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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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VSMP is a whitelisted Minecraft server for VTubers hosted by PixelLink.

The server uses a custom modpack with the full mod list found here:

>Official Link

>Member List & Schedules

>Stream Playlist

>Thread Template

>VSMP Host Agency
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/

>VSMP Affiliates
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
VReverie: >>>/vt//vrex/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/

Previous thread: >>79406074
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Anchorpost for streams
Maeve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_GpqzOdQUo
Serina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOBbj81Ef7U
Tomoe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L9tSJUP3UQ
Kokone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0sk5mSXScQ
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Anchorpost for new clips and timestamps
sex with pillow
I've asked this question before but still love hearing people's answers. What chuuba have you become an enjoyer of due to the VSMP server? For me it's Cyon Hart and Scarlett Flameheart. Two very smexy chuubas
I'm new to watching Maeve, listening to her talk makes me want to sexually harass her, is that a normal outcome?
and her handcam streams make you want a handjob from her
Thanks, I'll check out her handcam when I have the time
look at the women
I have discovered pillow. I'm done for.
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Pillow, Tomoe and Zeli
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ayu and essie
the yuri got interrupted...
pillow activated something within me that i cannot break free from
pillow terrifies me
Zumi and Miki
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Suri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsOYFPyHRnQ
>Ayu got instantly kicked out of Tomoe's house
>pillow got to stay and use her bed
Does Pillow act creepy deliberately or is she just really awkward? I genuinely can't tell.
combination of both
she acts weird when she's anxious, she has pretty bad anxiety
Does Suri not have a proper house? Like, does she just live at the edge of that cliff?
Her impish traps take precedence over proper shelter
This homeless brat needs correction
i cant believe
raki just said its supposed to be no boys allowed but times are changing
yeah cos im joining. it's true my uncle works in pixel link
DK Graves is going through it..
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Not many seem to talk about her on this thread but I’ve been watching Utahime since she played with Chio a few days ago
I told you they would invite males sooner or later
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Context: This was the male she was talking about
Worst of all, she's stuck in bumfuck nowhere.
feels like this has been pretty uneventful day
does suri ever use her normal outfit or does she always wear the nightgown?
thank you anon i was losing it when i heard that
rarely she loves being naked
Serina pillows Pillow
For a Friday, it is quite uneventful. Let's wait until the Euros wake up and stream
so I got 3 moments from today all from 3 different people in different times of the day and yet Pillow plays a part in all of them...
This mischievous brat needs correction and I will be the one to provide it.
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Zeli joined
Scarlett on Shura stream
Pillow is the MC of VSIMP
Scarlett dragging Shura along introducing her to people she never met
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is zeli usually on during EU hours?
what's a good stream to learn about it
doesnt have to be vsmp
kek Ayu just casually walked around the trap
She streams at NA hours mostly afaik.
Not a stream but I like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13s3T9tthec
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Why is Cyon sex? not that I would reject an offer to have sex with her
I almost use this as an OP the other day but then realized it's not even minecraft
If someone clipped the part where she was threatening a villager a few days ago, you could use that one since it's similar
everyone logged off at the same time... no POVs...
Need more block game... someone please guerilla..
Poko said she's going to play soon but she's finishing a 8 hr stream so we'll have to hope someone sees her and decides to guerilla....
>90+ vtubers invited
>no one streams their POV
>late NA
>early EU
The only ones streaming now would be japs but there are no jap girls
Oh lawd I almost forgot about this clip. If any anons can link the clip this >>79488966 anon is talking about it'd be much appreciated
Mariya murders Serina and then takes a look at Kanna's villager hall
I don't have the clip but I can tell you the timestamp.
You can also go back to several minutes before that to see some funny villager shenanigans
>So give me. The fucking. Sword.
The way she says it GODDAMN. I swear, Cyon is like seratonin in Vtuber form. Thanks anon, you are a gentleman and a scholar
I'll give her my sword any day
Damn that's so hot... Just realized I'm on my 3 and something months of her membership despite never buying one..
So now that Eonia is back from concert preparations in Japan, do you think Charzu (biggest block game player in Eonia) or Reina (biggest extrovert) will likely join?
Dude you're so lucky. I've been lurking these past two weeks in all sorts of Vchuubas streams but haven't received one membership. funny enough the only times I've been gifted a membership was with two low CCV male streamers. I still appreciated though,of course cause they're based, but damn do I want me them free cute chuubas' memberships
Damn you're really unlucky, I currently have 14 gifted memberships though it's kind of a waste because I don't have the time to watch that many cute girls.
The girl? That's Mariya from V4Mirai
I think he meant the Pomu pages which were included in previous OPs
>>79491644 (me)
I'm retarded it's still in the OP, my brain decided to skip it. I have to sleep now, nini bros.
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Oh ok lmao, all good, sleep well bro
any recent server status?
scrolled up, did not find much of an answer
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from 1.5h ago Ayu Lethe Suri and Shura definitely left
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hey looking for the anon who did this if they ever posted an update of the full roster?
was someone in /corpo/ don't think they did it for more than the first two waves
No, I can update it later today, I just got to finish something really quick (1-2 hrs).
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I found out what the problem was. Apparently my YT account was a "branded" account for some reason meaning I can't be gifted memberships. Meaning I either have to pay for my own or make a new account kek
Why is nikki playin on her own server?
You can unbrand it but you'll lose all your membership progress and comments everywhere. So yeah, I didn't think it was branded since you mentioned getting other gifteds.
I got gifted a membership on Twitch not YouTube (technically called a sub but same shit in practice). I've never been gifted a membership on YouTube
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fatcat please
Okay furi now stream your pov
Do any vsmp girls speak japanese? I know Ruby does and Koa kinda but outside of Idol I don't know much.
I didn't know there were japanese members on the server
Probably a bunch of them. I know Miel does.
Rie can but she isn't active enough on the server
Daiya Arial and Miel
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She has been playing for multiple hours in the last two days
cause there aren't... she's not playing on VSMP I just want her on VSMP she's from specialiteJP so there's a chance but she doesn't really know english...
oh that's a bunch more than I expected, that's really nice.
Great another one that doesn't stream her pov
I might have posted this >>79494014
in the wrong thread and now I can't repost the same pic here
CC >>79491947 >>79491819
Thanks Furi
Furi, Cyon, Kanna
Who would be the 4th horsewoman of Minecraft autism
she's on the pic already it's spectra
she was in full diamond armor couple hours after joining
she was either babysitting blue pippa or keeping to herself back then but now she'll do cute things like making a custom shiel for wisu
Probably Poko if she didn't have her trip to US.
To be fair, I haven't really seen her do much on streams that I've caught. Kanna has monopoly on the server's economy and Cyon helped her with the villagers. Furi is walking around in netherite armor and built the beacon at spawn on a whim
Spectra is just running around giving free full dimond tools to new girls. she did that to at least 3 girls that were streaming
i think the most crafty girls are all working on their builds
Furi is literally terraforming the desert to build and oasis, Dubai levels of insane but pyramid type of aesthetic
Kanna's build is the one i know the least about
I wouldnt be surprised if Spectra was secretly building something impressive off stream too
I must've missed them, then. Can't catch all streams. The spirit is willing but the body is weak
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this is what Spectra has for the build comp
In 15 minutes more or less
Then it's decided then. Kanna, Cyon, Furi and Spectra are the mega block game autists on the server
Poko has played a lot but her lack of minecraft knowledge is showing with all the uneffective things
She's a casual player that plays a lot. The real tryhard is Nikki.
zeli and kokone
Kohaku did Japanese speaking stream like yesterday
Elia live
Is her voice always like this? It doesn't match the model. I like it.
not really just her morning voice
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So I woke up with the UI for a tool in mind and I have no idea how to build it
Free idea, steal it, make money off it, whatever

It looks a bit like holodex when you have bunch of streams up but the main feature is a timeline a the bottom of the screen
>you feed it a playlist or a bunch of channels
>it figures out when streams start and end and puts them on the timeline, each stream as a strip
>you get thumbnails filling each strip
>you place the cursor anywhere on the timeline and it gives you the streams that were up at that point in time, synchronised, maybe even with chat, the only audio on being from the stream you clicked on the master timeline
>you can scroll around and resize the TL to find a specific day/moment
>could have days listed as buttons on the left or maybe other TL navigation shortcuts
I have no idea how much of a nightmare that would be to build but by god do I need a tool like that
I am not gonna pay for member streams but Enya having replaced Kanna's villagers also has strong minecraft autism
Elia didn't press tab but Kanna Furi and Enya greeted her
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how is loudness the first thing that came to her mind??
>Furi died to Wither
She's probably gonna make another beacon, presumably for her pyramid
i wonder if the girls sometime chat like that thinking no one is streaming
Koa baits Pillow into a trap and then gets Pillow treatment
Pillow makes Koa quit minecraft
Thanks bro
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Serina has a cool looking bridge but nothing else for the building challenge. And it's not complete either.
ayu slept like 3 or 4 hours and hopped right back in???
Im the same when im addicted to a game. Id even dream about strats and wake up with new ideas about it...
I generally disregarded pillow before as for gooners as I generally find asmr really fucking boring content and usually really cringey to boot, but she is really good on this server. turns out what she needed was some other girls to hang with, and then we can see she's actually a clever, humorous girl if given the chance.
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and now she's digging Furi's sand
maybe she figured out what she wants to build she closed her last stream saying she needs a new project to work on
nta but yeah for some of these girls if this is their first time being on a shared minecraft server, the dynamics of interacting with everyone and all the mods they use make it practically a whole new game vs regular solo blockgame.

not to mention the excitement of it being a public spectacle to boot and often someone somewhere is streaming what's going on it it, and I can see the urge to get on just to mess around in the game but also knowing it's mutually beneficial for everyone's channels involved to be there. it seemed like just a funny idea at first but it's snowballed into something super fucking memorable.
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She's getting sand for glass for her big greenhouse on the island she talked about. Suri went there at the end of her stream
this has already been life changing for some of the girls in terms of mental health and confidence
i hope the friendships they make on the server will last years
Ayu going to sleep. again
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What kind of autism is that
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brits are multiplying
>I need to breed more
I can help with that
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Hello! I noticed a lot of small chuubas i occasionally watch are in this and i've heard it's been a blast.
Are there any kino streams or must watch moments somewhere if i wanted to start checking this out?
You can check >>79496657
He can't clip everything but it's better than nothing and honestly he's a godsend
There's this account that clips stuff daily https://x.com/VSMPenjoyer also for must watch streams it's hard to tells just watch who you like but adventures on Kanna's streams with a lot of people are probably the go to
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>No stream
Any new povs coming up soon? Or are we fully relying on someone to guerilla for next several hours?
closest scheduled VSMP stream is Kanna in 19hours...
I would say Scarlett and Pillow consistently generate kino moments

Lisa has only be on twice for shorter streams but all the girls flock to her and interesting things keep happening around her

Girls like Raki or Ayu go on all sorts of little quests that end in various levels of disaster
>19 hours
Holy fuck i was watching elia but after the 100th arigatou i can't watch her parasocial ass anymore, enough already. Fuck
There's Bonnie in 7h
oh true I overlooked that one gomen
I watch her on mute it's strip mining anyway
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This literally looks like some 9yos creation...
I thought she was going to build something decent with all that mining
maybe this is the perfect time to catch some sleep
catch you guys later, tonight should be fun
Serina in 5 hours

Never change Elia, never change.
(at that point it has to be a running joke)
It's 9 mb so...
Also, I'm turbo autistic so have some numbers:
>V&U 17/18
>Idol 12/18
>V4M 8/8
>VRev 6/6
>EIEN 6/7
>V-Dere 4/4
>Specialite 4/4
>Globie 3/7
>Phase 2/27
>Kawaii 6/16
>Prima Project 3/10
>Indies 13
No blocking for 5 hours.
Shura isn't indie
It's blockover
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Oh, didn't know there were more groups in the ñ-side of vtubing, will change it when the next round drops.
>how to screenshot
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Converted to jpg
How is Koa going with her house?
She finished it yesterday on her platform 8 stream she switched to minecraft for the last hour and after her interaction with Pillow she said she now wants to socialize more with the girls on the server after being done with the house
Serina is absolutely not made for the nether
Zeli really is something else
Pillow... block game...please...
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bonnie embracing CGDCT?
I kneel fatcat
Homos in shambles
Speaking of homos. Like two of the globie homos were liking the VSMP clips but they stopped like 4 days ago guess that's when they got the news that they are indeed never making it there
You can't even see twitter likes anymore nigga what are you smoking
You can see who liked your posts
I know who you are bonnie, I won't trust you!
It's the vsmp enjoyer anon himself, dense fuck
fat cat says homos not welcome
She’s been female only collabs for awhile now but she has no issues collabing with guys too
She was drunk by that point and then took another 2 shots
I like Bonnie but she just did a homo collab like 3 days ago
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m-maybe she'll stream some VSMP during her donothon, surely
What with who? Last I saw was she did a girls art collab I musta missed it
Kanna has cute hands
dk and misma have a male collab tomorrow, maeve and bri had one 2 days ago, spectra and meeta are male collabers too
Who will get the first blue axolotl
no blocks...
sleepy blocks
and then chocolate blocks
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thanks anon
something is fucky with the right arm's foreshortening
Yeah it looks like she has a giant hand attached to her shoulder
Serina Maiko
reminder that she will never call you master during maid rp because she is black
feels bad man
It being brought up during their maid weeks streams was great
Oh Miel is here. Neato.
She's so invested in placing blocks
what about "massuh"?
Hide your women, Yuuna is coming.
Server status? Who's on
Dunno, Serina hasn't hit the tab in awhile. I saw Scarlett, Pillow, some kawaii. Miel left.
Miki, Furi, and Alias too. Jesus pillow...
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Well I think we know who wins the pillowbowl
>come faster
ah a line directly from their bedroom
also when pillow was asked about a call in stream she said that her only friend was alias (or something along those lines)
Pillow is loyal to her wife.
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was just looking through VSMP stuff on twitter before bed and ummm guys...
I wonder why? Are they concerned about a rivalry with vdere?
That doesn't bode well.
Yuuna is having an autism attack because of how cute Miki is
yeah. realistically it was always being just one of them invited and since Vdere has more pixelfriends than early kawaii gens the decision was kinda easy
Imagine denying the Reina and Shee, two of the most pure sugar girls that just love everyone. If it were Nene or Nami, I'd understand but come on, do the vdere girls really have the mods by the balls like that?
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Currently online
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Server status
With how all the big players on the server seem to love Mozzu, I think it's clear who they prioritize.
Is Mozzu going to hurt herself if they were allowed in or something?
Unity btw
Well fatcat is just playing it safe you never know what salty women can do. This also basically confirms no Vallure
>Imagine denying the Reina and Shee
Not pixelfriends so they can get fucked, didnt both of them start shit against vdere as well
Who is salty though? are you implying shee and reina are salty? is that why they want to join a server where vdere is?
start making sense or shut up.
from my perspective vdere doesn't really talk about kawaii much, I think they've moved on. I would like to think they could get along at this point.
Embarrassing. I'd delete my post if I were and had any sense of shame.
I have no idea I don't care either for kawaii or for vdere
v4m girls really do love murdering themselves eh?
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Pillow denying the Alias love.
Eepy Doggo

that's shitty, Shee is a darling and she streams a fuckton
Crying on twitter is the perfect way to make yourself look like a "darling". So true
Kys mozzu
doesn't sound like she's crying to me. she even brought up an alternative.
careful bitch or I'll make your thread unusable
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She's quite literally crying. What else would you call this besides making a public stink about not getting invited to something
I can hate both Mozzu and this pathetic dramawhore attempt. Nice try though
lmao. Please don't reproduce for the sake of humanity.
Threadshitters get the rope
Bonnie finally got into the server.
What's your interpretation of the hearts and the flexed arm emojis in the same tweet?
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/vsmp/ is uninitiated in the ways of the /pkg/ guy. Let me educate. This individual is the majority of traffic in that general. He replies to himself and tries to get any small bit of leverage to spam infinitely. It's best to ignore the inflammatory posts and enjoy cute girls mining.
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That she's sad that she didn't get in. but that she'll power through regardless with Riri's server
Someone resembling that shit up pxl for awhile
>It's best to ignore the inflammatory posts and enjoy cute girls mining.
>But let me threadshit about my own general here instead
kek, reminds me of the Kiara samefag screenshot
I'm that schizo, I actually like blockgame so the threadshitting you get this time is not me
mozu is fat balding and dying btw
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Online. Bonnie also laughing at Scarlet's skin
I've seen that posting style in a couple of generals
bitches love guy fieri
I looked away for a bit, did Kilia fall for Suri's trap again? kek
Wouldn't surprise me
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>I thought that was Donald Duck
>Sorry, it was Kanna
The glasses do make it look like she has a bill
Holy shit I thought it was a duck bill the entire time
>nothing but greys
she is not monetized?
Does anyone when Nova (Bestie) is going to get on the server if ever?
>Bonnie didn't take the iron from from Kanna's farm because she wants to experience it first
You guys didn't tell me your dog girl is based
No, most of Globie Gen 2 hasn't been monetized yet. No real reason has been given, but we assume it's because they wanted to wait for the homos to meet requirements.
It looks like she'll open hers up next weekend though.
She visited sometime early this week or last week. When she actually will play no clue.
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Today at her regular stream time, but on Twitch since it's not a tcg
Pillow on Bonnie's stream
Well, that was brief
I thought hating male vtuber collabs were only Holofags thing. Don't tell me there are other corpos which has Unicorns controlling the streamer's choice of collab.
VSMP looks like vsimp.
kys homobeggar
Pillow gets close

Bonnie blushes, she's so cute what should I do?

Couldn't contain her horniess,"Will you b-b-b-be my Minecraft...G-g-g-g-Girlfriend?!"

Pillow runs away

Pillow is now currently haunting a clueless Bonnie
What do the colors near the names mean
Green: Available to chat
Purple: Currently Streaming
Red: Do Not Disturb
Blank: Hidden
>Scarlet with Pillow and Bonnie
Kino incoming
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Caught in 1080p
Guy Fieri Ghostbusting Ghost Pillow now rofl
Please Bonnie love Scarlett.
hag to hag communication
Does anyone have that tweet from Katta?
That dang moving gear is hiding the chat
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There you go
Erm Scarlett is only 22
22 year old hag
Scarlett stop lying here. No zoomer knows who Guy Fieri is.
Not really applicable when his series is on the Food Network youtube channel and he was on Hot Ones
also any american kid who has been in a hotel knows who he is
goddamit Scarlett.
You're the guy that calls everything autism, unless it's something you don't like- then you call it schizo.
Hololive has a male branch and therefore male collabs are expected. VSMP is run by Pixellink, which does not have males and it is retarded to expect the girls- who do not homocollab- will invite males to their minecraft server. Please stop trying to get male vtubers to fuck my oshi, thanks.
I used to watch homos (stars jp) but even I can say you're a fucking shit gibbon for posting this
Bonnie seems a bit slow, she moves in game like an old mom t
Hag brain pls andastand
>played Minecraft before the End
>played on browser
Oh god she's OLD old
Oh no.... is that OLD old....?
Bonnie.. please focus on your stream..
kys homo
all you you have to do is look at Raki who was a gigantic bitch and bullied her gen mate Nebi to the point of graduating over her decision to do mixed gender collabs
New bread >>79539914
jesus christ, a nebcuck...
Nah, he's the falseflagger schizo that posts on /pxl/
based if true
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I bet they sent both sides hate and notnebi was dumb enough to believe it was from pxl.
You again? Post your brown hand like you did last time in /pxl/ Jakarta-kun
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you got banned a few weeks back for this shit gtfo SEA shitter
Damn, what a waste of potential, she could be a really hot menhera...

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