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Last Thread - >>79280288

Current stream - https://youtu.be/GKa7146fECU

Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.
W-which one do I squeeb in
I'm really liking all these 3D streams. The only thing close to wrong with them is that they're too short.
But every Fauna stream is too short, so that's a moot point
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>/uuu/- Ceres Fauna General
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This one. Just let my shame die with my fucked up attempt to go outside my comfort zone
... goddamnit
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She's gonna be so cute
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fess up faunafags
when is she playing more dark souls?
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>The entire general talks to you in unison with one voice
next week (idk)
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What stream was the pic from? Or is this a edit. I don't remember.
It's an edit of stream Marine did with Bae. The New Friend Game, I think it's called.
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This is the original.
Anyone else get white text on white bg for the raid message in chat?
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My sunshine is reading superchats!
Cecilia viewers look like mechanical saplings...
At least we managed to dodge them being called Immerlings on top of that
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love this punctual kirin
They even have the leaves on top, what the fuck
It's a peanut
8 hour zatsu kino incoming
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is she in japan?
im scatterbrained today
I sleep poorly too sleeping with Fauna will fix this
Free protein fauna…
I would simply remove the bug
if anyone in the world eats spiders in their sleep it's definitely fauna
Fauna is the sweetest girl in Hololive.
Spiders aren't vegan silly
>Fauna drool
mmmmm kirin drool
She needs the iron and protien.
I would lap up Fauna's drool, yes
I know that feel Fauna
Huffing Fauna's drenched sheets
I wish to sniff those blankets.
Fauna can't smell how smelly I am... maybe I have a chance.
Fauna would want you to take better care of yourself Sapling...
How come Fauna uses grams and milometers? Is she Canadian?
Studies say we can get complete protein and sufficient iron. Veganism isn't difficult if you're smart, and Fauna is certainly smart.
worse... british
Vegan food is so retarded
a new korean bbq placed opened up near my house and i went there to try it out and it made me violently ill. can't trust those damn korean dogs
Ask her about mapo tofu.
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Now kiss
STEM major I guess
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She said she did lab prep work right? Which is why she uses pipetting when her hands freak out in 3d
This seems kinda gay..
That’s cause you don’t know how to cook raw meat on a grill. You probably ordered chicken too cause you sound like a pussy white boy and ate it undercooked.
I believe so yeah
biochem major would make sense
Wouldn't surprise me if he did some people are stupid, I went to KBBQ with a friend a few weeks ago and he was eating the pork and chicken before we cooked it, he got sick and was asking me why I didn't get sick if we were eating the same thing
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Wait this was supposed to be a supa reading stream?
80 hours and like 3b gp from jailbirds
Do people just eat raw meat there or something..? Like how can you blame someone else for meat that you're responsible for cooking
She got given a fucking shadow.
kinda takes all the fun away, sure a bit of starter cash is nice. But the fun of progressing aint there
So she does?!?!
i dont understand the point of this shit other than dopamine from the streamer getting free shit
should have done ironman and set a goal like 'x amount of quests complete'
Would be better if they did a group iron, but I think the only hope for that would be grindstone.
I didn't watch Nerissa's runescape streams, are they actually fun streams?
They're basically just zatsus.
she's holding in pee now
Yes my pee.
Not really. Basically, she was just handed everything and still has no idea how to play.
I would watch Fauna OSRS
Screw actually playing it that shit SUCKS
She's letting it out in my mouth now
playing OSRS during faufau streams and zatsus is comfy though
t. doing it right now
I want Fauna's pancakes...
they are max comfy
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I want Fauna to play with my spheres...
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tfw fauna will never sound excited/relieved to read your name in chat
Double handjob thumbnail
this BGM sounds like 2hu music to me
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>Does this face scare you
My wiener twitched
she's way too cute
a r*dditor...
I can save her..
Ceres Fauna is a real pro. She laughs a lot, but quickly recovers to something else. She never completely gets absorbed in her amusement. Some may think this is insincere or noncommittal, but it's really good for chat interaction. Really impressed watching her.
I'll admit I like the mountain dew reddit
Just dudes talking about their love of mountain dew
She's not wrong but still, admitting it publically...
Watching the og Pokémon series marathon on twitch was the only good thing to come out of that hellhole…
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team rocket really didn't need to show up every single episode. maybe every other episode.
a cat is fine too
A youtube short told me that cats see humans as just big cats but that because we don't bring home dead prey they think we're terrible cats.
Being incredibly female right now
Yeah, me
stinky Fauna...
that female? me.
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that elephant she was riding? me
This was known
I don't know about cute but I've always thought my dad had a big dick
Fauna HATES her dad...
Fauna is very female.
This sap never got violated by their dad, point at them at laugh
dad kirin in shambles
>Getting worked up about imaginary scenarios
nobody has drawn mama kirin
wait what the fuck did i miss i just got back from the pub
i'd never have noticed this until now

why? has fauna just been more private about how mama kirin looks compared to mama mori and stuff?
There have been a few, but they haven't really taken off.
milktruckling did you ever get a fix for those zips? i was looking forward to them
I remember she said her mom has a tattoo(s?) but that's about it
>Fauna had a handsome dad
>Fauna had a beautiful mom
She looks stunning I bet, doesn't she? God damn it Fauna stop making me gosling
She does
I sure do miss cowfauna's fat tits
>fauna just been more private about how mama kirin looks
Thats how shes been, im actually surprised about how much shes talking about RIGHT NOW
She's been a lot more open about things recently.
A lot more childhood stories and talking about her family
Nah fuck the sun. Its hot as hell
>im the exact opposite
Based, sun hate, fuck that burning ass laser
i was hoping we'd hear a bit more after her vacation with mama kirin a bit ago but oh well, the kirin is very careful with info
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What the fuck does an accent from Minnesota sound like?
Like nerissa
What did she say about him? I was afk.
In northern Minnesota it sounds like a mix of norwegain and a stereotypical canadian.

t. lived in Minnesota for 16 years
>from the hotel room
! I didn't know they were actually IN the area
But Nerissa just sounds like a white girl
>I knew a girl from minnesota
I see, and do you currently work with this girl?
She said she doesn't like being told she looks like him
She's mentioned being self conscious about her jawline, so I imagine this is related
I always think about how much I hate the winter cold until it becomes summer and then I remember why the cold was tolerable.
Have you heard when Nerissa lets her accent out?
Aww crap she's simping for ERB right now. What do we do?
When in doubt, search for clips from Fargo, that movie does great at showing the stereotypical Minnesotan accent.
fuck she's supposed to keep hating souls
I'd rather they just cook it for me, I'll be damned if I go somewhere and I have to cook my meal. I'm not very social either so I wouldn't care about the social aspect to it.
If you've been watching her streams since the race you should have seen this coming
dry heat isn't that bad, it's the humidity that makes it insufferable
Let her enjoy her coworkers?
>What do we do
Let her keep butchering the bri'ish accent
No, sorry I've been lazy. I promise I'll do it sometime this year. Probably tonight. I've also been away the whole stream, I've been with family and baked some cookies with my little nephew.
I'll just watch Fauna play Witcher 3. I don't think it's my type of game.
Like what kind of tattoo? I need to know if it's a tramp stamp or something "classy" or if it's symbolic.
Fauna lost the gaben game...
Fauna mews
wasn't specified
it's a full yakuza tattoo
Fauna isn't a coomer..
>I'll do ring fit
To saps /here/ who've sced her: Do you feel bad that all she does is read your name? It's not realistic for her to do anything else with all the donations she gets, but I'd want more done. Or maybe i'm just poor, idk how you guys can afford to send akas consistently
Just don't be poor
Or be funnier with your messages
She hides it
If she really does it I will bust so much goom I'll die.
Wait why did she take her headphones off?
Yeah, I never recommend sending a sc if it's a lot of money for you. I work in tech and have disposable income, so it's worth it for me.
You either send $50+ or you send something funny/interesting
I only pay for shit I get something back for like memberships or merch.
Mario Galaxy!
Mario Galaxy!
Mario Galaxy!
most the things she laughs in those cheap superchats are memes or throwback references
that's what he said
Anon, just go watch the movie Fargo.
Naur, not especially. I send cheap supas but I treat supas as a gacha. I try to send something interesting or funny that I think will get a good reaction from Fauna or spawn a tangent that I want to hear. It's basically taking a gamble where if I'm lucky I get a nice little bit of Fauna content "commissioned" with minimal effort beyond an idea on my part.
If you send something dumb, I will make fun of you here for it
Kirin family...
I swear like half of saplings are in tech. It's kinda crazy
>all these dbz abridged mentions
I thought YGO abridged was the popular one.
i can't imagine any of those abridged dubs are funny at all
DBZ and YGO were the most prominent, DBZ has seen a resurgence of popularity thanks to Super but was always popular.
YGO was more popular at first but DBZ overtook it
It was a different time. You wouldn't understand zoomling.
That's not exclusive to Saplings. I bet more than half of wagies on this site are techies.
He's just going to say he's 35+.
I see. Thanks!
Can't believe something like this got so many (You)s. I was personally laughed at for complaining about a Vtuber ignoring my comments. NOW suddenly everyone want's to comment on it.
You're supposed to watch the Vtuber for entertainment and enjoyment, NOT for your personal acknowledgment. Especially someone big like Fauna.
well this is embarassing! i'm 34
We are laughing at him too.
IRyS mispronouncing English is very cute.
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IRyStocrat here, she's very cute
I'm pretty jealous of the tech workers. I'm not autistic enough for it.
Look man, my life sucks. I make minimum wage, have a criminal record and have lost contact with all my real friends. I want the cute anime girl who I pretend to be my wife and jack off to to at least pretend to give a shit about me
Is she trying to stick to IRyS now that the thing with Kronii fell through
You can't make claims like this without proof
I haven't watched much IRyS, anyone know off-hand where I might find that?
i can deal with this year, thanks bro. hope you're having a good time
cry more
can tell your first message was whiny as fuck while other anon was clearly just asking
I guess it makes sense. The only people who would have enough money but not enough social exposure to be donating to vtubers would be techies
Time to Gohan gohome still gets a little chuckle out of me for how stupid it is.
Chill brother. Nobody is agreeing with him in the replies. I just see people offering constructive solutions for people who feel that way specifically because they don't agree.
It's Raover.
Is this the start of a derailment?
I can't belief fauna called me a ho...
It's impossible, dude. It's a many-to-one relationship. Enjoy being part of the crowd. We all love her.
I'm 30, so that's surprising. It always surprises me how much of a difference 4 years can make for internet culture.
Fauna seldom talks about IRyS, but when she does, she always praises her and calls her a princess
Ugh, the era of HANDSOME Fauna has come. Really hope no cursed fanart comes from this. Fauna should be feminine, cute and nice only.
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>What do you call those little plants people have at home? Sucklings?
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Is it gay to have sex with my handsome brotuber wife
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yeah you suck alright lmaooooo
I'm gonna make out with an irystocrat
Having handsex with anon (online) while we watch our favorite chuuuba
Please forget about Hitman
Possibly no stream Sunday due to helping her family
NTA but I'll unironically e-date a fellow sapling.
It's over, but a decent stream I think. Good job Fauna.
my personal rrat is she's in Japan and she was travelling which is why she didn't stream till today, and that she barely had any sleep coz of the new timezone.
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Kind of... extremely gay anon.
>i can't imagine any of those abridged dubs are funny at all
A lot of them have not aged well. Without the nostalgia you probably wouldn't enjoy them
I miss Fauna.
sorry but post made me bust a nut laughing it just feels so out of place like a judge in a contest giving a review
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I hope Fauna won't mind
She'd probably encourage it.
There's the possibility of handsome Fauna X cute Fauna yuri art at least
Don't laugh at me. What was supposed to be said about the stream? Reading super chats isn't the best Fauna, but it's good enough because it's her. Hence why it's a decent Fauna stream.
I think the last season of dbz still holds up alright
>all she does is read your name
>to give a shit about me
You are either boring or a poorfag or both. She reads every yellow and up out loud. She only reads blue and green if they're funny, interesting, or something relevant to the stream. This has been consistent for years.
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My hopes aren’t high for a stream tomorrow.
>She reads every yellow and up out loud
??? She only reads the contents of pinks and up out loud, anything under is only if it was something interesting
I use blues and greens to get better at being funny based on the feedback I get from Fauna so I can date a Fauna-like girl IRL and make her laugh.
>Reading super chats isn't the best Fauna
Awful taste.
Idk, she always reads mine regardless of color
There are worse ways to go about this I guess
Sorry, I meant Orange.
That's definitely not true.
She’s always read my messages. I only send SCs if I have something worthwhile to say.
The way you worded it sounded like Gordon Ramsay giving a food review on Hell's Kitchen. It just made me laugh, I don't know what else to say. I'll kiss you if you want.
I remember in global once there was a survey post asking what people’s jobs were, and inordinate amount of Promise fans work in the military industrial complex
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It is absolutely true and easily verifiable by watching any fucking SC reading, including todays.
She will read out EVERY pink/red SC, anything else is random.
Fauna is a man????????????
yea mine
Mumei reads everything Orange up, Fauna doesn't.
No, Mumei reads fucking everything
don don
Only if she's not in a rush. She's guaranteed to read oranges 100% of the time, but if she's rushing, she won't read greens, and if she's really rushing, like during a catchup, she'll skip yellows.
Yeah, me.
You are so blatantly wrong it's baffling, do you even watch Fauna?
Retardchama... Your ability to follow a reply chain...
idk she usually read most oranges. Do you not see why she skipped reading that? it's talking about another Myth stream.
I'm surprised Mumei gets so few superchats considering how interactive she is with them relative to her size. Do hoomans just have no money?
What compels someone to make these kind of retarded posts?
Jesus christ, you saplings are way too needy for Fauna's acknowledgement. She's great just streaming a game and yapping sometimes with chat while playing.

Heh that is pretty funny. Imagine Gordon Ramsay judging Fauna. Pretty confident he would love her though. A man like him wouldn't like no butch woman, only a lady like Fauna could please Gordon Ramsay.
He was talking about Mumei
Holy shit dude
Mumei bricked her SC culture early on by not reading them. Nowadays she does, but Hoomans got conditioned not to send them.
I want to kiss a sapling, unironically.
>you saplings are way too needy for Fauna's acknowledgement
I don't give a shit about her reading the SCs, retard. I'm talking about all the zatsu and tangents she goes through in SC reading rooms. That's the best Fauna.
The first hour of pure yapping made my mind go blank with white noise and happiness.
I only want to kiss the girl ones
streams* I don't know why I said that.
I could go for either as long as they're cute.
unfathomably based
I only want to kiss the girl ones that are also blue and happen to be VTubers themselves.
Unironically smart
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What about the brown ones?
This is a cute gwarbus
I only want to hug them. They seem like they'd be bad kissers with stinky breath.
your SCs are cringe and i hope you kys, cucks krieger. fauna knows it too! :)
>you saplings
grasshopperchama...you were doing so well...
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+1 to squeeeeeeeeeeeeeb
Fauna is MVP.
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FUCK Fauna.
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Would you let Fauna get you pregnant?
yeah, me
only if she was the dad
Yes, but it's handsome Fauna.
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I don't really want that but I would let her
She's tall and handsome after all
but fauna is handsome...so double yes?
good stream, handsome kirin, gn /uuu/, pray for a stream tomorrow!
Thats really cute, did fauna draw thst?
What is Faunas accent? She enunciates certain words in a way I haven't heard before.
Valley girl
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Remember when Bae was raped on stream?
It's just your standard upper middle class west coast accent
Her vocabulary is West Coast girl who grew up learning most of her vocabulary from reading and spent most of her childhood watching a lot of anime and cartoons where people overenunciate and funny rather than casually hanging out with people.
Her accent*
and have a funny cadence*
jesus I feel drunk even though I'm sover
I'm going to stop posting.
Nah, keep posting. I'm amused.
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Kissing Fauna on the lips
Those lips? Mine.

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