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>first American vtuber-baseball collab
Hololive mogged.
went to check it actually looks legit and quite jolly
It's too mean to make fun of this so sure, good for them
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that's nothing compared to the Dodgers
Jap sure picked well, synergizing with Ohtani's popularity and everything
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>Texas Rangers AA minor league baseball collab
Texas bros WW@?
lmao they're always bitter after they get rejected
You just know she's seething no one cares about her kek https://x.com/kori_oujo/status/1807257442251952185?s=19
>10 months ago
Is she being retarded on purpose?
>Forced to settle for minor league nobodies
>Still thinks she's winning
Oh bless her heart
two view reaching for relevancy, sad to see
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Not american
She beat hololive so settledown holokeks
What even is this, all three players in the image are big leaguers, and the first two are still injured, kek.
she's still the first in NA. You'll be the bigger, larger and glorious second.
Damn you guys actually got triggered by a 2view indie shitposting on twitter
So soft
Why the fuck does she need to make such a petty tweet?
>not even AAA Round Rock
Shiggydiggy, not that we’re doing so hot right now, anyways...
so she's the seething 2 view who got rejected
congrats kori
Hi, Kori.
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Soulful. I actually like these small minor league promo games. They're always fun.
This is not. Dont make it a competition to see who gets it first.
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Why the Rough Riders of all minor league clubs? Why not choose one from the Yankees or Dodgers? Sure, Texas won the World Series last year, but that team is mid in mind share compared to other teams.
There's a difference between a collab and a paid new york times square ad.
Kek /here/ and made this thread
Probably from Frisco herself, and their affiliate did win the world series.
Find a rope Kori
Looks like she was intentionally trying to get this done as soon as possible so she could post that she beat hololive so the only reason for the choice of team would be that they replied the fastest.
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A spiteful 2view
minor league, kek
oh, its a seething rent-free'er
Bye bye indie
probably her boyfriend does promo stuff for the team or something and had nothing better to do for that game
So she is uh... excepting what? That whenever major news outlets or vtuber fans mention the Dodgers collab then someone will be like Kori did it first? Will she go around saying she did it first? I guess I wish her... luck?
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>literal who minor league team
>literal who 2 view
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This could be a cool shit IF she hasn't tweet this, remember, this bitch could be Fauna, Kiara or Shiori. God bless Cover Talent Hiring team.
Unironically hoping she gets blacklisted from joining any corpo because of this, fucking idiot lmao.
>someone will be like Kori did it first
That someone will be herself.
>minor league
Its like she's proud of being the first one with an audience of a school baseball game
Meanwhile hololive got the collab with a million dollar team with the most popular baseball player in the world..
Yeah its like that one indie that shit on Bae for no reason, like you won't gain anything and most likely will backfire.
Holobrony-san why so butthurt?
She doesn't need any corpos now that she's a superstar indie who BEAT hololive.
>tfw she’s probably ITT rubbing one out to the attention she’s getting
>Holo rejected her on the first phase probably.
See >>79566213, like always, /here/ indies probably get in debt to "surpass hololive" with these tiny shits that only fuel their egos.
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I thought it was a joke but holokeks are unironically mad about this being second. Let a small vtuber have their moment lmao
i will, but dont gloat. thats grounds for being a fag.
kori, i will pay you 20K grands if you let me cum inside, so you can keep getting promoted in the minor leagues
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Go to bed
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>blacklisted from joining any corpo
not just that, she will get avoided like a plague LMAO
Don't give her attention its all she wants
Holosharts are retarded tribalfags, what did you expect?
>holokeks are unironically mad
>clueless retard
20k? anon, she will agree with 100 bucks, actual literal who
jeezas, have some shame kori.
I watch a lot of indies, and this behaivor is really uncommon, indies loves Holos and Niji (At least the talents not the company nowdays). The fact she went to a contaiment breacher account to rub this into everyone's face is because she doesn't care about herself, she probably spend 2K to get promoted there for the game and done, 2K that could open the gates to get new assets to get a better quality of streams to your people, not stealing the N°1 of something that nobody cared because the fact that makes the Dodgers collab so unique is the amount of people, publicity and exposure v-tubing will get to normies, something that Kiara for example is trying to do with Eurovision and Calli with anime.

This is just pure "get rekt haters", and it always backfire.
>Ey Dale what da heillllll is dat der on der jumbotron
>Idk Earl she sounds dumber than a box of soup stock and bisquick on a summer day Dale
>Lets boo her and go git sum 2 dollar dogs an the non-LGBTQ beers Earl

Roru I guess you can be first if you're just as irrelevant than your A team.
That just remind me of Niji ID becoming Niji EN, they were first strictly speaking
That's not mlb sir.
heres the funny part "get rekt haters" when everyone response is gonna be "who?" is the worst thing and i'm not saying it as joking, i'm serious ppl will ask "who are you?" to her.
she could settle for less anon, only a brain of a crack whore would do this. lol
Indeed, but i guess the people hating her are "those evil holokeks from 4chingchong, not because i'm giant bitch with blinded by envy"
hi kori
Inhale my dong, Kori
seethe omegafag
That reply from a random dude has more likes than her post and he's asking who?
man she was cool, I love to see indies get small scale collabs (ramen shop, ice cream, local grocery store) and slowly grow upwards to bigger ones, just like Japanese indies. This seething tweet made me crashing down disappointed.
dumbass reject, instead of working on your content and experience to get a better chance of getting in if you keep auditioning like some of the en girls did, you pull this shit and basically blacklist yourself forever.
hololive copies everyone huh? they don't do anything original
i don't see this being promoted on the MiLB frisco page, what could this mean, anon?
More like confused. There's so much wrong about the tweet it's hard to know where to start. First question I guess is who??
Don't worry, her gloating will backfire as no major brand will want to do business with an unprofessional idiot like her. Her biggest enemy is herself. Not like she will escape 2view he'll anyway. Hope she enjoys her 5 minutes of fame before she has to get a wagie job like the rest of us.
>20 posts seething about this
Holy based. Not only did Kori beat Hololive she even baited /vt/.
GO KORI GO, keks get BTFO'd
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>kori gets the champion while the bronies get an organization that hasn't won a real ring since the Reagan administration
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>the seethe ITT
Honestly kinda based to make a bunch of tribal retards upset.
All these post are made by the same person
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Now type that without crying
>Thinking a small indie would be able to do a collab with a major league team.
I'm sure they could, if they shelled out hundred thousand plus dollars for the space.
And there's the fact that it was probably the only team that would humor it because most minor league teams do wacky shit like this.
>Since this thundercunt is here seething
>You had your biggest audience ever of 3-4 digits considering this was maybe at the start of the game
>You will be remembered as that weird ass cartoon women at the game but nothing more by these rednecks
>You will not gain much subs
>You will still be a 2view
>You're now known as that sister that seethes endlessly at Hololive

Nice ad I guess but still you got mogged by the entire /vt/ board.
samefags kys, must be her paypigs
Discord monkeys! We did it!
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literal concentrated mald on display right now from holobronies
baited LMAO
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I'm a hololive fan, just seeing you stupid faggots get so worked up over literally nothing is hilarious.
Did not get into HoloEN4. Clearly she's more talented and entertaining than *insert EN4 member here*.
Can you point out who is angry please, I just see a bunch of people laughing at how retarded this person is for dropping her career into the trash by making herself basically unapproachable as a brand.
and you will watch my streams
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w-w-w-w-where's my baseball collab??????
DOOKIEBIRD WHO? first indie baby!
>imagine thinking sisters at sea hours are holofans
>indian vtuber
USA belongs to India now
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>sea hours
>11pm pst
I can guess where you're from pagpag fag
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I think baseball SUCKS
50,000 hours in MS paint
Land of Diversity I kneel, people actually respect and appreciate Indian there in America. I wish I am born there instead of this third world shithole
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Its painfully obvious when a woman doesnt think.
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The first time the word "baseball" ever appeared in Kori twitter was June 7th
While Holo Dodgers was announced on June 1st
The trick is obvious
How did she get such collab with these numbers?
She spends 6 months a year working as a Dubai Porta Potty
>How to instantly nuke your chances at ever actually being picked up at all in the Hololive auditions.
>How to get shadow blacklisted from ever being a Holo. Follow this simple step.
There's a dozen anons who'll replace Elizabeth with this chuuba.
Koa is worth it.
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Out of all the flavours this indie could be, she chose nigger flavoured
Tweet sure is petty
is this a stealth shill thread? who even found her?
Well, thats cringe
i can smell the seethe on this xweet
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>You wont make it
>You are a weak chuuba
>It's too mean to make fun of this
Not when liggers are so incredibly nasty themselves. >>79564967
I won't use the kid gloves for people who constantly shitpost on this board and have made it into the shithole it is today. Yes, it wasn't the Nijikeks or the sisters, it was the liggers who ruined it with their war against corpo vtubing.
There was really no need for this. It's just bitter and no one wants to see shameless jealousy at the success of others. It would have been a genuinely cool thing for her without the shot at Hololive.
>minor league
look, i don't have anything against the minor league, I actually know people who have mlb contracts that are working their way through the minors right now, but let's not act like that's remotely comparable to one of the biggest MLB teams or even the same thing.
So much this. I would have congratulated her but damn that's pathetic what she posted. It genuinely looks like a salty corpo reject seething.
>that one indie that shit on Bae for no reason
Qrd on that, its the first I'm hearing on it
I hope this attitude makes the collab get cancelled. This immediately gives away that she doesn't give a shit and literally only sought out the collab just so she could try and pull this "ERM, I WAS ACTUALLY THE FIRST TO DO THIS, HOLOLIVE DOESN'T COUNT!!!!"
Well you could definably email the baseball team and express your displeasure at the new mascot behaving like a subhuman online.
nobody involved besides her cares enough for it to be affected. some people watching will be momentarily confused about the cartoon girl ad and that's it
Eh, I don't care enough, and it's a minor league team, I doubt they really care who pays them to do some thing. It'd just be funny if all this bragging to try and act like she's some groundbreaking vtuber over this ends up making all her sponsorship attempts, the same ones she brags about, fall through.
I’d just laugh if there was a weather delay and it borked her efforts purely by chance.
>Well you could definably email the baseball team and express your displeasure at the new mascot behaving like a subhuman online.
that and emailing them her old anti-gay and posts from years ago or her old grooming allegations
I thought seething holorejects were just a myth that shitposters made up
They're real?
Cool I guess? I don't know who she is.
ALL OUT WAR literally happened because Shu seethed he wasn't accepted into holopro
dookieturds have been real quiet since her shit new model
Debiru is basically honorable holomember anyway, so it doesn't count.
God this place is miserable, i really need to find some other place to talk about vtubers, people malding over a indie because she poked fun at their corpo daddy.
He is a genuine retard
>why was I rejected from joining all female corpo :*(
It's the funniest of shits when holokeks get roped into becoming nijiniggers personal army.
>"Leaving this seething reject to die in irrelevancy? no! Let's give her a reason to keep popping off and be used by antis as a beating stick, all for free!"
malding? more like mocking
To be fair, Holo did stated they're accepting all application regardless of gender.
Shu was just butthurt
posting on xitter like a subhuman clout chaser
>poked fun
Yeah, and I’m just poking fun back. Surely, this isn’t a one way street, right?
Is it just poking fun when people are discussing emailing the baseball team to get her collab canceled over a tweet? Literal twitter cancel mob behaviour
>Million dollar team
Billion, it's a billion with a B
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Better DM your 2view and tell down post, before its too late. You wouldn't want her to get what she deserves right?
Hoes Mad: The Thread
these people baka , don't tell me they gonna email the offkai and other expos because of a joke tweet? really!
Thats because you are required by law to do that
>one short exchange that’ll probably never even happen
seethe holokek gitgud
Some melons just want to watch the world burn.
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That's just fan blackmail, how does this not bring you to the same subhuman level as other maligned folks on this board?
A guy just flew over 200 miles to attack another person with a hammer over a dispute in a dead Korean MMORPG this past week. You think the irrelevance of the matter to other people makes it unlikely to be done? Spamming emails with ChatGPT generated output is child's play in effort and difficulty compared to that.
Hang yourself Kori
what can i say? play stupid games, get stupid prizes
She seems the type who's bitter enough about holo rejecting her that I honestly could see her being /here/ just for the sake of shitting on them freely. There's a decent non-zero chance this thread is hers.
From /news/

Basically it's bullshit.
God damn, I love /news/.
>>79580041 (me)
And if you look at the first post linked by the Flip correspondent, this Vtuber Newsdrop isn't so much shilling her as they are anti-Hololive. They were trying to get the crowd cheering for Vox earlier.
>"God damn, I love [the same retards propping that shit newsdrop up]"
the absolute state of /vt/...
unreadable, all the crossposts just link back into one another.
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You got me.
Nta but if you mean they're "propping up" Vtuber Newsdrop because it's sourcing info from /news/, then I don't much care because they'll clearly be called out by /news/ when needed. The original purpose of the general was so that dramatubers and vtuber "news" channels could be ignored going forward. Seems to be going fairly well, especially as it's clearly become at least somewhat known amongst part of the vtubing community - considering an error in part of the reporting about the new agency Sayu seems to be joining prompted a staff member to actually turn up (and post timestamped picrures) to correct and answer a few questions.
At least, she uses her brains and bragged after the event happened. If she brags before the event happens and the sponsors see her post, there's a chance for the sponsors to pull-out. After all, American companies always want to be seen in good light. They wouldn't want to be seen attached to this kind of person.
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I only respect minor league teams with ridiculous names.
It's not even a sponsorship, she paid to appear on a billboard.
The White Sox have won post reagan admin and nobody is praising them. Same goes for the Fish and modern day Red Sox.
Isnt this just paying for a billboard ad? kinda silly to compare that to whats holo doing kek seething 2view
You can go buy a billboard shitting on her right now if you wanted to right next to hers
Never heard of either the team or the tuber before. so, yay, I guess.
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You can talk shit when your company stops using 2010s-tier rigging.
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what the fuck is an baseball? Get that 3D shit away
let us remind americans that japanese DOMINATE baseball.
I protest the continued overuse and misuse of the word "mogged."
Oh yeah?
*mogs you*
What now betaboi?
seethe holobrony
Im amazed that the holo recruitment team are good at filtering petty little keks like this one, imagine getting this salty after getting rejected
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reminder this is a legit minor league team
Hiw much cock did you suck for this minor league, kori
>accomplish something
Oh well that's good fo--
>has to take a swipe at more successful chuubas while looking hella jelly
--how unprofessional.
How does stuff like this even happen?
That's kawaii as fuck tho
I know you’re probably in a third world country and don’t understand baseball, but hololive’s collaboration is with the MLB, the biggest baseball league on the planet, same one with the yankees, red socks, etc. this girl, did a small performance for a minor league team, which unlike the MLB, is not world famous and no one really gives a damn about them. It’s like comparing playing a concert at a huge venue with 50k seats, and a concert in your school auditorium for 500 people
>this girl, did a small performance for a minor league team
She just bought an ad on one of the screens.
The timing of her doing this makes her come off as an actual bitter holoreject. Kind of pathetic. You realize your mentality to even pull this is likely why you never made it, right?
There is no collaboration. She just paid for a ad board
> average viewers
> 14.8

Literary who?
>All these seething replies
She’s takin’ the piss, guys.
>There is no collaboration. She just paid for a ad board
lol, that's pathetic.
b-but she's first anon, she beat hololive
holy mother of based
The first in NA to do what exactly? This is the minor leagues. Only like 10 people show up to those games. Even getting a shit MLB team like the Athletics or the Rockies would have been better.
EN rushia
First 2view to shill herself at a sports event >>79580041
hey boring
>some SEA schizo said she beat hololive and thats what she is running with
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This is why you didn't get into Holo EN Kori, they prefer Gigi or Shiori instead of your shitty ass
>admitting to being worse than the White Sox
What's with the baseball obsession? I understand that the Japs have cultural autism and anime is normalised enough there that anime girls aren't inherently cringe IRL, but in the West there is almost no crossover between Baseball and weebs. Surely you're better off trying to collab with something more weebcentric?
anon she just wants to dunk on hololive just to feel better, look how she is happy now
You faggots are so pathetic.
It's the biggest sport in Japan, by a wide margin.
Wtf do you mean why are they so obsessed with it?
I mean in the West. There is virtually no crossover between Vtuber enjoyers and sportsfans.
This was a pretty brilliant marketing move. For a relatively small cost, she's probably generating more buzz than any other time in her career.
>still bumping the thread
buy an ad
Shohei Ohtani wants Pekora to give him a lapdance for his birthday. It's not that complicated
She did, though.
>still monitoring the thread
Holoseethe is on a whole new level of OBSESSED
This is embarrassing
yagoo can't deny that request even it will push the schedule to match his birthday. new rrat
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You cannot defeat the king who got their name from the Simpsons episode.
Oh, smug little shit.
>Literal who did a collab with the Texas Rangers Double-A minor league team
>Hololive doing a collab with MLB's Los Angeles Dodgers

I'm glad for her success but let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
Some latino 2view bought Bae's computer case but made sure to say how much Bae was shit on twitter.
... What a fucking retard you have to be do pull some shit like that. Haven't ANY of these people heard the phrase "don't shit where you eat"? You don't DO shit like this, it'll ALWAYS backfire unless the shit talk is deserved because the target is genuinely a bad person.
>>79604033 (me)
*to pull
I would have thought it was cool until I saw she was making this her whole personality and using it to bring down other VTubers.
Why are sisters like this?
I bet people like this don't really have any interests/hobbies and when you talk to them for a while you can tell they just don't have a true passion for anything.
hi cory
>Double-A Minor League team
>The Dodgers
If it's a self-aware troll then it's kinda funny
The Rough Riders are the first team I ever saw in stadium so this is extremely surreal for me
based seether
guys, wait, no, you don't understand, she did it, she followed your instructions:

she bought an ad.
Hey Koori! Congrats on your collab. But let's be real, this seems petty as fuck

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