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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>79374248

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.
There's not very people live this late
yeah, me
grifter alert
I'm grifting under her panties if you know what I mean
Yeah, she grifted my cock for those tickets
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Bunny cunny
Do you think she'll come back one day, Tsuguanon?
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I hope so
Id grift some peanut butter out of her asshole if you pick up what I'm dropping.
imouto fleshlight
Faith does not waver
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not the first time she randomly disappeared

Irina using this ooportunity to get publicity even though she clearly is a redflag and did a lot of shit.

Did you know she let a minor in her community and let them lie about their age?

Always the fucked up ones who get the to grow their community with 'victim' drama while the hardworking ones struggle
You forgot to post with your neuro image
make your own general already faggot
ok thedragonmaster
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>takes my shitposting and reposts it to reddit
I know you're here, kill yourself
No matter how much you try and minimize it, you played with someones information. Kill yourself, Dragon.
One thing i learned from reading the comments on twitter is that most of Portugese males are just a bunch of brazilians.

Also instead of defending and trying to save face for your fuckups you should accept that getting rotten tomatoes thrown at you in the public square is something normal and you should shut up and take the humiliation.
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I love Irina. Don't associate me with drama. I just bump the thread.
Then why do you regularly get banned with us finding out at least a third of the thread is you shitting it up, some of those posts also attacking and shitting on Irina
im the only one allowed to schizo post here go somewhere else. remember when we talked about this 4 years ago? I was assigned thread schizo after my oshi got pregnant.
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What is that ball supposed to be?
It's a lollipop, the perspective is weird
Why is she so easy to rape?
I'm a cute 149cm girl browsing /uoh/ on public. What would you say to me if you saw in public, anon?
Would probably call you a containment breaker.
I wouldn't say anything, I'd just follow you silently and stealthily until I found your home address. Hope that helps.
I'd buy you ice cream and kiss your womb with my cockhead
I'd tell the police that there is a lost kid following me with bad intentions
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>Watching a clip of a vtuber playing VALHALLA
>Dorothy comes in
>They voice act her by casually switching to a loli voice they obviously trained for quite a while
>This is never brought up or explained
>Watches a clip
>Why is that never explained?
Maybe if you watched the stream or more content from that vtuber in general you would understand the lore anon
>This is never brought up or explained
you can just say "i like this vtuber and heres why" no one knows who or what youre talking about. you're baiting me aren't you? you want me to go schizo. you want me tonwrite paragraphs, but im not. I hope you accidentally swallow while chewing your food and choke on it.
I just choked on my cunny, thanks asshole.
Can I choke my dick on your cunny?
Aruru cancelling yet another stream kek. Top tier content provider! Why do hololive not want her?
Anon anti posting about Aruru again kek. Top tier thread contributor! Why does no female want him?
Awkward how I can tell exactly who you are in her community from the way you type
Anon anti aruru anti posting about aruru anti again. Top tier thread defender! Why does no anti anon want him?
It's even more awkward when you definitely, 100% cannot because I'm a lurker you absolute fuckin braindead retard.
you deserve it for hogging it all to yourself. sharing is caring
stick to holocunnies bros
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In cunny we believe
>Irina has a mod again
That was sooner than I expected
wtf how are we supposed to groom her now
Is this true or just another rrat?
If you go to her channel you can see mods. Or in her discord, you can see who has the new "staff" role
yeah its me, im having sex with her right now
Congrats, you're the very last person to discover this. Old news.
>old news
It's been 2 days max, and no one said anything
erm actually it's been there the whole time DUMMY STUPID
nice try, irina impersonator
The real Irina is on my dick right now, so this is definitely a fake guys.
Irina I need you to call me a retard in today's ASMR stream
The account has only existed for 2 days
so she has 2 mods now
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there is another account who had "staff" since the server was made
child karaoke
quick rundown on whoever this is?
"if you are a gay man you can probably call a woman anything and get away with that"

cute artist vtuber, draws herself a lot
quick rundown on this ruZZian?? what is she good at? theres no other videos or stalking material
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Very cute voice
Based sense of humor
Great art, including mesugaki art of herself
Menhera Which is very hot

She's sensitive about her voice and singing, but I really love both of them a lot. Wish she could see how cute it is from my POV.
she isn't good at anything really, she is known for being a huge dramafag. Frequently gets banned for trying too hard to be edgy. only pro is she is friends with a lot of the good lolis like irina
Miwa new song cover premiering soon
what's her menhera level? how long until a major bipolar yab?
she is friends with and a mod for kyOresu. She herself unfortunately has picked up one of the most annoying mods from Para.
her streams are cute when not dealing with her retarded groomer mod.
I cant work out what this means anon
As in, how mentally stable her vtuber career is? How long has she streamed, and how well does she handle negativity?
I mean...cunny chuubas aren't known for having a good long-term record so I'd like to know whats her outlook before watching
Idk thats kind of deep I've only watched her for a few weeks now she is cute, works hard and has a lot of variety. That's all I can tell you
Are you really this new neuroposter?
There's a local schizo that believes there's only 1 other person that posts on 4chan and it's a super-powered Indonesian kid anti responsible for everything bad that's ever happened to any vtuber.
Just make fun of him or ignore him like the rest of us.
>Rima singing Linkin Park
I thought I had escaped
hey dudes
damn rimaeri is actually pretty popular with other vtuber
rima stop laughing jesus
Shut the fuck up her adorable giggles are what is keeping me from killing myself.
like half her chat is chubbas lol
It's Irina time, come watch Irina have fun with dogs
I'm dogs
I wonder how she's gonna fake us out this time. No shot she actually shows dog doujins, even edited.
I think she's actually going to do it.
It's Saturday, she might do it
Irina doesn't have as big of a viewer boost today as I thought
twitter numbers never transfer to streams
She's actually reading them lol
Lots of people only use twitter for drama
Those people are faggots.
Factual. Twitter engagement rarely gets views especially if its drama related
No argument here
Irina has good taste
White woman and dogs, a combo as old as time
She's actually fkn doing it....
Uohbros what the fuck am I watching
This is worst than the mommy stream, holy fuck
Irina gets off on disturbing us.
Watching Irina makes me want to ban pornography.
You are weak
>my parents probably saw all the dog doujins
she really does have a humiliation fetish doesn't she
how the fuck am I supposed to compete with a dog
its not too late to become a furry
It's fucking over bros
I'm getting surgery to get dog ears and convert my dick into a red rocket, dogs won
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I think I need a break from my oshi.
>it took a girl reading dogfucking doujins on stream for anon to realize that for women, the entire sexual experience revolves around getting dominated and humiliated
anon say it ain't so...
tell me you didn't buy their bullshit for even a second anon
incel anonchama....
you would think there would be a bottom line that they would not cross
Which andrew tate seminar was this from?
>you would think there would be a bottom line that they would not cross
shame is a male emotion.
this board is proof
I'm not quoting anyone nigger this is an old man's hard-won wisdom
Just because your dad bragged about doing your mom behind a dumpster in front of the boys to conceive you doesn't mean everyones mom is a shameless whore anon.
If you missed the irina stream
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Today I will remind them
lmao. jacked off so many times to that flower doujin. how long until shes banned from twitch?
never, dogs cooking isn't against TOS
Point me to your favorite cunny l2d artists, vgen artists are fags and can't find any good ones
>thats one big hot red dog spatula
40000 keks
you retard it's supposed to be cringe and cursed joke content from your little sister you're not supposed to actually be turned on by it

coward, let your little sister stalk you
retard she can see who gifts too
own up to it you have no choice
she can see anon gifts??
If she doesn't stalk you, she's going to stalk someone else, capsanon
professional brat
That mesugaki is gonna rape you anon
i am unrapeable
Is that a challenge?
my butthole is closed for business
You are not immune to bratty mesugakis anon, they will change your brain chemistry
forgot about coward gifting
Why are ctubers banning flirting on their discord servers? and they don't even hide that they do it because they are jealous of the other girls their fans flirt with
Like who?
I remember when irina said she gets off to twitter freaks calling her a pedo. ahh good times.
Can you fags enjoy cunny and shut up about your retarded drama already? Fucking attention whores
Just saw bambi do it, and a few more in the past days so I thought it was weird
>retarded groomer mod
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You heard her
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>I will not be affectionate
>already called us onii-chan
>Henya is so turned off by the alphabet people after the Hogwarts shit that she won't even let same sex people flirt in front of her

Honestly, based.
Based for her, cringe for my dick
hope she graduates soon
am I still schizo or do you agree the thread changed overnight?
Aruru's server allows 13 year olds so maybe this is a good rule.
>henya says: STOP BEING GAY!!
Why is a girl whispering "onii-chan"so powerful
A "little" girl saying onii-chan is what makes it powerful, don't forget about the "little" girl part anon
What does Irina smell like?
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I made an image to answer this very question! Last year before she got her new model. The first picture is from her old house, mold that was in her real life room.
That mold picture is what got me interested in her
no one wants to see retards flirt with each other in public
it says more about the viewers that made a vtuber add that rule than it says anything about the vtuber
if you think having that rule is a problem it's because you specifically are the problem and you weird out everyone around you
>140 raiders
holy fuck
irina doesn't know how to be sexy so she's like the actual little sister experience
Which makes her extremely sexy
Lmao. I thought this meant flirting with the streamers. Imagine being so much of a fag you flirt with a guy while a woman is talking directly at you. Why are all of you huge faggots?
she's stabilizing at almost 200 viewers now, it's so fucking over bros how are we gonna groom her now
You lost your chance anon, time to go find a 1view to groom before she grows too much
I'm happy my little sister is getting popular, she'll filter out the ones that don't belong eventually
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Sorry anon, I know it's sad, but there are a lot of ctubers yet to be discovered and you can be one of the first ones to do it, and groom them in the process
so theres no harm in just randomly joining any ctubers discord with public invites? nothing scary will happen right?
it wasn't supposed to be like this...
I can't go back to the twitch catalog... I can't...
if you have decent opsec, you'll be fine
you have to join a discord I'd say there's plenty of harm in that
what are you even asking? do you think the mods are going to interrogate you or something?
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Is Runa uoh?
>joining a discord
>nothing scary will happen right?
I don't know how to tell you this anon...
Based as fuck I'm glad she's not streaming.
Same, Irina's getting all the attention while she withers away from old age in the brazilian heat.
if you join a discord server a creepy ojisan is going to groom and rape you
that creepy ojisan? me.
Is this her usual model? Then yes.
That is a child.
>Irina wants to do circumcision positive affirmation ASMR
>And foreskin regrowth hypnosis ASMR

What the actual fuck?
She's great, right?
>life size Irinabutt mousepad
She got raided
Yeah but they're staying, these philistines never stay for normal streams
She got raided, but ASMR in general seems to be a heavy buff. My theory is that most people follow vtubers because they like their voice more than any other reason, so ASMR draws people in that aren't usually into ASMR.
Idk if youre a vtuber, but a frequent thing i see and i also indulge in is watching asmr and never coming back to the vtuber unless they get recommended to me again with a new asmr. If im listening tobasmr i dont care who does it as long as it sounds good.
50% of asmr viewers are asleep the other 50% are looking to bust a nut before going to sleep
yes and i love her
you can't nut to your little sister, that's disgusting!
Right, you're supposed to nut in her
Some of these ctubers have a lewd art tag, but how do I know what's the limit, what is considered 'lewd'? Anything more bare than a swimsuit?
Considering that lewds of cute and funny figures may get flagged and banned on twitter, is this why there are practically 0 such art under their lewd tag? Seriously can someone point me to those that are filled, I'd like to see
Lewd tags are usually for porn. If it's not porn, you should be good
there's plenty of cunny porn on twitter
it only gets banned when faggots throw a fit and report it
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>Irina spitting
ToT, thanks Rima
?? he's not a mod
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rip in peas gooner bunny
I need to put a baby in this ber
you just know they are having sex off stream
shes thinking what we're all thinking
Rima-Irina pomf stream when?
Let the dogs out
its a bear and a bunny retard
Irina raided Zenya world wide cunny pride
she also raided zenya every day during zenya's donathon
I think its love
Irina just raids whoever gets posted in /uoh/
the real reason girls become cunnytubers isn't to grift viewers out of their money, it's to grift other cunnytuber's cunnies
>zenya sounds out of breathe everytime theres 10 gifted subs
do you guys think something is connected
>bratty irina into chat voting for bratty zenya
do it coward
no these women definitely don't get sexually excited from receiving money anon that's preposterous
if you think she's /here/, what are you waiting for? what do you have to lose?
get rekt nerd
you have my respect anon
zenya aint here, shes not the type to do that
plus she's been trying to stay off social media
>trying to stay off social media
>twitter is active everyday
lmao, it was funny
>shes not the type to do that
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>I promise my ASMR streams will be longer
What? It was 3 hours, why would anyone want more than that? I am genuinely baffled.
I would like to have sexual relations with Rimaeri and properly get her pregnant and wife her up.
Bonnie stream
She wants to go around 4 hours.
>why would anyone want more than that?
Why don't you?
wild and silly bros.....
They don't exist since there's basically only one passable shota.
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>Why don't you?
If you're not falling asleep 2 hours into an ASMR session, is it really any good? Even if you actually get tingles, I can't imagine staying interested in this for more than 2 hours. And don't tell me you were actually masturbating to this stream. Bullshit.
Are you ready to meet your new kaiju cunny overlord?
>Valorant, League of Legends,
Killing myself
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I was dozing off during the second heartbeat portion, that was pretty nice.
>I can't imagine staying interested in this for more than 2 hours
Roleplay is really fun to me, maybe it isn't for you. And I do get the tingles.
>And don't tell me you were actually masturbating to this stream
I don't jack off to ASMR, it's not audio porn.
>he can't goon for more than 3 hours
I need to fuck this penguin
What is?
Anaruru playing with her butt on stream right now.
Come watch Anaruru doing it in the butt on stream.
Trigger warning: Anal. Blood. Aruru.
>another valorant streamer
ok thats nice and all but whats her favorite nhentai tags?
1- She didn't design her model, someone else did.
2- Links to her PL.
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>I was dozing off during the second heartbeat portion, that was pretty nice.
It was nice and I was ready to go to bed before stream ended.
>Roleplay is really fun to me, maybe it isn't for you. And I do get the tingles.
I do like the RP. It might just be me. I can't really sit through anything for more than 2 hours or experience much pleasure due to something like treatment resistant depression.
>it's not audio porn.
Thank you, wish more people would say this and stop making the stupid repetitive jokes like taht annoying zyx_oniifucker dude, he needs to tone it down.
finally aruru didn't cancel a stream!
anaruru turned 67 years old today ToT
"not too interesting" aww just like you
A one piece watchalong would be a fun recurring stream for Ruru
She has streamed 49 times this year. One piece has 1109 episodes.
It would take her 11 years at that rate, not including the episodes aired from now on.
Who does watchalongs one episode at a time? And I don't expect her to finish, I just think it would be cute to watch something she's passionate about with her
Well I'm sure you can work it out anon that even if she does more than one, at the rate she streams it will take years.
I already said I didn't expect her to finish the series
You'd need an extra life to watch that show if you didn't jump in when it was new.
There is a guy trying so hard to reply to every Aruru post with anti shit. It's endearing at this poing, might even say it's cute.
Filthy French hands wrote this post.
what is at the poing anon?
if they are aruru shilling they are brazilian and ESL it is to be expected
Poing is french for fist. He's likely a groomer.
Whoever I just played with and had the name PLAP PLAP UOH CUNNY UOHHH, I'm reporting you.
Not for the name, but for being so dogshit at the game.
You can’t just report someone for being a noob
You can when the noob is griefing everyone the entire game.
Join a normal difficulty lobby if you're a noob, joining a hard lobby and expecting everyone else to carry you so you get unlocks while you sabotage everyone else is hella BM.
>another valorant streamer
yuuuckk, how many of these retards already exist?
Nah it's more than one. Keep up slow ass nigga.
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Blame the system. If cheese works then it's on them.
I wouldn't call expecting randos to carry you while being worse than dead weight "cheese".
wtf that names based, would use that in overwatch if they didnt ban the word cunny
Was he griefing or was he just bad?
Kind of cringe. Like those people who talk in 4chan lingo irl and think they're special.
Name was based, his gameplay was not.
He kept killing teammates and lowering their DPS by not doing what he was supposed to.
Shit you're supposed to know how to do by the time you're playing hard difficulty.
cunny isn't 4chan lingo
You sure?
>The Ruru pants are $80
That's a lot of money for sweatpants
kill yourself
I wont, but you should be out and about telling your school friends the newest >be me green text stories you found on 4chan. Maybe do a little fortnite dance too.
Thats not very ohio of you anon. You're just jealous the other anon is more skibidi than you. Expect a phantom tax in the near future.
I'm happy to only understand 75% of that sentence
bros thinking about schoolkids
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How do you deal with your little sister making it big and going corpo?
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