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I Look Away For 5 Minutes... Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>79411074
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Ahem - this is my girlfriend Icey Snowpaws. She is the love of my life and I love to see her laugh and smile. Thank you for reading have a nice day.
It's 1 AM and I can't keep my eyes open. Hope the stream is good fellow Ojisans
for me, it's mercy modiste
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
Lazy mercy baker not baking quicker for us
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Should've cum quicker
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i cum when i cum
tobs is going to be ashamed of us when he sees this mess
mercy Baker I said I was baking. now we look like idiots
There's 3 threads up btw
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oh...sorry i didnt have time to read back the thread
i just saw we 404'd and the only general was the bait thread...
One of you is getting raped. I'll let you decided amongst yourselves.
we'll use this one, the other one with the subject can be a backup when this one dies
So what thread are we using
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
One will get deleted anyway. You can't have two generals up at the same time.
just rape me, mercy baker is needed for the community
that would require this board to be moderated
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Thinking about my cute sister.
Real and true
why does your sister have a hole in her teeth
I still need to hang up my punching bag
To slide my penis in while she smiles
Hilarious imagery
ever heard of baby teeth?

check out immy
How come mercy has no antis? Didn't she close her marshmallows because the hate spam?
she had one like a week ago
i think they just realized the cunny twins were easier targets
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>hide post
It's that easy
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God gives his schizoest haters to his bratiest cunny
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She was being a brat.
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

Amen brother
Do you think the train will actually happen or will Icey continue to play favorites?
I miss immy
icey is a princess, do you think she wants some homeless looking neets to fuck her? its in the nature of things that she has to play favorites
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Is she punishing us or farming tributes?
My six figures make her happy but my six inches make her cum.
6 figure income, 6 feet height, 6cm penis
is this enough for icey?
Yes because that's literally me.
Step the fuck up, senpai
The one day i get some decent sleep everything goes to shit
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Wow, madame has hag hands
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I am trash. The only thing I am good for is to be pressed under Madam Shibi’s heel. Madam Shibi is the best mistress I could ever ask for. I hereby pledge to serve her every whim for the rest of my life. I love Madam Shibi!
Immy on my dick
Sucking iceys clit
Which /vag/ has the most subhuman fanbase?
Icey and her fan's entire concept is old men lusting after a child vtuber who is an actual little. It's not difficult to figure out.
>who is an actual little.
what did he mean by this
chicken little
Anyway, what's the chances that Icey turns this stream into another zatsu instead of playing the game cause its dogshit?
Qrd? Not really into femdom
See >>79428479
As in "i hope they get purified with fire"? Icey
As in "i might kill myself next week"? Stronny
As in "im a piece of trash, mommy punish me"? Shibi
>space channel 5
Go away
vallure has attracted too many fags, trannies and women
go back
>As in "i might kill myself next week"? Stronny
literally me

Icey time!
Take the nostalgia glasses off, grampa. Your game doesn't hold up anymore.
Take your cunny glasses off, pedo. This game is fire
>tfw stamina training with my ona hip
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Huh, why are zoomers watching Icey?
I want to hear a 20-minute-long audio of Icey cumming repeatedly non-stop ending with her being cum drunk and just rambling
Any oji-san got a link for that Russian cartoon?
I wonder if I still have my old GW2 account.
so she's referencing the battle royale comments from the last thread right
Why won't she do this? She never announces when she cums in the audios and that's the hottest shit when she did that before.
I wanna hear the entire session
>Icey wants to 100% an MMO
Snowbearies, I'm so sorry
No that's been a thing since way before newfagchama
Icey I'm sorry but I'm pregaming right now. I lost control and started drinking earlier, I'll watch in 20 minutes sorry.
I haven't even downloaded the game yet, how fucked am I
Well that took a turn didn't it
...Fuck, now I want to play and I can't. fuck this earth
Yeah I'm away from home with no pc. I'll lose my status and she'll forget about me. I don't know how to feel.
You might not believe it, but I want to cum in Mommy Azu
short link, if you'd like
>not the bikini pic
Bleeting heart, you disappoint me.
Sorry the nipples are wissable in that one
Icey is playing on an emulator isn't she.
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ill see if tobs will update
Fishing trip will make sure i miss Stronnys stream ;-;
its up
Very good.
I, however, desire to cum inside my kouhai Mercy.
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shibi what the fuck did you to to your audio? even using large-v3 it has a stroke every time i try transcribing it and just spits out 500 (You)'s
wtf latest tip 900 dollars
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I can't believe he's actually still doing this.

Also holy shit Icey's bitrate is awful
>Can you spoonfeed me with some good ASMR by these girls?
>It might be too specific but I’m a lesbian femanon (not a tranny, explicitly talking about dicks might break illusion for me), and I am into younger girls.
>Lolis and little sister type are my to-go usually, >I heard one of VAllure girls is into DDLG but that’d massively break illusion for me.

Try them all but it sounds like you might only like Immy.
Keep in mind this is NOT a lesbian corpo and it caters to men, the girls are all happy to have female fans but none of them are lesbian, some MIGHT maybe be bi. Do not expect them to cater to you as their target audience because they won't and never will but they won't reject you either.
Unless you try and start stealing away their viewers.
he gave $100 in free chat yesterday
all me btw
Icey . . .
Is it an input delay thing?
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yeah mercy's audio behaves weirdly too
when i put it in vlc the program thinks it's like 40 minutes long...i dont know what they're doing on the production side but i feel someone is fucking up somewhere
Yup, which is why I said the game was dogshit.
it could be, OBS might be causing input lag too
>some MIGHT maybe be bi
some talents might do female-targeted asmr purely as a performance thing though
they might also tell you to kys
that won't be necessary, I've already kissed immy
Not likely. Stronny was pretty clear and their metrics are pretty clear.
Maybe they'd do one for fun once but the audience is 99% male in all regards.
I think the best you'll get is audios that kind of ignore gender and keep things ambiguous at best.
Women are welcome to enjoy the content though.
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I love my Strontistic wife and her daughters!
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10 years since immy strim. I walk through the empty streets trying to think of something else but my path always leads to immy. i stare at the screen for hours and try to summon my sister. i watch other streams but it is no good, they are all in russian. i flame icey in her channel and try to resist the nazi mods but it is all meaningless. the end is near. i then usually watch some old immy vods and cry myself to sleep.
Well we made it to 20 minutes of gameplay, good stream Icey
she really hates streaming games doesnt she? her passion is clearly flirting with old men
Guys, i listened to Immy's newest Patreon audio for the first time...It took all of my willpower to not bust GOD I WANT TO CUM SO FUCKING BADLY
Honestly she just keeps picking garbage games. And now she's going into Elden Ring because of the hype? Not sure how that would work...
stronny got carried in elden ring so it's possible but the two supports are probably going to be hard carrying
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Considering her hobbies include Retro games instead of games in general, I'm not too surprised
stronny was also keeping track of every reefling that joined in a notepad, i doubt icey the spoiled princess will want to bother with that shit.
Just focus on how good it will feel when you're given release. Holding back will make everything better. You can do this.
how about this one https://store.steampowered.com/app/553640/ICEY/
Do it. C'mon you know you want to.
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i told you guys not to listen to it NUMEROUS times. at least you got it out of your system early. can you imagine had you listened to it day 12-13? oy vey
they're subs and they're human
I think she will remember some of the people, chat will likely be keeping track too
I know. But i want that release now...
You're audio could not make me bust you're words wont do any better. Immy
I should've listened. And yeah, if i were MORE pent up i would not have made it
Space channel 5 asks the player to remember the moves and timing of each move, not only that, doing well pre boss battle is also quite important since you can get more stars the more people you rescue, and the boss battles can be a bit trickier as well

She thought it would be a traditional rhythm game, with arrows and visual cues, RR RWGD
just got here but depends what she meant by 100%
100% map completion is something people actually do in GW2 and it's not too bad, you actually have to do it if you want one of the season 1 legendary weapons. Only takes a few days at most if you do it right.
It just boils down to doing all of the objectives in all zones.
Stick to it pinpal i know you can make it!
Plus imagine how happy you will make immy when you both reach the finish line.
66 GBs
Calm down, pinpal, its just 2 weeks with her boyfriend me
kouhai assaulting my balls with her feet...
Jesus, catching up on twitter and Mercy hornyposting out of nowhere will always be a treat.
oh sasuke
I have been listening to Immy's cumming audio on twitter a couple of times every day.
I'm not horny, I just want to hear her repeatedly tell me she loves me
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What I'd give to hear that in Shibi's voice especially her normal voice
I hereby declare, I will not cum this day. Not only for me, but for all those who stand with me—and for our future selves—that will.
Good luck with your No Fap Anon, but I'm still going to cum buckets until Icey tells me not to.
Stronny in 10 min!
Everyone better have the movie already, if I see one retard ask where to find it when we're already 10 minutes in, I'm gonna cum on you.
>runescape and john wick kino right when i have to work
why does the irish slag hate me so much?
i miss immy
don't get your potato panties in a celtic knot
As do I
i miss stronny
Oh, so some of you were really signing your maros. That wasn't just a rrat.
Of course they were. Groomers gonna groom.
maros ratt confirmed?
>That wasn't just a rrat.
Anon, almost any chuba that has maros will always get signed maros.
New maro rules:
>Signed maros get ignored
>No private responses
>No hearting maros
It's not surprising people try to attentionwhore with anything
wtf is a maro?
This is good
Of course people were. Fags crave attention.
marshmallow, a japanese website for anonymous messages. you can use it to groom and have onlyfans style DMs for free!
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>You love us too much, is the problem

LMAO how clueless are some people.
Why are you spoonfeeding
not that anon, but whats wrong with spoonfeeding something as basic as that?
Fuck man i love stronny so much
Where is this info coming from?
Or just wishing for it?
Icey's stream.
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I was gonna say that only Stronny has the strength to handle the schizoes but then I remembered this is why she got the boot from EIEN. At the end of the day despite being so tomboyish she's still a girl too.
2 seconds ago from icey's mouth
What's wrong with hearting maros? Originally that seemed to be the better option. Just a "I'm not responding just saying I read it"
mommeh's dying....
I'm glad she layed the ground rules. Know who I didn't see agreeing with them though? The main man sig
stronny will personally visit every schizo and sit on their faces until they stop sperging out
I guess they don't want people to schizo out what amounts to read receipts
There's a couple of things if you think about it. It sends you a notification, so it timestamps when they're doing it and it puts expectations on replies for instance. There's probably more reasons.
Because it turns it into a game for people. We literally saw people in the thread bragging about how many hearts they got from maros and panicking about not getting hearts and shit. All that stuff can go fuck itself, the point of maros is anonymous communication and nothing more.
>No hearting maros
Huh? What's wrong with hearting maros???
Does someone have a link to download John wick?
I would still love Icey if she was Southern
man i dont want stronny to sit on my face. she constantly has constipation
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*cooms on you*
I would love her even if she was Ukrainian and not Russian.
if she hearts a maro it gets saved on her side, I think she wants to delete all maros after replying to them so she can't return to them later.
Icey with a southern accent would be weird, but it's something I'd welcome, southern ASMR would go places
did she mention a southern accent on stream or where is this coming from?
Ok that makes a huge difference then. I didn't know it would save for her so she could have a little archive of her back and forth with her favorite people, and I mean that in a non bait way.
>I don't want to cry
Uh... Stronny...
I wonder if Stronny remembers the puppy.
damn I don't know how you can forget the opening, it's probably the most memorable part to me
did anons catch anyone in iceys chat saying that maros should come back or complaining about the rules? want to know who the groomers are.
apologize to my wife icey snowpaws and turn your hate towards retards signing marshmallows
I love runescape music but it's a little inappropriate here kek
*sad scottish noises*
I don't think she remembers the puppy.
She's ngmi...
Would icey enjoy "bring the noise" by benny benassi
oh no she's already crying and it's not even the bad part yet
that's not a surprise at all, ojisan time also tried to change her mind with his hundo saying how much he likes sending them, so it was the usual suspects.
so was her talk only about maros or will she tone down the gfe and parasocial stuff too? sorry i'm retarded
it was specifically about maros
So this means we’ll finally get the tribute rating streams right?
she spoke of maros, but she did speak of potentially detaching occasionally (not entirely sure wat her version of detaching is tho); take that as you will
I miss kouhai
just maros because she realised she can't trust herself to not have another break down over a regular leaving her.
aww poor stronny
the other times she's mentioned detaching she's meant taking a day away from twitter and streaming
that regular? me
If she cuts me out her life I'll unironically just drop this vtuber shit.
If you put all my maros side by side you wouldn't even be able to tell the same person wrote them. I switch up my writing styles, spelling, punctuation, everything. I am anonymous.
i have a massive fucking migraine, i wish i could watch stronny but i cant handle 12 hours of runescape and john wick while i have this migraine
I've been holding off for this reason... now the temptation is growing stronger. I think I'm gonna listen tonight, but I will stay strong
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This sucks. The fact I can't sign maros means it isn't even worth it anymore. The whole point was that you could force a 1 on 1 personal interaction. Now it's just another version of chat with hundreds of people sending her garbage and just hoping she responds to you.
Of course it happened you can see it in the very first mass response to maros immy did. They were there from the beginning.
I do the same thing but /here/
Amazing trips that truly represents this general and company
You too? But remember for every five responsible people there are one or two that can’t help but ruin a good thing.
he's responding to himself again
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Where's the glory hole line start?
Ok groomer
Sorry bro. If you're the same anon who had a migraine that got fixed by watching Stronny why don't you try that again?
Fuck off groomer (Sev)
nice bait, checked
Starts and ends with management dude's grizzly hands.
Forbidding hearting maros is way too much it's why I made an account in the first place...
ok bye
I really like the new rules for maros
so if the girls check the maros themselves, whats to stop me from just signing my posts anyway? you know icey wont care about the rules
If she doesn't I'll punish her
think I'm going to kill myself, I don't know if I can take being a ojisan that icey doesn't care about, seeing all of these replies all the time to everyone but me is getting to me.
Be careful. Its 12 minutes of sex but theres a switch in there that makes it PURE sex
Ok sasuke
she said she will not respond to you if you do, it's a rule she imposed to avoid starting personal conversations
Immy’s awake!
Should have been signing maros when you had the chance
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Nothing, but if she does what she says, she'll just close it again. she probably won't and shouldn't open them to begin with
Lol do better
this is fake and gay
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one might say...
all those replies...
are to the...
inner circle?
That's the difference between throwing out archaic rules for no reason and discussing potential solutions and guidelines, and making sure people understand WHY they're in place before enforcing them.
These rules don't do anything to stop from schizo's sending them hatemail which basically confirms that groomers were the entire problem.
poor JJ... he really is the cuck
Do we have a list of ojisans that we don't trust to follow the new rules?
That inner circle ? All me
yeah me
JJ and sig
I'm kidding JJ, you're alright I guess.
Who could have possibly seen this coming? How was anyone to know that the schizos and groomers would shit up everything almost immediately? If only we had some way of knowing what was coming.
ojisan train
iceys cream
Jacob (on twitter)
seem like the ones she's attached to most
of course it's to the "inner" circle you stupid fucking idiot, if it's outside the circumference it's not a circle anymore is it you colossal retard, go learn fourth grade geometry alredy, fucking zoomers don't even know what a fucking CIRCLE is these days i swear to fuck
What rules would even stop that? Do you really think the haters are going to follow the rules?
All of those apart from one agreed multiple times with the rules and even gave some to her
yeah because they were covering their ass, she's not just going to have picked those random people to always reply to unless they're the ones she's attached to aka they're the ones who were grooming
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sorry bro i'm a liberal arts major yeesh
bro we're not doing geometry here we're talking about social circles you autist
he's going to pull a sev and leave soon because you're all bullying him here kek
stop using mathematical terms in non-sciences like fucking sociology or whatever the fuck you retards pretend to do for a living, fucking discount degree majors pretending to be real people you subhumans are worse than zoomers
I'd actually rather kill myself than be compared to him again thanks.
at least he didnt compare you do Dada JJ, the master faggot.
i studied math tho
oh fuck you got me there
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Psychology is based tho
If you care more about your own personal gratification rather than Icey's well being, you can fuck right off.
Anon... It's bait
it's a full fucking hand thats not even bait anymore
I'm just happy I can ask Immy questions again even though she barely answered them before
you got answers?
So how exactly does audio messaging work with maro's? How long do you have? I kind of want to prepare a message since I may never get another chance to send one. I've never sent one and I need to do one before the privalage is innevitably removed.
Idiot lol
Can you even speak japanese?
You just make a file, put it up on catbox, and replace the . with [dot] .

catbox [dot] moe/abcdefghji
record it, upload it to catbox, then send the url via marshmallow
there's no time limit per se, but if you make it too long they may not listen to it.
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you don't record it on the website. you upload somewhere and send the link. there isn't any real limit but i doubt they'd sit and listen to a 20-minute recording.
fansly stream idea: live doujin reading and rating
One day we'll learn how to gatekeep in this general. Not today though.
Fansly stream idea: Immy fucking herself nonstop in the ass with her ice dildo for 2 hours
Let me guess. Senpai?
Only gatekeep mummeh
I’m honestly surprised there are so many people doing it too
Fansly stream idea: Live Ojisan Train footage
what's stopping the fags from going "it's sigma btw" at the beginning of their voice message to get around the no signatures.
Call me a pessimist but I don't think that day will ever come
i want to bully ojisans in the same way that i was bullied the last time i was parasocial with a vtuber
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How maros operate is not some long lost esoteric knowledge, you know?
or at the end. its like a gotcha moment. like "haha you just listened to 5 minutes of me shitting and cumming and now im telling you im actually sigma"
you can bully me everyone else does lmao
Glad you put this idea into people's head anon. I had similar thoughts but didn't feel the need to share. Thanks again though.
They just won't reply and the person will be blacklisted cheater-style I assume.
Clearly it is seeing as we have people asking about them. Keep feeding dumb cunts and newfags though anon, it'll only ever improve things.
you suck and i hate you, nerd
hurry up and stub your toe and get a flat tire, and give me your lunch money
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No I'm a pinpal.
She's already gonna do that though.
Exactly, and you are spoonfeeding some drooling retard that can't even figure them out. Surely he will make everything better for your oshi
And i can't wait for it
I did it so that icey will think it through and just ban audio and video messages completely, no signatures only stops the new comers from being known she already knows the groomers voices.
Thanks anon.
Christ Icey just put the man out of his misery
lol no. See: >>79442167
Really obvious solution retard. What do you think rules even are? There guidelines to avoid punishment.
It’s really not that hard to figure out on your own. Use their head and I know they can figure it out.
I love that she just can't stop laughing at his misery
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I don't have any oshis, I'm a ronin.
How's that prevent her from recognising the voices of her groomers who were sending 100 voice messages a day to her the first 2 weeks
What she should really do is release all the signed marshmallows she's received so far.
ngl, this fauna knock off model was pure sex
reading up on the new maro rules and I guess I'll continue to shower Immy with anonymous lovebombs then (even though I'm sad that I can't confirm she saw/ read them)
oh god people will know I'm a retard and signed 1 maro before I realised you weren't supposed to do that. (I had never used maro before)
>hear familiar voice
>on the shitlist for avoiding namefagging in maros
>close the message immediately
>ignore him on twitter and in chat
Would you risk it?
Same. I haven’t stopped sending them actually
if she can do that then that's okay with me but these rules seem to be because she can't trust herself to do that.
Blacklisting people that signed maros would be ideal but I don't think its possible
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oh god yes but she'd never do it
me neither, I just continued because I love telling her that I love her and she should know
Would encourage schizos to sign messages falsely, too.
I haven't sent any voice or video messages and if I do I'll do it publicly on twitter. Just for you lot.
I mean I've been posting my would be maros on my twitter and anons /here/ have been seeing them on their for you so I mean do it yeah
Kino gif anon
I just hope the other girls won't get punished if Icey decides it's a good idea to go schizo after getting groomed again
Shit yourself pinpal
They will.
she won't because I'm going to counter groom her so she gets better at ignoring these wannabe groomers that are too pussy to do it in public.
it fit her really well with the scottish accent
I think something everyone here has missed is that the new rules are just things being brainstormed by icey and ojisans for herself at the moment. I don't know if the other girls have mentioned what their own rules will be if any.
I'm sure she'll find a new and exciting way to have a melty once fansly streams start happening.
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i dont think we'd need to request something like that
and honestly i'd much prefer to read eroge with kouhai than doujins
I thought all this was coming down from management not just icey.
if i was stronny's boyfriend i would constantly question whether she's faking her orgasms or not
So you don't watch streams or read the thread then. Anons have said it's straight out of icey's mouth today, nothing to do with management. Those are mainly rules for herself.
Yeah, everyone interested could just watch Iceys stream, but I was hoping to keep the groomers that don't want to invest 5 minutes into research away with all this shitshow. Thanks for blatantly spelling it out for the whole world though
She didn't make any statement about whether these are her own rules or management rules. It's up in the air at the moment.
you'll be having most of the orgasms if she's in control anyways, whether you want to or not
She literally opened the talk with "I've been thinking about"
No, she literally opened the talk with "If I reopen marshmallows there will have to be very strict rules". Which directly implies (but doesn't state) that these rules are coming from management.
idk because the first 2 rules came directly from what I suggested 2 mins prior word for word
So you didn't watch the stream
>Which directly implies (but doesn't state) that these rules are coming from management.
source: your third-world educated asshole
And you think you came up with them first? Everything she said has been said here ad nauseum before.

I'm sorry you have the listening comprehension of a third grader.
bread is being baked
Ooooh it's bait!
My bad it took me a moment
I didn't say that i invented them, nothing is original anymore, but she obviously came up with the rules on the fly after reading chat.
Sorry I’m phone posting from work. Couldn’t help myself
Anybody else here parasocial as fuck, but not a groomer hate that this is going to limit the relationship. I was perfectly content just being a face in the crowd, so long as Icey felt actual unironic feelings for that crowd, but know the goal is to avoid that exact investment (for good reasons I admit). I just can't help being a bit bummed out and I would like to be able to voice it somewhere, even if I know I'm in the wrong. It was so special man. I never felt anything like that in my life. I just wanted to worship Icey as one of the snowbearies and hear her says she loves us (but actually meaning it) complete with emotions etc. I still love Icey and she's a great streamer anyway, but man, I just wish the fantasy could've lasted a little longer.

>Kill yourself.

Yeah I know.
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mercy is a mere 7 hours away
good times ahead
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>Reading Totono with Mercy
>Hearing all of Sone Miyuki's crazy bullshit in Mercy's voice
Need. Need. Need.
She obviously didn't do any such thing. The instant she started talking about actually opening up the maros she had a list of rules already prepared. Maybe she came up with them on her own before stream or maybe they were given to her by management -- we don't know. But she absolutely had them ready beforehand.
thanks senator
my oshi is everyone in this thread, you all provide me with so much enjoyment
she won't ever love us again, from the moment he left and hurt her she distanced herself from us, if you can't take that then its best you leave.
I'm not leaving, I still love her too much. I want to support her for as long as I can. Just wanted to croon a little bit about losing something special and unique is all.
care to provide us with a source?
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oh tobs did you see this
Yes, the stream that you didn't pay any attention to because you were too busy attention whoring in chat
I hope its a good stream for you guys!
don't accidentally double bake again mercy poster.
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yeah I did I changed it already
this is good. I wish private replies to GOOD NATURED maros was still on the table, but it's a reasonable sacrifice to make.
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okay neat, thank you as always
I didn't even watch it, I'm also not the one you replied to originally.
Good natured grooming is next level strats honestly
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Just for the record, I've not made a single post in the last hour
Mostly because I was watching John Wick
>she won't love you
Kek, if only you knew.
no evidence that this is true
Her posting that is is crying after cumming because she cant be with us must mean she doesnt love us anymore
I wish they could at least make a simple reply to a tribute so you could know if they liked it..
Apologies, I thought you were the anon who unironically believed she was reading his chat messages word for word like he's got the ability to put words straight in her mouth cause he's groomed her so well.

Honestly have half a mind to scrawl back through the vod to shame the idiot for being so stupid.
stronny is so cute guys
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I made this post.
inner circle reeeeeeeee
Sorry she doesn't read your posts anon!
I think the worst part about this is that it confirms anons are either gullible as fuck or that the groomers are all /here/ and trying to deflect. Every time anyone mentioned groomers doing shit like signing maros and having back and forth convos, there was a flood of "WHERES THE SOURCE SCHIZO" and "he's baiting again..."
This was my last post just because my internet died and I raged about it >>79438998
I can do that for you the only one who said anything similar was iceys cream
he's baiting again...
Every time it's brought up they always mention a handful of people trying to deflect
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vagina doodles
stop arguing about stupid shit and come watch john wick with mum
I can confirm atleast 4 out of the 6 I think it is are here and DO try and dismiss everything all the time.
i do not care for the john wick films
if she does another watchalong sometime ill tune in
You caught me I've been all grooming the girls since debut half of them are already in my personal discords.
I sent her a 16 and 8 minute audio two weeks ago and the next day she released something on xitter from her perspective that was almost identical to the 8 minute one, so that might be a soft limit. Feels good.
Misfire meant for >>79445292
that's lust not love.
Damn, dude. When I asked about limits, I was anticipating sending like a 5 minute audio absolute max.
you're the reason she has to do everything she's doing you groomer faggot.
Lemon squash
good job anon, very cute
I was talking about mummeh not Icey. I can’t go into details but if you heard what I sent her, it’s very VERY obvious I’m the grooming victim (affectionate) here. Probably not something I’ll ever do again but was fun.
I hate that this brainworms farming is working on me I'm just so scared of her not loving us anymore
I just don't care about this "discussion" anymore. It's just devolved into baseless finger pointing like always.
Guys, im playing elden ring and can i just say I FUCKING HATE DRAGON FIGHTS IN THIS GAME SENESSAX CAN SUCK MY DICK ITS SO FUCKING ANNOYING Good game though
it's all JJs fault
I'm right there with you man, but it's better for her. If you really love her, you can suffer so she doesn't have to.
fresh bake
Fuckin JJ!
Thanks Tobs baker!
I'm sorry anon she definitely has closed off her heart already
thx tobs
Thanks tobs baker!
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all the yummy bait in this thread.

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