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Good apology. Based ERB knowing when to admit she made a mistake.
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Fucking hell, she fed the trolls...
>post /vt/ shit on twitter
>she responds
>we got her!!!!!
this is pathetic anon, delete your twitter account and your life
based answer but kinda stupid to directly respond
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based answer but why the fuck would you reply to that
>Literally answering a troll
>Troll using /here/ quotes
>Same text of a post here
Wow, I’m surprised no one is baiting her into a yab yet.
Please don't get oneguyed
EN4 was a mistake.
EN5 when? Maybe this time pick good talents eh?
It's Mori lean all over again. She's going to be the new troll target if she's this easy to bait.
How long has she been on the internet?
Is this just a woman moment?
Honestly I wish her no ill will, but she's going to be eaten alive in HoloEN. I swear to god.
wait, is holostars uproar a separate branch like regloss? I never noticed.
How is that a troll? He pointed out a legitimate thing that she has no respect for hololive
If you can one guy someone with that name... I'm a Holofag but I can't even be mad. lol
She's a normalfag trying to fit in. That makes her very easy to bait.
I kinda feel sorry for her.
>Dixon Kuntz
>greentexting on twitter
>actually responding to that
They need to require a manager to check this retard's tweets before she posts them holy shit
>daisenpai of EN
This guy doesn't even know what he's baiting about
>dixon kuntz
ERB is based for apologizing but you can't tell me this is not a troll.
Good response actually, too bad the guy will seethe with her listing the branches
>How is that a troll?
the most retarded post I've seen here all week
>responding to bait on Twitter (formerly X) (why the fuck does management make them do this)
>responding to a greentext Tweet
shut up sister, a twitter mistake is not gonna uncancel your concert
>2 homobeggars in one gen
i mean there is only one daisenpai so sora is the daisenpai for all branches
>Replying to a literal /vt/ troll
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>Dicks on cunts
Fucking stupid bitch I'm crying laughing
I can't wait to see her yab when she finally starts breaking down about her low numbers. Something about watching uppity women who think they're better than everyone else getting torn down like the useless fuck holes they are fills me with immense joy.
this is so unbelievably embarrassing, actually unreal. she needs to be dealt with.
I really can't fault her for the way she is when she is that dumb/blindsighted.
Initially I thought she was just a normie but probably doesn't mesh too well with them because she seems somewhat dimwitted or autistic.
She genuinely seems that she wants to fit in and have fun.
Hopefully it won't bite her like Ollie who has the same going for her but was too pickme and push herself onto others without respecting boundaries.

Captcha: HYV4G
LEAST obsessed /vt/ard
Plap that router sister
Her manager needs to tard wrangle her and get her to chill out. She's pretty much Ollie
something like that, they were "trying something different" and decided to not use the "stars" name since it carries no value
but ultimately i think they are part of holostars, so not quite like regloss
>greenposting outside 4chan
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You'd think Hololive would have some kind of mandatory training about conducting yourself on social media and how to deal with trolls and negative feedback. Especially after previous incidents.
I'd say that some of the girls should talk to her privately and give her some sound advice but I think she's too stubborn to listen right now. She won't be willing until after she really embarrasses herself.
God we are going to have atleast a year of this constant bullshit aren't we
She's more twitter obsessed than Kiara is
ERB is one of the best example of woman on the spectrum I've ever seen.
Fuck you for threatening our UNITY
>yeah i'll reply to this account
i mean OP was probably the troll that "got her"
>111 messages in Jurard's chat yesterday
>110 messages in Astel's chat today
>Even homolovers are starting to complain about her behavior and are annoyed by her protagonist syndrome
Yeah she's cooked.
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You need to update your script, SEAster.
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/pol/niggers confirmed holofans
I like her. But ffs Liz don't respond to the obvious troll.
>username cunnywholesaler
stop larping and use your brain anon
ERB is the biggest mistake Cover's made since Kronii and Sana.
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Round two!
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and she is easily baited too...
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you got to be fucking kidding me
Ceci certainly has ADHD or is on the spectrum but she accepted being different and interested in things.
ERB seems to be the opposite where she felt she must be not like herself or else she would be a weirdo, otherwise I can't explain her bland taste.
Andre the phasecuck is not a homolover
Great job ERB, now people know you're easy to one-guy
myth good > council shit > advent good > justice shit
so yes the 5th en gen will be good
Yeah, she's gonna be talked to by her manager for sure. Hopefully she simmers down, for her own sake.
its more than 110 messages to astel, he had 2 streams today, i think the total is like 147 or something like that
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So how come literal autists like Shiori can see bait a mile away?
Shiori did her time, 6 years in azkaban
I'm calling it now. ERB will be the cancer to kill Hololive.
Oh no no no, doesn't she know? You can't acknowledge your faults on the Internet. That's just gonna feed the trolls.
Years and years of experience
Fucking nasty, somebody tell this retarded bong not to respond to bait again
That ruffian had it wrong, it's the exact opposite. ERB is far too normie to notice when someone is a troll.
I don't know if ERB is autistic, but if she is then that must be why she reminds me so much of Rin Penrose, and why I don't like her that much, since I also don't like Rin that much, either.
i love Liz but her manager really needs to bonk her, its fine been an idiot for the funny but this is a no go
Autism is a spectrum and not everyone is weird and/or high functioning.
ERB seems to be the kind the is just not quite a literal retard.
I didn't keep up with worthless catalog bait but aren't her numbers good for a new debut?
EN doesn't have a daisenpai so Sora is the default
wow she doesn't really care about hololive huh
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holy kek
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they calling HR soon?
With the things Shiori says, i would say she is the one that does the trolling.
It will be like JP after gen 3. Gen 3 is the only good gen in every branch.
because she can sing, and she spams unarchived karaoke. her gaming streams will flop hard though, she doesn't even play games.
good, good. now lick my boot clean, I think I might have stepped on some weird red thing back there.
lmao This woman is gonna be a lot of fun.
this is fake, right?
>replying to bait this easy to see
This is a troll post.
Yes but debut views don’t accurately translate to how popular she’s actually gonna be, she’s done literally one gaming stream and it was boring as fuck, her main personality trait is unironically that she’s obsessed with cock, usually that’s a hyperbole but for her it’s actually true, she doesn’t have much else going for her in terms of personality, unless you consider being british a personality trait
wow, this isnt even a last samurai. what do we call this retard?
>/here/ quotes
jesus christ /vt/ newfags are so fucking retarded....
>CC has more people in her waiting room than ERB right now for the same collab

Well well, didn't take long huh. At least you got to gloat for like uh... 5 days beggarbros lmao
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I don't think this woman is on some grand mission to eradicate unicorns. She's just a dumb homo fan who doesn't understand boundaries.
Fuck you Sana is not the same as these dumb sluts
Shiori got forged in fire hotter than the fucking sun.
Also knowing her she probably pass EVERY single one of her messages before her manager, to ensure it's ok.
Imagine being REMINDED to call daisenpai senpai.
Fucking hell that's grim.
It's like she's saying
>Oh right her yeah sure my bad
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You know, i only watched her debut and i don't really care about her behavior in either way but this really makes me think that she is just not ready for hololive culture, and i don't mean this in a offensive way, it just seems like she doesn't know what she should or shouldn't do, unspoken rules and stuff like that
Don't reply to trolls is such a basic thing, it was clearly a bad faith argument, i just hope she never comes /here/
Surprising that they made her the "leader"
holy mother of god
Both streams were today, she spent like 5 hours watching homos
I don't even think she's that big of a homo fan, she's just way too happy to interact with anyone
She's going to make a lot of money, so can't feel too bad, but to the extent I'm able, I feel sorry for the hate she's already incurred and from the looks of it will continue to incur. She's obviously completely clueless as to what's going on with the culture of Hololive or vtubing in general, and she simply has no business being in Hololive. But it's not her fault, it's Cover's fault for hiring her.
I prefer the condom money one.
kek Shiori "Dixon Kuntz" Novella testing the new blood.
More like leeching syndrome
Jesus Christ that whore is already at Niji level's replying to random people on twitter. I give a year at max before a sudden one month suspension happens.
>responding to a guy named “dicks in cunts”
Oh god, does she genuinely have no experience as an internet personality? She's a toddler that got thrown to the wolves
exactly this, management will fix her right up in a week or two
Why is Elizabeth this engaged on Twitter
This is retarded, she is never in the girl’s chat like this
She is 100 percent obsessed with homostars, I will bet money she joined specifically to talk with them
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You got what you wanted, homobeggars. You got EXACTLY what you wanted.
Did he even fucking @ here. Did she just namesearch herself and decided she had to respond to a fucking tweet with only one like after an hour of going live?! Fucking hell! She could have just made a statement on her account without replaying to him.
she is vtwitter
To be fair, being British is both a personality trait and a mindset. It's never positive though.
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what the fuck are you doing lizzy don't feed the trolls
especially not such a fucking obvious one
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>Dixon Kuntz, PHD
>this entire account
holy shit I knew ERB was a normalfag but man I could've never imagined she was "how do you do fellow kids" tier. To get baited THIS hard, fucking hell
give me my money now, anon. that statement is already false.
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She was in Reine's chat, and Subaru's chat, and Bae's chat, and others
Since you didn't notice I assume you only ever watch the homos
She's a white woman in her 30s
Thank you Dixon Kuntz, very nice
Homobeggars literally got monkeypawed, they asked for a girl who would talk to the homos and now they got one who refuses to leave them alone
Yeah, I don't think people have to worry about her converting any of the other girls to homocollabing. The girl probably needs a genuine tardwrangler in addition to her manager..
funny how she's 33 but acts fucking 58, that's what being british does to ya i guess
Genuine question, why do so many newfags think that >lememe arrow is a 4chan thing?
like holy fucking shit do people really not know about formatting anymore?

The fuck is wrong with zoomers? Even fucking reddit uses it.
No I 100% agree with you. She has this, and I am genuinely trying to not sound insulting when I say this, professional aura to her. This is a job. And that's good that she's treating it with the highest diligence to learn but that means she's not AWARE of the culture in it. Its the opposite of Kronii's thing where Kronii is obviously versed in vtubers but she doesn't understand why people would like her at all.

Its such a strange personality that I never expected to see in a vtuber.
It should be offensive, being clueless about hololive culture when the job is such a privileged position to be in is a fucking red flag, and nearly always leads to the holo in question being a yab machine.
But even if you look past that, the least they could do is have some humility and try to not rock the boat or adapt to the culture, like Shiori did.
Not only is this cunt completely ignorant, she also shits all over the floor.
It absolutely is not, she was literally in their chats obsessively for like 5 hours the other day, she sent astel over 100 messages, can you show me where she is anywhere near as enthusiastic about the girls?
>advent girls tweet at her
>homos tweet at her
>instant reply within minutes
>people point this out
>suddenly she finally responds to the advent girls like 2 days later
who are you quoting
Yeah, looks like she saw a SC of the post being shared and specifically searched the guy... and still bothered to reply after seeing the other posts
That's what happens when you are a normie outsider. You don't understand the culture and what you need to take seriously and what is trolling that you need to ignore. Nor do you get the commenting etiquette. It seems more likely that she just doesn't know hololive and should have spent some time as a normal viewer.
this hags gonna doc disrespect herself right out of hololive within a year
He replied to her tweet
To be honest it's not shocking that she'd forget the whole senpai stuff if she didn't have someone pushing her constantly on it
Most brits really don't like that kind of thing as it reminds them too much of social class bullshit

Had to deal with a Japanese corp who employed an English contractor and were livid over him refusing to bow or use their honorifics.
who are you even referring to schizo anon
She probably thinks she's le hecking owning the /vt/ but it's the opposite
>Hey Henma, we have a new girl for you to manage.
>Oh hell no!
Was she sending them anywhere near as many messages because I doubt it, also
>they think I watch the homos
Lmao, good one
As long as she's not extremely emotionally fragile, she's fine. Hololive is still a safe haven.
Then why does she autistically call the homos senpai all the time?
Just because your reddit has that option too doesn't mean it hasn't been a cultural aspect of this site and the main reason people know about "greentexts", so while the text format may be a thing, internet usage wise, it is a 4 4chong thing.
>Elizabeth in hololive streams
unironically henmama could save her, shiori can do fine by herself nowadays
She grew up on 4chan and was also one of the first vtubers in the EN scene. She knows not to feed the trolls.
She never forgets to call the boys with the -senpai
>2 streams
>137 messages total (30+107)

>1 stream
>111 messages totals

>1 Stream
>27 Messages Total

>1 Stream
>26 Messages total

>1 stream
>17 Messages total

>4 Stream Streams
>94 Messages Total (6+20+53+15)

>1 Stream
>45 Messages Total

>1 Stream
>36 Messages Total

>3 Streams
>23 Messages Total (4+14+5)

>2 Streams
>23 Messages Total (10+13)

>2 Stream Streams
>21 Messages Total (12+9)

>1 Stream
>17 Messages Total

>1 Stream
>16 Messages Total

>1 Stream
>11 Messages Total

>1 Stream
>6 Messages Total

>1 Stream
>5 Messages Total
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>>79435574 (me)
Also, bot
can you point to me where she sent over 100 messages in a single stream to any of the girls
She doesn't understand what it means.
thats a very cool thread OP but it wont uncancel your concert.
And thank god for that!
Yeah I thought Shiori literally calling her manager a piece of shit live on stream was bad for the manager, but this must be on an entirely different level considering how twitter obsessed and social she is.
did you really all get triggered that badly by that post?
4chan brain rot is a dangerous thing
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It gets even better. I wonder what else she's gonna step in now that every troll knows she's a mark. lol
Oh and this version has missed some of the astel messages, it was 110 in that stream
ehm look at this >>79435638
Shiori has been browsing the chan since you've been wearing diapers
Because she's a master baiter herself.
Easy "um ackshually"'s are one hell of a drug
Hopefully she gets told how to properly conduct herself on the internet. From the clips I've seen she seems fun and talented and with proper guidance could be quite good.
Every new gen has moments like this, even the one you posted, Myth.
It's part of the growing pains.
Oh hell nah
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>burner accounts are going to one guy her into never being nice to her Holostars senpais again

This is honestly disgraceful
Either she's simply a whore or she's had that beaten into her (figuratively)
Does she refer to the other en girls as senpai?
>137 messages to Astel
>140 messages to her genmates combined
Feels almost like she was scouted instead of applying. Which wouldn't surprise me knowing her PL. Maybe a manager saw her and thought money signs but... this really puts her in an awkward position specially when you make her the "leader" in a team with obvious Holofans. She's older than her genmates, she doesn't have the same tastes and sensibilities as them and doesn't seem to understand basic internet behavior. It's a recipe for disaster unless someone wrangle her and gives her a crash curse or something. Anyway, it was still a terrible idea to get her in, just more work for the managers and her genmates.
Oh fuck, did Cover just hire an actual lolcow?
This is gonna be good.
Because Shiori is extremely old school, her PL predates Hololive
dixon kunts you silly man
That is not even a fraction of what she sent to astel, she literally sent him over a hundred messages, she was watching him for hours
cocksleeves can type that much?
eh, it'll never happen more than one time, unless her manager is somehow just as retarded
Well, yeah. That's why everyone is assuming she's going to embarrass herself frequently early on like Mori did.
Once she is monetized and has her SCs opens the baits are going to be insane.

Won't be surprised when she is the first hololive girl that says trans right especially given her RM.
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Yeah, I'm in the same boat. It's also why I find some of the doomposting about her trying to change the culture comical because I don't really think she's playing 4D chess by merely pretending to be retarded, she's finding her footing within the culture and more or less falling into her role within it, one gaff at a time.
Wait, what happens now? Nothing?
please manager-san sit her down and have a talk asap.
The forced unity shit is going to make me unironically anti her
unlike mori, she won't be singing any anime soundtracks, though
it seems we have a cougar in hololive
Yeah, I agree. I don't hate her and I don't find her malicious like some retards clearly do but she's just way too naive for this. And for being a fan of Holo_ it doesn't seem like she ever understood how professionally her idols conducted themselves.
She's having a rude awakening here and after that tweet if her manager isn't giving her a talking to for her own sake then her manager is failing at their job.
Maybe by EN10 you'll realize that's not the solution,
I'm honestly going to believe Shiori was behind that tweet. It's her humor.
But necessary
It's going to be fun to see the homofans handle her obsession.
because its current usage comes from here
the way it's used is always in a format and tone that is reminiscent or just lifted from here
>b-but muh socrates
fuck off
That's the main issue teebeeaish
She's talented but exudes a lot of outsider energy and the lack of etiquette is biting her own ass, may scare off both male and female coworkers too. Which kinda hurts because I hate the idea of putting down someone who's just excited to do a thing.
I'd bet that it's a phasefag
no wonder /vt/ is a shithole if these retards are posting here
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Ok I know at least one cuck faggot in this thread is simping for this girl. Explain yourself and defend this shit.
Nnf... fuck me muttbob
who won? who's next?
its not only used here its just that people here never get the fuck off this website and go anywhere else so they think literally everything is from here and only used here
Is she speedrunning the Mori strat or something?
>/here/ quotes
They're called "meme arrows"
It's Dicks in Cunts
Just like FUWAMOCO listening to retards and stopping twitter spaces for 1 guy who didn't want to be left out
>Does she refer to the other en girls as senpai?
Does Reine count as EN?
oh no no no erb bros what the fuck is you oshi doing
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>trans right
what's that?
ERB diarrhea shitting on stream when?
Does she actually think Uproar is a different thing?
God I hope so
oh my god she will actually fucking say it its so fucking over
Because that's how anime does it, despite how it actually meant to be used, we're all familiar on the way shoujo uses senpai for the male girls chase around and every other girl is just a background character with no honorifics.
Troll post, troll threads, troll outrage.
That's just protecting the smile of fans for he had the balls to speak on the behalf of the pussy majority. He wasn't trolling.
oh she's just giga-autistic
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Okay, guess what, fuck it, I'm going to defend her here.
She's 30+ Bri'ish hag. Do you know what a 30yo British woman looks like? Yea, that's right, it ain't pretty.
If you've ever lived in Florida and found a 3 day old bog body, you should know what a 30yo average British woman looks like. Except the bog bodies have better teeth.
This woman knows she's not getting any dicking unless it comes from another British male, full of tattoos, half of them looking like a screencap from a Tesco catalogue, probably older than her.
You say Hololive is the chance for girls to be popular or successful.
For her it's to finally get pounded who doesn't look like the toxic waste guy from Robocop. Sure, her only chances are tiny Asian cocks, but at this point anything's better than the rancid fish&chips eating, ale drinking British Bobs.
Good for her?
Could she be less obnoxious about it?
Absolutely. But let the one who has ever seen a non-obnoxious British woman cast the first stone.
fucking jakniggers and frogfaggots
regloss isnt seperate from hololive either, she just cant stop blundering
Maybe, what if she was unicorn ally and is trying smear the homo/holo interactions.
kinda cute ngl
Shiori is a known Flareposter
i like calling them meme arrows too because it makes terminally /here/ fags seethe
british hags go to gambia for cheap bbc
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u mad bitch?
>This woman knows she's not getting any dicking unless it comes from another British male
I ain't reading all that shit, she's a slag and you're a fag
Directly or no? If it doesn't have to be verbatim the homos already did it.
It's normal usage is for quotes. That's why you'll see class="quote" if you inspect the HTML on this page. In Markdown, the > gets converted into a blockquote, which is what you see when you use it on Reddit or Discord, but 4chan uses BBCode which is older and less robust.
All I'm saying is that she should do it like every other holo and flirt on discord/dms and not on fucking public, nobody wants to see that.
I will use my incredible powers of foresight to predict what will happen next: containment breaking retards will spam her with bait endlessly so they can get an ebin screenshot to post here because the rule about harassing specific vtubers is never enforced, exactly like with Mori
This post just makes me wish one of the homos was a brit so he could call her a dozy bint in a collab
If this is something "true" vtuber fans actually give a shit about, I'll stick to my Western whores.
CGDCT is effortless and drama free. It's no wonder many of the once-homo collaborators are being drawn towards cute girl salvation. Maybe ERB will find The Truth one day too.
>I hate the idea of putting down someone who's just excited to do a thing.
Remember when I first started working and I made mistakes, at some point even my boss sent me an "why are you doing that?" which scared me shitless at the time, but I got better and just learned to ask for help whenever, even if it's annoying.
Point is, blunders are temporary if properly guided.
first "colonizer" homobeggar???? the sisters aint gonna like this
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The amount of trolling this will invite to herself is immeasurable, the only thing they want is getting a reaction out of you and you gave it to them
i know, and it has been for a very long time, its also been very wide spread out of here as a meme for like at least 15 years, which is why i dont get people pretending like its something nobody knows about and is only allowed in the secret club

like yea clearly the dude is a 4chan shitter but that is besides the point
We shall never go hungry again hehe
Maybe her and Mori will bond over this.
Does that shock you? We weren't exactly hiding it.
this poor hag isn't made for this life
Isnt that bitch already married? Is her husband a cuck or what?
In a single day!?!
Liz responding to CunnyWholesailer means the next few months will be entertaining. She has the Mori belief that you should always respond to trolls so that you can own the haters.
I shall endeavour to get into holostars and do so.
Wish me luck anon. Lend me your energy!
Either shes not married or her husband thinks its just "oh her and her anime boys!" which is fucking ignorant but people are pretty fucking stupid
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>one guyed
I want to bond with Mori....
actually its may may arrow
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> Is her husband a cuck or what?
I said she's British, didn't I?
Most British girls around her age are unmarried.
She's gonna freak everyone out, like that one kid in high school who is a massive extrovert to the point that nobody really wants to talk to him
she had a fiance since years ago i think, so far went nowhere
kek, godspeed red hag
She's not trying to "own the haters" though
This is a really fucking weird case because the guy is obviously a containment breaking troll but the core of the complaint is actually valid
Worse. He's British.
you just have to scroll one post down on that dox to realize it was a really sad april fools joke
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Does Elizabeth hit that lean too?
>he doesn't know
Thats fairly normal globally actually
Women are not loyal
The French introduced laws to restrict paternity tests and US studies have shown they also have the 20% average
>like that one kid in high school who is a massive extrovert to the point that nobody really wants to talk to him
That sounds like you're speaking from experience
I feel like adding senpai here just creates distance between two people.
wow, its looking grim for westoids
>Replying instead of just waiting to fix your mistake next time
>Not even just a quick, "I'm sorry about the mistake on X, formerly twitter, won't happen again." but the full shebang.
And here I thought she was experienced in internet discourse
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Christ, she hasn't even been monetized yet and she's already fucking up this bad? She really is hopeless.
Unironically I agree with you. I don't care if she's an amazing singer, she's out of touch. Shiori may suck at singing and idol culture, but she had experience as a goddamn chuuba to know about this shit. Jesus, any of the girls, even the ESL Raora would have made a better leader.
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how to laugh
What a fucking retard
no one /here/ is an extrovert
I dont want to be mean but that person is highly likely autistic or has ADHD
Mori got fixed after her lean arc so maybe ERB can be fixed as well
I still find her voice and personality insufferable though, so not gonna watch
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Kyalli is horrible but ERB is worse so far
its literally just anime boys on a video tho, it doesnt goes beyond that. If you think it does you are retarded or a GFE cuck
Remember when Nene replied to @crap_gay on debut week
Difference is that it took Mori 2 years to hit her lean arc
She barely hit 2 weeks
Lmao the hakka and kaela shit pales in comparison to what the red woman is doing
Someone that graduates in less than a year is a mistake, no matter how good a person they are.
Man i hope she doesnt drag any of the girls into her faggotry
You petty motherfuckers.
Best if she learns how Hololive is now than down the line.
nigga would be okay with his girlfriend sitting there watching 5 hours of her male coworkers work and sending hundreds of messages talking about how awesome and cool they are LOL and I'm the cuck?
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Was this part really needed or necessary
its some retarded vpol nigger tourist like always
That was the funniest Mori arc in the history of the board. It caused /vt/ to make dozens of "pink woman bad" threads daily that'd hit the bump limit, and it made Mori write several songs directly about /vt/.
Fun times. I'm surprised no manager tried to tardwrangle Liz before all of this.
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There will be hell to pay if she drags Cecilia in
just means she gets fixed up faster
>it doesnt goes beyond that
they're coworkers, it's non-zero chance
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That's a given.
what songs are about /vt/
she is a proud and defiant british hag so yeah it was necessary
She has no idea what hololive is
Do you have sex with your co-workers, you degenerate?
I fucking told you idiots that this bitch is a complete OUTSIDER to hololive.
This is what women who never watch streams think the Hololive audience is like, which is why she tried to hard to "break the barrier" and gets caught up on shit like this, because that's what flies in twitch indie land.
The notMori ones
You don't?
well you don't have sex with anyone so its not surprising that you think the way you do
because 4chan renders the meme arrow as plain text
>but my shitty nigger 2view forum from 1995 did the same
get a clue
>hes never heard of the concept of "work husbands"
have fun raising someone elses kid you absolute fucking retard
No. Also, you don't belong here, unvirgin.
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This shit's even funnier, because the comic wasn't even drawn by an actual Mori anti, just some /m/ guy who hated trash taste, because they shat on Gundam.
There's no fixing ERB
She's Nerissa but british and a bigger homolover.
No other superchat will top this
Ironically that's a lot more normal in Japan than it is in the west
Didn't she actually send it to Connor to after that as one of the first things she did with her Twitch account?
This one took the cake and has never been topped
tf world do you live in? co-workers hooking up is super common. it's one of the easiest ways to get to know someone and turn into a relationship, or just casual sex
I don't remember. There was another superchat, I don't have it saved that said "something something, it's nice you're friends with all myth girls, even those who used to be paid escorts in Japan" (referring to Kiara), and Mori decided to read it out loud and comment on it, saying she'll send that money over to Ironmouse.
So Muslim?
I think I understand her unity strategy here. She wants to make everybody hate her as much as possible so all sections of Holopro will unify in their hatred of her. Truly devious.
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Considering she's the leader of the gen (huge initial buff), is a singer (big buff) and her streams have been largely unarchived karaokes (strongest streams outside of special events), the numbers could actually be considered underwhelming.

BTW we have a whole gen collab right now and she isn't looking hot (admittedly starting later is a solid debuff but she shouldn't be so far below).
It was a direct response to Mori sending gifted subs to Connor on Twitch. The $250 matched the amount she sent him.
I wish she didn't reply to a twitter shitstirrer, but her naivete is actually really cute
every reply is a virgin larping
Ah, gotcha. Looks like I got the chronology messed up.
It's pretty weird when just about everyone in it is liberal and not the virtual signaling type like Nijisanji.
I understand Cecilia but damn when did the panther blew up?
Mori 2.0 in the making, holy fucking cringe
>I fucking missed buying cake princess compensated services
She just dipped bellow GG, which I didn't expect. I thought GG was rut of the gen
Virgin hands typed this
Honestly didn't think in 2024 any woman could be this retarded on the internet
Virgin hands typed this
shes currently experience tech issues you dipshit you would know that if you actually watched streams like you love to tell us to do
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She was a big Twitch indie and popular artist
Liz is based for making faggots seethe.
She had computer problems just now.
Anti-Christ hands typed this
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>new debut isn't perfect and makes mistakes
>slowly grows into more of an idol
anybody else enjoy the cringekino?
Hold up, she is just trying to degrade the image of people offended by her mistreatment to Sora by exposing this account with her reply
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She only had one normal stream so far so it's impossible to draw proper conclusions but it's pretty telling that she has "nijisanji graph" aka peak ~30 minutes in followed by gradual fall off which is typical for streamers who only have superficial appeal but aren't actually interesting. Hololive streams normally either keep inclining or stabilize and don't fall off for their entire duration.
Admittedly, it's a really shitty game to watch so again, hard to draw conclusions. Maybe it's just the game choice and not her as a streamer.

I never claimed to watch this specific stream, it barely started and I was reading the thread. I just went to vrabi to provide pic related but saw all gen collab and those are usually good indicators of so to say power levels.
Unless management wakes up and bans her from interacting with homostars thats not happening
would be kind of an epic move if it was intentional
Nigga she literally kneeled to one of those faggots
She's going to be universally liked on /vt/ this time next year. If the CGDCT and Hololive idol culture managed to fix Shiori, it can fix anyone.
I'm just worried about this clearly newbie being thrown right into the biggest spotlight she could've gotten. Even Subaru who was a literal normie had nore awareness.
This is not cringekino, this is pure cringe.
Gigi isn't perfect, she fucked up her mic settings and sometimes her obs isn't positioned perfectly (green line on the left side of screen). She'll grow out of these mistakes.
ERB is just... Small corpos have similar tier mistakes, it's as if she's never had any kind of training or whatever.
Has any other member of justice replied to homos or interacted with them?
I'm liking her already. Just look at the thread, I don't even have to watch her and she's still entertaining.
Exactly. Regardless of where it came from why not clear the air?
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>henmama having to look over every individual shiori tweet and constantly watch each individual second of streams so that she doesn't get him or herself fired
>/vt/ is my oshi
Many such cases! Kill yourself btw
she could reply to herself instead of bringing attention to the troll account covered in /pol/ takes but she chose this instead
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Looks like she was in the lead due to starting first but Cecilia is overtaking her. I'm glad CC looks to be the strongest in Justice.

She was low even before the tech issues. I understand you're butthurt but don't be a dishonest faggot.
I think one of them just thanked them for the congrats on debut
Nah, I have a real oshi. I just like seeing the red slag fall flat on her face.
Its him, Shiori have refer to him alot of times.
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I mean he's not wrong, I don't really care for the senpai shit but...
As did I anon, work on those reading comprehension reps.
The idol journey
The issue is, she's entertaining only when viewed through /vt/ lens. When you tune into her stream the whole appeal disappears.
Shiori may be weird, but she does understand social media. Her posts are nothing to worry about, some of them are unhinged enough to cause reaction but never actually that dumb.
I'm gonna observe her career with great interest
I need a name
>It's pretty weird when just about everyone in it is liberal and not the virtual signaling type like Nijisanji.
/polvt/ generally keeps its mouth shut unless there's something they absolutely won't keep quiet about. The antivaxx posting in /ggg/ was a big tip off.
her karaoke streams were amazing
Liz had a scuff at the start and then more tech issues. What's GGs excuse?
anon the guy was baiting kiara in her rm account and even baiting Pippa jesus christ, it's such an obvious troll too
I wonder how long can she keep those up. She's been doing karaoke more than anyone else in Hololive.
smells like a general vtuber anti that got blown over with the ethan ralph shit
GG is a true runt. Mid tier streamer in all categories. Honestly weird that she got hired but oh well, good for her. At least she isn't causing any trouble, unlike ERB.
So you can make a bait thread about them? Nah lol
GG's debut was ruined by Liz' homotalk, going overtime, raiding herself and by that time GG had already started.
I think management needs to speak with her
>This is retarded, she is never in the girl’s chat like this
I've never seen any holo send 100+ messages in another holos chat in one stream, that's insane.
So Cecilia? Got it
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I have reread your post and i am indeed retarded.
Raora currently offers one of the most unique experiences in holoEN and wasn't a nobody before
Gigi has the absolute worst timezone for every European and half of Americans. If someone happens to be watching streams at that time, they're gonna be watching Gura/Fauna/Ame/Ina etc. she's overlapping with.
Also these kind of characters are literally always hard filters. She'll likely have a generally smaller, but very dedicated fanbase. Though I see the potential of her blowing up via clips because she says unhinged things and has less filter than anyone else in EN.
CC and Italian cat NEED to coach this bitch in basic internet interactions, the do's and don'ts like don't fucking feed irrelevant schizos like >>79434727 or shit is going to end up BAD
Because most Holos know that they shouldn’t disrupt a stream too much.
never did anything wrong. ERB is sending 100 messages in homos chats daily
you man one song
I'm a porn star so yes
She needed to apologize but there had to be literally any other guy to reply to no?
Because it's actually disrespectful to the streamer and their audience. I saw her on Gigi's chat last night, that's faster than the homos' and she sent less messages, but it was still disruptive because half the chat started talking about her for like 40 minutes. I assume it's very annoying if the person who's streaming doesn't even know her, but they have to respond because she's a coworker and ignoring her would seem rude. Nobody does this in Hololive, or even if they do, they do it on an alt. This is straight up attention whoring and I predict sooner or later she'll either be tardwrangled behind the scenes or someone tells her to chill. You would be surprised how much she's getting hated on on homo discords already.
I like that Liz established that she'd be open to the homos, but spamming their chats is a little much
> fix Shiori
There was something to fix?
Shiori never needed fixing retard. Your faggot ass creating two more weeks catalog threads wasn't a problem with Shiori. Meanwhile ERB has been problems since before she debuted.
even homolovers are starting to turn on her for AW
>Likes homcollabers
Kys sis
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> she's just way too happy to interact with anyone
*almost everyone
Not sure what you mean, even in Japan cheating is extremely common, women aren't faithful anywhere except probably the places where they get stoned for looking at another man.
People wouldn't tolerate this even if it was Nerissa in Kiara's chat or something comparable which would at least have a reason.
To do it to someone you barely even know is fucking insane. And I'd bet she wouldn't do it to someone who WASN'T lower than her on the social totem pole.
Kek Regloss are Hololive and Uproar are Holostars.
She's Mori 2.0 without her work ethic anon.
She's gonna be the first HoloEN 3view within 3 months.
Now everybody criticizing her can be called a polnigga
This woke bitch knows how to destroy nice things
Liz is obviously fucking autistic there's no other explanation. I refuse to believe she's doing any of this on purpose.
> Highest subcount competing with the lowest for viewers
She established that she liked them, it'd just feel incredibly fake for her to suddenly pander to unicorns
She has Bae, she has the ID girls, they're all well liked
Biboo streams are also mid tier in everything but she has good numbers because she streams good streaming games. Its not weird that she got hired when she is there for the gamer role of the gen
Yeah. That's just proof subcount is meaningless, especially in early days.
She is the leader, she debuted first, she spams songs. It's completely natural she would have higher subcount than other three who don't have any similar buffs. However when it comes to actual streaming... things will be interesting.
From the looks of it, no one else pointed it out.
her history suggests otherwise. she's a typical sjw karen who loves stirring up drama and attention whoring
You reap what you sow sis
just unfortunate then. She should have just tweeted it out without replying then I guess
>women hate other women for getting attention
Not endorsing ERB, but cant say i am surprised .
>greentexting outside of /v/
no man she is just old and trying to fit in.
Genuine question but does she have autism or something?
I feel like she applied for Holo but has no idea what it's about or the culture behind it.
Not "for getting the attention" but for disrupting the stream. They wanted to watch their oshi, not a conversation with ERB.
She literally does the opposite of fitting in, nobody can be that obtuse.
>ERB is just... Small corpos have similar tier mistakes,
small corpos dont do these kinds of mistakes lmao
so is fuckin kiara and she knows to keep shit to herself. as long as she obeys the rules and doesn't try to alienate viewers it's fine
This doesn't mean anything.
She really is Mori 2.0
To be fair, most people who chat do want to get attention too, and a highlighted person chatting alongside you reduces your chances of getting noticed to zero. People obviously don't like that, it's a step from the Phase Lia cucking incident.
monkey's paw
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What's the matter? You got exactly what you wanted?
At this point I would say she is a genius, she does not even need to stream anymore. If you want to meet her, just join any holostar stream and you have high likelihood of being able to converse with her.
some women cant have full access to the internet
"Some" is a very conservative estimate.

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