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Muchi Muchi Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Pixel VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
Ex-Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ Thread: >>79376757
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>no privacy at home
>used to not be allowed to close her door
>never did until she started living on her own
>got a big goil jurb that starts in August
>still needs to pass her exam
>wants to be a vtuber forever
>ideally would only work part time or per diem

>SHORT stream tonight
>maybe until 11PM or so
Creature from Down Undah plays Elden Ring
I want to hug essie and kiss essie and hold her hand and cuddle with her on a rainy night!
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>Essie used to go on incognito mode to listen to Twitter spaces before they added the listen anonymously feature
>i've seen baachis EVERYWHERE
>i remember one time i clicked on someone's stream and literally the FIRST thing that i see is a baachi donoing to a vtuber and what they said what a little bit crazy...
>i was like oh.... and i closed the stream
>it was SO funny because it wasnt the first time i saw that baachi send someth-
>i should stop
featuring Nino, according to Spotify
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chatty mink fren's earthbounding
>when i was on my deep ASMR research arc... i saw some wild things
>especially JP ASMR.. and when i see a pretty lady in the thumbnail...
>i do get clickbaited when i see those kinds of thumbnails
>i cant help myself...
>i just like to look and see
>im a a big curiosity killed the cat kind of person
>im also kinda nosey
baachis will inherit the earth
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>>79551437 >>79549658
>im doing ASMR tomorrow btw
>im so excited to do ASMR at my parent's place!
she even already has the NSFW thumbnail for it
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>>why wiener dog tag?
>this is literally me
>>why is the tail not connected?
>how else am i gonna use the bathroom?
learning a lot about Essie tonight
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>guys guys guys, the other day i was so brave
>i made a pumpkin pie for everybody on the server and i gave it to them
now in game btw
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Furi is now a professional escort...
>Pillow shows up
>Essie instantly notices her new shoes
she is the perfect boyfriend
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/wool/ won the pillowbowl
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cottagecore gnome fren's live with mario kart 8 deluxe!
Pillow got gangKISSABAACHI'd by the baachis in Essie's enclosure in the sweltering summer of 2024
This is what /wool/ is into?
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>you belong here with your people
>>meeeeh *Pillow willingly follows Essie to the /wool/ farm*
>enjoy your new home!
it all coming together

Also Pillow gave birth and Essie had a heart to heart, sheep to sheep convo with her
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>*Pillow, in bed, inhaling slowly and deeply through a lit cigarette* ...how do you feel after that?
>Essie: i dunno.. i feel it was good to put myself in another animal
>P: do you feel more feral and more vulnerable after that?
>E: maybe a little, probably embarrassed too
>P: it's okay... it's your primal self, your primal instinct
>E: yeah exactly!! you just have to let that side of you out every once in a while, you know, tap into you animal side...
>P: you are a feral beast Essie...
>E: but im not like an evil one... right?
>P: you are INSANE...
>E: but im not evil-
>P: ...you're not evil
>E: im just an insane feral beast then, not an evil one?
>P: yeah, you're okay
>E: oh... ..j-j-just okay..?
>P: im just saying that you are no evil
>E: thank you... i dont think you are evil either, i think you are awesome!
>P: meeh~
isnt it great when Essie has the whole place to herself and can make all the silly noises ever?
essie is stimming so hard in minecraft lol
>Essie visited Furi's oasis and thought it was awesome
I need to see them hangout D:
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>i thought the Para merch was sent into the void
>but thankfully the mailing people are just evil monsters and like to troll
>my roommate picked it up for me
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new thread same bread
>Essie wants to feed up Yuuna
What a tweest!
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Today is ERP day I guess...
>Yuuna: Essie! I'm not ready for you yet!!
>Essie: wait what do you mean??
>Y: I need to make a pretty place for us to have tea~
>E: oh okay! here, i'll throw you at least this gift!
>Y: oh you're a COCK how are you d-
>*laughing in unison*
>E: i forgot i was wearing this...
>Y: biggest, biggest cock I've seen on this server
>E: what can i say... wait, even bigger, even bigger!!
>*still lauthing*
>E: wait i have a gift for you
>Y: you do?
>E: here you go, have so food in there
>Y: Stop! you said you didn't m- but you know what I did Essie, because you told me you are always short on food, I'm planting a bunch of fruit trees around me so we'll never have a shortage
>E: do you know about the food mod in this game? *explains* you can make a ton of food, i think it'll fit you perfectly if you wanna make a cafe
>Y: Awww I'll make sure that when you come back you never go hungry
>E: thank you so much, i appreciate it
>Y: I'll see you soon, I'll visit you and your hug-
>E: *laughing* okay i'll see you!
>*both walk away*
>E: she's so silly, i love her so much... she is a such a comfortable presence to be around
>E: i dont knwo how to explain but she is so easy to talk to
>E: when i logged onto the server was the first time i ever spoke to he formally
(it was not very formal just verbal instead of textual)
>food is a good way to become friends with people
>they will be like oh my god Essie you're sooo cool, i love you!
why do they have the same laugh are these sisters or something
Yuuna and Essie have such good chemistry
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>Yuuna: how do you build a heart again?
>Essie: im the last person to ask
there's too much to post the full thing but this sums it up pretty well i think
>let's cherish the time with have together IN THE NETHER
what could possibly go wrong?
>after my exam i will work on so many things
>im gonna take full advantage of having the whole house to myself
>actually true tho
these two yap collab would be great
the double screen Yuuna had for a bit
also, a big cock
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just so you know the "facts" you have heard about roaches tonight might be slightly inaccurate
i see...
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>ASMR tomorrow about 10PM
>MON TUE no stream, studying
>Wednesday might stream all day
>will be back to a normal schedule after that
>if you just wanted to watch minecraft hi hello thank you
>if you are a baachi, fuck you
>just kidding i missed streaming so much i was experiencing lethal levels of withdrawals

Essie raided Yuuna
>all you're gonna hear me talk about is:
>probably work
>how much food I'm eating
>how food makes me happy except i need to diet
>and... Slay the Spire which is on sale now you guys

>did I ever tell you guys that the biggest insult you can ever do to me is
>if I offer to feed you personally from my spoon and you go
>>no, not right now... im not that hungry
>that's the equivalent of telling me to go die in a ditch!
>for me, making sure that the people I love get a bit of the most tasty food ever so tasty that I'm willing to share it with you ...and you turn me down.. it like... *sniff sobsob* ..you've hurt me like a lot...
>when I'm able to feed you from my own spoon, or chopsticks or whatever, from ny own hand, that's the next level in our relationship
Yuuna has strong hag energy, doesnt want to steal hag valour, not even 25 yet
>I'm the single mother of 3 cats: Ringo Ayame and Tonya
>well i say 3 but i definitely have adopted more kids than that... too many!
>there has to be another Yuuna out there
>yaps a lot
yeah i know one like that
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>got my first hate maro in 2021 it was something like:
>>Yuuna, aren't you ashamed of yourself to have favorites?
>got a couple more like that and i was like yeah, I'm closing my marshmallows
also yes. spiders can swim
It's nice seeing Yuuna be social on stream again
Bear still celebrating
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It's really nice how Yuuna and Essie get along so well. VSMP started at the perfect time to match Essie's new social arc.
Zenya correcting herself on her ASMR stream
>it's not parasocial if i call you guys my friends first
long convo explaining her philosophy around that and just by yapping Yuuna figures out why she is not replaceable in people's minds
1h40m into the vod, something like that
this is s great fucking stream and she's not even playing that silly card game
block game yap & therapy is sooo gonna become a regular thing
>I'm sorry for talking so much about the past and the present
>Minecraft just brings it out in me
It's going to happen often and it's nice. Even better when all the girls are together.
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>My end goal being on this sever is...
>*long pregnant pause, triplets probably*
>...do I want to fix people?! actually I'm trying to think... what is my intention being on this server??
>If me being in someone's life or becoming a friend helps them in some way or another in the future, I hope i can do so for them

There you go >>79562290
More Yuuna VSMP in the future
>Yuuna would be the childhood friend that wins the harem anime
Yea I believe it
>I always viewed myself as the friend experience
>the next door neighbor friend experience
>I didn't think I was gfe
Made me remember when Mio was considered the drunk friend experience and now she is full on gfe
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>I'm sorry for talking so much about the past and the present
>I feel like Minecraft just brings that out of me
>Minecraft really was- I feel I mentioned that on stream, like 3 years ago, it was really the first game I got to play
>Before I started streaming I never really played games because my dad was convinced girls can't play games because that's a boy thing
>>You're supposed to be a girl and what kind of girl plays games?
>that's why he sold my PC, that's why stopped playing FF14 for a while even though I could have been world's first for a lot of raids honestly
>I was pretty hardcore into the scene but I was strictly deterred to
>I had to get my dad into the game, and I was only able to get my dad into Terra because he could make a shit ton of money
>He did not like FF14
>I only was able to start streaming because of covid because the laptop I had then was super shitty and super bad
>When I got sent back home from university during covid, I was like, hey dad can you get me that laptop for online classes? and my dad knew I wanted that laptop specifically to play games but he went along with it I guess, he was like "yeah sure why not" and that is how I ended up getting a streaming laptop and I had a friend tell me that I would make a really good streamer and then I saw the Suisei clip aaaaand that's where I am now!

This stream is a great introduction to Yuuna if you are a raided Baachi or a stray Pillow or a lurking Furi looking for Tsunderia nostalgia
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Catching these Yuuna streams has been hitting me with the nostalgia and memories. Plus it made me realize I haven't posted in /tsunx/ in close to a year now.
yeah same
same brother, same
It’s a good think she happen to give a happy dad story instead of one of her sad mom stories
Shameful to say but Lisa got me into the little sister experience and I haven't been watching her consistently
it's really cute that from Essie's place you can see Tonya's house and from there you can see Yuuna's place
>Essie left a present for Tonya
>there's mutton in it

Random Encore fun fact: everyone is very modest
Tonya only looks like she has "something there" when wearing a push up bra
>ends stream
>instantly gets brainworms
yeah i know someone like that >>79560800
It happens especially when Lisa couldn't stream for awhile so don't beat yourself up about it or anything. Everyone has their preferences and they change with time.
>Come here little baachi
>You want me to take care of you so baaa-d
I am in danger
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>I dont want to go back in there by myself...
>Essie finish up you licensing exam!!
>Tonya come home!!
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>I want to go see sheep in New Zealand
>They are cuter and fluffier in New Zealand I'm pretty sure
I know a guy who can help
>Okay im logging off until Essie comes find me...
>Oh holy shit it's been thr- (3 hours)
>You know what I deserve a sweet treat after this

>You guys better tell Essie to come one cause I am not playing Minecraft until I have someone to hold my hand back
Yuuna raided Shura for more VSMP block gaming
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tarkov sheep's sneaking her way around metal gear solid 1!
Raki has zoomies and might have ran out of maros also this
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i for one welcome some old school snake as break from block game
>tune in
>she is dying a lot
>starting to yell a lot too
>asking for someone to take the controller off her hands and do it for her after yelling about how impossible the game is
comfy 10h stream (about 9 left)
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she figured out that one part we are now on our way to alaska or something
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degen hours tako buttcrack crafting and maybe singing too also NOW
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>might be a shorter stream
>havent got on VSMP today, felt lonely
>never felt FOMO in my life before

>had to get some work done
>forgot about a commission for a friend but she had forgotten too
>wend to get taco bell with a friend
>might be the only one on the sever
i dont know about that last one
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Tonya joined
>>did I ever tell you guys that the biggest insult you can ever do to me is
>>if I offer to feed you personally from my spoon and you go
>>>no, not right now... im not that hungry
>>that's the equivalent of telling me to go die in a ditch!
>>for me, making sure that the people I love get a bit of the most tasty food ever so tasty that I'm willing to share it with you ...and you turn me down.. it like... *sniff sobsob* ..you've hurt me like a lot...
My grandma was the same. She stopped after I puked all over my bed from overeating.
left already, didnt catch a screencap
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>>how's the greenhouse?
>ah! you know saw!! on somebody's stream...
>see, i never know who is streaming...

>i stole Furi's waystone by accident, i have to return it...

>so this is friendship island i want to make it into a cute dating spot for all the girls
>this is the greenhouse i want to make it really really tall, like 10 or 15 blocks

>last night i was about to go to bed
>but i was like no, im gonna start working on my build
>so i went to Furi's place to get sand first
>then i went to bed >>79498859

>secret project to make the girls happy
>checking on the cat
>also wants to make a pond

>*starts the karaoke playlist on shuffle*
First song that plays is Riptide:
>i was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations
>all my friends are turning green
is this a coincidence???
sort of dating greenhouse magic is that??
bros ayu having fun singing silly songs is dangerously cute...
is she going mushing?
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>water/voice break
>need a new keyboard that sounds cuter
>wants to sing more but voice starting to get too tired to sound good
don't believe her lies she sounds great

>*typing noises interrupted by taccoon noises*
>i was texting Raki telling her how much i love the VSMP
>dont know if she's awake, i was responding to an old DM and and i'm a yapper in DMs to people i'm close to
these two are so cute together even when they are not together it's not fucking fair

>honeymoon 1 2 3
Essie loves this fucking song
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i dunno, does that usually involve giant mechs?
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>the baddest
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>ayu got a cute gift from Scarlett and Shura
>onto her own mission to leave cute messages to the girls
>starting with Pixel girlies since no one is online rn

>el muchacho de los oros tristes
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>so kiss me...
it's like a dog sled thing so kinda
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JP minecrafting from Miyo
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Ayu admiring the Weewoo
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>pee break soon
>water break first, right after
>ayu says "fuck you" and she means it
2h19m ish
it's kinda hot
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>back to singing and mischieving
>poko leaves the sever
>warps to her place for some mischief

>been watching poko since her debut
>i remember when raki was still predebut i told her she's another raccoon like you, you guys have to become friends!!!
ayu is a good bean

>back to singing btw
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>this is beautiful... I want to live here forever

one of the most woolcoded VSMP screencaps ever
>traumatised Furi in chat
>Ayu shocked at Essie's build
>leaving a cute message
>Pillow is next
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>essie! you are one of the sweetest people ever
>and you are so much fun to be around!
>you're so very kind and i hold every moment we spend together
>very close to my heart!
> - your secret admirer :3
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>pillow! you are so very kind and SO CUTE
>thank u for always bringing everyone in t he server together n being a beacon of light!
>i love talking to i so very much you are so loved!!!
> - your secret admirer :3
> ps: i love the clinic thank u :3
ayu cute...
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>stream tomorrow might start early
>i have an addiction... *big stretch*
>i cant wait for my island to be finished and all the girls can come and have cute dates and then and then and then and then and then i can make cute things happen
>isnt that fun guys? isnt that fun?

>today Yuuna was on, wanted to give her baking tool cause she is making a cafe but was too busy to log on
>apparently she is lost in the nether >>79565206

>will probably stream MC everyday, as gorilla
>ACTUALLY NO next week is AX
>im not going to the AX but will go to dinners with people who are going
>schedule will be a bit wonky

>super thankful to all the girls and pixel link
>i feel i owe them a lot for letting me into the server im not entitled to it or anything
>i feel very honored and i want to make sure i will never take it for granted

>talk about it before but
>had a couple rough months at the start of this year, having something so happy to distract me, you know
>this is the best thing that has happened to me this year

>they are prioritising closer friends the pixel girls invited
>management reached out to a few people
>and a few people reached out to management too

>debuted this year, started streaming more regularly, now i feel i have a community
>one of my goal was to make more friends and i feel i made quite a lot of friends

>feel proud of myself, still very anxious, tearing up a little im sorry
>it's brought me out of my shell and i feel i've grown for the better

>at the beginning of this year i didnt think things were gonna go well for me, i was very sad
>now am happy....

>feeling very blessed that i was given the chance to be a part of it ...
>there are so many vtubers out there...
>feel like i have been given a very big gift, not just the server but also my community

>at first i was very much clinging to my friends and like... you know...
>now im able to find my happiness for myself and a lot of it is because of you guys too
>before this year i was focussing on the wrong things, now i am focussing on myself and i feel i have grown as a person
>i hope that i can be what a lot of these girls are to me

>the girls mean a lot to me even if i dont know a lot of them too well yet

>often i feel maybe im no good enough, not just vtubing but in general
>and the girls make me feel like i'm good enough to be a person they can rely on
>i feel like i had been looking for like... i had community as an audience, but i wanted a community of other vtubers i could talk to and i feel like now i have that

>>you've been very precious to us Ayu, please take care of yourself a happy Ayu makes for happy babygorls
>hey... if you say so, i trust you
>i trust you guys... i think i have learned to take people at their word instead of constantly questioning it
>im trying to be better at it

>i dont know why im crying.... yeah
>thank you guys, i mean that from the bottom of my heart
>thank you pixellink
>thank you to the VSMP
>thank you babygorls
>i hope we can be here for a very long time

>thank you guys so much for everything
>really love you guys a lot
>okay, please have a great rest of your night, rest of your day, of your morning, whatever it is
>i will sleep well, i am a happy tako
>alright guys... goodnight
>sleep well okay
>we ate a lot today, let's eat a lot tomorrow~
>byyyyye mwah!
>thanks for hanging out with me, love you guys
Ayu cute perhappies
Pillow gets a new GF in a matter of seconds
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>too cold...
>so eepy...
>*cute Pillow noises*
she is so falling asleep
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pillow breathing noises
>*pillow rolls over, still asleep*
how did she manage to do that cutely
it's some goooood shit
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Esila time! in 20 minutes
nails and chill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wNbVIK9g4Y
master duel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26i2P6hJ_NE
gremlin noises sheep's helping you relax with some ASMR
>>79585026 (me)
Wife live!
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god loves esila
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>made sweet tea but prepared it like hot tea
has anyone tried this? is it good?
I always flavor my tea as if it was bottled ice tea, it definitely works.
most days. there's no difference, it's just bottom of the barrel cheap tea as far as I know
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esila fun facts:
purple and yellow are her favorite colors but not as a combination
her favorite color combo is brown and pink instead
i guess it'd depend on the type of tea, yeah.
I just imagined her RTX whatever she looks like in a pink dress and oh my god... I know I wouldn't be able to say no to anything she'd ask of me. yes, I've fallen for her fully.
hang in there, anon.
I'm always my happiest and most productive when I'm in love, that's when I truly have something more like someone to live for, and unlike meatspace relationshits the risks are minimal. Ask me how I know... or rather don't, I don't wanna answer that. Unless something happens to her the next few years will be amazing for me.
cursed by femc...
>Similarly to handguns and shotguns, because they all go in your hand and they all shoot, why is not every single finger a ring finger?
>>yeah it's for other rings, probably
>Well, you can put a ring on every finger!
because the world is not autistic, unfortunately
>Esila still confused by handguns
so cute
>because the world is not autistic
unlike our cute hag wife
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Good morning shaggers
>Do you think I'm a good sheep or a bad sheep, because I don't think I can properly judge that.
self hatred levels are off the charts! tender loving correction is required.
esila cute
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Esila is cute!
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blue cat getting a new cute soon
Esila is telling us to go as hard as we can...
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Esila is getting roughly pounded in Master Duel
Krumm has genuinely one of the nicest artstyles, hopefully new outfit will keep the high quality.
Looks like all the shaggers died from overheating.
Should have gotten sheared.
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Aren't they all just in Esila's MD lobby?
she was even over 60 CCV for a while
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Yeah, MD seems to be her most popular content.
especially with audience participation, she should make this a weekly thing
Remember when she said she wanted to play fighting games?
lol she talked about that yesterday during the planning segment too. she's in a rough financial situation so having half of her gaming streams be MD makes financial sense (especially after getting YT monetization, not just donos) while still having some variety. plus, we have dedicated zatsu streams when she also uses anilive, so I'm happy, too.
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>community canvas - album cover design
she got that dawg in her
Glad to see her doing well, but do not numberfag the oneesheep
we can't afford not to numberfag her, she has 5 months before her cunt mother kicks her out and she needs to be able to afford rent somewhere. instead of letting her going overboard with it, we can discuss it /here/ and give her suggestions when she asks next time. last time was yesterday after Potion Permit during the last hour, in case you didn't watch.
that's fair
yeah, I'd rather have my beloved wife have fun with streaming instead of being burdened by it, and we can help her in multiple ways, not just with direct donos which are obviously important
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baker fren's doing some coworking before working on some art!
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I miss her already
Para has some lungs on her. Interesting screams.
she is screaming autistically
i hear there is an entire voice pack full of those somewhere on the dork web
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Strange bundle of code and comments streams block game and misses her sheep
>Yuuna loves backshot in the chat code
>an entire recipe for bread in the donobar code
>what the hell is a nini? in the alerts
>i could the most amazing vtuber corpo CEO
>but i'd rather die than start a corpo
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ASMR from down undah
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>Essie has shown me this place so there has to be a way out of here
>I swear Essie showed me this place before so threre has t- WHAHAHAH
not the best heuristic honestly but it did work this one time
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speaking of comfort sheep, no comfort for you tonight
>i’m a bit busy today with studying and some other things i have due so i’ll do asmr tomorrow night instead!! sorry 4 the delay ;; i’ll try to get up a schedule tonight or tomorrow as well!
oh, darn
>I love the way essie giggles
>it's not threatening
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>earlier Kanna said she found a cool island with sunflowers but and she could claim it for us if want
>but I like this place because it's close to Tonya and Essie >>79564675
>>your voice is cute
>I consider my voice pleasant to listen to but I wish I had a cuter voice
>You know how some girls really have a soul healing giggle?
>I have a more hearty, "you need to laugh with me" laugh
>I wish I could giggle the way Mio, Tonya or Essie giggle
>I love the way they giggle, it's not threatening, it's like "oh, I want to make them giggle even more..."
yeah same
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Footage of Raki Kazuki FUCKING at the beach (real and true and sandy)
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>similar sand color and quality
>very strong currents
..is this the exact same beach essie went to??
it should have been at the exact same time...
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What was your favorite duel today? Did anyone here get to play with Esila?
took a bunch of naps during that steam with Esila on speakers listening between naps and it was great no idea about the card game tho
furi has another rant about catgirls but it was less insane a lot of sand was involved tho
>wants to be the MC vtuber the same way Aura the GX vtuber
that's a curse i wouldnt put on a fellow shagger
>I'm very thankful there are girls on this server that are willing to interact with me
>I think it's bad that I'm around this many girls though
>'cause now I just go to bed thinking about... girls
>Which is terrible for my productivity but also, better sleep
it was a tik tok recommendation
i thought about that as an other reason why it could be the same place but Raki is tagging along with her bestie's entire family and i would rather believe a mere tiktok does not have the power to influence 2 grown adult with 3 kids about Raki's age
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Yunners visited Ayu's place on her inspo trip, having a look at offline girlies' houses
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Furi did her fire alpaca planning autism again
>furi is building a slum outside her mega sand oasis
>Everyone is going to AX but I put my foot down and I said NO MORE LA this year
>I'll be streaming on July 4th too probably
>Might stream again later, got close to 10 streams this month
I'm digging this Yuuna arc
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Scheduled non degen tako stream: Ayu loves girls
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>might work on the greenhouse
>might finish it and hate and redo it all
>Ayu missed Kanna's reaction to her sings
>watching it live now

>*a Yunners appears in chat*
>i heard you like bread, i'll make you some bread

>Ayu claimed the sunflower island mentioned here >>79618194
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>learns the magical properties of block game scaffolding
>almost dies
>sings I will survive with a scratchy throat
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>miuna joins
>some dork with a welsh flag begs miuna to tell chiaki to come play block game with her
>the dork goes to find some gross horse and comes back to behead the cute bnuuy
>much giggling ensues
for a short time furi was being a cute girl then turned back into a ferntail
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i have just now realised that MC zombies repeatedly call for Ayu:
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Sheep from down undah putting Elden Ring monsters to sleep
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>Ayu visits' serina bridge and chicken farming operation
>tried to murder her a little bit
>got a bone throne at her as a piece offering
>barks at her like a dog

Meanwhile in the desert,
>Miuna whacks at Furi and does basically no damage
>declares her love (as a peace offering perhappies)
>and gets brutally murdered by her natural enemy, the weasel
cute couples
5h44m into Furi's steam
>sand digging speed demo
>Daiya and Scarlett figure out the scale of her build and her insanity
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>more greenhousing
>essie shows up in chat
>ayu explains that she saw essie's place and asks when she is getting back on blockgame
>tako wrenches the sheep and declares in front of an entire chat that she wants to live at her house
>essie is not planning to hop back on until later in the week

>ayu goes back to serina and they discuss how to make water glow
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>Serina is thinking about making a love hotel
>or maybe just a real freaky room
>Ayu might make a BDSM dungeon on Friendship Island
>some freaky RP starts
>they plan on visiting nether regions in each other's company soon
it's still ERP day i guess

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