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Anime Power Stance Edition

Schedule up!

>Next Stream
Literally right now!

>Last Stream

>Last Karaoke Stream



#Bloodflame #BloodflameArt

Previous thread: >>79266800
>Don't feed the seagulls
>Luv me some liz
>God save the Queen
*snort* haHAHAhaaaa
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>Gigi wants to drink Liz
What did she mean by that?
Finally! I can comment on the *snort*
she laughs like this sometimes
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Hag Love!
She has a thirst only Liz can quench.
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just got back from the pub
what have i missed
>not /liz/
One job, baker-chan
Laughing girls who are really bad at vidya
The poll has spoken.
Collective IQ less than zero.

Good job, baker.
Fuck, I should've been home...
Why are they so out of breath?
imagine the smell
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Perfect stream then
From giving me kisses mate
I would sniff their pits
Chips and pineapple.
Hag Lovein her mic stand a litle too much
What's new pussycat? Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's new pussycat? Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh whoa.
uhhh that's not the previous thread
Ain't this a troll op? Previous thread number is wrong.

My bad.
Gonna be tradition that every new bread is scuffed in some fashion.
Actual last thread: >>79375430
is she acoustic?
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What is this jewish mother in law voice
>jewish mother voice
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Pon streamer
Pon anons
Tee hee~ ;9
Loud as fuck. She's definitely amplified in some fashion.
she watches chew much american telly
Are you really not a schizo?
He clicked "Copy text" on the last OP
Like a Liz from a rose.
High-functional, but functional
>imma firin mah lazer
My bones creaked
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Oh neat, fanart reaction section
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You know, i think she should play henry stickman collection, she might actually get most of the references. Except maybe the gaming ones.
I searched for /innit/ in the achieve and picked the wrong link.
Holy fuck that Biboo impression
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I cant stop looking at her flame either.
tell me why does she trigger the autists so much
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something something homosexuals idk mang
Shitters need a punching bag and unfortunately they picked her.
That's a lot of art. I hope they won't be autistic if some AI one appears by mistake.
Autists can sense other autists in a crowd and can become hostile towards them without realizing it.
old bong woman trying to fit in with a younger crowd makes her stand out, also making her the 'leader' of justice makes her a bigger target as well.
Damn, anybody got that one she just showed with the arched back and ass presentation?
Why are they stalling? Announcement?
Hopefully a manager filtered out the AI shitters.
Milking the superchats.
>concert mention
sisters are gonna FREAK
>stutters on the senpai
This hag is such a cute dork
TY, bub.
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Why do you go through the effort to generate crappy pictures of Liz? I honestly think you'd be better off closing your eyes and imagining her doing anything you want her to, she'd be much more beautiful there.
Bye Queen...
She even talked about A-chan. THAT BITCH!
I think it's literally just the salty unicorns, all the criticism is "bitch eating crackers" from anons who don't watch streams.
Well, that was delightful. What a pile of dummies we've been given.
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aside from the scuff at the beginning that was a fun stream.
see you nerds for the mystery nigga announcement tomorrow!
But seriously... what kind of bitch eats crackers?
Calm the fk down, i just saw boobs and posted.
Dummies is putting it very politely, but yes.
Isnt it postponed? I hope we get something else, maybe she will try elden ring finally and stop playing fps.
Nail that sticks out yadda yadda. She'll eventually chill out because it could be the first day on the job high, and people will eventually lose interest in their toy/target and find a new one.
Trying to put it cutely, thanks.
I am calm, I just think your posts should be thoughtful and aesthetically pleasing.
Pon Stars all around
I'd really like for Red to do impressions of Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet. Her voice is perfect for it.
Crackers with butter on 'em taste like heaven. My go-to wagie snack.
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Fine, better?
That blood? Min--ackuhghasfafassawfa
anon it's all shitposters that want some sort of yab to happen to spam the catalog with.
She's an easy target for people trying to damage hololive. They smell blood in the water so they double down. Kinda sad that the girl that doesn't like bullies got the attention of so many.
It was postponed but they're doing something else instead
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Sorry lads, gotta dip on account of I'll be hitting this one from the back for the foreseeable future.
I dip mine in soup, chowder and chili.
It's a travesty she didn't get that milk hat
If she wasn't a fucking whore she'd be fine
>Liz pops up in and spams your chat
what do you do?
I can't imagine not being won over by her exuberance.
Yeah that was for me
Ignore my viewers and ERP with Liz.
They don't want to be "won over". They've had it in for her since the beginning.
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every fanart i see her tits get bigger. its based
Same, tbdesu.
The blue flame mic is a nice touch.
"Oh god I'm cumming!"
Ignore her because it's cuter that way.
>ignore her completely
>jump into her next stream's chat the moment the thumb goes live and refuse to stop spamming till the stream ends
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eh as long as she doesn't make it my issue on her stream idrc what she did to make people upset.
shes a grown woman and this was something she chose to do knowingly i'm sure. i'm just here for the singing and cute voice.
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Prime candidate for cowkini.
Get diabetes
what does Liz taste like?
hope she makes some offhanded comment about her ass at some point so I can get more ass art
Marshmallows with a light tinge of sweat.

Ditto. Even knowing there will never be enough ass art as such a concept is as incoherent as the idea of before time.
"Advent's not here, Liz. I'll let you know if I see them."
That's just the average holostars chat
Get really shy and embarrassed, banter with her for a minute then go back to the original stream topic
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This one is me
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Bre for breathtaking
Bre for breedable
BRE for Breasts
Bre for breastfeeding
Yeah me
To think that I'd hear a Holo bringing up Shoop da Woop unprompted and in meme context with what she was doing at the time makes me happy as fuck. She is definitely from my era of the internet
Women are the cutest when they are mostly retarded afterall. I am looking forward to the other EN megadorks collabong with them (particularly Irys and Shiori)
Shiori isn't a dork
The Noveleite lied as easily as he breathed
Yeah, it's great
>quick witted
>Ancient meme knowledge
She perfect for me
She's such a dork that she didn't realise that you are supposed to keep the rose stem between your teeth rather than between your lips when doing this.
Her pits give her power over me
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surfing into /innit/
Fast board?
hololive version of Nina Kosaka?
Doesn't have the same mommy energy
Millennial Rin Penrose
damn thats hot
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I wish I could kiss a cute girl like this but that would require me to go to some sort of gay bar and potentially sack my virginity. I must become a witch at 30.
what the frig? lizbians are real??
We are all lizbians :)
I'm bi but girls are so much more approachable, cuter and smell nicer
Liz love
I don't know what's going on, it was in page 9.
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>Fuck that troll on twitter
I just woke up. I hope she doesn't take it personally.
So that's where all the mince pies ended up.
Fuck off
We don't give a shit about that here.
does this make any other NTRchads diamonds?
you'll never fit in sister, we love Liz's cute interactions with her senpai here. kys
Unikek or sister? Wrong place either way. Liz interactions are welcome here
I hope they include at least one British/Irish member in every European group. Brits and Irish people don't have the same problems with mainland European accents as Americans do. It makes to communication so much smoother.
I don't give a shit about her interactions with homos. Why did you spam her interactions if it's not for shitting the thread? You retarded need to get the rope asap
The seagulls are yelling again.
We love holostars here
Fuck off cuc;k
Learn English before you try to fit in, SEAgull. This is humiliating. If you don't like seeing Liz be cute then you need to fuck off and kys
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I have a sad feeling that she spams all these chats because she's never had real friends and is excited about having a "friend" group.
>No one posts her interactions with homos for 3 threads
>Suddenly someone floods interactions
>Catalogue is also full of her interactions all the time
Come on. This is fucking obvious.
Hopefully she can find someone in Holo that she can happily yap away in DMs. I don't want her to be lonely forever.
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SEA has woken up
This is fucking old logs no? I have seen it for like 5 times already
Please learn English jesus fucking Christ
Do these raiders even try before pulling this fake unicuck shit?
We love stars here. Fuck. Off. K. Y. S.
Oh sure
Keep spamming her old fucking logs with homos then
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What was this supposed to be? Monetization stream?
It is fast again
I said, it is fast again!
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My Queen is seducing me (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
cute pixel liz
well thats my new phone wallpaper. do you have a source for this?
nvm my for you page did it for me
Quality, love the eyes
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Assuming this is your first rodeo, just know that the autists don't need a real reason to sperg out, and they also will never stop. Just have fun laughing at them every time they lose their noodles.
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wouldnt be the first time i've had an oshi with a shit ton of antis. im just more concerned as to whether she'll stick around or not a year from now
Wawa a cute
My first oshi was Coco.
Guess what happened back then.
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bug people are on another level
You and me both, anon...
Please sisters, don't let this thread did, just stay here.
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I need this but with Liz
Stay here, yes, just stay here, don't go anywhere else, just post here, here is fun!
It activates their Chris-chan syndrome
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IIRC Coco didn't really graduate because of the antis, did she? She edured them like a fortress for a long ass time. I think her graduation had more to do with Cover not supporting her ideas than anything else, which is why the Vshoujo proposal was so enticing since she would have total freedom to do whatever she wants.
erb? erb! erb? erb!
4chan hate! It doesn't wanna let me post my wife!
Any games in mind that you guys want her to play?
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luv me liz
luv me justice
simple as
visual novels would be perfect. it'd be a debuff for normie viewers but idc
Any RPG where she could roleplay like an autistic dork
BG3 Justic colab series would be perfect but i don't think people care about bg3 anymore
She's not a robot anon. She was worn out from constant harassment.
Fire Emblem
So uh no stream later today?
??? stream
I thought they pushed that back
Good night
Good night anon
Today's one of those days
I know just mentioning Ironmouse in any context here brings out the unlimited seethening works, but is Liz better than Mouse at singing?
I've been watching her since the vrchat days and I've never thought she's better than Mousie.
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I think they have pretty different skillsets, hard to compare. Mousey is great at opera and spanish songs, Liz is better at lounge and jazzy stuff. Mousey has more experience with live performances I think.
part of why I think any comparison between singers starting with "which is better" is kinda dumb to begin with. "Which is better at what?" more like.
Mouse definitely has less experience with live shows. Liz has performed at many small to mid size festivals. She's never been a main performer but still.
Also it's kinda silly discussing singing talent on this board. People keep saying stuff like "x is better than y because she has better singing technique!" It's so silly.. Yeah, there are probably 1000 or more opera singers who have a better singing technique than Adele, but Adele is still Adele.
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Shows, yeah you're totally right. But for performances, I was counting stuff like on-stream karaoke in those, and over the years Mousey has racked up an absurd amount of those. I think this mostly comes across as confidence in tackling songs she has less practice with, or smoothness in adapting songs to her voice.
Chatting about singing can be fun, but on /vt/ it tends to devolve into personal preferences and shitflinging instead of looking at musical characteristics, which I guess is par for the course for the board kek.
Everyone's an "expert" on this board.
Yeah and technique can only take you so far. Personality and good looks makes you a millionaire. That's just how it works.
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And luck, don't forget the most important dump stat.
Wait what? Next you're gonna tell me the richest people in the world aren't actually self made billionaires! It's weird how everyone on this board knows the reason why so many vtubers who are talented singers, actors, dancers and performers didn't become mainstream artists. We all know the reason. Like come on now. If you look like a troll you have to be really REALLY fucking good.
This guy wouldn't be the biggest musician in the world if he wasn't absurdly good at singing. And I don't even like his music. (but he sounds annoyingly astonishing live)
You know, I've heard bits of that song millions of times on the radio or in dives, but I never really *listened* to it until just now. It's pretty good.
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Yeah and it's annoying as hell. I always "hated" his music until I head him live. "Who the fuck is this amazing sin-... FUCK!"
This is never going to get old
Same, I remember how annoyed I was that he got that distracting cameo in game of thrones... Hearing an amazing performer live is really different from anything else. I was a casual fan of Ado for a couple years, until a friend invited me to one of her shows in the US this year, and I was just blown away.
>Same, I remember how annoyed I was that he got that distracting cameo in game of thrones...
Hold up a minute, he was in Game of Thrones? I watched that.
kek, yeah in one of the latter seasons, he was some random soldier sitting next to a campfire who got some cheeky one-liner I think, there's almost certainly a clip of that out there.
now that we have gone completely off-topic, can I ask you guys to judge me? I said technique doesn't mean anything etc. Am I crazy if Thom Yorke is my favorite vocalist? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uYWYWPc9HU
feel free to post your favorites, it's not like anyone is reading this thread right now
Feels more like an English Mio for me. The very cute dork hag vibes she has plus the nice singing.
nvm someone showed up, everyone scatter
It was likely a mixture of both of these things. She probably didnt think enduring changbug autism 24/7 was worth it if her "ideas" were always getting refused by cover
Any unvoiced Visual Novel so she can do impressions for the case
Henry Stickmin since she is clearly from the same era of the internet
Desu, being a knower I think for many vtubers it's an issue of being cripplingly autistic and socially awkward homebodies irl kek. You need to be quite good at navigating social circles (and partying) to make it in mainstream music.
Favorite is favorite anon, I don't think there's a wrong answer for that. I can see why Radio Head songs could resonate strongly with someone.
She was jealous of other girls getting more opportunities collabing with famous music producers and such and said as much herself, hololive was just starting to get really big as a brand and she was kept on a backburner due to zhangs. Still I think she could just wait it out and be better off as a holo in the long run especially since the spam problem was eventually fixed by youtube months before her graduation.
Does this bitch have actual fans or are you all sisters/homobeggars?
I can see how she might attract some saviorfags in the long run.
Does this post have an actual nijinig behind it or are is it just a bot?
I can see how she might attract some nijinig shitposters in the long run.
Nijisister...you are never going to be able to change the definition of "sister". Stop trying this hard. It makes you glow brightly.
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>Doodle and chill (and maybe more)
this is a sex (with me) innuendo
I'd doodle Liz, if you catch my drift?
Seconded she will get those ancient memes, I belieb.
>immediate Tavi
based as fuck, i hope these two collab after the ban it's going to be unhinged
>collab begging
hello we're in a liz split
How the fuck is that begging? They literally interact all the fucking time, sperg.
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>low quality posts
>no images
I noticed that across all generals, this is always true.
It's always the same.
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Thorn is so cool... I kinda wanna mod it into Elden Ring.
Same. I think their voices compliment each other really well. If they did a joint karaoke that'd be kino
Nijisisters have lost so fucking hard
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her face is so plain, everytime I see it I feel like there's something missing
will she get a 2.0 facelift?
I don't know her model seems expressive, especially that face she made at the end of the last Justice collab, that was really cute.

I really missed those sort of details. The transition from plain to waku waku is perfect.
yeah they'll improve it, she reminds me a lot of nerissa, just plain ass bitch face. 3D will do a world of good
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shouldn't have replied to the troll
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what the fuck is this YASS SLAY tumblr tier bullshit?
liz you gotta stay off twitter, jesus fucking christ
It kinda reminds me of that Greatsword from Bloodborne. Different colour, yes but same kind of nice pattern on a wide blade
Not sure you got "yas slay queen" from some cute chuuni larp about some shit Ollie is going through, m8. All this desperate search for vtuber drama has given you brainrot
fucking cringe
still love her tho
you're a fucking retard
Let her have her fun
She's a cringy hag and I love her because of it
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I've been lurking quite a bit just to see how things run out bit I have to say, there's a big bunch waiting to shit on her no matter what she says or do even if it's unrelated to Cover keyfab tweet. Take a step back.
Liz has rent free antis now
English, learn it. Nobody was even being nasty you sensitive faggot, grow up
What part of "chuuni larp" don't you understand, nijinig? Get the fuck back to your discord thread
you're a fucking retard.
>Nijinig exposed and embarrassed
>Can only stutter his limp insult ike a bitch
The brainrot is real. I accept your concession
Is lamely shitposting in a general the only thing you do all day? Dont you have coconuts to pick?
Another day without a stream. Somehow she already has parasocial fans. Will she stream more once she can collab with holostars?
Resident seagull be squeaking loudly. Best to ignore it
I might make a filter pastebin for the OP. They tend to use the same few keywords so it should be easy to banish
no, i just think you're a fucking retard. guess im right by how much you're seething.
kek, nobody is that retarded, we all know
>Says the dude wasting his life solo shitposting in a general
Lmao, those coconuts won't pick themselves Bakti.
You'd think that as two solo streams in debut week is abysmal compared to her genmates but she has white knights crying about mild criticism already.
>Replying to himself
I hope she comes up with a design for the Rosarians in her doodle stream
I kind of like the face on her model
Are there any fanartists that actually capture how her face is actually like? Most if not all draw her in a different style that makes her head too big.
oh dear, the retard is melting down. someone put it's helmet on, it'll hurt itself
Jabs happen, it would be retarded to focus too much on them.
Replying to yourself again?
I love her face. I've always preferred models with more steady expressions. Having one which changes it's look with every little movement ends up looking demented as fuck and is a hallmark of models designed for things like vshojo
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>barely interacts with her fanbase/chat
>spends hours chatting with astel
>most streams are already collabs
>will collab even more when ban is lifted
You have to be out of your mind to be parasocial about her
>You have to be out of your mind to be parasocial
That's really all you need to say.
Next week after the collab ban is going to be hell tbdesu, I'd be amazed if she collabs with anyone but the boys
Why are nijiniggers obsessed with males and cucking
Their SEA blood compels them to be. The time spent lurking homo streams and twitter just to find the smallest crumb of shitposting material to spam here and self reply to has caused brainrot
This is probably the biggest irony of the whole thing. Nijinigs know far more about what is going on with the homos than the average homofan
Liz wouldn't like you shitting on Niji, she respects them a lot. You really out yourself instantly
Nobody is shitting on Niji, sis. Just the Nijisisters
I blame emoji spammers.
But...the Nijisisters are the ones watching Liz...
Are you lost little boy?
Remember when the sister tried the whole "Flirting" shitpost routine only to realise that he he hadn't picked up on a yugioh reference? I do. It was funny
>"I-im not n-nijisis, u are!"
Yes this recent phenomenon of trying to reflect insults back at people hasn't really worked for you. You end up sounding absolutely spastic
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Self replying shitposting is about as bottom of the barrel as you can get, even on /vt/
You know, it’s a bit of a giveaway when the tourists shitposting don’t even know how long hololive’s collab ban period is.
It's the same dude who didn't know "I accept your concussion" and then self replied three times. And around the same time of day too. Just further proof that this shitposter is a discord native from SEA
watch streams retard
Still can't believe that Liz was the best gamer out of the four of them last night
I guess the Rushia audience had to go somewhere, GRIM
Lol you made him mad
>Rushia reference
Grim. You are trying far too hard
this just proves that im sharing a thread with actual sisters. it was shortened to two weeks for justice. do you actually even watch streams?
They somehow managed to recruit an entire gen if Eurodorks (plus one Ameridork) and it's perfect
Ouch, instant reply. Guess I hit a nerve, hope you didn't spend too much on SC's kekchama~
>No caps again
You really are getting desperate
Are people really going to donate to...this? You're pretty much guaranteeing you're a cuck.
Nobody is this pathetic, right?
Did you see her kill those two dudes in Valorant? Pro gamer move.
> Instant reply
If that is the measure of "success" that you're now resorting to use then I fear for the future of the nijinig discord
>unironically seething
oh dear, what a bitch kek
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I believe I know it better than you brother.
what's the collab ban timing, then? i want to grudge post you next week when you out yourself as a sister
>Noooo you can't post in streams that you like bawwww
Who are you quoting newfag? Keep the chair warm for mommy Liz, she's got some stars to felate
>Fuck, nothing is working!
>Fuck, I've looked like a retard due to >>79498855 so I won't address it
>I'll just post "seething"!. That'll show him
Have fun camping more homofan streams, monkey
2 weeks for Justice, screencap this and then print it and shove it up your ass when it happens.
So by that logic she's also "fellating" all the Hologirls who's chats she's posted in?
Got it. Not sure why it's about sex all of a sudden but got it.
>Not sure why it's about sex all of a sudden
SEA's Law: As the duration of attempted shitposting increases; the likelihood of a reference to penis increases
oh, now you agree with me. so you decided to watch streams and change your story, KWAB
No because men and women have different psichology, and women don't ask for fellatio from a stranger.
I saw her reply to Laplus on twitter earlier. Does that mean that she's going to fellate Lappy too? Damn, I need fanart of this now.
Sorry I was not that anon, he may not know the ban lenght at all, i was just shitposting.
Yeah, she's only got a 100-1 ratio on posting in the boys chats rather than the girls, but don't like facts stop you paying up for ol' Liz to run a train on them while you jerk off impotently
And A-chan too, someone stop this woman.
>Can't even spell psychology
Lol. Lmao. SEA.
He meant physiology, pagpag. RUMAO
She's replied to them loads, m8. You just don't save low quality screenshots of it because it doesn't fit your narrative
Not SEA, Im African.
Liz causing so much nijifag seethe is funny to me. Especially as it always seems to be around the same time of day. When a particular timezone gets home from school, maybe
it's not just a screenshot newfag.. its stats from hololyzer, you can check it any time you want and it saves all holo chats even now.
Except her top chats are to boys, and you can't pretend it isn't. Are you seriously breaking down at being a cuck right now? Boy, you're in for a long, NTR filled ride.
not as pathetic as being a literal cuck RUMAO
Holos and Homos have been talking to eachother on twitter and YouTube chats for years, both EN and JP. Not sure why this is suddenly so controversial
To be fair to Liz, the girls only greet her and then Ignore her, thats why she doesn't spam their chats, the boiz keep on replying, Did Astel reply to her? or she just spammed anyways because it was a Karaoke? how does his fans feel about it? they may start asking her to fuck off next time.
he didn't reply, she just kept shlicking off to him, she's fucking grim. like oshi like fanbase i guess
It's always controversial, for Regloss, this was one of the reasons their debuts and sub count was so low.
Holy grim... It's not just cucking anymore it's straight up disrespect.
Stay here
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I don't think anyone actually minds outside the Nijinigs who use it to shitpost
No, the main reason for that was because of the confusing advertising for them and their place in the company. Had they just been branded as "Gen 7" it would have worked out fine, even if their designs are a bit of a step down as a whole from HoloX (who probably had the best overall design; initial group dynamic; advertising and group lore in the history of the company)
Who has the biggest tits out of these two?
Deny all you want, its the truth and many people bailed out, me included when they started tweeting at homos before even debuting, it cursed their entire gen, luckly Advent had a good reputation so people weren't as skeptical of the rest of Justice girls because of Liz.
this is cope, it was entirely the homocollab vibes they gave off.
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You should stay true to erb.
>T-trust me bro!
Even the other Holos were confused as to where Regloss stood in relation to Hololive. That lack of coherency is absolutely the biggest reason. If what you are saying is relevant then Holos like Matsuri and Towa wouldn't have well over 1m subs
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Liz is shorter so probably Liz. Though probably not much on it. Would still like to have my face sandwiched between them either way
Whoops meant for >>79501662
>sub cope
oh im laffin, we got a regular numbermonkey over here
Luv lizzie cuz shes goofy and sings good and is a cute dork and literally anything else that is said about her doesnt matter.

Also her laugh is adorable
>Mentions regloss out of nowhere and shitposts about their numbers
>Has his logic turned on him
It was really that easy
>"Regloss numbers suck because [insert incoherent bullshit vaguely relating to males]!"
>Ok, but how does that explain other Holos numbers who do this and way "worse" and whos numbers are high?
>"S-shutup numberfag reeeeeeeee"
You can't just try to play reverse Uno card when you are the one who mentioned regloss and their subs in the first place, m8
New bread needs to be baked soon
Why isn't this cunt deleted and banned yet
grrr me too im so upset, i hate when he calls me a cuck because i know secretly im dying for the tavi trex gangbang

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