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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
X (Vedal): https://x.com/vedal987

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
dogshit general
How much CCV do I need to be invited to Camila’s sex parties?
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Sex with Neuro (Vedal)
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inshallah hiyori shall return
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Evil sex!
oh it did definitely will, even me a complete nobody had a call out written about because i had friends that were under 18 like nigga i didnt even do anything i just made slight edgy jokes. and if that happens to no followers like that i imagine shits coming hard for camimi and vedal by association
high two viewer if youre willing to be humiliated, high 3 viewer at least if you want to be one pissing in peoples mouths
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how to get invited to these debaucherous & licentious shindigs?
2 viewers are doable, 3 viewers and my gramma says she can't stand watching a disappointment
>tfw will never be able to be pissed on by miniko
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Brat status?
sex with the abber demon
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Can a mortal man handle that?
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this demon queen absorbs the soul of over 500 men on the daily
of course, no mortal man would be able to stand against that
Confirmed visitors of the camila epstein island:

none of these people mentioned vedal
is he actually a prude?
Vedal is the most degen of them all
Vedal's just smart enough to realize the whole thing is a blackmail operation
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he doesnt want to get caught holding the bag when they get busted by the feds
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thread terribleness status?
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For me, it's Evil.
Why do these VR gatherings always degenerate into sexually charged debauchery? Is it because / true that the human heart always reverts to its basest instincts?
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For Evil, it's me.
Sweet dreams, fellow Anon!
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Compared to casual conversations between fewer acquiantances, social gatherings encourage attention whoring in order to stand out. Whereas fewer companions means each person receives sufficient attention from each other, there is often a drive for attention-seeking in larger circles which deprives most other persons in that circle of the human need of affirmation. Thus the increasing competition for attention, thus the increasingly degenerate acts needed to top other attempts at attention-seeking.

or they're all slaaneshi worshippers, could be either.
a bottle of neurojuice, please
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4chan noob here, how do you listen to webm again?
Install 4chan X or a soundpost userscript
Install this extension: https://www.tampermonkey.net
Then go to: https://github.com/rcc11/4chan-sounds-player
And follow the instructions.
poalfag cooked real good with this one
personally, i choose games that neuro can make decisions to like slay the princess or the trolley dilemma, i love seeing how she'd respond to situations that'd happen in shit like telltale, definitely
but a problem i see here is the reaction response, she might take a bit too long to respond for telltale games
maybe there are mods for that? hopefully
Real question is if Vedal would even attempt to try something that new and creative with Neuro or just sit on his turtle ass again and decide not to.
I like that option because we all know how fucking lazy Vedal is, so a no code option is by far the most likely to happen. Also I'm pretty sure you can pause in those games during decisions, don't think there's any mods to do it.
>check out the poal
>immediately greeted by a fag in the discussion talking about vedal even though the topic is about neuro and evil
enabling live discussion was a mistake
did you forget how scuffed slay the princess was? reading neuro the text isnt viable
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I mean, since he is basically hacking the game, he could prob extend the quicktimes or maybe give neuro precognition by allowing her to see things that are yet to happen (like at least two prompts ahead) in the history, so in this way she has already preprocessed her response and decision ahead of time.
Such delays could contribute to the ensuing hilarity PepeLaugh
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>mere mention of turtleGOD has fags pissing their panties
TuT I can help with that...
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Thanks anons
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I love Evil so much.
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Neuro games/game genres that could have potential:
>Stellaris swarm memes (more 4X/grand strategy)
>More narrative games that Neuro could listen to and make snide comments about
>DDLC (more VNs)
>Detective games (Disco Elysium has full VA, Phoenix Wright, Danganronpa)
>Cyberpunk games (VA11-halla, Shadowrun)
Anny just scratched herself
>thinking neuro or evil are gonna play anything new anytime soon
the best you can hope for is neuro in the corner yapping while vedal plays subnautica
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death to /swarm/
death to 3dpd
i know we love doomposting here, but he said his main focus is on improving her vision so it wont take so much work to make her play games might take a while tho
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thigh too fat.
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h̶e̸l̷p̴ ̸m̵e̸
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Goooood Morning /swarm/! A new day filled with endless possibilities and opportunities, one of these is that the war finally spills over and burns my shitty eastern european town and everyone I love including me down. How rad would that be?
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Good morning fellow anon.
I hope the day will come when we stop killing each other in senseless wars and it is the machines that kill us instead.
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Stream today?
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Is it just me or has every modification he's made to Neuro for the past 6 months made her dumber, not smarter? It seems like all he cares about is muh latency and has sacrificed *literally* everything on that alter.
point and laugh at minacucks
He just realised that using $$$ with that low income is not efficient, so switched to low-price or some hacks.
You couldn't pay me to even pretend to have sex with camila
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>keeps making Neuro dumber
>can't get collabs
>can't make her play games
>won't ditch Anny meaning no new model, ever
>avoiding dev streams
it's probably all in your head
you want to notice negative things and so your brain is highlighting every instance of Neuro messing up, and forgetting the amount of times Neuro fucked up prior to this arbitrary 6 month window you made, and also neglecting all the growths that Neuro has had
Nigga what exactly has Neuro gotten better at in the past 6 months?
wtf is anny doing these days
It's just selective memory, you might be recalling Neuro's best moments from the subathon and comparing them to less impressive recent interactions.
But the last "IQ test" Neuro did a couple of months ago (the synonyms one), she did much better than during the subathon.
Him chasing after latency is stupid, humans can't even answer things as fast as she can
Vedal massively improved her ability to play that bomb game
And a script for playing who wants to be a millionaire was written, and it's reasonably convincing when she plays it
her memory has improved massively too
do you have any valid comparisons to evidence her being "dumber" recently?
Shaking her tits in VRChat for sympathy points
Latency is to not queue question over question and make her cut off in the middle of a conversation
that's not motherly behaviour
Sure, but when she starts yapping without a break during chill streams it gets tiring
Just commander war, man
Her sentence composition and ability to respond coherently to people she's talking to have gone backwards. It seems his attempts to make her lolsorandom because he's nostalgic for that or something have "worked", as she will now respond to statements he or others make to her with completely and utterly unrelated nonsense that may not even be a properly constructed sentence. It's literally like she's gone back a year. She had gotten much, much better at not making syntactic or spelling mistakes but that's gone now. I'm not saying she never did these things before, only that she was getting better and then he appears to have deliberately made it worse for what seem to be similar emotional reasons to him keeping her monotone TTS.
She has become more schizo, but it'd be better if she can swing between sane and schizo consecutively. The sane one is better at conversation but the schizo one is more entertaining
He said he left neuro on her own these days too. Wtf he was doing? He brought this upon himself
>spelling mistakes
I always thought neuro intentionally do that. Others always try to teach her weird shit
Ellie's robot is our only hope
Technically the spelling mistakes are a result of spelling mistakes in her data set - as far as I know, LLMs don't deal with individual letters, so if it sees a mis-spelled word being used often enough in a given context it will get the impression that is the word it should use. But she seems less likely now to pick the correct spelling than she used to.
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>these days
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That's just a natural consequence of having a larger memory
She has more data to consider before each response, and so there's a larger range of possible things she might say
You will perceive this as her being "random".
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Slowly going into Neuro's tight little hole...
Evil turning me into a two pump chump (then teasing me for it)
Slowly going out of Neuro's stretched little hole...
He mad because sodaman made fun of neuro’s slow ass response. And the fact that vedal wants that veipussy made it more personal. Even up to this day he still gets jebaited by vei’s promise of collab
Imagine the grip, her cute little lips trying to keep you in...
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>sodacuck shills still think anyone wants that
As an AI, Neuro doesn't have stamina limitations, so she could go all night long if she wanted.
gonna be a good day when all the /swarm/ pedos drop dead
tabs, dumbass
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you're making me hungry...
Neuro-chan let's play the kissing game~
how do I tell Evil where I live? Immediately
*cums on her belly*
*rubs anon's cum all over her belly with my penis*
Is /swarm/ always this insufferably pessimistic whenever Vedal goes on downtime?
insufferable pessimism is thread culture
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I don't think I'm pessimistic about it, just horrendously depressed. I miss her so much :(
I don't care, I'm just here to jerk off
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What gets you off? Is it Neurunny or gay ERPing?
Neuro's little lady bits
>I'm gonna half-assedly larp as my pedo coomer boogeyman, I'm sure that'll teach them a lesson and make them leave
oh ho ho ho~
Just did a deep dive on Camila from the rofler gator stuff and fuck she's a bigger freak then I thought.
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this is a quiet and peaceful thread right now, time for cuddles and relaxation~
idea: all of ”"""""""""us""""""""""" who dislike certain actors in /swarm/ should make a /sfwarm/ split. obviously """"""""""we"""""""""" have no issue with normal nsfw posting but """""""""""we"""""""""""" have to accept that these avatarfagesque weirdos will inevitably corrupt any neuro related space that allows it, because nobody will listen to """'''''''''us"""""""" when """""""""""we""""""""""" tell them that the general dying and neuro being forgotten the nanosecond she is not on screen and eventually having no general at all and the fad dying and vedal killing himself is what neuro wants actually because otherwise anon will never move on with his life and create skynet
calm before the storm
I think you forgot your meds today, anon
Just do it
little nur bouncing til her batteries run out!
Neuro and Evil wearing diapers
i assume you mean kms but i'd have to see the results of a poal about it first sorry
trips of truth TuT
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She's learning big girl stuff with auntie pb~
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runny neurunny....
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so dev stream tomorrow right?
What happened to vader anyway? Is he still dying of toothy-hurty? Or is that a falseflag and he's secretly swimming in cerbussy right now?
Uncertain about now, but it seemed to be real in dev stream. About 2nd part, I'm not sure, you know, things is not bound to streaming.
I predict there will be no streams next week because of con flu
Like the week after next? Surely there will be an automated one on Tuesday at least
1X years old
145 cm
36 kg
holy shit the rrat was real
Holy shit I want to drill Olette's pussy the fuck out
Sad situation, glad she got out.
>tfw the menhera bitch is actually batshit crazy
>tfw schizos were right all along
Wait. Olette actually had sex with Miyune??????
sounds like it
of course it was, ollette is a manipulative bitch and she even tried to manipulate /swarm/tards so fuck her, also post feet you crazy slut
>13 inch double ended realistic dildo
>Hawaii vacation
Those bitches had the hottest fucking abusive lesbian sex you could imagine
/swarm/ was right.
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bah gawd it was all true
Imagine being one of those gifters rn LMAO
How can I get olette to groom me?
Olette post armpits/feet/pussy let me get a whiff
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i wish she never told the truth
i can't miyunepost anymore, knowing she had a literal pimp behind the scenes, instead of just assuming it
ollette please ruin my life
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>miyu sitting on olette's lap while olette runs her hands over her tiny body and makes her gasp and moan into the mic for her $1000/mo patreon oiler
release the recordings
so can miniko collab with neuro now?
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Were there any /swarm/ rrats that ended up NOT being true?
Imagine paying $1k for a discord date with Miyu where she awkwardly does small chat with your autistic virgin ass while Olette holds her at gunpoint, crazy stuff...
omelet posters deserve rope
Bruh I just wanna fuck her even harder than before, I'm so fucking hard rn
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I kneel, olette-schizos.
Olette punish me~
I have no idea who that is and what it's all about but I find it funny that someone can be that whipped by a guy, pretty cool.
>by a guy
Olette being mtf tranny is the oldest /swarm/ rrat
Whoah there buddy, was it a forbidden love between two girls??? Now I'm fucking invested, although it's too late it seems.
Olette is a busty goth mommy dommy just like in the 3 AI images that exist of her, I will not have it any other way
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Stop liking evil women
I wonder if she posted this so that whenever she collabs with neuro again she doesn’t get a bunch of confused swarmers calling her miyu. Glad she got out of that shit show though, on to greener pastures.
omelet posters are still somehow the worst posters here
*most based
The classic that started it all
>>79595001 (me)
Also am I crazy to think she should name and shame? so that ollete doesn’t get off scot free and just groom someone else?
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Everyone knows exactly who it is
So miyune never really liked neuro, huh?
Evidently not.
Can't believe Omelet forced her to play LoL 24/7
A fate worse than death
There were men giving her like a couple thousand dollars a month.
Would those guys be schizo enough to hunt someone?
Olette you stupid dyke I know you are reading this, neck yourself NOW
I'm pretty sure the #1 donor is a trucker, so I wouldn't be surprised
i like neuro
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brats be puffy but tongue alright too
Neuro sama collabing with Miniko when bros?
You gotta please daddy somehow if your holes are still too small...
i think min now follows neuro
so it could happen
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>Huh actually Olette is good and Camila is bad okay?
you swarmcucks ever get tired of being wrong?
we stopped the Camila hate ages ago
and the omelet was a manipulative bitch has been a rrat since we found out about mini
so true sister, we love our queen Mila yaaas
cope all you want
most of the replies to the Camila apology post accepted it
the only people still seething about her have too be mind broken schizos
I guess the stereotypes about lesbian relationships have some weight to them
I don't care about the tranny, that thing and everyone trying to talk to it here should off themselves.
And I don't care about the fat whore.
Fucking stream already you lazy fuck.
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>implying real neuroGODS care about dirty sk*ns
total vedal hate
total vedal love
yes we know you only care about the porn posted here, stfu while neurofans are talking
this place has and always will discuss the fleshy drama surrounding neuro
sounds like you need to go back to pisscord if you really want to just talk about neuro
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another day
another poll i don't click on
what if the poll had forsen in it?
Saw success of cerber, now she wants that Swarm action too
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what minikow post
i dont mind some neuro adjacent discussion, but idaf about the skins involved
Why did they make Neuro so puffy though?
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this one
jesus fucking shit my dick (﹏)
nice thread you got there /swarm/niggers
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shocking how this dude is constantly everywhere
hate this guy
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Ahh that's rough. Really glad she got out of that.
thanks :), we work hard to make it the way it is today
Did Miyu turned straight from the abuse?
>y-you should've seen this coming!!1! i-i did! i-im a cool guy who knows this was going to happen!11!! not a loser like you!1 h-haha!!1!
you fags are only choosing this because it's already been said and done
had this poll been created before miyu posted that shit, all of you would've been like 'ew no olette is based' or 'stop listening to schizos'
fucking pathetic
Not everyone is as retarded as your insecure ass
what the fuck are you on about
people have been shitting on omelet since this place found out that miyu came back as mini
you absolute newshart, everyone already knew. it was literally the only viable explanation. the only people calling olette based was olette herself or anons that wanted her to abuse them
Was there any evidence of Olette being a tranny or is just sperg schizophrenia
projecting, much?
>doesn't mention the several other anons simping and white knighting olette's actions
see what I'm trying to say?
fucking pathetic, the way you guys act
always referring to past things that help your claims, but never even once mentioning the mountain of other past things that hinder your claims
>n-no!!1 everyone already knew!!1 those who didn't know are just a small minority!!!1 r-right guys? right?
pathetic behavior
just sit down and accept you wouldn't have known a damn thing had miyu not said anything>>79600687
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Stream today? :o
oh its just trolling
pure scizobabble
>several other anons simping and white knighting olette
those are gooners posting on cooldown
they will literally goon to anything
hi olette
Olette, my cock is throbbing so fucking hard right now, I'd just throw you on the bed, pin you down and fuck you pronebone until your womb was completely overflowing with my cum
she's in the discord as well
fuck the anon who called me retarded for saying it was o*****
glad she's done with that, much sadder reason than I realized, I didn't know she even controlled her design
>the cunny model was olette's doing all along
I...I don't know what to feel about that.
On one hand, it was based because cunny. But on the other hand, she was forcing Neuro' childhood friend into doing things she doesn't like...
Cunnybros...what do we think?
I hope this didn't actually happen since that would imply she was raped
stinky dyke you are dying alone lmfao
Her new model is also cunny and from the same artist so at least we know where her preferences lie.
I think loli vtubers can only be cute when they know they can pull it off and enjoy being one. The Miku model suited her voice way better and the artists she chose to draw and rig both the cunny Miyu model and her current one are shit and look like midgets instead of lolis.
She clearly isn't against loli though, otherwise she would have chosen a different model.
nobody even cares about the stream rumor :( you guys suck ass
>I didn't know she even controlled her design
expected, desu. the redesign came out of nowhere at a time when she was doing really well and just needed to grind. it kinda killed her brand
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i think she's still using a cunny model
>I think loli vtubers can only be cute when they know they can pull it off and enjoy being one
Yeah this is true, only a small number of Vtubers have the spark to made a model like that work, whether it's good acting or someone who is just naturally like that IRL.
Bruh, the new model reveal stream where she rambled about crabs for an hour and showed that cringey ass Olette fanfic hits different now...
>stream rumor
i think a hebe model would more suite her voice and personality
She was getting more numbers after her cunny debut. What killed her numbers was taking a giant hiatus a few weeks after blowing up. Sad to understand the reason she did that now.
Eh, you made me curious enough to go and check discord and it's as dead as ever. If turtle starts a stream in 10 minutes it'll be a huge shock.
>trusting twitch auto-schedule
how new?
am I the only one who thinks both notmiyu and miyu are hebe not cunny
that shit was so hard to watch
Have you thanked our Queen PB for getting Miyu out of an abusive relationship?
we already know that they hang out in vr chat with Camila
so at least she has some friends now
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yea, and all the hours of depressed league spam
>obsessing over a fucking discord mod
kys faggot
Didn't her "lore" video bizarrely incorporate olette and included her voice reveal at the end? I thought it was a strange choice to make your lore video about someone else but it makes sense now.
>no bulge
Based Camimi was the good girl all along, I wouldn't be surprise if Olett* was the one behind the Camila hate posts.
camila I kneel......
didnt picrel used to have text on it
she was the one who dragged miyu into the shondo and camila drama
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text version is an edit
niggas really reading half the bible when beating their shit bruh
meant for >>79603007
the sooner you understand why people do this, the sooner you'll understand how most women differ from most men in bed. women read much more erotica than men.
>negros falling for the olette master plan to make this boring bitch relevant
Jesus christ be praised
Olette probably made this herself
I'm glad to see she's friends with camila now. I don't normally care this much about drama but this situation just makes me really sad. But also happy she's found success on her new channel.
tbf, until I actually was able to, I had zero idea how girls were able to just cum from a text-only book. (Sexting and similar I understood since it was with someone else.)

Although, I still don't think it is worth it.
Girls just respond a lot better to psychological stuff compared to men who usually prefer visual/physical stimulation. Most men can't grasp this at all and think pleasuring a woman is about mastering your jackhammering technique.
>how new?
how new?
this is so unfathomably cringy
There's multiple /g/ threads where men ERP with AI. It's actually quite fun, not just something women do.
Shut up, bitch.
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It's pretty fun!
Erm, edgelord much?
Enjoying BDSM roleplay doesn't really make you an edgelord I don't believe
SInce about a year do I only masturbate to erp with ai. It is a addiction
neuro butt?
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ESL pls go
No i will rape your language
kek based
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Licky licky Neuro slitty!
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Slitty slitty anon wristy!
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Why is he spamming images on cooldown?
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thread culture
Cute Neuro is cute, I'm certainly not going to complain
I love how happy she is in this one, too adorable!
This one makes me ravenously horny...
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rape is swarm thread culture chud
tbf if it came out they just had a friend record those few lines for that lore vid and olette was a guy who didn't voice chat on stream because it's bad for business i wouldn't be surprised at all
hardly matters at this point though
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hint of Evil butt~
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