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>be pizza man
>knock on door
>see this

wat do?
Mating press
I breaka da pasta.
deliver pizza, turn 360 degrees and walk away
Tell her to get her mom, because I want my tip.
tell her to grab her mother's and father's wallet
then ask for their birthdays
withdraw while wearing masks, shades, disposable clothes then run like hell
"you're not biboo"
Pretend I'm a radiation inspector
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So going with Gura lore. This would have been at least 8000-8994 years ago or so. Did they have pizza delivery in Atlantis back then?
"Cash or credit?"
"i dont have any money cause im just a kid and my parents arent home. can i please have the pizza?"
"Tell me a good joke and i'll give it to you for free"
>be me, pizza delivery man
>our shop delivers over a huge range, 3 towns and a lot of countryside
>job is ok, sometimes I have to deliver to some creepy spots though
>crackhouses, trailers in the middle of nowhere. sometimes people try to rob you, never happened to me but I heard stories
>late night, close to the end of my shift
>order comes in. 15 large pizzas, all anchovy and pepperoni
>I'm the only driver at the shop when the order finishes cooking
>look at address
>we even deliver this far out?
>middle of nowhere. I'm working late tonight
>load 15 pizzas into my camry
>on the road out there, hoping I don't get lost. route takes me down an endless tree lined road
>gps dings, tells me I've arrived
>nothing here but forest on either side of the road
>hour past when my shift ended. hope the crackheads who ordered 15 pizzas will tip
>got a feeling they won't even pay
>call the shop, get a clarification on the location
>that's the address. look for a driveway
>there's a narrow path. not even wide enough to drive up. gotta carry 15 pizzas down a dark forest path.
>I'm about to get mugged
>path takes me 5 minutes before I see a light
>a cabin
>fuckin about time
>knock on the door
>door opens. don't see anyone
>look down
>a midget with shark teeth looking up at me
>double row of fucking sharp shark teeth in it's mouth
>it has a tail
>I don't care, fuck this job. I drop all 15 pizzas and book it back to my camry
>oh fuck oh fuck why won't it start
>shit car
>something's knocking on the door
>can't see anything
>no, top of the mutant's head is visible
>fuck fuck fuck
>a tiny midget hand reaches up
>wad of cash
>I slowly roll down the window, take the payment, then when it leaves my car finally starts and I screech away
>make my boss promise to never have me deliver to that address again
dare i say... kino
I wonder how this shark girl aquired keys to my apartment and why she is opening my door since I am at home and do not currently have any pizza.
I wonder this because the door is opening inward and she is clearly outside with sandals on.
I then wonder why they installed the door to open from the left and then I guess I let her in.
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you got anymore?
I say, "Wow, OP. Why didn't you post the full size version of the image? If you can't afford a big enough hard drive to store full resolution pictures of my shark wife, then you shouldn't post her at all, you third-world mudhut-dwelling cocksucker."
Then I probably attach the full res version of the pic, enter the captcha, hit post, and then close my phone.
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"2 large pizza, breadsticks and 2L combo, that will be 35.99"
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>Chumkeks actually lust after this
kek kino
not a chumcuck
would still rape
Hand her pizza then turn 360 degrees and walk away.
>she didn't pay for pizza
I don't deliver pizzas that haven't already been paid for.
Absolute cinema
>say "one moment shark-chan I forgot to add the special sauce to your pizza" and I go back to my car and just the biggest nut of my life on her pizza and then give it to her
Make her goon with my BBC
15 pizzas kek
become a different kind of pizza man
Give her my tip.
I can no longer resist the pizza. I open the box and unzip my pants with my other hand. As I penetrate the gooey cheese, I moan in ecstacy. The mushrooms and pepeloni are rough, but the sauce is deliciously soothing. I blow my loads in seconds. I exit through the bathroom window, dropping the pizza in the tub as I go.
What the fuck am I supposed to do OP? I'm here to deliver a pizza. I ask where her mom is so I can deliver the fucking pizzas and get paid and get out of there.
But this is better xD
For real though. What would you do in this situation?
If you deliver stuff that needs to get paid, and the one that answer the door is a kid and no adult is around. What are you supposed to do? Just leave? You can't really ask the kid to pay. But you can't make reason that there is no one at home. What if they complain that they never got it delivered?
Some parents do leave the kid with money to pay the deliveryman, but do you really ask money from a kid who you not even sure can count money correctly? How awkward would it be?
Just ask the damn kid for money, take a little bit more as a tip. What are they going to do? Untip you?
Over the Counter. Across the Table. On the Floor. Against the Door. In the Shower.
Kids don't tip so I'm not wasting time on pleasantries, I wait for a few moments to see if a parent appears and then just hand over that shit and move on. Time is money, kids don't have money so they don't get my time
The best part of COVID was getting rid of cash payments, we haven't re-enabled them yet and hopefully never do
>he didn't see the other even smaller midget
>run and tell your mom the pizza's here
>starts crying
Shut the fuck up with your glowin ass
inside her pussy?
do whatever you want, it's a fucking kid, she can't stop you
Ask the kid to pay, if the kid doesn't have the money, then "there is no one at home".
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you have to be over 18 to order pizza so this situation would never happen
Pizza time, that'll be 55.98 plus tip
>"Oh hey kid, I have your pizza here, is your parents home?"
>"Ah, good morning sir, I live here alone, my parents gone traveling and didn't came home"
>"So you're alone now ? How long did your parents left?"
>"3 months already"
>"Don't you have any parents closer?"
>"My aunt, buy she lives far away"
>"I see. Are you hungry now?"
>"I am, a lot"
>"Here, take it."

Bros I can't harm a child. I ngmi
What if she says "I want to suck on your tip" anon?
shes a child anon..
You are harming her by giving her an entire pizza to eat. She's gonna have a stomach ache and become fatter from all that carbs and protein.
>become fatter
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Eat pizza in front of her

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