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Sana was never good, and I'm tired of everyone acting like they miss her. If there is a tribute of any kind at Breaking Dimensions, I'm gonna lose my shit. MOVE ON
Chocolate milker. Big aussie pussy. Ina sex friend
you are racist
fuck off chud
Calm down Anon. No need to get your spine all twisted
her decision making skills were absolutely retarded, yes. but she was cute from time to time and made fauna laugh a bunch so she was alright
Why would there be?
i didn't catch too many of her streams, but her Deltarune stream was amazing to tune in to
Am anon brought up something that was really interesting about Sana. She didn't stay in Hololive long enough to establish a legacy, but her short-lived career as a Vtuber somehow managed to create this weird legend about her. A story built on what ifs. Can't think of another graduated Vtuber like that.
Truth is, that you were never good, anon. And Sana will no longer protect you from this fact.
>He never watched Sana's metroid
australians aren't a race
Shes not that pretty and old ...but I miss your mom op
big brown milkers
You mean you're just gonna close the stream.
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Fulgur I think you're the only one who needs to move on here.
did sana ever say something like that cause i have never seen that
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I agree with the tribute part (it's definitely not needed), but Sana was unironically a great streamer with a decent schedule before her dog died and the streams stopped
Fuck you she's the best council, debuffed by brown model
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Space baby looooove. We have Mamma Raora now too!
Italians have the same genetics as their Roman ancestors. You will never make her brown.
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I think you should move on to the afterlife and kill yourself there too
Italians are a little tan, dude, quit coping.
I am not talking about the skin color, though.
The only tribute Sana will ever get is my cum all over those terrifically tanned tits
what does Raora have to do with Sana?
Nat but Both artists that joined holo
Who asked?
Based. She was nice, but she wasn't worthy of the hysteria people had with her leaving and her "legacy"
She would have Homocollabed and she probably would have convinced more Council to homocollab more frequently.
Why would there be a Sana tribute in BD when there's none in CtW?
>losing your shit over some graduated chuuba
You do you anon.
I guess, but they're far from the only ones
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practice what you preach, faggot
You perfectly described Aloe or at least what Aloefags believe
The only memorable thing about her is the cringy ass nicknames that thankfully never stick. Faufau, Meimei, Kronini...

Seethe you tranny
Raora more or less satisfies my fluffy mama needs. I can happily move on.
So for a few weeks after debuting and a few weeks before graduating
Raora is better
I'm not acting, I miss her and I hope there is a tribute to her just to spite you.
she really was an amateur at vtubing, I tried giving her a chance when she was still around but she just can't entertain an audience.
What's the Niji yab this time?
Did Luca gift a girl some underwear?
VSPOEN is botting their debut streams and it's not even subtle
There wasn't anything for her at Connect the World why would there be something for her at the 2nd one? Fucking retard.
We can't MOVE ON because Hololive and it's talents obviously did something to make her go. Yes just like Niji did to Selene, only Hololive did it with grace and class and Sana didn't have a mental breakdown. That's why we can't forget her.
And you know who the main culprit was... It was FUANA all along! That's why her subs won't go up, it's cause the people know that she's GUILTY!
other corpos are so desperate to be the next holo and they end up focusing on the wrong things
>big milk
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now write sex fanfic
Except everyone misses her and you are just being a pathetic contrarian to get your daily (You)s.
She streamed for a fucking year dude
>person doesn't exist anymore
OP is a tranny
But actually, why did she leave? I now that her dog died and that her back hurt a lot but I'm not sure why they decided to leave. Is there more to this story?
Most women that can support themselves financially without relying on handouts from men choose to do so
It seriously pisses me off, bitch was practically a nobody in Hololive. Barely streamed, never did collabs, didn't do many art streams, bad singer, lowest ccv/subcount, didn't even last a full year lmao. People need to move the fuck on, she bailed because she'd rather be able to talk about her "precious" CN gacha games
Back hort was always a cope, she left because she realized that she actually had to put in work and couldn't just treat it as a side gig. Maybe if she actually took advantage of being an artist more like Ina, then she would've been more popular in Holo
Art obligations for her roomate stuff, inability to play the gatcha games she actually liked thanks to china yabs, and more than likely just got really bummed from the constant negativity from people like OP that spawned from all the breaks.
She doesn't even stream at all anymore, so whatever the fuck it is, she can't be assed to spend her time bothering to entertain at all anymore. I was a fan and honestly did enjoy the comfy nature of her streams, and her explorative curiosity was always fun to see. But fuck man it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth to just see her up and run from everything.
She ran because she was ABUSED by Hololive! Why can't anyone in this thread understand the writing on the wall? She was suffering BEEG damage, but Hololive forced an NDA on her so she wouldn't complain.
Just let this thread die if no one is going to see the truth.
Her model is the worst Hololive has ever had and it's doubly fucked up because it's also the reason we'll never get another brown holo
nice ai prompt.
Wait what? What's the source of this?
But why would she join a company, that she seemed to enjoy working with, that had friends there and coworkers that she seemed to like or at least tolerate, and then leave. Like, I get if your dog died or you broke your back you can take breaks. there have been members who have had a month long, or months long break. so if it was just that then why didn't she just take a break and leave for a bit and then come back?
I feel like you would notice that it wasn't a side gig whenever it takes months of interviews and conversations with multiple people just to spawn one talent, let alone and entire new generation. There's no way that anyone would've treated it like a side gig. maybe not your "main job", but not a side gig. If you streamed 5 times a week for 4 hours each stream you can have that and a main job. there's no way that it would've become too difficult. It would be a serious commitment, but not something that would've been back breaking
What's this about gatcha games? couldn't you just play a japanese gatcha game? I don't see why gatcha games would be a deal breaker for being in hololive.
I miss her character concept is all. Wasted on her.
>Turns out I dont like streaming. Gonna go make art for chinese gacha games now! LOL BYE!
I don't think she expected holofans to be the depraved needy sex pests that they are
She had big boobs and that's all they really care about
Did she stream much before Holo? I wonder if it was just her realizing she didn't like streaming and gave up on it when she figured out what it was actually like. Not the same thing but I had a friend that streamed to 1view for ages, had a blow up and reached 3view in just a couple months, then just dropped it. Didn't like the faster chat, didn't like the greater expectations, thought it felt too much like a job and was stressful. Can't imagine how much worse it would be joining Holo.
Coco was never good, and I'm tired of everyone acting like they miss her. If there is a tribute of any kind at Breaking Dimensions, I'm gonna lose my shit. MOVE ON
She was boring and forgettable. No one thinks about her.
>and more than likely just got really bummed from the constant negativity from people like OP that spawned from all the breaks.

That's exactly it, people forget how much louder the negativity was between 2021 and 2022. The positive side of the fandom towards Hololive EN drowns out any negativity these days but back then the constant trolling and memeing against the girls was so loud and constant. Any little thing that seemed bad would get constantly picked apart back then. And their numbers were so low, I remember seeing Irys CCV at fucking 300 -500 the month after debut, it was pretty bad. It's a fucking miracle that Sana is the only Hololive EN to fucking graduate.
Damn, never knew Irys got a single Finana. Surprised she didn't Doki.
NijiEN was never good, and I'm tired of everyone acting like they'll miss it. If there is a tribute of any kind at Twitter, I'm gonna lose my shit. MOVE ON
This, but unironically.
wtf are you talking about? when has irys gotten ccv that low?
Sana, Magni, and Vesper were upset on RM accounts so who knows if any of those "graduations" were optional. The business side is protected by a strict NDA so Cover can give any story they want. Magni's RM was so furious about what happened that he almost left the vtuber industry so I doubt we got the real story.
What could Sana have possibly done to get fired?
>If there is a tribute of any kind at Breaking Dimensions
So nothing different than what you're doing right now? You're gonna come on here and bitch about something either way so who cares just get it over with
You know nothing about Italians if you think they're from a cohesive ethnic background...
how many races can you fit in one boot?
Same vibes. Comfy streams. Loves chat. Accent.
Alot if you're the boot in the central part of the Mediterranean that acts as the center of the western world. from the roman empire to before the roman empire and even to now the Mediterranean is a vast trade network that moves lot of cargo in bulk across world. the middle east and Africa and all of south Europe is connected via this sea. It has a vast impact and that's then ignoring the people who have come by land. the latin people (Actual Latin, not the Hispanic population term, "Latin".), the Lombards, the Franks, the Gauls, the Greeks, and then the odd middle-eastern/African group that existed there that come for one reason or another. there's actually a whole lot of history there really and is a entire field of study if you want to pour the time into it.
Sana can't have loved chat that much since she ditched them forever
The way she addressed the sanallites was endearing enough. She left and that's that. Move on nigger lol.
Saniggers, and the niggers who hate saniggers will perpetually make threads and seethe till the end of days. Every time I'm reminded she exists its because yet another random thread spawns umprompted
she was inactive for most of her time there so they probably just didn't offer to renew her contract. the only time she took streaming seriously was after her graduation was announced
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Beeeg Sana love <3
>how could i remember the dust underneath my feat
bruh, you were just not watching her. also she have chemistry with everyone.
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I blame her for not sticking around long enough to get a casual outfit. she could have at least done that before fucking off for her bug gacha
Sana and Coco were good and I'm tired of everyone acting like they don't miss them.
Nah, she was the best Council.
She got misled by Ina who got misled by covid. Ina debuted during the lock downs when they couldn't get into japan and there was no overseas studio. So all she had to do for the first year was stream some then spend the rest of the day doing anything else.
Like two months during after sana joined during her dog hurt break was when lock downs began to go away which meant now they all had more meetings, traveling, music video creation, practice for holofes etc. She just couldn't take it while still doing her side gig and left.
I remember Irys had that problem. She used to stream a lot from debut to november and was growing fast. Then Omega made her do all those songs and her voice got destroyed leading to her spending weeks where she at most stream once or twice to recover. It got better near anniversary when she finally got removed from vsinger to vtuber but it fucked her growth.
That's fair, I don't like to see people parading corpses around either
I still thought her laugh was super cute
Hate to look at it from a jaded perspective but was that her mainly trying to cash out with as big a financial windfall as she could draw from fans on her way out?
Sana is not eternal. Vesper is.
What was Ina even thinking...
Sana is Eternal
Her interest in streaming is not
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Sara is a better brown Australian.
Didn't she lash out at supporters who attempted to do the usual continuing sympathy/pity support pipeline and tell them to not bother and go away?
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You aren't fooling anyone, robot.
God punished the Romans for their Sin by turning them into Italians.
>People should be assholes to accomodate my hate
Pride month is over, stop acting like being a faggot is good.
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She would have looked great in her idol outfit. Imagine the jiggle.
Fuck you man. You were supposed to be the chosen one. You were fucking entertainment. You were the best. Why'd you have to be more menhera than the girls...
More specifically, she started streaming more often immediately after Fulgur's critique got leaked by Petra.
Dude could have been so much more man.
Plus letting the cat out of the bag that she never hurt her back and blocking any sanalites that followed her after graduating.
Following someone after they are no longer a public figure is called stalking, anon.
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sanner love
funny that all fanart of her is better drawn than her actual hideous model
Did FSP do the same thing? They were a nobody corpo and had decent views for a starting debut
This is now "Pako was never good and I'm tired of people pretending he is" thread
Admittedly it is weird though that she didn't cash in on her fame, every other ex-member of Hololive has gone on to careers still in the spotlight, aside from Hitomi Chris but that's a whole other can of worms given she was a nobody prior and had 1 stream back in 2018 so there was no presence to milk from that.

It does reinforce that she didn't enjoy being a public personality and didn't want to continue it though which begs the question why she went for Hololive auditions out of the gate and not like dabble as an indie to make sure this is something she actually wanted to do. She needlessly stole a slot from someone else. There is no kind way to put it otherwise.
There was a brief period where she had a couple perms to weird shit.
I like chuubas who play weird shit while being comfy.
Simple as.
Yeah, she stole a spot from someone mroe deserving and willing to stay, I agree with one comment that said she really liked playing CN gacha games, and must have been bummed to realise there was a ban. Sure she could play FGO, but aniplex and typemoon are pretty protective of their IP. Could tell she barely put in effort to expand to other interests.
I felt that Magni's RM regretted leaving holostars, as his RM said he would like to try vtubing on his PL. Must have realised holo was the exception and not the norm in terms of business and culture, and regretted missing out on it.
I don't think he regretted leaving, just that he wanted another shot at vtubing since he was dissatisfied how his prior attempt panned out and doesn't want to remembered solely for that failure.
His comments about struggling controlling his rage and losing himself on a punching bags until his hands bled suggests more than anything he harbors a hatred for the management and culture surrounding Hololive and Cover.
She was the first girl in hololive EN to pave the way for ghosting your fanbase weeks at a time, up to that point kronii, gura and mumei had only ghosted them a few days before coming back. She was gone for a month without explanation. Oh and Ina was being a bitch too I guess. But sana really hit home with the girls "yes, you CAN just not give a fuck and retards will still give you money". And so began gura's 2 year odyssey of streaming maybe 40 times a year.
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She peaked with that stream and then wanted to graduate a month later, but waited out her contract instead.
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Sana LOVE !! I love and miss and eternally support Sana however she chooses to live her life. She's an inspiration for me and I'm happy that she was strong enough to choose herself and her life over half committing to something that wasn't making her happy. Sana LOVE !!
crackships are the only good ships
>why she went for Hololive auditions out of the gate
wasn't she a nepohire?
Council/promise have to be in the running for most improved vtuber group from debut
They're both artists with ugly voices
She lied about her back hurting. This was confirmed on her PL after graduating
why did she lie?
Anon, the sad truth is She left because the whole industry is fucked in the head, and only going to make people worse. Do I have to explain?
It's easier to be let off the hook for neglecting your job if you claim you have health issues, just look at Gura for example
>subtract Sana
>add IRyS
it's just that easy
Depends on which schizophrenic you ask.
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Sana ticks the fetish boxes for gyaru and giantess like no other.

IRyS maybe be a Nephilim, I really love Succubus and horned women, but she’s hardly filling in the beeg shoes here.
>What could Sana have possibly done to get fired?
Myth and Council didn't get any input on their model designs. A few talents have talked about that and how that didn't change with HoloEN until newer gens like Advent and Justice. Kiara is now okay with her sexy fast food manager design but still gets sad when thinking about what might have been if she had been given a choice. Sana wasn't the type to be okay with a company telling her that a vtuber shouldn't have any input on their own design. Considering the model redesigns with Tempus less than a year later there was likely a lot of things going on behind the scenes and they got heated enough that her contract wasn't renewed.

>His comments about struggling controlling his rage and losing himself on a punching bags until his hands bled suggests more than anything he harbors a hatred for the management
If Magni and Vesper were fired because they were trying to help Kronii get a more reasonable design that would explain why Magni's RM feels like they were sacrificed. Anyone would be angry if they were fired for doing a good deed.
No shit, they're hipsters
Ririka is the best gyaru in hololive
Should have said ganguro
explain the giantess fetish to me.
I don't have it, but I hear it's about guys who are so insecure about themselves. Not only do they like big mommy dommy stuff, they take it to comic book proportions. And I even see the vore fetishists mixing their thing in it.
Weird, but at least Sana is a Nix-Jesus hybrid that can shrink down, lolify, (and thanks to the weird shota fandom, split into a satyr-like big dick shota)

Personally, coming in only after she left, I like the whole bittersweet farewell stuff best
>Sana was never good
Everyone who isn't a retard already knew this.
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nta but I'm on the opposite end where I want to interact with a tiny guy and idk if that's hard to understand. There's a lot of overlap for miniguy/giantess stuff, so when I saw hololive was debuting a giantess, it got to start watching and then I stayed bc it was Sana
>Retard leaves because he's so menhera that he believed Magni
It was at that moment that I realized that men can be just as retarded or more than women.
I don't care what Hololive says, Nephilim are the offspring of men and angels. Fuck off with that DMC bullshit.
I'm the size of a normal man but you can sit on my face if that helps
She has the blue dorito, that means she's good.
She fucked up a lot but she at least had the decency to tell her fans to pause their memberships until she returned.
I laugh everytime
the pink panther is very similar but funnier so you are gonna hear it a lot more for a while
You know what's funny, I'm all about mommydom stuff but if anything I still have a preference for shorter women even when it comes to stuff like that. If anything I'm all about power reversal where a shortstack mommydom uses the bare minimum of effort to make a bigger man revert hormonally and sensitivity to a virile teenager and completely controls them.
Sara is cute, but boring.
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Click hide thread then.
Fuck off Doxxsagi.
Hey, Sanaschizo, do you have any drawings of her kissing the camera? Like a looking-at-viewer POV . I wanna know what it looks like before touching those delicious, chocolate lips.
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based as fuck if girl
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She was never in it for the money anyway since she got 200k from the chinese once and just neets off of that and commissions. I mean you can say "but you can make a million bucks in holo!" but she seems like if she ever has trouble her parents will always bail her out, which is why she was able to pursue a 'career' like 'being an artist' and got lucky the internet made it easy for artists to actually have an art-to-coomer pipeline where they can get paid, WWII wouldn't have happened if the internet had existed.
I don't think you can call someone making a living of selling their art a NEET.
Like where else are they going bring their art station, the park?
I liked her.
contract schizo, can you fuck off and stop talking about girls you never watched and don't know shit about already. I know you wanna defend your precious faggots but it's time to face that they were literally just retarded
Bullshit. Her delicious chocolate tits were one the best things about hololive. It's criminal that we never got to see them in 3D.
The biggest case of wasted potential to come out of Hololive and Ina's greatest crime. I enjoyed the time she was here but I still would've preferred it if her slot went to someone that had actual streaming experience and was going to stick around.
if you could put any indie into Sana's model instead of her, who would you pick?
The only thing bad about Sana was her dumb dango hair.
I do agree that people need to move the fuck on, though. Alums in general are posted about way too much.
I don't really watch indies but if I had to choose then Nyaru.
Kiara talked about how Myth didn't have any input on their designs only a week ago and that she was proud they were able to make changes in HoloEN so that newer gens would have more control over the design of their models. Do you really think talents would keep bringing up that topic even years later if everyone in Myth and Council were completely okay with skimpy outfits and huge jiggling boobs? Ina never wanted to be a lewd priestess and Kronii never wanted to be a cosplay stripper which is the reason they wouldn't even dance with guests at their 3D lives.
I really doubt that any of them really have a problem with their chest sizes. Something that trivial could easily be adjusted if it actually bothered them. It's not exactly a whole redesign. Besides, their size varies wildly across alt outfits already.
She was good when she cared but the problem was she often didn't.
when did she care?
Kronii and Ina have both said exactly why they didn't have guests in their 3D lives, you'd know this if you watched either of them, hell I don't even watch Ina and I know what her reason was, it's not that fucking hard
It would be fine if they could design outfits worth a shit or have good outfit ideas but the problem is that, more often than not, they've shown that they can't.
"support themselves"
I think he means 3000-5000, IRyS kind of had to build up her audience because of her goblin face. But on the flip side Kronii was getting 20,000 and gura 30,000 and Mori 12,000.
Didn't someone already mention that Hololive won't change their boob size unless they get a redesign?
sure but this was pre-debut. it's not like they weren't aware of their models for months before we saw them
I wish this wasn't bait, because it's so true.
It was super obvious she didn't want to be vtuber early on, but people clung to her like it's their mother coming back from the dead.
A lot of “uuuuu I miss Sana” fags seem to forget that she was a homolover and would’ve had her own male collab arc similar to the likes of Ame and Kronii. Her graduation stream literally gave the homos their blessing before they even debuted.
absolutely obsessed
i really don't care, and i was one of the ones that really enjoyed the mori/kronii/fagni/vesper collabs. seethe about it.
>90's anime style face
>super cute voice
>genuinely top tier orisong
i'm not the only one
I don't care if Sana was not good. Sana was my oshi. And she made me happy.
Why can't I get a sweetheart giantess to love and care for me?
This is rude, but I agree with the move on portion. She's moved on, everyone else should too.
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You're not alone!
She's trash and she should have never got into holo.

Whoever still thinks about her does not watch holo at all
Because at the time HoloEN only had Myth and Council
Unfortunately she doesn't seem to care much about quitting so yeah
>Do I have to explain?

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