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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>79383035
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ER continues, with more of Bowson's plump sort, and hopefully Ame's ISP behaves (please): https://youtu.be/wl-0828UpLQ
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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4 mins til concert tickets btw
None for me, thanks, I take my concerts strictly in aquatic vessel form.
Nvr 4get

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kinda crazy that she beat this whole game spamming attack and roll without ever learning to properly time anything
I ain't gotta worry about limited online availability do I? I'll buy them later.
That's bowson, have some respect
I blame her choosing Samurai to start. Being a dexfag does that to you.
does the ground pound give you i-frames when you're on the ground or do the enemies just really tend to slash/swipe too high to hit you?
I think it's the opposite. It's because she has a lot of vigor and can facetank even though she misses her rolls and doesn't stop attacking in time to dodge.
I hope someone was lucky to get tickets for the concert
CUTE hic
no i-frames from it as far as I remember
It gives you some super armor but yeah she can just dodge her attacks by crouching
that's kinda funny
Rellana is REALLY susceptible to crouching. Seriously. You can use the "Spread out" gesture and go flat on the floor and dodge 90% of her hits. It's really funny.
>Number of users in line ahead of you:
>Your estimated wait time is:
more than an hour
am I gonna make it lads?
>Not ticketmaster? Nice
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hey its oblivion bowson
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Well, Ame is about to reach parts of the DLC I haven't seen yet. I'm gonna go now and I'll see you guys later, have some fun with the rest of the stream!
I'll catch up with the VOD later!
ame juice...
I'm late. Is she going no summons?
Her reaction time seems pretty good when she plays FPS games. Don't know why she doesn't just roll when the attacks are about to hit her instead of just spamming or trying to memorize it.
Ganbatte, anon! Don't feel bad about using summons later on btw... It's hard.
For this boss yeah it seems like shes avoiding the mimic this time around
People who dont summon Igon arent human
She got to the 2nd phase on the first try, so she thinks it's going to be too easy with no summons.
Based. Although he's one of the few useful NPC summons. A lot of them are kinda dumb in this one. Low damage, too.
How the fuck is she taking so little damage
This bitch hit me for half HP with every attack
with summons*
She has two defense talismans on, has high vigor, and also has decent armor. Also could be that you have low skibiditree.
It doesn't really matter sometimes. I'm pretty sure some of the bosses can read inputs.
>I'm pretty sure some of the bosses can read inputs
All of them do, some just do it more aggressively.
A good test is to be in a neutral state with the boss and chug estus. Some bosses instantly rushdown while others start a windup.
did you have a scar/soreseal on by accident, I did and it made a world of difference
I remember one of those godskin fuckers could 100% read your inputs and consistently hit you when you tried healing with that fuckass fireball
Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't 100 percent certain on how it works.
Semi-related: Marika is just big Hagson. Change my mind.
I honestly don't care if she uses summons. In fact, she should.
so is radagon armando?
Same, I haven't played the DLC and won't be able to for awhile so Im going to keep my viewing sparse in ER streams.
>Does nothing
>Gets hard carried by female half
>Shits himself when faced with opposition
Yeah I guess!
Hnnng Marika...
Is that....?
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Close enough.
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Please tell me that there is a nude version
Probably. I ain't paying for the artists Patreon tho cause I'm a cheap bastard.
CUTE hic
keep an eye on kemono
Ame is gassy tonight
Yep, I got them
thought she said "fucking whore" for a sec there
Eh, it was 5 dollars. I got them now instead of later.
Who's the artist?
post em?
The doot is kinda putting in some work?
o7 to your 5 bones
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why doesn't she just dodge all the attacks and then hits the boss until it dies?
*spreads your legs and gooms in you*
why don't you dodge this
*strips you*
Why do that when she can doot the ameway.
Ok but she can just doot instead and not beat the boss, have you considered that?
It's fine lol I've spent more on a mega that I manage.
What if I hit your tiny womb with my cock? What then huh?
Playing strip Elden Ring with lil Ame!
Forcing her to play with a shitty build against Malenia and taking all her clothes off!
Watching sweaty lil Ame's cunny wiggle around as she gets angry at the game!
bowson's stand would def be soft & wet
I noticed this when she played the base game too, but Ame always just looks at the bosses while they are switching phases or recovering from big attacks instead of getting a bunch of free hits, for some reason.
Little doot is gonna be the one to do it
My autismo wife can't be this cute.
It's the fear factor. You're waiting for them to pull off something when usually you have a pretty big damage window. Once she can consistently get to phase 2 I bet she will realize.
bowson is honorable
jwu. what da ame doin
Character.ai added phone calls, I'm gonna have phone sex with ai ame later.
Small dooting the boss to death. Being whiny and cute.
Ame praising my little doot for being better than bigger ones, uwah...
Playing along with ame I got close to killing her and my brother fucking called me to pick him up and I died.
based micropenismate.
It's normal size and fully functional!!!
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Oh wow, you guys weren't kidding
I thought he'd stop after learning Ame finds it cringe though kek
That ACK sounding hiccup lol
Soundpost anon. Thanks in advance
Nice. I just beat the DLC so now I can watch Ame without immediately feeling compelled to boot the game up.
to be fair staying close gets you set on fire on phase change
This is the 2nd hardest boss right?
>I just beat the DLC
I wish we could've saved Miquella instead of murdering him... He's kinda kyut
No lol
some good ame screams tonight
That would require self awareness
Eh, I'm content with my dollwife.
he just needs to get banned and he will learn. like full ban
mikki barkin'
Autism doesn't learn.
It really depends on your scadoodle level and also subjectively what style of boss you find most difficult.
For me yes, after Radahn.
Messmer is easy.
Final boss is much, much worse. She's high up there tho imo.
>He doesn't want a doll wife AND a shota trap wife
I'm not saying I don't, I just know better than to betray a Carian woman in love
Did she ever finish Mafia?
she's apparently pretty easy to parry, but she's also one of those needs two parries nerds so if you suck at parrying to begin with then rip
ame potty mouth
He has multiple accounts to get around YT telling him to shut up for 10 seconds.
holy kek that scream
then ban all of them
Wish my balls were that controller
CUTE hic
cute whiny ame
I had 3 edibles and am now drinking a large can of alcoholic mountain dew and eating freezie pops. It really enhances the Ame experience desu
You're a special one, stonermate.
Nice. I just snorted some perks.
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I'm just drinking cola...
You've never tried drugs?
stonermate, as a fellow stoner, dont overdo it okay?
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Just weed, twice. I won't do anything harder, I don't wanna be a schizo.
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You're right, I won't do anything else tonight. I wish I was like >>79472741
>"It's over"
>internet cuts out
Teen Girl Squad moment
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>comes back
i wish she’d get the fuck out of California with their garbage internet. It’s been trash in 3/4 places she’s lived in.
I missed her more than I realized
I'm literally putting my hands in the air and giving her my energy
this is your fault
do it harder
Ame destroying my ears...home
...oh yeah, I forgot about the ult
not the baaaaaaaawllls
No you merely didn't contribute
first time shes seen the moon move
Ame's ass getting slapped by Rellana's two fat balls...
she looks like she takes bubbles to the face
I feel like she's a little too conservative. She's missing lots of openings to attack
What was that dodge
the hitboxes on those blue beams don't seem to make a lot of sense. there are definitely times where it seems like it should hit her
i like when ames like
>its over its over
>its not over its not over
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Shes getting pretty decent at dodging but man i wish she would abandon the range doot strat for phase 2 it would make this way easier and make her a better play for the fights ahead
>I like when ame
Bloodborne next please ame
cute yelp
Don't doubt the doot
Perms hell unfortunately
ame hates ps
Remember when she had plans to buy a Playstation? Lol.
Weren't you already BTFO earlier?
the ps5 has no games anyways
thank fuck she didn't you stupid bitch. Useless garbage box of a console.
>Can play Demon Souls
>Can play Bloodborne
No games but it still has some use.
Why doesn't she just use the medium doot? Won't that have more chances to hit since more bubbles? Or is the charge too slow and opens her to attack like the big doot?
Medium doot got nerfed to hell.
Wouldn't it at least do more damage than the small doot thanks to all the bubbles? or no?
Depends how the spread of the bubbles interacts with rellana
Yeah, but it also needs more time to doot. Might as well use the big doot.
This is the run guys. Definitely. I beleeb.
I'm sure she'll get it eventually, but she'd probably be done by now if she was +4 or +5 instead of +2.
Let her cook.
im pretty sure shes +4
She's actually gotten pretty good at dodging.
Shes +2.
That's the one that affects the mimic and the horse.
that was some prime ame rage
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It's over guys. This is not the run.
Did ame just say It's Joever?
It's combover.
How does she have the patience for this, but she dies 5 times in a baby game and the controller is in pieces all over the bedroom?
I'm a permalurker, can one of you who thinks he can get read let her know there's a better magic defense talisman at the entrance of the dungeon, under and to the right of the bridge
Because this is Elden Ring and dying in Mario is bullshit.
Cool graphics vs. annoying baby game mechanics. You decide.
>boss is doing a long combo that Ame already avoided
>she waits for it to finish and only attacks as soon as it's running towards her
why is my oshi like this?
This anon here, just found Mohg's junior cave and got him like a summon.
How's Ame doing?
You must've not seen the early ER streams. Also you must've not been paying attention earlier.
Still fighting the boss, but because of her low Blessing, she takes anywhere from 50-80% damage per hit.
Why does she keep saying yowch is that some new zoomer meme?
She’s slammed the controller down but not like in Mario. She also is quick to ragequit in Mario.
Her 'tism has fixated on a new phrase. Last month, it was "erm, what the sigma," but we didn't have enough Ame exposure to see just how bad it was.
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shes +3 guys
throwing for content
I forgot how hairy bowson was
her best
I like when ame goes eep~
run invalidated
I was here
Could’ve saved 3 hours if she just used the summons at the start.
God I love this woman so fucking much
CUTE hic
>Golden Hippo or Gaius are next
At least one of these fuckers will force her to gather skibidi frags.
hell yeah
luv me oshi's fat ass
She's very good at edging me (her husband) and she does it by denying me the death of her Elden Ring bosses.
Cope, it's more fun to learn the boss moveset first. Let her play as she wants.
>I don't know if I'll stream tomorrow
Welp. It was nice having prime Ame back for a bit I guess.
I guess your moms' runs were invalidated when they both summoned me last night, then.
You are the biggest faggot in this thread.
teapotmates what is she saying?? She keeps skipping on my screen.
hippo will for sure. Also people need to guide her to the quests or she will have 0 allies in a later fight against like 5 people.
i didnt even hear her say that cause she was lagging
How far behind is the stream? I'm still watching Ame talk and I see that she typed bye bye in chat.
Same. My wife keeps being choppy and I can't tell what she's is saying. NEAL HATE. ISP HATE.
I'm gonna have trouble finding these probably... I got here late after the stream cut out a bunch.
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vod is fucked for now
and she said she *might* stream tomorrow but I know the schizo was trying to spin it to say she's going to vanish again or something
My poor teapot wife is suffering and A-chan is leaving.. I want to kill myself.
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So uhhh, were any of you guys able to get tickets?
I didn't but I did get a 3 day pass for AnimeNYC before the concert was even announced, I hope she is at the VR chat thing this year.
I did.
Just one day. I was less than 5k in queue but by the time I got to seat selection not only was everything almost gone, but like 20 seats I tried choosing would wind up being unavailable.
Is this also a problem with holofes every year? I'm planning to try and go in 2026
HoloFes allots tickets across 3-4 periods with all but the last being through lottery
Nah Holofes is probably super easy to get tickets for.
vods fixed
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Tried, ended up something like 14,000th in queue. Shit sucks man. I'm really hoping next year they get a venue like MSG or something, yunno... more than 3,000 seats. Silver lining is another band was gonna be in town that weekend so I guess I'll be able to check that out + stream the concert
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Timestamp for the hiccup
The first one was at 46 minutes in
The slurping noises
This will be a useful soundpost for the thread.
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A-Ame?! Please knock next time, I was jerking off to lil Ame...
ponder for a second: ame tkb
Go to sleep, Gura.
I guess you are in Japan now, so don't shitpost in the studio, Gura.
>he doesnt want to think of ames milk squirting tkb
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Even with the ISP fuckery, I'm so glad she seems to be back for real this time, bros. It felt like a part of me was missing.
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Mori posted some smug Ame's again
That Ame needs correctionToT
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>correct me
lol lmao
Man I just can't BELIEVE Ame is choosing to cheat herself out of the satisfaction of beating the bosses the right way, I was so happy when she was fighting Rellana solo but the moment she summoned the imps I just shat and pissed myself in anger. I'm NEVER supporting this person ever again.
I'm a little dissapointed there aren't any chibi ame pics with the dumb outfit she had on so I drew my own. I don't get how artists make their chibis so cute and silly.
>I don't get how artists make their chibis so cute and silly.
By practicing in the dungeon for hours every day, like Ina
Also cute dooter
>Radahn literally is almost immune to holy.
So what's for plan B? Black Flame?
Anon she fought Radabeast with holy. She'll be fine.
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don't picrel
The med doot was made for big enemies like Elden Beast.
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who and what's the context of ame mention
Raora likes smol ame and has those smol myth figures on her shelf and she might play the smol ame game at some point.
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wow get ready for the catalog to get faster again...
Anya beat FNAF
Is it the kizuna ai thing?
no, I just turned my bump into a jork >>79508711
I don't know what's going on in the catalog.
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Maybe it's Kizuna
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Me, Ame, and our 10 kids
>>79512643 (me)
sorry guys didn't mean to showoff, just testing my smart fridge that's all
Sweaty Ame thighs wrapped around my head
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>twitter saving as jfif again
That's the last image I saved too, but it saved as jpg for me.
Twitter updated something again and broke the script I was using to download images for like the 3rd time, I'm too lazy to get another one.
Sure she can play ER over and over no problem. But what about when she’s done with it and has to play games she isn’t in love with? And think of all the donations she’ll have to respond to. The horror!
just say you're brown and move on
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Ame c-can I-I donate my semen into y-your womb...?
Did she say when she'll stream next? I've been unfortunately very busy over the last 3 days
I fucking love this post, thanks anon kek.
She’ll maybe stream today I dunno
fucking kek
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>only streams when there's a game she wants to play
>this rarely happens
She's no better than the likes of Ayame and Shion who come out once a year to clear out their personal pokemon backlog.
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>another post filled with his bitch tears after vanishing like fag for a day, two days in a row
Fuck off.
i'll take that as not good
It's so cute when you can watch them desperately switch between angles in real time
I love my wife and her petplay fetish~
It’s so cute watching you think she’s coming back full time when she has consistently been getting lazier and lazier and pretty much gave up for a year until an expansion to a game she likes came out. It’s really not that hard to watch someone’s behavior and predict future behavior from it.
Lol seethe
>It’s really not that hard to watch someone’s behavior and predict future behavior from it
You've been failing for a few days now
Why are black people like this? No wonder everyone is starting to hate your kind again.
Ame gassy, Ame kyut, Ame love

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