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Other than phase which other company has vtubers showing solidarity with Elira after the blackscreen video?
oh no phasefags
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I quite honestly don't care as long as she doesn't try to pull another black stream or attack someone again.
February was months ago and there's no hope left for the branch. We'll hopefully find out what the fuck happened after the branch dissolves or gets reabsorbed and enough people leave.
There was obviously more going on than what /here/ rrat peddlers thought and some are privy to the behind the scenes while most are not. The fact Kiara met up with her afterwards is all I need to know that Elira probably isn't as culpable as people think she is.
Didn't Kiara meet Enna?
One miss Namiji Freesia of Production Kawaii.
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Kiara will be friends with any girl that is nice to her. She is not a good judge of character.
>Actually, Kiara doesn't count because <insert horseshit reasons>
Kiara met with ethyria not Elira (which is also bad) dumbfuck.
Also using Kiara as your moral compass on an argument KEK
I think the fact that Doki got triggered by that video enough to make a response could be an indicator of a more complex dynamic. She could have ignored it the same way she kept ignoring everything until now, but this time she felt the need to step in. Or maybe she's just worried even for people who harmed her.
There is gumiho's statement and that discord leak, and I believe them both, but who knows what was happening at the time or what happened between points A and B.
Shitty situation all around that turned even shittier.
Stop samefagging
I doubt most people are as privy to the goings on of other companies as people here seem to think. Elira could be a bully, Doki could have exaggerated greatly, whatever happened we’ll never really know for sure unless someone just goes full scorched earth and whistleblows on a billion dollar company over YouTube drama. Any big corpo tubers are liable to strict ndas as well, leaking stuff about internal affairs is easily traced and has already led to the firing of a few of them. Unless your name is Luca and you apparently have yab immunity.

I guess it could also just be that most chuubas aren’t staunch moralists or anything and are going to hang out and network with people they like regardless of how shit they are behind the scenes.
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is X poster samefagging
Fuck off
Remember that the popular twitter cope, especially in the direct aftermath, is that Elira was forced into doing the black screen video along with Vox and Ike by management. So the full brunt of the mob was on management from twitter's perspective. So unless the chuuba was extremely /here/ at the time, or close to Doki in any way, they probably went along with this and minimally interacted with the organs. Even Hololive collabed with Reimu and Meloco almost directly after the video. It was only after organs like Reimu making passing bad faith remarks about Doki that solidified NijiEN as a true clique and not unwilling hostages in the eyes of the Twitter mob.
They've been friends for years
the only 2 Niji's Lia knew/knows were Pomu and Scarle.
smells like a faggot in here
Pixellink girls are still friendly with nijiEN. I hope they do some kino collabs, I love both groups
she saw people calling her on her bullshit and freaked out that her entire house of cards was about to collapse. She didn't expect them to fight back, thats what suicide baiting is all about. No one would *dare* question you
Are there really people who are still obsessed with this? It's been 5 months since it happened. I see a lot of speculation here with no proof. We will probably never know what truly happened behind the scenes but I can definitely say from what we have seen, Anycolor and it's talents acted very unprofessionally. Selen could of been difficult some it never called for what they did. There wasn't a need to terminate Selen with such malice and make a 3 page white doc. There was no need to Double down on it and there was absolutely no need to get the talents to attack her. The whole thing was gross not only to fans but to the entire vtuber community.
Lia's whole shtick is that she's an evil Stacy, so this may just be her try harding to stay on brand.
Doki said that she wanted to move on. Plus Lia is not good friends with doki or anything. So it is not out of place for her to do one reply to elira 3 months ago, especially if they have known each other before.
>Using Kiara as a judge of character
She will literally befriend anyone who tries being nice to her.
>Doki said that she wanted to move on
Why do you faggots act as if Doki controls the internet?
Has Mint interacted with Lia since this? If so I'm unsubscribing from her channel.
PixelLink is friendly with pretty much everyone though
Lia watches Luca btw.
who honestly cares. In vtubing you are either a friend or acquaintance. Mint's more of a friend than Elira.
seething sisters still seething
I watch kiara religiously and i would never use her as some sort of judge of character, gura yes, fauna yes, kiara hell no
It's probably due to her past but the way she views other content creators is purely from a business standpoint, she rants about it every once in awhile in members streams but she is very jaded about relationships
Mint literally went on a trip to Antarctica with Elira 1 month before her graduation
That was still before the black stream.
You don't understand... the dramafags need their crumbs.
mental gymnastics to the extreme
kawaii, more specifically Nami
Elira was in her chat recently too
Correction: Mint paid for Elira's trip to Antarctica, otherwise she wouldn't be able to release her original song just like what happened with Doki's cover of Last Cup of Coffee.
ok sister, keep supporting your dying vantablack company
Yeah it was probably something like that huh. Makes sense. Elira had way more merch and opportunities than Pomu after all.
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Oh no no no Phasekeks
vei kiara collab almost happened until people pointed out how bad that idea is (and vei doubled down shitting on holos after that so bullet dodged there)
if elira really is an innocent angel there are some hints she said on stream or roommate which will get clipped/posted here but where are those hmmm?
>id sell my left leg to simply be noticed by you
>now has become bigger than her
life comes at you fast
dramanigs kek
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She's literally a nijisister
I just remembered Finana couldn't go because she had no money.
Funny shit. They drove away their actual money makers.
i thought she was supposed to be a real idol fan
does elira even follow lia on twitter? lia is actual friends with pomu and scarle
I didn't
My personal rrat is that elira wasnt deeply involved in the bullying itself. I think she was in a place to stop it and didnt, because she's thrown into a management position without any training or experience and doesnt actually know how to deal with interpersonal conflicts between workers under her. Maybe she didnt do enough to curtail enna and millie, more likely she favored them openly because they were friends without even realizing how selen would respond to this, but I dont think she has it in her to partake in casual bullying and pushing selen down, especially without it being very obvious even to the casual audience. When Elira doesnt like people she isnt subtle about it at all, see mocca and the black stream. I think elira was named in the document because something happened during an offcollab/meeting/whatever at her house, and therefore her name and address ended up on the sealed document, as person of interest E rather than as defendant E, but this was poorly communicated by niji's lawyers who made her believe both that doki was doxxing her and suing her. I think Elira made the black stream irrationally to lash out, as she does, and that she massively regrets it not just because of how it backfired in a way that only an emotional Elira could fail to predict, but also that she spoke out before getting all of the facts and now she has to realize how much of a fucking idiot she was and how much worse she made herself look for it.
damn, Pippa saw the retarded tweet and tried to save her but she doubled down
I won't discount your theory but it's extremely reasonable of someone being told their attempt was fake to get pissed and lash out about it.
nice try sister, aint reading all dat tho
>suicide baiting
But enough about that faggot Sonny
The fact that Doki still hasn't made her receipts public and wants to "move on" ASAP should make everything clear. Also her company was established in April 2023. She even announced her merch will be available before she had her last cup of coffee. You all have been played by her and ate it up because Nijisanji bad.
You just know he did that Pomu My Woman shit on purpose.
It's fucked up she was treated like the corpo punching bag.
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Its time to let go nijifag
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Real Jakarta hours, sisters are running wild.
>Nijisanji bad
Damn right. So bad they can't even sell half the seats at a AX concert.
This might shock everyone, but it possible that everyone involved was wrong on some level. I know that sort of moral ambiguity angers people on the spectrum who see things in black or white.
>Maybe if I keep repeating myself they'll eventually believe me
>both sides bad
well sister, you're halfway correct.
keep going. you're almost there!!
Sonny did not suicide bait. Not to my knowledge.
Yeah, male idols like the average kpop stan, stop thinking straight women like to watch girls.
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because she does.
>kpop stan
Finally, the sister reveals her origins.
She's an Amber Heard...
No, she would've ignored it if not for the fact that nijishitters kept harrasing her about it when she didn't even draw the fcking animation.
To think, Selen used to be anti'd by /vt/ but then the revelation came that it was the sisters all along. Absolutely disgusting behavior.
>Nijisanji bad
yes, you are absolutely right sister
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And what the fuck are you going to do about it? Bitch and seethe along with the other nijiniggs for the rest of your worthless lives? Clearly you "not giving a fuck" about her hasn't done anything kek
oh no liacucks, how do you deny this?
Where the fuck are Elira's receipts then? Doki was menhera and threatening to dox her and the cause of all the drama, but the best they could manage was a handful of ooc shit that just made them look worse. Meanwhile Vox bragged for 10 minutes about how much evidence they had that Doki was evil and that's why they HAD to do the black stream then just gave up the second people asked them for receipts. Why should Doki be the one that gets hate for "stirring up more drama"?
holy fuck, isreal
It's the sister hypocritical defense. They know both sides can't give evidence due to NDA clauses + fines but still egg on the other side while never producing ANYTHING themselves.
It's disgusting too because they're STILL doing it. Only now they're using Mint instead.
It's gross.
Lia acts like a crackhead, there I said it
Yeah he just pretended to be dead
This board is filled with women
Nice projection, sis. What else did your whoreoscope say?
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Reminder that Lia NTR'd her audience at the end of a donothon and then blamed them for getting mad.
>no u unironically
Post tits
>Niji stirs up shit
>"Noooooo! Why did Dookie make drama!!!"
>Doki moves on
>"Noooooo! Why isn't Dookie making more drama!!!"
Vdere keeps winning
Lia is an irrelevant shitter. At this point in time, no one is stupid enough to try quadrupling down on anti-Doki sentiment. The clique failed to subvert Matara to their side, a colossal failure on their part. Even if they try anything using Lia as their proxy, no one is going to give a shit.
Nothing wrong with this. Elira is a nice girl who's been unfairly bullied by /vt/
Yeah he only pretended to have a terminal illness so that he could grift money from people
Ah yes the GURRAT. I do buy it, but I think its also why Kiara is still frustrated about having to collab with her. Kiara sees some commonality with her, but she also knows that doesn't absolve Elira from the black stream. Its why I have more respect for the chicken
Doki already won, so she doesn't need to share receipts. April 2023? Niji has just been bad for at least that long.
When's the last time Kiara had to collab with Elira?
Yeah but that's not suicide bait. That's terminal illness bait.
Even if I believe this bullshit excuse and Elira regrets it for reasons other than being hated, why is the black stream still up? Why was there no apology? We're half a year later and there is no remorse, no admitting that what she did was wrong. So why should I believe this shitty rrat if she doesn't realize months later that she was evil? Because that's what she was, even ignoring literally everything up to the black stream she intentionally timed it to coincide with Doki's first stream. This wasn't a coincidence.
It doesn't matter what Enna and Millie did or didn't do. People hear the black stream and see the hysterical victim blaming over simply being included in a legal document she wasn't even supposed to see unredacted and recognize the bad faith in going public to 1.3 million people and attacking Selen at the same time as her first gaming stream when all Selen wanted to do was get the fuck out of Niji, play Neopets and be happy. To do what Elira did just cause her address from an offcollab was part of a list of incidents is retarded.
She could apologize by saying she needlessly jumped to conclusions, committed an unforgivable act of aggression in public, learned to not jump to conclusions on hearsay across a language barrier, has enrolled in therapy and will not do it again. While doing a dogeza. Just cause you didn't mean to stab someone doesn't change them bleeding from the knife in their back. Neither is she a child anymore. like Nina has said many times, they act like fucking teenagers despite being far too old. Literally the oldest and most important legal advice ever given is shut the FUCK up and SIT DOWN.
Elira can lay in her bed and watch what she did to her coworkers.

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