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ES (/indies/) general
Previous thread >>79430943
What's with the retarded name?
Did Bezos acquire us?
Eru's collab with Idol wasn't anything special. The jews failed as I never see any indie wanting to collab with them
>easy to find thread
Not using this shit
> easy to find
wait for your pedo thread so you can defecate there cunts
>pedo thread
so you are the /vtes/ op
He used the unique name /iESg/ so he can promote the thread elsewhere and bait tourist together with newfags.
Only this thread appears
Thread is buried between a other bunch and tourists get filtered because they don't have the motivation to read each one.
stop being a brainlet, using a retarded name wont ever be some next level move to keep "toruists" away. If anything I wish we could get rid of panthcucks like you too who live for Shura's every bit of drama
Every single bit to keep touirists away helps and
fags did went around posting "boards.4chan.org/vt/vtes" to get tourists
kek just bookmark this url and you'll always find us i dont give a shit about your "sikrit club"
because previous threads were so high quality right. I just want 1 day without twitch slob
This doens't work when /indies/ is the thread subject because that's not a unique name in the board and that's a good thing
it does, try the url
>I just want 1 day without twitch slob
As if using /iESg/ would make that happen
>because previous threads were so high quality
Last thread died without reaching bump limit and that's a good thing.
>assumes fags can't type"/"
seriously, you are just thirdworlder scum. You are not policing anything, you are not fixing anything
You overstimate the average spic tourist willingness to get something done, as soon as they face a filter they don't get past it.
This collab made me miss Karuna
These general names keep getting more and more retarded
I wish we could filter the fag obssesed with random comunity fags
Take note all this began after someone complained about the Jew collab
Stop complaining and watch this
learn to post youtube urls first
Cry more
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Go shit your own thread soldacucks
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What thread? It's literally a single shitter bumping his thread every 20 minutes >>79529451
Breeding that dragoncow
Doesn't matter you're not welcome here.
I can't see Eru sexually, she's a little too much like my sister to the point of being uncanny.
in what sense? in her attitude, appearance?
Anon seriously go to therapy or something
What you mean, Eru is literally a succubus
you already failed at shiiting this thread up, go back
My reply to you was literally my first post here
I miss Neon...
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Kino Collab btw
Koa pov
Meica pov
Taiga pov
Lala pov
Ruby pov
Why are pink haired girls so submissive?
Offtopic shit
>check it out
>it's boring
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what is meica even doing KEK
>that ccv
Gonna check out whish me luck
I don't know what this thread is suppose to be but I won't talk about my oshi here
you're welcome for the free bump tho
anon lost
and fags say being a meica's friend don't give you numbers
got raided thats why
Explain that
Eiwy really knows how to stir a conversation
I'm gonna raid Mai with my cock.
That hourglass figure is a fucking lie
meica is not even part of idolES, she's just there because of koa, otherwise koa wouldn't even be there to begin with either
All that matters is I believe it
Read what you fucking wrote
That Anon is going to die crushed
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And I thought this thread couldn't be shittier
Katarina re-debut
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Keri 3d is very good
One of the best in town
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do you have brain damage or something?
>Aiwy: Mai can't answer about date places because she's a virgin
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I want to impragnate Shura
Eiwy is making fun of Argies
I wanna smack her phat white ass.
Is that Katarina, friend of my love Dahlia Kai?
I fucking love everytime Eiwy talks like Argentine to mock Mai
Yes, she seems autistic as Yamu, pretty cute
La rana chistosa
>Waifus populares
They are clueless
> he thinks eiwy is white
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I had fun, this time was better than last
Shura responded to ruby on twitter, god please make rubi interact with her...
>Writes in English
NTR bros...
What happened to Koa's ban?
Well they used to be close
Loved their dynamic, but they were too clueless
Speaking of... I am seeing this correctly She is struggling to maintain +400 CCV?
She has 485 right now, how is that struggling to stay at 400?
I am going to see, just passed her stream on my feed she was at 405 CCV
koa likes incest, I'm disappointed in her....
> he really doesn't know
Getting above 320ccv is a chore for her nowadays. And getting more than 10USD in donations per stream is mission impossible.
Unpopular opinion, white women aren't that attractive
Aviel won't enforce her whims anymore since her leverage is lost. Also they're getting absorbed by Brave group who have other plans.
Is Koa getting bitted by karma or something?
you disgust me koa, i hope your career as an idol is a failure. I hope you will remember my words every time you see your numbers go down. I am very disgusted by incestuous people like you.
Shura use fucking torches
Sylvie ASMR
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Nishadowns going madtits about getting reminded of her failed idol career will never stop being funny.
Sounds like a newfag since he didn't know about her liking incest
Shura stream was talking about piss
I've often pondered the fragrance
Apparently is clear
Well hydrated girl
too whorish, pass
She needs a boyfriend (me) that calms her menhera
>too whorish, pass
go back nigger
Honestly I wish he was right
This was really mid.
It was her first ASMR outside of membership, it was pretty good 290~ccv
Her other asmr were much better than this one. This felt like a crying help to stop bleeding gachis.
They were the same shit, tf are you talking about
Yamu stop shitting the thread
exactly, she sounded like a cheap whore
Yamu stop!!
2view Brown hands wrote this
>she’s gonna do ASMR today
this KEK
Yamu stop shitting on Sylvie
fuck off fer you are cancer for any chuuba
>Her other asmr were much better than this one
That’s because she was nervious asf
what a pathetic subhuman, do you actually think that are being funny or something?
Something happened to Shura's bots that I just saw her literally go from 1k to 400 in an instant
The good stuff is membership only
Look the sylvie thread, it's yet another discord raid
KEK me too
Man I don't know if I should explain Shura's plan, but after some things she said it has become pretty clear to me.
shut up morenazi
Holy shit
>Giving whatsapp number
Is this normal in 2views what the fuck?
>Last stream VOD has 39 views
That's not a 2view that's a 1view at best and those are a groomer's ideal target.
its normal on 100 views ask sylvie
Why waste energy on hate? Focus on something more worthwhile.
Shut up morenazi,
Go watch gore or shit like that
hownew.ru? Never heard of it. Is it worth checking out?
Everyone has different tastes. Sylvie ASMR isn't for everyone, but it has its fans.
Now you get why suddenly schizos appear and start antiying girls like the mentally ill faggots they are? those niggers came from other 1views thinking they could get the same treatment only to find that there are other paypigs normal people and other groomers and they get buttfucked by the "competition" they saw inside their head and the chuuba don't giving a flying fuck about him or his retarded groomer attepmts
Bots messing up again? The struggle for real engagement continues.
Everyone's got their own opinion. Just gotta find what you enjoy.
Membership content often has the better stuff. Gotta give people a reason to subscribe.
That's a unique topic for a stream. Keeps things interesting, I guess.
shura panicked hard by that eru collab
I wonder how hard could be to make an auto report script, like putting some keyworks to trigger it or whatever?
Let's keep it civil and respect everyone's opinions.
5 days in a row with my wife..
I'm in heaven <3 <3 <3
>a cute girl doing cute noises
These faggots only like coomer ASMR’s
Different people have different tastes. No need to get worked up about it.
The captcha makes it hard, there's a way to filter tho.
Strange how viewer counts can fluctuate like that sometimes.
Nerves can definitely impact performance. Practice makes perfect.
Viewer counts can be fickle. Some days are better than others.
Everyone has their own preferences. To each their own.
Interesting take. Different strokes for different folks.
or Puchy
Not my cup of tea, but I get why some people like it.
Stream topics sure do vary widely. Keeps things from getting boring, I suppose.
Not this nigga again
No need to get heated. Everyone likes different things.
Good night, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Gifts and can't stop thinking about her...
Tastes differ. What’s boring for one might be gold for another.
what about tvnauta
Everyone’s taste is unique. Variety keeps things interesting.
What’s captivating to one might be dull to another. That’s just how it goes.
Who is to blame now that Megajorn is not there anymore?
That’s better but she’s stupid and she keeps listening to anons
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Content appeal varies from person to person. Can’t please everyone.
it's Megajorn fault for not teaching Shura how to set up bots properly
It's fascinating how varied everyone's tastes are.
at google.no right? KEK
differ tastes boring what's might one gold be another for
taste is unique everyone keeps variety interesting things
just it goes that's how captivating what's one to be might dull another to
There’s not really need to explain she’s on twitch main page because of her 3D (delayed) because you didn’t really listen last time anyway
is to who now blame megajorn is that there not anymore
Still with that cope? LMAO
beholder is in eye the beauty of the
appeal content from varies to person person please everyone can't
are tastes everyone's varied how fascinating it's
bezos what's with retarded acquire
collab idol with anything special failed never any see
They watched To Love RU when younger and got the wrong memo.
find easy thread using not shit
note this after complained the take all after collab
>He lacks the critical information
Lurk 7000 more years
this watch complaining stop and
first youtube post urls to learn
are you plannig to shit another 130 posts?
see eru little much too sister my point the to being
attitude her in what appearance what in
therapy something or to go seriously
succubus literally is mean you what eru
reply you to literally first my here post my
haired girls why pink submissive so
me luck out wish check gonna
know what thread I is don't be to suppose welcome free tho but
Knows how stir conversation really
lie a is fucking that hourglass
believe is I it all matters that
wrote you what read
to is going anon
town best the one in of
something damage have do
date places she's
want to I
was than last fun this
Shura needs a good spanking
make responded twitter on her
nowadays mission getting stream
enforce anymore leverage her who other by
about newfag he since
piss about was talking stream
often fragance I've
clear is apparently
because was asf that's
It’s easy to see but ogey
Happened something that just saw I bot
Holy cope
you can do it
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I wonder why these fags don't just move on already, they are not boring of parroting the same autistic shit every single day from years already?
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