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The farm Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Up to discretion of the girls. Content will be free. Will come later.
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>79552084
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
It's dead hours but this time it's actually dead
for me, it's mercy modiste
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
Is Icey horny? If not, why isn't she?
Video game.
Wasn't expecting to see Icey begging one particular guy to play a game with her. Kind of impressive.
you'd think he'd get tired of making these same vague posts over and over and over
It's started..
I miss Immy so much... Brainworms are getting to me
Watch her debut again. It'll only make it worse.
the first thing I read today way Immy's newest horny tweet and I've been diamonds since. She's making it so hard to hold out until she's back...
Oh god... going down the insanity route seems like a fun idea
You all will have to deal with my depression posting though
We'll go through it together anon
she's horny for all her pixel dadas
>It's the weekend and both your parents have gone on a trip
>As you sit at your computer, you hear the door beside yours open as your little sister Immy steps out of her room and makes her way out of the house
>She used to be so sweet and loving, always wanting to spend time, play games, and watch movies together
>At some point, she became a brat, mocking you, or calling you gross
>Her favourite insult was to call you a shitty virgin who hasn't had a girlfriend yet at your age
>Brushing aside your annoyance, you decide to take advantage of the rare opportunity being home alone
>You slip on your headphones and boot up your favourite 18+ ASMR
>Immersed in the roleplay of your "little sister" in your ears, you don't hear the front door open again
>You're brought back to reality by your headphones being taken off as Immy listens to what had you so engrossed moments before
>"Ehhh why are you listening to some slut call you her big brother and moan in your ear? Gross~ I knew you were a shitty virgin but to be pining after your own little sister?"
>"Hey hey, why'd you stop big bro? Keep stroking it. Do you need some encouragement? How about I whisper big bro in your ear? Pfft did your dick just twitch? I can't believe you're a shitty virgin and a siscon"
>You feel the blood rush to your head as she continues to make fun of you
>"Hey big bro, how about I tell all the girls at school that this is what you're into?"
>As she reaches for your phone you finally snap and grab her by the neck
>Immy yelps in surprise and pain as you aggressively throw her onto the bed
>"What the fuck? I'm gonna tell mom tha-"
>She cuts off mid sentence because you you rip her skirt and panties off, exposing her hairless cunny
>"H-hey you know that all that porn is just fantasy right? There's no way you'd be turned on by your real little sister right?"
>You hear desperation and fear in her voice as you begin to roughly finger her
>"Ow hey slow down, you need to be gentle with girls but I guess you wouldn't know, being a shitty virgin"
>Even now she continues to taunt you, so you whisper in her ear
>"You better get wet right fucking now because I'm going to fuck you until you fix that shitty attitude of yours and I don't care if you're ready"
>You can see the fear in her eyes mix with a flush of arousal as she begins to gush onto your hand
>"Good girl, you're going to be my little bitch today and I'm going to show you why you shouldn't tease your big brother"
>You line your dick up against her tight little cunt and thrust inside all at once
>It's ridiculously tight but you're able to hilt yourself thanks to how wet she is
>"You're always wearing your slutty little outfits around the house. Grow some hair down there before you start acting like a fucking slut and calling your older brother a virgin"
>You thrust into her, each thrust causing her to yelp in pain and pleasure
>"And then you're always fucking teasing me. I'm a man you know, do you know how fucking hard it is to hold back when you're constantly grabbing me and rubbing up against me as a 'joke'?"
>Immy's cries have become moans of pure lust
>"I'm sorry big brother I won't do it again I'm sorry I'm sorry"
>She continues to apologise between moans as you fill her repeatedly
>"Do you even know how fucking sexy you are? Do you know how much trouble I would get in if anyone knew about how I feel about you? If mom or dad found out that I fucking look at my little sister in a romantic and sexual way?"
>Immy just mumbles like a broken record as cums
>"I'm sorry big brother I'm sorry I'm a brat I love you I love you I love you"
>Hearing her tell you that she loves you stabs you right in the heart and you thrust into her even harder than before, sealing her lips with yours
>Your tongue claims the inside of your little sister's mouth as your own
>"How many boys has this slutty little mouth kissed huh? Your mouth, your pussy, everything should be reserved for me. I'm the one that loves you the most"
>Immy can barely form a complete sentence but manages to stammer out, "N-no one... Only you... I wouldn't... anyone... Only love... big bro"
>Hearing those words pushes you over the edge and you push right up against her cervix to unleash the biggest load of your life
>She screams as the heat hits her from the inside, spasming from another orgasm wracking her body
>By the time your orgasms subsides, you're breathing heavily and Immy is barely conscious from the pleasure
>After taking a moment to enjoy the view of your overflowing cum marking her cunt, you line yourself up to stick it back in
>"H-hey... I can't... A break... Pleas-Ahhn~"
>Her feeble protest is replaced with a moan as you begin fucking her again, knowing that one or two rounds is nowhere near enough to relieve years of pent up lust and affection for your sister
I'm going to be the one to say it, these are cringe and gay
I'm going to be the one to say it, these are based and gay
I'm going to be the one to say it, these are cringe and straight
I sure do love female orgasms, and I especially love that these girls seem to have them often.
Not a pinpal but I'm with you anon, stay strong for your sister and good times will inevitably come
tourist, non of our girls have ever came they're all devout christians
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Isn't this Sai guy the one pinpals have had a problem with or is it a different guy? Apparantly he was abusing Icey's free chat. If there here, I guess they know he's the same guy right?
same guy, he was responding to posts /here/ in iceys free chat because he's a retard schizo and too scared of getting banned in immys for doing it.
Welcome tourist-chama, they have literally told us they fake their orgasms. Hope that doesn't break your immersion
I knew I saw his name in Icey's chat but couldn't remember what he was about, yeah it's definitely the same guy
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yeah, multiple times a day even! haha! it must be so fun to just cum whenever you want and tell all of your viewers about how much you're doing it!
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Yeah same guy. He had his melt in icey's chat last night
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Who could've guessed it be a discord groomer to have a small meltdown in someone else's chat
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But i barely even know her?
icey is way too nice, this should be a perma ban not a warning.
damn even mentioning sev in icey's free chat ? what a faggot
He was so retarded that he thought the best course of action was to go into the freechat of another talent and start yelling at people in the thread. I hope this fucker gets blacklisted by the whole corpo.
It should be seeing as he doesn't even watch streams. It would be nothing but good if he got banned. Immy should follow suit as well. This guy sucks.
Absolute retard.
Is this why other talents don't have freechat?
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For the past four days even though Icey hearts my twitter comments, she doesn't reply and I see her replying to everyone even when theyr comment was after, mine, is more general or basically identicle in content. I'm less schizo than some people when it comes to Twitter replies, but this is so consistant for so long, it's really getting hard for me to imagine I've not done something to piss her off. What's weird is that I feel like she reads my comments relatively often during stream to, which I guess could be that she's just reacting whereas Twitter comments imply more agency in her choice. It's actually fucking me up a bit, and I have no idea what I did wrong.
Which is even more baffling since his twitter spergout got posted /here/
He could have just continued there instead of shitting up Iceys chat, even bringing up another faggot in the proccess that unironically caused her trauma. Just so that Immy doesn't see him sperging out. Ban the fucker
Throne update:
Immy's (partial) 2.0 fund was successfully crowdfunded
Mercy received an in-ear monitor cable
Ask her you sperg
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>wake up
>check /vag/ to catch up while i was asleep
>OP immediately deal emotional damage
it's too fuckin' early for this man
You're reading too deeply into things. She might not be able to think of a good response for your tweet. I know sometime when I can't think of things to say I just like the comment because I don't want things to get awkward.
I'll be honest I was sitting on this OP idea for a couple days waiting for a slow peaceful night to make it
complaining here knowing she reads it is such a faggot move atleast drop your username so she knows it's you and can now purposefully never reply to you again.
It's the 3rd or 4th day in a row he's posted similar things at the same time. He's fishing
>gets his stream chats read often
>still has the gall to get jealous over other shit
I don’t think ill of attention whores or groomers because they actually put in effort to get noticed and earn it, but guys like you that get attention but still complain not knowing how good they have it get on my fucking nerves. Unironically kys
Oh fuck off. I wish they weren't here. There should be a place where we can concern post if need be that doesn't become a groomer den. I'm going to post like they're not here and they can di what they want. I'm also deliberatly avoiding posting it elsewhere because I don't then to feel pressure. The last thing I want is posts made out of a sense of obligation. I just wish I knew what I could've done to cause it.
okay but actually though this faggot is way worse than any of the ones who get name dropped here on the regular.
>There should be a place where we can concern post
Get a diary you mentally ill pussy
shut up faggot, the place to write all of this is in your diary because anywhere else you're only doing it for attention, you're actually just as bad as sev so I hope you feel proud.
It's amazing that I can post my concern thaty I've done something to upset one of the girls and all you take away from it is that I want attention.

You guys seriously need to develop a longer fuse, you're the most unhinged people here and it's not even close.
If we're just being /chatter/ right now then I'm so glad sig is dead.
On a second note why is it all the shitters names start with S
>My concern
That's exactly right, it's your concern. No one else cares.
don't worry about it man, it's a good one, thank you. wasn't expecting somethin' like this when i first woke up. thanks
because you obviously haven't upset her, she completely ignores the people she's mad at, you said yourself she reads you in chat and likes your replies. fucking kill yourself attention seeker.
keeping an eye on S names from now on
>complaining here knowing she reads it is such a faggot move
I know I just told him to kill himself but he does have a point, the girls shouldn’t be here to begin with. This place IS supposed to be a place where we can vent whatever without fear of the girls seeing it. That doesn’t exempt you from being judged by the other anons, but we shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not the girls will see what we type here
You know because of people like that making interaction some kinda game or contest and crying when they don't get what they want she'll end up just not replying at all eventually.
Maybe that's his end goal.
things evolve anon. this isn't the Mongolian basket weaving forum any more, vent into your diary or get called out for attention seeking.
likely since he's obviously baiting anyway, from what he says she already gives him quite a bit of attention
Then just say it that way instead of acting like a complete fucking psychopath.
Her posts looked selectively omitted , that was my only concern, my first thought is exactly what you said, but four days of consistency across multiple interactions a day is going to make a person think something.
I'll come back when this guy has finished his daily attention sperg out. Hopefully she'll just ignore him today, I think the last twitter post she made for him only encouraged it.
if you're not baiting you're weak, that fag JJ gets less replies than anyone and gets shit /here/ too and he's never wrote a blog post crying like you do.
I don't think this is from greentext anon but still, hot stuff anon.
Is this bait? JJ is one of the most frequently responded to.
I think he replied to himself to try and make people think it's him.
Lmao you have to be trolling. Is this actually you JJ? You get responded to constantly, both in stream chat and on twitter.
advanced level bait anon, but kill yourself
Nothing said here should be taken seriously, especially by the girls. It being anonymous means anyone can just make shit up to troll.
>JJ gets less replies than anyone
>less replies than anyone

You can't possibly believe this. He's likes the third most replied behind Icey's Cream and Brunstad. If this is bait, then well done. Take your (you).
JJ this is a new low even for you
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Every day around these hours, without fail. Really makes activates my almonds.
Azura needs to do a weekly comfort ASMR stream. Not this roleplay stuff
>holofags are in this general
>Baby minded ruffians at that
That explains a few things.
>makes activates
Oops, but my point still stands.
yes it's me im crying right now because you caught me uuuuuuuuu
ITT: anons fall for the same faggot who baits by using ojisans names every morning around this time.
uuu i miss immy I MISS CUMMING
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>Get a like from Icey
Always makes me morning brighter
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>Get a lick from Icey
Always makes my morning brighter
me too anon me too, I'm just glad when I see that she is having a good day
>>79577604 (me)
this was not meant to be a reply. sorry.
me too anon me too, I'm just glad when I feel that she is having a good day
you outted yourself as the pinpal who pretends to be an ojisan and name drops
>get a dick from Icey
Always makes me morning brighter
if icey had a dick I'd probably suck it desu and I'm not gay at all I just love her that much.
I'm just a phoneposter using the website with a broken display
wait I just realised that's probably sai, would also explain why he picked JJ today, because of what he said in free chat
Why are you gay
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I want to go feral with Icey. As soon as she was in the vicinity I'd be ripping her clothes off like some kind of animal. Every inch of her would be grabbed, groped and spanked. I want to smack her ass so hard that it leaves a big, red handprint so that everyone knows who she belongs to. I want to grab her by the throat and completely control her breathing so that she knows that her entire being belongs to Dada. I need to cum deep inside that smooth cunny of hers and feel her clench around my cock as I choke her. I love Icey so much, I need to fuck her so badly.
I want to suck Immy's futa cock and make a mold of it to make a dildo and a buttplug and fuck myself with the dildo while sucking off her girlcock. I want to be plugged 24/7 with a plug modelled off her futa cock. I'd even shove an ice version up my ass. Please Immy, please.
So for the record. It took 5 days for a public pinpal meltdown and a discord ban for doxing.
What will happen on the 10th?
Hopefully on day 10, Icey will do a member stream where she sucks a paci while she tortures herself with a vibrator for about 48 minutes straight.
immy will post an audio of herself getting fucked by her cousin who was visiting
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Since we are talking about Futa. Need mummeh to use me as her Onahole.
I'd cum. Many many times. It needs to happen.
I am not gay. However, I would gladly fuck another man passionately if it made my whore (affectionate) sister happy.
Just imagine her trying not to cum loudly on stream. Her stifled moans, her increasingly lewd breathing. I'd give anything for that.
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>"Maybe next time, pet"
>you involuntarily whimper in a way you didn't know you could as you come to the realization that tonight isn't the night, either
>her face softens at your distress, firm but not without a certain understanding of how hard you're trying
>"oh, sweetie....come. Sit on the couch and hold me, okay?"
>you get up and nestle in to the arm of the couch, leaving enough room between your legs for her to snuggle into your chest with your arms around her as she holds and caresses your hand
>a short moment of pure happiness and peace passes as you almost think your frustration will pass and you
>your hopes are dashed as she reaches for her rose, resting inconspicuously on the coffee table in front of you, her body sliding a bit further down so your arms are around her shoulders, her head near your stomach, and her legs spreading
>without a word she goes to work on herself, lightly moaning and fidgeting over the hum of her toy, snuggling into you more closely as her concentration deepens
>you see sweat dampen her body through her efforts, her hair clinging lightly to her face as a heady, intoxicating smell fills the room, the smell of her, the woman you love and the woman who owns you
>you are absolutely aching in your boxers, harder and more needy than you've ever been in your life as instincts threaten to take over, desperate for any kind of sensation stronger than her body lightly rubbing into you from her ministrations despite knowing it's not coming
>so you just continue to hold and lightly pet her, your touch all the encouragement she needs from her doting boytoy as she pushes herself over the edge for the first time
>"oh fuck I'm cumming...I'm cumming! FUCK it feels so fucking good to CUM"
>she shakes and spasms in your arms, the orgasm wracking her whole body as you feel a sudden intense warmth from holding her, her entire body flushing in excitement and release
>it is no doubt one of the most beautiful things you've ever witnessed, and you've never felt so frustrated and ached so much in your entire life before this point
>she is panting and trembling in your arms for minutes afterwards, light tremors cascading through her body as she's hit with aftershocks of her orgasm until her breathing finally slows and you think it's over
>"Again. More. I want more..."
>you hear the familiar sound of her rose reactivating as she jams it to her clit once again and starts all over again, still being held in your embrace while the TV plays some forgotten, meaningless netflix documentary
>you're not sure how many times she goes for; three, four, five times? it doesn't really matter, she's just hungry and insatiable
>every time she orgasms she makes certain you hear how good it feels to cum and how happy she is to be able to cum, knowing exactly what she's doing to you and relishing in her control
>the intensity of the smell is indescribable by the end, a woman in heat, the smell of pure lust, feeling like you took a fistful of viagra and can do nothing to sate it
>panting and covered in sweat, she eventually moves to put the rose back on the coffee table and it's finally over, she's done flaunting her orgasms in front of you

>she changes positions on the couch to hug you from the front and pat the back of your head
>"Mmmmm pet...that felt so good..."
>"Isn't cumming just the best? Nothing better than cumming all you want a bunch of times in a row without a care in the world."
>the smug look she gives you makes you tremble as she leans in to whisper into your ear
>"Oh...sorry, I forgot~"
>she giggles playfully before giving you kiss and settles down into your arms again
>"Madam's so tired after all that, pet. I need some rest...Won't you hold me as we fall asleep together?"
>you nod your head as she moves to nuzzle in, her head against your shoulder as she pulls the covers around you both, your cock still aching and unacknowledged against her body
>finally, you may just get some rest after all
>"oh, before I forget"
>she fishes under the covers for a moment before her hands come up with a thick and sticky fluid covering her fingers, with strands of it arching between her spread fingers
>"to make sure you dream of me tonight, slut~"
>she spreads her juices on your lips and under your nose, every breath you take now overtaken with her overpoweringly alluring scent
>you feel your heart start beating through your chest as your whole world becomes her and the scent of her lust, a scent that rewires your brain and makes you hers
>a light breeze could have made you cum in that moment and she knew it as she just lets you ride those waves and steadily come back to reality
>she knew that if she didn't own you before, she did now
>"good night, sweetie. Sleep well~"
>you did not sleep that night

I got too horny and just kept writing sorry. thanks for the inspo shibi and anons, didn't know how to end it exactly. Straight from the soul word by word so probably a bunch of mistakes/errors
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okay but seeing it laid out as an actual ppost it's kinda embarrassing, it was different when it was just in the quick reply box fuck
Stoppppppp AAAAARRRGGH. I don't know if I could survive such a stream. Thinking of Icey cumming in that specific way mentally fucks me up for some reason. I would fill a bucket with a mixture of my cum and tears.
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The toilet humor representative of Valure
It needs to happen. The regular asmr streams are already a rollercoaster of emotions, one second I'm basically asleep and the next I'm stuck with a raging erection.
If she did something that even slightly implied she was getting off during her asmr I'd lose my mind and my load.
That's exactly it. It's the sneaking implication that she might be getting off that messes with me. It's somehow so much more potent than complete and total overt gasms would be. If she came and it sounded strained and embarrassed it's be so intimate..... I think I'd want to jump off a cliff whilst leaving an air trail of a load behind me.
> I think I'd want to jump off a cliff whilst leaving an air trail of a load behind me.
I need a cumstache from Shibi
Good that we're all on the same page with what sends us over the edge. The build up on fansly is going to cement the death of my bloodline. I'll have no cum left.
for me its strawny cuddles
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slavic whore
Yeah, mine
I was incredibly aroused the whole stream. She was so flustered and kept talking about the train the entire time. And she was so cute looking at all the outfits too find one she liked, and wanting to cook for us, and planting corn, and protecting the cows. I love her so much.
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postin' Zentreya?
My name is Sergey
But why?
Imagine staying up all night with Stronny and going outside in the dark of morning and watching the sunrise with her while holding her hands and she's leaning against your shoulder...
;-; thanks
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Target acquired
and then we have sex, right?
uuuuuuuu Icey stopped posting on twitter uuuuuu Icey I miss please come back I miss you I love you Icey I get lonely when you leave me I need you Icey please come back I miss you and love you so much
I'm going on a binge for a week.
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nice zen is good people
shibi shagged us harem good last night cute how she got shy after
I got to mogh and i see the robustness talisman doesnt stop the bleed from nihil
I'll get to Stronny yet, just reading Shibi's tweets beforehand might be distracting to me
Thinking about it now, Shibi almost dommes in the way i want to be dommed, but she acts like she wants to be exclusive. Stronny why do all the daughters that appeal to me gotta be against the oyakodon?
should i download fall guys so i can play with the other reeflings and stronny next week?
It's free so why not
Only if you bring home the epic victory royale chicken dinner
This is the only vtuber/Gosling picture I have
Also Shibi means it when she calls her harem trash right?
I prefer it when the insults are given in the same voice a woman is affectionately teasing you. Not like for real.
you're trash, shibi.
Sai is one of the dox fags. This is just further evidence why all of them who involved themselves in that shit need to be banned from all of the girls chats and blocked on Twitter. They're unhinged schizos and are going to cause problems for one of them in the future, probably Immy.
I'm already planning to send Immy a maro once they get reopened tomorrow with entire log of their doxxing attempt on her because I seriously doubt management told her the extent of what they tried to pull.
Dunno what the full extent is, but do it man. They need to know
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Immy i hope you see this
Hey, if you still havent killed Mogh you should look into getting the 'Purifying Crystal Tear' it will help. do it for Mommeh!
how fucking often do i need to say this

dont bring this to the girls you fucking moron.
this is shit for staff to deal with and staff already knows. feel free to use the contact us page

what good will it bring to spam this shit to any of the girls other than bring their mood down like shit?
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I am trash. The only thing I am good for is to be pressed under Madam Shibi’s heel. Madam Shibi is the best mistress I could ever ask for. I hereby pledge to serve her every whim for the rest of my life. I love Madam Shibi!
How we feel about just a plain old leg locking, missionary sex for a greentext?
Sounds good to me
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Arlight fine, knifeplay it is.
If you decide to do this idea, use this as inspiration
so when is stronny accepting fan mail? i want to write her a personalized letter to groom her
She literally talked about that yesterday. Have you tried watching streams?
stfu i watched the stream
stronny love
I'll try to get mine, had to take a break to do chores, thanks!
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Back again
>new groomers
>more jealousy
>doxing attempts
It's only been 3 days ffs, should I turn that post into a sign at this point? Jesus Christ.
if u actually watch that documentary with ur eyes wide open, u'll see that this chinese guy is kind of a cunt and everything is so tiresome because of himself
On brand for most of the people her to be honest.
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4 days is too long I'm genuinely furious
I miss immy
It seems mornings are the worst for me because holy shit I WANT TO CUM I WANT TO CUM I WANT TO CUM do i miss my little sis.
You're doing this to yourself anon.
I just have to remember
>I hereby declare, I will not cum this day. Not only for me, but for all those who stand with me—and for our future selves—that will.
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Hey, thats my screenshot
i know ;)
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>just truly finished my reps
I can't fucking breathe.
With fans like these, who needs streams
I'm rewatching Immy debut and holy fuck she is so nervous
wait until you see next months mercy drama im cooking
i could have groomed icey but i messed things up because im an idiot.
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This is for your future, reefling. If you want to be the carry god, learn to parry good. Here's an open secret. The last boss of the DLC is made a lot easier if you parry, jump, and block attacks. Let it be known, because a part of me still lives on that battlefield...
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ojisan you forgot your image again
No one is grooming anyone retard
Script writer anon, please, I'm begging you give us a good month. I can't take this anymore
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Anon please, I don’t need to be reminded of her riding oniichan for 40 minutes or how hot it was to hear her cumming in real time
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No excuse for that one. I'm about to go back onto the guild war grind.
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This image reminds me of something, let me see if I can find it.
In the comments of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eupZ0R-uXPc
Ojisans, i wish you and your Oshi no migraines today I have one right now and i want to scoop my brain out through my eyes
There's really nothing that can be done with it? Not even some paganistic eastern medicine that could miraculously cure you of your headache cancer?
lil bro should try aspirin
Lie down, close your eyes and rub both your eyebrows rhythmically.
If i cum its a 50/50 on if i feel better or worse not that i would cum right now anyway and i plan on getting an appointment with a Neurologist soon so i can either get meds that might or help or atleast figure out whats causing them I kinda hope its a brain tumor or something that way they can fix it. Otherwise i'll just have to deal with them for the rest of my life
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I see. I wish you the best of luck. May Icey's icehole help keep the migraine demons at bay.
Thanks man, have a good stream with Icey
You as well, maybe some paci play is what you need.
Sorry to break it to you but im a Pinpal. Though i do have a DDLG/Paci kink
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Oh...well I hope in however many days the coom you'll experience with her return brings you clairvoyance and rapturous euphoria.
why is it extra dead? all night and this morning too
it's sunday big bro
Why does Vallure follow Pixellink on twitter? Am I missing lore?
Pinpals were up all night freaking out, everyone else is sleeping or just waking up.

Icey streams soon so the thread will pick up soon
that is unusual, the official account only follows their talent and pixellink's official account
Pixellink doesn't even follow them back...
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I put in another horny commission request for Immy. I sure hope I don't weird out the artist and get ghosted again.
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got one in the works too. NIce to see that Immy will get some more art
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How come icey gets allmost all the plfag trolling when all members had previous stream experience?
Illness, you know this.
Fanart is the lifeblood of any fan community, I'd like to put in a lot more requests as time passes
I need Copperbum tanline art like this more than I need water
Are you doing skebs or asking specific artist. I want to commission stuff but I’ve never don’t it before.
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kek the faggot got banned
his older messages he didn't delete are also gone
the superchat is a nice touch to the image
hoping that's true but he is schizo so he might have just deleted everything
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I need Copperbum tanline art like this more than I need water, the ropes would make it amazing
isn't there a time limit to delete stuff?
not like deleting it would've served any purpose now after icey saw it
he's schizo logic doesn't matter.
If you’re talking about sai yes he deleted his messages from chat but they did get screenshots earlier in the thread I think.
Is that all icey or her chat had to say about him?
it was like 3am burger time and the smartest way to confront the mentally ill is to not do it at all
I follow an obscenely large number or artists on twitter and over time, any time I see one of them post that they have open commissions I save the link in a txt file.
I've never used skeb but I plan to start looking into it moving forward. Someone in a previous thread shared this Skeb guide: https://pastebin.com/DvCiXhC9
yeah icey doesnt have a car so he probably uses public transportation, right? so she must see her fair shair of schizos on a regular basis and knows it's best not to engage them
I saw like four of his messages posted here last night. Did he keep going on after that?
he restricted access to his account on twatter.

im a tech boomer so dunno if this means he blocked me or he privated his account?

either way. big victory for now protecting the girls
what the fuck
>im a tech boomer so dunno if this means he blocked me or he privated his account?
uh how about you log out
I hope he kills himself he mentioned sev not once but TWICE in iceys chat despite knowing what happened.
if they block you you can't even see their profile I believe
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the world's most perfect girl, mercy modiste, isnt streaming this fine weekend
its only natural we patiently wait for her return
Immy tweet!
does anyone else feel like they have fatigue from vallure
That means only the groomer kings that follow him can see his posts
either he will make a new account or he will have to live with the girls never being able to reply to him again (implying they'd want to)
immy is awake and.. not horny?
might be a techboomer but i can read. thanks tho for spoonfeeding an explanation :P
groomers won
Warm-up month is over. Let the games begin.
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I payed her a visit last night and handled her needs.
i made this post
Such an evil little face
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the world's most perfect girl FOR YOU
Ahh, bain my beloved.
total groomer domination
So there’s only three or four more of them in that clique right?
ffs I hate it here you all use me for baiting, no I didn't post this, I've not been here today.
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morning vaggots, i love my little sister like you wouldn't believe it.
have nice day
theres a few remaining, yes.

but him getting banned and closing off his twatter should serve as a little example to the rest. hopefully theyll behave for a bit
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I hope icey knows that I think about her always and that I'm completely obsessed with her.
Sig dying
Sai dying
Sev dead
Who's the next S name to make the list
>sigma is back again.
we got rid of 1 and another returned.
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This is one the best posts I've seen in the past 24 hours.
can we make an exception on the s rule for mikey? I really hate that faggot
Couple more weeks and he'll be gone
You guys really bullied his ass into hiding kek.
To the people who kept shitting up the threads asking what the difference between your special snowflake hugbox and ours is, here's a good one for you. You can't get cancelled when you stay anonymous, this can only happen to you when you attention-whore and build infamy.
Isn't that already one of two interpretations? The other being a literal anti-joke.
please... immy... make a horny post so we know you're okay
I heard the whole doxxing was all Sai's fault. I guess the others were collateral
What if she's okay but not horny?
I'm still lurking in that server, before the Immy channel got nuked that group admitted they got too overzealous, it shouldn't have happened, and it wouldn't happen again. The main schizo left on his own.
I'm paraphrasing here so take that with a grain of salt. I think we should stop talking about those faggots and get back to being a comfy thread.
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"In case you were wondering why i don't let them write the scripts"
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fuck off yep
In general we should stop pointing out every faggot that wants to fag around, some fags get off to it.
agreed to going back to being comfy here.

we celebrated enough.

bruh her mums bday with lotsa senpai over. give her some space
I still don’t trust them
This picture >>79547225 plus still asking about what time it is. They just didn’t want to get caught doing it in public.
I spent the whole week seething about the groomcord faggots so I am glad to see them put in their place but we do need to chill out before the thread starts turning on Pinpals
Naturally I'll still be keeping an eye on them. Schizos gonna schizo
This stream is not getting archived.
immy is sex
Did something happen? I wasn't paying attention.
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maybe not for neal
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Occasional threadly reminder that I love my funny, dorky, adorable kouhai Mercy Modiste
For Mercy Modiste, it's me
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what did icey mean by this?
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That at any time, the pacifier can just come out, and ruin me.
She's my baby. sorry you had to find out like this
I mean, I've heard of 'scissoring' before, but I thought it meant something else. I guess if this is what you want, Icey...
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not beating the cuck chair allegations
has she acknowledged that bernie/onlyhope has paid off his debt to her?
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She came close with >>79593243
She is begging for correctional mating press
Hasnt he been donating and stuff to other girls the whole time still? His debt might need to be increased to 100k.
The debt will never end honestly. Never discussed interest rates after all.
If the 3d models are at least as good as those bigger Vrchat dancers on Twitch I'll be pretty happy.
he doesn't need acknowledgement, a ninja always pays their debt
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when stronny does her ringfit stream, i wonder how much she is going to fart and shit herself especially when doing squats and similar exericses
reeflings are going to be eating good
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Ah, my dick. You were by my side all along. Let us enjoy this sound together.
>>79595206 (him)
yeah i consneed. I was more talking about the topics and modes of conversation being similar. However, I would point out that you can still build infamy under anonymity. For example, I can point out like 5 or so people's typing styles here, and for each I'm fairly certain I know who they are when cross comparing members chat. Hell, i've already been assigned a nickname before. Anonymity as a pretense will always yield higher risk/reward in content quality (measured in (You)s obviously), but you're still going to get "look at this thing i'm sending to xyz" posts are fundamentally the same as twitterfags being obsequious. My post a few days ago was primarily a shitpost but also wanted to make the same obsequious people here feel bad because it's never a good thing for a fanbase.
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not like this
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jokes on you, i change my style with every post i make to avoid profiling
Please Neal, don't nuke the vod
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oho, you would never guess who I was. I skinwalk as half the posters here!
If you are truly anonymous you change your typing style constantly like someone with DID. I'll admit someone /here/ called for me once as "cummaxxing anon" once and it made me really happy.
on the same note, mercyposter is at least 4 different anons
Tell me, why do they wear the mask?
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Now lets not get too hasty.
say whatever you want but I use the Edge browser and it now has an AI built-in tool that changes your wording style, so you don't even have to try that hard anymore to pretend to be someone else. Just 1 click and it completely changes everything. And you can keep clicking and it keeps changing it while maintaining the original meaning of the message.
I need to FUCK Icey Snowpaws
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There are multiple Mercyposters, yes
I never pretend to be file(1) Mercyposter, if someone genuinely pretends to be me that's hilarious all my posts are garbage
Pretty sure people already tell which post I write since I don't bother changing my writing style.
okay tell me who i am right now
hint: i'm an ojisan
Does he think anyone gives a shit? The dude didn't even get a reaction out of the Discord shitters for Christ's sake. How do you fucking cope when you're that mentally ill?
You just want the names already aforementioned to be said again. I know your game!
Same, but there is absolutely no way anyone can know my name since I don't post or talk publicly very often. Only maybe Immy could recognize my style, but I never signed a single maro, so no name there anyway. Also she doesn't seem autistic enough to track that sort of stuff anyway
after a month of careful observation i think it's fair to say that mercy modiste is the most retarded of the bunch by a large margin
Same, within the context of /vag/, but I'm a literal who so you can't cross reference my posts here with chat because I only post emotes.
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She's my cute sexy shy retard!
i lost interest in icey.
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shibbi bum
The pacifier is IN
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Senpais, hammers at the ready
captcha: H(eavy) DMG
Someone is gonna compile a list of all the _love chatters from every girl and post a list in the form of a grudge post just to spite you.
siblings should not be acting like that with each other
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I'm mastering the skill of one handed qwerty typing just to let you know that I know.
Icey is sweating, bros.
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There is no need to get angry guys. We can all share the joy of the most perfect girl, mercy modiste.
for me it's mercy modiste
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would (You) have sex with this creature?
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I'll turn that frown upside down with my DICK.
based extract scattered
Icey menopaws LOL
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Interesting, I also like Mercy's modisty
>Only one emote
So you change your style after all
Narrowing it down. It's so over for him.
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So how many posters of each girl do you figure we have on average?
only one
they're all actually just me
I made this post.
I took a poll a week ago and with some napkin math, roughly 25% to a third of all replies in Icey's tweets are from people who actively post/lurk here. Do with that information what you will.
fuck I wanna watch her cum so fucking bad
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im going to cancel my icey membership now, she was exciting for the first week or so but now things are getting stale. unless youre in the inner circle i dont see what youre getting out of icey
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What's got you sad, brother?
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How's it going /vag/inas
I'm going to get another Icey membership on an alt, secure more spaces in the inner circle
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my balls hurt
balls aching
Balls depleted.
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bye sev, i mean sai
hi yag, i mean gry
your self-imposed social constructs do not bind me
My balls are ready to explode for mummeh
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I wasn't expecting that to be the OP...
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Oh fuck, I must have memory holed it on first glance. FUCK!
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misery certainly loves company.
I adore this woman. it hurts.
Just from vibes alone:
>25 total posters
>5-6 Icey posters
>5-6 Immy posters
>4 Mercy posters
>4 Stronny posters
>2 Shibi posters
>1 Azura poster
Of course there's various overlaps
We probably get around 20-30 people per thread but unless something is happening a lot of people here aren't really active. It's probably split around 30% Icey, 30% Immy, 15% Shibi, 10% Stronny, 10% Mercy 5% Azura. Although I think there's probably people that talk about multiple girls.

source: I guessed
Which woman we talking about?
If anything, may I join?
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15-30 according to the omnisiah
>people that talk about multiple girls
WHORE (affectionate) UNITY as long as they aren't pretending every girl is their oshi
>Which woman we talking about?
Look at the OP image. It's Stronny
>If anything, may I join?
Yes of course
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Ah...miss mummeh...
I got so used to her endurance streams
Snowbearries are you on cloud 9 or something to
Uh, anon? You ok buddy?
anyone baking?
>small, but active community
That phrase makes me feel all warm and fuzzy
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30 posters aren't too bad honestly. looks like a nice comfy number
NTA, but Icey asmr
I'm in heaven. I love my little Icey so much.
30 posters can't be right. 40-60 makes more sense to me. There are threads dedicated to one chuba and they float between 30-60 ips. Surely a whorepo gets more than 30.
Freshly baked for your pleasure
Thank you for the bake!
You'd be surprised. Vallure is still brand new, and if you ever took a gander to other threads, especially before the IP count got removed, you'd see quite the disparity of posters. Some whole corpo threads would have around 10-30, others sometimes the highest would be 15. It makes sense to me, because if we had 50ish posters the thread would never truly "die" in speed like it does occasionally.
I'd say 30 is about right.
It sucks that the IP count and first post from IP was removed.
it's definitely way more than 30 lmao
factoring in timezones it's probably closer to 100 unique active posters throughout the day
In total sure, I think he's more talking about how many are here at a given time. Definitely not 100 at once at least.
I was more considering per thread. The overall community might be around 100 or more but only 30 or so post at any given time. We also can't really account for lurkers so the actual number of people watching the thread may be much higher

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