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>leaks personal info of 10k applicants
>owned by a known black company that had to rebrand to get away from all the bad rep
>now unironically botting
What the fuck is Brave Group doing?
Absolutely shameless kek
nijiseethe or holoseethe or phaseseethe even
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What the fuck is this shit
thats some low quality botting they couldnt have paid a bit more for the quality stuff?
multi million dollar company pls andastand
Doesn't really matter to me what shady stuff they do to get numbers. Now that I know these girls are going to be pursuing something akin to a professional esports career (namely in CS, which is my favorite esport), I'm all in on them.
>this is so blatant that it must be blatant on purpose! trust!!!
go back
Holy cope. Brave is known to bot themselves a lot
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It's the third largest company, remember. Look, this one has 6k people. Look how fast all of their 6,000 real viewers type in chat.
ive seen 1views with faster chats
99% of their chatters stepped away at the same time to get lunch get deboonked
we know it's done in purpose, BUT, it's different when the victim is a well known schizo-having streamer, and not a debut stream ffs, you're gonna tell me obscure corpo vtubers now come packaged with hardcore schizos? get real, this is done on purpose BY the streamer or the people in charge of them
jesus christ I was legit waiting for chrome to stop fucking around and load the webm
this one is done by a Pakistani schizo who hates IRyS, Brits (ERB), and /#/
holy kek
What a shit botter
Ah I see they're taking the Kurosanji approach.
oh so it's just a case of the number antis getting the foot on the door first
It's like watching an Iron Mouse stream.
alright, this is too blatant.
faster than a mousey stream, looks legit, ask the vshocucks
they know you know so why should they hide it? the big number is for the people who give them money and need tech support to get to youtube
that bitch is probably a high 3view kek
Fair point
There's going to be a data leak at some point for one of these bot companies and it'll be peak comedy to see all the names of the people who payed just plastered right there.
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cope and seethe
I've seen Ph*se talents with faster chats at around 800 viewers
everytime. and just an fyi twitch chat sends messages in batches instead of all at once
I wonder how much of this perception comes from the fact that YT batches messages together and sends them out in a single burst, whereas Twitch does the smart thing that lets chat be actually readable by just delivering messages as they come in
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Nice one Brave. Very inconspicuous
The funny thing about this is you just know that this guy was sitting and recording the chat waiting for her to hit 2 million follows because that's the only time her chat would be fast so he could post it on /vt/ because he's so mad about people pointing out how dead her chat is all the time.
It's usually only dead when she's doing boring stuff like reacting or minecraft. On a real stream the chat is pretty fast.
Their viewers aren't typing because they don't want to wear out their new VSPO brand keyboards chud!
thats not normal at mid to high 4view
>Twitch does the smart thing that lets chat be actually readable by just delivering messages as they come in
Sure is nice of them to give the streamers time to look at the emotes being spammed before the next batch loads in.
It will never be dead if you have a legit thousand viewers.
It's just youtube buffering culling views for all three debuts in a very consistent timeframe of course! Nothing to see here!
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Here's compared to pekora, I too can play this game. You're all mentally ill and manchildren.
>model reveal
You are so sad
Every time
>top chat vs live chat
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>He doesn't know how YouTube chat works.
Press "Live chat", you dumb FUCK
HOLOSEETHE Am I doing it right?
Not banning numbermonkeys on sight was a mistake.
It's obviously the same person or group of people from /here/ that bots everything and it's honestly disgusting they ruined some 3views' debuts. /#/ was a mistake.
>same guy from /here/
>brave group being known to bot even in JP

No anon, no /#/ monkey from /here/ would waste their almost non-existent money on botting. 'Twas really a shitty corpo moment.
I can tell you're not him because if not you'd never disagree that /#/faggots belong in hell. So I'll just remind you: it's obviously your fault, you created him, this is your responsibility.
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Nice trips but you're still a retard.
Took you a while to screenshot, inspectelementfag
Trying hard to make money in the Western market? I don't condone the leaking and possible botting but they are actually compensating for the leak itself and any company in a shit situation is going to rebrand. I mean, if they were still actually black, Gigi would've been a different person and there would've been terminations instead of graduations inside V4Mirai. V4Mirai and globie both have been a testament to Brave Group being yab-free and actually turned around since Noguchi took over but it took a while for it to happen. I don't believe it's enough for fans yet in the West who are old enough to remember what happened with Game Club and other incidents like most of the posts you will find in the archive if you search up who they are and 4chan's opinion but it's pretty much built on ignorance and dismissal. VSPO EN is the first real big showing of Brave Group to try an EN branch of their biggest project.
This is pretty much the success turnaround story they needed to stabilize and to actually expand globally and do a good job at it. A lot of things Nijisanji has not done in the Selen incident, Brave Group has done the opposite on. That's not to say they aren't infallible and the recent incidents mentioned does led credence to that alongside botting allegations but overall, there's a lot more black companies out there you can find vs Brave Group's record since 2020. My prediction is they'll nab at least the #3 slot sometime within the next year if there are no major fuckups and expansion is steady and nothing external happens like an economic crash/recession because of how much capital the company has.
Obvious botting is not helping their case. If they really want to drop the black company allegations maybe don't do that?
stones from a glass house
Botting is the lightest sin you can make because it's not offending fans directly, only investors which lmao, why would you care at all about them? It's just a bad look, but it isn't a black action in of itself. And they haven't done it for V4Mirai and globie, just VSPO EN debuts. We'll see how it goes, and yeah, I don't believe it helps their case for black company allegations for people like you but they are at the very least grey given their record on V4Mirai and globie.
>Botting is the lightest sin you can make
It's disingenuous. It shows you don't give a fuck about legitimacy or transparency.
>they haven't done it for V4Mirai and globie, just VSPO EN debuts
>he doesn't know
Okay, sure, I'm sure it offends your sensibilities as a monkey who cares about the numbers but honestly, as long as they give me good content, I could care less about them. And if you had more evidence of their misdeeds since 2020, you would actually post them and contradict me instead of implying like you have hidden knowledge which you don't, you insufferable fag.
I know about Unlimited Inc (old Brave Group name) unironically using a skinwalker and treating their talents like shit so yes I am aware of what they did. There are also accusations of some of their old staff sexually assaulting one of their talents
Why would they bot someones debut?
dont forget about brave group under the brave group name being known to bot in general for their jp branches
If you do shit like this you shouldnt be allowed to just rebrand and get away with it. Other retard in the thread should hang himself
don’t care I wanna have sex with the vspo loli
Your knowledge is out of date again, you illiterate monkey, I said since 2020, everything that you mentioned predates that year and that was when they rebranded. No one is contesting they were black, they were worse than Nijisanji with some of the things they pulled. But they actually purged their top brass and got in a new CEO and rebranded. The issue at hand right now is if they have actually turned around or not to have their branches not be a disaster and so far, the answer is yes outside of some missteps either in their Japanese or global branches like in SEA, China and the West.
No one contests this either, but some accusations were ridiculous like someone posting the keyboard sales and monkeys going bananas because it was good and tribalism.
For some people, it will never be enough and no one is forcing you to watch anyone they employ but this is as good of a turnaround as you can make in the Vtubing world thus far. Name one other company in the space that managed to be this black and turned it around this well.
>le ceo and top brass change means they are in the clear
nice one retard. you realize its still the same shitheads from before profiting from brave's success right? why the fuck should anyone support a corpo like that even if they did reform which im doubting
>Name one other company in the space that managed to be this black and turned it around this well
None because all English companies that pulled shit like this died from the backlash. Them being Japanese is the only reason they got away with it
This. Don’t let companies get away with this
I killed someone 4 years ago but I haven’t killed anyone else since so that means I’m innocent
The bios are public, you can see and read who the top brass are.
Most of the leadership has only joined within the last year or 2. And yes, a top leadership purge is good enough to rid companies of taint and stigma and existing problems if they exist. Lower level managers and shitheads who don't tow the line will get themselves purged also because they won't be in a high enough position to protect themselves. If you don't agree, that's fine but there is enough information out there to make that judgement and there is sufficient evidence that they aren't trying to be black and are trying to run the company cleanly.
Okay, but that doesn't discount that they have done the best in turning stuff around with hard public evidence. Dismissing it on the basis of scale is tantamount to strawmanning. Even V&U is trying to turn things around after the Amano Serafi incident and sent Maeve Kagekiri her Silver Play Button.
>The bios are public, you can see and read who the top brass are.
now post the top shareholders :)
You realize they likely still own a big part of the company right?
Botting is the new way no one watches streams any more
i believe this
Maybe the old owners who used to run it have enough shares to influence things, maybe not, but they can't call the shots directly any longer outside of macro decisions like keeping the CEO and this leadership in power. They don't get to have any say on micro decisions like skinwalking this talent because of this situation. If shareholders could call shots at that level, the Selen situation wouldn't have spiraled out of control to the level it did. The fact it did means they were powerless to stop internal decisionmaking like that which you need to have power to be black.
Out of sight out of mind kek
thats not what im saying retard what im saying is that they are still profiting from it just because they were the ones that started it all even if they arent involved directly
>What are dividends
>What are buyouts
That's just how it works in our capitalist system. Papa John is still majority owned by John Schnatter years after he got ousted and he certainly ain't a great person. But the company got a lot more institutions that brought in after he left and he is richer than when he was running the company. He's certainly not meddling in their affairs either. Again, in the end, it comes to everyone's personal judgement call on whether they want to support something given the history or not.
How does that directly do anything to the company on those micro-decisions mentioned. They have a knock-on effect, true, but that is about it.
money that goes to brave goes to the same people that abused talents and allegedly sexually assaulted some. what are you not understanding? why should i have any of my money go to them when i can just support other corpos that arent shit and arent owned by fuckheads? no, fuck brave group and fuck everyone involved in it only filling the owner's pockets even more than they already are
You have to be a paid shill there is no other explanation for this level of stupidity
the fact that you act like those leak is nothing just explain everything, you want to beat nijisisters or what?
Why do numbermonkeys make you seethe this hard?
botted streams
I'm not contesting that, but this is already far off from the original premise on whether Brave is actually black or not at the moment. You're contesting ethical grounds for supporting them but it has nothing to do with the base premise of if at the current moment, they are actually black or not.
If you aren't going to explain your issues with my argument and throwing baseless accusations then stop responding. I certainly will.
I am not acting like it is nothing, but they are reaching out and compensating people affected within the day of when it happened. It's a yab and a sizable one but it wasn't done with malice. It's an inconvenient thing that happens with companies that don't specialize in IT and happens to legitimate ethical companies too. This isn't like Equifax.
>some missteps
So the Saki Ashizawa situation wasn't a disaster? Brave was literally trying to sue her over illegal clauses in her contract.
Also current Cocoa aint even active no more and who even knows whats going on there. My guess is she wants out of her contract but is waiting out her illegal noncompete clause cus she doesn't want to cause a hissyfit the way Saki did.
Brave is still black no matter how much dirt they try to cover up their past with.
Botting is pretty black
you realize only botting makes waves like that show up right? but of course you dont
This is so maddening. The fucked over OG Cocoa. Now, they pull this shit again on Cocoa 2.0. I hope Suzuna leaves that shithole. She's the only talent left worth watching for.
NTA, but IIRC, Saki's situation was over a non-compete contesting its legality and she also did some things wrong I think like using Riot's music or asset on stream for her alternative account. They just used lawyers to settle after having some public battles over it. It's been a while since that incident. Not sure about Cocoa ever since she got replaced but I'm not sure if the contracts are even that strong now or have non-competes in since it got challenged by Saki. If Brave's contracts were still that bad, I don't think Biscotti would've been able to leave that easily after 4 months nor Aki who graduated immediately without a stream to chase her comedian dreams.
For one, Biscotti is American, not Japanese. Those noncompetes don't apply to her.
Also, fuck V4Mirai. Greedy assholes the lot of them.
I thought I'm the only one thinking of Suzuna man she deserves a much bigger stage and i can only think of Holo giving her that. I wonder why she dosent even stream casually anymore using an avatar, I'm not sure what her direction is. Miona and Iori streams regularly and collabs with other Vsingers. Iirc Cocoa was the only one who tried to stream games.
The thing about Biscotti is she's a Burger. Brave isn't gonna go after international talents cus it aint worth it. Frankly most of these international contracts from JP corpos are more of just labor agreements if the corpo aint willing to legally enforce them. Which is why Biscotti could leave so easily. Brave is still willing to legally enforce within their own country so don't expect them to have lax contracts.
>It's been a while since that incident
Well it's still within the time frame of them as Brave Group after announcing they've changed.
They were still legal up to the recent ruling would've taken until next year to actually enforce, I believe that time was 9 months? But yeah, it was bad, was even used for fast food workers supposedly.

I dunno, she contracted with another Japanese company so they could've easily brought a case on their home turf. I guess you're right about the black thing somewhat still even if both parties claimed fault against one another. Vsingers business just seems complicated and screwed up though.
>the amount of fucking garbage emotes being spammed 24/7
This is why twitch needs to just delete itself
thats the reason she leave brave and join holo instead
>bot someones debut
>spam threads in the catelog about it with their discord monkey friends
>collect fake drama and (you)s
Why does a schizo schizo. Beats me
Brave does this all the time even with their JP branches, intern-kun
Not saying its not the black corpo, just saying it doesnt take much for a schizo to do schizo things
Brave is Wactor tier of shit
>losing the Idol game to Hololive
>VSPO threatening to take their game enjoyers away
Feeling the squeeze Nijicuck?
25k at debut for a company that no one in the west knows about? No shit its botted
nice to see all the brave stuff finally come out it’s about time
Vspo and other Brave Group affiliates have the history of botting their streams and VODs. Why do you keep deflecting like this?
I'm surprised it didn't spread outside of Japan until recently. Its all not very known
Again, im not trying to deflect, i wasnt even the anon who was initially talking to you, i was just stating my hate for schizos and discord raids
Even before that noncompetes were generally unenforceable outside of some niche cases even if they were technically legal. They were mostly just meant to scare people.
It's always been there. The main thing was they expanded globally without taking their JP stuff overseas. Now that they are doing an EN branch of their JP unit, these things are now getting more scrutiny. But I think it really depends on your perspective. There are reasons to not involve yourself on ethical grounds but given all their yabs have been JP and not EN, they may have a shot as long as EN is clean and unsuspecting people won't care.
How does anyone defend this?
interns, v4mirai fans, or the brave talents but unironically
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>tribalfagging a website
cry more
You're brown and therefore your post is also brown
Also, twich is dog water
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>Reee you're (insert color)
>Reee my website is better than your website
Get a load of this troglodyte
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You must be quite desperate to spam the frog or pog in a holo chat to be defending twitch this hard brownman
Phase strategist and underground cell commander here, this isn't our op.
/#/ anti schizocord op, they threw like 3 or 4 of them on the catelog at the same time and have been keeping them bumped for the last couple hours
Nice cope, retard. Also its very common for that many catalog threads to pop up during debut if anything its low but thats to be expected when VSPOEN actually debuted to a third of the CCV that was actually showing on screen
Personally, didnt even know this corpo had an en branch until they spammed the catelog

Still wont watch them either, buy an add
Mental retardation is the only reasonable cause
They did, and they have over 100k views.
Never underestimate the power of money.
Shooters dont translate well into vtubers who dont open coms
I dont see why a woman (that isnt playing in japan) would have open coms
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They bought a hell of a lot more than just ads, buddy.
Because shooters inherently need coordination and coms enables that. Its just counter productive, especially so if theyre solo queuing
And using coms as a woman invites teamkilling, harassment and votekick 90+% of the time my dude. It is just better to mute the coms (unless you play valorant, they are better at treating women as humans)
>play a team game
>but without playing with the team
What could go wrong
Yeah it would be easily solvable with 30 day bans on the first offence and a permaban on the second offence w.r.t. harassment of women but Valve and other FPS games will never do it because they would lose too much cash. Hell even faceit wont do anything about it so dont complain that women that just want to play the game mute coms
? ? ?
Could easily be solved by muting the coms for the viewer but leaving them enabled for the streamer while also having a mic toggle for when theyre doing call outs for their team
The fuck sjw shit are you spewing now
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actual skill issue
>posts shit relevant only to his shithole
seethe, you're still brown and a shit eating fag
that's the majority of the fpd crowd. don't forget a deadly allergy to the objective
At the rank theyre claiming to play at though, communication is the only way to edge out a win
clearly women don't belong in gaming and should go back to the kitchen if they can't handle even a third of what average gamer grew up with
>crying over hurt feelings ON internet
americans are a nation of low test fags
Its sadly no long just americans. All kids now a days are too fucking coddled and will cry at the slightest insult even while insulting other kids beforehand. Its actually insane
>a third of what average gamer grew up with
I have been playing counter strike since like 2002 and I have never gotten harassed, rape threats, death threats, people trying to doxx me, people in general chimping out on me in 90% of the games I use the mic. I have though seen it happen to a woman so stop trying to make what happens to women is in any way equivalent to the male gaming experience
t. Sweden
I find that hard to believe. also the vspo girls should edge me out
this guy has never played in faceit lvl 10 lobbies and it shows lmao
I dont play shooters but ive watched the scene enough
I'm want to know where all this communication at those levels is
I can also play that
Best part is that this was both taken at an interactive stream which relied on viewers input
>VSPO absolutely mog holo in numbers
>They blame it on phase or niji
KEK posters on this board are literally on auto pilot. They just throw out buzzwords completely out of context at this point.
Imagine being so retarded that you don't understand that he was just demonstrating how easy it is to cherry pick. But I guess I've come to expect that kind of low IQ behavior from numbermonkeys.
>What the fuck is Brave Group doing?
they dont know themselves
you are talking about the company that accidentally turned on the bots on their 2view to give her 40k viewers
real? kek
Since when did Brave start hiring people to astroturf on /vt/? That one guy going "b-buh da shareholders don't make any influence!" earlier is so retarded I can't even believe he's a pagpag goblin.
The argument made sense, he said they don't have direct control, they're obviously not the ones skinwalking people but them having no control over the business is patently wrong.
The argument didn't make sense because the argument was none of the original problem makers are still around, when in reality you can find a direct link to some problem makers who were still around.
ah yes, good thing there's absolutley no emote spam to be seen in Pekora's chat
Doesn't really count cause sayu's split on 2 platforms and is one of the best streamers at actually reading and responding to chat. She's spent the last 16 months really building a tight-knit community so there's a lot of chats when bigger streamers lose people in the swarm until chatty autistic attentionwhores piss off to a channel that does suck their disruptions off.
isn't that what you keep posting?
"pls tell down" when it comes back to bite you, huh?
>>VSPO absolutely mog holo in numbers
>anon forget to take his meds
>Reima debut peaks at 27k even with bots
>Raora debut bottoms out at 98k
sorry that's not what botting looks like
you should look for suddden spikes and drops
I'm very curious as to what the ROI for botting is.
In theory, it should attract actual viewers by appeal to popularity and the algorithm likes big noombers. However, once you turn the bots off then those effects also work in reverse and it might actually damage growth.
How much does botting cost anyway? Is it free if they have a staff member who knows how, or would it be outsourced to a company in India or China?
Can someone give me a qrd on how the jagged lines I see here and there denote bottagio?
Why are you comparing her to a random assortment of others instead of her own corp or top views from others
Bots cant really bot the stream for long times either due to how they work or youtube catching up and taking them off as a viewer. You see the same line in very clearly botted streams like crypto scams
People also dont magically go and leave in consistent waves of 5000 people every couple of minutes. Its just a impossible thing to happen
I wonder if The Almighty Algorithm has botting counter measures such that botting bestows a general algo rebuff; good for noooombers, bad for algo pushing?
Allegedly the waves form because Youtube's antibot system deletes a bunch of bot accounts, which are then replaced by new ones.
Thanks chaps. It's so obvious then with the Bart Simpsons hair jigjag
It doesn't do anything either way, YouTube just ignores suspected bots. If you're the channel owner and check the dashboard later they don't even show up.
by being paid to do so
That would open up an angle to attack others
They've obviously been botted but is Brave really a black company? I've heard a few shitty things about them but when they're such a huge company it's kind of difficult to avoid any yabs. I've not really heard anything to suggest they're bad enough to be called a black company.
>mouse gets botted every day but its fine because it's "twitch culture" to do so
>this is fine but VSPO isn't
Uh oh
Anon do you not realize what you have done? The ironmouse schizo shill that stalks the archive for any mention of her is going to flood the thread now
I don't know about nowadays, but they were definitely a black company back in 2019 when they imploded. Genuinely amazed they managed to claw their way out of that hole.
It's kinda touch and go right now. Brave (previously called "unlimited") was absolutely one of the worst black companies in Vtuber history. The only reason why Niji might only be technically worse is because they never got the chance to screw their talent over on merch cuts since vtubing hadn't exploded in popularity in Japan yet. VSPO is a good company and as long as Brave keeps to its word to let it operate independently then we're fine. But there's always going to be that lingering ghost of gamebu's past that will keep the fans up at night.
Gonna be real a low merch cut is fair unless the talent is fronting the research, hiring, design, commission, test sample, pre-order, production, and fulfillment costs. The only thing the vtuber really does is branding and shilling and even half of that is the corpo to begin with. It is shit that it's their image but not getting much out of it but they're also not taking on the risk when their shitty image implodes the profit margin or even results in a loss.
Damn that's sad.
no matter how much /#/ is seething over ironmouse they were still not able to produce a single piece of actual evidence that she is botted.
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you're right, she did it herself by streaming on youtube and showing her non-botted CCV
Some of these vtuber companies are offering 50+% cut on merch. 2% is terrible, especially when you consider that Nijisanji isn't exactly shelling out for high-quality merch, and the markup.
JESAS, the botmouse allegations are real
Do I really need to explain why a guerilla stream on a different platform is no evidence for bots?
>twitch streamer changes platform, gets drastically lower number among tribal autistic viewerbase for "some" reason
>VSPO had double these views before the bots started
Like clockwork lol >>79585857
Don't bother. SEAs can't use Twitch anyway.
that's like, indie levels. she really is a botted shitter
I have no qualms with the company taking the lion's share of the profit because they're the one's fronting everything like you said and it's the norm anyway. But there has to be a limit as well. Nijisanji's merch cut wouldn't be so ridiculed if it was something closer to 10-15%. Hell, I could've easily seen some sane people begrudgingly justifying even 5%. But 2% is only slightly better than SSR /UR gacha rates.
She had over 4k in another youtube stream later and it's pretty normal for a vtuber to not have the same level of audience on every platform.
For example Doki had like 8k on youtube and barely broke 3k on twitch and I don't see any numbermonkeys accuse her of getting botted because of that difference.
2600...i kneel to the queen of bots
To be fair it isn't her main platform and so numbers will be obviously lower than usual, but not that low it's just GRIM
Yeah. Black company gon black company though. It's basically which side are you looking at it from.
I do think they should be more pre-order focused instead through just to reduce risk. It's so much healthier for both sides.
How can someone lose 90% of their views that quickly?
Something is amiss...
Vshofaggots BTFO instantly
A lot of viewers don't swap from YT to twitch or twitch to YT when they move a stream to only one platform. It's a common result that happens in either direction.
That's when she put up the end-screen. Literally all vtuber streams have this pattern.
Has anyone else lost 90%? Can you give examples?
That seems crazy to me.
The 90% was from her being a 25k streamer on twitch, at least from the pictures I've seen pasted here on the log by vshojo #monkeys
She had a endscreen up for more than 2 hours?
That's a nice looking curve, I want to do maths now, thank you OP
Ah, my bad. Misinterpreted your question.
She's not a 25k streamer on twitch, that's just the Ennacuck trying to rile up retarded tribalfaggots.
Doki, Sayu, etc. If you're big on one platform without a lot of penetration on the other platform then you move to a solo stream on your weaker platform you take a heavy hit from tribalfags and blind idiots that don't read schedules.
Sorry did you want to give proof they'd lost 90% of their views after the switch? You just said a lot of names
If you don't want to listen then just fuck off.
Ok this is pretty funny, the lack of defence is telling
Sasuga, queen of bots
Why are you having a meltdown? I was listening, it's just not really believable without evidence.
Even ITT >>79586354 showed it was 8k -> 3k which isn't even close to 90%. I just wanted to see evidence this happened to someone other than mouse, it can't be that hard if you're not just making shit up right?
I already said Ironmouse is not a 25k streamer. Not sure why you ignore that and come up with this 90% figure.
You said Doki, Say etc. when responding to them losing 90%. Why are you now moving the goalposts?
If you're not going to be sincere fuck off already
>Act like a child
>Call it a meltdown when you get told to Fuck. Off.
Well that wasn't me. But you still conjured that 90% figure out of your ass so I just wanted to correct you on that.
If you want to talk about sincerity maybe you should get your eyes checked then read >>79586486 >>79586603. Maybe get something better to do than be a raging faggot on /vt/
>can't provide evidence
>shits diaper
So, concession accepted I guess. I guess she is the ONLY PERSON to lose 90% of her viewerbase when swapping platforms. I guess this proves the accusations
I'm not going to go dig out old streams for you. Maybe you should have watched them instead if you don't want to listen to people who were.
Maybe you should get your eyes checked and realize I've been asking for proof of this 90% decline for others that the vshojochimp claimed was normal.
It might be hard as I gather English isn't your first language.
>no proof
That's really sad. Thanks for proving the accusations.
explains why they are in talks with idol for an acquisition
>Troll doesn't even watch vtubers
>continues to use the completely fabricated 90% figure
I guess we're done here you mindbroken numberchimp.
If you don't want to listen when you're told largely monoplatform streamers have a massive drop when they cross-stream that's your problem. I'd hope you grow out of it but that looks unlikely.
So no proof. And it isn't fabricated, I'm actually being generous as she got 30k during Rust. So, its OVER 90%, but I was doing you a favor.
Guess you were just talking out your ass to defend the bots, thats sadder than the botting itself tbdesu.
>Twitch streamer experiences massive drop when they do a YT stream
Are you paid to troll or are you just an underage retard?
this thread is fucking hilarious, you got the whole vshocuck defence force in here losing their minds and making shit up and losing to a single chimp
What? Black company means the workers there are suffering, being mentally or physically, botting has nothing to do with it, and you can't prove shit either way.
Just a holobrony thread scared of the 3rd largest company rising.
>Fucktard doesn't understand the well-understood and common drop from platform hopping
>Multiple people try to explain it to the fucktard
>>>>>whole vshocuck defence force
Please learn to read, ESL chama. Nobody, judging by your lack of evidence, lost 90% of their viewerbase swapping platforms. It only happened to Mouse. Ergo, she's botting.
Let's skip the deflection and meltdowns from you for the next 5 posts and go with "proof or concession accepted" as I can't be bothered with your little monkey dance around the subject any longer.
What does her Rust event stream have to do with that youtube stream which happened way before that? Are you actually braindamaged? Her average during that time was somewhere between 7-8k.
Weird because you keep doing a monkey dance around my post for a half hour now.
>"proof or concession accepted"
Thanks for playing sport, move on. Thanks for admitting she was botted.
I told you streamers that get a hard drop from platform swapping. You keep schizoing about 90% pulled from a retard's ass cause you're only here to troll. Which is really fucking sad to do for a half hour. You're welcome to go waste your time diving analytics since you weren't there watching streams.
Wait, Mouse is a literal sub 10k shitter? On TWITCH?
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay, that was funny to hear. I thought she was the queen of vtubers according to you fucks.
Not my fault you are so retarded that you are getting falseflagged by the IRyS schizo.
>"proof or concession accepted"
Thanks for playing sport, move on. Thanks for admitting she was botted.
Honestly, the mental illness of searching the archives with your discord then getting dismantled by a concrete argument must have sent you into a schizo meltdown.
I hope you find something better to do with your time than picking fights and losing.
>"proof or concession accepted"
Thanks for playing sport, move on. Thanks for admitting she was botted.
>getting dismantled by a concrete argument must have sent you into a schizo meltdown
nice projection
Didn't deny the discord mental illness defence force, hilarious kek. At least you know you're a schizo.
>"proof or concession accepted"
Thanks for playing sport, move on. Thanks for admitting she was botted.
isn't it funny how i predicted you doing a monkey dance for the next 5 posts? you're like my little pet RUMAO
As someone who doesn't have an interest in IM, either as a viewer or as an anti, it's really so tiresome that every thread that mentions her even slightly in a reply ends up reaching bump limit because of circular arguments that are near identical to the hundreds of other threads.
>still defends his made up 90% figure as proof
what is this mental illness called?
same, they just can't help biting on every bit of bait. i've never seen a more fragile insecure fanbase
Why are you ban evading? Why are you still not providing proof?
This is humiliating, I'll take my 5th post of concession from you - thanks for admitting she was botted.
>Tell the troll people experience a drop when swapping platforms when they mostly stream only on one platform or lack a strong presence on the other.
>Doesn't listen
>Goes full schizo anti-ing ironmouse
>Wont go look up the analytics on rare streams no sane person keeps in their back pocket since he wasn't there in the first place
>Wont pay me to do it for him
>Keeps anti-ing in a catalog thread
Autists never should have been let online.

It's more annoying cause he can just go look it up himself. When Sayu ends a YT stream early to continue on twitch or YT is shitting itself there's always a heavy bleed from the YT viewers that didn't follow over. For largely monoplatform streamers only streaming on one platform then swapping also jukes notifications so unaware or lazy fans that don't follow scheduleposts wouldn't even know there's a stream.
Because I wasn't banned? And I already provided proof that your 90% figure is made up. You even acknowledged it. >>79588397
holy grim KEK
>admitting to ban evasion
I've already taken the concession, you can stop with the monkey dance now - your own lack of evidence proved the botting.
I wasn't banned and I feel sorry for you because you seem hardly able of understanding english if you think I admitted to ban evading.
Also you're still all out of an argument since I debunked your fabricated 90% figure so there's nothing I would have to concede to you.
>hardly able of understanding english
sides in orbit
You didn't debunk anything, you just flailed around like a monkey ban evading >>79588520
Concession still accepted, btw.
That wasn't me. Sorry that you are schizophrenic.
Your 90% figure is still incorrect.
Yeah, sure, the person replying on cooldown with the exact same monkey ESL suddenly is a different person.
You're actually mentally ill, you know that right? 90% figure still hasn't been contested, you conceded to her botting btw.
thanks, i didn't even realized they debut a new gen
i love vspo jp, i will check this out too
Calling me mentally ill when you completely derail this thread with your obsession about ironmouse and numberfagging? At least you're funny. Ok, I will explain again:
Ironmouse regular numbers are not 30k so your figure of her "dropping" 90% for a youtube stream that happened months earlier than the event in which she had those numbers is also not true. You may continue to seethe now.
Cope, 30k -> 2.6k is proof of botting.
She was never 30k outside of a few special events and that event you mentioned happened months after her youtube streams. So no, it's not proof.
Yes it is, she has 30k viewers when she does big events, but they magically disappear when moving to a new platform?
How curious!
It was literally an unannounced guerrilla stream and she didn't do anything special for it. You can literally see it was a surprise in the stream title. Sorry but you lost.
the extent these vshocucks will go to do defend the obvious botting is beyond hilarious, i hope this cuck gets paid for humiliating himself like this
You are the only one humiliating yourself with your garbage logic.
I accepted your concession like 10 posts ago, I've just been keeping you crowd controlled here so you can't shit up the rest of the board if you didn't realise kek.
You can't provide any evidence, you're just scrambling like you do for your daily coconut gathering.
Oh so you have no argument to counter me and that's how you cope. I see. Also while I'm white myself it's not nice to make racist remarks like that. You reported the other anon for it right?
There's nothing racist about someone gathering coconuts, are you a snowflake or is this your inherent racism kicking in? You seem to have a white knight complex to waste this much of your time failing to defend a botter.
30k -> 2.6k btw, you lost.
I don't understand why you said it then because there are no coconuts in my country and people certainly don't go out to collect them daily.
Also I repeat that the 30k number has nothing to do with that youtube stream, sorry but just repeating your lie over and over will not make it true.
What you say, unfortunately, doesn't matter, as you're clearly biased and can't agree with literal statistics.
It's why you conceded posts ago. You can't explain how she magically lost 27.5k viewers (hint: the rest are bots)
I already pointed out that her average at the time was somewhere between 7-8k. Sorry but you completely fail to demonstrate why you apply a comparison to the numbers of one of her biggest events when comparing it to a guerrilla youtube stream.
No you didn't, you said it and provided no evidence. You're just coping at this point. Can you answer why mouse botting is so scary for you? Everyone on twitch does it, I don't know why you're melting down so badly.
What evidence are you asking for exactly? That her average isn't 30k?
Also it's not scary to me. Even if she was botted, which there is absolutely zero evidence for, it doesn't mean she herself was the one applying the bots, just like Hololive sometimes has bots because of the IRyS schizo.
The idea that every twitch vtuber is botted is also ridiculous and cements you as a schizo.
Fight fight fight
>even if she was botted
She is. There is evidence, you're just dodging it for obvious reasons, I guess you're too fragile to ever concede.
I'm sure she had 6k people "watching" her while sleeping during her recent 2m goal, right? What goalpost are you going to move to explain that away?
ofc you're from sweden fucking cuck
I'm not dodging your arguments, I'm tackling it right on and you try to ignore and step around it. Again, you ignored my question about what kind of evidence you were asking for.

>I'm sure she had 6k people "watching" her while sleeping during her recent 2m goal, right?
What about that implies botting? Looking at the graph it seems closer to 5k and that's with old streams playing while she was sleeping so not strange when she had a lot more viewers than ordinary during that event.
Oh god, you're actually retarded. We're done here, if you're defending 6k "people" watching a sleep stream but can't see why 2.6k is laughable on youtube you're being too disingenuous.
You just sealed your fate.
Hololive also repeats streams like karaoke and such and they attract a lot of viewers so that shouldn't come as a surprise that some people will watch those old streams while she sleeps. Maybe you're just disingenuous if you can't even present the argument why this is supposed to be proof of bots?
>no answer
You won. Congratulations.
You defending 6k non-people watching a sleep stream is proof you're just a white knighting mousecuck. Sorry, you lost when defending that. Can you show me proof of the engagement of these 6k people watching? I can show you they weren't.
>cringe samefag
Oh my sides, you're so desperate
No, this is me >>79592841
Seems like you're not done yet. Carry on.
I love watching mousekeks in threads. Just say “I don’t think IM is as great as people say” and they freak the fuck out as if you just shot her live on stream while she slept
Like I said, it's not just her model sleeping but she also plays old streams so some people will be interested and stick around. The idea that these people have to be bots when Hololive does something very similar by playing old streams is just absurd.
There is a big difference between an accusation and an opinion, maybe if you grow up you will understand that.
So why were the bots...sorry, heavily engaged mouse friends not chatting?
Hololive repeat karaoke's still get mass engagement in chat, so you can't really use this argument without getting your ass blown out.
Did you watch her sleep or how do you know how fast her stream was while she was sleeping? I have to admit, I would need to check it myself but I'm surprised you're claiming that as if you've seen it live and not in just another cherry picked webm on /#/
You’re watching an anime girl sleep online. It’s not that big of a deal, relax
So you...don't even watch her? I thought the sleep streams were engaging content? Why are you defending the botting, then?
The vods are still up, you can cherry pick it yourself. I don't think any proof I give you will be sufficient because you'll move the goalposts.
I did a quick count at a random point and there were 14 chatters in 2 minutes. Doesn't seem too good for a 6k stream. In fact, it almost certainly proves there are bots.
Wheres my victory call, impatial observer? :)
I didn't watch her sleep but you're right, it's not a big deal if somebody decides to do that.

I do watch her, sometimes. Just not that time. So you confirmed to me that you made that claim without even having seen anything from her stream which does confirm again that you provided a biased opinion as a fact without doing your own research.
Well I went through the effort and I just picked a random moment and it was 22 chatters in 2 minutes so while I don't claim that's average it shows that without actual objective measuring methods it's always gonna be cherry picking.
I'll give the KO countdown when one of you stops replying and the thread hits page 9 again.
You agree it's not 6k viewers worth of chatters though, right? You're not going to keep doubling down when the bots are clear here now, right? That'd be delusional.
Are we sure those are bots? Maybe they were just misunderstood. I, as a real human, think we should give them a chance!
There's no objective average chat speed of a 6k streamer, btw most of her time she was more in the 4-5k range while sleeping as I said earlier, plus I don't think it's too strange if the chat slows down when the streamer is sleeping and Vshojo members have their own official discords where some chatters might migrate to continue chatting. I don't know if she restreamed some karoke streams so one could make a more direct comparison with the hololive relays but songs tend to increase chat speed too.
God you're beyond hope. By your own admission you think 11 chatters/minute is normal for a 5k stream (see, I'll even give you the extra 1k just to meet you in the middle)
Don't cope with the
>there's no objective right amount of chatters!
You're being delusional right now. You know twitch bots exist, they spawned when !drops became a thing. The fact you're going to these insane lengths to defend mouse is beyond me.
I didn't claim if it's normal or not. I said there's no established objective average and the number of chatters per minute was also completely random. It could be lower or it could be higher on average.

It's possible twitch bots exist but I remain unconvinced of your argument that the chat speed of mouse is a good enough indication when there are multiple other variables in play, some of which we might not even be aware of.
One example that contributes to mouse's slower chat speed is that her mods are notoriously trigger happy when it comes to bans and timeouts.
To sum it up, no, I don't think that mouse's chat speed is abnormally slow considering all facts and even if it were abnormally slow, it would still just be an indication of a bots, not a definite proof that you claim it is.
Don't sage it you cowards. Duke it out until the end.
You lost with that one. Sorry, but that's objectively false. You won't find another 11 chat/min streamer out there with 5k viewers. If I saw a youtube streamer with that chat speed I'd be calling bots, too.
Why do you only think it's "possible" twitch bots exist, when you can google it right now and find the answer? You're being deliberately pathetic and cowering from the truth, it's not a pretty look.
Oh wait, he actually did that after that weak retreat? He wants out bad after having the truth revealed kek
Chat speed is one of the dumbest of all the numbermonkey arguments.
>i don't like things that prove my oshi bots :(
>You won't find another 11 chat/min streamer out there with 5k viewers
I don't know how fast the average chat of a 5k viewer stream is that left the stream unattended for hours, please provide an evidence of your claim for this.
But you are also completely disregarding all other variables I mentioned so far, including the fact that she has a official discord. When it comes to the twitch bots, I don't claim they don't exist. There are probably some, you don't have to get so hung up about something that I didn't deny in the first place and actually entertained as a real possibility just because I'm unfamiliar with them.
I wonder if this is a Brave Group strategy of trying to build interest trough numbers, or just some dude in management, who wants to deliver good numbers for a promotion?
That's rather stupid. She is a Twitch streamer and had been a Twitch streamer since before EN vtubing was even a thing. Just like Hololive fans won't go to Twitch to watch their oshi, Twitch viewers won't go out of their hands to watch her on YouTube either. Her CCV here is the few who do, plus tourist who saw Ironmouse stream on YouTube in their recommendations.
You guys need to grow the fuck up. IronMouse is a pioneer of the EN scene, and has a large audience.
No no, don't start goalpost moving now. You started this chain stating that 5k people were watching her streams when she was sleeping because it was engaging, people could watch old vods, and it was completely normal and entertaining. You also drew a direct comparison to hololive rebroadcasts, stating they got similar viewers.
You yourself dug this hole. I've done my fact finding, the chat speed compared to hololive rebroadcasts is evidence of the bots. Time for you to finally nut up with new evidence (not just your random goalpost moving) or concede the bot accusations.
I'd probably say the latter. Anyone already interested in vtubers, particularly those interested in the ones that play FPS, are probably already somewhat aware of VSPO and might even already watch the JPs. EN fans of FPS fleshtreamers aren't going to watch vtubers just because they get recommended streams due to large CCV.
Do you really think the fans are spending 50 bucks on some stupid stock keychain bouth from Wish.com in batches of 10 000 and has a printed pic of their oshi in, or 20 dollars on some printed 10 inches image, because is something amazing worth owning? No, they do it to support their oshi. And they were buying merch like crazy until the 2% thing got leaked, because they believed that at least half go to their oshi. Is not like Niji is producing some amazing merch that peoples just can't live without. Even Hololive, who does some good and personalized merch, sells a lot of it just because fans want to support their oshi. Hololive fans are literally spending 100 dollars on T-shirts and hoodies that they will never be able to even wear due to coming in only one size, to support their oshi my friend. Cover gives their talents 50% because they know that, and because they know they won't sell any merch without the talents.
>The only thing the vtuber really does is branding and shilling and even half of that is the corpo to begin with.
Thats the most retarded thing you could say. That shilling is everything. Their image is everything, is what sells that merch. Fans are buying a Vox plushie because is a Vox plushie, not because is Anycolor Merch.
Hololive rebroadcasts seem to get more CCV, at least from what I've seen and I only used that argument to show that people can stay to watch old content, it was not directly related to the chat speed argument, which I also argued, tends to be faster for songs and Hololive fans not only do not have official discords to my knowledge but also tend to be more enthusiastic in general than most other fanbases. But you didn't provide the relevant numbers for almost everything we discussed so far, only completely fabricated numbers like the 30k event stream numbers being somehow relevant to her guerrilla youtube stream.
So no, you actually didn't provide any fact besides some cherry picked numbers about her chatspeed which I already stated is at most an indication of bots, not solid proof.
In what universe is Iron Mouse getting 30K you fuking clown? She is regularly streaming at 6k-9k. 30k would be something she would get maybe in some very special streams, but that's not even close to her average.
You provided the numbers on her chat speed. I found much lower numbers, we were working with your "cherry picked" numbers.
Did you have a stroke half way through coping and you forgot it was you who did this?
I'm glad you finally admitted that your evidence indicated botting, it only took all thread for you to see the light.
Thanks for the concession.
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>What the fuck is Brave Group doing?
buying out the competition
And I love sole schizopherics posting comment after comment and pretending they are more peoples, to make it look like they are not alone in the argument.
I doubt that's botting, if you want to see what botting looks like just search Tokyo Ghoul's Channel.
classic vshomonkey
I directly stated that my randomly picked number is not an accurate average. There is a certain irony that you now want to use it as fact. And it's pretty telling that you are ignoring all my arguments again to focus on something that's a literal strawman argument.
Yeah, you picked the fastest one you could find. Sorry buddy, you said it yourself; her chat speed indicates botting. You need to argue with yourself now, I've won.
I literally randomly picked the first 2 minutes that I came across. It would actually be impossible for me to go across all of the maybe 6(?) hours to find the fastest chat speed in that time so you're just coping and likely projecting. Also I literally said it could be faster or slower so I didn't make the claim it represents the average at all.
But you admit it indicates botting. Ergo, until you find evidence to the contrary...she's botting.
You finally worked it out, congrats!
The VOD is still there, you can stop coping any time you like - this isn't one you can pretend is too far gone and lost to the annals of time like the rest of the twitch VODs.
What is there to defend? I'm not gonna shit on talents for retarded upper management. Management is almost always shit.
Jesus Christ, you really are autistic. No, the chat per minute isn't a good metric for if 6k CCV are good or not. I fall asleep late in the night with a stream or two open all the times, it doesn't mean that my account is not real. Chat engagement is influenced by what happens in a stream. The chat is more engaged in a just chatting or karaoke stream, than is going to be in the 6th hour of an Apex stream. Lot's of viewers aren't directly engaging with the stream. Most have it in the background or on a second screen as background noise while working or doing other activities. That's why only a small chunk of the audience engages with the chat. For example, Pekora had an Elder Ring stream today that peaked at 25k CCV, but only about 4200 viewers posted in the chat, and her Chat per minute went from over 750 posts a minute to as low as 45 posts per minute.
I agree that an abnormally slow chat can be an indicator for botting, especially when it occurs over long periods but just an indicator doesn't quite equal proof.
I disagree with the notion that her chat speed is abnormally slow if you look at all the know variables, most importantly that she wasn't even conscious to engage with chat. So no, unless you address this and all other variables you didn't provide any reason for me to assume she's botted.
Hololive rebroadcasts don't have the streamer there too, and don't have such a pathetic chat speed. We've been over this Joe Biden, keep it together.
Like I said, you need to provide some actual evidence now. We're done, you admitted the bots yourself. You need evidence now, not cope.
Thanks for the concession though, I bet you wish you gave up hours ago instead of humiliating yourself and the bot queen this spectacularly.
Actually you haven't provided any numbers for that at all and I also adressed karaoke streams usually having faster chat speeds.
I don't need to, you can check vrabi. Unlike twitch they're readily available.
You didn't provide any because you knew it'd end up humiliating you and the bots. The proof would be so easy to get if it all didn't end up outing her for botting, huh? Weird how you talk a big game until the evidence shatters your cope.
Concession accepted with no evidence, btw.
The thread is almost dead so I can't check it in time. You didn't provide it earlier when it was relevant, if it was that easy you should have done so to support your argument. But even so, you still continue to ignore all my arguments about every other variable because you cannot debunk or counter any of them.
Yeah, neither did you. Concession accepted with no evidence, btw. Thanks for playing, bot coper

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