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>astel has removed the livechat replay where ERB spammed 100+ messages in his chat
what did he mean by this?


i checked his karaoke from 8 days ago and 3 weeks ago and it's enabled
He cares about his kouhais
I think it means you're very desperate to dramafag
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he doesn't want to deal with mentally ill woman and her schizos.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pretending Astel cares about seperation shit when he literally does husband wife RP on Rust with females
Bruh you unicorn larpers don't watch any streamer or know anything about anyone at all huh?
>senpai senpai senpai x100
Please understand it's summer break and all the underagekiddies have all the freetime to shit up 4chan s a whole
He edited a song out, retard. I do think ERB is being annoying in chats but you don't have to make shit up
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Okay, now how do you explain the other 9 months of the year?
Posting shit thread image in a shit thread btw
Now post this in r/holostar or r/okbuddyhololive. ERB probably means well, but she's failing the basic ettiquete on how to interact with your co-workers.
You mean when it isn't as retarded? Those other 9 months?
You act like I'm saying it's never bad then, it is.
But it's 30x worse during summer break, spring break, and winter break.
This has been true on this website for many years.
Why aren’t you watching her or any of “da bois”? You want to own the unichuds so badly but you can’t even buy niji tickets??
I truly don't think he gives a shit.
I think all you fags are the same as twittertrannies and can't help yourselves from being offended on other people's behalf
Listen iphonekiddie you need to choose 1 angle instead of just spamming 3+ and praying one sticks.
This doesn't even have anything to do with what I posted I just said he doesn't give a shit about retarded unicorn shit.
So you iphonebabies pretending he does is retarded
Makes sense
Why does Gigi have fewer views than her?
It's honestly fucking insane.
We've always had new debutants that were fixated on an oshi yet they NEVER acted like this. Hell, Kiara even used throw-away accounts to SC Pekora. In fact most of them even take the whole shyness/deference thing way too far sometimes.

And I bet even ERB wouldn't have the balls to spam a chat of someone who is higher than her on the social totem pole, which means the only reason she does it to homos is because she thinks they are guaranteed to appreciate her presence. That's why she said goodbye to Astel's chat, as if she's somehow part of the fucking stream, as if any of those JOP's should give a fuck about what she's typing.
>sure whatever
At least you admit you're a speculative dramatranny and don't even know yourself.
And yes there's a blatant difference between a coworker and a random fag on twitter shitting on you for eating food
>social totem pole
>this whole post
You fags really are all high schoolers here huh?
You've never worked a day in your life if you think "highschool behavior" ever actually stops in the adult world.
I think she (just like a few other Holos) just like Stars more the girls.
You dramatrannies act like it's the end of the world every time this happens.
You did it with Ollie, you did it with Kobo, and now you're doing it again.
Half of the posts I read are just recycled Ollie posts.
Stop crying.
holy autismo
>No argument whatsoever
I accept your concession friend!
I find it hard to believe half the anons who post on this board are adults with how much you cry like highschoolers
Oh, so you think bae would be cool if any of the non-roberu jp homos came into one of her steam and spammed chat over a hundred times in one stream?
Because I'm willing to wager she'd find it creepy and weird. since that's what that sort of behavior is.
not even a unicorn either, erb is showing massive displays of disrespect right now.
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You fucking retards do know if you edit your livestream you lose the chat completely right?

You're all so fucking gullible and stupid it's insane
Nice goalpost sister, it sure can bust more moves than your livers non-existent concert
>The real answer got ignored.
>Everyone still treating this as a real drama.
Ah, catalogthread staple...
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The boys are starting to freak out by her, Hakka also ignored her the second time she wrote on his chat.
Are fujo femicorns even for real? Astel isn't even big and these femcel cat ladies still harass him about it? Unreal.
>Are fujo femicorns even for real?
oh boy
at this point finding her old main account should be easy, just find any user that types like her, posts on cooldown and have no social tact, should be, oh, 95% of the holostar fanbase, oh no
White women cant resist east asian cock
>Chat enjoying their stream
>ERB attention whore comes
>Chat gets annoyed

Why is she like this?
>White men asian female are the best relationships
>White women get jealous and try to do the same, doom themselves to manlet babypenis
lol amazing
>watching the homos
I prefer to get sent to the boiling bull
I wish this was true but really it's just because he cut out a tiny part of the stream and once you do that it kills the chat log of a VOD
You fags barely watch them, why do you think others would?
Join niji and collab with them then. We don't want more niji rejects
>I don't watch homos but I'll obsess over everything they do
But Cover, the Holos, the Stars, or the normalfag fans don't give a shit what >we (youi) think.
Maybe you should email Cover your grievances
Reminder to always follow the chat rules
Anon, she sang songs for the last 15 years.
Oh, that's simple. I just really like to shit on them.
He already took a hit after he did his VSPO cursed item bullshit. He's playing it safe now.
because its simply embarrassing
So you're basically a fan who keeps up to date with everything
No more questions homolover I understand now
He means her YT account. She has to have been simping for the homos on a personal account somewhere before this.
Yeah, they disbanded the horizontal shit just because, not because of the fan backslash
anon she sang a song with 200 million views it was never hard lmao
See >>79499891 /vt/newfags
Maybe, he edited the video in order to kill the chat VOD. I don't think he even needed to remove that song.
You're obsessed with Drama if you believe this retarded shit
>he says when there hasn't been a fucking homotroon cross collab with EN in months and months
You say this when they just hired someone who doesn't give a shit about muh "unicorn rules".
After what that one fag said.

Speaking of, you all turned so quickly on your Jap godsavior it's hilarious lmao. You all need to stop projecting onto random people
A homobeggar calling someone a sister is hilariously ironic
Is that why he had to kneel to the cancel culture mob when they attacked him for eating McDonald’s?
Part of his masterplan was that he actually didn't need to edit the video but did it anyway so that chat would disappear and no one would become suspicious. I kneel to Princess Astel.
i doubt she actually knew about them before the audition
> doesn't know that Astel stopped most of the shipping with girls because his yumes didn't like it
of course beggars don't watch streams or clips
>/vt/ now loves homos
I am curious if homosisters recognize her chatting style yet. If she's a real fan and not insane.
Why do Kronii and Mori stopped doing collabs with the boys?
Because they only cared about 2 of them.
What did you think they'd stop collabing with them if they didn't go? Lmfao
Honestly this is very disrespectful, especially doing it at a JP senpai's chat with English. She could have at least typed it in Japanese. Also, hijacking the chat. She could have messaged him on discord or something instead.
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Who gives a shit about that guy, only shitposters worshipped him. The moment you push the boundaries the fans put you back in your place, principally JP ones
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>isn't as retarded
How fucking new?
its larpers
its all larpers and has always been larpers
this thread, too, is full of larpers
Viper and Magma are dead for a long time, get over it, faggot
She's just star-struck. Like Kiara with Pekora at some point.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Who gives a shit about that guy
About hmm idk, 80% of gloabl and the entire catalog to the point where it was nonstop spam and quoting of him and making edits of his picture?
I think it can safely be said the majority of this board if not half.

>Fans put back in place
Its funny that you think he 1 ever truly cared and isn't just a businessman and 2 thinks posts on /vt/ will make him ever give a shit
>Off Collabs with every Homo and Niji
>Kills all their Femcorns and Superchats
>Total Yaoi Faggots Eradication
I Kneel Retarded Bong Sister.
He stopped because, even though his views were high during the Jubutsu arc, they went down a lot after that
I kinda feel sorry for ERB. I just think she's autistic and now she's got the attention of people she's idolized for so long she's going crazy with it. Really a manager should have spoken to her about it and illustrated how disruptive it can be to other streamers if you're in their chat taking attention away from what they're doing or derailing things because you're trying to have a conversation with them.
Management issue.
More like Eager Racial Balls. She wants that yellow cock
You act like I'm the one who brought them up when it was you retard.
And I'm saying they wouldn't have stopped collabing together if they didn't go.
That's painfully obvious
So unicorns went from not watching homos to pretending to watch homos to form a rrat on a member

You fags are so retarded no wonder people outside 4chan treat you like trash
See >>79499891 gigaretard
not even clips? aren't they notorious for being clipwatchers and they can't even do that?
We treat them like trash here too.
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>This entire thread exists because OP and all the newfags on /vt/ don't understand how YouTube Streams work after 3+ years of watching YouTube Streams
Why kronii banned vesper name in her chat a month before their graduation and she won't even name him after her first post graduation stream. For being a "friend", she sure doesn't display as one, it like those guys did something horrible to her for her to unperson them.
Holy fucking ESL
>outside of 4chan treat you like trash
Words don't mean shit. All the top talents besides Suisei are unicorn friendly while all the bottom talents are homo friendly, simple as that. Call it a coincidence or whatever but that's just reality, if you don't like it then stopped watching hololive and go watch Vwhores or nijiniggers
Now Now Now
Stop crying femcel
ERB will fuck with your Homo
and you will like it.
>3+ years of watching YouTube Streams
Well anon they're new so no they haven't been
>fujos deflecting
>hellodear i kiss yur panti ples come bangladesh i receiv u
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Maybe this is the point after all?
Deliberately bring the most thirsty fujo on board and let her run loose in order to implement a policy change.

Cause problem > Let people react > Offer solution
what is the solution
Yikes, sister! Why the homophobia? Doesn’t that go against the cause?
Pekora being Kiara's oshi was a lie though
Except there is no problem because only tards on /vt/ care

Permanent separation of Holostar and Hololive.
Yay. another thread going to bumplimit because the fat rancid starfagtrannies of this godforsaken shitpit just can't help but bite the fucking bait.
right, it the unicorn. not actual fans that actually watches them who are fed up with the culture war bullshit using them.
>a starmin got in
At least Bae wasn't such a blatantly retard
>beggarbros can't refute any of these facts
I've accepted your consession
Has jap added justice to his linkdin accomplishments yet? Because of he still hasn't then he wasn't responsible for this gen like he was for advent.
This is the final cope
>no one cares
I heard this since 2020
>knows what happened on a homo stream
how did you even know she was on astel's stream to begin with sister?
she does to homostars now exactly what nijimales used to do to nijien girls
you really can't expect anything other than sex pest behavior from someone who has nijimales as a fucking role model
Her lie was caught in their first collab cope more
And it's been true since 2020?
I don't see fags having spergouts on other sites aside from here since. Aside from the lone containment breakers
And /here/ is a void that no one cares about
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I think anons (Holobabies) should just stop being insecure
>Kronii tweet
>horizontal destroyed
>Laplus 6 months break then twitch prison
>Irys kneeling
>Nene kneeling
>Mori and Kronii stopping collabs with homos
That's just from the top of my head, since when /vt/ has such powers if we're the only ones that care about it?

Are you sure? There was the old Kroni drama and Hololive reddit regularly points out how all Holostar content is downvoted by dedicated bots.
Makes no difference to my post dumb cunt.
>And she kept doing it
>You're retarded
>You're VERY retarded
>She never even spoke with them to begin with
>You're retarded
>As the other anon said they only cared about 2 and they're gone now
Off the top of your head you are very fucking retarded
I think indie fags should watch their irrelevant oshis instead of meddling in the big people discussion
>By bots
So you're proving me write that it's lone containment breaking fags who're doing shit like that? Got it
>no answer
They aren't sending their best kek
Maybe you should stop it the same way you plan to stop all these male mentions
Oh wait, you can't LMFAO
So...she doesn't know or doesn't care the difficult situation she's putting him in? What a shitty kouhai.
It seems like you lot don't even like the "big people" you discuss
/vt/ is the most influential hub of vtuber discussion in the western scene. holos, liggers, nijis - it doesn't matter >we influence them all, not in the way of dictating policy or anything like that but the autism here is taken pretty seriously and unfortunately the talents themselves can't help themselves and either come here directly or have outright said they get managers/friends to filter feedback from here instead to better protect their mental.
believing anything different is cope no matter how much you wish /vt/ was irrelevant
Ok so if /vt/ is so influential why hasn't ERB stopped yet.
It's been almost a week and nothing has changed despite nonstop whining and complaining /here/.
Hell Ollie didn't stop either nor did Kobo
The lone containment breaking fags still shape the public opinion.
Sure, we know better, but the apathetic masses are too lazy to seek the truth and form their opinions on falsehoods.
Anon, stop ruining their fantasies
Small dog syndrome
>The lone containment breaking fags still shape the public opinion.
The public opinion seems to be
>Fag containment breaks his shit opinion
>100+ people dogpile on him calling him a retard
So I mean I guess you're right
Uuuuuh because uuuuuuh DON'T THINK ABOUT IT SO HARD
>not in the way of dictating policy or anything
at least read what I said. You seem locked on to the unicorn/male collab shit when I was making a more general point about it not being a void that nobody listens to. Feedback and preferences are considered, and Ollie despite doing mostly what she has always done is a good example because she has directly called out being worried about what people /here/ would say about events she organised and admitted that she was extremely happy that everyone here loved her ninja outfit.
>White men asian female are the best relationships
KEK and by the way this is an AMWF board anon
She was crying some time ago because she's unpopular
Kaela completely destroy her because Kobo's audience is poor kids or homobeggars that don't give money
they read clip titles actually
see comments here for this behavior : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9o3PXodiB4
Nobody puts SEAfags under the A there, anon. When they say A, they mean Japanese, Chinese and Korean. You SEAfags are just as bad as when endians think they're mentioned then too.
I thought white women crave the bbc and white men crave watching white women crave bbc.
And I see you had nothing to say for Kobo who's doing what Ollie does but 10x
Nor for ERB.
You say /vt/ is influential enough to get things changed but the things you fags cry and complain about wanting to be changed, don't get changed. That's the point.
By "big people" they mean their real oshis, the Cover mgmt.
hows that porn addiction treating you anon
Those are the americans "whites". Eurochads have yellow fever
see >>79501168
And none of them were brown like you.
Who is this "they" you claim to authoritatively speak for?
Doesn't change the fact that Hololive is AMWF
Yes they care the least
ERB is a debuff as you can see her solo stream did better.
>still harping on male collabs
>suggesting I am one of the people crying about Ollie or Kobo
I didn't even mention them in my reply to you nor did I ever dispute anything other than you saying /here/ is a void that nobody cares about, which is patently false. Ollie has called this place out by name multiple times and addressed narratives she was trying to bait girls into male collabs that pretty much only circulated here, Kiara used to come here by her own admission. I could keep listing holos or other chuubas that let this place live rent free but the point is. A trove of anonymous "feedback" (if you filter the obvious shitposts) is obviously going to be useful to content creators who live in a world of toxic positivity where, even if they directly solicit an honest opinion people are too afraid of upsetting their oshi to give one. To think otherwise is delusional.

Leaks pop up here regularly, most of the niji shitposts that broke containment after selen and helped destroy their reputation in the west were cooked up here. leddit is dead and irrelevant, discord is insular and suffers from the same problems of not providing real opinions.
Dragon Night is on JASRAC anon, he just wanted an excuse to trim the VOD the moment he saw her in chat
anon if ERB was /here/ she wouldn't be biting the most basic of baits
she's new, it'll take some time for her to learn how this works
So do they need to be /here/ to be influenced or not retard
Make up your mind
He literally stopped collabing with a girl because her fans would not stop telling him to fuck off, this wasn’t even a full year ago
He was literally doing female collabs not even a week ago
>starsfags having to respond to each and every catalog thread like they’re attack dogs
wew lad
When you edit VODs it removes live chat. They may have had to remove something.

Oh look here's the answer >>79499124
>pagpag doesn't know what facts are
What is to be expected from people who memoryholed Marcos' gutting of their country into a "Golden Age"
>Obligatory "no more arguments" post
that doesn't fit our narrative, so we'll ignore it.
no dipshit. he said his fans are always worried he's going to cross the line with his curse act (which they fear will upset the other collaborator - usually female) which upsets him bcs they should have known he always discusses boundaries beforehand and if there's anything collaborators feel uncomfortable about then they can sort it out behind the scenes. does this sound like his fans gatekeep him?
The fact that he took down the chat means it's highly likely they had a discussion about this behind the scenes. I expect ERB wont be spamming chats like this ever again.
>>79505741 (me)
Ah nevermind, this seems to be the reason the chat is gone. Guess ERB will continue to pester her coworkers.
Stop getting offended on other people's behalf xwittertranny
Married woman btw.
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Gigi chose the worst timeslot possible. In between green women.
why do you even pay attention to homos, are you a fan of them?
that is indeed a very good question.
Anon, that's a group collab, they are all streaming at the same time.
>2 threads about this
Gonna hazard a guess that screeching apes like you are on his ass and he wants nothing to do with it.
See >>79499124 moron
You still need to build up a fanbase for people to watch you. Gigi's timeslot is highly competitive, although if she manage sto stay around long enough to build her fanbase there like Fauna did, I imagine she has potential to grow. It will still be a challenge for her nevertheless(and her loud voice doesn't help)
Astel the type of Mehara to get pissed off if he deemed it as her pitying him. Either way unless someone else says what in stream yab caused him to edit the stream which makes chat disappear , then people will keep blaming her.
They all debuted at the same time. What cope is this?
Yes. But unlike the other girls, Gigi failed to reap the benefits of debut buff to gather herself an sizable audience due to her shitty slot.
Didn't she have basically the same amount of viewers during her debut as everyone else, her VOD debut numbers put her in 2nd place after Elizabeth. People saw her content, so that's not a good explanation.
they are women, they have no self-criticism.

Look, I am sure that from now on ERB will not write any more in Astel's chat, the manager will give her a slap on the wrist.

Even so, she will keep on spamming in others, because like all women, she is not the problem.
see >>79507006
see >>79503955
actually no, the ring was an april fools' joke
>Spoonfeeding newfags that're embarrassing themselves
does she have a manager to tard wrangle her? or is she just going to carry on until she's suspended?
photo was on may 1 though
yeah, to me.
Now it's ERB but who will be the next catalog member?
Unicorns want Liz to get into trouble for showing HoloPro unity so they are jumping at even the hint of Cover being angry with her. They don't care about why the video was actually edited. My guess is that she will calm down with the chat messages after several weeks since there will be less reason for doing this once the collab ban is lifted and she can simply collab with Holostars.
starniggers keep pointing to this >>79499124 post meanwhile they won't even acknowledge this >>79503955 one?
Did Unicornkeks just make a big nothingburger because the are obsessed about dicks? Say it aint so
>200 post thread because unicorns are retards and dramatourists
See this see that
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Basically, but even Kiara was uncomfortable with the Nerissa lovebombing right after she debuted.
People shit on Nerissa too tho
fucking kek
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>but you don't have to make shit up
This is /vt/, making shit up is this board's lifeblood. I even knew he would have to edit out Dragon Night
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>Seaweed mindbreaking faggots on /vt/ legacy keeps on living
Bro no one’s even talking about him.
not a single faggot replied to this anon, anyone can look up the song perms and it's right fucking there so him removing it is fucking pointless
Niji is dead. That’s what this board wanted, isn’t it? Now you have to deal with the consequences as potential Nijis go to the only other big option.
Why should i spoonfeed you what was wrong in that part?
They'll just keep ignoring this.
Holy fuck I don't think I've ever posted this much across all of 4chins in a day
>And I bet even ERB wouldn't have the balls to spam a chat of someone who is higher than her on the social totem pole, which means the only reason she does it to homos is because she thinks they are guaranteed to appreciate her presence.
Shes spammed ID and EN chats as well, you're just hyper focused on the cock
Close the thread.
They don't see it as feedback, they see it as a zoo. Mori and Ironmouse have talked about this together multiple times. The advice consistently given isn't "go on vt to see what people say and adjust your content accordingly", it's "don't let the awful shit vt says get to you". The official and unofficial discords unironically have more influence.
You mean 30 year olds. Don't kid yourself
This woman is clearly mentally ill but it's funny that a useless spoiled homostar channel with a few chat members is destroyed by one autistic fujoshit spammer.
As anons have mentioned, a song was edited out which caused the chat to disappear, and no, you can't claim he did it on purpose because the reality is he probably didn't even edit it but rather his manager. He's had streams that go private and then tells us it wasn't his doing and he doesn't know why, so it's more likely management just edits or privates VODs without notifying the talent first.
He's probably more dedicated than you are sis.

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