure, not necessarily the "feel bad for viewers" type of crying.
Explain why.
I almost dropped her over the HLZNTL thing, I was in the most emotional pain I'd been in since highschool. I just want to chill and not deal with that shit ever again.

The only reason I didn't was her reassuring us during her karaoke that there would be no contact between them
Jesus you're such a kid. You better man up before some oji-san(me) cucks you
I fell in love with her for real.
You can call names all you want but I know I don't want to deal with that ever again.
which one was it?
i dont know why is a-chan graduating holobrony?
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who do you think
either had a baby and decided not to return after maternity leave
or she's taking care of a sick relative full time
ok but that won't bring her back LOL
If something like HLZNTL hurt you that badly, I genuinely suggest you stop coming to /vt/ before you learn some shit you really don't want to know.
You know she's not talent, right?
You would be okay with your oshi being married, but not playing a game with a man in a professional context? What kind of mental illness is this?
It's perfectly rational.
I don't want to see males on her stream.

I know I'll never marry her or even speak to her, so if someone else gets to do that in front of thousands of other people I would feel betrayed.
If it was just a celeb interview or something then whatever, but a one on one collab where they're laughing and flirting would be inexcusable.
this is like saying you don't care if your wife cheats on you as long as you don't find out
She isn't my wife. I'm not delusional.
We haven't shared vows
Fpbp nijikek keeps crying because vox got cancer
>whereas the English level of the average Italian person is almost certainly much higher
As an Italian I can say tell you that no, it fucking isn't
oh hey another stream canceled
Man, is it really that grim in Italy? I guess I'm kind of surprised, Japan is notorious for not teaching English well, and I would have thought that even if the quality of instruction was similarly bad that the greater similarity would give the Italians a head start.
I know moving to JP is their long dream and shit and I kinda respect it but it has been their worst decision content wise, all their momentum and consistency evaporated as soon as they moved.
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>be proud of us
What did they mean by that?
On their rm account they have been complaining about being tired and lack of sleep.
>she would have pulled a similar result.
I like Biboo and all, but that would have never happened. She would have been at around 2-2.5 mil rn, like Mori. Her voice filters a good chunk of people. She just doesn't have the same kind of wide general knowledge and humor, which appeals to more types of people like Gura, outside of zoomer humor. I watch them both anyway, and now Gigi as well.
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Updated schedule
Those dogs seriously need to fucking rest already.
The ruffians would gladly wait months if it means they don't have to stream as sporadically as Marine does for the rest of their long career.
I don't know about months, but when you announce you are gonna cancel a few streams in a row, maybe you should just, take a week or two off, no one would hold it against them if they said "we are sorta tired give us 2 week break", but then they'd have to oblige and not cancel any streams after that.
Gigi is nowhere near those two.

>Her voice filters a good chunk of people. She just doesn't have the same kind of wide general knowledge and humor, which appeals to more types of people like Gura

I disagree on the voice. But I agree on the second point. I think its another thing Biboo needs to pick up on to propel herself further. She's a bit better than FWMC by not being turbo weeb, but she still has a few ways to go
>like the Fuwawa karaoke
>and that other RnR
>and a buch of other shit most of us already forgot about
the word is “canceled“. They could at least be that honest. This better be most epic 3D live ever created with how much they’re sacrificing
You know it's never gonna live up to expectations. It's always like this.
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They're finally going to have sex with irys on stream.
shouldnt have moved to japan and promised that nothing would change
Slip of the tongue, heh
LOL it's almost entirely falseflagging Sisters.
I keep in mind two things
>They've done a lot for me already and put in a lot of stream hours
>They're working ridiculously hard outside of their schedule times
They're sacrificing sleep in order to get stream times in.
I can critique that some of the efforts they're putting in seem misguided, like "why are you overworking yourselves to do events in Taiwan and Japan where the majority of your audience isn't there?" At the same time, they've said it clearly they were taking the strategy of accepting every opportunity that came their way. A charming but noticeable fault of theirs is very idealistic thinking.
I want streams, I do, but I'm willing to wait for the schedule to get better.
I think this is the real problem honestly. Biboo was straight with her audience in the first few weeks after she debuted. She said something like "I want to stream as much as I can this year because next year, I'll most likely be too busy to stream nearly as much."

Fuwamoco really needed to make it clear when they moved to Japan that streams would most likely slow to 1 or 2 per week and that was how it was going to be permanently (after 3D debut is done, it will be practicing for concerts and other events instead - there will always be something going on to keep them from streaming).

The mistake they made was leaving their viewers in the dark wondering when they'd come back instead, which is what has led to this groundswell of complaints. I am a Biboo fan but had casually been watching the occasional Fuwamoco stream too; but I haven't gone back since they moved to Japan and probably won't.
None of this would have happened if they simply dropped doing schedules and streamed when they can. All of the EN's who have dropped schedules have been happier and less stressed out than when they did have to follow a schedule
Honestly I'm going through 5 stages of grief about ERB and Ririka.

If ERB could just turn into EN Choco and leave the rest of Justice/EN alone from homocollab/mentions, I'd support her in a heartbeat.
>if you start as a hag
Good thing they started before you were born.
4 streams is good given all they are doing
yes, she's my whore
Anon, that's impossible considering Coco.
What the fuck is this bait, are you saying that they should stream over Justice members as much as possible to make sure Ruffians don't switch their oshis? Wtf?
World would be a much better place if hololive fans and their streamin whore weren't such Cowards and actually fought/ate one another to stake a real claim
No, Jurard's

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