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Are you happy now? Are you satisfied? Is this not what you wanted? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here? How much further do you have to put her through this humiliation ritual? How much more until you are content? How much longer do you have to torment her? Why are you like this?
listening to EN member refering to others with jap terms is cringe as fuck, they should know better as english speakers.
>meanwhile Sora hates being treated like the untouchable daisenpai and would rather be called Sora-chan
she didn't call her sora-chan either
>he doesn't bow to his sensei at the dojo while wearing his gi at karate class
Her fault anon. She could have been like bae or any other homo enjoyer. Instead she has been having this whoring attitude to own the unicorns.
kill yourself jap simp
meant for >>79446677
>muh holostars senpais built up Hololive
The problem is she herself choose to do it to the homos so now she has to do it with the girls especially with fucking Sora.
take your gay little crusade back to twitter.
She is such a retard
Why didn't you just buy the tickets? Would've been way easier
But also why the fuck did she respond to an obvious troll? Is she retarded?
Should I harass that faggot?
Fpbp fuck homowhores
If you have to ask, it means you're a spineless bitch, so don't bother
back to pol newfag
This has nothing to do with Niji, this is about removing a fucking whore from Hololive. Tribes don't matter
Hi cunny wholesaler
why would she respond
She's a retarded whore.
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But ReGloss is part of Hololive and Uproar is part of Holostars..
Why would you bump this thread?
>Why would you bump this thread?
he asked, bumping the thread
I was going to harass Pippa but now I am going to harass that dude for (you) anon
sisters be fuming
>daisenpai of EN
is this person retarded?
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It's a fucking KFP
She probably neither knows nor cares. All she wants to do is spend time with her beloved homostar senpais
>I was going to harass Pippa
That's a blatant lie she hasn't been harassed in months
I'd like to come down on the side of:
why should non-Japanese employees who speak English be expected to abide by this one specific piece of truly autistic Japanese cultural bullshit, even though it's both nonsensical and known to be actually harmful to Japanese society?
And Liz literally said that the homos built up Hololive. So who gives a shit really, both talking out their asses
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maybe Liz doesn't respect chink supporters
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>why should I have to abide by the norms of the hobby I claim to love
Try harder sis
Because she herself choose to. If she wasn’t running around calling Holostars EN and JP “Senpais” then no one would give a fuck about the Sora thing. And yes she goes on Holostars JP streams and calls them senpai without them even knowing who she is.
what do you mean, Her suffering just stared, wait for her monetization stream...
What did I fucking do? She stepped on the shitpost herself kek.
Just when I thought the catalog had gotten bored, she decides to pick the shovel back up and resume digging
He's trying to get in her pants because he's mentally insane like all of KFP
>actual aspect of Japanese-specific social culture
>muh hobby
No, fucktard, that's wrong.
>not even a week into her job
oh this poor woman is not making it to the end of the year acting like this
Why are the Uproar boys separated from the rest of holostars kek?
I work at the US branch of a Japanese company and whenever we're talking to Japanese people (in English), we use honorifics because it would be rude as fuck not to
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She actively and intentionally flaunted herself behaving in a way that deviated from the normalized EN status quo
So it's not surprising that some fans will deviate from the normalized status quo of fan behaviour towards her
This isn't ancapistan and there is no NAP here nor is the principle behind it something you have any basis to expect from people. People will do what they wish. Most people don't choose to start an antagonism arms race. But you'll obviously get one if you do.
She is getting exactly what she is putting in. EN Hololive culture is more important than her personal desires for it. It's more valuable than her, too.
Fippy bippy, the slag opened the trolling gates herself with this.
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>normal behavior according to sisters
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Tard wrangling talents is important.
Making (you) seethe is a added benefit.
fuck off tourist
Don't care what ccp supporters say, simple as
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no one could have seen this coming, NO ONE
looks like somewhere around the end of 2022, start of 2023 he had a mindbreak and went from mostly replying to vtubers to becoming completely polderanged, he even went from being respectful and uwu in kiara's roommate's tweets to calling her ugly and old recently
literally a schizo
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>gets harassed by some retarded quarantine breaking downie brownie /vt/-fag likely mad his local urinal ran out of pagpag or some shit
>addresses the key point in a polite, succinct, proper way without stooping to the random retard's level or overtly feeding the troll
wtf since when did EN have people capable of acting like professionals instead of spastics
>random buzzword
thanks for conceding, sis
>"He's a schizo!" cried the the perfectly well adjusted woman digging through 2 and a half years of twitter history for gotchas.
It's literally OP and his friends spamming their board with their inane posts.
Holy fucking based lmfao
>Report him here and on twitter.
oh how this website has fallen
reporting people for having fun
also, not your personal army, nigger
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>Don't look at my tweets that prove I'm a mwntally deranged psychopath
>OP was based for making Liz reply to him in a well mannered and concise way
>Spams based and circlejerk replies in the hopes people will be angry.
based based based based based
fucking this
this board shits on twitter screen cap threads and then digs through past tweets like thin skinned gen z and begs for reports
fucking LMAO
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>She is getting exactly what she is putting in. EN Hololive culture is more important than her personal desires for it. It's more valuable than her, too.
man, holofags really do care more about the corpo than the individual talents, huh?
She should've just ignore and start using senpai next time but she had to reply. I don't like this bitch but she's starting to make me feel bad for her. She's a walking disaster a la Mori.
Person who doesn't respect others, doesn't deserve respect herself.
>like thin skinned gen z and begs for reports
not "like"
That's what this board's majority demographic is now
You can thank Selen's termination, BVTM and Parrots for bringing literal children here
/JP/ was right En was a mistake
>holofags really do care more about the corpo than the individual talents, huh?
What about it?
COVER organizes the concerts, COVER sells the merch, COVER releases the albums
Not OP
Not the twitter account
Just a concerned poster who thinks you should consider getting on some birth control pills to stabilize your mood so you aren't scrolling through years of a literal who just because you're angry on a Taiwanese cooking website.
if that talent isn't my oshi? unironically yes. fuck them.
not going to let some asshole colleague ruin the comfy company my oshi is part of
>unicucks are literally breaching containment and harassing Holomems on twitter
What's the difference between sisters and unicorns at this point? You faggots are fucking vile.
/r/OBH and /r/Holostars is that way, Xorrag.
>dislikes bullies
>bends over for them
big grass
>responding to bait this obvious
a mori situation happening is just a matter of time
this tactic of equating the two is getting real old sister
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>In Nijisanji the corpo bullies the talents into suicide
>In Hololive the fans bully the talents into suicide
man vtubing kinda sucks
>Singling out individual VTubers for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated. Do not stalk or harass any VTubers.
>How much more until you are content?
I said culture, not corpo. Culture is a representation of a collective structure. It represents everything that both the talents and fans who adhered to it desired for it to be, and for what it not to be.
You will do as the Romans do in Rome. It isn't a request. And it isn't because you're in Rome. It's because you're in the presence of Romans. Adhere to the people around you or suffer for your hubris in not doing so. Culture(which exists without companies) is king. The people who built it deserve better than to be direspected for their efforts.
Go back to /mans/, sis. Your new champion fucked up all on her own.
I hate falseflagging faggots so damn much...
no one attempted in holo nijisis
we are not the same
Why the fuck are you cheering for a faggot harassing one of your members?
You must remember this bitch was thirsting hard for the niji males. Getting into holo was not going to change her. This one is no good.
>no one attempted in holo
newfags really forgot Aloe already...
How is this harassment, per se?
>What about it?
>COVER organizes the concerts, COVER sells the merch, COVER releases the albums
so you care more about concerts, merch and albums than anything else? and that's why you simp for a japanese company?
That's not harassment and ERB isn't a true Holo.
That was all Nijisisters. I won't let you spin the narrative.
Wrong one retard
>Breaking containment is bad
>Except in this case!
>Or that case!
>Or this other one!
If I had the power to do so, I'd take sisters and unicorns, lock them in a room, and make them kill each other.
Anything other than eyes shut dick sucking Holotalents is considered harassment for sisters.
I never like these screenshots.
You can do this with even the most mundane sensible chatter and it'll always look like some obsessed schizo yelling into the air
colourblind faggot
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>forgot Aloe already.
You really believe the "I have try to jump the window but i fell on a tree"
I mean, Selen is probably one of the most anti-corporate vtubers you can get at this point.
I checked on /stars/ and even some of them found this annoying. Jesus
Seethe, she is a holo until she graduates.
>it's not harassment when we do it
I see.
We're just helping her to get there.
>supposedly jumps several stories
>magically completely unharmed
Critique isn't harassment, sis. Nor is voicing your frustration. He wasn't even impolite, just cringe with his meme arrows.
these are the "people" unfunny /here/tubers bring in btw
>unicorn is also a phasecuck
Somehow i'm not very surprised. I wish these fucking parasites would stop associating with Holo and begging for collabs.
you're not wrong, but just be glad pomu isn't tied to a corpo anymore. no use looking back at the titantic when you're already on a lifeboat
>If I call it critique we might trick people into thinking it isn't harrassment.
Common trolling tactic, call it criticism when you get called out for it.
I didn't do nothing
Then explain how it is harassment like I asked you before?
Why would you respond to this?
>replying to that tweet
I'm starting to believe the rrat that this woman is actually, unironically autistic
>waah it's harassment
>waah it's nasty behavior
Even if it was, which it isn't, so what? you expect to clean up shit without getting your hands dirty? sometimes it's necessary to be bad, to do bad things, hurt some feelings. it sucks, but what's the alternative? one "small" thing on top of another and in some years vtubing is going to look like the western videogame industry. you cannot allow this shit to fester. if you let some things slide because they're "not that big of a deal" or "insignificant" that only leaves it there to grow and even if it's not a problem now, it's going to become a problem down the line, and harder to get rid of.
>Why should employees of a company respect their seniors in that company
Fucking jobless retard
>>Don't call out our harrassment
why do people like you have to turn every single fucking hobby into a culture war? just fucking kill yourself if you're so bitter over the state of the world that you can't let people enjoy anything. faggot.
Explain how it is harassment. You keep avoiding the question.
Homobeggars are the ones turning it into a culture war. We are retaliating. You are victim blaming because we dared to defend our beloved hobby. Kill yourself faggot. There would be no culture war if shits like you fucked off.
>we're not harassing
>ok we are but it's for [The Cause]
go back to xitter
>let people enjoy things!
you're one to talk, your kind are incapable of that which why we are having this conversation in the first place.
>if you're so bitter over the state of the world that you can't let people enjoy anything. f
the fact that you nogs feel that you have to change what already exists in order to enjoy it means that you never enjoyed it in the first place and are a fake fan and should fuck off
Bad people should be harassed.
Harassment is wrong when it's aimed at innocents.
You are retarded.
She still didnt call her holoen senpai "senpai" during the collab stream so she doesnt seem to have taken it to heart
she will still call every homo senpai
makes you think
yeah, she gives me very normalfaggish vibes, even though she is supposed to be brony or something.
>preserving your hobby is le culture war
Go back to twitter retard
>you can't let people enjoy anything
Why can't (you) lets us enjoy our hobby in peace without changing things?? Fuck off
we learned to spot your kind before you take over the host and you start your
>if you don't like the new progressive direction you can leave you nazi

I've lost too many fun toys to pretend it's not happening
This isn't even cock love, it's cock obsession
This is the most damning thing that’s been posted yet
Noticed that. The others did so automatically, however.
>no bad tactics, just bad targets
straight out of alinsky's playbook, go back
>spamming the chat is against the rules
>mentioning others vtubers on chat is against the rules
She breaks both of those regularly
>Preserving your hobby
That is not a thing. Go back to /co/.
The only harassment I see is ERB spamming the holostars' chats
>noooo you can't use the tactics we use to great effect!!!1 only WE are allowed to do this and get away with it
not falling for it troon
Sure you are. You don't watch them, you're here to manufacture outrage in the hope that it will make people pissed off.
Because it's a term of endearment when used in english, not respect.
>AIEEEEE why are you noticing us before we infiltrate completely and take control?!
Anime, games, cosplay and several others hobbies, we saw it happen again and again, it's easy to spot faggots that are trying to change the culture
>retard reads comics
No, you.
Rent free
/co/ was subverted and wrecked years ago by things like you
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Screencap this: ERB will crack under all the hate she gets from holofans and graduate in the next months
then they'll act innocent and blame the nijisister boogeyman (that only exists in china and maybe pakistan by now)
>yes we are just as bad as troons and will use their tactics
glad you're admitting it, both of you can fuck off back to twitter and have your gay culture wars there.
I see, so i was right. I had my suspicions.
>1 like tweet
>she answered
I'm starting to believe in the autism accusations
I wish all numberfags, phasefags, and unichuds were all rounded up into camps with extra Zyklon-B for the gas chambers
Not my problem
Good. If you don't want to be a holo then don't sign to be one, simple as that. Nijisanji debuts 100 members per week, go there instead
You're wrong in one aspect, it's not the fans who are changing the thing. They actually have no power. It's the corpo making them who get filled with outsiders, investors, get bought out, get long time staff laid off and replaced with nee hires who have no idea and end up adding things that marketing told them to do.
If the makers stay the same and keep their original vision the product doesn't change.
basedjak chemo will cure her and she will have a long and prosperous holoLIVE career
/jp/ unironically is another EN colony. The HoloJP fans unironically left.
missing the last panel with baubaus taking a fat shit on EOPs' mouths
>then they'll act innocent and blame the nijisister boogeyman (that only exists in china and maybe pakistan by now)
it's actually amazing how often they do this despite being basically the same thing. brand loyalty truly is brain poison
The newfags replying to you would have probably condoned Aloe's harassment. Those are the times we're living in when BVTM and /#/ control the EN fanbase.
nice try phasefags, still not watching.
Based, I hope Ollie go together with her
go away
this, she's relying on the steep ignorance of the general EN audience but this is absolutely going to be noticed by JPs and considered rude and telegraphing heavily that she doesn't respect the girls who came before her.
>how often
Now say examples
pretty sure Sora don't like being called senpai.
Remind them about Flayon, they'll have nothing left when you do
/vt/ failed to gatekeep the crowd that Pippa Pipkin brought to both VTubing and then Hololive
>Explain how it is harassment.

see >>79445756
What does Flayon have to do with Pippa?
>stop noticing that we're just as bad as troons
no, I don't think I will. keep your politics out of vtubing, on both sides.
also adding to myself I'm betting she'll probably be keen to remember to call ollie and bae and mori senpais, but might just totally forget it for someone like fauna or irys. if that happens, it's not even a "she knows what she's doing lol" it's "she's dissing them openly to anyone who actually pays attention and is playing dumb about it"
Nta but I truly believe Flayon is in every chuuba’s dms and that they have all seen his dick
and which politics is noticing she's not addressing her senpais the same way she's addressing holostars?
>keep your politics out of vtubing
says the faggot that is intent and seething to push their brand of bullshit into hololive
disgusting hypocrite
kfp are based
Anon your fantasies...
>I truly believe
Probably because you and 70% of this board have an unironic cuck fetish that you're projecting onto all of these vtubers
she must graduate simple as that Justice is 3
>the retarded got btfo by a random nobody
Indie syndrome, he's correct but a holo going that low is dumb
And yet every single holo, no matter what branch including the homos, does so regardless. The only exceptions are a few old hands, maybe 5 out of all all the talents.
if phasefags only watch phase, they're also brand loyalists. so cancer by the same definition
aloe and laplus are the ones I can think of off the top of my head, at least as far as harassment goes
the gay kind
I think anons should stop LARPing so hard and just don't watch her if you care so much
>schizo on schizo violence
many such cases.
And the post-Advent newfags would have said their attempts should have gone through.
>ever liking pippa
Nice try sister
Holy deserved, may she rest in piss on twitch
Again, history revisionist?
>just ignore it
Look at the gaming industry, you need to ignore 100% of new games because they're all trash
Why even reply to some literal who retard with 1 like? lol
Like clockwork>>79453172
You only watch like 5 Holos so lmao
They should be there to begin with if they dont understand the company and at a minimum who they are working for
The good ending, lets goooooo
>no u
I hate that this happened inside a Twitter chain from A-chan's farewell post. Can't even be sad the departure for one of Hololive's pillars without /vt/ shitting the board with being schizo about a reply from ERB.
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>phase fan
the trifecta of shit wow amazing, i hate the EN vtubing community
Nigga you need TRT injections
You cannot do business in america without being part of the culture war.
yes, you.
This is the only real, valid criticism of everything.
If she wants to do this, she should use an alt like everyone else. It's always annoying when mods show up and take over the chat, and it's the same for other streamers unless they're specifically promoting something. Casually chatting for an extended period just derails chat into going "OMG STREAMER IS HERE"
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>Holy deserved, may she rest in piss on twitch
and I rest my case, nobody antis hololive talents better than hololive fans.
actually, nijisisters and schizo holofags should hook up with each other, since they're basically the same personality just with different genders
Is this behavior something from twitch or wherever the fuck she came from?
I wonder wtf his fans were thinking seeing this incomprehensible eigo spam scrolling past every few seconds.
No, it's bad practice on twitch too.
I don't get it. This is like streaming 101 levels of etiquette. The mod tag makes your name stand out, even if you aren't necessarily more popular to that audience.
If laplus didn't want harassment from former fans then she shouldn't have shat on them with her jap eceleb friends. Action leads to reaction. She should've known better than to mock the hand that feeds with drama shitstirrers and grifters.
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I kneel king thankyou for your efforts
>Beatin' my shit 'til the room stinks using the tears of homobeggars as lube
>harassment is based actually
why are holofags like this
you were never welcome here
feel free to fuck off
the beatings will continue until she learns her place and stays the fuck away from my boys
We ARE the vtubing community, nigger. you're currently on OUR board talking about OUR talents. Go back where you came from.
They're mentally ill.
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>They're mentally ill.
Based stars enjoyer. I will agree with you and assist you in this endeavor, and when we succeed we'll go back to hating each other.
Like I'm not even joking I actually envy vshojofags they have it easy in comparison to holofags. A lot of you are so overly protective and schizophrenic over some retarded women streaming and singing for fun. This board should never have been made because it feels more like a nut house
>culture=corpo itself
sis we already moved past retarded posts with selen pic era keep up with the times please
You're really not helping your own cause aren't you?
Pippa and her consequences will never not be the end of the EN speaking VTuber fandom. Every last reason why the current EN fandom is shit is attributed to her and the culture she produced.
It really stems from anons seeing how Japs act with Unicorn shit, and trying to be like them.

Whole time, Japs (on 2ch) make fun of unicorns and how stupid they are, but fags /here/ think they're serious and want to be like them
Now here we are 4 years later and they still make fun of unicorns but EOPs think they're serious (still) and act like tards.
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Can her manager PLEASE hijack her Twitter account and put her on training wheels for at least the first year? Please, I beg. She's 100% going to do a yab out of sheer autism soon otherwise.
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you could just rangeban the entirety of SEA and it'd all be over faster
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>We don't harrass holos, it's only the homobeggars!
>Okay we do but it's only because they betrayed us by talking to men after promising not to
>Okay they never promised not to but they implied it by not immediately talking about them from debut
>Okay she is talking to them immediately from debut but it's still fine because we don't have a shred of decency or good faith. We just want to push out agenda and everything is just an excuse to do so
Kronii saw through you fast enough, she knew having "rules" and "boundaries" to interactions would be meaningless as you would just keep pushing no matter what you previously said.
Unicorns area fucking cancer and if they don't die out the hobby will.
>People taking hobbies seriously is weird
Unironically go back
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>gets called out
>"NO I'm not bring in culture wars"
>processes to bring up the videogame industry, twitter, progressives and nazis, America and admitting to have migrated to v-tubing from other hobbies
People can't be this stupid right? Is this one guy like before right?
>It's her fault she was harassed
classic victim blaming as usual holofag
>I'd take sisters and unicorns, lock them in a room, and make them kill each other.
I'd rather make them fuck each other.
>admitting to have migrated to v-tubing from other hobbies
And? When my other hobbies were being destroyed vtubing wasn't even a thing. I was there since Kizuna
Just being under holo you're under that "promise". Like the other anon said, it's the culture, the majority does like that so if you go against what the majority of members do then of course people won't like you
I don't think anyone cares what happens in there as long as we never open the door again.
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Serious question

How the fuck are EN fans (western in general) more autistic about Unicorn shit then the fucking Japanese.
It's literally their whole thing and they don't even care as much as the West does (nor do Koreans or even the Chinese (I think)).
It's actually crazy how this has happened.
>pointing out precedents is bad
History repeats itself, always. Holofags are based for gatekeeping
I would love to 'just not watch her' but she keeps infecting my Stars streams..
Watching streams isn't a hobby. Go make a garden or something retarded faggot
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Kronii broke.
Cali broke.
This one will break.
If you feel that it's necessary to harass people over a hobby maybe you should use a different strategy
like fucking talking it out like a normal person.
what will you accomplish by calling these girls whores? what good will it do if you try and create another Aloe situation? do you think your oshi would want you attacking her co-workers like mad dogs?
Is this how far you've pushed the goalposts?
Well why don't you go tell the managers who hired, trained and guided these talents in what to do and not to do since they apparently don't know the rules at their own company.
Be sure to tweet at @hololivetv because it seems that the JP side also forgot.
In my post I literally said it stems from fags just LARPing and trying to fit in
If mods only would do their jobs...
she's not a victim if she slags her fans on screen with dramatubers laughing about it in the background
she is the one putting a target on her back, she is the one threatening hololive fans not the other way around.
Mods agree with us, you are in the wrong place.
Because westerners talk more openly about what they don't like. Japs just don't watch or comment about unless it affect the members they like. You can be sure they dislike as much or more, they just don't talk more about it because of le respect, besides you can get sued just because you said the truth
But enough about you nijisisters
It must be like >>79455404 said.
Just like 4chan used to be a place to post stupid shit to laugh about and has turned into... whatever the fuck this is.
You niggers are actually stupid if you think she gives a shit lmao.
It's like saying Ollie or Kobo will suddenly just care one day.
You're very fucking retarded and lost in your larp
>threatening hololive fans
exactly this.
>hanging out with people you like in a nice restaurant
>new person walks in and drops a jar of wasps
>"wtf, why are people mad at me"
i wonder.
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How hard is it to do a cursory check of an account named CUNNYWHOLESALER and see it's a troll before getting on your knees and apologizing? It's her own fault for being retarded. She's going to get one guy'd so many times.
Why aren’t ui watching her streams? Why are you so obsessed with tryna own the unichuds?
how is the one being targeted and attacked, threatening hololive fans?
>mooooooooooooods tatsuketeeeeeeeeee
Why bother deflecting as though one side has a monopoly on tribalistic retards who would rather attack the ones who are different rather than just enjoy what they have?
Not only is it larping but it's also summer break and a lot of kids are on 4chan nowadays
Why don’t you watch streams, homobeggar?
>she is the one putting a target on her back, she is the one threatening hololive fans
then fucking send her a supa and be polite and respectful and reasonable do you think she's going to listen to you if you attack her? you're just going to make things worse and you don't give a shit if you hurt her feelings
>Well why don't you go tell the managers who hired, trained and guided these talents in what to do and not to do since they apparently don't know the rules at their own company.
They've been told. Why do you think they dropped horizontal after one try? Or why they got rid of that retarded rule where the girls couldn't stream over the homo's "special streams" when there is zero overlap meaning it's just holos hamstringing themselves for no reason whilst nobody watches the homo's perform.
I play 5 instruments, I speak 6 languages, I sew hololive toys(for myself only), I sing, I wrote 2 nonfiction and 3 fiction books, I draw everyday and I'm making my holo fan game.

I know what a hobby is way more than a faggot like you
What are you even talking about retard I just asked a question about how this switch happened. Are you offended by that or something?
You know Sora hates the honorifics right? She's humble to a fault
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Go back to shitting on her genmates for numbers and every other girl who doesn't collab with holostars.
What did Liz even do to deserve this degree of hate?
She spoke to males and all the insecure anons started sperging.
>then fucking send her a supa
>just give something you don't like or want to support money
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Either you're stupid, pretending to be stupid, or it doesn't have any impact on you.
>reeeeee you unichuds are ruining vtubing!!!! Stop “harassing” our bois and the women who collab with them!!!
>”buying NijiAX tickets? What does that mean? I don’t even watch da bois or their sympathizers, I just want to virtue signal against those pathetic incels!!!!”
>All eyes on you (including all the newfags and shitstirrers who just want to shit on the girls for anything)
>Break the BIGGEST NO NO RULE (tweeting at a male)
>Now all the 3rd worlders will use you for garbage bait for the next week
>Why do you think they dropped horizontal after one try
Because it was a retarded attempt in the first place with a clear skill gap atop a dubious audience demographic
>that retarded rule where the girls couldn't stream over the homo's "special streams"
That was not a thing

That aside, what do you think ERB is doing this behind their backs? Are you under the impression that they don't want stars, a part of their company to receive support?
Is she just a cheeky troublemaker anon? Bending all their rules?
be an autistic normie
it's clear she has 0 experience with vtuber culture so I can't fault her for being new but jesus I hope she grows and adapts because this is a rough start for her
Joined hololive without knowing anything about it because she only wanted to interact with holostars, apparently.
>the brit is the new weapon of homobeggars
She deserves all the hate desu. Besides ask them who is the biggest EN vtuber and who is the biggest JP vtuber kek
I love how much anons use Kiara for this like Kiara also isn't a homosupporter
She even talks about them in Member streams lmao
Ask her fanbase >>79456059
Loyalists to an Austrian messing with Brits never end well...
>Another tranny pretending to be right wing
What part of my posts makes you think I attack any talent, at any company?
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>responding to a tweet with zero engagement
>responding to an account with zero followers
Gura and Mori gets like a million hate tweets and comments a day and you don't see them crying about it, let alone responding to any of it.
>vtuber culture is not talking to males
I don't wanna be that guy but no one outside of the Holosphere cares about that.
And 95% of the Holosphere also doesn't care about that
Irys kneeled and asked for forgiveness, Nene kneeled and asked for forgiveness. Just that is all you need to know about the horizontal shit
Except that one time.
You know which one.
that struck me as weird too. the dude's name is even "dicks in cunts" and his handle is "cunny wholesaler" like come on lmfao.
Maybe she shouldn't work at five guys if she wants to fry chicken (basically another "I WANT TO CHANGE THE CULTURE HUR DUR" type who will deservingly fail like the many who tried)
Also see >>79455852
>this degree of hate
A containment breaker with a Twitter account with no followers?
The worst part is the people replying to you thinking 2ch aren't laughing at them LMAO
i mean if you guys don't want a turn, i'll happily have her all to my self.
>buy and ad
You need to be a coomer or a retard to watch vtubers that aren't holo
He obviously means having "all these anons" (in quotes because there is no IP counter so it could easily be a few people) constantly shitting themselves /here/ not on normiesites
>cunny wholesaler
I mean it could be a chumbud
Evidence next thread, sister?
It stems from a failure to gatekeep and allowing Pippa's culture warrior dregs from /pol/ into the Hololive fandom, at least on this board.
The idea of homobeggars seeing that Pekora and Gura are the current highest sub in hololive(and all vtubers)warms my heart
This Sora hates being put in a pedestal, ERB got one guyed should have not responded at all.
She didn't cry about it. She literally replied in a nice and concise manner witb sincerety. This entire thread is manufactured hyperbole by 2-5 guys circlejerking themselves over 'trolling' hoping it will agitate anons here. >>79456459
And then there's delusions such as these where retards attribute things to her thay they have made up themselves.
So it's a mixture of trolls and schizos.
She decided it was a good idea to take a massive steaming dump on the idol culture that most holo fans want to see and for some reason we, the target audience, are the villains. Hell, even the homos are annoyed by her obnoxious behavior.

First impressions are everything and her first impression has been "I hate the fans who have stuck with cover to this point and also I'm OBSESSED with dick." It's fucking annoying.
But harassing them is OK too, right?
Go rope yourself faggot
Holofags also don't care about 2views, go back to your struggling oshi
Elizabeth is GFE btw
the chinese sure as fuck care. they are outright militant about this shit. makes this board look fucking tame. they consider a gacha character talking to a male cucking.
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she will learn to stay away from my boys no matter how long it takes
>That was not a thing
It was a thing. The jp girls even complained about it.
>That aside, what do you think ERB is doing this behind their backs? Are you under the impression that they don't want stars, a part of their company to receive support? Is she just a cheeky troublemaker anon? Bending all their rules?
I'm not under that impression. The fact that they tried to push the two things I brought up means that they're desperate to push the homos into places they're not wanted, to an audience that will not watch them time and time again despite it failing too many times already.

The fact that she was selected at all out of the likely massive pool of applicants and was allowed to be so blatant about her intent at debut means they're encouraging her actions, once again in a misguided and hilariously obvious attempt to push a product that's not wanted to a consumer that's not buying it.
His followers are right here, look at all the faggots cheering for him and calling him based, this is bound to encourage other containment breaching retards to do the same thing as him.
>idol culture
Idol Culture doesn't say you can't interact with males anon. You don't know what idol culture is. Please stop larping
I've seen multiple threads shitting on the rest of her gen just this week because she has a high number for debut karaoke. You are just as bad as unicorns when a talent isn't on "your side". And it's funny you use Kronii who has no unicorns anymore but still stopped homo collabs. You know why? They can see how you shit on the other girls, the drama you cause, the way her whole identity was becoming those collabs to tourists. To this day people still say they are the only good collabs and that's insulting to the girls. That's why she won't mention the dudes anymore, not fear or concern for unicorns she fully filtered.
Unicorns love gura and use her as a flagship.
She has never tweeted at a male, because she hardly tweets, and has never collabed with one, because she hardly streams.
And they are all numberfaggots so they cling to the biggest wagon they can.
All she did was talk to holostars, at no point has she even alluded to hating idolculture.
>she's annoying
Don't watch her?
*harass her
yeah because that definitely won't make her think lesser of idol fans at all surely this will make the literal sjw understand by calling her a slut/whore/etc.

use your fucking brain the only way she'll listen is if you act respectful and express your concerns in a sane manner.
>containment breaking KFP wojak posting twitter tranny
KFP really is the second worst fanbase in Hololive
>She decided it was a good idea to take a massive steaming dump on the idol culture
How exactly did she do that?
Sora can hate what she wants to hate, however >>79453073
No one hates Eli except mentally ill unicorns (who are actually just Phasenigs trying take a jab at Hololive for doing literally anything)
Although why am I saying this? I know you're just a Phasenig trying to force this gay drama.
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I mean no one should take anything posted /here/ seriously in the first place.
Why didn't Cover fire her?
She already despises our kind. Dialogue will go nowhere.
Phasefags are desperate for drama.
>use your fucking brain the only way she'll listen is if you act respectful and express your concerns in a sane manner.
lol that you actually think her kind are capable of that
recall that IRyS said that she did so because she was essentially coerced, and Nene did so because her manager bullied her into it
thank fuck the girls told them all to fuck off with that shit afterwards.
you either know this isn't true and you're lying for some reason, or you're utterly delusional. our unicorns are homegrown.
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kek what a retard bitch, at least blend in you bitch
>ignores AKB48 famous Love Ban
I sue Kronii as an example because she tried to reach out to unicorns and I thought, as a person who just wants to watch their favorite streamers enjoy themselves, we could get a nice compromise going.
And then after her membership stream she went on break, the worms tourney lineup was reveled and I understood that there was no negotiating with these people.
I don't care if Kronii collabs with men or not. If she collabs with someone who is really grating I will just skip the stream. But I won't forget how uncirons showed their true colors to her and ruined her trust in her fanbase.
genuinely curious about whether or not she gets buck broken, so far this is has all been very entertaining
Anon, did you not get the memo?
Idols = no men. The more no men it is the more idol it is.
Eat shit, Phasenig
>muh phase
cope I'm a starsfan and i love idolshit since 2019
This. She's a tourist that joined to grift, and was allowed to slip through because some faction of management wants to push a dead product despite the stiff opposition within and from the actual consumers.
She's not you fucking dramaobsessed retard.
She doesn't care as much as you all pretend she does.
She's been talking with males damn near EVERY DAY. She clearly does not care and won't stop.
Why you're all so obsessed and won't just ignore her is a better question
Are we just back to unicorns not understanding the difference between talking to someone and being in a romantic relationship with them?
Or have they always had that problem?
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Uh oh...
No it's fine if it's JP, for reasons I still don't fully understand.
>She doesn't care as much as you all pretend she does.
Answering an unknown tweet made by an unknown guy surely proves that point...
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>Is a unicornCHAMPION
>Doesn't even watch any of the girls they unicorn for
Many such fucking cases.

I'm looking for the whole compilation of them but here's one for you:


Also she tweeted at 2 of them. Also in a Twitter space she said she wants them all to succeed:

And also she spoke about them 2-3 times in memberships and I'll keep looking for that in the archive.

>How do you know
I actually watch Kiara and have a memory that goes past 1 week
Care about what?
Implied disrespect of her senpais?
Nobody ever said she does not care about that.
then you're fucked.
>ignores entirely how they went nuts only after kronii 180'd them and how she had to hide behind management instead of telling them directly like a coward
only holo to have to hide behind management to shield them from their own mistakes btw
EOP newfag, go back to twitter
>I'm a ___fan
No you're not. You're a Phasenig. Every dramabeggar is always a Phasenig, every single one, and they're always falseflagging as someone else because they're ashamed of their shitty failure of a vtuber company.
All this talk about "idol culture" made me curious about what /jp/ thinks.
Bro you weren't actually supposed to look for proof...
that was the first post I made about this at all and I just said it because this reminds me of the cuckbeat incident, also you clearly care more about this than me lol
Why don't you fucking go there yourself and find out?
>Hates the audience
>works for a company that panders to that audience the most in the whole industry
Women really are retarded
I don't and that's exactly the reason why. I'm just pointing out that going into an Asian restaurant then serving Italian food is a great way to get a lot of push back. I don't engage in the push back but I support it because it's the only way to make parasites unwelcome. This is gatekeeping. They can go be homo dick suckers in Vshojo, that's their culture and nobody minds it. Holo has a different culture that people enjoy and if you need proof of this, look at how well FuwaMoco are doing. They didn't just coincidentally fall into popularity.

It is though. Look at Kronii. Look at Ame.

Yes, I know the JP girls have too. Nobody here watches them, as evidenced by how little people know of Sora. People come to see cute girls acting with cute girls and to fulfill a girlfriend fantasy. Curse god about it all you like, but Advent's success speaks for itself. Kronii's torpedoed numbers and merch sales after her homo collab speaks for itself.

I mean this with the most brutal, but kind honesty: you are not welcome here. You are what I like to call a hobby parasite.

You know what she did stop pretending like you don't. Stop pretending as if you're dumb and can't see what everyone is telling you, because I know you also disagree firmly with it. You and I both know what we're talking about here, stop playing the idiot.
>the literal lesbian supports holostar and no one bats an eye
>ERB supports them and apparently she's the devil
incarnate and a threat to hololive
I don’t fucking understand holofags
She sounded incredibly bored when Raora was cycling through the art submissions, unlike all the other girls.
I'm starting to think you're right.
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Very weird amount of people defending Phasefaggotry ITT
>It is though.
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>So we been breaking bucks for about 4 generations
>Mos' time the breaking sticks. The buck don't give you any kine uh problems.
>But sometimes, sometimes... well you get a peculiar buck
>This one buck, Well she was the peculiar type, She would act up and wouldn't hide it
>it seem every week she was tweeting at homos, or be chatting in homo streams...
No anon, they went nuts directly after the stream where she said that she would join streams if she was invited and it wouldn't be on her channel.
The worms tourney lineup was announced, she was invited to it and it wouldn't be on her channel.
And yet the unicorns still went ballistic.
In fact even up to now, she has broken the rules she has put up in that stream just twice, with the psychiatry collab, which was undeniably kino, and having one of the squad's collabs on her channel instead of mori's for whatever undisclosed reason.

Just two times. And yet somehow she betrayed everyone, burned down their towns and killed their children.
It just shows you that you don't want that part of your fanbase in the first place.
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why did she do it bros
Anonchama. /vt/'s definition of "idol culture" will never be what it really means.

I mean this with the most brutal, but kind honesty: you should watch actual real life idol groups. This is vtubing and larping as idols. They are not the same.
Again, not every Holofan is a unicorn psycho.
Probably because Kiara knows about and wants to be in Hololive whereas this new girl doesn't give off that feeling at all.
My only hope is that Ollie takes her rapid graduation as inspiration and follows suit.
There was few actual vocal unicorns who I saw went to small corpos after her 180. The rest simply left her quietly while dramafags escalated everything to ridiculous levels. There simply aren't that many unicorns but a lot of vocal homobeggars who appear for culture wars.

And then she realized these dramafag homobeggars and tourists aren't what she wants either, and now she's left with actual fans. You can see why even after losing unicorns she still avoids homos and it's the annoying tourist fanbase they brought. Even Mori avoids enhomos AND SHE HAS NO UNICORNS. They realized it was going south and full of holoantis who don't really give a shit about them.
to nijify Holopro and destroy what makes Holopro special
All this thread showed me is /#/, BVTM, and /pcg/ are no different from sharty teens and election tourists
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/jp/ doesn't really have many unicorns. idolfags largely pushed those people out of the fandom like over a decade ago. retards are citing AKB48's love ban as if it's a core part of idol culture but in reality fans hated that policy. Most idol fans don't want to have sex with their oshi, they just like cute girls singing and dancing.

A very large segment of the "idol" fans on this board are just tourists who latched onto Hololive and couldn't name any 3DPD idols. They only use idol culture as a bludgeon to harass vtubers who don't fit their romantic ideal. HoloJP doesn't have this problem at all, like a full 1/4 of their talents interact with men with no issues. The EN fanbase is just a very weird corruption of the community due to /v/ermin having no concept of letting other people enjoy things even if you don't enjoy them.
>food analogy
Stopped reading here, reformat your post so it's less retarded.
Why do Ollie is a 3view and Pekora, Subaru, Gura, Miko and Aqua are 5views?
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You remember over a decade ago when a retarded subsect of 11s were burning manga over Kannagi having a one-off line about having had a lover in the past? You remember when they started snapping discs of some who-fucking-cares shitty old VN because one of the girls could end up with a guy other than you if you didn't do her route? You remember how everyone here laughed their asses off at how fucking stupid they were, and how everyone mocked those losers and made fun of them? Even the majority of the Japs were calling them out for being bum-fuck retarded. Somewhere along the line those manga-burning, tankobon trashing, disc-snapping faggots found their way here and enough of them have congregated in their own little hugbox to the point where they can just shout out 'It's always been this way!' with enough voices that they drown out anyone pointing out the contrary.
>You know what she did stop pretending like you don't.
Sounds like you're mad at her for no reason to me tbdesu.
I'm not the biggest fan of the new girls either but even then I don’t know if harassing them into submission will make thing better

>That was not a thing

If it wasn't a thing then why did Cover change it at the end of last year?

Here's the reddit post about the change https://old.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/17vvno9/changes_to_stream_overlap_rules_announced_by_cover/

Where the OP of the post even mentions that the rule used to be NO overlap at all. And now it's only the same branch.

Here's video of Pekora complaining about before the recent change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=CQRsfjHB-BA
Wake me when kiara spams astel's chat to an insane degree, or continually fraternizes with the shittiest of the shit en stars that shouldn't have been hired in the first place.
EN stars were a mistake. Anything after tempus was compounding that mistake into a disaster.
If she does something wrong. Hololive will police her.
You fucktards don't need to do it.
Yeah there's a massive fucking difference between actual idolfags and Pippatards
ERB goes beyond normal support. She'd get criticism if she was doing this in girl's chats too.
I promise you there's only 3 people on this board who are oldfags enough to know about this shit.
I don't either but I believe you kek. Things tend to happen like that
>rule that exists for 20 years in reality isn't well received
This is beyond cope, if the fans don't like that it would had changed decades ago
Don't use my oshi for your numberfag crusade retard
They're revisionist faggot tourists. They gaslight themselves and each other and don't expect any opposition to their lies.
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>crashing both unicorn and femunicorn camp for some reason
>eradicating bullies
>potentially gimping clown and other holostars income
>create a safe haven on Hololive production
>is arguably one of the best singer on her branch
she's going to have the most antis out of all Hololive EN member at this rate and it's not even one month in
So it's like how newfags for soulsgames try to act like oldfags by saying people shouldn't use XY&Z or else they really didn't beat the game?
>hololive will police her
They don't know the difference between Luna and Rushia
They'll insist that's she's a traitorous backstabbing whore, because, after the stream where she said she PROBABLY won't reply to them on twitter MUCH... she made a tweet. One tweet, and they're STILL fucking seething about it to this day.
fucking kek!
now replace her name with something generically pajeet
that's how it must look to their fans in chat watching this lmao
Hi Liz
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>Why do Ollie is a
Kronii does not care about numbers at all. She does care about her fanbase and is for sure happier that the unicorns are gone.
She could just be trying to avoid drama, which is commendable enough even if the reason for the drama is stupid culture war bullshit.
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I think anons are just mad because she's the most subbed Justice and "Homolovers" are supposed to be the "least successful" (even though this has been proven wrong repeatedly, Kobo being the first example to come to mind)
Why doesn't she collab or even acknowledge the stars anymore?
She's not a 3view she's a 4view, ID is the least popular branch probably because they're all stuck watching on their phone, JP is by far the most popular branch because this is where vtubing started.
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Because that was for all of hololive, not just stars
Which actual revisionist retards like >>79458153 will conveniently ignore.
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>can't answer it
Watch as a unicorn will tell you EN is more popular nowadays lul
Yea because it isn't even a coherent question you 3rd world monkey
They did save screenshots and everything.
We might even get to see it here.
You're forgetting the homofags. So much she banned Vesper's name in her chat and never spoke of him or the other guy leaving and completely ignored the other gens of homos.
>This one didn't last one month
At least Kronii put up a fight. It doesn't matter, in the end unicorn always win. Tourists think they won because they don't stay to notice the slow decline
Not only is it disrespectful to Sora but it's disrespectful to every other member of Hololive who shows respect for their senpai and especially their daisenpai. It's saying you are better than all of them and don't need to follow etiquette. Moreover how did a bitch with this level of knowledge get hired for Hololive??
JP has the most popular unicorn friendly vtubers what the fuck is this cope
the harassment started way before that stream, because she had an early lead in subs (not views). read nigga read
>Because that was for all of hololive, not just stars
It was put in to pander to the stars. Everyone knows this don't lie. They even had to dress it up in this way to make it seem impartial but that fooled absolutely no one. Not the talents, no the viewers. Maybe just (you) but I think you're just being a disingenuous faggot regardless.
The only holostars I unironically watch (when I have nothing else to do and there's no one else streaming) is Bettel, and also Octavio to a lesser degree.
I might be mistaken about then since I don't know much about them (since only rarely I watch their streams), but ALL the others feel like sexpests it's disgusting to even tolerate their presence.
Axel and Flayon being the biggest offenders to me for specific reasons.
people say it's because the EN talent pool is drying up, but that's simply not true. I think they just made a mistake.
Because she got burned, not by unicorn shitstirring, but by vesper turning out to be a fucking unstable menhera retard who betrayed the company.
I mean she might just want to spare her fans and future collab partners the headache of more unicron shitstirring but it was obvious she was checked out of her stars collab phase and only mori kept it on life support the last few months before magni and vesper finally graduated.
Why are you getting offended on other people's behalf like some tranny on twitter
If you said this is /#/ they'll laugh at you
Kronii and Mori were exactly the same, and yet...
I made an observation, you are the one who is getting offended.
That's the point.

Are you actually retarded?

The rule was no overlap for all of hololive productions. Which meant the girls couldn't overlap the boys. The rule was fucking retarded and got changed. After comlpaints from both the talents and fans.

Hell it was put in to help Holostars.
I mean I think that was specifically for vesper because she could see what a fucking unhinged retard he was and was trying to distance herself from the inevitable implosion he would cause.
Either way it was clear that she was distancing herself from all of it for months before shit finally hit the fan.
>and completely ignored the other gens of homos.
Why? If she's free of the unicorn menace she should have not fear in collabing with the new stars. Why doesn't she even acknowledge them?
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>Is a numberfag
>Is wrong

Why are these 3 things always together on this board???
Why are you not tweeting this at every other member of EN who did not use -senpai?
Is it because you are disingenuous retard?
Consider killing yourself.
this has nothing to do with homobegging that game is just ass and fucking boring
They are, and they're shit. With axel I genuinely believe he's just dumb. I've known guys like this. Bimbo in male form. I don't get the same vibe from him as I do from the latter hires who are, as you say, sexpest twitter and twitch type shit.
>Unicorns don't watch girls they unicorn for
>Numberfags don't understand numbers
Infinite such cases
Read the posts again retard.
It was put in because events were special and they wanted even the low popularity members, which is not just stars, to feel good.
And it was cut when the talent pool got too big.
But I can't stop you from making unhinged rrats so go ahead.
>just want to spare her fans and future collab partners the headache of more unicron shitstirring
I thought her unicorns had all left. What is left to fear?
You aren't supposed to actually prove him wrong anon....
Ollie is a 3view because her "loud & crass=funny" content is wearing thin.
It was put in to help all low-popularity members and cut because the talent pool was too big.
it was never a star-only rule.
>It was put in because events were special and they wanted even the low popularity members,
The girls already did this as a custom.
You're fooling nobody with this. The rule was put in for the sake of the branch nobody gives a shit about.
You simply don't know Japanese and don't see them talking about it.
And to think it's both completely avoidable and completely self-inflicted. She'll get out what she's been putting in.
Anon samefagging when an anon already debunked your retarded narrative won't make your narrative any truer.... >>79458909
Unicrons live in a constant ideological war anon.
As evidenced by this thread, about a talent who interacted with men before her debut and should never had any unicorns to begin with.
>She'll get out what she's been putting in.
You dramatrannies say this every single time but nothing will happen at all.
What she won't be liked on /vt/ anymore? lmfao
Holos had the manners to do this and never required a rule. This wasn't put in place to help them.
Because I'm not deranged, I don't X, and even if I did I don't care enough to do that. It should also be taken on a case by case basis. In the case of a brand new hire who hasn't done anything yet you should follow etiquette.
She almost got raped once so she gets a pass
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No they didn't. ID streaming over outfit reveals has been a longstanding tradition, and peko sometimes as well.
Oh so you're just a retarded ignoring all the proof proving him wrong and sucking his dick
Even worse
>you're just a retarded
Well well well...
>The best defense he can muster is a typo
Jesas this is embarrassing anon....
>ID streaming over outfit reveals has been a longstanding tradition,
ID's have a tiny audience so nobody cares.
>peko sometimes as well.
Until she's told by her chat. She doesn't do so out of malice, she simply gets lost in the game.
Regardless these are sporadic instances. No hard ruling was required for them.
To encourage people to watch the stars however you'd have to block ever single other cover talent from streaming. Still didn't work though lol
I genuinely just found it funny, I'm not nearly as invested in winning an argument against some random anon as you seem to think I am lmao
Because he desperately needs to find reasons to hate on her.
She seems perfectly willing to continue supplying the reasons, there's hardly any desperation at play here
>He says as desperately as possible
Okay so her genmates not using -senpai, I understand you have new threads ready to call them out on it?
It wasn't to encourage people to watch anyone, it was to cut down on the people going into chats saying "Uhmmm xyz is doing an outfit reveal, why are you streaming over her?!??!" or going into the person's outfit reveal and saying "iofi is streaming over you, she hates you!!". Basically to prevent needless drama.

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