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What's her appeal?
She's funny.
She's cute.
She's cunny.
Nice smug face
She's fast.
She can beat your dad in a fight.
She does just the type of content that makes me smile, I can't properly explain it.
i want to rapier
She's Gigi.
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exhibit A:
The same appeal that Doki has
least blatant GG shill thread
she reminds me of my ex gf. She was so much fun, a cute retard
She cheated on me tho, so idk
She's fute.
She saw a man and said "Ew a man" officially confirming her as a CGDCT soldier.
She seems like the kinda girl who would do a virtual fan meet from a hotel next door and immediately after it was over would run and try to suck off all her fans as they were leaving the area (me, specifically).
10/10 would line up
Now tell me what she thought about two grown male adults, one married, trying to escape prison together.
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She's a hebe hag and I love her for it.
You posted the wrong end, OP
Her sweaty spats
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Imagine doing this to her
BASED pedo chads
When you crop out the hoodie she looks sex.
She's a jorktuber.

We really need to bring back public beatings for whores.
She has no appeal but cunnyfags have shallow standards so they'll shill/watch her anyway.
what are her thoughts on really lewd fanart? any personal preferences from her? can I draw her bare naked c-cun
She definitely likes lewd stuffs if you haven't noticed or watched her streams, anon.
She talked about playing genshin impact and how she loves looking up the skirts of women by angling the camera
Literally none
Calm down Bae
GG is a good soldier, but she is not a loli and people do her a disservice mislabeling her as one.
She's actually legitimately funny, I think nerves fucked her the hardest during debut out of all the Justice girls but as she gets more comfortable throughout this first week she's rapidly gaining power. She has kino potential despite her flaws, and the flaws make me want to protect and support her more. Gigi strikes me as what Gura might have been if Gura were more of a mortal human with more human shortcomings and not the Jesus Christ of vtubing
>Gigi strikes me as what Gura might have been
I stopped there
She's solidly in hebe territory but fanart tends to have a lot of leeway in how much people go off-model and age characters up or down, and it only takes a slight bit of that to bring her into loli territory. She's got a lot of brat in her personality.
You're a retard then because the rest of the sentence is important context.
Not onky that but she debuted right after ERB which is bad for numerous reasons
Oh yeah? Well you might not like her when she POPS OFF
Deprived class Bae. Balanced but low starting skills, with room to grow.
She is fucking hilarious
I can't actually believe how hard I laughed at this when it happened live
ERB taught me that in her culture that means to bust ass
cute and funny ToT
How the fuck is this funny? She's just fake laughing and repeating herself
unironically the hardest I've laughed all week
>Gigifags actually believe she's even comparable to Gura
She's a runt through and through and no amount of shilling will change that.
She took it so fucking far it went from being just a goofy bit to actually sidesplitting, cause she was making herself laugh with how fucking dumb it was and then her like coughing and dying over such a stupid joke which in itself was an ironic play on the game's lame joke was comedy gold.

If you need it explained to you you're just a retard and Gigi is unironically too high IQ for you.
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I love her so god damn much.
Nigga all she did was repeat herself and force out some laughter, why is your bar for humor so low

Damn I was driving during traffic during this bit. Didn't realize she actually broke voice. Her real voice is really cute.
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I'm literally a day 1 membership diehard chumbud and yes, she has qualities that remind me of Gura, it's why I like her. Obviously she'll never be on Gura's level, which if you weren't a mongoloid who totally lacks reading comprehension you would realize I already stated. That isn't the point.
>literally an NPC and still doesn't get it
>she has qualities that remind me of Gura
Actually delusional
You wouldn't know since you don't watch Gura either, you retarded clipnigger
ironically, you unironically do not understand irony
what is gura's single most favorite piece of lewd fanart?
You're basically saying Bae is the same as Gura at this point, which would also be wrong
>having a single favorite anything
>thinking she's that consistent
Thanks for proving you don't watch her and probably just have some old clip you've seen where she said she liked a particular piece of art, that she herself doesn't even remember exists or that she ever said that because her personality is massively inconsistent and ephemeral
You're either a retard or an ESL for not understanding that "these two have some qualities in common" is not the same as "these two are the same"
I'm surprised they hired her. I watched her occasionally in her PL and while she did some dumb funny stuff in 3D, she also seemed like she didn't know when to back off from pushing a joke too hard. Maybe I'm just old and I like a more relaxed chuuba.
Sorry that you're getting so sensitive about Gigi not having any of the same qualities as Gura.
It's okay, I'm sure she'll find her own niche.
>she also seemed like she didn't know when to back off from pushing a joke too hard
She seems to have gone for the "just brute force it until it's gone so far it becomes funny again, and then it goes too far again, and then it becomes EVEN FUNNIER, AGAIN" strategy of pure fucking unhinged cute retard energy
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>What's her appeal?
At any moment in time she could burst out laughing, similar to raora (who sounds like she's getting tickled to death when she giggles and jiggles)
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Sex appeal
If you want me to unalive her in mindcraft anon I will
Split means to burst out laughing
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Cute high energy retard
Fount out GG is taller than Kobo and therefore isn't U149 so I no longer care
How does any of this have anything to do with Gigi
>delaying and laughing at your own shit joke for that long
female vargskeletor, where is the female version of vinny for hololive
Why are gigifags larping as chumbuds
>In before shopped menshi
literally who?
>literally who
You don't have to know, they're basically gigi and not in a good way
AI draws superb spats
God I fucking love AI art sometimes. I don't think I've ever seen an artist draw shorts this good, only AI
huh? why do you think this is ai?
>Pigtail or the on right isn't attached to anything.
>Her hood should have one hole for ahoge.
> the one strand of hair on the left suddenly restarts her hood
>Most important of all her spats are suppose to have those dumb ass windows on each side
To point out a few
Obviously mean to reply to >>79481044
Jesus Christ computers are scary man
6 packs energetic flat gamer. Pretty bland honestly
Yeah, I had to turn off the crab souls stream because she just kept repeating the same 'popping off' sentence over and over. It wasn't funny to begin with, and didn't get any funnier 20min later.
A shame, cause I like her taste in games.
Perfect combo.
Yeah it makes her streams really hard to watch, even in the background. Feels like it's just looping. I think it doesn't help that she has the same filipino voice as Millie, and that rubs me the wrong way now.
He didn't say that.
jesus was supposed to be a normal guy anon
>female Joel
Picked right the fuck up
these motherfuckers still repeat jokes to holomems said 3 years ago. Literal manchildren.
She's like a mid tier Chibidoki or a low tier Henya.
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Gigi reminds me of Nene; she also needed some time before getting truly comfortable; also Nene had this massive "aru" debuff and... Chinese motifs? Christ they did her so dirty.
Seems like she can't even follow her own advice. No wonder she's the lowest viewed member of her gen.
She is Unicorn-friendly Bae (But also funny and ready to be unhinged)
A CGDCT fujo like IRyS? or CGDCT gremlin joking around. I am okay with both, it's funny.
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these niggas will watch a 3 year old clip with 900 views and think they now have acquired some sort of buried piece of knowledge that they can use to pretend they're a more real fan than actual streamwatchers.
>posts Suisei
Gura's favorite streamer
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>using a reaction pic means you're a fan of the chuuba in the reaction pic
I know you're grasping at straws at this point but pick a less retarded angle than that.
If I ever see a chuuba described as unhinged, gremlin, or menhera by their own fan base, I know they're going to be dog shit. Been right every single time.
Why are watayomis like this?
my angle is you're shitting on clip watchers and yet the only way you would have consumed her content is via clips. if you're saying you don't even watch clips and you're a tourist using them that's even worse
ok i am a fan of every single vtuber and they are all either unhinged, gremlin, menhera or a combination of all 3
Anon nowhere in this entire thread did that anon act like he watches Suisei, you're making shit up in your head because you got owned and can't find a way to retort
>if you're saying you don't even watch clips and you're a tourist using them that's even worse
really pathetic samefag btw
So another random Gigi thread going to hit bump limit.
>but we're only at hundr-
No, it's going to hit bump limit
i'm shitting on clipwatchers who act like they are streamwatchers because they watched a clip of something that is hard to find. i don't know what the fuck else you're trying to insinuate i'm saying or doing, i haven't even told you who my oshi is.
You can have qualities of any of the three, but if your fan base constantly uses one of those three descriptors to shill their oshi, it's because they're actually boring as fuck. For example, I would describe Fauna as clever before I would ever call her a gremlin, unhinged, or menhera.
She’s the comedian of the group. Witty, quick off-the-cuff remarks, infectious laugh. Very consistent stream tone, keeps things light. Lots of energy, avoids dead air. Finds things to laugh at organically, engages chat, does not take herself too seriously. Her stop motion MV was distinctly creative. Comedy is an underrated asset.
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>Sounds like someone cloned Reine
>Talks and acts identically to Doki
>Has Dokis exact laugh
>Sometimes sounds like Bae
She's the chimera vtuber anon. Everybody hears someone different when they listen to her.
Her game choices aren't awful and give me hope that she will play games I'm interested in watching.
She had a lot of fun banter with CC in the Get Out stream. Definitely recommend checking it out.
CCGG felt like it has existed for years. Incredibly organic collab.
in a short span of time she's already proved a strong dedication to the dumbest bits ever, and I love it
>For example, I would describe Fauna as clever
is this bait
People wanted Selen in HoloEN, and now they have her shitty little sister Walmart version.
>People wanted Selen in HoloEN
no we didn't
nuff said
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She's cute and funny, but not really a cunny.
She was one of the most requested grabs after the Niji drama. Instead Yagoo settled for the budget version.
Maybe you nijifags wanted her in Hololive, but I promise no one who actually watches Hololive did.
>no permission
>request come exclusively from her
Good luck, if she ask help from the Stars she might get them.
I did and I continue to want anyone that actually organizes shit and has passion and ambition to join HoloEN
And I don't want a suicidal selfish drama magnet anywhere near them
She was/is too big for hololive, cover don't want established celebrities with pre-built fanbase, they want relatively unknown talents that can grow
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None whatsoever, biggest waste of a slot imaginable. Talentless American toddler lost in a group of incredible vtubers. I genuinely feel bad for the euro that got rejected in favour of this clown.
holy kek this cope
>Comparing Gigi to Gura



Ame was advertisted and promoted as some time-travelling descendant of Sherlock Holmes & Watson. But as time went on she devolved to being an American FPS Gremlin, despite her lore. So Gigi is just the gremlin identity, played straight. Problem is that she ends up looking like a discount Gura due to the tail, hoodie, cunny and chat mascot which all ape Gura too much. Fuck, even the tail is not needed. But other then that, thats what Gigi is - Ame in a Gura hoodie. I honestly think it would be better if Gigi gets a new outfit that loses the hoodie and tail.
better gura
Making you and almost everyone else in this thread seethe, she's very good at it
She's funny, cute, good at improv and at interacting with chat. Bad games + bad timeslot = currently the runt of Justice but she has a lot of talent and room for growth.
look, i like doki but hololive is all about the 'idol journey' and doki hasn't got enough mileage left in her for a satisfying journey so hololive doesn't need her. doki already has success and a fanbase so she doesn't need them, neither party would gain from it
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sweaty stinky spats with just a hint of pee
Tbh the runt of Justice is ERB. The recent collab performance sort of proves it. YES, ERB has the leftover followers from her RM, and she is arguably the most experienced singer and the "leader" of her gen, but she als knows jack shit about Hololive and being an idol. In contrast, Gigi was actually on the idol path even before joining Holo.
We have Bae at home
Yeah, no Holos have notable past lives at all.
I dunno why this got me so bad. I feel like I just know people who do this every time they've ever tried to tell a story
not so notable that they were happy to throw all that away and reincarnate at hololive. if doki were to join she'd have to be all coy about her previous success and tribulations. she'd have a large fanbase following her that would have certain expectations, expectations that she may not be able to fulfil at hololive.
i don't get why people want her in hololive, she's happy where she is and with what she's got, hololive wouldn't be an upgrade
Don't use that word Anon...flag activated

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