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portal and fwmc morning 104 postponed
It's a morning show you aren't postponing it you're canceling it. Just because the next one will logically still be the same number doesn't mean you can say this to wiggle out of the facts.
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I am the only true Ruffian. Every post after mine is from a samefag tourist.
Was Attack on Titan Final Season Part 2 postponed or cancelled?
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i won't forget
I hope they realize how serious this is and that it will cause people to leave. And I don't mean the dead sub tourists from their number whoring but the people that have destroyed their sleep to watch every stream and reply to every tweet.
this thread will be bauter
Welcome back!
That doesn't even take one hour
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cancelled, obviously. then they uncancelled it when it started airing.
fwmc morning 104 is cancelled until next week, where it will be uncancelled
These are just short-term bumps on the road. The 3D debut and concert will be successes, they'll eventually hit one-million subs, and once that's over, we'll get RnR karaokes again. What's there to be angry about.
pls rember that time you felt happy
A morning show is a time sensitive piece of content. A news station wouldn't say it's postponing the morning news to another day, it's being canceled and will return the next day with a different episode.
>but the people that have destroyed their sleep to watch every stream and reply to every tweet.
Nah, I'm not going anywhere. A couple, like Itta and atm, have dialed back because they're both probably on the verge of double suicide.
does your news station numbers their morning show?
I can only pray. If they fuck up the 3D debut or it isn't blow your socks off amazing and they get shown up by the rest of Advent then I will seriously question if they're even cut out for the idol stuff at all.
It's a stream, so they're postponing it
And now you get the feeling of all of their close acquaintances in the last 10 years
i fucking love fuwamoco
I really, REALLY hope they've learned their lesson.
This situation is just tiring, for them and for the ruffians. They get no sleep and overwork themselves to the poing of having to cancel streams and we get short 2 hours streams, light schedules and random stream cancellations. It's just not fun, for them or for us. And all of that hard work for what? To please the managers that don't give a fuck about their dreams and only care about money? To make a shitty event or promotion that 90% of their fans won't be able to attend to? I don't know what they are thinking, but they can't keep doing this.

I supported and defended their move to Japan, but in hindsight? I shouldn't have done it. They are not mature enough for this. They can't see their own limits when everyone else can. They are not 20 years old, they can't keep working and working with no sleep, I thought they were smart enough to realize this, but they clearly aren't.
They said that once they were in Japan their sleep schedule would be fixed, but instead of taking it easy knowing that now that they live in Japan they can take those "oportunities" whenever they want, they just went and took all of them without thinking. Compare them with the rest of Advent, they have the same dance and singing practice, but the rest of advent are able to do 5+ hour long stream every day, and the reason for that is that they didn't take all the homework available like our retarded dogs.
They won't last 2 years in the company at this point.

I WANT to trust them, I want to trust that after September they won't keep overworking themselves with shitty homework that no other talent takes, but I can't. They haven't shown even a hint of actually realizing how much they fucked up. Yes, they said that they realized that *maybe* they were being too ambitious, but in the next fucking stream they justified their decission by saying that they wanted to show the managers how "thankful they were for the opportunity", if they really realized the issue they wouldn't try to justify themselves, they would just promise to do better in the future. I don't care if they make mistakes, everyone does mistakes, but I do hope they learn their lesson. Making the same mistake over and over is not funny or cute, it's just depressing.

I love them, and I don't want to leave them, but I don't want to see the girls I love overwork themselves to death, it's that simple. If they keep doing the same mistakes and things haven't calmed down in October I'll stop watching them. I'm not the biggest paypig, and I'm not from the clique, I haven't even been mentioned here, but I know that they love all of their fans, they'll be hurt if they see ruffians leaving. I just hope they are able to learn to do better before they burn themselves or too many of us decide to leave them.
It could be the absolute most kino 3D debut in hololive history and you wpould still shit up the thread calling it garbage.
I know for a fact shitposters will be in here calling it trash, same with their first official orisong.
It makes sense now why they always fail. This is exactly why they will never amount to anything.
who post this
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yeah, yeah
>I haven't even been mentioned here
Oh now that's a lie. Unless you've never even sent an aka before, in which case I believe you.
I'm starting to understand the pain and thought process of the people they say doubted them. They probably weren't even telling them to give up directly, but that they were killing themselves with overwork in pursuit of something that isn't worth the stress and health issues. They are not going to change because this is who they are. And they will proceed to destroy their health, live a blur without enjoyment until the clock runs out and they don't even have happy memories because they were always sacrificing for the future instead of enjoying the present.
I don't see this in the 'cord anywhere
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>I'm not the biggest paypig, and I'm not from the clique, I haven't even been mentioned here
LARP better.
Who is this?
He probably thinks they only said that to lead him on without any intention of actually doing it. But even if they never end up playing it, I don't think he can fault them for that. At least they acknowledged the VN exists and they've seen it. I think that's the best anyone can realistically hope for when doing these fan projects.

It would be like if I bought some land and built a FuwaMoco mansion and I expect them to live in it and of course they don't and I go menhera about it.
What do you get out of making edits like this?
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>It's just not fun, for them or for us
I'm having fun and 2 hour streams are nice and easy to catch up on. I didn't read the rest.
stickboy edit. he could never articulate himself like that
>already shifted to things will be better in October
gtim. hope you all weren't too mean to chumbuds because we're speedrunning that with FUWAMOCO. They're already becoming mascots that cover parades out for the twin novelty and they seem to enjoy that much more than streaming.
>At least they acknowledged the VN exists and they've seen it
They already liked it as acknowledgment, but of course he wants more
you're right he's as brain-dead as they come kek
I came hard to Fuwawa's fat tits and ass after edging for 1 hour and I feel fine now, I'm not mad anymore
their family and friends have seen this exactly scenario play out several times before. spoiler, it never has worked out and won't this time either unless they change their mindset to a healthier and sustainable one
Hey, this is perfectly ok since it looks like this guy is just venting and didn't post it to Twitter or something.
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>Compare them with the rest of Advent, they have the same dance and singing practice
fuwamoco have always been in a league of their own and have a much higher demand from management than the rest of advent
in fact their separation from advent was foreshadowed way back during holoexpo when their cutouts were distanced away from advent's which were grouped together
it's kafka esque really
This, just embrace gorilla
made me laugh at least, you could have picked anyone else and had it be a little believable but you went for the ultimate joke.
>but of course he wants more
Yea I understand that, but we can't always get everything we want, even if we worked so hard for it.
Dare I say... kino?
Yes because even that wouldn't justify how much we've sacrificed. They should feel bad for the way they've treated their fans. They could have been honest from the start, taken some time away from streaming to focus on the prep but instead they tried to have everything all at the same time
I came hard to R larping as FWMC and I feel fine now
You know
If their families and heck, even one of their most trusted friend has been trying and failing to convince them for years, then there's really nothing we can do except picrel
not zoomer enough lingo to be stickboy
This is the same sad cope chumbuds use when Gura fucks off for months
Mori has way more work than everyone in hololive and she's still the 2nd most hours streamed only behind biboo
PLEASE lets not be like chumbuds
>If they keep doing the same mistakes and things haven't calmed down in October I'll stop watching them
If possible can you speed this up and fuck off a bit faster? Make it August if you can
The truth is that our smiles and the idol dream aren't compatible
Glad they cancelled. It's obvious they're really overburdened right now and this is honestly something I support, even if I like streams. I'd rather they chill out for a second and come back when they can actually be here with us for more than an hour or two.
just sleep ffs
>inb4 3AM tweet again
Wouldn't the reasons for them failing this time be different from the reasons for previous times?
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BAU bau
Looks like some people need to eat more meat, clean their ears with 3% isopropyl alcohol and go play gaylo
no sleep, there's homework to do BAU BAU
post stream
I still don't like how they put their stands in what (if all you had to go by was these pics) seemed like an abandoned area of the venue. They could have at least put some kind of island background screen behind them to make the pics taken with them look better
How likely do you think it is these people writing huge menhera walls about how they don't care about idol stuff and want more streams just sit in this thread during them counting how many times their chats get read? I'm thinking almost all of them
but will you ride their entrails like a meat tobonga first?
The issue is they will release a schedule again for next week feeling like they have to make it up to us and then burn out and cancel more again. Just take a break from streaming for a while, it's ok. It is so much worse to keep lying that everything is OK and sustainable when you're drowning. Last minute postponing is just inconsiderate of everyone
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Thank you. This is almost exactly my position, just articulated better than I can
Back to /dbs/, spic
>cancels 3 streams
nothing personnel wuffians, be understanding!!
yes yes, we get it
you have a discord screenshot faking set up
good for you
wait, I blinked and she's now playing platform 8
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I hope he does it and leaves a message so fwmc needs to address this
Yea, I think they thought that ruffians would be more understanding with them choosing to put a schedule up and just cancelling streams as needed instead of just not putting up a schedule, and then they'd be scared of doing guerilla streams because they'd be worried some ruffians wouldn't know about them and miss out.
Based and reasonablepilled
No they won't retard lmao.
The specific >final reason? Yes, but when the same scenario replays three times already and we are seeing it again in real time it's not hard to feel some doubts that it's going to end any differently
All of advent is taking time off this weekend afaik
Biboo didn't say anything but I can see it coming.
Well all those "close" aquantences fucking abandoned them at their lowest point
god i hate ESLs so much
Learn to read, nigger
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I want to have sex with plana
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This. I've been on the verge of outright telling them to put FWMC morning on hiatus for the last couple of weeks.
>three times already
I can only think of two, and that's covid for the first then the company being a piece of shit for the second. Overwork is a different reason entirely.
just like Ruffians!
Well yes, they are doing their best.
I can't imagine them just fucking around and doing nothing.
I'll be blunt. If they don't like my reply to the postpone tweet by this weekend, I'm out. It's a silly way to go out but they don't deserve a serious reason with all the bullshit they've pulled recently. If they aren't taking it seriously neither will I.
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I'm a chumbud so i have no reason to leave or abandon anyone
I'll always be here or wherever I need to be if they stop being vtubers.
I don't even care about the cancellations. Their unrealistic viewpoint fucks them over consistantly for EVERYTHING they're doing. It honestly helped them get here purely on luck, but they need to be smarter about this shit, because if they aren't, they won't even be around long enough to even think about getting a sololive. Their burnout will put them on a long and arduous hiatus that'll result in a tpn of the casual fans who are here from other talents not streaming to move on. No one cared about the move because there was a date, and even if it got pushed back, we had an idea of when they'd be 'back'. With this shit, it's so chaotic that people will unironically leave due to inconsistancy. They just need to actually take another break, bunker down, and knock through everything.
That means that little goal of 1m they have needs to be put on hold. If they wanted it so badly that they're pushing themselves to stream consistantly to the extreme detriment to themselves, they should have evaluated better what their future in the company held. Anyone with eyes who payed half attention to anything going on with other gens would have been able to have a rough timeline for busy periods. Spring for FES, summer for events, and a period of time around the first anni for big events.
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my nigga
Gonna keep it 100, if I miss the BD tickets after this horrible week I'm posting the Suisei note to their tag and calling it quits on life
If I don't get the BD tickets, I'm going to BLAME IT on Suisei and become her biggest anti
the problem was putting a schedule out in the first place when they clearly weren't in any position to do that
they're occupied with homework that they cleared out a superchat backlog just to have another one immediately pile up soon after since they can't read superchats at the end of streams anymore like they want to
sure fuwamoco are dependent and obsessed with the ruffians and have explained before that streams and spending time with us help them feel at ease but to their own detriment because when they aren't working their asses off with dance and singing rehearsals they are hardly getting any sleep and their diet is god awful
no schedule would have meant not having to postpone streams and worry about whether or not you're disappointing your fans because there would be no expectations whatsoever and any new stream would be entirely your call
Not much more to say beyond I agree. I'm starting to worry that they aren't going to be able to enjoy or celebrate their one year outside of the obligatory shilling streams mandated by cover.
Don't commit suzy anon... Things will get better eventually
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They've proven themselves a thousand times over. They love the Ruffians, they care about the Ruffians, they're doing everything in their power to spend time with us AND work towards their idol dreams at the same time. They're sweet, genuine and hardworking, everything a Holomem should be. There isn't a single Holomem who cares about their fans more than FUWAMOCO. They want success and they deserve it because they're rays of light in a dark world.

Basically you can shitpost here for as long as you want but it's not going to change a thing about how I or any other actual Ruffian feel about them.
I will just rape Suisei. I don't even have a condition.
>I'm posting the Suisei note
Does this mean you're going to /become/ suisei?
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Yeah they've proven themselves to be colossal failures that neglect their health for no reason to chase impossible goals. It's what got them into hololive so it's not all bad but it's also what's going to cause them to leave sooner than anyone would like if they keep it up.
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What does their health have to do with you? You are not their parent or significant other. What they do in their private lives is their business.
Take a chill pill and stop being parasocial.
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Took less than a year and we're already at the point I'm starting to feel jealous of chumbuds, fucking terrible
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They have and I love them, but that doesn't mean they make the smartest decisions.
They're a bit retarded and way too self-sacrificial, which feels pretty sad to see...
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Yea, no one's perfect. Expecting them to be some kind of flawless vtubers who never make mistakes is dumb.
It's fucking unbelievable how some ruffians have abandoned or anti'd two of the sweetest and kindest people you'll ever meet in this life. My life is better after discovering them and as long as I continue to watch them when I can than if I were to never watch them again.
If their health gets this bad then it impacts stream quality and quantity. It means I have less time to enjoy them because they'll retire sooner. I'd also rather they live long healthy lives even after they call it quits but right now it's a risk that we suddenly get the news that they are on indefinite break or worse due to their neglect of their bodies
Okay, I'll give you this ONE (you). Don't spend it all in one place, ruffian
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Kinda feel the same. If things don't shape up around October I honestly feel like sending a rainbow SC about how I can't bare to watch them slowly breakdown, forcing themselves through so much everyday. I'd be overstepping, and I don't even know if my bank would let me. But it's something I've been seriously thinking about
I don't so much mind being called a schizo, or being treated as a laughing stock. I just want them to stop slowly killing themselves, that's it. And it's not like anyone else is going to either

I mean, just reading the other replies tells me what I need to know. Most ruffians are probably asleep right now, or at the very least aren't in the thread currently. The ones that are, are either fanatics who's rational isn't in reality anymore, or shitposters who'll do nothing but stoke both sides to be mad at each other

The truth is, is that FUWAMOCO will continue down this path without ever acknowledging their faults. That's what got them this far in the first place even when everything was falling and failing, they're stubborn, and they don't listen to anyone. And while that worked out by chance, miracles don't happen twice. They're in Hololive now, and they shouldn't be pushing so hard to "show their thankfulness". If they want to do that, then they need to not cripple themselves of their own future by acting so rashly. "Showing your thankfulness" isn't taking more work, that isn't what being thankful means
There's someone trying really hard here
/baubau/ truly is the smash bros ultimate of antis
>There's someone really hard here
Yeah, me
>you’re all just the second coming of fandead
We're not THAT bad are we?
Yeah, it's FWMC. They are working hard. Let's support them.
gonna be awkward for them when they read freecat superchats in October and half the names have oshihenned
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>It's fucking unbelievable how some ruffians have abandoned or anti'd two of the sweetest and kindest people you'll ever meet in this life
Most of them are seething homobeggars and if you believe the rrats people from their past who are salty about their current incredible success. There are only 1 or 2 genuine menheras and they know their complaints are so shameful they'll only ever bitch here and never where anyone can identify them
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Im just looking at all the random things I have saved
I can't do much except send tweets at this point, but I'll do my best.
It's also euro hours.
Can you stop being an anti???
good shitpost but not the time for it
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whatever you say flip
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baused. nothing else going on, so may as well
that didn't take long
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I mean, yeah might as well
I hate that the fags try to derail any genuine discussion or criticism by posting fucking dox.
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it's just a tranny mad that no one was biting, ignore it
meant for >>79413333
also checked
Maybe it's time for some introspection when you're on the same side of the fence as them
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I only have random anime webms
>meeting up with polka instead streaming
I'm not, it's always some yesman gachikoi asshole that realizes they can't keep repeating their dumb shit with no logic that starts posting it. It's either doxx or the stupid pero or gosling pics. without fail.
i'm proud of them
i love them and they love me
She said twin "sister", not "sisters"
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I wrote this.
They made it into hololive and Japan. They have no need to pretend to care about fans outside of exploiting them for money. If they had any empathy left they'd suspend superchats out of respect of people's time like Biboo and Suzy but of course they're money hungry whores chasing numbers over fan happiness and appreciation.
https://x.com/omarupolka/status/1806636671913578718 OH NO NO NO NO
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Maybe it's time for some introspection when you're on the same side of the fence as them
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"""female""" hands typed this post
biboo turned off her supa?
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How are you enjoying season 2? Are you ready for even more?
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>the stupid pero
Yes Axel!
fucking kek
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should've been suisei instead of fbk, ruined ntr
Yeah, she's had them off for a while because she doesn't want to make people wait for them to be read and wants to focus on HW and gaming.
thats her actual sister retards
go away
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give a-chan back you soulless cheap imitation
she turned it on last stream tho???
It is because elden wing doesn't allow supas but I like this loop and actually agree they should pause SCs for a bit
It's a /cgl/ whore
Uh oh, it's over, not reading, your viewpoint is wrong.
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taiga cute
No she didn't
She can't turn them on because from software games don't allow supas and she spams from software games
They won't have to turn off superchats to save the backlog, they are going to naturally lose a lot of paypigs this weekend with justice monetization. I'm almost expecting them to disable it for a while to avoid the shame and garner more sympathy by saying it's for some other BS reason
Not the OP but that kind of proves his point of Biboo not caring about the money coming in at the end of the day. She wants to stream and spend time with the pebbles, even if that means playing a game where superchats aren't allowed for 11 hours straight.
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Don't need to disable supa if you don't stream
>FWMC achieve many dreams including moving to Japan, getting 3D and performing live in concert - at the cost of some streams and a few whiny faggot ruffians
Yes, I'm loving season 2. Am I not meant to be?
I think it is funny that the replies to the Omocat merch are almost entirely only mentioning the sweater and ignoring the shit shirts that fwmc designed
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>disabling SCs
this suggestion is coming from poorpuppies who want to take fuwawa's paypuppies away from her
don't be fooled
It's fucking Elder Ming
It's the FOTM
Sure but she's simply also not as ambitious
Fwmc has projects and other things they need money for. Biboo is there just for the journey
>not as ambitious
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Its ultra-debuff to play DLC right now because of spoilers
Pekora got record low numbers playing it
Why don't they play more co-op games? That's like the main attraction of their duo channel
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we should do another watchalong this weekend
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>Elder Ming
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you will get split screen in shorts format and you will like it
So once again the rrat was right in her warning about them burning out before 1 year. I wish they would listen to their senpai's advice but they are just stubborn retards that seem happy to make easily avoidable mistakes over and over
the shirts are fucking garbage and mococo's looks like something made for raul
SEA goes to sleep soon right
It's barely 6PM there
It's really bad. I honestly don't even think their shirt will sell out it's that awful. I hope it doesn't discourage them but also they need to stay out of any creative decisions because holy fuck are they bad at it
Burned out implies the fire goes out
They're still the Icarus currently burning
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rip next few threads then. good night
Can't wait for them to be turned into a merch selling machine like Gura
it also relies on an inside joke but you need another person to wear the matching one for it to make any sense
I remember the OP of that
mosaic.wav love
Are you fucking braindead? They cancelled streams this week so they *don't* burn out. They know they're exhausted and are choosing to rest, instead of forcing themselves to stream when they shouldn't
Yeah that Suisei dinner was really important huh
how's that related to burning out, again?
I don't think it was a choice. One of them just passed out from exhaustion and they were forced to. They shouldn't have ever let out get to this point. Praising them for this is like saying they're being responsible with their voices because they were taking a break during the forced week suspension.
>One of them just passed out from exhaustion
I want to support the new girls just in a good luck kind of way but don't want FUWAMOCO to think I'm leaving or cheating. is $125 to each an okay amount to not trigger a whore label flag?
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>"Things will be better in September"
unless we get a voice chat to verify otherwise, I assume Moco-chan has been in a coma since Thursday morning.
>to each
What a slut.
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Nobody actually believes it, it'll never be the same since the Japan move
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>exact 60s diff
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>One of them just passed out from exhaustion
My logic is sending it to all 4 shows it's not any sign of attachment or cheating. it's purely financial support. I feel it would be worse to only SC the one I've been watching
>One of them just passed out from exhaustion
no need to justify yourself gaeb we all know you're a disloyal bastard
Do you have proof Mococo didn't fall asleep in the taxi home and hasn't woken up for over 24H? We won't know until Monday at the earliest, if ever. Unless they do a voice tweet to prove they're oth ok.
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this but with fuwawa
I really do hate you fags. So fucking black and white with every little thing.
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God I wanna FUCK the panther
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this but with mococo
Yeah but that Suisei dinner tho??
Mental illness, just support the one you want, anon, cheating? Don't make me laugh. They aren't some small indies. I doubt they have time to think about (You) at all, if I'm being honest right now.
finally you're here
That German accent is so sexy
How is having a dinner with your coworkers related that?
if we don't watch school days this Christmas I'm oshiheing
opposite for me
do you really like all 4 of them?
I'm pretty sure they're gonna watch school days privately this year and do something else for us.
Yeah, like watch Toradora.
Anon I hate to break your bubble but you are talking about fucking big corpo streamers. Your $125 is probably nothing to them. Sure they will appreciate it and say your name and thank you but $100 is just a drop in the barrel for them. They have many many more simps to milk. Having an attachment to one streamer like that is about as parasocial as you can get.
kill yourself
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Stay strong unicorns
Tranny, I hate to break your bubble but samefagging in this thread for weeks on end in this thread becomes pretty obvious with this exact writing scheme everytime
>Just there for the journey
But don't FuwaMoco want to enjoy the jounrey too? They said so multiple times that they did. Go ahead and tell me to watch streams, because if you did, you'd hear constant conflicting statements non-stop.
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>exact writing scheme
but my post is clearly different from others, pagpagman. I haven't been here since early debut days anyway. Saw the bait thread, decided to check out the general. Not even sure what's so malicious did I write that it triggered your malnourished Asian brain.
enjoy the little freudian slip from fuwawa
Do you get a government subsidy for being retarded? kek
>Not even sure what's so malicious did I write that it triggered your malnourished Asian brain.
Shut up, bug. Learn to speak my language properly.
No, you can't have proof!
Nihao, bing bong pong pong wu kong. Did I do good?
Cope lol
>it's about the journey
>current events
and the timestamp for
>constant conflicting statements non-stop
dunno not the OP you were talking to
only wanted to post that since i had it ready anyways
Do we hate Suisei here?
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Aite I'm bored writing baits thanks for biting for hours lol cya
You just gonna ignore that they talk about the journey but then overbook themselves consistantly to the point of needing to cancel multiple streams this week?
and how's that relates to each other?
I do
i do not care for suisei
Do you really think they enjoy being dead tired constantly, giving us less time with them than they want, being forced to go radio silent for a week, having to get no sleep because they overbooked themselves? If that's a 'journey' they want to have, it's insane.
Like every other Holo I don't watch, I don't care about her.
and how's that relates to each other?
Anon, you're just being dragged in a loop by a shitposter. That guy has been saying that for 3 hours now
holy ESL
who are you to decide what they want?
I do. I hope one of her fans gives her the "Oshi no Ko" treatment.
I was waiting for you
damnit, you took too long
Yes they do. Thry want to perform. Not be a streamer for you
give me a break i'm reading manga right now
Ok, then put streams on hold like I said here >>79412803 . Clean everything out and treat yourselves better so you feel better and have more energy, and come back to stream when you can reasonably do so.
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They're working hard for you and all you do is bitch and moan. Ruffians are shit
You stupid fuck, that is nowhere mear close to evetything. They've talked about September as the point where things are calmer, they've talked about pushing themselves to the point that they're cutting sleep to stream for us, and talked about how their sleep in general is non-existant. That isn't magically going to stop after this weekend.
This wont change in september lol
ok nostradamus
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I think what makes it so hard for me to feel with them is that there's barely anything to show for their days upon days on homework.
A voicepack here, an appearance at a shitty Uzbeki con panel there... where the fuck does all their time go? Where is the payout? This has been going since even before their move and we have barely anything to show for it.
>3D live
as long as theirs isn't 4 times as long and the routines 6 times as hard as anyone else's in the history of Hololive, there's really no reason for them to be that swamped with practice alone.
Good bait
I kinda wish they'd stop working so hard and just stream good games for us. Instead of taking every opportunity posted that ends up becoming detrimental to their health.
They've been in 3/4ths if the promotional shit that's come out since they started. They take every oppertunity they can and are now getting slammed with a bunch of work for anni and 3d. Unlike their coworkers in advent who had foresight to realize that maybe taking everything isn't smart when the anni and possible 3d was coming up, they just barged ahead thinking they could handle it. You know the saying reap what you sow? Well, we're really reaping here.
Well it worked on you clearly, dumbass.
See, you forgot the fact that they're dumb
I still blame Suzu
No I'm pretty sure that anon knows how dumb they can be, the problem is when will they smarten and up just stop taking on so much stuff? They're really speedrunning their own graduation at this rate.
They've got people telling them that for years
I'm saying they're fucking dumb that's why they need to take extra time to practice, but that also works
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>promotional shit
and that's a lot of work for them how? The most promotional stuff I see is a buch of pieces of commissioned art of a Hologirl eating a fucking waffle or snickers or whatever. It's not like they have to draw that themselves. Maybe they record a voiceline or two for a store jingle. Again, where does the time go? Meetings?
rabu fuwawa rabu
Well nothing changes then
Sadly it's gonna be the end results at the rate they're going. If only the clique had some spines to tell them to cut back on all the extra shit that's killing them.
>go to bed early
>A-chan graduates
>FWMCMORNING postponed
I'm sorry ruffians I won't do it again
Somewhere. See, the problem is that you don't trust them while I do. I believe their words that they really ark working themselves to exhaustion, so I want them to chill the fuck out with streams or homework, and they've been pretty clear which one comes first, which is fine.
>If only the clique had some spines to tell them to cut back on all the extra shit that's killing them.
so this is your goal all along
welp, here's your last (you)
You see, dumbass
If their closest family AND one of their most trusted confidant can't do jackshit, there's no fucking way a group of drooling, expandable retards can do anything about it
but you said you wouldn't... >>79400044
pink panther mentioned mogojohn
I didn't realize Ruffians were into inflation.
Don't forget that at the least Mori, Kiara and Fubuki have given them genuine advice to slow down and be smarter. They have ignored that for the most part it seems.
Hate to be that guy, but they prove yet again that women don't want you give them advice, they just want you to listen to them yap about their self-inflicted problems and tell them how hard they have it
Lol ok thanks seeya next post
Well you're right about that
Will /baubau/ do anything over the weekend? Quake 3 Arena? Unreal Tournament? Gaylo? Watchalong? It's ok if not, just want to know because with nothing happening I have no reason to check the thread for the next few days otherwise.
bau bau
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fuwamoco dont know how to spoiler tag
It's only 9:30pm pawprint⤵⤵
Maybe we'll do something, the halo ruffian wanted to get some more players to play with since MCC is on sale
I wanna play 100% OJ and watch some streamers play visual novels. Wanna join me?
we're playing stripjong
uh who the fuck is we
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you, me, newissa wavencwoft, and the toddposter
no but I want to give them all a nice welcome at least. Maybe not the red one because of the homo shit. I can't support that
damn, is that Roberu?
Is there a sequel to this?
either FWMC does too much or were given too much to do.
because i don't see how nerissa, shiori and biboo can still do their streams but FWMC have to do more work.
5 days out of the 7 just to do cover work is just sad man.
i just hope it goes back to normal soon
They've mentioned having to type a lot. I bet they spend hours and hours crafting the promo tweets and any interview answers. They also have to submit pretty detailed proposals for why they are the right talent for the collab or project. it's just just asking or saying yes usually
Friend's tits look extra succable though
They took on way too much excessive work and now here we are
>They took on way too much excessive work and now here we are
Yeah, that's the problem.
Now, will they learn from this and be more careful with how much homework they chose to do in the future or will they keep making the same mistake over and over until they are forced into a hiatus?
>promo tweets and any interview answers
if that's actually what they're burning themselves out for, it's even more depressing
If FWMC Morning takes 2-3 hours work setting it up, how long does a normal game stream take to set up for them?
Is it really that difficult to see how?
Just looking at things already announced, how many extra hours to stream do you get from not being on that Good Smile panel? Because no other talent is there. They can't just show up and improvise based on the slides showing up on screen like it's that Jackbox game, there's meetings, briefings, they prepare and rehearse what they're gonna say, they're representing two companies there, they have to take it seriously. Let's be extremely conservative (more like delusional) and say all of this takes, say 4 hours total. There's your Portal 2 stream, FWMC Morning prep work and the episode itself right there.
holy crap what's with JPs and giving less than 10 minutes notice for streams. Polka karaoke out of nowhere.
>Now, will they learn from this
No they won't and September is gonna be worse and nothing will ever get better.
Even a mass exodus of old fans won't change anything.
I hadn't even considered this angle yet.
>Bae gives advice on pacing
>Mori gives similar advice
>presumably Advent meets regularly and discusses schedules
>changed managers, new manager stresses that they can choose to not do as much
>they are still talking with Mamapuppy, presumably gives them advice as well
>Ruffians worry about them and try to tell them to slow down as well
They are, as far as you can tell as a fan, ignoring the advice of literally everyone and even fans saying "we don't need you to do this much actually". And I trust them, so I assume they genuinely feel bad about cancelling anything, and really do want to spend time with their Ruffians.

So then their entire thought process here seems insane. They are doing a volume of things that everyone in their personal lives is advising them to ease off on, their fans are saying they either don't care, can't be involved in because it's regional, or don't want if they are getting hurt over, and they are feeling bad themselves over "letting people down", hurting their health by doing insane hours, still not eating, still haven't furnished their apartment, still not sleeping...

I just don't get it. Nobody (including coworkers and family) wants them doing this, they are seemingly unhappy as a result of doing this, why do they keep doing things like this?
It's the advantage of having 90% of your live audience in the same timezone, I guess. No need to worry as much because you have an idea of when most of them are free. People don't need to plan their whole schedule around your streams.
Is it really a mistake if they want to take the homework? The only mistake at this point is trying to stream when they're already dead tired most of the time. We also have the conflicting statments from a while back where they said "l
>We realize we maybe took on too much and are gonna try to cut back a little in the future
to the very next stream where they said
>Mane-chan told us we should probably decline this oppertunity we wanted to take.
Hmm, this makes me wonder if we could get a scattershot of half hour streams. Like FWMC Morning but less prep.
>takes 2-3 hours work setting up
i never got this. it just posting images from twitter and stock image for "i had a dream" or stuff like that
>wake up
>A-chan ded
>FWMC Morning cancelled (again)
Right paw my ass.
There's also the fact that a majority of their vocal fanbase on places like twitter spazzed out about 'missing out' which killed twitter spaces and gorilla streams during the move.
this is all your fault
I just assume it's Moco-chan drawing those little images to go along with everything. She draws those, right?
>they took on way too much excessive work
It's only 3D + concert dancing/singing training right now. This is normal and what every holo has done and is doing. Stop trying to apply unnecessary blame just because they didn't play a shitty co-op puzzle game
>It's the advantage of having 90% of your live audience in the same timezone
Even FWMC themselves get confused when taking into account dates and time zones, like when they mentioned the day being Wednesday when it was still Tuesday for NA watchers.
>Mane-chan told us we should probably decline this oppertunity we wanted to take.
Wrong. They said they were gonna say no. The things keeping them busy now are either things agreed on before they made that decision to choose their battles or things they judge too important to pass on. The decision to choose their battles was even announced after they said their calendar was packed until September. A lot of these things are set in stone months in advance. Even voice packs which are internal matters and don't depend on partner companies have a fair amount of time. We know from freecat and supa readings that the preschool and June Bride voice packs were recorded like a month or more in advance (late March to early May, early May to early June), so you have to add some prep work to that when it comes to not only writing but also internal announcements and deciding on who's participating. If they say no to every voice pack from now on, we could still get one or two coming out.
again, it wouldn't be half as bad if the stream time they sacrifice would be turned into some other kind of output for the fans to enjoy. Sadly, all this time has gone into either very niche or region locked events or (for the most part) into a big "trust us, it will be worth it... someday" void.
??? that is literally their words
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Didn't they say something about something getting pushed back once? Or a deadline missed? Then this happened, if my memory serves
Relisten to it, they were glad their thoughts aligned, because they were gonna decline it.
I don't have an issue with cancellations or delays, shit happens. But is it asking too much to be notified earlier? Why do they wait till the middle of the night EST?
Also the A-chan news has me feeling pretty down, so maybe I'm just in need of the twins more than normal
you mean this stuff? those are free drawing anyone can use
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It just keeps getting worse.
I'm not saying this is work from them accepting something then, I know a lot of this is already stuff with groundwork in place and they HAD already given September. They didn't take the oppertunity, but they were 100% tempted and helped swayed not to by Mane-chan .
bau bau… ⤵⤵
She's giving birth, I'm happy for her
i like her
>3D + concert dancing/singing training
don't act as if advent aren't doing the same thing as them.
at least biboo said in her stream
>hey, Thursday is going to be really busy so i won't be able to stream
that alone tipped me off that if she's busy, then all of advent is also busy.
but FWMC either thought the load wouldn't be that much or they wouldn't be tired at the end of it.
end result is they look as if they are breaking their promise to stream that day.
imo they shouldn't even bother posting a schedule until they sort out everything they have to do.
hags are dropping like flies...
zoomers will inherit the earth
no moco-chan draws those why are you lying????
I'm the baby
ruffian your false belief
i just finished crying
my mocotyan is very jouzu
You can easily tell when it's moco-chan's art. The rest is irasutoya
thats her website....
mococo i kneel
Sad. I honestly thought they were little doodles of Moco-chans, but I gues it really.makes me wonder what the hell takes up 2-3 hours to make a FWMC Morning then.
having morning sex with me to get me started off on the right paw
Honestly, if they can't handle studio work and streaming, they should as well take a break instead of promising streams and leaving fans high and dry.
The issue is that it comes after the Japan hiatus and the ruined voice hiatus. It's a bit much.
Also there's Cover promising us "the Summer of Advent" only to sell to t-shirts and beginning a new fucking gen instead.
well before fwmc moved to japan it was mostly about needing time to snooze off the their morning voices. now? i'm honestly not sure if fwmc take so much time preparing
>thats her website....
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>summer of advent
>debut new gen
How's the buffian training for the next competition going?
>The summer of Advent
such a bait and switch. The entire biweekly promised updates was such bullshit and they already stopped after the first announcement. I'm guessing it was cover's way to convince Advent that everything would be OK and they wouldn't be forgotten for the new gen but we're seeing how that goes.
I will not be shocked if all of the remaining announcements are
>2nd = dates of all 3D debuts and advent 3d collab + merch
>3rd = Shiori 3D live + merch
>4th = Biboo 3D live + merch
>5th = Nerissa 3D live + merch
>6th = FUWAMOCO 3D live + merch

In other words, there were no new announcements in the Summer of Advent beyond things we already knew. It's just the same standard 3D rollout that every gen gets.
Polka is singing her heart out which means she is sad. Go watch Mococo's oshi.
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Is that all you have to say for yourself, stupid fluffy woman.
The year of FUWAMOCO
I feel like an anti for saying that phrase recently. They really should skip freecat SCs completely because it's just going to make them feel worse
crazy how that came to haunt them later
The year of yakiniku
You know they won't
God that'll be depressing.
I hope that you're wrong. I want it to be
>Duo cover announcement for 2 memebers
>Solo orisong announcement for 1 member
>Date for 3ds
>Orisong for FuwaMoco
Can't wait...
It already sort of happened with the 'We're back!' SC readings when everyone was talking about what they were excited to see return that they were reading right off of their forced silence week.
Fuwawa would enjoy that.
Look at the announcement with fresh eyes and you'll know I'm right i am right unfortunately. Each remaining teaser has a header with the different members and then there's an Advent logo for the other remaining one. I doubt that's just coincidence
The 3DS came out 13 years ago
Aradia stole the 3DS
I never scrolled down... https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/special/12101
leave the Ravencrofts out of this
I did, but it didn't really click with me because I assumed it was just them putting in their animals/pets/memes for spacers to be cute.
Have they mentioned Nerissa's family at all? Considering how obsessed with Nerissa they are (especially Fuwawa), it'd seem kinda odd if they never mentioned them.
fuwawa wants to the only big sister nerissa needs
unless they meet them in person that'd be weird bringing them up
Why would it be odd? It's Nerissa's family not theirs
nodoka is cuter than achan
It's just etiquette. Colleagues are easy but colleagues parents are not as comfy.
achiyen is cuter than A-chan
mama puppy isn't even going to know breaking dimension tickets are going on sale tonight... the poor youtube only ruffians
ffffuck I really hope I get tickets
it’s over bro don’t even bother
what about spwn tickets?
if I don't I am going to post a max length wall on their tags ranting about everything from life to schizo shit about their streams and just go offline for the weekend or forever
i want fuwamoco to jack me off
How do you even know if it's Ado inside that box
I'm watching the Towa-Iofi-Nene-Haachama collab and I had no idea Apex supports 4-player teams now. I thought it was only 3-player.
I think it'd be fun if Advent did a collab for it.
Maybe they just canceled because they know they couldn't do it without sobbing over A-chan. Or they were up all night sobbing about her. They are very emotional.
/baubau/ can we play tetris
voice probably, she has pretty recognizable voice, still kinda silly.
I'd ask to touch their hair and give headpats, this would be amazing.
Last for chubby hags falling apart!
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Sex with chubby hags falling apart
last for eating sally’s juicy plump ass
Their lips on my cock at the same time, touching each other by accident and deep kissing while being covered in my precum!
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