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>implying Doki is lying
>implying Sayu is lying
>Implying Raora is lying
The NijiENs are starting to mudsling and lashout now
it's funny because NijiEN fans are the first ones to do moral grandstanding and mob justice, even to their own "livers" (scarle getting starbucks), but when they're staring a flagrantly evil corporation and its enablers in the face they suddenly become devil's advocates
Honestly let them be!
The less Nijisanji learn from their own mistakes the better.
>Imagine the entire internet making fun of you based on a lie
Nijisanji self reported tho
why can't they just leave it well enough alone
how is this going to help their declining viewership
I'm so confused
No way
I unironically don't want them to fail because if they fail those refugees are just going to latch onto the Hololive fandom like a virus
Are we sure there isn't any missing context here? Who says she is talking about Nijisanji let alone Selen specifically?
>locked comments
kek thats a nijishitter alright
What makes you think they enjoy Hololive like at all? Tribalism runs too deep in their veins
I'm willing to give this the absolute benefit of the doubt that she's talking about the small dramas that the antis fired up and not the Selen one specifically

If she actually believes Anycolor did nothing wrong to Selen and sisters adopt this train of thought as facts then I have a big fucking bridge to sell to them
>I expect better from people
Most people do. That's why they're so critical of the niji.
It's a clip from a 4+ hour stream, so I have no idea what the actual context is
>how is this going to help their declining viewership
It's not. They're flailing now, mindbroken and refusing to admit what they've done to Sayu and Doki. They believe they are in their full rights to push those two to suicide.
They are in PANIC mode because they can't silence Matara or Mint either who are backing up Sayu and Doki's stories every day
Let me guess, this was taken out of context but Dokifags will believe she's talking about their oshi for some reason.
it was about a story she read online where a woman wanted to get payment from an accident
>I unironically don't want them to fail because if they fail those refugees are just going to latch onto the Hololive fandom like a virus
The collapse can't be stopped at this point, it's inevitable. The only question is how soon it happens. I'm just hoping they scurry back to kpop rather than moving onto Hololive.
>>79514216 (Me, a "Dokifag")
>watching Aia for four+ hours
>watching her at all
Yup, it’s a sister.
>Dramafags feeling called out by her accurate assessment of their retarded crusade

I don't know who this is and their bio is just emoji spam
Yaaawn…oh another vagueshitting to fuel the Nijisis flame.
Hey do you all remember when Nijisis were handpicking everything Mint was saying? Then Matara? Good times.
Leave you with this schizo Nijisis, I know hutville has no meds so have fun being btfo again in a week or two.
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>anyone who hates on Niji is a dragoon
and here i thought aia couldn't get worse
Shouldn't have turned yourself in such a fun punching bag then. Can't blame the trolls for knocking on your door when you invite them over.
[Citation needed]
there you go retard.
Did you purposely ignored the tweet OP shared? If anyone's taking it out of context it's that one sister with her tweet, not only did she cut her video she also left 0 context to purposely make it ambiguous, very on brand with Nijisanji's usual fuckup anouncements.
Sayu's mama, good friend, and saviour. Hates Niji with a passion
Anyone that’s ever used “kekaroo” in a serious capacity should be launched via catapult into the Pacific.
Didn't know shitposting is serious business
still waiting on those receipts she definitely has
As if we all didn't use kekaroo liberally in 2013
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We take shitposting very seriously here on /vt/.
Aia's had horrible antis long before Selen was terminated. I feel like this is unrelated.
It is to me, now get in the bucket.
Well, kek-a-doodle-doo.
Not even my dick is that stiff and im hording shion lewd in my storage
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Post the updated version
Niji organs getting desperate because no one is giving a shit to their shenanigans right now
Merge incoming
In like two months some NijiEN is going to go crazy and post literally everything. It's going to be a shitshow. Everybody's shit will be on full display and this board will be glorious.
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Much better
Impressive. This very thread proves her point.
Oh, so OP is stirring shit based on a video taken out of context by nijinig to rile up both sides on /VT/ and xitter? Bravo peak /VT/ moment right here!!!
That clip is taken out of context.

That isn’t very likely, if only because a good chunk of NijiEN’s dirty laundry was already aired out in the period of February to March. What can you do to top that?
Depending on the member too, you would have to take their claims with a massive grain of salt. Someone like Elira, Enna, Millie, Vox, Hex aren’t exactly trustworthy. And most of the other Nijis are probably still friends behind the scenes that they wouldn’t want to rock the boat.
If they don't like Hololive, they'll infect it and try to change it into something palatable to them. Luckily, Hololive has a built-in antivirus currently where there's very clear indicators for what makes money for Cover. So just making angry tweets won't overpower that.
I have a bridge to sell you if you think actual women (non lesbians) watch Aia.
My bet is on Finana, Vox, Reimu, or Hex cracking.
They seem at the end of their ropes, and only really Finana would be stupid enough to be "untrustworthy" about it, since she only really parrots whatever opinion she heard last.
You do realize it's not just dokifags that hate Nijisanji right?
I didn’t say the sisters were women, though.
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>Aia has talked in the past about how people are hanging to her every word and using anything to get at her
>Monkeyman here proves her point and I imagine some containment breakers already sent hate her way
We already see if Niji falls, hololive will hire more like ERB
What are you talking about? Not a single one of those three said Aia did anything wrong, so no, she's not saying they're lying.
You're just making shit up for drama and to attack innocent people. As always. As she is talking about right now.
>Not a single one of those three said Aia did anything wrong
You're only right by a technicality
They haven't named any names and neither has Aia but you are retarded if you what both sides are talking about
If the sister's deillusion on who is a dragoon was true our numbers would be quite a lot it feels like anyone who anti's kurosanji must be a dragoon according to the sisters :D
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Found the context because I was listening to it yesterday while playing a Sonic game. The context is literally about that woman that got second degree burns from her Mcdonalds coffee and how she was made fun of as a "Karen" when she just wanted her medical bills paid. It goes from 38:20 to 39:45, the last few seconds being where the out of context clip in the OP came from.
How is Raora related to the Niji civil war? Isn't she the new Italian Hololive lady?
I don't think anyone doubts that holobronies make up a large amount of them as well. The r/kurosanji subreddit you made is full of random Hololive posts for some mysterious reason.
And yet she will never, ever learn to stop saying things that can easily be taken out of context and acknowledging how easy she is to troll
How is this about NijiEN? This could be simply be about people virtue signalling.
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>Says something that has nothing to do with the current situation and isnt even related to vtubing in any capacity
God I hate the vtuber fandom, you people are fucking worthless and contribute thing.
>Good friend and savior
KEK, she literally shit-talked cause her model was late, don't expect any new outfits now she's in holo either.
Fucking Sayu fags man, always propping up their whore as some martyr instead of just some unprofessional retard.
Her impact was so meaningless that she's not even included in any art featuring graduated livers.
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You've been trying to push this image as a thing since may. Give up already.
> don't expect any new outfits now she's in holo either.
she has at least 2 in the pipeline already. watch streams. Or don't. We don't want you there.
>Her impact was so meaningless that she's not even included in any art featuring graduated livers
Because people fell for the smear campaign.
She didn't say anything out of context, its all about how a woman was clowned on by the internet because of the severe burns she got from her mcdonalds coffee. Its more about anti clippers doing anything to paint some of NijiEN's talents in a bad light.
That's not to say every NijiEN talent is innocent, Enna and Millie have done a lot of dumb shit over the years. But in this instance its a massive reach.
Within the context of her story regarding the lady who got injured from the Coffee that gave her THIRD DEGREE BURNS HOLY FUCK, she is completely right to say that. Only retard bootlickers disagree.

But if you apply it to a broader sense, let's say Nijisanji screwing over several of their ex talents and even driving one of them into an attempt, it is 100% okay to dunk on them for their lack of transparency and abusive use of NDAs (which were meant to protect trade secrets and tech, not cover up crimes). They literally dug their own grave with their absurd behavior and Nijisisters don't want to admit that.
>Sayu's mama, good friend, and saviour. Hates Niji with a passion

>First reply says it's not about the niji drama and it's taken ooc
Can someone confirm? Either way the OP is a bit too innocent I'd they think people will not interpret it that way.
Honestly I don't really care about what happened to Zaion and Selen I've just been a Nijisanji anti ever since Luxiem debuted because male vtubers are a cancer.
Literally in the fucking tweet ya nig nog
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I'm a 100% pure niji-anti

I want to see the company close down forever
The moral justification Doki's triple-terminations granted us is merely one more bullet in the metaphorical gun aimed at niji's marketability

God bless Doki and the shit flinging the assassination attempt on her has granted us
Doki is too powerful
So true sister(male)!
Elira going out swinging while airing everything out would be kino redempation arc ngl
if she throws management and enna for egging her on under the bus, while being sorry to Doki, I can see it leaving an impact
hell if she airs out the name complete with picture of the piece of shit management who maliciously targeted Selen, I'd go rally behind her cause lmao
>hell if she airs out the name complete with picture of the piece of shit management who maliciously targeted Selen
She wouldn't doxx herself, anon
>a nobody has an opinion
her voice is shit, and buy an ad
Just self report though, kek
I want to enjoy NijiEN. I used to enjoy NijiEN. I just can't in good conscience watch anyone affiliated with that company anymore. It is what it is. Everyone moves on.
i remember that, what the fuck were people thinking, and what the fuck was mcdonalds thinking about giving the chocolate that hot
>graduated livers
do your reps
Selen wasn't the only organ fucked over. It's clearly a systemic issue caused by multiple staffers. One manager with a grudge couldn't have fucked over so many people or ruined Selen this badly.
I didn't realize the smear campaign compelled this retard to start up drama every other month after she returned to indie. Sayu's career trajectory post-corpo is much closer to Mikeneko's, and only served to confirm the general community's bias against this walking red flag.
though i honestly don't see it
at most she's been indifferent and avoiding saying Selen name
I can see her not lifting a finger if Doki gets an accident or an attempt, but the petty malicious targeting Selen got reeks of enna's MO more
not the first time considering enna is enna and even ruined Wrestlesanji, considering we see how Wrestletuber should be in all it's true glory
also explains why Millie rubbed things in, she's too stupid to start shit, but hopping on something her bff did is definitely fitting for her
sure Elira being a supreme enabler at letting enna go nuts makes her guilty too, but I can see an amnesty trade for it if we get confirmation of who the main culprit is 100% complete with all info kek
especially if she throws enna under the bus with all of it being her idea
Gumi did mention that they already self reported kek
consider the predator was only in it because he thought Selen recorded something incrinimating on him, only for it to be a nothing burger, imma keep him out
this leaves the 3, the clique
there's a difference between normal iconic black company shit(see Kuro, Matara, Mint, Michi, the play button thing) and complete absolute malicious petty targetting(see Zaion and Doki)
there's someone not Riku calling the shots
Riku is just a dumbass, but isn't actually hands on
the only question is who that piece of shit is
>Gumi did mention that they already self reported kek
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>sayu reconnects with and clears the air both privately and publicly with people she's been worried about
>outright admits that while there are actual scumbags who hate her, her brainworms have caused her to see even more enemies where they don't exist, allowing her to work around them to reconnect further with older friends and acquaintances, while slowly forming new friendships too and becoming happier overall

If anything, I'd say she's the complete opposite of Mike. She's actually, truly healing.
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Nta but here
>they fail those refugees are just going to latch onto the Hololive
have you seen holostars? if nijifag/sisters are stopping being a triballist and coming to holo fandom, stars will pull kuzuha or early vox number, but thats never happen because those nijifag/sister are not gonna watch holo.
oh I'm sorry I confused this with Grimmi
I'll believe you when she can get to the end of the year without throwing herself into some new drama and her ""fans"" plaster her face all over the catalog.
She won't. Matara's already apologized for what she did
Trying to bait people into replying on the Tweet so they can claim "It never said who this is addressed to! Why do you feel addressed by this?" and since this was posted here, they can claim Sayu or Doki fans are 4channers.
People can't reply to the tweet
>What was the point of this thread then?
Dragoons are insanely thin skinned and think everything is about Doki
No one is making fun of Aia because no one cares about Aia.
Oh my fucking god, sorry I didn't specify it FOR YOU.
1. Can't reply to the tweet
2. Everybody knows that Sayu and Doki fans use 4chan because every vtuber fan uses 4chan
Baffling post, anon
They are always projecting. Seeing the worst outcome from their perspective. 'All companies are like this. All livers backstab each other. All vtubers are paid as low as 2%.' If they believe fans will resort to violence, it's because of how they feel.
Silly to think the winning side has to do anything for Nijisanji to implode on themselves. It's been going non-stop. Just sit back and watch.
If you don't provide proof of this explicit apology from Matara, I'll assume Sayu's fanbase is still infected with lying dramafaggots and it's best for everyone to continuing avoiding her.
Wait what
Sayu's her best friend and Raora saved Sayu's life after Nijisanji terminated her and pulled their smear campaign
This mindbreaks the nijisister btw
Wtf is this abomination of an outfit
>If they believe fans will resort to violence, it's because of how they feel.
That must be it. I never thought of it but this makes a ton of sense.
>You just want to be right

I suspect that it's largely because of the fact that big enough chunk of western populace has been successfully reduced to chinese bugmen mental state.

Who is so obsessed with saving face so desperately? Someone who has no other meaningful property in life.

Or maybe we're all arguing with clueless boneheaded teenagers who have nothing better to do.

Yeah it's probably the later.
What does OP have to do with any of this? It's about the Mcdonalds coffee lawsuit.
> hell the reasons why I even have replies off is so people don't chime in and think she's talking about some drama or whatever. it's just commentary on how the internet at large tends to be, but I guess people will conveniently forget that this place is a shithole
Sayu is objectively worse than mikeneko in this regard, Sayu says what she says on her own volition, miguel has a bunch of EOP shitposters while she tries to move on
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This frightens the sister
When twitter complained about Holostars eating McDonald's fries, they just ignored them. No forced apology like with Scarle.
That's all that needs to be done. Just ignore the clout chasers.
Aia is based as fuck and the fact she upsets /vt/ dramafags makes me like her even more
>insanely thin skinned
like oshi like fanbase
So, what does Doki or Niji drama have to do with it?????
>"ya'll know"

They literally all talk like this.
Didn't even read the thread and already created fights in your head, no one cares about her, you didn't own the haters this time, sorry.
Texans? Yeah
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I think you clicked on the wrong website
this is the FalseEyeD comment section isn't it?
>clip dramabait
>complain when dramafags appear
With fans like these who needs antis?
>refugees are just going to latch onto the Hololive fandom like a virus
Far too late for that. Where do you think most beggars come from?
proof is not being a retard that doesn't know her pl
Raora has no affiliation with Sayu. It's so fucking typical of Sayu and her troll fanbase to leech off of more popular streamers. It reeks of desperation.

A hololive member has nothing to gain from acknowledging a menhera who's proven time and time again to have loose lips and looser morals.
That's cray
Sayu is quite literally Raora's best friend, sis
That's Dya, it's not even up for debate. But yes, Raora and Sayu are undoubtedly friends.
try watching streams and doing your reps
Whos this, she has fuckin cute voice but models fucking suck. Her moral yappin didn't help tho
aia the raspberry queen
maybe former raspberry queen now that other shitters exist in nijien
What is the Raspberry Queen?
That voice doesn't fit the model.
Dissect the rest of Yunniho's corpse and follow from there. I fed you her eyes and that's all I can feed you. Eat the rest of her body and you will truly understand.
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she's right though, most of the tourists have no investment in Nijisanji or "the truth" they just wanna grandstand and go on a moral crusade. zoomers are absolutely obsessed with dogpiling on eachother as if being louder on social media makes you cool or something.
You fucking retards, she is not talking about any of the drama.
>She won't. Matara's already apologized for what she did
Pray tell, what did Matara have to apologize for again?
Also, isn't it interesting that Sayu called Mint, Matara and Dokibird her enemies in a stream but as soon as Mint invited her for tea at offkai a couple of days later she suddenly changed her tune and acted like they were her best friends in the whole wide world
Again, Raora, Hololive vtuber, will absolutely never associate herself with Sayu, famous for running her mouth and poisoning brands.
>Also, isn't it interesting that Sayu called Mint, Matara and Dokibird her enemies in a stream
This never happened, though I've seen you trying to push this bullshit more than once and I guess you'll keep trying until the end of days.
>Sayu called Mint, Matara and Dokibird her enemie
huh? sister sayu called liver who still in niji her enemies, i think the clips is still around, she talk about snake(finana) and kotoka who backstab her, not mint, let alone doki do your reps.
No Sayu did contribute a grain of knowledge before Offkai that some ex-Nijis are bad people. Obviously Quinn is one but it's anybody's guess who the others are. I think she may have been thinking Matara but Matara at least apologized to her at Offkai. The other alternative is Michi which I can sort of see it.
So like I say, just making shit up.
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>My bet is on Finana, Vox, Reimu, or Hex cracking.
Finana alone is the weakest of the clique (CCV and mentally)
>Matara at least apologized to her at Offkai.
this never happened. matara never did anything that she'd need to apologize for. in fact it was sayu that had to apologize to matara for breaking her trust. sayucucks are so fucking retarded.
>matara never did anything that she'd need to apologize for
Blocked her from Vshojo and censoring her name in chat is a big deal
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>Also, isn't it interesting that Sayu called Mint, Matara and Dokibird her enemies in a stream
care to post hroofs about that?
>Blocked her from Vshojo
We don't even know that's the case. Most likely it was someone else blocking her, she was talking about it before she had her falling out with Matara.
>censoring her name in chat
Absolute nothingburger, you should not be bringing up other vtubers in someone else's chat anyway.
mmm ꜱoy
Matara got two of her own friends into Vshojo and you don't think she can't pick and choose who gets into Vshojo?
She absolutely cannot. While I'm sure their personal connections helped, all three of those people were personally picked by Gunrun. The only member I think has real influence over hiring is Ironmouse, and even that is limited.
Matara got two of her own friends into Vshojo and you don't think she can't pick and choose who gets into Vshojo
And that made Nyanners to quit, so far she's good on my book
She's 100% right but I doubt she'd be any different had she been on the other side of the fence
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>people still trying to push matara vs sayu after offkai
Is this the way someone who still hates the other person would talk?
Whatever happened, it's over.
>Blocked her from Vshojo
never happened
>censoring her name in chat
because retards like you were spamming it to attack her
I love when clueless anons pretend to know vtubing history
Dramafags are still seething because in just one day Sayu, Matara, and Mint destroyed a lot of their rrats.
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>Nyanners leaves VShojo in April 2023
>NotMatara announces graduation June 2023
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Yeah, even the sincroknights know Sayu wasn't faultless and that as much as she felt ostracized, and there WERE people actively trying to hate or attack her, a lot of it was seriously just her brainworms causing her to see enemies everywhere else, too.
She's in a MUCH better head space now and has taken steps to avoid stuff like this happening ever again.
I am extremely thankful to roachmom for whatever they talked about at that lunch to make up.
Me too
there are some cuckold fetishists from SEA who watch the girls and masturbate to them collabbing with the guys. just open xitter and you can see many of them, but I advise you to don't, it's really a disgusting view.
>guise i was so sad i tried to kill myself
i tend to not trust people suicidebaiting
uh... anon
The story is often told in the form of
>Americans are so incompetent they cause their own problems and then sue each other over them
As in
>Woman spills coffee on herself and then blames McDonalds for causing her to spill coffee on herself

Few people care to actually look into what happened.
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Does this tendency not alleviate at all in the face of overwhelming evidence of a toxic work environment that everyone who had left has hardly anything positive to say about it, while those still remaining have all the spirits of a funeral wake?
not at all, in fact, i totally believe niji is a cesspit of a company and basically everyone there is bound to be miserable but suicidebait kills any potential sympathy i could feel about her situation
You don't know what suicidebaiting is.
just for you anon, i will write as: she tried and succeeded in getting more attention and "poor you"s by claiming to have attempted to take her own life
NTA but yeah, you don't know what suicidebaiting is.
But it's okay when doki does it? Hurr duur?
If you weren't retarded you'd realise that the anon you're replying to was referring to Doki.
oh, then you're a retard.
>Sayu bad
NDF needs to come up with better material this shit is stale
>Aia is a good niji, they said
so that was a fucking lie
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Rent. Free.
Pretty sure the overwhelming majority of anons have zero opinion about her, she's too forgettable. Regardless it was apparently about the McDonald's coffee woman, and for some retarded reason the sister on twitter decided to clip it out of context, obviously not realising it's not a good look.
nijikeks occasionally try and push the idea that Aia is "one of the good ones" so at least now that fiction can be dispensed with
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Any time I see something about aia it's always her trying to start drama
I think it's more likely they move on to vshojo. Most of their talents ended up there anyway.
Probably something among the lines of "Scissor me now, you wonderful hag"
I mean if Finana leaked her audition to valoguards who knows what else she leaked to them?
She is talking about a completely unrelated thing
that's what you'd like us to believe wouldn't you nijinig
Counter-point: if she leaked anything other than her audition tape to the valoguards, why haven't they leaked it /here/ yet? Why do you think non-valoguards know about her tape, and have seen it?

She can't leak any information to a private discord server without that information making its way /here/ or elsewhere. Nobody can, the very nature of information makes it impossible - that's the whole point of NDAs, to try to stop those leaks from happening in the first place.
I assumed Kuro got in because of his interview with Mouse where he made her laugh super hard.

Damn that's one ugly laugh
>Raora has no affiliation with Sayu.
He doesn't know.
I wonder if a niji fan will try to do something stupid at the Doki panel...
She sounds like a witch cackling...
Of course you won't, dramaturd.
I'll be honest with you. Helping out Sayu from being dogpiled by sisters just for her to self doxx like those flesh vtubers is annoying as fuck. Good luck to her though.
Aia is a good girl.
She's a whore
looking forward to seeing her nudes when she inevitably pisses even them off
Event staff will frown upon such shenanigans. And on top of that, Doki hired some extra security, just in case.
The sisters who are at AX are more angry at Niji for cancelling the show at the last minute than they are at Doki for existing; the general majority of sisters who are angry at Doki for existing, and are angry enough to start some shit on the convention floor, are also too poor to afford an AX badge plus airfare plus hotel, plus passport and visa acquisition costs if applicable, plus food in downtown LA restaurants over the 4th Of July weekend.

Between the costs of actually going to the convention and the conspicuous presence of security, the chances of the sisters actually starting some shit are extremely low. The chances are not zero, but that's why AX and Doki hired security in the first place. The most the sisters will do or can do is bitch and moan and seethe, whether here or on twitter.
Fuck Dookie and her Fagoons. They are the cause of so much. Betrayal and shitting on those who made her. Fuck her.
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Don't mind if i do fuck her! Now Doki will command you and nijiniggs to seethe eternally!!!
ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning
None of this is true. It's Dookie whining for victim points. Niji is the best agency in the world and the Livers all agree with that statement.
>scarle getting starbucks
>moral grandstanding
What did Starbucks even do to piss off a vtuber fanbase?
They support genocide
After the Israel thing they went after their workers union for pro Palestine posts up to and including suing them for using the Starbucks logo. That's enough to get em on the list.
Wtf, I love Starbucks now
the nijien fanbase are the same kind of people who think that every time you buy a cup of coffee from starbucks the ceo personally shoots a palestinian child in the head
This model is shit, I thought she was a man until she started talking.
No Lelouch controlled you and made you think she was a man just like he made shittersanji cancel the concert because of a security concern kek
good lord this bait thread is going everywhere and nowhere at the same time, what quality bait OP good job
So a public facing company wanted representation of them to be apolitical, and stopped people from using their image to make an unapproved political statement? I don't drink Starbucks because their shit always tastes burnt, so I have no horse in this race and don't keep up with it but jesus fuck you lot sound insufferable.

Let me ask you some questions, if you're going to throw stones in this glass house, can you confirm all of your food is ethically sourced, such as your chocolate and coffee? Does your PC and or phone have parts supplied from horrific companies such as Foxconn? Keep in mind they make a number of components included in things like the Xbox and Playstation. and likely your phone. Why is Starbucks the hill you die on?

There's no ethical consumption under capitalism, and you're hounding a poor girl for wanting some coffee and a fucking piece of cake or whatever. You sound like a total faggot and are almost certainly a hypocrite in this case.
Idiot, shitting on Raora isn't in vogue. ERB is all the rage right now
What happened this time?
Elira broke down crying about the concert during persona and the NBA collab will not be selling its north american brand merch to north america. It's japan only. Not even china can buy it, and they're clearly the only people who give a shit about both vtubers and the NBA.
I don't like Niji, I don't like Selen, and I don't like their fans.
> Throwing herself into drama
> Her fans plaster her face all over the catalogue

Sister, you are doing both of those things. Sayu is the biggest punching bag for you. Whenever Niji is fucking up you make 10 falseflag Sayu threads or go into her chat to bait her. You all are a vermin and should genuinely kill yourself
>Implying Raora is lying
You should objectively shoot your brains out sister. Sayu isn't your Mikeneko, she's your Coco
You got a clip of that? I want to hear the whore cry
So true sis. How many subs does the latest Niji gen have? Also, who is even a part of it? I genuinely don't remember
Oh, I don't support it in the slightest Anon. I was just answering the question.
https://streamable.com/cq26x6 it WAS here but it's gone now.
yeah the fuck is a raspberry queen. like blowing a raspberry? nanana neenerneener style?
…I’ve not actually been keeping up on chubas for a few months; Raora is an ex-Niji?
Ah ok nevermind.
im sure you really believe that brother
Keep telling yourself that while Elira keeps crying about the concert she lost.
I think Aia forgot where she is. She is a Nijisanji liver. And Nijisanji livers don't deserve any sympathy or mercy. They should shut up, clench their teeth and take the hate and misfortune in silence unless they leave. She is one of the smallest talents in Niji, how did she think saying something like this would be ok. It probably wasn't about Selen or Sayu but that doesn't matter. It's so vague and out of context that she either did it on purpose to get traction with drama (which is the only way the organs can get traction nowadays) or she's an absolute retard á la Twisty and Claud and has no self awareness. Either way she should be publicly lynched. It's a shame really, I thought she could be one of the good ones
if you're gonna post bait at least make it believable
Why do you think we call them nijiniggers?
I thought it was used during 2016 when pepe was changed into "lord kek"?
she's a niji
One things for sure.
McDonalds cups are heat proof as all hell.
Okay I get Niji flinging shit over Doki and Sayu saying stuff, but what's Raora got to do with any of this?
Her PL is Sayu's mama and was openly shitting on Niji during the #positiveSpamforNijiEN thing. Sisters bring up screenshots of her twitter positively interacting with Nijis before February to try to dispute the fact that she's clearly not on their side.
Roara has publicly despised NijiEN for a while and rightfully so since Sayu's her best friend
yeah so what
Holy rent free
Check the tweet retard
Is it sportsmanlike for Holo to hire people like that?
They literally hired Luna.
Dumb move maybe but who cares it's based, NijiEN is dead, and Anycolor is pulling out of the English market
Is vtubing a sport?
I thought it was all out war?
>252 replies
>its not even about Selen
average dramafag posing as dokifag IQ
leave them be
Never forget, this domino collapse started because of male collabs
Raora's PL was an extremely respected illustrator and vtuber mama, a /lig/, and a regular low 4view despite her voice and weird streaming hours. She's worth it.
Why dont you respond to them on twitter? Why bring this here?
Aia is a nobody and nobody cares about her opinion

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