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Today, the world is beautiful!
I'm going to post a picture of Gigi at exactly 3:00 am PDT
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Bae a cute.
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Kobo won
I want to plap her.
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At least have the decency to post the pic, man
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Anya cute!
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I love this doll!!
It's why I hate when fwmc are in Advent collabs. Can't understand fuwawa most of the time
Shut up, ESL retard
>indokeks miss out on this because of their shitty laws
I miss Kiara
>whining about native English speakers not making it easier for ESL to understand them
Take those dicks out of your mouth and speak properly, fuwawa
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who breached containment
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>It's why I hate when fwmc are in Advent collabs. Can't understand fuwawa most of the time
Raora will force Ceci to drink coffee while force-feeding fries on pizza to Kiara. The Germans have made one too many cooka da pasta jokes and now she wants revenge.
fuwamoco both speak pretty clearly, they just try to act cute with their uwu accent, if you can't understand em, that's on you
mamma soon
>whining about native English speakers not making it easier for ESL to understand them
It really boils down to that, huh?
Actual skill issue for those ESLs, kek.
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Gura cute Gura cute!
Fries on pizza is fantastic, t. Swede
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hey man
She will start posting the nudes and lewd they are sharing on the holo discord.
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>both speak pretty clearly
No they don't. Fuwawa constantly mumbles. Watch streams. Just last thread had an example
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Even this fucker can't undersyamd what his oshi meant, man
I only just realized, but they're big cat and big dog.
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heimins look like that?
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Oh fuck it got out.
Bitch please, you tried it once with that soundpost and got BTFO'd.
And that was/is during dead EN hours.
>Ao is doing a host club totsu
Gee, wonder who it could be
No one got btfo'd, you retard
Everyone agreed she mumbled
huh, I always imagined them as hamsters... even though Noel is the hamster holo
so strange that so many fandoms didn't have a representation until recently
Plappy soon
Men are easy, just call them chattino
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I always imagined them as picrel.
chattino and chattina are not inclusive enough, we should use chattinx instead
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Thank you all for waiting patiently
Gigi spats pressed against my banana
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Everyone is sleeping...
Heimins have been Axolotls for at least a year now.
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Green woman good
even the original quote was bullshit, men are not easy
Enter cat girl?
go back
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sexy taso inside
This meeans SEX with me btw
why is the pink cat so popular??
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what if fauna and northernlion are actually dating? there's no proof to the contrary
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Well there you go
sex with kanataso
Do girls just collab with Ao to get an ego boost or do they actually fall for her?
I almost thought she was uiposting
/tttt/ is not like that at all
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ERB is lusting for a cat
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Autismchama... your sarcasm reps onegai
Wait this is fbk?
Why did ERB cause another Lean Arc
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>huge Palworld update
>no holomems gives a shit
what went wrong
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Mori is teasing the return of Bitchin' Kitchen
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Considering I have no fuckign clue what you're talking about, she didn't.
still seething that Nintendo never sued them huh?
Doktor, turn off my cringe inhibitors
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Don't be mean to Fubunyan
Boring game
Cecilia should play Prey and do Mooncrash runs after she finishes the game.
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Cat time.
>Her catchphrase is "Yes My Dark"
>Light mode chat
Why is Lapuchan like this?
Is the update public? It was given to a limited amount of people last I checked.
The base building was the fun part, the combat is kinda pretty whatever besides "lol guns"
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The cat has gone full menhera
JP has latched onto her because her early morning art streams are perfect for them, they like her voice and laugh and her model is sexy.

She's also just fun to watch in general. She's very giggly and she's genuinely just really fucking happy to be in Hololive and she's pretty good at interacting with her chat.
ogey, that was a funny bit, Ao + Frtiend
she's a stupid brat
Why did I get redirected to hamlet from Ao
is raora /here/ or what
>Calls Calli "Mori"
This seems like a thinly veiled numberfagging post
wasn't that ERB?
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I'm leaking
Why is La+ looking at cpu stuff?
I think it's known that she used to lurk /lig/
Yes. She addressed a few things on stream that anons were shitting themselves about. Reminds me of like early Myth.
monopolized EU time
ERB should play the gaming starter set to get into games instead of playing slop like Valosus. The starter set includes: Any new Super Mario game, Portal 1 & 2, Plants vs Zombies and Minecraft
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probably? pink cat is cute
>that anons were shitting themselves about
like what?
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>fall for her
Anon that's the whole bit. Ao tries to woo them(not seriously) and repeatedly gets shut down. Most JPs think she's genuinely funny and fun to be around. It took a little while for her to get up to speed but she has found her niche and has grown in popularity quite a bit.
But she can't even read
I haven't seen a lot of Raora but she's quickly moving up to become my second favorite
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Meimei a cute!
1 pm is prime time? good to know
I wonder what are the Koyori's fans thoughts about Raora
its sponsored
Am I the only one who understands their Japanese better than their English? And I'm not even fluent in Japanese.
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and not sexy...
I know it's a bit but do you think any of them fall for her beyond the bit? Like when you kiss your homie for fun but then you actually like it
Kill yourself ESLnigger
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I thought she was building her own pc.... but she said on stream now she's streaming on her new one
Yeah because they don't mumble in Japanese but some retards here will deny it and throw out ESL if you don't like mumbling
Moom doesn't make people coom...
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and erotic!
explains why she's on YT
looks decent though
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We need more 3D shillplus
not now, kfp
I want that on my face, being suffocated by a delicious priestess ass
Well, shit. Now that I'm remembering it maybe anons were just jokingly complaining about it
idk what you retards are on about but FWMC speak very cutely and I have no trouble understanding them despite being ETL
all those 7 votes belonged to yes-man KFPs
Why are you upset that a native can't understand them? Seems like it triggers you even though it doesn't affect you at all. Explain.
The entirety of EN aside from Justice is busy as fuck right now and the game never had its performance issues fixed.

Most people who play probably don't understand because they're just playing solo but when you're playing on a server that is constantly running the game has severe memory leak issues and the entire server lags when a certain amount of items are on the ground which becomes 24/7 lag due to people not playing enough to pick up their ranch items.

Remember when Bijou somehow bugged out and became a hostile entity? She was literally flagged as an enemy despite the game not having any PvP coding and it was causing her to be able to hurt other Holo Pals and their Pals could attack her. Shit like that really puts a damper on the experience. The game is still a poorly coded mess that doesn't work well on live servers, it just has slightly more content.
palworldbros we're so back
Is there some kind of a way to open a EUR bank account and superchat holos in EURs from a country that doesn't use EUR as its currency? I want to incentivize Cover to think that EU is a profitable region, just in case threadshitters were right and euros really don't superchat
Nah, it's just one retard who can't shut up about it
Imagine claiming that
1/ you're native Eigo speaker., but
2/ you also can't understand what Fuwawa said here >>79488592
As a Joshu, she's fun, very giggly and enjoyable to watch if I'm not watching Koyo. Also happy she leans into some Italian stereotypes so it's clear she's not some stick in the mud. I'd be happy to see her and Koyo collab.
They have shit taste like their oshi after all
>holos sold their pokemon perms for slopworld
>Suisei, UI, Marine and Kobo all come up with cool dances to go with their songs
>Mori mocks them by letting a nigress dance to hers
Absolutely disgraceful.
Just admit you're an ESL who can't into non-conventional English accents, bruh.
it's not a big deal.
Stop sperging over your own (lack of) abilities.
try the ARS method but in reverse
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You already samefagged in /morig/
Use Mastercard, not VISA
VPN to an EU country
Pay up
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>just in case threadshitters were right and euros really don't superchat
Anon this data is publicly available. You don't need wonder if people are bullshitting or not. You can look it up yourself.
Why would I admit I'm something I'm not? I'm not the only one either. See >>79493863 and other anons last thread
WTF, I can understand that just fine
Or are they just shitposting the "Bau bau" part?
That doesn't make it false. It's funny that all she'll be is the butt of a joke.
>other anon
Suuuuuuuure, anon, sure
Lmao @ hiding the sample size
Nerrisa isn't Kiara's nepohire, she just happened to be a KFP fanatic.
>other anons last thread
the idea is that euros might start superchatting if they get a eu gen
Damn so you did samefag and admitted to it like a retard lmao.
>gura nepohire
calm down schizo
haha no
Damn, all this seething over... that?
I see anons are being autistic again
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I don't know why you think this is something worth lying about or why you feel upset about it. You can still call it a skill issue on my part
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Bae cute!
>It's funny that all she'll be is the butt of a joke.
well we're close to figuring it out, just gotta wait until we can sc en4
>this is something worth lying about
Where the fuck do you think you are, man?
Hell, you're the one who is spamming about this shit while others are laughing at you
>SEA hours
>bunch of ESL talk shitting up the thread
Good morning sirs!
I need sex with this brat
doesn't Ina start on 1PM PST on the regular? don't see how that's different
Sure anon sure.
>why you think this is something worth lying about
>or why you feel upset about it
Projecting much?
euros are extremely stingy
t. euro
I was watching an old clip of Kronii playing a game and almost having a heatstroke because it is so hot.
Then she mentions the temperature to be... 30 C?
That's lower than the body temperature. That's a cool, relaxing temperature.
What the fuck was she on? Did she misread 50C as 30C?
Nigga pls
Lapuchan is playing Holoass
this is true while tipping culture (10% or 20% tip) really isn't a thing, people still tip to round up to a nice value
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>Wait what did Fuwawa, a native English speaker, just say? I didn't understand that at all.
east cost doesn't count or all americans just live in california
Anon she's Canadian
She is Canadian and also lives in one of the more humid parts of Canada.
>spamming about this shit
I was just replying to someone else who had the same experience, what spam?
Yes you seem really insistent that there's some kind of ulterior motive or lie
sniffing the moomhole
I don't have to explain nothing, SEAniggers shouldn't be alive, but Japs fucked up in 1945, so here we are
Why does lappland like ass so much
fuwawa just speaks to softly if i use speakers, then i boost it to 150% and each time fwmc bau bau my ears bleed
EU here
anything above 28°C is annoyingly hot
anything below 15 is slightly chilling
Girls have three holes there. Which one you sniffing?
That ruffian so mad he's same faggin
Laplus has such a funny giggle
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I swear, this bit never fails to make me chuckle
Stjärt är den vackraste delen av en kvinnas form, särskilt Kiaras
English is not Fuwawa first languages. This cannot be disputed.
Indians could be native English speakers but not understand Fuwawa
Yes we all know native English speakers never mumble and have to repeat themselves
Kek, I got enough stupid robocalls that I can actually hear that sentence
And? No one with more than one braincell says that Ina streams at primetimr
Weird hill to die on but ogey
They can be French Canadian you know?
>Fuwawa first languages
I guess people get used, huh. Where I live, temperature goes below 15 only for a few days a year, and then the government issues a warning for severe coldwave.
takos collectively share 1 braincell
Yeah I think it's the soft speaking + mumble that's difficult for me when they're sharing a mic and I can't turn one up without blowing out my ears
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Is this the Ina butt thread?
Which holos have the most tappable butts?
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it's 23C outside and I have the AC on
never heard em speak any frog and I don't hear any frog accent in them
If they were Quebecois no one would be able to understand them
Native English speakers have a lesser amount of comprehension than those who study it seriously as a secondary language.
Quebecois don't have frog accent. It's specific to Quebec
Also worth remembering Europe literally has the most expensive superchats in the world. As a bong a red superchat costs me literally double what it does in JPY
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murricans have it good it's like 31 celsius and I have no AC
Thanks I’m horny now.
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Faufau Love
They made it VERY clear where in Canada they lived if you also live in the same part lmao.
Does Cecilia mark the first time Hololive has lead to a decrease in technical fidelity for a new member? Is there any hope for an increase in quality across the board? Many indies have pulled way ahead in that regard.
Reminder that Kiara is the best in English out of Myth.
We had -30 for a week this year
>31 celsius and I have no AC
then get one?
What the fuck are you talking about
I really think Justice should play monster hunter generations ultimate on the switch.

We have ERB for greatsword, Gigi for dual blade, Ceci for lance and Raora for palico in prowler mode.
Rima Evenstar
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it's not that EASY to just get one
31 C is not hot. You don't need AC.
Go back to your shithole ligger
Myth speaker of EN
NTA but I tried this during the last heatwave and every company that installs AC in the area had an 18 month backlog of work
In order
sound shit. get a fan then
Cecilia paizuri during the day and I was so fucking much for the day until I left my house.
protip: install an AC in the winter
I'm EU too, we got an AC to replace heating with gas and it's also nice in the summer.
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I wanna slap Kanata’s butt so hard she falls over and gets mad and beats the fuck out of me
that one I have running 24/7..
it's extremely hot especially if there's no WIND
Mainly in regards to rigging I suppose. Cecilia is definitely a very noticeable step down compared to what she used to have.
Anon it's okay be to critical of a corporation. You should try getting off your knees sometime.
Okay Radahn is another shitty fight, get rotted cunt
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Yes, they are coming to install it this winter, after I booked them to do it last summer
I am not American and I have AC you fuckers have no excuse AC can also do heat please for the love of god stop hurting yourself and get an AC
>used to have
Just use a vpn, I do that to member a million vtubers with turkish lira
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I want to kiss Kanata passionately while groping her ass.
Ruffians had a huge fucking meltdown for an entire thread because this artist has moved on to drawing CC now.
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You don't understand what doxxing is. Stop being retarded.
I couldn't care less about who Cecilia was and did before hololive
Most people here on global agree that while cecilia is good, she's still pretty mid compared to all EN members
It's lower than human body temperature. You are actually losing body heat.
I just finished Messmer today, really fun fight. I’m gonna do the frenzy area and the remaining thing in the west and I can’t wait to see how it goes
I can't fix Noel
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are you mentally ill?
classic doxxfag response.
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Gura cute Gura cute!
Find a rope doxxfag
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Today is abysmal in Germany yeah, so fucking sticky. I gave in and ordered an AC last night. Finally, this will be the last summer I sweat in.
You are a tourist
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This but she sits on my face and dominates me
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>pizza tower
wtf she's BASED??
She is perfect as she is. <3
I dont care about L2d because it used to look like this
When aren't they having a meltdown?
not hard
You live somewhere with dry heat, right? Because when euros complain about temperatures over 30C it's usually because it's also 80%+ humidity and sweating literally doesn't work
Kys fucking doxx tourist. Behead depressed nousagi.
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Kiara, ERB, Cecilia.....(and I'm sure all the NA girls are also fucked)
Oh here we go it's Kanata-Crucible Knight part deux
cute little earth
i'm sure she joined for that amazingly famous hololive rigging. retard
>he thinks this is about doxx shit
Anon please. Apply some critical thinking. This isn't about who she used to be and I'm not asking you to care. This is about Hololive's model standard.
So is that all you do? Spout buzzwords when you're scared to talk about something?
I don't have the money
Not true btw, you can't lose it fast enough at that temp, even just sitting around.
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>Raora going all in with MAMMA MIA I COOKA DA PIZZA
Based, it's the fun kind of stereotype. It's like showing Mexicans doing mariachi and wearing sombreros, they don't mind that kind of racism.
Getting paid in YEN means they are all getting fucked
at this point it's just EU culture not having an ac......
I'm jelly but I can't install it at my place so easily for now..
Bad artist, but the idea wasn't too bad, you can't instantly tell what it's about.
Really bad artist though.
Like.....really bad.
I don't get why you pathetic hipster dogs even come here when you clearly don't care for corpos
Gura you can't say that word
not euro but we had 90%+ humidity a few weeks ago for a week. it was horrible
No one cares. Go away
It’s a stupid part of EU culture and all the cope is stupid just fuck for the love of fucking god get AC
Are they not getting paid in real money?
31 is hot as fuck are you retarded?
>the most comfortable indoor temperature for women is 25°C (77°F). And for men it's 22.2°C (72°F).
Get a nice paper fan and use it. Some of the fan designs are gorgeous
You can get a mobile one with a hot air hose at the back. It's not as efficient as a proper big one but then you also don't have to actually drill through your wall and they'll still cool your room fine
raora is begging to be ratio'd on twitter
By the way, adjusted for inflation this is the new ALL TIME low for the yen.
Why? The more EU gens Hololive has the better it is for me because euro primetime is more convenient for me than any other primetime despite not living in EU
fellow EUbros what happened to having thick walls and closing the windows and using curtains when it's hot
Can someone change this to include the porn edit?
How do men and women live together if the temperatures are different?
All of their moolah gets converted to yen before it gets sent to them
Okay anon.
So are you capable of engaging in a discussion or is your default response to feel threatened and lash out over nothing?
>for women is 25°C (77°F). And for men it's 22.2°C (72°F).
Why are men such pussies?
Do women really have higher heat tolerances? I thought it was just a shower thing since they're shorter and the waters cools down just a bit more before it reaches them.
we got balls
You are retarded if you think this is how an international business operates.
you sound self centered
Do you really think Cover pays these EN girls in Yen? Ame would still be eating out the trash, bro. Jesus.
oh nyo
23.6 C
Kiara already said she's getting paid in yen and complained about having to pay high taxes on top of that. desu she should just move to America if she wants to play lower taxes
It's more like women have low tolerance for the cold because they expose more surface area. Hence the classic "I'm feeling cold" complaint when the dude is fine
What's your latitude? That sounds like something based on people who live nearer to the poles rather than the equator.
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That was fine back when our summers were basically 2 hot weeks and that was it.
Nowadays the heat goes from May to September.
They have ACs in Italy and Spain and it's about time more central/northern EU countries get them too. It pisses me off how they're still building new apartments in 2024 and NOT installing ACs in them from the getgo, damn morons here.
maybe next summer.....
I got one in japan but it broke so easily
these still require setup and are kinda loud iirc it kinda SUCKS
Imagine not watching streams
Converting a payment into another currency doesn't magically mean it's worth less money anon, if I give you $10 in yen that's still worth $10 on the day (minus whatever the forex fees are at your bank)
Kiara has openly spoken about being paid in Yen
But then neither is conformable
Kiara lives in Japan, she did that to herself
Justchads or tourists?
EN's pay comes mostly from people who are outside of Japan. The amount that they lose when it sits in Cover's account is nothing.
Kiara said everything from superchats to memberships and merch gets paid to cover, converted to yen and then converted back when it's paid to the girls.
She said she regularly loses money because cover doesn't adjust their payouts to the rising inflation in real time.
So, let's ignore the cover cut for a moment and say the girls get everything:
>you pay $5 in members at the start of the month, it get's turned into ¥804,39
>Fauna get's paid ¥804,39 at the end of the month, this get's turned back into $, but because of the yens inflation this is now only worth ~$4.92.
You people cannot be this weak. It's 29 C and 85% humidity here and it feels cold. You cannot say 25 is the peak comfort.
More proof most people don't watch Kiara and KFP have to chime in
Why go all the way to America when she could just go to Malta or Luxembourg
I used to be skeptical about Justice bringing more newfags here but now I believe it. Is it just me or did Justice bring in more newfags than Advent
>SEA hours
>Seething about Europeans
Colonization 2.0 when
Still works for me :)
Ame gets her paycheck converted to bitcoin
not everyone live at sea where it's like that all year round. most of the world got seasons
>it feels cold
Are you from Dubai or Ethiopia or something?
It's a very humid 31C here and it feels like I'm sitting in a steam room in my own apartment right now, absolute hell
The lengths you Yuros will go through to not adopt what you see as a decadent American luxury would almost be admirable if it wasn't so stupid.
>Brief overview of sponsored PC parts
>Spend the rest of the time fooling around in your own company's sandbox game
Laplus has a pretty sweet gig
Just brought more shitposters.
nice cope
I sweat easily. And I hate sweating...
Please watch streams >>79495570
Peak comfort is when you can be outside the whole day and not sweat
it's the best country on Earth
wasn't that the point? new english speaking time zones to get more viewers
It depends on how fat you are.
When I was fat I was melting at ~25°C, after I lost 40kg I can easily handle 35°C
it also sucks living in major cities when it's like 30 degrees or something because the concrete just heats up so the temperature is even higher than it says
Yuro electric grids cannot support glorious 1st world AC
Hey SEAbro you would freeze to death at 10c while I can walk shirtless with comfort
You don't understand what that word means
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Its a little akward
It like 1% each month.
Doesn't that make Yen the most optimal currency in their current system? Since it only gets converted once.
Poor girls, they're only making ~24k a month after cuts instead of 25k, how will they survive
And that's for the lower earners, the bigger ones will make 30k+ between
>base salary
>membership income
>sc income
>merch income
>sponsorship income
>ad income
by constantly bitching at each other
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Advent was a bigger tourist attraction.
Kek, that fag again
4 sponsored streams in a row. Help
Well, not from SEA, but that sort of weather won't be happening in a few years. You should get used to the heat.
>please watch streams when there's like 19 EN now
Well the fucked up part is that the money YOU pay to the girls get's devalued because cover isn't storing it in $ in some offshore bank.
yeah but they didn't bring these obvious tourists here who have no idea that members are being paid in Yen
Pls learn how math work>>79495647
I don't know who that is but that's Marcox
This is old news. There weren't even 15 ENs, retard
Well, most of them suck anyway.
Not everyone watches Kiara. Most people don't
Nope, Advent was objectively more successful than Justice.
Less of an annoyance than having to realize that if you give 100 bucks to a holo in an SC 35 immediately go to Neal
Cover should hire some McKenzie to sort their shit out.
im pretty sure Kiara wasn't the only one who said that
Do we love Kaela here?dvrst
And? They are still losing money. That was the point, retarded fuck
Depends on where in Europe, France is like 70% nuclear powered and they're still throwing a shitfit that the American Olympic team is bringing their own AC. They're complaining about CO2 emissions from AC units when they're about to host the fucking Olympics. Fucking frogs.
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It's a response only retards use. Any time someone says "watch streams" outside of a split thread it's safe to assume they're a subhuman incapable of thinking. It's simply a default response they regurgitate because they're incapable of anything else.
Imagine having thousands of years of lineage only to become a worthless fuck who wastes time on streams. Clips exist for a reason.
>watch super chat reading 136 hour 6
Just joke answers, huh?
Choco: 9 votes
Noel: 10 votes
Marine: 14 votes
Ame: 38 votes
What's wrong with you people?
I would be fine with this if Neal would keep his fucking platform working.
Sorry I meant 30. 30% goes to YT, then they split the remaining 70% in half between Cover and the holo.
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That's right, Justchads
just like that
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Enjoying the fan name?
>not watching the best EN
Sucks to suck
Nah, that's more like Shiori or Bae
It's even funnier when they expect you to have watched their oshis 10 hour super readings
I think fwmc's kayfabe su---
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Not really when every thing that they pay in yen is cheaper.
objectively seen, Justice was a huge failure
I agree with that actually.

In fact personally for me the sexiest members would be Chloe, Koyori, Miko, Aqua, Shion, Gura, Biboo, Fuwawa and AZKi.
But I'm not a normalfag. That's why on Reddit or elsewhere any poll like that will always have the "safe" options as the sexiest such as Choco, Marine or Nerissa.
Go back into your hole, Kiaraschizo
We're not living in 2022 anymore.
Nobody can watch every EN.
Hell, I bet nobody has watched all the EN Erdtree streams
>Most people don't
But enough about Bae
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I mean you clearly do, since whenever they say something that can possibly be misinterpreted you're there creating 4 catalogthreads
with biboo and irys that's impossible
I wouldn't say failure, it's about as good as you can expect from EU hours.
Has any of the Holos fought the second Dancing Lion in the ER DLC that has Deathblight yet?
That's a good deal honestly.
That's because Advent brought back some old viewers and completely fresh anons. Justice on the other hand seems to have pulled in a lot of indiefags who have half baked knowledge and probably never watched holo streams apart from clips.
>watch Kiara SC reading stream #183848600
waste of space
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what you getting?
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Cope and seethe brrat.
You realize this is not an objective list right? People will mostly vote for their oshis and most of the posters here have EN oshis.
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gold standard bros...
brrats shouldn't start fights they always lose
they shouldn't have bothered wit EU at all and focused on established markets such as NA, JP/AUS instead
It isn't 2021 anymore
The poll is very EN-only.
>>You realize this is not an objective list right?
It is tho
How does this matter when they get dollars converted to yens that are converted to dollars again? It's a non issue
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Biboo's shirt in M size... EXCEPT I CANNOT
OK, why can't Bae incline like this?
Why are holos getting back into Super Mario Bros. 1 now?
It's funny how you retards always default to that when she always talk about this random stuff while playing games
I see the schizo is starting the samefagging early today. I'm sure none of it will be deleted either.
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Miko and Subaru sucking at it has turned it into a "challenge" sort of thing
I did not vote for my oshi (Subaru) because while I love her, I don't think she is the sexiest. I voted for Marine.
Honestly it has been fascinating seeing the Bae vs. Kiara debate turn into just a complete and total humiliation for Bae
Why don't they change it to justiciars or en4cers or something?
It's not too late
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>Bijou topping EN despite being being so sick she had no voice for several days and sustaining a dance practice injury
Is anybody else even trying?
>very EN-only
Of course it is, where the fuck do you think you are?
No likeability or talent
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My daughter!
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I eata da vaginiole
I think they chose made-up words because you can't copyright the word Justiciar and Enforcer
that poll was made specifically cuz someone told Biboo she got voted least sexy Holo by a discord filled with homosexuals. Gura, Kobo and Mococo were right behind her.
>loses in SCs
>loses in views
>loses in CCV
>loses in music
my poor baeby....
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>watch hours meme stat

If someone streams to 500 people for 10 hours they have 5k, same as someone streaming to 10k for just 30 minutes. Which one is more impressive?
Get in
The only thing wrong with this is Mumei should have been higher
That would be too much work for the meidos who do...uh...
You're doing God's work anon.
>Bijou topping EN
She's rock hard for a reason
These should be bannable
fuck raora
fuck italians
>Kiara vs. Walmart Kiara
it is expected
so uhh isn't Raora playing into stereotypes a bit too much
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such a messy desk
I will.
>his oshi is too irrelevant to get nepohires
I think Raora might be Italian and not from the Romance Empire
>starting zatsu
>timezone check
Truly the highlight of every Raora gaming stream
Marine is still the sexiest though
Even so, I am disappointed. The discord poll was more accurate.
It's okay she has the pass
she's not playing into them
She's not playing into Italian women loving anal enough.
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This is the first Raora stream Ive been able to catch since debut. NA anons suffer the most.
Steam takes the same cut and they give dev way less shit.
It's going to be weird to not have A-chan doing the opening voice over part for Breaking Dimensions.
my pizza hag wife
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What do you do in 7 Days To Die?
Mamma is streaming!
You know what's funny?
Kiara will be on break most of july and half of august, and the spreadseeht for those 2 months will be spammed at you just as much as you spam it now.
>he thinks all that Italian shit are stereotypes
You need to get out of your bubble and actually see the world. Most stereotypes are founded on reality.
you're telling me Italians are like that. Talk about pizza and pasta every day?
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I think it's more fascinating how you've created a fanbase mindshare for them out of nothing. At the start no one could even define what a brrat was. Now a third of the thread are consistently brrats
Sucks the best Justice has to stream at only 7 am
No, you are right
The guy who replied to you is a retard
Because the dollars stay in covers bank as yen for 30-50 days, in that time they lose value before they get paid out to the girls.
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I just recently discovered that the Shiori Novella part .. /chapter...thread in the catalog is no a literary fanfic club but Shiori's actual dedicated thread. Never bothered to check it out until now.
>muh global warming in a few years
two more years bro
Botan is not fat
>he thinks Bae won't be at the bottom of those
desu with how hard Bae has reclined Kiara will probably mog her both of those months in CCV.
>Meme... about... the pizza
She's talking about CP btw
It's time for Mel to come back
She's perfect bros, I don't even mind the Towa voice anymore.
Nta but I know Italians and they don't act like this all the time but I don't care she's doing it for entertainment
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Even FWMC speak Italian now...Eurobros won...

>first Raora stream I've caught since debut
Yeah, she still sounds retarded, sorry guys.
so Chattini was to blame for this shit game choice by raora??
That has always been her split.
The first thread was Chapter 1. Page 1
t.pleb filtered by PIZZAKINO
>pizza tower
>shit game
I will skin you alive
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Funnily enough Advent's JP arc mixed with Justice all streaming before 6 EST has led to my East Coast behind actually getting decent sleep this past week.
Keep huffing that cope
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an italian liking their stereotype
uh huh, schizo
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the duality of Anonymous
Why does she live in Japan anyway if she doesn't speak Japanese?
My personal collection of Gura lewds to be precise
Chattini's are based off of DA KIRB.
Can they win any harder?
They tried but I don't think the bookclub lasted the first week
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>pizza tower
Pewdiepie doesn't speak JP
>bae will incline this time for sure
>NA anons suffer the most.
did you just wake up?
Not now ruffian
>There's Amanda the Adventurer 2
Oh, I bet they gonna play that.
It's a mystery, but ultimately now that she's a holo it's better for her. Living near the studio is literally only a positive for your holo activities and holo career.
Japan is especially to live as an expat if you don't mind paying abit more
Is Ame still the only EN who beat Pizza Tower?
is raora the second most parasocial holo?
the only think i like about Italy is Ezio Auditore
Not now schizo
finally (You) can enjoy the EU experience, burgeranon
>food talk
This is my shit
Imagine the sounds this pink panther would make when you rim and analize her.
curry rice with chicken and eggplants and scrambled eggs, sometimes with cheese
Yeah sure anon, why not
Here's the (You)
Ame is the most Italian EN
>anecdotal evidence
Italians are, in general, very passionate about the shit many people "stereotype" them for. They don't walk around 24/7 waving their hands and talking about cookinga de pasta but Raora doesn't talk about it on stream constantly either. She's definitely leaning into it a little and doesn't mind that kind of humor but anyone crying about how this isn't reflective of Italian culture is either a clueless retard or an embarrassed Italian desperately trying to change public perception.
it's 1PM right now, bro
every italian likes the stereotypes about pizza, food and hand gestures
think of it like the americans leaning into the "what the fuck is a kilometer" meme
Recuiescat in pace.
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I thought to my self, darn these anon write a lot must be a a females centric fanfic literary holo club. Skippa skippa
The rice cooks the egg.
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Stop talking about food and play the game Raora! Hurry up!
I think there's a separate fanfiction thread that used to use her images in the OP so you're probably confused with that one
>leaning into it a little a
She's leaning into it A LOT
that also the only Italian phrase i know, along with ciao
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>Wanting to skip the customary 45 minute pre-game food zatsu
Get out of my wife's stream
eat the natto mococo
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How much have you actually watched her? I'll admit I was in the same boat for pretty much her entire debut. I thought her voice was stupid. I watched a few of her streams and I now find her amusing and very charming. Her voice has grown on me in a way I did not expect.
Holy paragraph
>but anyone crying about how this isn't reflective of Italian culture is
I wasn't doing that. I just know she's playing it up and I don't care because it's for entertainment
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>Raora food talk
Does Kiara like Natto?
Raora will never be Japanese
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Chapter = months since debut
Page = threads since debut
That's latin anon
sounds cringe
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How come Gigi is the only Justice not from the Europa Federation?
what are the odds she looks like this irl
>Holy paragraph
It's three sentences anon. Don't be that kind of person.
cazzo, vaffan cullo
>the me-me
>the mogo-jon
I will marry this woman
Is Raora cuter today?
I like when Mori puts on the cowboy hat
sounds based
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Vtubing is cringe
She does natto I honestly can't remember if she talked about it
They should do volume for years
Good. I don't think she is deluded enough to think she will be
>raora is a clipfag
It's a paragraph and you missed my whole point while your head is stuck up your ass
>she's a clip LISTENER
We hit a new low level... not even watcher...
backup member in case the EU stint doesn't work out
clipCHADS we won
streamwatchers coping and seething rn
>4 hours clipfagging
Chattini this is your oshi?
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I'm here to watch Mamma play Ame's favorite game of 2023
Closed the steam and unsubbed.
It's so obvious that she's playing it up a ton because she knows americans (and the rest of the world) love the "PIZZA PASTA MANDOLINO" shit. I don't understand why you need to cope so much about it
they're debating between "Book 1" and "Volume 1"
You underestimated the hypocrisy of chartniggers, Kiara had busy months, months where she didn't have Myth collab on one hand and soccer on another, months of Yakuza stream #28, a month where half of it was her on vacation.
Did they use those or did they specifically use the ones where whoever they pit her against was on a break after a packed month or they're just busy with bts work?
Cover knew the EU shit wouldn't work and had a Plan B
based skippa skippa
>I can see everything
She sees us...
clippa clippa!
Retards clipping is GOOD for the streamer
Its basically free advertising even though the people doing the clipping are faggots.
no way this Italian bitch listened to 5 hours straight of Holomix music, she probably listened to some random Italian music and shit in between i know it
Raora is currently seeing me touch my chinpo
Oh okay so you're just a retard. That makes this easy.
Opinion discarded. I'm doing nothing but stating facts.
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>work from home
>wake up at 6 am
>work till noon with streams on another screen
>hit the gym and shower before my oshi's stream
>eat lunch with watame
>do a little more work while she reads superchats
>occasionally stay up late to watch EN girls
I'm thriving actually. I wish the World Tour came here though.
thread listener
Oh no nono
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I clippa da stream
>I can see everything
Most sane people don't
wait, she's just a female leonardo watch
>she's in my walls
but she also said she watches streams while drawing all the time, so she does both!
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It's cute you keep talking about the stream hours to avoid admitting Bae is getting obliterated in CCV and this keeps happening
I thought Kiara was Japanese?
the main reason why both eyes toggle to change color is because if one eye could be toggled, it would be sans undertale
mamma just wants to catch up with the latest memes...
Does the advertising still work when people end up preferring recut content to raw content and never visit the streamers' channels?
ok just when does pink cat stop yapping
>months where she didn't have Myth collab on one hand and soccer on another, months of Yakuza stream #28, a month where half of it was her on vacation. Did they use those
Yes anon, they did all the time. What the fuck are you trying to say
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like the ninja turtle
you are a sad individual
she always yaps for 45 minutes before doing the actual thing on stream
yapping holos are the strongest, bestest, cutest
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>It's been a week already
If Italians stop talking they die
Then that's neutral
Somebody who would have never watched, still never watches. Maybe they will buy a merch.
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Raora Gojo?
To quote a guy from my country
"If I ride the subway in Tokyo do I become Japanese?"
hopefully never
Not really. When she leans into it yes she leans hard but "a lot" implies quantity and that's simply not true. Her streams are not filled with stereotypical humor. This would be like trying to claim Bijou's streams are filled with tiktok brainrot.
memberships SOON (TM)
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after 30-40 minutes
She's so japanese she's become a westaboo
Why is the zoom in so cute?
sadly she will soon start playing the shitty game
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Leave her to me.
The only Japanese
Is the chattini a hamster?
>Expecting an Italian to only talk for a few minutes
Hopefully never, but unfortunately videogames are used as a crutch in way too many a stream.
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oh shit
I'm cute!?
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I hope Ceci does a guerilla today if the ??? is cancelled
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>no YOU
If you skippa skippa my mamma zatsu I shitta shitta on you
Woefully underused by vtubers in general
She's fantastic at it and the timing.
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when raora gets a heart emote, im gonna use that one alot
clipping would be better if
>timestamps, links to streams, channel links
>no clickbait
>upload after stream ends
>no "secret knowledge"
>no annoying loud or grotesque edits
>no annoying references to unfunny memes
>correct subtitles, correct english
>no obnoxious channel intro or outro
>not overly about drama or lewd baiting
how many of those channels follow even a fraction of those standards
I hope never, it's cute
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hamster holo when
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>when you learn that Raora is into ugly bastards and creampies
Ugly bastard bros, here's our chance...
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>Justice already struggling to hit 10k on their streams
Kneel to Adventgods.
no she's won't stream today
vtubers who dont play video games are boring
the only one who can get away with it is Mumei
Nice, CCRR collab, the best members
If CC is the brain of justice they will never catch advent.
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they lied to you
Ogey, Raden is great!
stupid lazy doll
needs correction
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Mumei plays Overwatch
Ok but this post is so funny
>I don't know anything about [x country], but my extremely limited and stereotypical knowledge of it is 100% true and if you are from [x country] and say I'm wrong, I'm not actually wrong you are just lying
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there isnt enough Justice porn
Ok adhd boy
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WE demand Raora to start playing the game and STOP talking now!
Deadbeat with the God Eyes...
I hate these stupid images.
She wishes
>correct subtitles, correct english
also seen a lot of thumbnail by clippers of raora with spanish instead of italian
They just debuted last week.
when the hell did she put this mask on???
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CC should just hit back with this for revenge
And yet the American is least popular of the bunch
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there is already a holo for that
None of the Justice girls are sexy
Raora is gonna suck shit at this game isn't' she
chattini, where's the game?
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gigi has zero sex appeal
I kinda want to try this
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I hope she keeps yapping at the file select screen and gets jumpscared
I've gone to school with a japanese chick who hated Natto. She said it tastes like her grandmothers shoe drawer(?!?) smelled.
the only Japanese member of Holive is Anya
Why is she even streaming right as the big match starts with Germany, what is she thinking..
Nobody can talk for hours on end every day without running out of shit to talk about
I don't want to sound like the schizo but honestly Raora is the only hot one
CC and GG are too goofy and Bloodflame is too close to established designs
they were in a rush so they hired the first American they could find
Yapper of Regloss!
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Has Raora tried maggot cheese?
I had this and it's unironically good, but too much sweetness for one person, I could barely finish it.
Yeah, Gigi is very plappable
I've never seen it used like this in holo so far. I like it
chattini are being racist again...
I don't mind if it's sufferkino
It's way less popular than you think
I don't think she's that passionate about football.......
It's called positive stereotypes that people actually enjoy
Like Mexicans with their mariachi and sombreros, they don't get offended if you do that even if twitter activists would try to make you believe otherwise
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>I can't care less
bros, she's so damn positive about everything...
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i think start of Crazy taxi
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how about this
No, the American timezone is just overfilled. EN5 will be all Euros
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Holy gay
Italians like that though
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Very chilled pink cat
Typical stuck-up cunt who thinks being a nerd/weeb/whatever means you have to avoid normalfag things like watching sports
>bratty hebe girl with spats which would show her fat cameltoe
>no sex appeal

She's already going schizo...
Sounds like your oshi has a skill issue
what does Mumei do for content anyway, recently it feels like she does Karaoke interrupted by don don SC readings
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I'd try it but never saw it in stores.
you can't eat it outside Sardinia, and the local government is very strict on casu marzu controls, so probably no.
kek what stream was this
She's not malicious anon she just doesn't consider it I guess, but yes even normal people will tune into that, it's that big especially once you hit the knockout stages
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so when does she cooka da pizza
Kiara repeats the same topics over and over again despite the fact she plays games
Fries on pizza is unironically called "Pizza Americana" In Italy
And its designed for children who are picky eaters and hate other toppings.
I hate how all the mommy fags latched onto Raora.
They were the worst saplings and now are the worst chattini.
Towa will carry
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talking about Italy, this is the most amusing thing i learned while browsing /int/

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Gigi's body type is similar to Kobo. If you don't find Kobo sexy, then you likely won't find Gigi sexy either. But I do.
Lizzies Ahoge is too big
Why are you gay
i cant tell if pizza tower is a fun or unfun game

i appreciate all the great music and the style and all that, but i just dont have fun with the gameplay, it's so chaotic and clumsy and that makes it feel unsatisfying
i know "skill issue" but im at like the last levels and i still feel like im flopping around every level, how many hours in is it supposed to start feeling good?
the bosses are fun at least
the fucking chat comments caught in both screenshots holy kek
>shitting on newfags who can't stop bringingup pineapple pizza
>what does Mumei do for content anyway
autistic meltdowns
Kiara just talks about the things over and over
Akua you dumbass lmao
Kobo has a seductive, horny attitude. She craves a strong man (me) on top of her.
Gigi is just silly.
lmao what the fuck
those gamefags need to be strangled
is pizza with baked potatoes topping a thing? sound good
pizza tower is made for nintendo fans ie. people who don't care if the game is fun or not
I think everyone understood what uno means
>Says a single sentence in italian
>Instant semi boner
Is this why its called the romance language?
Goddammit deadbeats
nobody cares about your pasta woman play the game
Why can't you drink coffee at night in Italy?
oh christ she has 4 ears, too.
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I wake up and post the Ina!
>have sex with ERB
Maybe you just don't like that genre of game?
Isn't raora just EN Towa + Botan?
Kiara did an Elden Ring stream where she took short breaks at every grace she found and talked about her food trip to Düsseldorf, Germany (there are a few thousand Japanese nationals living there so you can get authentic Japanese food). I think one of her clippers has the whole food talk in one video.
IRL backseating
Raora baby...
More holes for me, yay
We need to make her do 1 hour long Italian GFE ASMR at some point
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I missed the stream start again
Pizza Tower is fun to have mastered, not fun to master.
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My daughter and her friends are so cute!
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incoming jumpscare
cute ina!
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old people watching construction sites is a thing in my country too kek
They tax you for it
I think her 30 minute zatsu before the game comes from that she used to stream on Twitch.
Wish she would reduce it a bit...
Too big.
both wrong, im a nintendo fan who loves platformers
this feels much more like a sonic game if that makes sense
aka the levels are not fun but the music is great and the style is nice, also the most fun with sonic levels is when you learn them and go fast and im assuming pizza tower will be like that too, but hell does it take a while to build up to that level
She's already beating him....
Only Up x 4 is stressful to watch
wtf is this torture bro
Is there any holo whose voice doesn't match the model?
>skipping the intro
I will now anti Raora
I get that vibe from nintendo games too
they're games you can play, but they're not challenging or fun
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How could you....
The jumpscare only happens if you don't touch any buttons (the lights are off)
i hope she never does
It's unironically like a Sonic game. You have the most fun when you go out of your way to learn how to S rank(or in PT's case P rank). It's not overly strict but you still need to master the movement and mechanics.
You CAN just play through it to completion and it's fun, a bit wacky and silly and the music goes hard but the gameplay shines brightest when you go for the best score possible.
Ame's favorite game of 2023 is Yoshi's Island.
so is RR a gamer or not?
No wonder why I want to breed this cat
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>Wake up
>It's real
Holy shit.
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Soda and Fennec!
not really
Try Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom
Absolutely not.
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damn thats kinda sad. at my job theres were like 3 old timers who retired, then came back to work half days for a few more years cuz they didnt have anything else to do
No game no read. Only talk.
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Cute dumb pink cat
Fennec is there for Sora, nice
>i miei istinti mi dicono di cantare
Raora sounds like she is going into heat
*autistic pizza noises*
shes really just speaking random italian during stream lmao
Chattino you're gonna get raped...
>this is me when i see a chatinno
oh god she is turning rabid
>easy mode
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What happened to Kiara's Pizza Tower? Did she finish it yet?
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I constantly sleep through like half of my alarms and when I wake up I just kinda sit there for a bit
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This stream is going to be wild isn't it.
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>rages in Italian
Chattinis, does your oshi really treat you like that?
>What is RT
I need to breed this woman right fucking now
It clicked for me really quickly and I was getting P-ranks in no time, but that's because I'm autistic as hell for these types of speedy platformers. I know a few people who were filtered from the fucking tutorial or like pretty early on because it was too overwhelming for them. It's a great game, but the genre itself is not appealing for most players.
Its the journalist vs cuphead all over again
sweaty gigi spats on my face
Only the Gamer of EN finished Pizza Tower.
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Game journalist moment
She already beat it
skippa skippa
Italianlets are going to need a TL in chat
this hag isn't good at games...
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I also get confused with that shit because I grew up playing on the PS2
they didn't beat the game
kino. She should do that in every stream
It's going to be difficult...
That was a nice
Chattitinos, your oshi...
She's already struggling to read text without SKIPPA leave her alone.
I cant understand what youre saying raora I dont fucking speak italian
Well, at least she is better than Koyori.
Yeah this is the
>Raora doesn't want to read so is going to keep going back and forth trying to skim the intructions
although what the fuck are some of these positions for them
Yeah, isn't it great?
I want to see how long she take to complete Cuphead tutorial now
Gigi's butt on my face with her pressing her stuffy cameltoe in my mouth
She's really bad
>Fat frog shaped man with a big nose
>"He's acutally cute."

Bros, I think I have a chance here.
i know ecelbs aren't welcome here, but i wonder if we'll get a Dariòn mention eventually
Keyboard is unironically easier people who suggested keyboard are retards.
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JWU. Give me the latest clussy deets.
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Yeah, my fuckin' oshi, pal. Watch your goddamn tone.
can you emote like a cartoon though
You're a retard
god I wish
>I don't want to skppa
Who is this and what happened to Raora?
oh boy she's going to get FILTERED
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>you're not here for the gameplay right? Who cares about the gameplay right?
Is this the power of skippa?
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>who cares about the gameplay, huh? right?
>you're not here for the gameplay right?
She's right tho
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it's chattini you philistine
this is like dean takahashi playing cuphead except if I actually liked the person playing and I dont want to say anything mean about her gameplay
wtf it worked
this implies that someone requested perms for this game. .. .
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When does the honeymoon period end? When will I stop wanting to be Italian?
Please post the updated version next time
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gura my beloved
>youre not here for the gameplay right?
a vtuber who actually gets it, she might be too powerful
That was kinda hot
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How has pizza tower been with Raora?
Her need for me is real.
I'll pull on my face until I get stretchmarks if she'll sit on it.
gura did iirc
ok let's see how they solve this
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How do we make Raora talk less and focus on the game more?
This damn woman will never clear the game if she doesn't focus
already posted
...she's cute
Game skill bad, panty good
Mom gaming is just too cute.
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Don't make me get the broom, Tako.
>Talk less
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Hopefully she gives up on the first stage and we get two hours of zatsudan
she's making the /v/ermin autists mad and I'm all here for that
these jp girls are tensai
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>oh we have to go actually
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Sounds tasty
I would never tell an Italian to talk less. That would kill them.
Raora is fucking funny, man
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Shur the fuck up or I'll turn Ina's breasts into J-Cups
Raora likes the MOCOJOHN meme too much
It's cute when kiara does it
Raora just seems like an annoying cunt
Raora's laugh might be my favorite
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cowards playing baby mode
>Says mogojaun
>Laughs to herself for 10 seconds
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>a mob with a fork/trident on his hand
>actually needed to touch him once to know he's an enemy
Oh Italian cat
Raora plays videogames like my mom
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well shes my mamma anon, it only makes sense
She'd die to the goomba in 1-1...
outside of the tutorial she's better at this game than Kiara so far
Wait, tomato isn't tomato in italian...? What the fuck that's the most italian sounding word?!
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yea, J for Just nipples
Based retard
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man the music is so good
also good to hear that an artist like raora enjoys the animation and artstyle
Do it. You won't.
Raora is Mamma positive
She needs impregnation
tomatoes are American, pasta is Chinese.
Italians are frauds
Panty Mamma
Hololive and their fucking ghetto druggie "King Theatre" concert in the heart of random stabbings New York
Tomatoes and potatoes are from the Americas, so they got to be named by the Spanish, Portuguese and French, mostly.
on what?
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she sounds like towa, maybe that's why Gura likes this pink cat
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*begins casting*
>raora keeps saying my name
my dick won't survive
pomodoro means golden apple btw
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You can finally stab other fanbases, lucky you
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I love her "pfftttt"s
Random Stabbings is my government name
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guys i think raora is retarded
Mama Raora is terrible at this game but she's being CUTE
someone didnt get tickets lmaoooooo
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Based on these cat tats
that "come ohn~" did things to my dick
It's a Wario game so if you like Wario games you'll have fun
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CC awake!
Enter CC
I am going to stab a KFP.
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>guys i think
Is Ina flatter than Cici tho
This game is a very "pfft ahahaha" kinda game in general.
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Only KFP don't want Raora to be good with this game.
Guys, is Raora, umm, you know?
>It's almost been an hour.
Holy shit all of Justice is the timewarp gen.
What are you even talking about?
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>he thinks I watch Raora
Imagine her raspy hag moans and repeating dio mio as you pound her
This doesn't even make sense
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Raora better watch her catty mouth or 2C Automata will slice her pizza in half
I really don't care what the boring Italian whore does desu
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Anal ass.... what?
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You should take out your anger on homeless people like normal people do
>Stream started an hour ago
>Just started John Gutter
Holy shit its another zatsukino
Hawaiian pizza is my favorite and Raora is making me crave some
Is she better than Mayo dog?
Pineapple :(
Chained Together EN when?
It's cute when kiara is bad at games
Raora just seems annoying.
Kanata is very tilted.
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He does now. watch streams.
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too late
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What the fuck does Pineapple mean anyways, it has nothing to do with pines and it's most certainly not an apple.
how else is she supposed to eat it?
You already have Biboo and Fauna, what more do you tryhards need.
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Ananas is apples because bnanas is bananas
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English is a fraud of a language
Perms when? Its the game Kiara wants to play with Gura.

The first reference in English to the pineapple fruit was the 1568 translation from the French of André Thevet's The New Found World, or Antarctike where he refers to a Hoyriri, a fruit cultivated and eaten by the Tupinambá people, living near modern Rio de Janeiro, and now believed to be a pineapple.[15] Later in the same English translation, he describes the same fruit as a "Nana made in the manner of a Pine apple", where he used another Tupi word nanas, meaning 'excellent fruit'.[16] This usage was adopted by many European languages and led to the plant's scientific binomial Ananas comosus, where comosus 'tufted' refers to the stem of the plant. Purchas, writing in English in 1613, referred to the fruit as Ananas, but the Oxford English Dictionary's first record of the word pineapple itself by an English writer is by Mandeville in 1714.[17]
Isn't she always?
Italians roll their pizza like a burrito and then eat it anon, they don't cut it, that's an american thing
apple used to just mean fruit of any kind
I assume pine is "spine" without the s
Huuuuh, Englishbros your explanation?
KEK I don't remember the HelloFresh edit in that thread, you did it now?
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ignore the samefaggot
>skipping Spanish because it destroys his point
>people call Americans fat
>peek in at all of the dance studios
>all of the little girls there are skinny
What gives? America is pretty healthy huh
It has pines, apple means fruit in old English.
Still better than Mantis Shrimp.
Yeah, I've seen in the archives that someone asked for it while looking for the image.
Kiara mention
the management said no because the girls would start spewing racial slurs at each other on stream
apple was used to mean fruit and it has pointy bits like a pine
wawa mention
Kiara mention
Haha pinus
It's because it does resemble a pine cone, silly.
Fucking brits
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and just as "KFP" were starting to talk shit
no idea about the pine part, but 'apple' used to refer to any kind of fruit or sometimes vegetables
>banana used to be paradise apple
>pomodoro (italian for tomato) is golden apple
>pomme de terre (french for potato) is apple of the earth
buy an ad
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Buds please
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>please watch Raora.....
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FUCK I GOT THE TIME WRONG FOR RAORA'S STREAM AND OVERSLEPT! What have i missed and no I don't care about that one schizos samefagging?
I know that it's called "ananas" in a lot of other languages. I learned that originally from /f/.
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That's something I've always wanted to do after seeing timmy from the fairly odd parents do that as a kid
good job anon
>ah yes, this is just like an apple, yes, almost the same
relevant spanish countries call it piña
You mean you don't go on Google maps and just peek in every now and then?
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No matter how much you cry and beg, I will never watch justiceslop.
I don't think Raora's good at platformers guys...
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She was yapping about stuff I've already forgotten. It was great.
A little concerned with how much she concentrates on the game though, I would like her to talk more.
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>your oshi
>the video game OST you've listened to most (not counting while playing the game)

Mechwarrior 2
>veloce veloce veloce veloce veloce
She should try cuphead, she can't be possibly worse than that journo
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She's better than Koyori so far!
It's JUSTchads, chud.
A-chan live when?
She's not gonna make it...
i fucking hate this name bro
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Oh, so you missed the part where she made through the tutorial by the power of lusting over Chattini?
mechanically, Pizza Tower is harder than Cuphead
Kek Raora
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do 2hu arrangements count?

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