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VSPO EN is taking over
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Oh no! VSPO is so powerful and popular!
Look! Here's an example of their JP branch! Look how fast all of those 6,000 real people are typing!
Babu, life is gonna crush you real hard one of these days.
Did it happen already? Damn, I missed it. Give me a qrd on their debuts.
>posted and shit up the debut thread
>got fuck all attention
>look VT i did it again give me attention
a red woman hate thread died for this
Cool, new shiny toys for catalogniggers, awesome
jesus fucking Christ she's more popular than mousey looking at that chat speed, it really is over for us holobros
>glorified apex niggers
i sleep

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One of them plays csgo and is faceit level 10.
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Nice bots ennacuck
thank you
Poor girls, getting botted by a schizosucks for a debut
why is kokage catching random strays shes cute and good at games
Numbermonkeys call every non-holo stream botted if it goes over three digits. Never mind that holos get botted the most blatantly.
Jesus christ, my 2view oshi from /vsinger/ has more active chaters than her.
inb4 "nips just watch they don't chat" lmao
That's actually pretty fucked up if they do not realize.
Where can I see the graph for this stream? It's a youtube stream and it's archived. Should be easy to tell if it's being botted.
Eh, to be fair, I doubt they mind. It's not like being botted harms you (AFAWK). Might as well treat it as free PR
I get recommended on YT with random 1-digit indies in different languages more often than I hear ANYTHING about VSPO.
The cheap bots make waves because they're all VM instances spun up on a few machines. The expensive bots use phone farms or actual botnets and YouTube treats them like real viewers - they just never chat.
>all gray names
At least buy membership for your bots if you wanna be convincing
My actual RL friend who just happens to be a 2view vtuber has more active chatters than her. And he is a guy. Streaming programming. In Russian.
Why the fuck have Phasecucks been trying to pit HoloEN and VSpoEN against each other today? Just leave VSpo alone and keep your Holo vs Niji shit going
link to actual stream?
Isn't this the company that doxxed 7000 people the other day because they were such fuckups they couldn't even set a Google Doc to private?
Wait, so this means this is the perfect moment for grooming?
THAT'S where you are wrong. HoloEN, VSPO EN and Nijis should slam Phasecucks all at once. And only then get back to the usual.
It really sucks that this happened. I do hope both the girls and the company become successful and offer a different flavor to EN vtubing. While Indies can do some pretty cool things, it's so much riskier for them to do something big and try to reinvent the wheel at the same time. There's so much more personal financial risk involved that it'd hamper their creative juices.
>30k debut CCV
How adorable. Nobody tell him how many advent and justice had. Still, better than NijiEN, if you want your participation trophies.
Yeah but those bots don't count towards watch hours metrics and youtube's system is actually good for culling those statistics, and vspo has been third in watch hours according to some graphs I've seen on /#/.
VSPO has no graduations so far, their members get 3D, they've done real life collaboration events, and they've been around almost as long as hololive has been around.
They're also in a niche that literally no other corpo wants or can get even if they tried. I don't know why shitposters are so hostile to them.
Thanks to your post now I know how to save Homostars.
nvm found it
UHHH clearly it's 6k toddlers watching and they don't know how to type in chat
gugu gaga :^)
There are definitely bots that count towards watch-hour metrics, no way in hell did some literal-who Nijimale get 2 million watch-hours
Is this the Iron Mouse watching experience looks like?
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Anon japan invented vtubing and you can see vtuber merch and branding on regular food products in most major retailer stores and convenience stores. The market is fucking huge over there. Kuzuha has also been around before Hololive even existed.
Everyone knows holoEN has been botted to hell since Advent's debut. If they really were getting Gura numbers through botting and those stats were not culled, you would see them have 500k+ views per VOD. They don't have those numbers which means botted views do not count towards watch hours.
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you shitposting in the catalog won't help stop the inevitable merge of your NijiEN, ennacuck
if Kuzuha is so great why did his concert get cancelled?
>apex apex apex
>valorant valorant
>overwatch in 2024
Nah thank I'm good
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I literally watch holo you stupid fucks. That dumbass doesn't understand why JP vtubers have such high viewership(which btw includes Japanese holos) you stupid EN tribal retards.
bro this was before they sold the keyboards, they just couldnt chat before then
To all of you retards:
NijiEN is trash and has nothing do with Nijisanji JP, Hololive Production or anyone else... Phasecucks though...
i'm happy for them i guess
anon you mistiped "niji en (CN(JP) -merging incoming)
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Can YOU spot the view count that doesn't belong?
Look carefully!
hoiy shit kek
Over 10000 all together but yes
Holy shit holo chat never reach such impressive speed. It's over
turn out hes not so great, but again nijisister lying? no way right?
classic nijinigger hiding behind JP. reminder that you fuckers caused this tribalfaggotry since /jp/

your nijiniggery rooted from JP, faggot
Hopefully VSPO EN brings some competitive gaming into the sphere. Holo didn't want to touch the competitive part even within the company events due to fearing of backlash from another talents fans so they can never tryhard. The annual Mariokart is the only exception. The Pokémon Unite tournament already made this place a war zone.
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I am a real fan and you are not.
Isn't NijiJP even fucking worse? They're the ones with all the godawful lawsuits they keep losing, the constant doxxing, and several talents leaving and being completely unable to complain publicly. Just look at how they chased off chihiro
Phasefags think shitting on every other corpo will bring their whores more popularity. Majority of the retarded dramafagging on this board is pushed by them.
>Phase whores are all pickmes
>Phasefags are all pickmes
Towa has been in many comparative tournaments outside of Hololive, and some others have been in some too. HLZNTL was an explicit attempt by hololive to get into competitive gaming. The big problem for Hololive is that getting to competitive gaming kinda means that you have to answer the male question, which many of the talents do not want to do.
All brown (on the inside at the very least)
>Hopefully VSPO EN brings some competitive gaming into the sphere.
No thanks
>Holo didn't want to touch the competitive part
good, smart of them
Nijien fans have stopped going to the catelogs so their lust for more drama has them aiming at other targets randomly
they are, its just so many clueless retards didnt know how niji silencing everyone who expose them, too bad their shit means nothing outside of JP, thats why these clueless retarded nijinigger are coping so hard when they got hit with the harsh truth.
thier coping is "niji JP are not like niji EN, they dont have drama or problem" which is absolutely fuckng wrong.
You type like a brown person
>many of the talents do not want to do
the talents or their incel fans?
I'm pro Holo as much as anyone here and since they are being too safe with competition I'm hoping VSPO provides that. The JP branch is the only one willing to do that Mario kart and Pokémon Unite tourney is by them as well as being more sweaty in Survival games. Best Rust Arc and Minecraft hardcore was initiated by pekora. Only the Apex cross branch tourney was by ID.
Holy shit, the chat is unreadable. She should enable slow mode.
>talents want or need money or attention
>unicell fans dont wanna see hear or think about male
>talents dont stream with males

this reminded me that there has never been a cross branch event organized by an EN
Orrrrr maybe just maybe the talents themselves are not that great at competitive games and having too big of a skill gap makes it unenjoyable for the talents. Also (You) Amnesiastic faggot cant even remember how holostars can collab with holojp with no issues.
Good. Let these threads die. We're done having to bump oshi threads and art threads every 30 minutes because you can't shut up about your netorase hate fetish. Go have your own /ntr/ general like there's /ag/, /weird/, /horny/, and don't think about breaching containment.
I mean EN (with the exception of Kiara, Bae and Mori) are just farming money and really dont give a shit about reinvesting into vtubing projects so of course they wont organize anything
how the fuck did 3 girls who were picked based on needing a crazy rank in fps games end up having way way cuter voices than all 4 of the girls holo picked without that requirement?

imagine being top 20 in OW and ALSO having a cuter voice than holos entire new generation. imagine being a 13x master who's pred touched and ALSO having a cuter voice than holos entire new generation.

what the fuck criteria was holo even using for their girls, seriously. they compare unfavourably in every dimension
netorase is when the male is being cucked
netorare is the one you mean
Shilling holostars what else? Are you forgetting the cover's plan to slow down debuts and focus more on developing existing IP's. Holostars is the IP they're referring to which is why the designated star collaber have the best voice out of justice and even have the leader position to give them more attention.
When they aim for europeans, this is what happens.
>lets get some more euros
>theyre varying degrees of kiara tier voices

At least the german one sounds hot
Cover hires retards for a reason. If chuubas are too good at games, it makes the viewer feel emasculated.
>Case in point:
Every Aquacrew crossdresses and loves to take it in the ass.
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WOW! look at those very real views!
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oh so you are that sister who suddenly brings kuzuha's numbers and whatever greatness he is when niji gets mentioned lmao i knew you will appear
at least watch him too instead of flicking your beans to his playboard page roru
Watch the Brave defense force come in and say it was just some /#/ schizo or the fabled ennabotter and totally not brave themselves like they have done with ever branch they own in JP. It's not like Brave is known to bot back in Japan too haha
Sisters dont watch streams, only twitter feeds and clips
tiktok has melted their brains and attention spans
Same could be said about the dramafaggots too
Idgaf. They go make that.
Tags matter. Start giving a fuck
They don't have to join the pro circuit. The casual jp tournament scene for streamers is made accommodate all levels of skill so they would not get outmatched.
>Also (You) Amnesiastic faggot cant even remember how holostars can collab with holojp with no issues.
The Holo jp that can collob with holostars can also colloab with any other male, but that is not most talents. Did you forget about HLZNTL where Irys felt that she needed to promise that despite being in a same game with holostars, she was going to act like an autistic 2nd grader who is too afraid to talk to the opposite sex?
Doesn't matter if the voice is cute if they can't yap properly.

Holo went after entertaining girls, and they brought that home in spades.
why are the views going up and down like that papa?
The robot ai is waving at the silly humans watching the streams
>But that is not most talents
Brave Group bros...
They are on to us
Wake me up when the vspo girls have artistic talent.
The botting can trigger a cull and casuals don't resub cause they don't pay attention.
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>and youtube's system is actually good for culling those statistics
This thread reinforced again that mousey lives rent free in the heads of numbermonkeys.
>16k unique chatters vs 1600 unique chatters
>same chat a (bonus points for typing like a shitskin)
numberfags are so fucking stupid
>don't count towards watch hours metrics
kek are you fucking retarded? they count every bot in the world as long as they can boost the ccv - which they did
>400 tickets sold, in a month
>VSPO EN is taking over
good luck with that
I've seen two view BIRDFEEDER CAM streams that are faster than that!
HoloEN had 100k debuts
I think you meant to type nijien that had 15k debuts
Is her chat stuck? Or broken?
vspo had more like 6 to 7 thousand if you take away all the bots
no, it moves at the end.
She's not being watched by 6,000 people.
Devils advocate but is she not watching some other dudes stream? The chat shouldn't be that slow regardless but if it's something where people are expected to be dualtabbing I can understand a drop in speed.
dude there are 6 THOUSAND people there and not one decided to tap a few keys on their keyboard
Anons, Hololive is an IDOL company. Thats what their talents are. Some of their chuubas like Towa and Botan can play competitively, but end of the day their focus is singing, dancing and the live stage. Brave's equivalent in that regard is v4mirai, an actual idol branch. In contrast, VSPO is almost entirely esports focused. Its what made them the number 3 spot in Japan. If they had entered the EN side earlier they could have gptten Dokibird. But basically the focuses are different. Dont expect these three VSPO En girls to do song and dance.

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They are cute though.
>my tastes are better than your tastes
grow up
I fucking wish this was just a matter of taste...
I recommend you read a post to its end before you reply to it next time, it makes you look a lot less retarded.
Holy shit at least try to make it less obvious.
>Almost 30k
HoloEN newcomer completely mogged.
>/vt/ was a place of harmony and love before Phase Connect came along
you will get your "all out war" tribal war and holo will beat everyone AGAIN.
Wish the numbers were legit. Would finally give some competition. Hololive has been getting complacent.
you want the same exact cute voice? get another zen with another voice changer instead of TTS, there you go, theres no point of having SAME EXACT "cute" voice but their personality is same, holo focus on that instead of just "#123 girl playing shitty fps" like vspo.
Good point actually. Competition leads to innovation. I guess we'll have to see what the future brings for this new group.
what the fuck do you mean the "same exact" voice?

there is a huge diversity of potential cute voices out there, and cover picked 0 of them for their new gen
Its Nijisanji who I want to see this gropu beat out. Agreed that Holo is too complacent, but I am also sick of Niji heing number 2. Its about time Brave and Phase replace Niji
no no no no, you are ennacuck not ennabotter, go ahead and say it, ennaKEK

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