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Three of them are good, that's middle of the pack performance.
IRyS, Fauna and Mumei=Good
Bae=Homo Whore but fine as she doesn't force others
Kronii=Bad woman but is trying her best to redeem herself by being IRyS's cock slave. Minus points for bad chemistry with Fauna and Mumei though
Overall, 3/5 Gen. Still the best En Gen as the only one close is Advent and the have 2/4 with Shiori and Biboo.
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Cheeb generation.
So the best generation of ofcourse
Best HoloEN gen for me because even the members whose content doesn't appeal to me are still great in gen collabs.
/vt/ sucks their dick hard so they must be evil in some way
I wonder who is the unofficial talent-manager of the gen, the one that keeps everyone else in check.
It's Bae
Myth is also 3/5 and they have Gura.
Best singer, dancer, tiddy monster, birb and mommy so they're the best gen by default.
Probably Fauna, which is why Kronii has been stonewalling her on stream and social media for almost a full year now and has been making passive aggressive remarks about "management" being shit for the past few months. You can tell the other girls have started to distance themselves from Fauna somewhat, probably due to her control-freak attitude behind the scenes.
>Best singer
>Best dancer
Try again.
>the manager of promise is a vegan who can't properly get food in japan
I heard rumors that Fauna uses her status and closeness to Gura to put pressure on the other girls behind the scene to adhere to the kind of soft-unicorn pandering she does and girls who break that get ostracized and treated poorly behind the scenes. Apparently she threatened to do this to Kronii, but Kronii didn't bend the knee and decided to completely ghost her instead.
How are you posting from 2021 coma-chan anon? Myth has been dead for well over two years now.
Post hands, monkey
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holy cope
Advent is 5/5. they are the golden gen simply for the fact that they don't pander to homo
wow, she sounds like hololive's Elira. that is messed up
does she have an Enna/Millie or
>Myth is dead
>Meanwhile Gura and Ame are back
>Mori is still getting offers for anime OPs
>Kiara just had her best numbers in years
>Ina is still streaming despite everyone saying she would be the first to graduate
I get that your concert was cancelled, but please try to make it less obvious sister.
Fauna is shy. Gura is extremely shy. Both are talents, not managers. 2/10 rrat, the only thing I can give you is that her relationship with Kronii has changed.
>Fauna is shy.
Oh yeah she has no problem whatsoever interacting with Gura, Mumei, or other cliquer girls but she's "too shy" to interact with Kronii or anyone who steps on her twos huh
Lazy bitches coasting on Myth's success.
After the success of Myth they started with the expectation of free success without having to try. Kronii is the worst offender, her PL had diverse content with effort, now she just shows up with no prep or caring.

Advent was the turnaround, finding girls who weren't lazy whores (compared to Council) that would actually do their fucking jobs. That's why Advent was so highly regarded, they've been grinding since debut with more energy than Council ever did.
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Oh look sisters are trying to make shit up to make some stupid false equivalency between Elira/Enna and Fauna, what a fucking surprise.
>b-but NIJI
saplings kek
They are talented but lack of ambition and laziness hurts them
Kronii is a homowhore. probably tried to trick Fauna into male collab, but she was to savvy for it to work
only Fauna and Mumei are lazy and only Fauna lacks ambition.
The faunaschizo didn't make any compelling argument but you've convinced me, it all makes sense now
I'm pretty sure Kronii has fewer total hours streamed than Fauna and Mumei by a significant margin
Fauna might have more hours streamed than IRyS too actually
>Minus points for bad chemistry with Fauna and Mumei though
the kronii-fauna-mumei dynamic during the bunkeronii arc was peak comedy, i miss that era.
Uh, zased?
too bad Kronii chose to be a male collaber
Mumei and Fauna shared a room and bed in Japan, at least be accurate
>Fauna might have more hours streamed than IRyS too actually
Why do sapfags lie?
Mumei and Fauna have isolated themselves, Bae is closer to JP now and I haven't heard anything about IRyS and Kronii interacting with each other. Their unity is fading, but they're still better than Myth.
Black sheep of EN only good for their lewds
Is this thread the reason faunaschizo went completely crazy?
I already saw him in like ten threads already.
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What a fucking liar
>Mumei and Fauna have isolated themselves
>Bae is closer to JP now
Kek, IRyS does more JP streams but sure. Also Bae has inclined
>I haven't heard anything about IRyS and Kronii interacting with each other
Now you are just creating rrats
IRyS, Bae and Kronii are pretty damn close.
They never collab/10
I never cared but those who say advent is better when :
- Fuwamoco put themselves on a minefield with their horrible fans
- Shiori is a 2k shitter no one ever talks about
- Nerissa is a nijishojo collaber who released only 1 original song in a year while being the "singer" of her gen
- Bijou is ok but her voice is horrible

Are just lying to themselves
Shiori is good as well
Nerissa isn't as bad as people claim.
FuwaMoco fell off though and their fans are cancer
t.promise chad
NOT doing something doesn't make them good
Biboo and Shiori are the only good streamers.
FWMC failed go protect my smile
>I haven't heard anything about IRyS and Kronii interacting with each other.
Really gave yourself away with this one lol
Kronii's basically the only Promise member IRyS actively collabs with 1-on-1 she mentions them chatting together off stream semi-frequently and even planning future collabs
you can cherrypick only negative things about everything
NTA, but aren't fags literally doing the same thing by saying Advent is better because they are unicorn friendly?
Though I agree Nerissa(aka the worst Advent) is still better than Kronii and Bae, Advent only has Biboo to show for whereas Promise have Fauna, Mumei and IRyS.
Biboo is the face of Advent and I like Shiori a lot, so they are the second best generation for me. But the best of Promise is still better than best of Advent
>Though I agree Nerissa(aka the worst Advent) is still better than Kronii and Bae
Kronii and Bae have qualities
Nerissa doesn't
The most sit-around-and-do-nothing-that-takes-effort gen, with the exception of Bae. They're good collab partners, but their solo streams are quite mediocre. The jury is still out on Justice but Promise is not as good as Advent or Myth when it comes to the individual talents.
>whereas Promise have Fauna, Mumei and IRyS
There's literally nothing special about them. Just basic cute girl plays games
The battered middle child between Myth and Advent.
>Susan's had it out for them before debut
>Probably got the worst of Omega's hijinks behind the scenes
>Had a graduation in their first year
They seem to be doing kinda better now.
That's what you watch vtubers for dumbass
>Fans holding their oshi to their word is bad
>Collabed outside my walled garden disgusting
>hating loli voice
nice reddit space and bullet points faggot
I like Bae, she's my oshi
I like Mumei because she's Bae's best friend
I don't really care much for IRyS but Bae likes her, Kronii is funny in collabs. Fauna is okay but I don't get chances to watch her a lot because she streams at a time when I'm not able to watch
Their group collabs are some of the best such as the baking one
Kiara is a good dancer but she is not on the same level as Bae, Bae makes even Laplus one of the best dancers in all of hololive look like an amateur.
Rumors from who, the voices in your head?
Post membership Brat
Every gen in hololive has paralels in their structure, their similar but never 1 to 1
The most popular EN by far in the EN sphere, merchandise machine, i bet she doesnt stream much because she has to sign a lot of merch by herself, takes idol role seriously, problem is that she takes really long brakes.
She is a normie at first in her views at the start, really succesful in the jp market as a rapper, has collaboration with bigger company's in jp market, but she was the one that really struggled to understand idol culture
Her knowledge about the idol market and how it works and her ability as bilingual talent really helps her get various sponsor for games in different markets, she understand idol culture more than anyone in her gen, problem is about numbers but grow out of it
She really gave support behind the scenes and was sharing ledearship duty with kiara being ame a specialist in the technological department, she wasnt the one that wanted to shine in myth, laidback but doesnt understand some things about idol company but she doesnt do conflicting things out of hate, only problem is that if nobody likes what she likes to shill she gets depressed
Really chill personality and an artist, idol culture is different from where she comes from, tryies to be kind to anyone she interacts with, problem is that she can get one guy by certain themes that she doesnt like.
Bae is quite possibly the weakest En member.
Fauna=Mumei>Kronii >Irys>Bae
Bae doesn't even have a good voice
Why do you care about my Membership?
That's just like your opinion man
I am just curious if you are actually a Brat.
I'd rather not
OK, tell me how long was her recent membership stream. Exact hours and mins
It is easier to support Advent as a gen, but they don't have a breakout star.
It's sad how Bae considers Mumei her friend but hoomans don't give a shit about Bae. They are like Crats
I hate you guys so much. Fauna & Kronii hung out IRL & had great chemistry in their collabs. This is such a shit rrat I WISH I COULD FLICK YOUR NOSE.
Her most recent membership stream was a couple hours ago, it was a stream where she was doing paperwork for 6 total documents. She blow dried her hair in the beginning, the middle and the end and the stream was almost 2 hours long
somewhat creative, still mental enough to make one question whether it's a pasta, everyone knows gura is a wet towel though so unless fauna can skin walk her I don't see it happening
8/10 pasta, too coherent for a /vt/ take
who's breakout star in Promise?
Bae is my kami oshi. She's hardworking, funny and a great performer. The mentally ill subhumans unicuks seething is the cherry in top.

The rest of the girls are awesome too, overall the strongest unit in EN, and even all Hololive.
>cherry in top
Cuckbros can't even write basic english
Promise has this being that
She has kiara's abilities to collab but is chill like ina with her own yabainess being ESL out of anyone in EN, the most idol like in promise but doesnt know how to approach people or look for sponsorships by herself
Great chatter like gura for EN viewers, the most unhinged in promised, really skillful, she is understood idol culture in the company but doesnt know how to how to get sponsorships just like IRyS
She really keeps her content to herself and her fans, she doesnt seek collabs with girls that are not CGDCT friendly if it's not a group or mandated collab, different kind of abilities of what you expect but she is like the noel of EN but really needs to try better and give more effort to give more things to her fanbase than just normals streams.
She is an idol, but not the type of idol that works in jp market, she is more korean idol oriented and the 2 at core values are different, bae does everything good but she is pretty selfish in other things that excludes her genmates to work together in proyects
She was the more popular in her gen at the start, people had fun with her antics and her humour, and her model helped a lot too, problem with her is that she is a follower and not a leader, she got convinced that she could change the values of the core audience and doubled down on that, she went from first to 4 or last, she doesnt know how to deal with opinions that are nothing like hers and can respond in very unproffesional ways that always give her a hard time, she just need to take anger control therapy and stick to hololive core values like IRyS seems to be helping kronii with
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they should have stuck with council and just let IRyS join, the new name is fucking stupid and so is the vagina logo
It's not a rrat that Fauna and Kronii used to have plenty of interactions and conversations, and now they virtually ghost each other outside of mandated collabs. Compare their Twitter activity from a year ago until now and the contrast is stark. Kronii retweets and posts for all her other genmates' events, but for Fauna, she's strangely silent. Something happened between the two.
She did the same with Mooms
>hoomans don't give a shit about Bae
/who/ is unironically the only Promise split that loves Bae on this board. Because Bae being by Moom's side and then leaving her shortly after means more streams to look forward too, which are not a guaranteed things nowadays.
Bae taking care if the autistic owl is just a bonus, even if taking care means ordering junk food for two.
quit being so dramatic. and selfish. fwmc are doing fine. next week schedule is packed.
brownfeet drink bleach, you've been at this for over 10 hours today
No one, they are supporting casts for Myth's two stars
Gura: Mumei, Fauna, Kornii, IRyS
Mori: IRys, Bae
Do you realise how terrible you have to be to be a 2k shitter in HOLOLIVE while you cater to unicorns ?
Do you realise collabing with someone who made fun of Doki is something no respectable people should ever do ?
Do you realise catering to a mentally ill fanbase is only going to create a Rushia event 2.0 or worse ?
>Mori 4K CCV Calliope
Mori is the second most popular EN vtuber in japan, singing anime openings and endings
Holy shit shut the fuck up.
The most consistent gen for me though not my favorite. I like everyone's content but none of them stand out as being exceptionally entertaining for prolonged periods of time.
Stop sucking cover's cock as long as your oshi doesn't collab with males, it's because of bootlickers like you that Kobo and Sora went back to bilibili
I won't engage in good faith with retards who take one side over another without actually knowing any facts. It's woman behavior.
But like what the fuck happened? I mean Fauna still plays Minecraft sometimes. Did Mumei and Kronii just decide not to do shit with Fauna anymore? The three barely collab as it is.
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Who the fuck is fdund and what did they do ?
Why is the top bunk naked
Anyway fauna and bae are the only good thing that came out of it
Rest basically does not exist anyway
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reminder that Kronii has ghosted Justice from the beginning and even ignored Raora in twitter.
In her last stream, she didn't even know Raora was Italian nor realized she was her kouhai until chat pointed it out.
I'm not sure about Krofau, but Fauna didn't retweet her bday like other 3 members

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