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Thread for the pon, cute, hardworking artist mamma (and pizza with french fries addict), italian pink gatto.



>Last Stream:
> 【Pizza Tower】I COOKA DA PIZZA #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

>Next Stream:
> Minecraft

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】

>HIBANA / ヒバナ - Raora Panthera

>Debut and Lore:



>/ciao/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread:
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I bake-a da bread
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Raora's stinky farts in my mouth. Raora sitting on my face during a 6 hour art session forcing me to feel the rumble of her asscheeks and endure endless puffs of fecal gas that plague my sinuses. Being able to taste her pungent aroma as it lingers on my tongue and right when it starts to fade, another brap hits my face, causing me to forget everything else but the smell of Raora's foul Italian gas.
>>79505095 S
>Schettino was vilified and disgraced in extensive media coverage that dubbed him "Captain Coward" and "Captain Calamity".
>He was even described as "Italy's most hated man" by the tabloid press
Is this the origin story of our nickname?
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She eata da bread
I miss mamma
i read the whole thing every time
Raora cute
Chattini cute
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>Carb farts
if soundpostanon is in the house, i'm having trouble with your raora soundposts
i download them through sounds player as usual but when i repost them they're broken


any idea why that is?
Italian braps are FUcking nasty because of all that fermented tomato sauce
Downloading through the player has a tendency to fuck up the filenames for some reason (which is what's happened here). Once I realised this was happening I just started saving the images/webms normally and manually copypasting the filename.
i may have found the issue
OG Soundpost anon here; I suppose you use FF as browser. That's the reason for why the link is fucked up.

Use chrome for download soundposts if you are too lazy to rename.
yeah it just switches a % for a _
pretty easy to fix
is this a new bug? it used to work just fine on firefox
no, it's a really old bug. I don't remember if using 4chan-x had anything to do with it or not tbf
>pizza saturday
>she just finished downing an entire pie
>restrains you and puts her ass on your face
>assaults you with the aftermath of her dinner until you pass out from the intense heat and lethal fumes
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mamma mia
strange, i only noticed with Justice soundposts and i've been downloading soundposts for years
i wonder if this one's dead yet
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Yo Chattini, have been thinking about running a slow risk-like forum-game across the Justice + Kiara splits where the threads control a country each. GG would get to enter land from the sea as "Freesian"(American) interventionists.

I would loosely theme it around Kayfabe naming of things. Would people here be interested?
It would basically be an action check once a week during non-streaming hours to not clutter and actions are based on anons choices in replies. If theres no majority choice I would random which pick goes through.

If I can get everyone on board I'll write up a pastebin and start it in the beginning of the week
What would happen if I fucked Raora with a cucumber? Would she die?
She would cum.
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Does Raora play gacha or implied she liked gacha games?
Italy vs Switzerland is today, Chattino's
You are going to support mama's team, yes?
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I don't think most of the Chattini can contribute since they're too busy focusing on mamma but I think it's a cool idea!
Italy look so bad.
They are letting mamma down.
Pizza! (yes)
Guys, >we can win right haha...
i cant stop cumming to mamma....
sounds fun, why not
It changes the % to a _
Replace any _ with %
It's so Raover
t. mountain monkey
implied for now. she's asked chat which their favorite gaachas were.
would love if raora did this in a karaoke, it's played in one of the last episodes of the sopranos when AJ is hospitalized after attempting suicide and it's one of the heaviest moments of the series
Austria has turned into underdogs after Kiara started watching
Italia just needs to know they have a cute panthera mama cheering them on
Will Raora flash her tits if Italy wins?
Only if it makes mamma happy.
no one asked
I will now send my energy to Italy
I'm already in withdrawal from Raora. I need 10 hr of Raora humming along to her BGM
>Raora ASMR stream
>it's just her humming while cooking you dinner
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What car do you think she drives? Or is she one of those hot moped chicks?
Defintely a hot moped kind of gal
Italians usually drive their shitty fiat pandas or lancias that look like a funeral car.
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What coffee did you make this morning, Chattino's?
Please don't be a lancia ypsilon elefantino. Every single Italian girl who drives that car drives like shit
Fiat pandas are good and I am tired of pretending they are not.
no vabbe
Not happening now
I only drink at midday. A medium roast with an aeropress
anyone have that clip of raora talking about the music she likes?
nespresso pod
you WILL drink the pod and live in the bugs
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[Hisses in Italian]
her eyes are further apart than the lenses on her goggles
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i onno! boh.
they slide along the band
>RRRR i miss mama mia
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>let's try these raoraview goggles
>everything still looks lewd
let's put on these nightmare vision goggles
diocane che sfigati
Squadra di pezzi di merda, non meritano di portare la maglia
Can I get a qrd on today's stream? Was at a wedding all day and can't watch the vod right now
L'unica cosa che fa incazzare più di vederli giocare è io commento della rai porco dio
Pasta finito!
Heard some of you chattini were eating ananas pizza; spamming cucumber emojis and talking crap about Raora's gameplay
Y'all better have said scusa to her
Raor cute, not very good at games, she still tries her best. We got another look at whole model when she showed her claws and zoomed in on her thighs
cute as usual
a little hard to watch her gameplay at times but still fun
I'm Towa.
Little off topic... but where did you find a blank map like that, anon? I've been looking for one like this but most of the ones I find are too small.
got hard thinking about raora again
I looked around a bit for alternatives. Found it at the strangest place. How do you say "you are welcome" in Italian?
Weird, I just get a big wide smile
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both can happen
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Really sad that I'll probably never watch her live since she streams at 4 am for me. Kinda sucks that the member with the worst stream time for me happens to be my favorite lol. I love listening to her vods while working tho, she really made me interested in Vtubers again. Thank you Raora for existing
apparently today was suppose to be a special day/thing for all of justice but it didnt work out
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Vaffanculo /ciao/
she is really sexy without the coat
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only tangentially related to raora, but raora designed the mascot for cecillias fans
Tourist here, I wanted to just say that I'm really happy you love her
that's bloody adorable. What are Ceci's fans called? Gearboys? Midoridachis?
they are deciding on a name right now, sounds like its gonna be Otomos
I beg you guys to get into the /vt/ League for the next edition of it, I NEED to suffer more.
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we barely had a week worth of streams, chill
Gotta make plans for the future.
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vaffanculo anche a te Chattino!
>ceci said she wanted the design to be so simple even she can draw it
>this is why raora drew it like this
>ceci still cant draw it
Molte grazie! Just what I was looking for.
Porca la madonna anon, try not to be rude!
How does Raora wear headphones/earphones?
can someone make a chattino otomo ?
she has 4 ears
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Holy cuuuuute.
looks like its retarded
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I wish the weather stopped the Italy game instead of the German one.
Raora should bust out some spoken Italian lines during her first original song
People absolutely loved it in this https://youtu.be/soRT_xgctZ0?t=61
fat fuck
>best jojo part
>Raora best girl
Am I... Italianphile?
Just like Araki
we're all retarded.
Deep down we all are
>Roman Empire is one of the most admired part of history
>Italian Cuisine is top 3 best in the world, if not THE best
>Italian Renaissance was peak
>Mafias inspired some of the best movies ever
>Italian women considered among the most beautiful
I heard her call herself Italian in a clip. Yab or no?
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>Every HoloJP ever has referred to themselves as Japanese
Man, I never knew JP was so yabe
Oh no the Italian catgirl who speaks Italian and talks about her Italian food said she's Italian. Whatever may we do now that she's fallen into such a yab, how could she ever recover?

What are you going to tell me next? That Kiara is Austrian, Kronii Canadian, Nerissa from the American Midwest and Cecilia German?
don't tell him about the indonesian branch
I'm just being silly by asking that, but only Cecilia of those has it in her official lore that she's from a fictional place, Immerheim. And Raora says "Romans Empire" instead of Italy for her lore. Also for some retarded reason Justice calls Japan "The Far East"
>check out my gearsona
>no, do not steal
>psh… nichtspersonnel, kid
It's ROMANCE Empire, you dunce. Do your homework. All the Justice girls have fictional places as their hometowns
It's Romance Empire, not Romans
actually koyori is a saharan koyote
I was just going off how she pronounces it (my mistake lol)
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I need art of my mama dressed like this
Her giggles...
In truth I wish desperately to be in an unhealthy relationship with Mamma.
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I think that was the point
Rewatching some bits of today's stream right now and noticed that when she was talking about the small myth figures she said small Mori instead of small Calli. She definitely is /here/ chattinibros
if she is here i hope she knows how loved she is and also i cant stop thinking about sex with her
soft raa...
say her name properly....
rarara panties
Being PST is suffering
i miss mamma
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Next week's schedule tomorrow.
What do we want to see besides the collabs we already know and lots of art streams?
cooking stream but its probably too early for her to have figured out how to setup cooking handcam streams
i honestly dont even need her to play games, but if she does i'd like relaxing games that lend to zatsus, i feel she really just excels at being a lovely bundle of energy in zatsus, so if the game can make her talk and have fun then its all the better
I think minecraft will really suit her.
Why does she sound like Towa?
Does Towa smoke?
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I hope she will sing funiculi funicula one day...
Gatto Rosa's already broken kayfabe. The other Justice members have already or will soon, same as Myth, same as CouncilRys, same as Advent all have. It's not that big of a deal.
only based ritual post i've ever seen
If you had to put it into words, how would you say why she is so great at zatsudan?
She's very good at keeping the tone light and being affectionate.
She's passionate about what she's talking about.
She's always looking to crack a joke.
She's very silly.
I like everything from the last week.
I love whoever made this. THANK YOU
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Sleepa sleepa
mamma slept well
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Raora type?
pure normal feels appropriate somehow
lore wise normal/psychic
Good to hear. She’s increasingly becoming my fav of the new girls. Though a big part is I can actually catch her live on weekdays.
if this were to happen which team would /ciao/ parody? one from Serie A perhaps?
where is the nursing handjob from mamma ....
I don't normally follow Hololive, but os Raora a certain pink dog? Everything about her fits perfectly. Also curious that Dya is fangirling over her when she never cared about Hololive before.
No, Raora is not Koyori
i dont know who dya is or who a certain pink dog is but i also dont care! raora is raora, watch her and think for yourself
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Goldenglow from arcnights? Now, Raora is not her and has a totally different Mama, although I feel like she and Goldenglow's Mama have quite a bit in common
mamma has frame up
>In truth I wish desperately to be in an unhealthy relationship with Mamma.
I also dream of being reverse-architected by this woman
Here me out, Raora and Ina using a single Cucumber as a dildo
no cucumber but otherwise nice
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I'm surprised no ones bought up if she knows about Brazilian Pizza
I guess someone must've told her Minecraft can be a good chat interaction + zatsu game
No one wants to think about that
i believe minecraft was always on her schedule, or i at least remember she definitelys aid she'dbe playing minecraft
Is she Dya rikku?
mamma mia
He PL is about as hard to figure out as Henya

>Chattini, assamble!
her ESL is so cute...
I love the way mamma says "i onno?"
page 10 waobump!
>Raora is our mamma
>Raora is otomos mamma
Does it make us (step-)brothers? Cousins?
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raora sex
Raora mama hugs probably feel fluffy and warm
>Smells of pink, coffee and love
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Skippa Skippa? More like Slurpa Slurpa my cocka
>Usually force myself to read everything when playing a game
>Remember Raora
>Skippa skippa
>Enjoying myself more now
Video games are for playing, not for reading
When did Raora go mafia?
I think the Mio/Raora comparison is very on point.
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Mamma on the telly soon.
I hope she's playing this solo
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Its gonna be solo atleast for now
How high are the chances she gets hooked to Minecraft?
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I think we should all learn Italian and start speaking Italian exclusively in these threads. I think it'd be funny.
My first exposure to Rissa was her minecraft stream that end up being more of a zatsu. It was comfy
She said it's going to be solo. They'll probably have a welcome party to the server like usual at some point.
I hope it tickles her creative artsy side.
>10h of pink house building and decorating
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That's how Raora looks at me when I post pizza emojis in chat
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Not like this instead?
that's intentional, the Italian verb is almost the same
Panther Ferrari
NTA, but this is how she looks at my pizza+fries emojis.
idk why but the god eyes mode is pure sex to me
She's going full power when the God eyes are on
Imagine what this implies in bed
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How are non Euro Chattinis doing?
We should.
t. Italian
She can see your browser history if she wanted to
>my kamioshi is streaming at the same time as Raora's first minecraft stream
bros I'm ngmi...
You have two ear and two eyes don't you
Your kamioshi is Raora now.
Just watch them both on holodex at the same time
late reply but make the map WWI era to give KFP some fighting chance
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She said her favourite gacha was a secret iirc
the holy trinity of white women
it's probably genshin
can't say it in holo
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Its time chattini
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this is too tight. She will get necrosis
It's necessary to control her power.
true. mori a real one
time to have sex with my Italian wife-mom in Minecraft
Is mamma actually a real minecraft gamer?
Love the way she says "Appy"
She just needs to eata more pizza so her thighs get even fatter and it snaps clean off
it's probably optifine
"so many 7 pm. Where is it 7 pm right now?"
oh nonono...
>Want to go to the Nether
Oh no, mamma is in danger!
not to numberfag but has raora had a stream where she hasn't hit 10k before she started the game? obviously they just debut'd but I'm pretty sure gigi has already had one or two
>thank you so much for cumming
She's talking to me.
If you don't count the collab then no, she's been remarkably consistent.
I mean most want to hear her talk and chat. I doubt they care for the gameplay as much.
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since its the weekend i can watch freely but im usually VOD gang because its 4am for me right now... but im happy to catch mamma live when i can
That's the reality of streaming to EOPs in JST hours.
>started streaming 10 minutes ago
>already in game
is she playing on bedrock
Snow biome!
Java w/ Optifine w/ Shaders
this is yet another post where an anon doesnt like the voice but her giggles have pierced the blood brain barrier and her voice has grown on me like some sort mold.

i am now a chattini.
Got me feeling warm looking forward to Christmas with Mamma.
zatsu game

Mamma is gaming.
her world creation menu didn't have settings tho
Isn't minecraft a zatsu game?
She has a beef PC nice
>Q for sneak
Did she really?
>Sprint with shift
Isn't that the norm for older games?
>literally anything
oh my god I'm so happy
Mods are in the video description too.
didn't shiori have a hoyo character in her husbando list?
Why the fuck would she do that?
>barely played minecraft

is she 35 or 14?
For me It was the first art stream. The overall energy had me go all Anton Ego face. It was very Nina Kousaka.
I love how warm that woman is
She found a village already
Comfy winter village date with Raora!
>she laughed because it looked like a dick
i'm 32 and i played minecraft for like 30 minutes at best
do newer games not do it anymore?
Womrn only started getting into games that aren't The Sims in 2015
She clearly know how to play
>those noises
im sensing something...
Probably closer to 35, but it is better this way.
hello sar
running is always on unless turned off
>she's playing unoptimally
ngmi ngmi ngmi
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this is not holoserver?
>didn’t allocate more memory
No permission yet cause collab ban.
That comes later
Does minecraft still allocate only 1gig by default?
>bottom these nuts
>she didn't find the chest
I wanna play on Mamma's world along with Mamma! Does Minecraft not have world seeds or something?
skippa skippa
2 gigs
gotta change java arguments to increase it and women are too retarded to do that
mofu mofu ship
wanna bet she dies within 30 mins ?
cute yelp
women sure can argue though am i right anons? ha ha ha ha ha ha
>1080p resolution
>tripcodeless namefag
actually grim
I have some wood for her right here
>can you feed me
jesas my penis
gotta get the best performance am I right ?
Tripcodes can help verify a user's identity to others, and are a type of pseudo-registration. To use a normal tripcode, place a hash mark ("#") followed by a word or short phrase after what you've entered into the [Name] field (ex. "User#password"). Upon submission, the server will generate the hash unique to that particular word or phrase. The previous example would display "User !ozOtJW9BFA" after being posted.
inb4 60 hz too
on the ather hand, fuck fripfags
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Bros, how do you get an Italian wife? I think I'm falling in love.
This bgm is a bit too repetitive
I think you have to go to Italy
I wonder if she mainly played creative just to build stuff. Or someone was providing her basic resources, so she never got through early game on her own.
most of the GPU is processing the garbage collector
go to italy?
You should be grateful it's not the same of the kanade one...
a vespa, with a little scarf in the air, like snoopy does
>live in Italy
>talk to Italian woman
>convince one to marry you
Bait with food
>kanade bgm
That's how you get schizophrenia if you didn't have it already.
the kanade one is absolutely criminal. I can feel my IQ being sapped whenever I tune into her stream and she has it playing. It is also bae's outro I think
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>talk to [...] woman
>Kanade bgm
Ah no wonder this feels familiar
kanade's bgm puts hair on your chest and smooths your brain, its perfect for watching her. cant think of a more perfect bgm streamer combo
Do you want Italian wife (male) or something?
Anon, do (You) trust Mamma?
Unbreak the pasta
of course
how do I level up my speech skill bros
Aqua's brain rot bgm?
talk to people
Eat more pasta
Just woke up, how is the stream going?
The same way you level up in games, repetition.
Utterly. She's quickly becoming my oshi. I've never given money to holos ever because cheap as fuck but her membership seems temping...
thats a good one but i have kanade and her bgm over it, its the slowness at which she speaks coupled with the bgm, you can literally feel your brain slow down
I am trusting.
Exploring a winter wonder land with Mamma!
depends what you are, a unicorn, a cgdct, a corpotrobalfag, all of the above. Idk about male collabs but expect 100% collabs outside the wall.
>Spanish first language
>Can learn Italian or Portuguese in a month
Feels good
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guys, i've been hearing and watching this before lunch, and honestly, she's so retarded, i love her so much
*Reminder: Woman are also people
>cute noises
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>I love your voice, Raora-chan... so soothing.
JPbros love her.
>I need that meat
Mamma.... take mine
>Decent at killing rabbits
Probably better than ERB at FPS games.
How about not leaning into the stereotype so much, Raora?
it's impossible to resist her
she clearly just loves to do it at this point, let mamma do what she wants
TWbros too.
ESL Watame...
If she's this excited for Minecraft food just imagine treating her to your own home cooking...
My favorite part about italian racism is there's basically nothing you can say that's actually insulting.
>You like food
>You talk too much
>S-side switchers
>How dare you be catholic
Like there's no serious ammo other than playing into the memes yourself like breaking pasta, which just make you the dumbass.
JP yearns to restore the Axis
oh it broke
How bout you shut-uppa and enjoy the stream fagtini?
>need a pickaxe?
she is growing on me bros, and I don't even watch chuubas anymore.
better do your italian cooking reps for not fuck that up chattino.
And I mean italian-italian, not burger-italian or some other shit.
You can call them brown. They hate that.
I hope she keeps this world and plays on it ocassionally after the collab ban lifts.
i'd let her switch my side
That's not uniquely italian though. You can call anybody brown and they'll hate it.
Imagine cooking together with mamma...
Tasting the food using the same spoon and wiping the sauce on the edge of her mouth...
That's all mediterraneans so not scathing enough
I never thought I'd find a EN vtuber I enjoy watching live. She's so comfy.
she just dug into a cave
>Digs straight down with no pickaxe
>Punches through one block of stone and immediately falls 20 feet into a cave
>fell into a ravine
it's raover
the giggle...
>suntanned raora in a summer dress with visible tanlines
Staying with Raora in the dark for a few minutes...
>is a woman
lancia ypsilon without a doubt
Peak sex.
Next outfit please mammma.
earlier i was watching the vod from the content warning collab and that shit was honestly entertaining, almost as much as this is being

and i hate streams

she's and justice are the chosen ones
Personally, as a short hair enjoyer, I just hope her second outfit has a short hair toggle.
That weirdo? Me.
Its me and its my wife
I ordered pizza with fries to try it out from my local kebab place.
They just dumbed soft lukewarm fries on regular pizza. This is how I bond with Raora.
I'm that weirdo.
Raora saying weirdo turns me on similarly as CC saying "I hate it, I hate it.."
All me
lol, I love her
She is so retarded it's endearing desu I remember my first time in Minecraft I was retarded too, but I also was like 11 years old
>They just dumbed soft lukewarm fries on regular pizza.
that's the pizza with fries experience

it's a kiddy flavour
Why is she giggling so much
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Her giggling is making me too happy bros
Fries will always get soft if they're delivered unfortunately

You can make them crispy again with an oven/air fryer I guess
On a global scale that insult is kind of negated by the most expensive luxury shit you can possible get in a ton of categories being from Italy.
i love how much she enjoys being called mamma, it makes me horny
too hairy
someone spray this man with water
It was much better then
I feel like now when I play if I'm not building something magnificent I'm not playing right and get bored. I miss the comfy, retarded yet peaceful confusion of early minecraft
Hence I quit yubicraft
Also fuck phantoms holy shit. Way to ruin a building simulator by not letting people enjoy their builds at night.
I love how she shrieks then just has no further reaction
she didn't go on a coffee shit yet? kinda sus
i love how she repeats the same word like she's talking to a retarded special needs kid. it makes me feel included.
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I feel myself getting deader by the day, but her.. the way she is has sparked a little bit of life back in me.
>starts thinking about food
She’s really bad at video games yet still gets double Gigi’s viewers
fatto catto
This is the power of hags
Don't use Mamma to play numbers games against her genmates, faggottino.

here's your italian reps for today chattini
bros I am worse at games than her, how did I let that happen
She is not bad at vidya, just her first time playing minecraft, she should have watched a minecraft basics video before stream tho.
I typed it as carrino in google and it said you are a wagon.
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>chattini when mamma praises them
stop numberfagging against gigi in here
Bigger than Okayu!
I don't think people care about that. They like her personality and not her gaming skills.
Gigi is fine too, people like different things.
it's because gigi screams like a retard. I need a soft voice
She'd definitely go skippa skippa if she picks up Yakuza
true, also the game didn't handhold you as much, which would make you more dependent on Wikipedia, which in turn would make you learn faster about stuff and the ceiling to get into the game was lower. Although I remember autistically looking up every recipe. Also as I grew older I got less enthusiastic/creative, so if the game doesn't have a proper story that I'm grinding for I'll get bored/disillusioned with the game and drop it. Minecraft is too much of a pointless sandbox for me, I always loved shitty mods that would add new areas, lore, bosses, like that mod with Twilight Forest, hydras, medusas and stuff, it feels like it adds more objectives besides "build a house, kill a dragon"
Imagine if by next HoloFes, you start hearing a bunch of fans speaking Italian and it becomes the 3rd most spoken language at the event
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usually, you don't watch chuubas to be perfect at games - but fumbling cutely instead. Patrician experience right here
what does skippa skippa mean, mamma says that all the time but i dont get it
Since when is Minecraft about being "good" at it anyways
To skip something, usually game dialogue
It's that peanut butter brand
Skipping story/tutorials/long text in general.
Unsurprisingly, mamma is hungry
I want to feed mamma...
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I think it needs to be baked with the pizza, not just dump on it
>collecting veggies by jumping and destroying farm land
Mamma isn't very bright...
The person that rigged her model did her great justice.
oh, i thought it would be more obscure
I want mamma to feed me
Gigis gremlin type of cute, which I can see the appeal. But Roara is classically cute, which is girly, giggly etc. I'm into this.
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>Also as I grew older I got less enthusiastic/creative
For me it was raising my standards too high.

I remember when I first built a 20x20 castle walls, only one block thick, with basically a house-sized castle in the middle and being so proud and impressed with myself
Now... if i'm not grinding 8 double chests worth of material before I start building, I'm disappointed, and even the finished product doesn't give me the sense of WOW it did as a kid, especially compared to other peoples builds.

Where once I was smiling ear to ear at a shitty build, now I'm disappointed unless its good, and too bored to actually autistically plan said good thing.
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very true, retards trying to backsit chuubas in Minecraft completely miss the point of the sandbox game - where you craft your own fun however you want and there's no single "right" way. It's nice to see chattini being reasonable in this regard.
Yibbeeee! :DDD
Me sleeping in her bed
who tf is "sherry senpai"
Based church builder. I pretty much lost motivation after finishing botan church, didn't even decorate much. Came back a couple times trying to finish the town around it, but gave up every time
Gigi is no type of cute. She is diseased in the mind and body.
kill yourself
Shiorin lol
I've learned from an Italian that this is usually called Pizza Topolino on italian kids menus, and Topolino is the name of Mickey mouse in Italy, so this is essentially Mickey mouse pizza.
She's so fucking dumb bros I love her
raora love
she put all of her points in Charisma
Well, I used to build a lot as a kid, some builds would take me days on servers with friends, right now, I'm partially disappointed with myself but also can't assed to do that, I'll try something, spend a lot of hours, only to look at it and think "that's not enough and I just wasted bunch of hours on this shit, fuck that". Pretty nice build though, Noel would love it lol. I'm more of an RPG/exploration fag rather than a creative builder, I always wanted to turn my Minecraft into this experience where I descend into cave and find some biom/monster I've never seen before. Also I hate that Minecraft is low fantasy, give me spells and shit. Terraria is more my stuff, but I'd love 3d game like that.
I'd love to see the game in the future that would be something like a mix of Minecraft and Made In Abyss
I don't care what Eyetalians say, pineapple is kino on pizza.
Damn Shiorin and Biboo, Raora is definitely a favorite of advent. When the collab ban lifts we gonna be eating good (Mamma may be nervous in the first few tho ngl)
you would be right
Imagine a holodorokei event but with Justice chasing Advent
Advent is also in japan currently
First collab after the ban lifts will definitely be a Justice vs Advent group given their lores
>They gonna go back
You hear that Meloni?
Any name ideas for the shiori + raora pairing?
strength 3
perception 1
endurance 3
charisma 10
intelligence 1
agility 1
luck 10
filtered voices
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I don't feel so good anons
Damn, Kaela raid now. Everyone loves this girl.
Of course Minecraft summons Kaela
the benefits of filling an empty slot
Raora collecting senpais
Library cat
yep, that sounds much better
a lot of holos watching her.
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She's best girl. Even gura has tried to rizz up the pizza gatta
Raora telling Biboo that maybe she's just better at minecraft than her while looking at her reversed door actually made me laugh, pure kino.
tf does this mean
Yeah but Biboo is keeping her normal US stream time and doing work in JP. The fact she's up and watching Raora is still a big deal when you factor all that in.
Holos watch each other when they're not streaming themselves, noone is streaming rn
He means that no other HoloEN streams in this timeslot. Yeah, that helps but that's not the main reason.
I meant that as in they could off collab since they will still stay there for a bit
tons of holos are streaming right now, tourist
only from en side, also it's a rare sight a holoen streaming at this time.
I love the way she screams at the villager to get out of the house.
shes like effortlessly bantering with her senpais and chat at the same time, shes good
Wait, I just got why she's called Raora ... !
Yes JPs, but I was obviously talking EN/ID because most HoloENs are EOP
She also doesn't put up slow mode too
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Raora actually already fed all of Advent by inviting them for one big dinner at her place before her debut and now they're addicted to her cooking. Soon they'll be fighting each other for who gets the privilege to marry the Italian mamma and that's ultimately Raora's plan for catching Advent, divide and conquer
I just want some mamma's pizza...
She is pissing on my mouth, brb guys.
Meant to quote >>79584635
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yeah - noticed that as well, based, BASED as fuck
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me showering in "idol meeting" juices
is she taking a caffeine dump?
On my mouth, yes.
Need to commission some scat fanart.
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>watching Pink Cat stream for the first time
cook the french fries separately, add 3/4 of them halfway through cooking the pizza and the remaining 1/4 when the pizza is ready. It is not difficult.
Your oshi pees a lot.
I should've grabbed some water instead of spamming pizza in chat
who are you already membered to?
will you member to raora?

And that's a good thing.
Heavy coffee drinker, please understand.
lol, retard
She honestly makes me so happy. I thought early morning streaming would make it hard for me to watch her but it honestly just forced me to fix my sleep schedule.
it is kind of sad that I'll only be able to catch the start of her streams in a year when I graduate and get a real job.
I'm a cheap bastard

But I will be here shitposting when I'm awake.

JWU hows the stream been?

[s]I set my alarm for Saturday instead of Sunday...[/s]

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