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gura proceeds to ignore ERBie
>monetization coming
tick tock homobeggar and sister
What's the issue? I've got no problems with girl on girl collabs.
why doesn't the big shark just eat the smaller tubers
"(my oshi) is not comfortable with collabing with homoEN (some of them are certified subhumans) that means her fanbase must be unicorns"
peak sister logic right here
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- Elizabeth is a homo lover.

This is probably the issue, anon.
I can't stop gooming to the thought of ERB defiling Gura by dragging her to a homo collab
t. sister
So are/were Mori and Kronii. OP is just reaching. Unicorns have no issues with girl on girl collabs, who those other girls collab with is not an issue.
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But they'll have issues if Gura acknowledges Elizabeth and goes out of her way to collab with her.
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>Sees cat incluning after getting 2 gura messages in her chat
>goes straight for the sharcock despite only caring about homos before
I understand you're getting scared but don't be so blatant about it
Disgusting fucking leech.
Is no longer lusting after males nor does she "chat" with them like what Elizabeth does.
No I won't. Though catalogue shitstirrers will sure as fuck try to make it look that way, like they always do. ERB's a girl, Goob's a girl. That's that. Unicorn safe collab, anything else is just shitstirring from people with the wrong skincolour.
>\"No I won't.\"
Then you are one of the "rare" males who can be respected because you are a male who dislikes drama and prefers supporting Vtubers you love.
we didn't have issues with aqutan collabing with towa and suisei why would we have any with an erb collab?
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>trying to drag Gura into this
Kys. Also.
>Gura sempai
Well I'm content. I leave now.

Aren't males no matter how much we like to meme it being true.
This is going to be like Mori's party again, isn't it?
RIP Goomba.
no but they are male collabers just like erb is and there wasnt an issue at all
>>79583438 (me)
*or just like erb will be rather
>Gura, the biggest EN vtuber and the pillar of western vtubing
>Nerissa says 2 comments
>Astel, a random homo that plays fps
>100+ comments
What does she mean by that?
- JP collabs with males: fine.
- EN collabs with males: NOT fine.

This is why, anon.
Gura will purify ERB!
Gura will only hang out with Raora since they go way back pre-Holo
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King Arthur couldn't pull me out of this.
Anon, "ERB" already commented more in male's streams than Suisei did in the last 6 years kek
Besides we all know that 95% of Suisei's collabs are music related
yeah i bet you hope they'll kiss too
you'll like that wouldn't you
it's funny how quick the "ERB HATES LOLIS" rrat died
Yeah, me. I'll slap her shark tail untill she moans if she talks with another male
that doesn't change anything about what i said erb is a not a male there are no issues no matter how much you want it to be
>pillar of western vtubing
are chumbuds really this delusional?
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>sudden G1 chad
based based based
hope erb will be an ollie and bring gura to collab with the homos.
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no, gura is for moom lips only
Where's the delusion? Even non-holos admit to this objective fact. In Japan things are different, Pekora is bigger for example, but in the english speaking world Gura is the face and brand on which the entire fucking industry found success.
Well she is the LARGEST Vtuber in Hololive according to the sub count, anon.
Can't wait for the next homoflop graduation.
another thread for shitposters to circlejerk huh
being the most popular is not equal to being a "pillar", retards
Then who would you consider a pillar?
If she were to go down everything around her would fall appart.
So, no one in EN?
If Gura went down the face of EN would be Mori, and I'm certain nobody wants that. Mori would be free and would start to spread the devil's word(male collabs)
Gura completely ignoring the homos put pressure on them, if Mori was the leader then holoEN would turn into Vshoujo 2.0
>Don't mention homos during collab
>Don't bring any homos into the collab
>Don't reply to homos during collab
Follow that guideline then it fine. Worked for Bae and Mori, surely erb can follow simple etiquette.
I didn't see many (or any) thread when IRyS collabed with Bae or Kronii or Morii (or Mumei / Fauna with Bae)
she has so far at least, so I'm hopeful
the second she pulls an Ollie though, it's over for her
No they won't, they'll only take issue if ERB is stupid enough to bring up homos in the collab which is unlikely because she'll be too busy kissing gura's ass for deigning to allow her to leech a little from her presence.
chumbies are a deranged group but they're not so deranged as to perceive a nonexistent threat from another holomember.
I despise unicorns, but I despise beggars even more
Hey, I went to Elizabeth's channel to try to catch up on the new gen, but she barely has any VODs compared to everyone else. Is she not streaming?
Nta but he said he doesn't care if it girl and girl collab. If hope you don't short circuit when you found out he doesn't care about homo.
>Makes the most of any
How it always goes.
nope I guarantee at some point she will have a collab with someone and then invite a guy unannounced
and when she gets punished for it it'll all be reeing about unicorns having caused it and not her breaking the fucking rules
Isn't as popular like what Gura is.
/vt/ will take issue REGARDLESS if Elizabeth brings up homo's or not.
>ame couldn't make her do it
>mori couldn't make her do it
>kronii couldn't make her do it
>ERB will make her do it
Gura won't even talk to her.
This red woman has mindbroken unicorns and homobeggars alike, impressive feat I must admit. Not gonna watch.
will she blackmail gura... im worried uwu
>worked for Bae
>left midway collab with Fauna to congratulate Fagni for his birthday
Worked out really well for Bae huh?
By that logic there IS no pillar of vtubing. No single chuuba is so important that the industry would collapse without them, that's retarded. Yagoo would be the closest thing to qualify.
are you stupid? this would literally only work in an openVC stream, otherwise the girls would know ahead of time that she invited a homo, and the EN girls/the homos don't play any openVC games together like minecraft or rust, so how exactly would ERB manage to invite a homo to a stream, without the girls finding out, and having them just join VC? hell the homos aren't stupid, they know they'd get a ton of shit for it, if they saw that ERB was in a VC with hologirls that do not associate with them, they wouldn't be stupid enough to join

TL:DR, there's no planet where this happens, the CGDCT faction will remain unaffected
The Tempus guys probably know enough about the culture by now, but I wouldn't put it past the armis retards to pull a stunt like that.
Anon gura hasn't even had a 1on1 collab with any of the advent girls yet, why even bother speculating on a collab between these two
It's like speculating on how high a cow can jump, they can do it, but the chances of you seeing it are real fuckin low
they've definitely all been warned by cover and the other guys about this . It would be incredibly surprising if any one of them was not at least advised about the potential backlash they'd receive for talking to the girls. I mean if I joined homostars and had no context for anything, I think i would probably start asking questions when I saw all the females in the company ignoring me like the plague.

TL:DR that is also incredibly unlikely

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