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Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Our Minecraft server:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>79564687
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sex with my cute wife
Why does it have to be 30 degrees at this hour.... I can't go out...
second is mine...
any. yuri activates the kissing fetish the most but i indulge in het yaoi and others too
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Love you, Milord!

Oh no... I'm sorry ToT
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wuca wuca!
i am getting SLEEPY because of my pain medication
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Last post but at what cost...
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what timezone do you live in you always snipe first it doesn't matter if i am staying up late, getting up early in the morning, or on a day off in the middle of the afternoon
ha! i can tell the lucubs and pentomos apart
I fucked up my soundpost but it still worked
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I love my bird wife Enna!
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This talk about sloppy movie kisses made me watch the Challengers kiss scene again... We need more fujoshi movies...
Pretty sure that same poster makes the thread.
she baked the thread and there's no cooldown for that
you can start baking in the future and grab the first post
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"isnt it an honor to hear your idol pissing?" - scarle 2024

scarle what the fuck.
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Luca love!
I still can't tell if you're a male or a female Famelira...
that didn't answer my question how does she do it 24/7
>challengers kiss scene
The boys kiss each other, not zendaya?
she has no life...
to be fair sometimes the thread is up for like 8 hours during dead hours
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infiltrating vrchat erp worlds to look for ike
baking isn't hard, just don't have a life
post a clip of it, i keep seeing stuff on tiktok about people being wet or getting aroused from the movie but ive never watched it
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My princess won't wake up hence I should too
Scarle drinks so much energy drinks I think her piss would be considered radioactive.
She only sleeps for 4 hrs everyday
I had a pretty good time yesterday after I went out! I managed to do everything I needed and even got myself something. There was one major bad thing that happened though but it can be fixed
but even neets need to sleep so how does she do it
she sleeps sometimes
also power naps
sometimes she's not here, you're just dum
its a comfydant and her comfydant slave baking, posting, and sleeping in 12 hours rotations
but then ill miss you uueee LIVE
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Imagine microdosing your sleep for a fucking /vt/ thread of all things what is wrong with you people
Imagine baking the thread using your phone hahaha....
You make threads then.
twisty in chat
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I post my pictures of myself, sorry for confusing you I've been just liveposting more instead lately
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ojou is awake
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she doesn't even do that you dumbass
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Gimmie video game music that reminds you of your oshi. I'll start
No Ike why live...
oh jesus christ wow
see even just the trailer for that movie triggered my autism irritation reaction so bad, but a doujin with a big slobbery kiss panel makes me uncontrollable
because what if he comes back! youll be DEAD
why is twisty streaming league at 2am
2D is superior to 3D in the end, I get it.
I'm suddenly so sad........
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>I post my pictures of myself
I don't click on catbox links 90% of the time, so I don't think I've ever seen pictures of you before, sorry...
>sorry for confusing you I've been just liveposting more instead lately
I'm not sure if you're mistaking me for another anon, I don't think I really interact with you, I was just curious since most Famelira I know and see are all boys, but you talk about BL and yaoi pretty openly and often, so I didn't know if you were a girl or a fudanshi.
it's a girl
it's a guy
Oh, yeah, that makes sense...
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imagine the smell of radioactive crotch
Oh, I am a girl. I don't really know how to make that apparent when I'm posting about streams or anything other than catbox
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I'll haunt him in his dreams
wait what catbox links
this is nice
She's a depressed femanon just like me
this is ugly
her tits
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Ahhhh yay! I'm glad you had a good time! I hope whatever it is will be okay though! I hope to go out tomorrow to run some errands and get items for the week!
Eeeeee!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5aeisPAzM4
her WHAT
idrk what ryoma was doing but that was pretty cool of him i think
thats all you need to know
her tiddies
imagine if it's cierra and miki
Cool, join the club
it's another persona that anon uses. they have multiple
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Despite everything I liked obysidia with all their flaws, I'll always support Rosemi-sama
I still have half of my yummy Hokkaido boba to drink later and the cake~
It won't be okay, I need to get it replaced...
ryomas just knocking down goons left and right what the fuck
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the art maybe abit rough
but this is SOUL
Let me know what other anon you think I am.
finana if you see this, please make this your next group cover
God I wish I had a comfydant slave
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Ohhh! I've heard of Hokkaido boba but I've never tried it myself! Let me know if you like that one! And cake sounds so good! I'm tempted to get some cake too tomorrow to have with lunch and Milord being in the DnD collab!
this but being a comfydant's slave
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I guess I could do that... Uuuuuu
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everything will be okay
Its june 30th...do you think..?
3.0 doko
everyone has to go back to being het
It's my favourite, I get it all the time! You should definitely try it. What cake are you getting?
Omg Im gonna cum buckets with petra's slutty 3.0
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im sucking his dick rn
>do you think..?
anon stop!
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Ahhhh!! Then I'll have to try it!! I think I know which shop to ask for it. I usually get red velvet cake since it's my favorite, but I'll also see if the shop has anything new for the summer season! If not today, I might get it Monday since it's right next door where I usually get lunch!
I tried to think but it didnt work....
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>do you think
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I hope so... I just want him to be happy
I'll turn Uki straight
some other ryonin is also job searching and ryoma said gl... don't remind me, i'm supposed to be searching but i got demotivated and i've just been a bum recently..
ryoma.. just eat better noodles
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ended on a W hells yeah we CANNOT end on a loss, ryotsu enjoy the cup ramen
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im sure he is, you can always send an offline dono saying you miss him
When will EN have the opportunity/time to do this stuff do they just have to film shit whenever they have their regularly scheduled orgies
ryotsu, heavy collab week for ryoma apparently
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bye bye ryoma, 2 streams in 1 day lets goo
The clique..
how many times must it be said that EN does not all live in japan
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nagao is so cute
I've never had red velvet cake, it looks so good though. I hope you enjoy whatever cake you get!
>when will EN do 3D streams like this when they all need to be flown to japan to do it and we're already about to have 2 weeks of no streams from members because of 1 concert
pls tream petra
Its easy. cubs are whores and pentomos are fake whores
I didn't say anything back then and that's why I'm not part of the clique...
only one of those fanbases posted their dick and balls here.
so true peto
lucub cock...
i wish, pentomos haven't post their cocks so far
only ass
Did you read this last half of my post nigga
bro saving money for car parts I CAN bet on that lmao.
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oh you missed it
i thought that was a rosebud
hm not that one
i can dream of her cover this shit....
which pentomo? aussie?
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Im one of the guy wiwas, i dont hate BL but its not my main source of entertainment. I do love when elira gets so animated when she talks about it though so that helps me enjoy it a bit too. I wouldnt call myself a fudanshi though. I just enjoy people being happy with themselves and eachother, even in my consumed media
Looking at vspoEN's debuts I've got a particular thought in mind - this is what NijiEN should have done for their gamers wave, an actual good gamers. I don't really care if those would be males or females - the only thing that matters is that they MUST be good at games.
And we got Krisis instead... I don't want to shit on Krisis - they are an entertaining and funny bunch. But no, they are far from gamers. They should've been in a normal wave. Did NijiEN had a bad reputation back then already so that no good gamers wanted to join? Or they are just so fucking bad at picking talents during auditions?
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The voices tells me he's not... I'm worried. But I hope everything is fine. Thank you cub
why does nijiEN need a gamers wave when men would just be indies so they can play games all day and not do vtuber duties, and women would join vspo
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i'll pray for both of our oshis to be okay and doing their best. likes being hidden really does cause more anxiety for this kind of thing
The fact that she dont bathe regularily is a huge turn off
Im also afraid for my self if i ever go to a con because im basically 1:1 her type
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nijien needs a new all girls wave
i hope you get it next time anon
That's healthy, I don't think I'll ever truly match all my oshi's interests 100% it's just nice that they align a lot of the times. It's why I started caring about Nijisanji, my view on EN female vtubers wasn't too great, not that they were bad but that they just never appealed to me/seemed to be solely for guys, until Lazulight. And listening to people being passionate about their favorite things is always a great time no matter the topic.
Why? I think mixed waves are a good filter for unicorns
>why does nijiEN need a gamers wave
Diversifying the content, creating new niches, increasing the average gaming skill of the branch, enabling them to compete with JP branch, etc.
>just be indies so they can play games all day and not do vtuber duties
The same can be said about females
>and women would join vspo
Looking at vspoEN's numbers - yes, they are better then current NijiEN's numbers, but back when NijiEN did their gaming wave auditions, NijiEN was close to their peak and was quite close to HoloEN.
i mean her type is a guy over 30 soooooo....
People who enjoy their hobbies will always be so much more alive than people who use other people as hobbies. Its why i follow and watch who i watch and follow
IM SO IN but im a mess
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Yeah honestly fuck Elon. I wanna see his silly lame likes and when he likes a bunch of pape photos to cheer himself up. Man
oh i'm not really interested in numbers convo i thought you were talking about actually watching streams
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Guy over 30
Long hair
Wears a mask
Rough look

Thank god she doesnt know where canada is

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nade nade someone will ruin his life eventually as karma
why is romantic vanilla sex so much more embarrassing then anything else
I want to kill myself without Ike
>Long hair
Oh Scarle has based taste too
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Ahhh because it requires a more intimate baring of the souls!!!
intimacy and genuine feelings versus just wanting to get a quick nut out of it
aint we all a mess anon...
its still funny the fact she didnt know canada exist until avril lavigne
missionary with eye contact, hands laced, deep kissing, lights on....
>and women would join vspo
You literally implied numbers yourself here. Don't try to pretend that you wanted to claim that vspo attracts females not because of numbers but because of some mysterious "gamer environment" there, lmao
next wave will have five girls
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Can someone link some funny clips please
I’m rewatching wosemi’s asmr stream she’s cute and funny
I didnt even know how to type during puzzles for the longest, so thats why im not in it either!
I don't think it is but it's really hot
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Both of us failed to join the clique...
>no lucub
that is just the loser clique
>donki and shitmint collabing AGAIN
It's true what they say: grifters stay together
And she will never live it down for as long as im raided into her stream every night
i don't even know what vspo's numbers are it just makes sense that female gamers would join a FEMALE GAMER company instead of an 'all purpose' company
>Don't try to pretend that you wanted to claim that vspo attracts females
okay.... it attracts females because they hire females only. inb4 'but they collab with men' yes that's not some sort of exclusion, in the normal world women and men play games together and don't have some weird unicorn expectation placed on them
pim is a 33 yo shota to me..
Doesnt help that i havent been around for puzzles for like months...
he is but then what does that make charlie and glep
Is she the queen bee
You didn't miss anything, there haven't been puzzles in months
Oh... I enjoyed those
Me too...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqOAMiKgVjs&t=345s I love this clip Hari is so cute
rosemi dying in her car karaoke
charlie feels like an ojisan to me.. glep is an ojisan bc he's 1000 years old
Twisty outing that wiwa was playing league again
Fish too
twisty why is there an echo...
WHAT i love charlie.. but he is an ojisan even if hes only 27
I'm ngmi
Sonny seems like he’s very anti racist and thinks blacks people are cool
He’s probably made fun of trannies and gays (especially the former) but is more open minded and tolerant now
pim is canonically 33 and charlie is 27 which is funny
Shes too afraid of intimacy due to being a giga virgin and a porn addict anyway. Shes not gonna get hitched until her mother traps her in a mexico marriage and leaves her there after stealing her passport
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Ahhhhh idk why this is the first thing that came to mind but I'll watch it from time to time when I'm editing videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOxutBMCOUc&list=PL6gOmwWD3sQJ37E6zNTcnY-ykaJqoEVEm&index=74
So many horror game suggestions
i also learned charlie has a girlfriend and glep has a wife
>the person asking for a girls only chained together collab
Why aren’t there more girl group collabs
The cancelled Idios like wave…
How tall are you?
i think its a good time to say i wouldnt mind fucking charlie smiling friends if i had to. just wanted to know if anyone is with me here
they named glep's wife marge simpson
I burst out laughing every time I get these skits on tiktok!
I'm 177cm
The ones that worry about it are probably 5'8'' or shorter
i am with you, i would fuck charlie and allan.
oh right and shes never seen the simpsons so dont ask her kek
i would wholeheartedly fuck charlie and zach hadel
Too tall
158 cm
I hate that canada still uses freedom units for
weight and height measurements. That like 5'10''?
There's a lower limit to people that worry about their height, below 5'8" they just stop caring and either become slim femboys or shredded dwarves
champion designs were cooler back then
>FEMALE GAMER company instead of an 'all purpose' company
Well, technically, if we compare peak skills, NijiJP is the actual vtuber gamer company
>okay.... it attracts females because they hire females only.
What's a very weak and weird argument. The limitation of the company wouldn't limit the choice of people in choosing the company. I guess that opportunities and growth are the main factors here.
>in the normal world women and men play games together and don't have some weird unicorn expectation placed on them
And here you decided to contradict your "argument"
Not 5'8" sorry, 5'3"
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They were pretty cute
I miss my 800x600 monitor
I don't get it but it was funny(?) I like the monkas purple guy
Kek, I got recommended this and it's wild how Kuzuha personality changes with people he's not comfortable with
I replayed it 3 times already the coffee guys cracks me up kek
Enna 3D...
Kek this is so dumb I giggled
Fair, they keep their complex to themselves or become an angry midget
The amount of aggressive short men is pathetically high.
They love taking their inferiority complex out on tall people
it's a weird argument to say that it makes more sense for gamer girls to join a gamer girl company?
im a short guy and i just get really scared around taller people and start shaking
188cm apparently
What is going on
I feel you... I just feel sad when I have to look up.. I will never forget the girls gossiping about they wouldn't date me because I was too short....
No, the weird argument was about females wanting to join a company that limits it's members to be only females. The argument about "gamer girls to join a gamer girl company" isn't weird, but is weak because skill-wise Niji can be considered a gamer company too, at least JP wave.
I like any clip of Ike being bratty
Why do people say stardew is chill? I get anxiety whenever I play it plus not being able to save wherever I want makes me even more anxious.
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because to be shown up skill-wise by men within the company might be something they don't want, operating by the 'girls are not as good as guys at games/reflexes' understanding, as well as JP esports sucking dog dick compared to most other countries, there is next to no biological female competitive gamer presence in the EN sphere both flesh and virtual too. or get this maybe being the first in a branch is more tantalizing than being #400
youre not? okay, say you dont like rosemi
when did it become 2am
it is chill once you get into a rhythm
This but 5 a.m.
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Its 5:30 here and the sun is peeking through my curtains and i should sleep...
running home at 1:30am is more stressful than a horror game
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I.... like Rosemi-sama...
twisty thinks shotas are disgusting
kodomo only is the best tag to come to the panda in years
You've talked about the exact same thing before.
its time to go to bed anons
If i sleep now, ill wake up in like 3 hours then go to breakfast...
yeah so go to bed
then why does she want aster to be a girl
She said that while also calling a shota a girl
Im with you though, she just said genderswaps are bad, ill get the pitch forks
But Ike could tweet at any second
she's right about genderswaps though
ill dm him not to, just sleep
Body swapping and the magic gender bending from h-manga is just too good though
focus on league twisty
twisty is going to forcefem ryoma...
does twisty have a trans fetish
i thought she just said she hates genderbend...
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Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Shubert LOVE
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam
Stream Infinity
She said it in reference to turning her into a boy/shota
I just don't like the feeling of it plus I can't really stop midgame so I have to plan out my sessions. Which is why I like to play FFT instead.
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I'm drunk reminiscing about bad memories im sorry...
She seems to encourage male -> female but hates female -> male
so girls -> boy is bad but boy -> girl is good?
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If you're in the mood
We can take it to the Moon
Just like a movie scene, girl
Table for two
No need to be fed
I want you instead
If you're in the mood
We can tip toe to the Moon.
Nade nade I hope you feel better

Ayo. FFT friend?!!
oh she just said so explicitly. BAAAAAAAAAASED
ok based
It would be a weird way for them lo look at this. Yes, they would be competitive in all-female company, but will get destroyed in competitions that includes male/mixed companies. Especially in competitions which imply teams having members only from their respective companies and not mixed teams, just like that r6s tournament where niji guys demolished vspo girls.
Thanks.. I'm listening to sad songs to cope.. I miss Rosemi-sama but I know she's working hard for AX concert....
SHe won, going to bed now, ima wake up at 9 to go to mcdonalds for breaky
i'm eepy suya suya anon
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Should I stay up to watch England who will go up 1-0 and then proceed to park the bus for the rest of the 90?
you think zako read the ike becoming a girl posts which is why she instructed for spiritmates to find a quilldren gf?
That aint for another 5 or 6 hours, no?
She knows quilldren are lonely and menhera..
but i thought she only liked full mtf not guy but feminized?
i mean every fanbase itt is lonely and menhera...
twisty secretly injecting ike with hrt when everyone goes to japan..
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gn for real this time.
shut up fuck you
dont leave me here
Yeah... I wonder if we could all be friends..
that's why he's MIA, it's making him have moodswings
I believe this rrat
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kadet daisuki nemui
Yes, but I'm feeling sleepy already
anyone gonna watch monkey ball with me
Ike is halfway there
make a synchtube and ill join
watching stuff on youtube but sure
i dont get the point when it's live and you can post here or in /2434/
we need to help elevate prolactin levels in ike as well, he can't have mommy milkies if there's no milk
i don't want him to have a pussy (if he has tits) though
he should have one or the other
she fort on my night till I battlepass
>he should have one or the other
Not having a vagina is already a win
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Wucub love! gn chu? Chu chu chu chu!
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ok ryoma.
I don't watch jp regularly what is this collab about
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Double D(oom)!
but ,if the liveposting i saw was true, twisty isn't a fan of dicks so you'll need to battle her
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fortnight battlepasss
i just shit, out my ass
booted up my pc, cuz i need need
to get that fornight battlepass

i like fortnight did i mention fortnight
i like fortnight
its night time
i mean 5 oclock thats basically night time
What if it's all gone. He doesn't have both. Just like Ken dolls
Ver is so cute...
will i ever be happy ever again? i want to go back to 2014...
only if it's incredibly sensitive and i can make him cum from touching it
hmmm nyo
What was happy about 2014?
new monkey ball game has a tournament, it's casual, also sponsored
in 2014 i was lusting over hetalia guys..
nijien wave for this feel
Ike only lets men touch him.
Oh, that's cool I didn't know monkey ball games were still continued I'll watch with you!
There seems to be some sort of Super Monkey Ball competition going on with some of the NijiJPs. I'm not sure who here would be interested in watching, but I thought I'd make a post about it in case anybody's interested, or if anybody's bored and not sure what to do or what to watch.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qccD5c7KFLw (Official Nijisanji Channel/Ex Albio & Ibrahim Host POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmD8gjHlhzc (Higuchi Kaede POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC_HO92VLqs (Yashiro Kizuku POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHkOmtKEZXo (Hanabatake Chaika POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ4QZushyMk (Honma Himawari POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpofaWgkvGc (Sasaki Saku POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U1FXMwABHo (Makaino Ririmu POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wRSKat598w (Shiina Yuika POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1SHU1WZzsA (Saegusa Akina POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25878AdwZSM (Hayama Marin POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STv8kw1LD4w (Yorumi Rena POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJd68w4sS6c (Matsukai Mao POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzmpUKAtvjY (Nagao Kei POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFGLUtRrF_c (Lauren Iroas POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onDkvOD-V9E (Leos Vincent POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzMsWT68ljY (Watarai Hibari POV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-KUPIT40_E (Sakaki Ness POV)
idk how anyone can do sleep streams, as a vtuber i'd be scared of farting, and the one time i heard a flesh streamer have one he had a wet dream
holy smokes
thanks for the links we were just discussing it actually
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Ahhhh good night! Hope everyone enjoys streams and has a great rest of their day! Going to enjoy Twisty as I fall asleep, and I'll be enjoying the DnD collab over lunch later today to enjoy Milord!!!!!
nta what if he has both
uki uki cup...
that's also good, i just don't like ike fully turning into a girl
i have ivy for that
Yeah, I saw, I didn't know if anybody was aware of it. I only just found out it was happening a couple hours ago. Glad I could provide.
Why is there a nigga called Ness?
God I wish Rosemi-sama could play Ape Espcape.. It's such a silly and funny game;;
Goodnight kindred! Sleep well
zoomer language perturbs me with fanum tax and all that but I regularly say "I shit out my ass" because of that video
hes a cool nigga he can play a dance of ice and fire blindfolded and can beatbox/rap
You don't like cuntboys?
The last time Vanta wokr up in the morning. Vanta... it's going to be okay, we love you
Ver waking up while pissing himself and in his sleepy terror narrating the whole thing...
>"No! I can't pee myself on stream! No, my pyjamas, my... It's all coming out..."
I like cuntboys. I don't like cuntboys with tits.
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Ahhh good night!! Sweet dreams too!
Same reason there was a VTA guy named Gungnir
Goodnight kindred! Sleep well!!
The winner gets a skin in super monkey ball
Okay me too. I feel like Ike can't turn into a full girl because Ivy is a totally different personality
I fucking sleep talk, viewers would get random out of context snippets from "But Mom, he's been dead for years you can't text him" to "You need to add salt, Yes it's not a food but it's not going to have flavour." which are both apparently things I've said.
Ike is Ivy.
Ivy is Ike.
outside of skill id like a ponpima or leos skin
>a dance of ice and fire blindfolded
I'm being led to believe that it's easier to play it blindfolded/eyes closed if he did that and Alban played best with his eyes closed.
yeah ive been on sleep calls with people and they told me i moan and say names in my sleep, it would be fun to see more livers do it but i would be scared
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Ahh good night Scythekick! Excited that Doppio will also be playing with Milord and the gang!! It'll be so much fun!
the winner gets to SKIN THE MONKEY BALL??
2 hours later, but I think we can expect a 3D karaoke with the girls. Emphasis on "the girls".
OI claread it wit hmy eyes closedeasier before but some patterns are easier with visuak feedbakc
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I'm excited to see our oshis interacting again!! Wah, it's all exciting, D&D is exciting! Thank you Aia!!
looks like you typed this post with your eyes closed too huh
Did you just type this with your eyes closed kek
Wanna do a heist anon?
typibgeitj your rted clodrf id gun (typing with your eyes closed is fun)
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i caantt type anyy7more ts over
I can type with my eyes closed pretty easily. Heres my attempt completely unedited.
molesting this drunk shota bud
anon yuou know i really fucking hate ypur hgutts (anon you know i really love you so much)
I can type with my eyes closed too, uh I dont have anything unique to type... I like milk from mens tits
this is me tyoping with my eyes closed
What are we stealing? Maybe.
It is but I touch type and it's no issue to type with my eyes closed in fact I probably only lose a few wpm due to it compared to eyes open (< typed with closed eyes with no correction after)
This is me typing with my eyes closed.
wtf how are you guys so good at touch typing, i was decent at it back in middle school but i can't do it for shit now (not typed with my eyes closed)
im typing with my eyes closed because i have fomo. i love ryojisan i will suck his ojisan cock gn anons
Actually watch this I'm going to type out a transcript of ryoma killing a guy in apex legends.

welp this isnt great for usn ot going to lie. Ow what did that dude have? he got the rezzes off NO! I don';t think, I dont think thi s is a good mode to solo queue into
I love Ike
Typing with my eyes closed
I'm typing with my mouth closed right now aren't I so cool
check it out anon im closing my ass as i type this
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Open your eyes. Look at her.
I type hunt-and-peck style, at least I think I do.
>Ryoma and Twisty
>both doing guerilla streams late at night
why are they such gremlins?
Can I look at Doppio instead?
I need a docle in my klife..
realizing now that door/doorothy would never be able to learn how to type
honest answer? they probably legit hang out a lot on call with klara whos on the other side of the world so naturally their sleep schedules changed to suit
That's a man
who is the ange of en
I just know where my keys are amd it takes a little when I change keyboards between my laptop, work and PC but I grew up in the brick and fliphone era and used to type beneath my deal and text while driving without looking at my phone so as long as I can reposition my fingers with the F and J id I get lost I'm all good. Damn I'm pretty impressed with that, it's probably why I can type near perfectly when blackout drunk too, my fingers have finger memory, maybe piano and violin helped too
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Of course you can!
Peanut butter on my balls, let the dog lick it.
How did the monkey get into the ball
Sun team is getting annihilated
Those are my hands btw
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I love Rosemi with all of my heart!
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no this is
you typed this with your eyes closed now can you make a vocaroo of it with your mouth closed
Ike's sister 3D
Ike... where's your 3D...
Peanut butter on my balls, let the dog lick it
Imma playing ball and you bet that I kick it
Scoring goals non-stop but I ain't been getting holes
That be why have my dog do this instead of getting dolls
half a chance the anons who are good at typing with their eyes closed are probably writers
>shin got 3D first
why are her balls so ashy
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im never clickin another x sçink again...
im not, i just play alot of online games with text chat
i even typed this with my eyes closed
You would be correct on that in my case, not professionally unless I'm between jobs and takinf comms but I;m at around 300 fics on my main Ao3, have three rhat I post between and was active during the fanfiction.net and LJ days too sometimes I write for /nenmen/ too. Plus my profession when in work is email based so lots of typing there as well. all eyes closed, not bad and yeah you have a good point on that
isn't that what balls just look like
i've seen a lot of femboy accounts with balls like that
maybe it's the lack of testosterone? could also just be an asian thing
i thought buds liked pantyhose
SS13 anon...
i have never actually gotten a good look at guys' balls i didn't know they were ashy like that
When will luxiem get 3D?
I like girls not boys.......,
eyes closed time is over, rap verse writing time is here
are you gay or something
genitals look pretty weird when not highly edited
here, i think this one is a girl
Sun team...
Do you ever type fics while looking at a pose sheet? Or just general eyes closed to "feel" a scene? Ido it sometimes and Now I'm wondering it's a common thing or not one typo
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>i think this one is a girl
Pretty legs
i follow a lot of femboy accounts and i don't understand chinese sorry
Please post girls...
There's no bulge and face looks female, it should be a girl
H-Holy feet..
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Just realised women get paid less than men, I can't believe it.
I'm learning so much reading this feminist book right now while bicep curling 160lbs so I can get stronger and beat this "period cramps" thing that's hurting you femanons so mucs.
Oops just a small typo there haha sorry, my curly hair got in my blue eyes for a second, silly 6'5 me.
if it makes my dick hard it's a girl
ILRM (i love rosebuds man)
I've watched porn videos before writing to make sure that I'm more accurate in describing things if it's something that I don;t usually write so rather than pose sheets I've got something up on xvideos on one screen and typing as I use it as referenxe before going back to the other and fixing stuff up for character and grammar but usually while typing anything I just look at the screen the words are appearing on. I don't think I've ever closed my eyes when writing fic but I've definitely watched reference on one screen while typing on another. Writing is funny like that, I know some people that need music playing or silence and others who get up and mimic a position to describe it, I currently either put on a stream of the point of view character to listen to if it's a vtuber or pull up porn if I need to but usually I read back things every few paragraphs to make sure my chatacter voices are alright. Interesting test of typing this has been but I guess it's kind of nice to see that I'm not that awful when I have no cision.
Do you voice the characters too? got a RJ demo?
Will sonny sell out his m&g tickets....
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Did I kill the thread with that post?
the only thing you kill is everyone because ur drop dead bbygirl
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>ur drop dead
I want to live!
>rap verse writing time is here
Oh fuck
>Peanut butter on my balls, let the dog lick it
>Imma playing ball and you bet that I kick it
>Scoring goals non-stop but I ain't been getting holes
>That be why have my dog do this instead of getting dolls
Pull up to the party slap my meat on the barbie, hanging with the bros 'cuz I'm a Ken with no Barbie
Gunna have then beer head out to catch a stream, at least in my car they can't hear my as I scream
And you'd be wrong if it was agony, that's not where you'll be catching me
Diamond City Lights up my nights driving by the sights
Alert on my phone lets me know I should be home, to make a cup of tea and pull up my oshi
I love you anons
Sun team is killing it in the solo modes
I know you don't mean it but i appreiatte it
I dont, I hope these threads die soon
Now to work overtime to refill my account....
As best as I can yes, I do. Sometimes I do as good of a job as I can to translate them to JP if it's a Japanese fandom to check that my writing matches the original as best as it can despite writing in English. And no sorry I just type in search terms for the tags I'm adding as I need to type them if they're new or I haven't written them for a while so don't have any specific go to videos for anything.
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eepy peepy goin to sleepy
The clique finished their gaming session? Gn anyways peep.
Look at the Mille buttons on the bag
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what clique? i was talking to an anon the entire time i came back from work

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