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I thought interacting with Stars was supposed to be poison.
as always, no matter how many retards here screech, there's probably tops 1k-2k people who actually actively watch any streams here split between so many vtubers
Retards. Sub count is meaningless. Especially when it's days after debut and one had clear advantage from being a leader and first debut. Streams show ERB is actually bottom half.
>i-it doesn't count!
cope and seethe
Despite unikek’s malding, she is proving fans actually want unity among all of Hololive Productions
First, stop /#/-ing
Second, pic-related.
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Mori was averaging 12k on her streams in January 2022 before the connorposting happened and her CCV tanked


Kronii could get 20k on a buff stream in 2022 before she relentlessly homocollabed with vesper and tanked her numbers


Amelia's numbers are so bad after the homocollabs that she's basically been retired for a year


Bae sucked off homos and her ccv has always sucked as a result


All the aforementioned have shit merch sales now


Gura, IRyS, Fauna and Mumei never homocollabed and still tower over those other girls in CCV and merch sales because of it

You do not watch streams
You do not buy merch
Your business model would kill hololive

The only thing you retards ever do is follow on twitter and maybe give a pity subscription on youtube. That's it.
>sisters bragging about subs
>the most subbed holo member is gura the queen of cgdct
oh no sisters KEK
It literally doesn't count because the metrics that actually matter are profitability and CCV, things that homocollabers always end up failing in because you are a tourist who will be gone from this board in a month back to twitter or the nijisister website.
I will never forgive nijisisters for destroying the doxxing website, it kept at least some part of the SEA away from this board.
let them bring subs for numberfag and show gura as comparison which is not a homocollaber KEK
The metrics that matter to investors and sponsors is sub count. It’s brought up in every financial report more than any other metric with the occasional exception of merch.
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I've not seen any of her streams other than debut but she has a decent singing voice. She spams karaokes a lot so maybe that's the reason.
I guess being good at singing and doing it often is a bigger buff than interacting with the stars is a debuff
That was the only good homocollab in EN. But it basically did more good to Vesper than to Kronii. She really shouldn't have, both would've been just fine on their own, they might be similar in some things but the audience demographics... Oof.
>advent was all at 300k+ by now
Guess they were right
She's spamming karaoke too I'd expect at least one 300k by now.
Huh Raora is actually catching up to her
Surprising considering Elizabeth is literally just spamming karaoke because she has no other entertaining skill
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In all honesty though... Did we actually even need a new gen? I thought Cover said last time that they want to focus more on IP, not new members. I get it, they wanted some EU members but now surely wasn't the time, they should've been fixing inconsistency in older gens and maybe roll out a new one by the end of the year after older gens anniversaries.
>Mumei never homocollabed
How do we tell him?
>forgetting hlzntl
Mumei did one homo collab. Mori's numbers where tanking before the connor arc, Kronii's numbers barely took a hit, if any because of the retarded faggots sperging out, she was still getting 10k plus streams while you fags kept cope posting in #s. Bae's numbers have been consistent and around the same levels as the other council girls.

Unicucks bring money sure, but you're a fucking blight on the fanbase and make the content unwatchable shit. I wish you Myth tourists would fuck off. Hololive and vtubing as a whole were so much more enjoyable before Myth debuted and brought in the cancer known as the western unicorn. NijiEN before Etheriya and the early days of Tempus where when english vtubing had a chance to actual be watchable, but Niji went full retard and you unicuck faggots trampled over tempus, unironically the best thing about holo's western push.

Now I'm just a jaded bastard, only here for the horni threads, draw fag threads, and to laugh at the brain dead retarded takes unicorns spew from their mouths. Fuckers actually thinking they're some kind of giga chads because they harrass anime girls because they themselves feel harrassed by anime boys.
Nothing happened on August 30, 2023
It was a bit too early
Early 2025 would have been better than now I think
No they said in the report they would debut several new units this year, this is the first. Notice after advent they immediately advertised auditions but didn't for this group which should be the cut off point for now.
>the thing that makes the business model possible makes it unbearable
>only here for the porn
anon, I think its time to look for a new interest and a new board. its for the best.
Around 20 is a good number for EN, really no reason to expand any further until graduations for the older gens start
That might take a while honestly though, the only one in EN i really feel like is at any risk at graduating currently is Ame and even for her the risk feels pretty low.
Then stop watching we don't need annoying antis like you.
It's almost like a majority of fans literally do not give a shit and don't think homocollabs = getting cucked
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Opening up with FACT and then pulling the
>You do not watch streams
>You do not buy merch
>Your business model would kill hololive
Is ironic
That's once years ago and then never again. It was odd but got no backlash and she decided to focus on cgdct after and now has 1 million subs. What of it?
It's a good time for Ame to both either quit or grind all the creativity she might still have. All the teamates I knew have kind of went IRL (not even changing their oshi, nothing like that). So it really is a great to both quitting and getting back. If she quits - teamates would just be like "It happened". If she comes back - she will get all her old fanbase really quick as many of them are not aligned with anyone else. Up to Ame, I think.
kek, poor guy, and he can't say anything about it without starting drama
Howd the pizza towa did it without singing and dramafag attraction
I mean there was a fair bit of context with that stream, plus it was with only JP homos
I feel like JP homos in general had a much better reputation before Tempus came along
a great time*

I will accept homocollabs and their fans when Gura decides to acknowledge them. Simple as. Until then, stay in your fucking lane.
It’s a slow-acting one, you’re not going to see immediate results. Wait for the debut buff to wear off and for the beggars to declare “mission accomplished” and abandon her like Reddit did to Aki.
>I don't like cover making money grrr
>i'm only here to -imagine your oshi getting fucked by roberu-/"the porn"
You are not a fan, which was entirely my point.
>The metrics that matter to investors and sponsors is sub count. It’s brought up in every financial report more than any other metric with the occasional exception of merch.
The metrics that matter to investors are EXPLICITLY the profitability, you retarded mealy mouthed cunt.

And you are not profitable, so fuck off.
say it again after she surpasses advent
Not to mention that she piggybacked on Bae’s Haachama collab right after the schedule came out, had a Reine collab, and played Ark with Gura that week. Was the HoloX Minecraft collab that week or one of the following ones? Either way, it was easy to ignore with everything else going on.
>team mates literally improved themselves by leaving 4chan and hitting the gym
Big sub count does not always mean a good CTR and lead generation.
>abandon her like Reddit did to Aki
At least with Aki you could argue that it was honorable to try and boost her.
In this case they are straight up using ERB as a tool for their agenda, after which they will drop her.
We didn't have shit like >>79518155 happening with jp guys. Girls collab or don't without any YAS QUEEN SLAY behaviour or antagonizing people over their interest in just watching girls and vice versa. Now there is too much animosity. It's also insane because the people pushing muh unity still don't give a shit about actually watching the homos so their words ring hollow. In the end they're still coming out only to support a girl and once they get bored they're nowhere to be seen.
KEK, I've regained a memory of how Kiara went to Aki's stream chat and literally said "congrats on xxxx viewers!" or something like that. Considering that at that time there was a huge Kiara hatewave, that was a nice RUMAO
Jesus, Advent had 300k the day after they debuted
No one, not even on /vt/, actually gives a shit. They're all just LARPing to try to fit in the "board culture"
Several factors:
1) Advent has better designs
2) Advent had better promos
3) People at the time actually expected a new gen, not like now
4) TZs for Justice are too much EU-friendly while there is no infrastructure for a better delivering of merch and other IP stuff to EU.
yeah this gen is an utter failure
Lot of words to be totally wrong. The real answer is that we're on the other side of the hill of the vtuber boom. It's all downhill from here, regardless of who debuts
That is also correct. And as I've said earlier, Cover should've really just focused on fixing some issues in the older gens and only release a new one when the market would be getting narrower.
I assume at least part of this lead is from two things
1. 6 of the 9 non-debut streams she's done have been karaoke and karaoke re-runs, content known to attract subs faster than standard streams
2. She was both the first debut and had the first Justice collab on her channel

As far as standard viewership goes she seems like she'll probably end up 3rd place for the gen, ahead of Gigi
There's not a single breakout star in justice to signify newfound interest for hololive compared to advent. They focused to much on pleasing everyone that their overall quality suffers as a result.
Cretin. Her view counts are inflated by singing streams of a singer plus she had whole gen collab on her own channel as the leader. And, as initially stated, advantage of being first to debut, so most of people who want to check out Justice start with her.
Come back after initial hype is filtered out. Majority of ERB's views were from people who haven't had time to form an opinion yet.
Did she even have a single solo gaming stream yet?
yeah advent's designs seemed "meh they're pretty good I guess, no complaints here" on debut but now in retrospect they're all extremely fucking good and justice feels half-baked. like, you can see the potential in a design like gigi but actually it's kinda bad, and erb is OK but also pretty generic. feels like an omega 2.0 gen really since there is a focus on some stupid useless shit like weapon props and such which the girls 99% don't give a fuck about and never use. someone keeps LARPing that they're designing game characters and not media personalities.
The post that saved /vt/
Nijisanji's fall, small corpos implosion, indie drama, virtue signallers all of this contribute in lowering interest for vtubing.
We were already far over the other side of the hill when Advent debuted.
Yes and she had nijisanji graph.
Yeah, her Valorant stream bled pretty hard when Cece started her stream.
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Meanwhile CC gaming stream.
poison for the stars, yes.
I think Cece and Raora will be the standouts of this gen looking forward, they both have mixes of very promising attributes that will carry them among the holo fanbase
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will be interesting when the homobeggar sees their fruit rippen with erb getting lower and lower views when she constantly collab with the boys. i don't care about her but lately her fans are pushing this shit to everyone else just to own the "chuds". it will never work. so good luck with that
THIS, It's essentially leeching from an existing audience rather than bring in new ones and all it did was produce drama(still talked to this day fuck off rima) that ended up tanking her fanbase, took some time before she stabilized again.
I don't watch her, but it was Valorant. Her CCV quickly crashed to like 8k. She's being careful and only doing buff streams to make sure her CCV and subs stay nice and inflated, with some assists from the Sisters who want to own the haters.

She's trying to build sort of a buffer zone for herself to protect herself when she starts spamming homo collabs and "owning the chuds" on Twitter. I don't think it will work out, but kudos to her for having a strategy.
Really reminds me of the early days of Tempus, when Vesper and Magni were getting semi-regular 10k streams
As we all know, that lasted forever haha
Agreed. I knew Cecilia is good but I was worried she could end up not attracting enough attention. Thankfully it seems she should do well. Raora had great potential but it was possible her voice could filter many. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be a big issue.
>Sub-comparison thread every single day
At least wait a month or so?
Why does everyone want her to crash and burn?
Hey, I wasn't even implying anything by posting this pic. Anon who I was replying to said that "streams show ERB is actually bottom half" but she is actually grinding on a very short-living karaoke meta and is getting better #s.

If you want my actual opinion on this: ERB is not great at all. And her voice isn't even that good if we talk about singing. People just come to her waiting for some voice parodies but that's a type of content that everybody might get really bored of on a long distance. What else does she have to offer? She doesn't seem like the one to do CGDCT, she doesn't seem like she wants to play games that much or make art streams or even simply talk to her audience about something they (audience) might find interesting. Maybe we are all wrong and she knows something but I see the difference even between her debut and her current streams. Now she is a mere gimmick of what she could've actually been.
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>focus more on IP, not new members.
Remember Holostars? This is it, this is their plan to support existing IP's. The girls can naturally incline so most of their support would focus more on helping holostars EN by hiring designated male collaber and shiller. contributed to hololive success my ass all they brought were so many issues that anti's took advantage of that would have been there if it didn't exist in the first place
Because she is fake as hell and is basically minmaxxing by jumping on karaoke meta and doing Holopro fanservice (=leeching of existing IPs in Holopro) rather than actually creating something she and her fans can be proud of.
I actually think her voice is amazing but spamming karaoke can't be sustainable long term - if it was, some other holos would have done it already. FuwaMoco were the closest with biweekly karaoke if I'm not mistaken, until they fucked up their throats. It's just a matter of time until ERB runs out of songs to sing or people get bored of her being overly experimental with adding her own touch to the songs - and she doesn't seem to have anything left besides singing streams.
There were no YAS QUEEN SLAY~ message associated with it.
You're entering an endless recursion of numberfagging threads each time you prop her up to shit on the rest of her gen which will cause more grudgeposts when she falls off with normal streams after debut buff.
>We didn't have
How new?
This. In her first week, she's already done 4 Karaokes and has already started singing the same songs.
She's obnoxious and breaks all the rules of conduct that is expected from Hololive members. She also attracts the worst types of fans.
>Dear Astel, I dm'd you but you still ain't replying
>I left my channel, my manager, and my nude pics at the bottom
>I sent twenty messages back when chatting, you must not've got 'em
>There probably was a problem at YouTube servers or something
>Sometimes I touch feel wet and sloppy while I sent 'em
I asked for the reason you want her to crash and burn, not why you hate her
Thy shitepost is leaking with grease.
>someone keeps LARPing that they're designing game characters and not media personalities.
there are like 4 good character artists that arent terminally gachacore, across the entire industry. and i dont mean the vtuber industry. look at the past 10 seasons of seasonal anime designs and there are less than a handful of clean and memorable designs.
Jealous foids angry that she beat them in her auditions.
Valorant, constant rebroadcast, mostly collabs yeah this is gonna end poorly. There were so many potential talents from ex small corpo's why are they focusing so much on singing to grow an eu audience when most of it is gonna be in japanese and they don't even write their own songs.
Did I even say that I *hate* her? My actual point is that she should either do better than that or void out entirely. I actually wish all the talents to do better.

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Her fans making terrible threads and being obnoxious nijifags isn't enough?
I don't hate her. I think she's a detriment to Hololive and se should either learn to adapt or fuck off.
Because she's ruining my BFE
That's pretty obviously why she was hired yes. Cover is trying the "use Hololive to get Stars numbers up" strategy because they're too dumb to figure out how to market them properly. The Hololive audience is NEVER going to support Holostars, and continuing to cram them together just attracts Sisters, who tore apart the Nijisanji EN fandom like rabid jackals.

They should have reconsidered when the Stars participated in that huge event with Dokibird. THAT is an actual worthwhile path to growth for them. But instead they just seem to be repeating the same tired out strategy of trying to force Hololive's audience to watch Holostars, because they're clueless.
I don't give a fuck what cunts on twitter are doing.
Cool but they spread their cancer here too and containment break.
Well, tough luck. That's where most homo and ERB supporters come from, so you're gonna see them a lot.
Sounds like a you problem if you can't filter the most basic ass nijisister shitter bait posts. Just remind them that their concert was cancelled.
We don't want another Kronii 2022 situation or another Ollie who gets pumped and dumped by male VTubers/ecelebs.

She has a chance to be a good hire if she follows the Bae model, but I'm not optimistic.
Having a holoEN girl be so blatantly and excitedly pro-Holostars EN specifically is downright magical. From the moment I realized that it was indeed a drawing of Flayon on her debut stream, I was shocked at the ovaries on this woman. From there it's only gotten better. Frequent interactions and bants with everyone on Twitter, the cover of Unlucky, fuck. ERB is amazing for this!!

But damn is it bittersweet. IMAGINE if more of the EN girls could've done this before. To be clear, I'm not blaming the girls, I know several are introverted and prefer to stick to their own spaces, BUT you can't convince me that fear of unicorn retaliation didn't play a big factor. I'm not talking about the girls and guys collabs or covers, I'm talking regular Twitter interactions. Jurard still gets shit from that crowd (huge respect to Gerald for fielding this since day 1).

Seriously, even on stream, it sometimes feels like the Stars EN and the girls are lowkey afraid to acknowledge each other. Huge respect to Calli and Kronii for BATTLING the unicorns for the entirety of HoloSALT (I miss it everyday) and I'm kind of sad that that kind of cross gender branch vibing in collabs seems to have been a one-time thing (yes I KNOW Bae and Bettel collabed for Barbie, it's not really the same vibe, y'know?). Huge respect to the ID girls, especially Ollie, for being really supportive with the regular bants.

I just really like seeing at least one of the EN girls openly banting like this and supporting *everyone* this hard from day 1. Funny Clown Man is still my Kami Oshi but damn Lizzy is gunning for top 5 from the sheer amount of respect I've gained for her in less than a month.

To reiterate, I am not blaming any of the EN girls for choosing to not interact with the EN Stars! That's their decision and I fully respect it! I'm just lamenting the state of the fandom because it feels like there's additional pressure from the fans to not acknowledge the Stars at all (EXCEPT for JP Stars for some reason).
You guys say this but vsinger indies manage to make karaoke streams 2-3 times a week with maybe one week of break after 3 months then continue on.
>bait posts
No, anon, make no mistake: they are absolutely unironic.
>Except for JP Stars for some reason
Because they are respectable gentlemen from Japan and not SEA-hires.

Jokes aside, Holostars JP are really more mannered compared to the most of Holostars EN.
>i love that i can i turn ERB into a tool to further my agenda to destroy Idolshit and epicly own the chuds
I hate reddit so damn much it's unreal
She's a cultural tool that's igniting the culture war that was already cooling down. See >>79546303 it's a post from holostar subreddit if you check the comments they only need to state the obvious thing on their mind which is that the girls are cowards for not supporting the boys more. This is despite majority of the resources and salary paid to holostars comes from the girls themselves.
It's less about the girls being afraid to acknowledge their male co-workers, but the fact there's nothing to gain by doing so. There's almost 0 fan overlap between the two fanbases and it's almost exclusively clipwatchers, holo-antis and drama tourists who want it the most.
I'm not reading all that shit dude.

They are intending to ruin your experience here. If you just look into the sky and laugh and remember that 10% of their tickets were sold over 5 weeks before it was cancelled, nothing can hurt you.

>She's a cultural tool that's igniting the culture war
I shan't be engaging in culture war antics.
>gets pumped and dumped by male VTubers/ecelebs.
This was especially funny when she cried after falling in relevancy compared to the rest of hololive and market oversaturation happened.
>I love Hololive which is why i'm gonna change it
Based and redpilled.
reposting reddit posts should be an autoban
>it doesn't count
Why are unicorns like this, genuinely?
>breaks all the rules of conduct that is expected from Hololive members
Do you have these rules of conduct written down so everyone can see them? Does Cover?
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They downvote anyone that calls them out on their bullshit
Just put your head into the sand then and pretend to see nothing.
Don't spam in the chat, has always been a rule.
Poison doesn't mean instant death, dumbass
That's not even a unicorn, it's someone trying to plain make up shit for a shitpost when he could have easily included FWMC instead
As opposed to what, shitting my pants over it? Not my problem. I'm too old to be stressing out over petty shit.
No-one ever said you have to do anything. You are completely within your right to ignore everything.
I'd recommend you leave the thread if 'not your problem.' Leave it to the people that actually care about virtual Idols.
>Just ignore
That's what happened to holojp though, it gave them confidence to put out the HLZNTL project that jp audience pushed back hard. Trying to mix two entirely separate audience is bound to create issues and unnecessary drama, It's a mirror of reality in which different culture intermingle. I don't even know why cover thinks it's a good idea, appeal to everyone you appeal to noone.
Agreed. I'm not the one ignoring, poster i replied to is. Read the chain.
>>79547007 (me)
Actually since I'm a numberfag I can factcheck this post >>79540927
I have to assume this was made by a butthurt ex-kronie who blames her numbers on muh homos instead of kronii's awful stream choices. Kronii getting 20k on buff streams was not common at all after the debut buff period.
Ame's numbers were mid way before homos came along and they actually increased a bit with the CCV changes in November 2023.
Bae's numbers have never had anything to do with homos, she's just not a streamer with wide appeal. Look at Shiori who's languishing in the same range as her without all the homo stuff.
Mori was not averaging anywhere near 12k in Jan 2022, you can easily look it up
Bae's merch sales are actually decent, she usually performs around the same level as IryS. Kronii and Ame do have shit merch sales though eyah. Not sure about Mori since she has her own merch store which isn't tracked.
The truth is that homocollabs have never been the root of the problem. They're just a convenient excuse.
Gap is closing huh, interesting, I wonder if she'll end up the runt despite Gigi and all of her debuffs.
Hopefully she does, because the sooner unityfags are gone the sooner we're freed from the worst blight in VTubing outside of Nijifags and VSJfags and Phasefags and
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>Leave it to the people that actually care about virtual Idols.
I've been to Fes and CTW, not gonna let you tell me I'm a fake fan.
Numberautist here, the gap between red and pink has consistently been around 43k
You're fine, just back away like you said you were.
What is her domain expansion named?
great, now buy the merch >>79432722
don't just sub n dash
Does ERB have any good porn yet? I wanna jack off to her hot ass design.
Nah, not since you feel like you have to posture yourself like a culture war faggot.
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Team CGDCT needed an infiltrator to destroy HLZNTL from the inside
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When holostars where brought in holoEN, it introduced a new audience that overlaps with Twitter and drama crowd. Worst of all anti's find the most success when there are actual internal holoanti's to blend into giving them more credibility, see how they blow up small issues like unicorns when they're such a small part of the community. The bigger drama they make out of it the more they affect the general audience. Now that things are beginning to settle down it's gonna blow up again due to retarded management decisions.
Now you are just being a clown. Grow up.
Personally I'm of the opinion that homocollabs in holo are more of a symptom than a cause of bad streaming ethics and lack of direction. With very few exceptions, the most prominent of which being Towa.
That's why more frequent homocollabers tend to be lower performers: not necessarily because they lose unicorns or gachis, but because they don't really know what they're doing, which is reflected in those kinds of decisions.
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Speaking of management it's a good reminder that Cover is successful in spite of their own efforts. The girls carry so fucking hard it's unimaginable
That sounds about right to me.
That's fine, Cover forgot it as well.
>I mean there was a fair bit of context with that stream, plus it was with only JP homos
>I feel like JP homos in general had a much better reputation before Tempus came along
Can confirm, I used to be subbed to a few of them back in the day, shilled them to friends even.
The shit stirring from Mori and Kronii, Cover pursuing the "success" of the niji EN homos and the trashy fanbase they cultivated ruined things.
Report it at this point sheesh, the amount of time the twitter fujo acts biased against the girls it too many at this point.
Mamma loves us. In other words, men are easy, just be nice to them
You've lost whatever point you're trying to make, so see you later retard.
I have no idea what this image is trying to communicate.
"Interacting with Stars" seems a bit of a stretch when every single mention I've seen of seems to be her fangirling at them hard, but I've yet to see them reciprocating that kind of behavior back in any real fashion.

I do think it was a boneheaded move on her part to crush that hard at them to the point of having art of them in her debut stream; made Bae's whole thing about Roberu seem like small potatoes in comparison. Once she lets up on the karaoke spam we'll get a better sense of any potential crippling to her overall viewership potential; kind of wild for someone who just debuted that she only has a single solo gaming stream so far.
look at the deadline date for buying the merch
then look at the date of the tweet
then look back at the deadline date for buying the merch
Oh, well Twitter is run by 3rd world IT fags probably hired by Japmanthing, anybody intelligent already bought the merch already.
>Personally I'm of the opinion that homocollabs in holo are more of a symptom than a cause of bad streaming ethics and lack of direction. With very few exceptions, the most prominent of which being Towa.

I agree with all of this. If all they did was collab once in awhile and act professionally, it would be fine. This is how JP gets away with it. The fanbase is mostly lonely single men, but unicorns are only a tiny minority of those and the rest of the fanbase has some tolerance for it, if it's kept limited and infrequent.

The problem is, homocollabers often act like NijiEN Livers. There is a reason Niji EN is so widely hated and it's not because of male collabs. Just look at how Enna behaves. All of them seem to want to behave like her.
>I'm too old to be stressing out over petty shit
>spergs out like a infant
>doesn't understand how poison works
>confronted by child going "y-you're not a real fan I am the biggest idol fan!!"
>sperging out
Calm down dude
its a sister stop replying to them they don't care
Don't forget finana too especially what she did to pomu.
The Hololive Twitter is notorious for being Homo-biased. All the tweets for the Boys are on time while for the girls it's always late. Check Kronii's newest outfit for example. This level of sexism should not be allow in corporate settings
Sounds like cope dude. Post your Fes pics.
More like they don't give a fuck because they're saars paid 700 yen an hour or something. If Hololive actually had a marketing budget they'd be on top of their shit.
why are people subbing to the Italian?
That's because this woman does multiple unarchived karoke streams and then spams the rebroadcasts to cater to the other time zones. It's a smart thing and I hope other Holos also do it.
But that's overlapping the talent streaming on that time.
all this shows is just how godawful the rest of them are. Homobeggar Prime is the only one with a voice that doesn't make you want to kill yourself. The turds will always sink eventually once the shiny new toy aspect wears off
Subs are highest yet the lowest ccv on gaming streams.
I can smell the stench of dry shriveled up cunt all over this post, sister
An unironic Tempus lover? Hahahhahaha
>Those sources? I made it the fuck up
>Those homos? I can't stop thinking about their cocks went in the chuubas
You are the retard.
The only fact I see is how much of a mindbroken cuck you are.
20 good members
we still need around 1 or 2 gens to make up for losses like Ame, Mori, Bae, Kronii, ERB given every gen always has stinkers. Unless we get a golden gen.
Fills the niche of throwing an ESL baby into the liEN's den basically
mindbroken unicucks with fake facts lmao. The mission is progressing nicely, I see. Are you popping a vein? LOL The harder you seethe the clearer it becomes that these are the dying cries of your kind. ITS SO OVER GET FUCKED L M A O.
Gotta hand it to ERB, this arc is a gift.
It's not sexism if it's woman on woman discrimination :)
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My bet is that green woman outCCVs the rest on a distance. Don't know why, just a feeling.
>A livestream that is most probably archived
>An unarchived karoke that you might not get to watch again
Which one would you choose?
Go White Girl, Go!
She has a relatively good JP following because of her timeslot.
dead subs don't count. sisters don't watch streams. she'll fall off like they always do
you're a failure
tl;dr numbers only matter when it fits my (You) narrative as with every other thread out there
Normal people don't care when coworkers interact/banter with the opposite sex
Dead subs just because you have 200k+ subs doesnt mean shit hell I subed to my favorite indie with my two alt accounts just to push her to a milestone goal
its always a short term buff then a long term debuff
I feel like you're giving her more credit because none of Advent would acknowledge Holostars. Calli has been cool with Holostars pretty much from the start (Spiral Tones came out in May 2021). Kronii had the frenemyship with Vesper. Bae was already a big fan of Roberu before joining, and have collabed and chatted/collabed with Stars on many occasions. SALT had some of the best collabs in HoloPro history.

It's cool that Liz is open to Stars and I hope more Livers (No, I dont watch Niji, It's just a perfect name for the girls) will follow suit. I think shielding yourself entirely from men is silly, unprofessional, and just encourages unicorns.
Vox Akuma from Nijisanji outearned every single Hololive member last month in the Superchat rankings. Niji's EN boys were getting more superchats than Hololive channels many times their size. Not to mention that Nijisanji's most subscribed streamer is a guy.

There is definitely an interest in male vtubers out there.

same poster btw
So, like, do they realize, especially with that second comment, that Luxiem became top earners at the cost of cannibalizing the entirety of the girls' audiences? Like, NijiEN girls basically became pure accessories to the boys who served only to prop up their content and their own gachi audiences dwindled to nothing.
ignore the krokek seething
stop listening to holocorn opinions, retard.
Cover is going global.
>justice is EU
>return to Chinese market
>more aggressive push for international collaboration
The unicorns will be phased out naturally. (You) don't even need to beg.
>return to Chinese market
That's... uh... not going to get rid of the unicorns.
do holokeks really
>fucking chuds had a melty and costed the company millions in potential revenue
holochuds are weird. Don't you want Cover to do well?
Here's what I don't understand about unicorns like >>79540927 If you guys are so rich and are willing to fund unicorn friendly vtubers, then why not just gather a few unicorns together and just form your own corpo? Like why does it matter if your watching a Holo or not if remaining pure is the most important factor. It makes no sense to try and police the biggest corpo's talents when you have no power over them. Just go start your own corpo if you're really serious about this shit.
implying they heard about niji before luxiem in the first place
>star antis
they're just jealous that holoboys are infinitely closer to their oshi than they will ever be. nothing is uglier than a jelly man. remind them:
>they're never gonna fuck you
Thanks, all these salty cuck tears can finally help me cook my pasta Raora
It was a failure from the start, sponsors already do sponsorships for individual talents. Grouping everyone together was just redundant.
>It makes no sense to try and police the biggest corpo's talents when you have no power over them.
Can say the same to those who beg for holoboys collabs.
>Dead subs after 1 week
nigga what?
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could be worse. VSPO en has dead subs on debut.
Based and truthpilled.
Keep dabbing on inferior schizos.
Here's what I don't understand about Homobeggars. If you guys are so adamant and are willing to go on twitter to support male and female collabs then why not just gather a few Homobeggars together and just form your own corpo? Like why does it matter if your watching a Holo or not if mixed gender collabs is the most important factor. It makes no sense to try and police the biggest corpo's talents when you have no power over them. Just go start your own corpo if you're really serious about this shit.
>when you have no power over them
Wtf? What happened to the invisible gun? I thought the girls ignored the bois because they were constantly threatened by the yunigorns. Surely it can't be by their own free will :(
I don't really care what anyone does. I'm just watching vtubers for enjoyment. If the content is interesting I watch, if not I watch something else. I don't force anybody to do anything. I'm just trying to point out some basic logical sense to unicorns since they have been bitching about this problem for the longest time.
Worst of the lot of them is enna and millie who both try their best to make the stream as awkward as possible for anyone watching with the shit they try to say to anyone they collab with
>make your entire brand owning the chuds
>twitter activists show up to give you dead subs
Seemed more like this group was part of the advent group of hiring since it was a themed debut for both
>I don't really care what anyone does.
Then why do care about what others do while saying you don't care?
There is still plenty of room for niches in the EN sphere too.
We got no dedicated rpg playing chuubas
Our one FPS chuuba is constantly time traveling
None of them (except biboo and maybe ina) are any good at video games either, so a gamer (for lack of a better word) could work too.
I wouldnt count them out of more gens just yet
Because the point is to kill our hobby and make us despair, we're a political target, nothing more. There's no actual underlying interest beyond that on their part. We already know if they do as you suggested the mana of the industry would drain away into uninteresting dramas. I'm sure there are a handful of homobeggars who believe they really want the coming of the couples-times and a more "mature" culture, people who genuinely don't see what a loss of polarity does to something that intends to operate industrially. As I put it to someone earlier "it's either a horny club or girlcults and I have no idea how the girlcults would be monetized". They probably don't have an actual model, the reveal would eventually be an empty ponzi vault on their end, but only for a minority of deliberate sacrifices who didn't realize this was Kill Whitey: Brood War map number 07 of 12
This place is basically the 7/11 of drama farms
She's the one true mamma of HoloEN. Even considering all of Hololive as a whole only Miomama has a comparable mama level
When did I say I care what others do? I'm simply pointing out a very easy solution unicorns could do since they care so much. You guys claim you got money and are willing to fund vtubers, then just start your own corpo. It seems like the most logical thing you could do instead you're asking Holos to do something you have no control over. Literally makes no sense.
Once they get off their 2h max/stream limit, im sure gigi will take off
Is the limit even real? Raora has already done 4h+ art streams and none of her streams are under 2h
Seems to be real for the majority of them. I havent been paying attention to the pink panther's streams though, italian filters me too much
When did I say I am forcing others do what I want? I'm simply pointing out a similarly easy solution homobeggars could do since they care so much. You guys claim your words as just, with enough potential audience both male and females based on twitter engagement raring to support the vtubers aligned with it, then why not just start your own corpo. It seems like the most logical thing you could do instead you're asking Holos and viewers to do something you have no control over. Literally makes no sense.
What's funny about this is Mori, Kronii & Ame bought real assets like land & houses. With Ame doing that with SC off, not streaming for months, almost zero member content, & almost never shilling her merch.
Meanwhile, Kiara complained about money after one tax mishap.
Based, always good to remind people its a branding issue that happens over time
Kronii and Ame doesn't put as much effort into hololive content like Kiara does, as she mostly funds her original music. Mori though is paid alot with her music career and contract to be able to buy a house.
Sounds like money management matters more than doing/not doing homocollab.
Bro you've got issues man. If you don't like what the Holos are doing just don't watch them.
Fucking based
You're imagining it. Gigi has gone longer than 2 hours before too. The limiter for her is the dailies reset for her games which is when she ends stream
And if you don't like what others are doing , don't mind them. We're at this point and you're still not seeing the hypocrisy and contradiction of your own words and arguments? The fuck man
bruh I'm not even sure what contradiction you are talking about. I'm not even a homobeggar or unicorn. I'm literally just a dude who watches vtubers for a larf.
All I'm saying is there is the most obvious solution for unicorns since they keep saying they got all this cash and want unicorn friendly vtubers. Just go start your own corpo and you can make sure they stay unicorn friendly. Like what the fuck else am I contradicting.
>If you don't like what the Holos are doing just don't watch them.
oh, irony
Good music mostly overcomes any other debuffs when it comes to subs, MV views and karaoke ccv, simple as that. Shes one of the top singers in hololive with very good karaoke skills in particular and she spammed 3 karaokes in a week. She'd be even more popular if she wasn't a beggar queen, make no mistake. As is, she'll get good subs and have very good karaoke #s from tourists and fall behind on almost anything else. As we've already seen, she was 3rd in ccv for the gen collab only beating the super loud runt who filters with ear bleeding and she got demolished in her only solo gaming stream, losing literally half her ccv within a hour to CC who in turn perfectly maintained her 13k all stream. She doesn't bring up da Boyz around other girls so far and seems to have her own box of beggar types, tourists and former niji EN refugees (after their branch collapsed) who don't care about hololive as we've seen by her record breaking awful raid transfer rates to cgdct genmates. So it's whatever, no biggie, at least she's not like infecting others or trying to drag her genmates into her box.
Cause it won't work? Vtubing is about kayfabe in the first place knowing too much of the innerworkings just break the immersion I guess
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Anon, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but those of femanine cognition can't into facts. They create reality by chanting and screaming at it to hold a shape for as long as they can continue the chant.
Just be stoic and wait and watch, as the exact same thing happens here as what always happens. Unicorns will decide what happens in the end. CGDCT will prevail. Just let it happen and then mock them after the fact. It's always the most satisfying.
People don't get rich by being retards, it's more economical to maintain existing unicorn friendly vtubers than it is to invest lots of money, effort and time on your own unicorn friendly vtubers just to be on the same level as the former not including a thriving community since the vtuber needs to be entertaining too and be a big hit in the vtubing community. By the time they get to that point just being unicorn friendly is not worth it for the amount of investment you put into them especially in an oversaturated market.
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>some random vtuber named sora replied to me? eh who cares fucking shitter
>Kiara complained about money after one tax mishap
*after buying her own house
It's better to maintain the current status quo in which the amount of entertainment they get from vtubers is greater than the amount of effort and money they put into it. Assuming they're rich and not the ones spending what little money they have to "give support" their oshi's.
Yeah, can't wait for someone like Mori or Suisei to be bankrupt.
It will be a very very long wait, but still.
Learn English.
There's a lot of people who sub to every holo channel but never watch most of them. Likewise there's a lot of tourists who subbed to ERB because she debuted first but don't end up actually watching rest of the streams.
>at least she's not like infecting others or trying to drag her genmates into her box.
I hope that remains true. Agreed otherwise.
maybe it's time for Mori, Kronii, Bae and Ame to graduate
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>my oshis avoid homos like the plague
>while interacting with me in chat
>"the boys are closer tho"
I assure you - seething, tantruming women like yourself are a) way uglier, and b) will never find a man who wants your roast beef curtains, your oshi least of all
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Despite what both sides say about her, I don't believe liz joined to shake up the culture or whatever the fuck. From what I've seen of her she just genuinely likes all the talents and wants to spread positivity and from her collabs so far she does seem to happy to respect other people's boundaries.

That being the case, her turbosister fanbase know well enough if she did go on this "crusade" they're imagining she'd never convert everyone since a lot of the girls are just flat out not comfortable with the topic, which will ultimately only lead to animosity and camps being formed. So the question is why the fuck are you so desperate to see hololive divided?
nothing is going to happen you fucking schizos
Anon, the first post is a sarcastic post.

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