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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someon do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clip?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlve, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real fedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

>Crabs are attacking an /asp/iring vtube, it is my dear friend! What should I do?
Nohing, do not feed the crabs, do not give them a (You).

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed)

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)
Tierlist: tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Remember to report all off-topic posts. YGMI

First for putting a bandaid on omo
omo so cute...son boy baby seal....
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Chaki make your model fucking bigger and PLEASE PUT YOUR TITS IN FRAME
Squid boy cute!!!
flan stop being a faggot
Not flandzen

She gave herself massive tits and then hides them
first for raping omochii and
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What am I supposed to be looking at here?
it does look like amogus wtf
It's obviously meatboy
The main game I stream don’t bring me any new viewers.

>I stream the game because it’s the only game I play that’s complex enough that there’s always something for me to say on commentary. Other games I just run out of things to say by the second hour.
>can stream three whole months without getting a single new follower

>last night tried a random game for shits and giggles that I didn’t really expect anyone to actually watch
>get two new followers

I love playing my main game, I even spend hours playing it when I’m not streaming. But it just doesn’t bring me viewers. I feel like the smart thing to do is to just drop it and start streaming other games. I hate that the game I have the most fun streaming and I’m the most comfortable streaming also gives me the shittiest growth.
Why is Shvah shilling his reincarnation so hard? He failed then and he's flopping now.
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abby's on the prowl again
Khubie is playing IHNM for 13 hours
he still streams as shvah dummy. I just like omo cause he brings me the happy chemical to my brain (I'm ignoring the /freak/ stuff for my health)
who cares
I'm going to go build a massive excel sheet of all the aspies, shill me absolutely everyone you can think of
/asp/ so relevant
Just do both. Play other games to grow and your main game to actually enjoy yourself. If you continue to grow, eventually you'll have an audience that will sit through your main game because they'll be there for you.
>Chuuba Gamba
>Chuuba total concentration LARP with all commands being functional to said LARP (Not Kayfabe, pure LARP)
>Education Chuuba
>Religion and Prayer Chuuba
>Full Chuuba Family
>Warring Factions Chuubas with a central focus on antagonism, open hostility, and rivalry beyond corporate competition, with any interactions being centered around competition with one another
>Full E-Sports org with Chuuba reps
>Single Game Chuuba who will actually play one single game for all of their stream time
>Chuuba ARG experience with one intricate puzzle being thrown out and all fans needing to chip away at it while the Chuuba observes from the background
>Chuuba Therapist for other Chuubas
>Chuuba propagandist
What other kinds of Chuubas don't exist yet?
Is there a chuuba judge?
Nah, the oral history and scraps of documentation we've got is a fun thing.
Same, omo cute and I'm not super into the babi model.
god I wish he would prowl on me, i wanna know what he sounds like when he's horny
>vtuber crush does karaoke last night
>she doesn’t sing well at all
>the fact that she’s bad at singing just makes her more endearing
>crush intensifies
Help. I’m down bad for this chick.
he'll go for men as well if he thinks they're pathetic enough. Go for it.
>tfw once entertained the idea of a vtuber arg
>make a model based off of a computer ai being corrupted from some outside influence
>plan some sort of glitch or malfunction that occurs randomly during regular streams, never acknowledge it
>right around the same time neuro started to become popular
>trash the whole idea
im a woman...but it seems like he likes cunny chuubas and im not one
Not a consistent one, but would be fun
Are you me? I literally had an idea of being a pile of monitors as my "avatar" and they would display different messages based around time of day, chat interactions, and have some kind of loyalty points-based "repair/upgrade system" feature. Neuro blowing up meant that any of this would be seen as some bad attempt to grab attention from the AItuber, so I killed everything.
For the first time in months I feel aroused
>Education Chuuba
There are actually a lot of chuubas on twitch that teach science and language. Not sure about other subjects but they exist.
>Religion and Prayer Chuuba
Well there used to be PrayersfromAbigail who did regular bible readings and there's a guy on youtube named Ameka who does different readings of muslim texts, but they are very few.
>Single Game Chuuba
You could find thousands of vtubers who exclusively play a single game, though most of them are for battle royals and gacha.
Yeah, with the way vtubing works, now that neuro is a 4view, pretty much everyone is gonna bitch about any other ai based vtubers being a knockoff or a copy. Regardless of what content you put out. So annoying.

plus my idea would've required like vshojo level money and shilling, had to scrap the idea
The last two threads was so bad because of one schizo going insane, how can one person be so obsessed with destroying 1 views.
>The last two threads was so bad because of one schizo going insane
you answered your own question!
I keep coughing and having to clear my throat. It’s been like this for awhile now. Pretty sure I’m not sick. Is this just a normal old people thing? Do I just cough and clear my throat constantly from now on? I don’t want to be old.
Confess something bad
get an air humidifier or purifier
What's incredibly sad about this whole affair is that half of us are scared or remorseful over what happened, and the other half are rushing to capitalize and gain clout off the situation.
Do you smoke?

it's very funny that noriko entirely avoided all the mami drama when she's friends with him and is the one that introduced him to beryl.
How long? It might just be a bit of extra phlegm in the back of your throat if you're sick or very recently recovered. If you've been talking louder or more than usual, which is usual for streamers, it might just be you overworking your vocal chords a bit. Some rest and you should be able to continue like normal. If you're putting on a fake voice for streams then you might just be outright blowing out your vocal chords. Check with a doctor if you're unsure.
drink more water, your throat isnt producing enough mucus to coat itself so you're clearing your throat more
When is Haru streaming again?
prove it
I don’t think it’s bad, but I liked that girl’s username so I took it lol
>Do you smoke?

I’ll give this a shot. Thanks.
I got into vtubing to get closer to my oshi, but now she's gone and I don't know what to do with myself.
I love her streams and personality but her chat is fucking insufferable.
Post a chooba reference I’m loving doodling
Reminder that consistency will always win out in the long run, the top vtubers are retiring all the time and their fans will move to someone new. One day you'll be in the right place and time for them to move to you if you just keep streaming. It's the same for both males and females too.
nope, beryl commed mami before anyone and brought all these problems to /asp/ and /asp/ adjacent vtubers, like noriko
i think lewd thoughts about my seiso friends. their voices turn me on, im worried if we ever get into a vc, id accidentally moan
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do this little guy
I don’t actually watch vtubers. I’ll watch clips on youtube, but I’ve never sat through an entire stream. Even if it’s a big corpo vtuber streaming my favorite game, I would still have no interest in watching it. Same goes for flesh streamers really. Oddly enough I do enjoy YouTube content creators. If vtubers did more YouTube type content I’d watch it. Twitch and live streaming just seems kinda dumb to me.
I want to publicly badmouth people in a certain part of the furry community, and send harassment to them because they sent SO MUCH harassment to one of my friends because none of them can handle shit like fucking adults.
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I stream with my pants off. Not a sexual thing. It’s just more comfortable.
>furry community
>handle shit like adults
you're stupid
The only thing stopping me from taking whatever I want is fear of reprisal.
Problem is I see a lot of people getting away with what I want to do many times so my fear is clearly unfounded and I'm just holding myself back just so I can continue to seem harmless when I'm constantly one minute away from fucking losing it.
I dont wear pants in my house, I get you.
you're a random anon that has no idea what he's talking about and i doubt you barely know who noriko even is. mami already had a reputation amongst lolitubers long before he ever came to /asp/. noriko/yuii still introduced him to people despite that.
then prove it
Gumpai needs to stop letting that psychotic fuck hang around her
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as per our peer pressuring
so true bestie, my queen should only talk to MEEEE i'LL PROTECT YOU ToT GUMPING MY GORTS BROS
I’m a Trump supporter and a lot of my vtuber friends are gay or liberal weirdos. I’m afraid one day they’ll ask me something that’ll give my political leanings away.
i wanna draw sexy art of myself but it'll seem a little whorish to post. obviously i LIKE being sexy and drawing huge tits but i vehemently dislike lewdtubers and dont want to propagate a gooner audience.
Same so I don't talk politics at all
Haven't thought to just draw it and keep it to yourself to enjoy? or does have the enjoyment come from have others look at it?
no faggot we're not in a court of law and i don't give a fuck about a random anon believing me. this is for the people that are already familiar with how much of a scammer noriko is. just another thing to add to the list.
god i hope i follow you
I only hang out in 4chan cause I don't know where else to go. Life feels horribly lonely lately.
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i don't think it looks good in my art style sorry
i feel like its 40% joy coming from me drawing and perceiving it and 60% feedback from others. im otherwise largely of the philosophy that i should draw for myself before others but with a vtubing persona i feel silly not using every bit of content i make for it.
I crab myself in the threads because I don't get talked about otherwise...
beyrl relax, we get it you fucked up. you were a mami's favorite and probably had it the worst, showing your little tight pink boyhole. nobody is hating you for it either, except for the fact that you're not sharing with the thread. you have to let it go and stop trying to make some random rrat by pinning it on noriko. please it's pathetic to see you like this
I don’t talk politics either. But it’s kind of like dodging a minefield when you’re talking to other people. Even refusing to answer or dodge questions makes you look sus.
heh.... yeah..... i'll do him alright....
suka deez nuts...
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I get mentioned less than them.
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thank you!!!!
I don't talk to her but Abby is one of the worst elements out of /wvt/
I love all art drawn of me. That you took the time to give it a go instead of ignoring it means alot to me. That was time you could have spent working on other stuff. It will go into my personal vault of fanart to admire. Thank you.
i can't tell if this is a berylschizo antipost or someone that jerks off to him writing fanfic
gumpai is a woman, yes.
NTA but there has never been a random Noriko rrat that wasn't true. I think a lot of newfags forget how much shit she was involved in.
>a minute apart
This hawk tuah stuff has made me realize how much I hate the internet.
I skinwalked a friend as a joke and saw how badly it affected him, I will never do it again, I can't even apologize to him because I think he will hate me
this BANGS
Those posts aren't a minute apart and are also barely related which leads me to believe that you made all three of them. Can you shut the fuck up about Beryl for once?
What's the best sandwich you've had lately? I'm looking to spice up my life and I need some ideas
vocaroo this
>God, I want to fuck the Fortnite banana so fucking bad. Imagine him in bed; his lustful eyes gazing into yours as you penetrate his peel. How warm he feels on the inside. His thick, yellow curves bending just to right into your chest as you thrust into him mercilessly. Imagine the warmth and extreme pleasure that you must get when you finally release your load into the Fortnite banana. His gushy insides become soaked with your seed. All that cholesterol, covered in your juice. You peel him back and take a bite of that sweet victorious fruit and taste your proud work and dedication on your tongue. The banana pushes his beautiful curved form against your body as you drift off to sleep, having had the most incredible and most amazing orgasm you have ever felt in your life— all thanks to the Fortnite banana.
Mustard and turkey
i cant tell if youre one of noriko's last defenders or just a schizo thats obsessed with beryl and doesn't even know who neetdroid is. i regret bringing beryl up because i honestly do not give a fuck about him. you can schizo him all you want.


You can't sort it yet because I originally made it in excel and sheets doesn't like the photos, I'll slowly chip away at it
>skinwalked a friend as a joke
you retarded nigger
Cat vtubers, this is your fate
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Here you go. Long before the first Beryl comm ever happened.
Noriko and Mami.
Who the fuck is this
Where is the angel
Or any of the other half-dozen models I was expecting to see when I opened this stream
how the fuck is it always this bitch involved with drama.
do the magical girl redeem you fucking retard
what the fuck is this design
nice work so far
Not bad, but about 2 years ago I wrote a caption story, that while I'm very proud of, I never wanna share.
massive manwhore if you couldnt tell from their posts
manwha design but vtuber
oh god there's a photo of themselves and its making it worse
very korean handsome twunk bunny

The lack of nose on the model bugs me I see where you're coming from
This looks great but is putting MtF a good idea?
I'm going to comment on this once, not that you all care, I never introduced mami to asp or vt at all I haven't actively used this site as much as I had before.another vtuber long before me commissioned mami, and I found mami through them and another cunny vtubers fanart they did, I didn't know mami was gonna pull any of this shit but saying I'm the main reason is retarded.
I also didn't comment on it when it happened because I didn't want to be involved publicly, as i'm trying not be involved with drama if you have questions just send a dm or marrow and ill answer it.
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drawing my l2d debut illus
save me....
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damn you're right beryl showed off his png on May 10th, and i double checked in the archive
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Just hardcore female pandering model. As always, standard dogshit voice, boring content, does great Twitter numbers but terrible stream numbers for how hard he is pandering and how much he has spent because Twitter numbers do not correlate to CCV
That's what they are.
yikes my guy
You're the weirdo implying that MtF is some sort of derogatory label rather than a neutral descriptor
You have acid reflux at all? Or any of the symptoms of it? It's very common and can start to cause chronic coughing if it goes untreated.
cute, i wonder what else mami has and what others shared
please make a discord I want to sexpest you away from prying eyes uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
i.. i have a discord and its on my twt but if you sexpest me i will not hesitate to call u a fag
Maybe I should have been a cat...
Who is this? Link?
>i will not hesitate to call u a fag
i don't mind just please don't block me my heart cant take it anymore
thank you. this confirms that mami's not actually a fag and is a legitimate sexpest.
He's still a fag
ok fag
i await your supposed sexpesting
it me,, squid
Christ that's manly.
>this confirms that mami's not actually a fag and is a legitimate sexpest.
males just don't care about getting sexpested even by fags so you are not hearing about it
is it stupid to debut a week before i go to japan for over a month and cant stream..
please wait
Yeah, not a good play imo. Incorporating footage from your Japan trip would be better
yes. Alpin did this, fwolfie did this affter she introduced herself to asp, it made them loose traction
male or female?
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Im going to a ton of im@s concerts
Ive got a full set up for my tantou with 8 penlights + ita setup
that pic is gonna go so hard
Hypothetical situation: A prominent member of /asp/ has committed a crime. A real crime, not that grooming accusation bullshit, I'm talking about 50+ dead people in what may or may not be a racially motivated hate crime. National news has covered his heinous acts, they've brought up he's a vtuber and he has ties to /asp/. FBI are investigating his internet history. You personally have very deep ties with this /asp/ie. You've frequently collaborated, you're discord friends, follow each other on twitter, there's gay porn of your vtuber models fucking. To top it off, twitter detectives are compiling a list of /asp/ies and trying to link everyone to this mass murder/hate crimes and get them cancelled.

So here's the question. How do you personally damage control the situation for yourself?
If we have gay porn together we're both getting arrested together
fwofie are you okay
simply never return to the internet
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graduate and start over
based ika
kyuu we should get gay porn with each other but in like a funny way not a sexual way if that makes sense
thats crazy haha ur so silly
*kisses u platonically*
Is Beryl a dramafag since he commented on the entire thing? Noriko says she didn't comment on it to avoid being associated with it
*makes out u platonically*
He's an /asp/ie of course he's a dramafag
*stops the kiss in a poorly drawn followup comic because all the readers were sending hatemail to the writer for enabling a toxic ship and then gets killed off during the next arc because commenters kept saying the kiss scene ruined my character* mwah~
Man right as it was getting good...
do you wanna be the keith to my lance (voltron)
beryl had been using his png for a few weeks already, he didnt have any option, also he simply said
>"read the doc and make your own conclusions"
is it better to introduce myself with a paragraph or short and sweet for my twitter pin?
i have no idea what a voltron is (i was a webcomic boy)(i have almost no memory of anything i read because it was such an ephemeral stage of my life)
god i need to make out with you, get in my dms NOW
Short and sweet. A good picture is important because you're competing for limited attention span and time. If you want to explain more the About section on Twitch is a good place
is it even worth trying if you're a guy
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I did not have sexual relations with that faggot.
we would make a cute couple i just wish you could see that
Okay I've added 100 in total, that's enough for today. I'm sure I fucked up some the gens
Describe her, sis!
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its over
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The dead trio
>bunch of inactive and chuubas who are no longer related to this place
>I'm not on the list after months
I see how this is
Name yourself and I'll make sure I never put you on the list you little fucking bitch
Don't sweat it, anon. I can already list a few that are missing. The fact that they have already listed 100 /asp/ies in a day is already impressive.
I'm going to work on it slowly and try to really catalogue every person that was ever considered an /asp/ie
haru is ftm
*cums on you*
Good luck anon, it's a big task but you've done well within the given time.
that's why she's cool.
He isn't

He has never said or alluded to being trans and he talks about enjoying crossplaying, I don't think someone with gender dysphoria would enjoy dressing up as the gender they're trying to escape from
I think this new design she's going for is dogshit.
I think out of all the neat and interesting things she's done this is easily the worst one.
And if you combine her starting to put on a more obnoxious voice with it, you've got a surefire way to make your streams unwatchable.
it's a premade model, you're putting more thought into it than she did.

what does the c column mean?
why am I a 3?
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read you fucking nigger
I want gumpai to thrive but gumpai sure don't. :(
stop making assumptions
what's the assumption I made there ol buddy ol pal ol buckaroo?
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with
mainly that your opinion is worth sharing instead of choking on
37 Females
3 MtF
1 FtM
58 Males
Give it a few months she'll change it
that's an opinion about my opinion though!
Oh and 1 N/A
Summer pafu as she pounds your face into the ground using her foot for touching her giant pafus
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It's not helpful if you don't tell me who you are
Do you think its a good idea to stream every single day?
Just do what you want Gump, I think you're endearing.
depends on your goal
You can do whatever you want.
But you're aiming for the wrong crowd.
If you want to do the Beryl strat for growth but if you're aiming for a parasocial audience no because then people won't be able to keep up and they'll feel left out
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gumpai is melting again
how much money has she spent on models at this rate?
You're leaning into appealing to lolicons, whether intentional or not it's not the crowd you want.

If you think people obsessed with you are annoying now... hoo boy.
I want to see gumpai make a happy model on stream and then get it rigged
Gumpai please let me have sex with you. You're so insanely hot.
I've never watched a gumpai stream. Shill her to me.
she has really good taste in music and a pretty good sense of humor.

You also won't catch her just being a big titty anime girl who follows the same old tired tropes that other vtuber women do.
Those are the aspects I appreciate most about gumpai.
She sounds and acts retarded and it's very cute
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Introduction is up!
Cool art
you glow so fucking bright you are 1000% a grifter
How retard?
What is your end goal for streaming? It seems like it stresses and affects your mental health more than anything. Do you want to be a popular vtuber or do you just want to stream for no particular reason?
Gumpai isn't real. You need to take your meds
This. I try to catch all the streams of my favorites but if you stream every day for hours and hours it's annoying
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Whatever medication she's on isn't working
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I hate you so much you corpo larping fucking loser. Rope now
Very organic posts
Why are you all so menhera
My post is free range and grass fed
Is this a real question?
I'm really not but people think I am
It's cute! I liked your post, feel free to DM if you'd like any support you can't get here :)
Brothers and sisters, Kaydn has returned.
If you think I am menhera on main you should see the schizo post I make on my private alt that is only followed by the vtubers I know irl
Finally some good news
Who cares
I thought I was menhera but I'm actually way more normal than most of you
We know you’re insane and that you shit talk /asp/ies on your alt renata there’s no need to remind us
If you want to farm viewers, go somewhere else like /wvt/
>Draw ryona of myself getting beaten and being forced to lick up cum out of a bowl
Feels good chat :)
Why are you guys so anal over the new aspie? That upset that she isn't a brotuber that you crab her immediately?
omo or rice
People from this thread have made my life a living hell, there is no normalcy here apart from being as mean and viscous as humanly possible
He never drew me so I don't care
>thread is one guy running around repeating their argument
All drawfags are egomaniacs stroking their ego by drawing aspies for praise and as a result should kill themselves
>purrson bought an ad
Still not watching you schizo but I clicked your link because I know there’s a ctr cap and it fucks with your analytic data
You’re going to be stuck here crabbing until the end of time
Mom look I found the schizo
she's not here and she's not gonna see this bro lmao
It reads like it's one schizo who just decided he doesn't like her
Purrson is a male and on the tierlist
want to do this to her so bad
im not anyone worth missing
Rura and all the other girls here have always been nice to me
Why do you specifically call out Rura?
are you retarded it's a m*le that posts here
We miss you Rura. Whenever you're ready, we're ready to shower you in love again.
I miss Layla. Layla please give me a sign of life. You're so cute.
I sense a very bad renaissance returning to /asp/ very soon. There have been an increase in shameless posts about Rura Layla and Iriya. Brace yourselves. We’re about to get more gen 5 fuckery
uuuuu Portuguese princess Layla I want to corrupt you
tierlist of females and their biggest simps
Gen7 will save us
Can the three of you please stop astroturfing so hard
One year is enough time to get your bearings
You should be constantly namedropping yourselves at this point
Two of you don’t even stream
I'm not Layla, Rura or Iriya
Were SEA hours actually schizo hours? I thought we were better than the burgers. What went wrong?
Hi Layla! What would happen if your boyfriend found out you’ve e sexed at least four men from this thread?
I doubt any of those three are currently in the thread man.

I also don't think it matters that much, I'll take anything over the xth post about the albino fuckboy.
Nigger, why do you think I'm layla?
Rura and Iriya are both in the SEA timezone and Layla is from Portugal and it's 11am there

It's likely all 3 of them are in here right now
It's SEA hours and it's mid-morning/noon for yuros on a Sunday. So.
God can you all just pull a C*mui and graduate?
Euro hours are gay RP time, and SEA hours are gorilla-viewer posting time… Where did we all go wrong?
Posts about the three of them always happen at the same time too, rarely spaced out. They were always getting called out for astroturfing in 2023.
I'm not from that timezone and I'm here.
Every aspie should graduate and I’m happy that it looks like more of them are becoming self aware enough to know when to wrap it up
We got rid of one schizo, we just need the other 3 and we'll have peace
/wvt/ won
Fuck /asp/ we finally killed it
you guys are so pessimistic, chill out.
Believe it or not streaming everyday is detrimental to growth because people will find you too easily accessible and thus will start skipping your streams thinking you'll be there all the time. Take regular break days and aim for longer stream hours when you do stream. Aim for 5 days a week if you're looking to grow.
Denpa Patchey Sukadrii...
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finally, I thought that nigga was dead
kaydn if you read this I love you and you inspired me to doodle
No I, L and R
Vita, link your fucking twitter on your Twitch page you moron
The schizo that killed /wasp/ hates any new women that pops up here.
Fuck you /asp/ie! You are never going to make it and the fact that all your peers are dropping off like flies while the ones that remain eat each other alive is proof
You should graduate immediately
Your “friends” are trashing you behind your back and scheming how to burn bridges with you whenever it’s convenient for them
You will get doxxed, you will get schizo’d, your dms will get leaked, you will get cancelled, you will be banned from channels, you will be banned from servers, you will be blocked on twitter and your reputation will get lower and lower the longer you stay
Graduate now and get out while you’re ahead
Admit it, if you were any good you’ve had made it to /wvt/ or /lig/ by now
You’ve failed
When is Haru streaming again?
I don't even have my twitch linked on my twitter bro...
Hopefully never.
Emily can stay gone. Not falling for her grift again.
they kicked me out of /wvt/ for namefagging :)
Then do it you little fucking lizard bitch
/asp/ is thriving, everyone is happy, people are supporting each other outside the thread and making great friends in this hobby we share, aspies are making a name for themselves outside the thread as outstanding people and all you can do is cry and shit up the thread because you cant stand to see us be happy and succeed.
This post reads like it was written by the blonde man
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local retard testing this stupid chink wifi hello bros i hope u are doing super good :D
aw hell yea it sent i am so back
Good luck cute girl! I can’t wait to see the end product of your Live2D! We’ve missed you, and hope you come back to us soon!
hello! You should get a LAN cable if you have internet issues
This. I like to see if I have ruffled any feathers as a simp.
Fythol, fucking stream you stupid bitch
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i sleep
goodnight asp
pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet
LAN ? like the ethernet thingy rite :00 i have one it was just my building's service as a whole that was having issues
now im gonna wait a whole entire 24 hour because i am that stupid
night night have a super good rest !
You are so stupid

I love you
Oh if your building is having issues, usually having a direct cable to your router would fix most connectivity issues and essential for streamers.
He's streaming next week. Why do you keep asking this?
ilu2 i will try to be less the stupid ;_;
o oki thank !! i don't know where the box is but maybe i will get a super cord yar
vita your my nigga
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gn aspies
Too many racist on this thread
latinos have the N pass
Did he post a schedule already?
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what should stream this morm
Rura I miss you
When u gonna stream nigga
probably tomorrow, if not could be any day of this next week
what is he streaming then? i'm confused.
>Want to play cogmind
>remember summer sale
>dev put it at 10% so it's still more than $20
fuck man
Fixed all the images so you can use the columns to sort now
goodbye asp this was a fun last thread
Are you killing yourself or are you just leaving /asp/?
If you're planning on killing yourself, drop your discord or something and let me talk to you.
one of the new holo gens is fumbling around in minecraft to 13k viewers life isn't fair
I sent you a discord request if this is you
and? thats how corpos work

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