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Breaking Dimensions Edition
Previous Thread >>79461694

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
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All the JP bros lost. They're not used to skill based ticket sales
BAU more than an hour
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Why are FWMC wearing HoloJP idol outfits?
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No BR antis got in
I'd give a ticket to a JP bro in need if I found one.
There must be something paypigs are hiding. They spammed reds/pinks after the announcement saying they would "enter the battle" and the final result is nearly all of them winning? Was there even a battle at all?
JPs suck at skill based games in general. That's why they still love turn based games. JPs are noticeably last in any game requiring reaction time or skills, FBS, MOBAs with skillshots, everything.
>literally every top paypuppy got a ticket
that's impressive. don't know if atm, itter, the Hungarian, and Raul got in tho.
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das another one
Jesus christ literally EVERY paypig got it, did they rig the system or something?
Is nobody going to talk about how Icomochi mama did a vaguepost that was slightly menhera today, or yesterday I guess in Japan?
atm isn't even superchatting or leaving comments anymore on their streams. Dude only leaves comments on the other side now.
aeon didnt get in LOL
How we holding up menheras?
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>SC after SC about being ready to accept their fate of not getting a ticket
>ignoring the fact they could just buy scaled tickets
>they just get tickets anyway
If you're a paypig who regularly drops akas, you can pay 100 people 5 bucks each to try and get into the queue for you.
I wanna die
>acquired one way or another
>no screencap
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My hatred.
I didn't even try to get a ticket so I'm fine
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FWMC FOMO tweet soon
or just not be a retard and load 50 firefox containers to guarantee a good queue spot
My seats are kinda ass so I might try to buy scalped tickets anyway
I will bau bau for those of you who cannot bau bau
>all these ruffians tagging #FUWAMOCO in their ticket W tweets
I only saw a couple that actually made it relevant like "I'm going to see my oshis #FUWAMOCO on day X". Most just added it at the start or end without context.
what did i miss
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Baused anan. If I were smart enough, I would have done the same
I didn't have to pay anyone. I had all my friends in a discord call with me queueing on multiple devices.
where can you even buy them scalped?
the system is rigged
appreciate it ruffian
People use #FUWAMOCO to pretty much talk about any relevant big paid thing they're involved in.
Gotta talk to people there's no official resell and y ou're at high risk of getting scammed. IRL at ANYC might be your best bet
>also sold out there
my fucking sides
I added it because I'm talking to FUWAMOCO. It's the only reason I use twitter. I don't care about any of you other faggots.
Look at this faggot with his friends.
Every single event at kings theater gets put on the normal resale sites. That's all the hint you'll get from me
And these places will refund you if you don't get tickets
You don't even need to tag it for them to see it if you're an active Ruffian
>got in
suck it Mococo anti
If you knew ahead of time about the fact that each different window is a separate queue instance you had a much higher chance to get in, I had 25 open myself and got in early on like 3 of them
It's not unlikely they all shared this knowledge beforehand or even had others who got in help them
I'm the anon that's super obese and pledged to blow out my knee jumping and cheering.

I got in and will honor my promise.
Ah gotcha, nevermind then lol.
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Was browsing through Ruffian comments, found this dude. Philly Anon you should take him shooting or something. Don't rape him though.
based rratman
Yeah, unfortunately I realized I won't be able to participate in the battle, puppies...

I was fully prepared to refresh, but then I found out I can't currently apply for a visa due to reasons, so... Yeah, I guess there goes that dream, but hey, there's the stream!

there are some on vivid now
they shared it in the top secret knowledge clique inner chamber DM group. it's how all of them got tickets
I got in on the pure strength of FUWAMOCO's love for me.
He didn't get tickets though.
It was kind of a shitty site based on the way it was able to be gamed
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I fucking hate cliques
Look at his tweet, he's going to be studying in PA for a few months.
Yeah but there's not really a better way to do it. If you limit it by IP you risk fucking over people with shared internet. The only other options was the ticketmaster thunderdome get in as fast as you can style and that was even worse
I literally posted the mario64 link here earlier in the day tho....
The guy that shared it got 3 tickets for both days.
He probably got caught raping a goat or something.
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thank you anon
like holy shit, that really helps
>instant 10x profit if you got a ticket
what the fuck why wouldn't they share it with other Ruffians? I'm indifferent to the clique but that is absolutely fucked up.
Damn I should've gotten an extra to pay for my trip
Felt too bad to potentially fuck someone else over though
jesus fucking christ
Something tells me this thread is about to turn into real shit soon
are you one of the two anons from earlier? did you get tickets?
Grow up
How do you say ruffian in japanese?
They posted it here. You retards didn't check.
Because the strategy gets less effective the more people know they can bloat the queue 30 times like that so they only shared it among the inner circle
I'm trying to find a japanese ruffian on twitter to give my second day extra ticket to...
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I clicked the buy ticket button thirty seconds after it became available only for it to sell out an hour later.
I had no idea it would be this competitive!
It's been insufferable the whole day, if anything it's been pretty relaxed during the ticket wars. I agree it'll become shit again now with the entitled fags whining, though. Imma play 343slop
NTA but I was and didn't get lucky enough
give it to small fry
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can I join?
he was going to cancel his new york trip because he didn't get the tickets
.What art style is that supposed to be?
If you're giving it for free offer to some poorfag ruffian who lives closeby. You're doing a better deed than gifting it to someone who can fly across the world on short notice. That person can buy scalped if they really want to go.
I could sell my ticket and buy even more merch for them...
this is the only place i can confess to this i got pass the queues and i had an opportunity to buy the tickets, but i had planned to resell the tickets, however i had never resold tickets before and had no idea where to look or start. so instead of buying the tickets immediately and figuring out later, i spent time trying to find shit but couldnt find anything and anxiety got the better of me so i just let the sale time out without buying anything. tl;dr i passed up the chance to make a huge profit because of my retarded nerves about something i've not done before, be glad you arent me bros
What reseller site?
I told them I got my tickets and got a like but I didn't even get in line
I saw a few other Ruffians had extras too, but hopefully they can go to local Ruffians like you said. No idea how they will meet up because it seems it'll be focused on clique people...
that's vivid
That's fair, but I thought it might be an opportunity to practice my japanese as well. I also don't know how I would find them without just posting it on twitter and having it get out of hand replies wise.
The birthday plushies had better come in so I can decorate myself with them
No need to meet up, it's just a PDF file emailted to you, right? Just check random ruffian twitter profiles and see if any USfag either said something like "have fun to those going" or didn't say anything at all about the tickets.
I got in with 5 extra queues but I let them all expire since I already got my tickets
are you going to steal pictures of other people in NYC during Breaking Dimensions? You did not think this through anon you lying dog
Surely they won't stalk his twitter to fact check his attendance... right?
I want to give my second ticket away but how do I make sure it isn't going to a fucking schizo because I will have to stand next to them the entire concert. Do I just find a cute FUWAMOCO cosplayer at anime nyc?
give it to a JP bro
they're all crying
Just start a twitter trend of people posting their PDFs to show off they got a ticket and then steal them from retards who do it
Heh I got mine for 1.5k I'm tempted to buy a couple more
Same. I should've scalped...
Cosplayers are like artists, they're rarely fans and mostly casuals.
fuck them maybe they can see how it feels having the one single exclusive event NA gets compared to their fucking embarrassment of riches
i guess you know for next time if you have another chance, vivid
Natural selection.
This guy said his wallet is hurting from the sweater, and has been replying to people who got tickets congratulating them, but didn't post anything about getting tickets or even replied to FWMC's latest Quote RT about it, just RTd it. Not sure if he's a burger, but seems like a good candidate if he is.
BASED. JPs have been eating good for literal years and will continue to eat good.
there's no fucking way you actually bought it for that much is there? Are you fucking batshit insane? That's a trip to FES next year
The "ruffians" I hated didn't get tickets and that makes me smile
That's assuming he'd even have the ability to get to NYC for the concert to begin with. Some people just can't take time off for it or might not have the money to travel like that.
Hahaha haha... ha.....
I have done 0 reps how do I even communicate to them? I would do it because if they are following FUWAMOCO from JP and the language barrier they are hardcore af
just say you want it, we know you are here
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You could always try buying from these nice young women, I'm sure they'd give you a better price than Vivid.
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based. hope to see my fellow fat ojisans jumping when the wives appear on stage.
>Are you fucking batshit insane?
iI'm here 24/7, so you tell me.
>That's a trip to FES next year
I'm not gonna be able to make it to FES for a number of reasons, so this is my only real chance man.
ticket confirmed
>Scamming already starting
Love to see it. Just accept your fate and enjoy the concert from home.
You can just ask him if he wants it, it's not like you'd throw the tickets in front of his house or something.

I'm from Argentina
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>I got mine for 1.5k
what the fuck anon
seems legit, just like those mococo minecraft tips
Why does everyone love this dude so much? Because he's Japanese? Because he said small fry pussy? You know if an English speaking Ruffian did that you'd all call him a coomer, a gorilla, etc.
>Coomer: Japan
And that's only for one day, too!
I wish somebody was nice enough to offer me tickets
He's not japanese
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another one, didn't get it, will likely watch online, if more people have spare tickets and want to make a ruffian happy. this one is an old time fan too
I'm trawling through twitter looking for ruffians that don't look completely schizo to offer mine to. Post something about it.
Any (cute) femruffians going
I hope all pay puppies that you in die
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If you don't find one I'm a local and I promise I'm not that weird
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Small Fry Pussy bro isn't Japanese? I'm talking about him not Andy.
Small fry pussy is japanese though?
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Because he's happy
Fuck you faggots cheated to get in
ah, thought you were talking about andy
I promise I'm not a schizo, I'm just ugly and shy
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Stop linking accounts here and begging
I didn't cheat, i paid over 1.5k for the mezzanine seats lol
I missed my own chance, but I'm glad there will be a lot of ruffians there to support them. It's their dream
Fuck anaan that piece of shit ruffian
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better view and smell if you watch from home
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Kiara is mentally ill but in a funny way.
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Do NOT perform illegal wotagei
its a bit cheaper bros...
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Fucking why?
>no glowsticks
>no signs
>no posters
>no Towas
That just makes sense. But no glowsticks?
better buy the hololive sanctioned light sticks and shirts
kys argentinian scum killing their earnings with gift membership in ARS
>cnf didn't even try
Do penlights count as glowsticks? They can't seriously ban penlights right? Then again it wouldn't surprise me if the incompetent Hololive management overlooked this before they booked the venue.
Don't talk to me there or I will fuck you up
Why... ;_;
Not a single person who gifts membership in ARS is from Argentina.
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I love her
I will be smuggling in glowsticks in my ass and there is nothing they can do to stop me.
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Yeah but did HE make it?
>FUWAMOCO Sweater - 3XL 50
>I'M MOCOCO! T-Shirt - 3XL 5
what do this mean
The strategy was posted here several times, you're the only one at fault
your country should burn just like your shitty economy worthless scum calling himself a ruffian FUWAMOCO hates you and your dipshit money they will skip your sc every time
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>I'M MOCOCO! T-Shirt - 3XL 5
>I'M FUWAWA! T-Shirt - 3XL 12
I'm gonna spot you and dox you
gonna fart on you
He doesn't deserve it. I know he cheated
woah there buddy... Is there an ESL country that hates argentinians with this much passion?
We're going to karaoke rratman
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all mentally ill people are funny
they had different stock
>have to see my previous oshi on stage before fuwamoco
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There there.
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And so ends a stressful day, but it's finally over and i feel at peace once more. Whether you got tickets or not, we'll all be watching the show together.
GN Ruffians.
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illegal image you were warned
mustache also made it in, we see your tweet
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thanks shiori
He's probably chilean
the cards were stacked
you can't tell me there were 20k people in line and literally noone who was loaded posts about trying and failing to get a ticket
The glow is wearing off and now I realize Mori, Bae, Kronii and Ame will also be performing.
>I'm from Argentina
De donde sos puto? Sale juntada para el concierto?
he's in the ultra clique chat that used the near guaranteed strategy to get tickets
It's kinda self-explanatory that anyone who tags them means that they bought tickets to watch them
I only tried on my PC and my phone and got in on both to get both days. I guess I got lucky. Hope everyone has a good night.
how many fucking clique chats are there jesus christ
if they weren't there i would get streaming tickets
shamisen bro didn't get in either, another good choice for people with spares looking to help other ruffians
he's a good guy
There's the normal clique, the doxx clique and then the inner doxx clique.
wait why is that anon pretending to be me kek?
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>he's a good guy
explain this picture
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why are you following mooms
I have tickets for narumi-chan and cute and funny if they'd come over to the US
the dog said he'll oshihen to ERB
true I'm in all
you forgot about the ultra oldfag clique
Post on the hashtag or something. If I see you, I'll DM.
doesn't open DM how do I even
screw it, if anyone actually has a spare for sunday I'd really appreciate it, or want to sign me up for dolphin porn I'll leave my email
kingdom hearts looking nigga
fucking kek
How the fuck did they even get the links to the pre-opening queue?
what's the original reason for putting wasabi on sushi anyway?
Feels good to be an inner-outer circle 5th grade Ruffian of the Masonic Order of Fuwamoco
Reply to his post saying he didn't get it saying you have spares, I guess? Unless you're scared of the world knowing you're here, then I dunno.
>fake ass weeb email
nice try you just want my email to send dolphin porn to
>gray got in
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Meanwhile I just use /baubau/ and got the tickets anyways
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Hi, Anon! Fuwawa made this sushi for you!
They were available in the source before they added the queue system yesterday.
I don't know why Cover didn't pick a venue with at least 5000 seats. Seeing the tickets sell out this fast, I'm pretty sure they could have sold at least 2k more.
the people I was going to give a ticket to on the hashtag also posted about buying the online version already now too damnit
>They were available in the source
In the king theater's info page for the event? or did they scour through the site's code?
how I buy the online version?
They wana avoid ticketmaster. It was either 3k seats or 10k seats. They decided to go for 3k seats, 2 days. And the theater looks good for PR.
well im desperate enough, I just did
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>rrat got tickets both on his main and agri alt
>They wana avoid ticketmaster.
what's that about?
Nah that wasn't the ultra clique chat, that was the 2nd-tier clique chat on xwitter where someone else was talking about a perfect way of getting tickets.
There's a super mega oldfag discord, but there are a few guys from that who failed to get tickets so obviously you're making stuff up
Each event has a "calendar" page. Before they added the queueing system the hololive one would fail to load but the response had the event IDs. After they added the queueing system you could no longer get them but people had them saved.
Scalping with ticketmaster is especially bad. People were complaining about it last year.
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You know I don't give a shit about cliques and whatnot but this is the first event that's kinda caused me to raise an eyebrow about this stuff. Pretty cool of twitter to spam ALL of them on my timeline despite not following any of them too.
FWMC just liked my loss tweet
>I don't give a shit about cliques and whatnot
Now you do :)
nobody cares, stop being an attention whore
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>ultra clique chat
>2nd-tier clique chat
>super mega oldfag discord
Why can't you people just talk about them in 1 discord better yet why do you even need cliques
no #breakingdimensions, I don't wanna post a sad tweet on there
THey are showing up on your feed because FUWAMOCO are liking their tweets and I assume you solely interact with them on twitter so your algorithm is essentially everything they like and interact with.
ok, so I'm guessing all of the venues between 3k and 10k tickets use ticketmaster?
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If they both post pictures someone should analyze the photo quality to see if they are taken from the same phone.
giving out my tickets to Raul
I don't talk in them. In fact there's nothing worth talking about in there. I just lurk.
you're so baubau
Most of them, yes. Ticketmaster has a stranglehold on the market.
They arent really cliques since literally anyone can get raped into it
Don't use For You. And it's because of >>79476269. They're giving out the double Ws
If you do and I smell him near I'll fucking kill him with my bare hands
So they just copy pasted the hololive event ids onto the queue of another event to get in before planned?
Sounds like they literally just gamed the system this time and not reliable at all for the next if there's ever a next
he doesn't have a visa so you'd have to smuggle him in too
I’ll eat it if it’s served on her butthole
we don't want (You) around
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I didn't get in. Congrats on those who did get in.
you don't have a visa
congrats to all the ruffians who got tickets
someone bake later
This dude can't even afford to take a bath. How is he going to come up with the money for a plane ticket?
I didn't get a ticket...
I didn't try kek
I wanna play Halo.
I'm American
stop roleplaying subhuman argie
Just got done crying
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night bros
DecorationCake receiving a ticket makes my blood boil. He is an anti to the puppies and does not deserve to be there for their first concert.
You know it's not a solo live for them, right?
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>the puppies
The queue position is given out randomly in groups to whoever is waiting for a position. If you were on the page you would be in the first groups since the people would didn't know the link would have to refresh from the King's Theatre page.
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>the puppies
kys Raul
it was posted a few times on /hlgg/ I know early today but not too hard to figureout
you could take any other showw like
then replace the remi-wolf with hololive as it said on the description page
6/24-6/30 - 5.25 hours
6/17-6/23 - 14.75 hours
6/10-6/16 - 15.75 hours
6/3-6/9 - 19.75 hours (vertical SC reading)
5/27-6/2 - 5 hours
5/20-5/26 - 3 hours
5/13-5/19 - 2.75 hours
5/6-5/12 - 15 hours
4/29-5/5 - 28 hours (Golden Week)
4/22-4/28 - 7.75 hours
4/15-4/21: 15.75 hours
4/8-4/14: 10.5 hours
2/19-2/25: 15.75 hours
2/12-2/18: 13.75 hours
2/5-2/11: 12 hours
1/29-2/4(Birthday Week+6 month): 25 hours
1/22-1/28: 27.5 hours
1/15-1/21(Kanon Watchalong): 24.75 hours
1/8-1/14: 19.75 hours
1/1-1/7: 20 hours

Time per day spent streaming on average: 1.72 hours
New time per day: 1.46 hours (Old chart made up to 5/12)
Time spent per week streaming on average: 12 hours
New time per week: 10.25 hours (Old chart made up to 5/12)
I wanted to see where they were comparitive to the last time I added this shit up. Honestly surprised they only dipped 2 hours on average per week.
I mean he's a pretty big jailbird too
>If you were on the page you would be in the first groups since the people would didn't know the link would have to refresh from the King's Theatre page.
I was waiting on the pre-opening group since an anon shared the links, and even then I still got a spot above 10k in the line
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So what are you bwos up to for the rest of the night? For me, I'm cooking some good old-fashioned American burgers™
im not cleaning my pan, its fine
have fun at the concert bros. despite my loflve for them it's not enough for me to overcome my neet lifestyle
Whoever bought more than one ticket for the same day, kill yourself.
That's fine. Kanata is the biggest idolfag ever and she never goes to concerts.
At the end of the day it's still a refresh game. Even if you have the secret knowledge you'd need to execute it within 20 seconds.
Nah its fine. If a Ruffian buys extra tickets it means he's giving them to other Ruffians, which means more Ruffians will go to the event.
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Remember poorfags, we are watching it on migoboat.
This sounds so funny.

whatever you say, still not a good look bro
So you're telling me I had to refresh those pre-opening waiting tabs the second it turned 9:00pm?
nta but apparently... I fucked up too by waiting for it to refresh for me kek...
Please render a visual chart like a line chart or something. I can't process numbers without visuals
I got additional tickets to give to out to ruffians, not scalped only at asking price, because I had a good queue. wanted more ruffians to have good positions.
I guess thats how I messed up even though one anon posted it here
I don't think so. I opened a bunch in different firefox containers like 5 minutes before and it was on the waiting screen when 9:00 hit
Too lazy to do that, sorry bud. You can do it if you want.
Death by inches. Downward trend is extremely grim.
nta, but I didn't refresh and I got good number
in fact, the one that actually auto-refreshed last got the best numbers
You're freaking out over nothing you retard. They said there'd be less streams in general and I'm actually happy with the results I got given they were forced to not stream more than once for 2 weeks.
no I had them open for a long time since I saw it on /hlgg/ earlier and they all loaded no issue
No mine loaded on their own.
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Today's doggy of the day is...all of you extra special raffians who got tickets to come see FUWAMOCO live for their first ever 3D performance!
so can i live tweet as the stream is going on for breaking dimensions? like include pictures?
not on their channel it doesn't count
at least they would never do that
Prerecorded performance.
Alright, thanks for me making me aware of it!
Yes, just not clips
It's prerecorded just like CTW
Yeah you can, even for the paid portion. You'll get angry tweets if you post a gif/webm though lol
Yep, just only still images.
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Do not use the boat
>We'll save photos and videos of the ruffians we see in the concert on our phones!
>they are going to forever have the footage of my final moments as my heart gives out while I still BAU BAU with my dying breath
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I will. I don't see a reason to not use it.
I hope fuwamoco goes hard on the FOMO so fags like aeon and daniel get the rope
>JP bros paying thousands
Why am I too good of a person to scalp? I'll consider the bonus smile of FUWAMOCO having another Ruffian there worth more than any money
do sisters really do this?
Punished Pero...a fat fuck legend...
I won't kill myself, but I'm going to send a lot of tweets and SCs to make FWMC feel guilty for doing it. I'll try my hardest to make them cry on stream.
If you can afford it, there's nothing wrong with paying for scalped tickets.
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first like in months because i got live tickets to breaking dimensions
I mean yes. That's how I got tickets. Refreshed and was in for both my windows by 9:00:15
I like how smelly japs get a pass
You really shouldn't be menhera over this, now something like them in Fes next year or a sololive I'd understand
Ok I finished watching the 3rd episode. I feel like as new episodes come in, it's gonna follow a monster of the week format for a while as we slowly find out who was already there in the other world before our MCs.
I hope this gets popular enough for Japs to make doujins of Harley and the other female characters getting fucked by the fantasy beasts and monsters in the show.
>pewds unlearned how to make infinite water in minecraft
we will be stuck forever in the sandbox micra server streams bros
how trustworthy is vivid? I'm thinking of it
So should I just never expect likes if I don't but product? I don't have a lot of money so I can rarely afford merch.
trustworthy enough i guess. if it isnt than i guess i got scammed out of 1.5k lool
they liked my post saying I didn't win the ticket but am excited for them
They gave likes to people who said they couldn't go
I'll only do it if FWMC go hard on their FOMO bullshit.
I'm okay with not getting the chance to go there, but I won't let FWMC try to make us feel bad for not going.
I have bad news about corporate Vtubing for you anon...
All of the major resellers (vivid, seatgeak, Stubhub) are legit in the sense that they will refund you if you don't get your tickets.
But you may not get it till the day of the concert
the tickets are literally just a QR code so it depends on if vivid has a way to verify it
they liked almost everyone, including those who posted about not being able to go.
>But you may not get it till the day of the concert
this ticket is just a pdf file, so i got mine immediately
It's gonna smell like fucking ass in there man
I guess I just have to start spamming the stupid hashtag more and not replies.
the resellers don't send you the ticket until the day because otherwise you could just take it and resell it yourself
Yes but it depends entirely on the ticket seller uploading the pdf file
They don't have to until the day of
they gave likes to people who didn't even use the hashtag
If you do the daily tweets you have a better chance. They gave me a couple likes for my usual good night tweets this week
Glad he got in. He honestly deserves it. He’ll finally be able to see them up on stage after everything.
they were basically refreshing the Ruffian list and egosa nonstop along with profiles of ruffians to see who got in
Do you actually think they're happy that all the usual names got a ticket? They don't find it suspicious at all?
I didn't get a like and they've givene likes before. It's just random bro
They don't care, they love their paypigs.
I'm pretty sure they're just happy people got tickets at all
>Are they happy that hardcore fans are able to cheer them on in the biggest event of their lives so far?
Gee Ruffian that's a real tough question huh
They're happy for any Ruffian who makes it in
fuwamoco please post your hands...
got a ticket to saturday and just had the greatest orgasm of my life to FUWAMOCO. Today was a wonderful day.
It's possible to be a paypig who's not in the clique.
What does it matter at this point? They're required to wear opaque gloves, so it's not like we'd be able to see their cute wrinkly hag hands
If you're here you're in the clique, just not the twitter clique
Honestly since I only got to see you for the one FWMC Morning this week, and we won't be seeing eachother this weekend, I miss you a lot, but I hope that the cancelled streams let you rest, even a little bit more!
Whenever you do actually stream next, I'll be there!
They love the usual names. I'm sorry if you don't think so

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