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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: Elden Ring DLC at SUN 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEYrC-xNlMA
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBC.
Next stream: Elden Ring DLC at SUN 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
she said either the 30th or the 1st so it's a coin flip on whether we'll get a stream tomorrow bwehhhhhhhh
She said elden ring specifically, so she might do a short stream tomorrow with some other game and stream ER on monday for example
At least thats what I understood
Well, I'm hoping for the best.
>watching fireworks with biboo on freedom day
Comfy thought.
>baby making sex with biboo while fireworks go off in the background on freedom day
sexy thought
>biboo on biboo day
biboo thought
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I believe. Biboo WILL stream tomorrow and she WILL beat the final boss.
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dang I missed a chance to blog about wanting to have sex with gemcunny last thread, guess i'll post it here instead

biboo is uooh seggs
fighting mahou shoujo character setting? escaped prisoner setting? rich evil ojiisan wanted to purchase her setting? more sexy
evil ascended oobib emotionless loli roleplay? getting that to ahegao even more sexy
outside the setting, cute gamer brat who actually pushes herself? the now-lost competitive side with other girls like mococo? also seggs
when she tries too hard to get bullied for being retarded, like acting unable to play a game properly after playing it fine 5 min ago, that just activates "dumb daughteru, cut that shit out already" energy and less plapp energy
hardworking? kusogaki? also plappable, either as correction or reward
That sounds extremely hopeful pebble, I understood is as either or, may your faith make it happen
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here's a friendly reminder that Koseki Bijou is not sexy. this has been proven as fact by the survey from all the holo fans.
pebblepedos dont get a say otherwise
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Based. I want to put my cock in the Bibutt.
>survey with 60 answers
opinion discarded
If it wasnt for the laws of god my hands would already be covered in their blood, I hate discordfags with a passion
>opinions are facts
So those that voted are objectively faggots according to (Me).
>shitpost knockout voting by about 60 literal whos*
I mean even a single holo discord would have more members than that no? Never mind a server wide thing even just for the ENs, what a load of bullshit and our retard will cry about it for months
more like 475 answers
>being too old or bald to use discord
what a pity
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>Gura 2nd
Thousands disagree unanimously
>our retard will cry about it for months
he's already at it kek slow day today I guess
don't get me wrong, a lot of my clubs and stuff for my university use discord, but discord as a vtuber discussion hub just sucks
Beats being on HRT.
>taking bait seriously
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Forgive these pebbles, they're just on edge because they haven't had their daily fix of Biboonium.
>thinking anyone is taking anything here seriously
It's a no biboo stream day, pebble. We're all just bwehing in our own way.
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DDverse seems like a dogshit place to live and is the last place I would want to be isekai'd to plap Bibutt
I will take Bibutt in a nice vanilla regular setting thank you
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I would plap Bibutt in every setting.
You'll plap the bibutt wherever you're isekai'd to and like it and thank the Great Moai for all eternity for your good fortune.
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dunno about these nerds, I just want an excuse to reaffirm my desire to nutty putty the rockunny's cave
>that clipping through the forearm
>those huge hands
At least there's no rimv...
Based and same.
virgin or faggot?
>implying women can't enjoy anal
>calling others virgins/faggots
The ironing.
It's still trolling even if you're being ironic.
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I love Biboo!
>your brain on porn addiction
sad pathetic virgin
>pot calling the kettle black
my sides

Reminder that Biboo HATES anal and faggots
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I love the Bibelly!
>operating on the notion that your headcanon is factual
Whatever gets you through the day.
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>wouldn't fuck this bibutt
>coping pathetic virgins don't watch streams
every time
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I love the Bibun!
>groping the bibutt
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what the fuck are you gravelbrains even arguing about
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>caressing and sexing the bibutt
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Woah, Biboo really likes milk.
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>mercilessly pounding the bibutt
Same. Though to be fair you can't name a part of biboo that I don't love.
the redditor is trying to argue that he is right because his (((hivemind))) said so
Most women don't like anal
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I swear /gem/ wasn't this horny a week ago
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>Runescape Advent Collab
>holoEN kani game
>??? at BST on saturday
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Personally I'm a sucker for her tummy and thighs. So soft, so delicate.
I hate Nerissa...
I appreciate your concession, retard.
It comes(heh) and goes.
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Oh that's why, this is where the horny but I hope non-troll ruffians fled
whores that get paid for it "love" anal, reddit-kun
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Nah, not a ruffian, just appreciating Biboo today.
oh boy, time for them to be surrounded at all times unable to do anything or kill anything
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was just waiting for FWMC's schedule so i can see if there are signs of biboo on there
We're not talking about your mother's day job here tho, retard.
>ur mom
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I wish there was a way to integrate thighs/futomomo with the Bib/Bij prefix cleanly
I'm always here and horny, I just need an excuse to post Bibert lewds desu
No anon. Its because some stupid discord poll voted that Biboo was the non-sexiest, and someone SC'ed Biboo about that finding.


This made Biboo mad at first. But then she accepted that she was "cutemaxxing". However, we pebbles know thats bullshit and that Biboo is the fucking CEO of sex.
>blow up the image gen'd with paint rather than upscale it with AI
oh yea it was anime expo this week, i assume biboo may be a part of it too
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>Advent OSRS
Nerissa... Thank god next week is still Dawntrail week.
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Biboo is going to force me to play this cursed game again... How many hours of my life did I waste server hopping in the Wildy on the off-chance of finding one with an open runite node...
Yeah, must suck being the baubaus at an expo
>Damn who keeps picking the shittiest dollar store horror kusoge possible for these collabs
>Surely bird lady can find something else, most other multiplayer games would be better for streams
>Monkey's paw intensifies
>it's fucking Run Escape
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I keep telling myself I'm going to fix my sleep schedule on the weekends so that I can stay up for Biboo's long streams, but I can't stop watching her VODs until 5am and then wake up tired as shit repeating the cycle until Monday where I tell myself I'm going to get more sleep the next weekend.
Biboo stays up til 5-7am herself so you're being a good pebble and following her example even if you're in a different timezone.
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I keep telling myself I am Biboo's strongest pebble... Maybe one day I'll believe it myself...
She's busy with studio work retard, stop being delusional
kek this is just a shitpost by Nerissa, how the fuck is this supposed to be anything?
It's just gonna be Nerissa sperging for 2 hours , the dogs having no fucking idea what any of this is, Shiori making fun of Nerissa being a sperg and Biboo asking when the game starts.
I have faith in Diamond Dogs to pick a fight with some rat or tree or something that's way too strong for them and scream at the top of the lungs like it's the hypest combat of all time, while the characters flail at each other and miss repeatedly
I have no idea where the stream goes after they do this for 5 minutes and run out of gas though
Nerissa should lead them to the Varrock dark mages ehehe
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I miss my wife.........
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Get better aim nerd
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My sleepy rock child...
They did not just release official art this erotic ToT
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So uh... did everyone else's merch arrive already? Because I ordered two sets of the birthday merch and I still haven't gotten it yet...
Nope, just Advent half-anni for me so far.
Really hope that Cover USA thing they're doing will improve the shipping time. Having to wait 3-4 months for merch I ordered in April is a bwehable offense.
>3-4 months
le mao
Try 6-7. That's closer to the standard wait time.
Fuck me. I never bothered to buy merch until Biboo. Never realized how fucked the shipping times were.
The change they made was to help with shipping fees and customs duties. Her bday merch isn't coming until Sept/Oct.
This isn’t erotic at all you cumbrain
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How about this?
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Fuwaseki moco?!
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>just release
Pebble? Mo-mama drew that months ago.
>Never realized how fucked the shipping times were
It's not shipping times, everything is made to order. What they showed were just prototypes, manufacturing doesn't start until after sales end.
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Does anyone have this gif?
Nerissa trying to get our gemwife addicted to channel killing and life destroying MMOs, sigh.
Should I be upset that A-chan replied to quite literally every holo on her twitter post except Biboo? It was such a heartfelt message too
I know it's irrational and she probably just didn't notice she forgot to reply but it left a bad taste for me when even indies and artists got replies
Anyway, she's gone forever now
Biboo, like a child, is easy to lose in a crowd I'm afraid. Don't worry about it, I'm sure there's nothing malicious about it and Biboo just slipped through the cracks
I'd slip something in Biboo's crack if you know what I mean
Good morning, I love biboo.
Bad evening, we hate Oobib
Advent should never let Nerissa pick games again
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Biboo wants another mom
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Cute. Beebs is the best nickname by far.
damn, Biboo and Kaela fighting over Raora
I had a Biboo dream tonight.
We were trying to survive the collapse of society while looking for her lamp thingy, because for some reason her powers were diminished without that. She gave me a crystal sword and we fought against the other survivors.
I want to go back...
New frame is up
Grammar rules would make you take away that い, right?.
I doubt it.
Im expecting 2 more streams.
I dont think she can finish it even with 12 hours tonight, unless she completely B lines for the finish and even then I dont think.
Nah, final boss will take us 2 streams at the very least.
Doesn't she have like two bosses left
3 mandatory
Centepede > invasion > Final boss
Theres also gaius, and another lion fight.
Plus Rauh is a pretty long area, the final area isnt that long, but between the two its a lot of ground to cover.
And thats all assuming she doesnt get sidetracked (she will)
I never had a biboo dream... BWEHHH
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Curse you Baelz!
I hereby vow! You will rue this day!
Behold, a true rock warrior! And I, Bijou!
Your fears made rock!
Solid of fur you might be, foul rat...
But I will riddle with holes your rotten hide!
With a hail of pebbles!
With every last drop of my being!
I love my chuuni wife
this is why I love her
>Capitalizing RunEscape like that
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What did she mean by this?
She was thanking (me)
She's just thanking (You) (me)
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>mo-mama found out about "unsexy" thing
expect next outfit to be super sexy
PLEASE mo-mama PLEASE I'm on my knees
Do your daughter justice
God this shit got way to much attention
Could've had kino Chained Together but instead we get OSRS
I think a long grindstone of chained together would be pretty based.
They wouldnt get very far in the 2 hour advent collab.
Plus im curious to see how osrs will go with the girls. Im expecting nerissa to try and tard wrangle biboo and fwmc and failing.
But that's so retarded it's funny instead of fomoslop that's better for grindstone anyway, like >>79591028 said
Calm down with the buzzwords, honey
Yes it should be fotm instead of fomo but neither is a buzzword retard, unlike kino and well slop
Chained Together is the perfect game for Advent.
But we know Nerissa picks the game every week now.
Ackchually watch streams
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me on the left
Shouldn't you be in bed?!
Bibert makes me cum uncontrollably into my swim trunks
Good morning, I love Biboo.
>But it's past noon
I know what I said.
I want Biboo to call me her "little gamer boy"!
Long long Biboo today?
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That's what she said. Probably no streams tomorrow/next week(other than the collabs + a solo stream) though.
sex with this thing in particular
You reminded of this moment
She's so cute...
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Whatever... I guess!
I wasn't paying attention to the time now I only have 5 hours to sleep for a long biboo stream...
It's bijouver...
big pig, bug lady, and final boss of the dlc, then rykard malenia malakeith placidisax horiah loux and final boss
Images you can hear
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Don't waste your time on me
You're already the voice inside my YEAD
(I miss you)
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It's my wife! Vote for my wife!
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Thoughts on this Biboo?
My cute, beautiful, gorgeous, amazing wife!!
mmm sexy
I will lick her chest gem
What kind of snacks do you usually eat when you're watching Biboo?
>You eat snacks? Fat fuck!
That's not nice. I don't like that.
your ubereats just arrived
Gem I'd like to fuck
I like candy
She streams later in the day for me so either dinner or nothing at all
You eat snacks? Fat fuck!
I don't have any go to snacks, from just a cup of coffee to a feast everything is possible
I like to eat fresh raspberries and strawberries, always my go to fruits
I eat raisins all day
after lunch
after breakfast
light afternoon snack
after dinner
at 3 AM when I'm raiding my fridge
raisins give me power
A truly plum pebble
You must take nice shits. I need more fiber in my diet.
I want to put my mouth over her belly button and blow a raspberry on her
A plubble, if you will.
Become a fiberGOD
What are you dumbasses on about? Raisins are grapes. Prunes are plums.
You're just jealous.
I want to grape koseki bijou
I'm going to plum her full of my seed.
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ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora
Time to start my nap. See you pebbles in two hours. Don't post any lewd Biboos while I'm asleep.
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I feel like I'm being baited by this post...
Sour grapes
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someone call animal control, get this wanko outta here
I'm not in /baubau/ anymore Mocochan, it's not your place to deny my Biboo nips
This is ok, it's the greatest emote of EN.
I love this artist, he clearly has a thing for Biboo. I hope there'll be more like him
clipfags are cancerous leeches
I will fuck this rock child
I wrote this
With my dick
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Now that would be a good casual outfit idea
biboo should have never acknowledged that SC honestly
just thank his name for it and move on
very true
Haven't been able to catch anything since Messmer, where in the DLC is Biboo at now?
Can't be much left right, is she at the final boss already?
It was harmless and you faggots are blowing it out of proportion
It was just a retarded SC
>Hey bijou we voted you as the worst just letting you know XD

Should have just thanked the kid for his money and moved on
she still has gaius and everything after messmer storywise, she spent the last 2 streams doing all the other optional remembrances
t. clipnigger dramafaggot
>arguing for the two sides of the argument
It got old last year, schizo-san.
One hour until BibooooOOoo
11:55 hour stream unironically
hope you fags are ready
I woke up about an hour ago, I'm so ready.
I am ready to eep after 3 hours and watch the rest of it tomorrow since she won't be streaming
source: trust me bro
Radahn today?
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Dang it hours.
she might touch on him but idk if she will beat him today
I love this
If it's a long stream yeah, I'd guess 3~ hours in the ruin area. The boss there shouldn't take that long. Then the final dungeon is pretty short too so it depends on how long Gaius takes
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Me with the Biboo
She will probably get there today but no chance she does it this stream.
If she insist on going with her current setup it's gonna be really tough, even assuming she's gonna go collect all the Skadiddles off stream it's gonna be a cunt and a half.
Without blocking it's easily gonna take 10+ hours for her to learn the 2nd phase
Biboo LOVE
Falling in LOVE with Biboo
I'm gonna only edge to Biboo at least once an hour when I'm awake AND NEVER FINISH until she beats the DLC !
she won't beat him
She can use that Sekiro tear and learn to perfect guard with Moonveil, probably easier than trying to roll.
she won't beat him today*
is what I meant
Well I skimmed Gigi playing crab game and... She's not much of a gamer oh well.

She has that "oh no it's a boss run away" energy. I wasn't expecting anywhere near Biboo's level of gaming but somehow I'm still disapointed.
who asked
The title of Elden Lord is reserved for beating the Elden Beast. What title is there for beating final boss?
What are those gems on her hip pointing towards ToT
Groomer Lord
Man so I saw Joral without her helm and godddamn. The sword is definitely worth it but Biboo might've thought twice if she saw her
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Get in here.
>The chat is mostly filled with hype and excitement for Biboos 7th birthday stream, in which they will be playing a souls-like game Many viewers are preparing for a challenging and exciting experience .
It's Biboo's 7th bday
It was canon all along...
Forgive me Biboo I'm burnt out on Erdtree because of the broken NPC quests and shitty mechanics
I missed her a lot yesterday. I'm happy now.
>today is not my 7th birthday
>7th birthday
what a cute child
I can't believe Biboo has been with us for seven years already... Time sure flies
I miss croaky Biboo
Her voice sounds deeper for some reason
>four hours time limit today
>four hours time limit tomorrow
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>4 hour limit today and tomorrow
>source: trust me bro
Frieren when...
>only 4 hours today and tomorrow
well shit...
as long as shes in japan this will be the normal, get used to it pebbles
I hate Nerissa so much
What's Wunescape I've never heard of it.
I blame manechan
I never got so mad at myself for jinxing it, dang it.
shit week...
I'm going to bweh...
>we're so back
>can barely stream
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That sounds lewd...
I don't mind 4hrs because the most I can watch is 7hrs at best...
Mommy Fingies was easy as fuck. Feels like the later bosses are trivial once you get enough Skibidi fragments.
I want a full recap of the whole DLC when shes done
>and then...
>and then...
>but and then...
>shitty (trans)lations again
I like how she sounds so know-it-all-y after learning something off twitter lol. I can just imagine her saying all this with her hands on her hips
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Schejewel TBC, busy week confirmed.
MON - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST - four hours time limit
TUE - Busy day - no stream
WED - Streaming something, time TBC (possibly 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST)
THU - -Advent- Collab - Oldschool Runescape at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - Busy day - possibly no stream, or short streams in the morning JST
SAT - Busy day - possibly no stream, or short streams in the morning JST
SUN - ???
enlighten us then original Japanese version lore expert
>Why'd you do that?
I like stuffing women in jars. I'm sorry.
The sight of a woman in a jar just UUUUUGH it gets me so hard!
I thought she said America's chidlren...
Hag wife...
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Not the most fond feelings for this game but the shitposts are fun
watch the stream you dumb fuck shitposter
Friday and Saturday could possibly contain Anime Expo stuff too
>poor Mogh got groomed by a creepy shota sexpest
I mean, he's still a murderer running a murder cult, but at least he's not a child mohglester!
Mohg was just a sensitive creepmaxxing gaycel
the death of MohgRyS.
I guess now it's MiquellaRyS though. Or RadahnRyS.
She's doing pretty good damage so gaius should be over quickly unless this has a secret 2nd phase
He starts doing extra shit but he doesn't have an extra health bar.
no he wasn't
he got brainwashed by a discord mod
well this is going to be fun...
Sword of light and sword of night
We're going to be here for at least two hours
Depends how long it takes her to remember the dodge button exists
I'm 90% positive that this dlc was made by the same group that made DaS 2
>Pop open stream
>It's a fucking mounted boss running all over the place
>She's still trying to hit it with some 10 second windup Falcon Punch
Pebbles...your oshi...
Make it three then
Please not Kingdom Hearts...
>Boss charging from a mile away
>Ages to get prepared and dodge
>Gets hit with it every time
Even if she does, the hitbox on the charge is insanely tight. Couple frames too early and you get caught by the back legs, couple too late and you eat shit in the front. It's much better to block it but it's Biboo so that's not happening.
I see what you guys meant by the charge being fucked up, the damage on that is all over the place
I'm actually really glad they will never get KH perms
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You mean Kingdom Kino, right?
tight like biboo cunny
the story is a clusterfuck and it's boring to watch
That's so perfect for biboo though

That's part of the fun, not even fans of the series take it seriously, we all laugh about it and how unintentionally cringe it gets at times
Coffee time!
it's irrelevant because they will never get perms
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You can do it biboo, I believe in you
I mean THAT cutscene with Donald Duck in 3 was one of the best things ever.
I wish I was the one punching Biboo in the stomach
Imagine pigs could fly, what a load of hogwash
ranged attacks would probably be really good here
What do you think the pig is thinking through that?
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[quick bweh]
I wish I was home, rolling in mud
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What about edgy mickey
>go to type in chat
>see greynigs backseating hard
fromfags really are the worst
I really love how every single one of Radahn's moves in phase two causes my game to stutter
I'm raging at her constantly rolling with the direction of the charge
I was slightly interested in playing these games unitl I saw this scene on YouTube.
she's doing the -ACK meme
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edgy mickey dualwielding keyblades is peak comedy
>people shit on DD2 for having bad performance
>lots of fights in ER get tons of slowdown
>no one says anything
Man, moonveil still shits damage like crazy and she isnt even using it optimally.
fun fact: critical hits are usually not worth doing over other damage
Wait until she finds out this guy trained with Radahn, and hes also an Albunaric so his legs dont work.
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>stick out your butt for me, pig
>stick out your butt for me pig
wew lass
Has she tried the Sekiro Tear yet that's pretty /motivated/
got hit with the aegis reflector
shes duel wielding so no
Biboo it was obviously going to explode...
she seems to know this based on that hippo fight but doesn't care
similar to how she said "I should stop greeding heals" earlier but hasn't made any effort to kek
I don't think she knows it exists
can someone explain why shes so allergic to dodging sideways
that's for pussies
stand in a straight line and face your enemy head-on
a simple R1 combo would probably do double the damage of that crit
That was quick
holy fuck. she killed it with a critical.
took about 45 minutes nice
She manhandled Gaius...
She got that way faster than I expected.
hippo and messmer had a couple of kinda-similar looking charging attacks that made her dodge forwards and at an angle
doesn't matter anyways since she stopped yapping and killed him 2-3 runs later anyways
I love my pig killing gamer wife
>>79625238 (me)
I will now kneel.
moonveil helped a lot
Me next
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It's over.
So that makes 2 DLC bosses I've seen a lot of other fleshtubers struggle for WAY longer with that beebs just kinda blitzed through.
The other being Bayle.
nothing outbreaks moonveil
spilled out like a sack of marbles
How are they not individually wrapped? Japan loves everything in single use plastic shit.
thought she said she dropped her condoms..
Don't be silly, she only wants me to hit it raw.
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ranged and str shit all over the dlc
can't be helped..since biboo and I do it raw
for her magnum dong
Are you saying she actually didn't beat the bosses because of Moonveil?
eh, she was at pointblank range for most of the counterattacks and had a ton of heals to spare, wouldn't have been much different even running a different melee build with lower dps
we don't use condoms
>pretty mean
Biboo, I think that's past "pretty mean"...
Giving pants to someone without legs has to be the ultimate diss
no, I'm saying the game is very poorly balanced
>both were legless
what the beep
wtf thats a lot of skibidi
I'm guessing that's for the lazy fucks who ignored the skibidi, so they won't get fucked too hard by the last bosses.
It's just your reward for killing the pig dickhead since there's nothing else there. You need evey fragment in the game to max it out.
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Why is biboo so cute...
New bread:
Biboo is the pig (fat hentai ojisan) rider now...

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