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Nijisociopath communities are crumbling under their own sociopathy.
Please tell down sir!
Why is it always Hex fans?
Mentally ill like Vox's fujo's + Unironically all being underage
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You get plenty of that just for being a fan of his, though I doubt cunts like this ever stray from their safe bubble far enough to ever realise.
>Hex fans again

What exactly did these idiots do ? I'm curious but too lazy to do reps on Twitter
and these are the sisters beggars will drag into holo
From what I understand they started bullying/doxxing each other out of jealousy.
wtf am I reading? what is this about?
>You guys have grown up pubic hairs below yet acting like a highschooler
I seriously doubt that these are not underage people.
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jesus why are they so awful?
I got dmed by another guy who is love with my oshi and instead of being a jealous bitch, he complimented me. Men rock
>nijikeks vs nijibronies
let me grab my popcorn
Goddamn hex sisters did what?
why are holofags like this
This is an elaborate joke right? There's no way they can themselves that
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>hexsisters civil war
>why are holofags like this
sometimes sisters deserve fisting but not in sexual way
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>Niji on Niji violence
Who could have seen this coming when you court leftoids and insects and a fanbase
Is there a retard civil war brewing? Coz I ain't reading all that shit.
>Nijisisters ran out of external targets to doxx so now they're doxxing each other
Oh how I wish it was a joke too
>to get away with your atrocities
Damn they sound like they are about to conduct The Nuremberg Trials or some shit
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Can nijikeks give us an all out war status?
Kek I forgot about that
What a cringe motherfucker
I'm confused, it seems like there are allegations of bullying or stalking in this community but who exactly is doing that and why?
most of them are leftover women in their 30s or 40s
nijisisters know that dramatubers are watching their every step so they'll never post receipts of anything and keep it in their discord cults and twitter DM's.

They even started not writing the names of niji organs and just using their oshi marks or outright censoring the names, to avoid people being able to find their posts with search
Lmao they got two days before the merger
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Feels like an all out civil war right now
lmao they'd rather do that shit instead of trying to acts like proper adults with common sense for once
As expected of a cult
KWAB and completely expected. Back when the other site was still up, the entire section for that wave was unusable because every page was full of people whining about drama within the group. High school level bullshit that distanced me from watching anyone in kurosanji long before any major yabs.
Wouldn’t be surprised, most of the arguments I saw were about certain people trying to get all of the attention and looking pathetic while doing so.
He called them that since Day 1. He's doing this shit on purpose.
How did OP find this then? OP's a sister?
The branch wouldn’t flop this hard if they use 2% of their energy on supporting the organs who work for their oshi Anycolor. But instead they are fighting each other over… what now? I can’t tell if they are underage or never mentally grow past high school.
>why are nijifags like this
ftfy retard
>I can’t tell if they are underage or never mentally grow past high school.
They’re women.
I thoroughly checked the situation and found no bullying or harassment.
It's easy to see. Every time one of them on twitter asks for a qrd the other replies "DM".
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There probably isn't any, but that wont stop them from tearing each other apart.
>i checked my own crime and find myself not guilty
KEK sister
Fucking lmao
Blood loss
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poor fucker
Anon... the joke.. your head...
What a weak faggot, twattards these days couldn't hack it on an xbox lobby fucking kek
Fanbase drama like this isn't even good yab bait. *sigh*
I love how all the fans are pretending that Hex didn't support Selen's bullying. Imagine building a community about a guy like that.
He’s quoting certain black colored vod
anon...you also... missed.....the joke.
Most of the remaining nijifans drank the kool aid, everyone sane left after the black frame stream.
>Nijifags shit on holo fans
>Nijifags shit on vshoujo fans
>Nijifags shit on dragoons
>Nijifags shit on wisps
>Nijifags shit on other Nijifags
Why are they like this????
How is this a yab when its an everyday occurence in chronoir circles?
Pic related
Just like real life, Emperor Riku have severed all ties with the small EN nation after losing wars back to back, leading into a power vacumm. The two dukes would go into a war, leading their peasants and serfs into a pointless battle of recovering whatever scraps they can.
They straight up admit their oshi is the corpo lol they don't even watch them
nijisanji and bullying, name better duo KEK
Remember anontachis, being a sickling/and kindred is borderline a mental illness.
>mental strength
I thought at first that this was just a larper, especially because of the censoring, but the Google results seem to come back to this actual Niji fan - https://x.com/SoruuKaii - though it seems like they deleted the original tweets.
a house made of a deck of cards isn't mental strength. I cbf with them anymore yet they still go out of their way to harass everyone.
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reminds me of this
Is this that faggot ducky?
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God I love this model so much
The bottom white censorship looks like a dildo
one of the biggest anycolor bootlicker on the planet
iirc he had a past deleted rant where he said that he would rather see the livers get screwed over/terminated than the company getting screwed over and terminated since anycolor can just fine new livers but there wouldnt be a new anycolor
Do you have a screenshot of the rant by any chance?
>can't even pretend they're still nijiniggers because of "their oshis" or "the corp is actually good i swear"
>literally admitting they're just doing it because of sunk cost fallacy
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i did at one point but lost it when i reformatted my pc ill try to dumpster dive and see if i find it
guy is also famouse for being the origin of the
>the only reason why anycolor looks bad is because hololive treats their livers better so anycolor being bad is hololives fault
which was another variant of this rant
>new Nijiyab
>its just a bunch of twitter whining from literal whos
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Jesus christ
arent 3 of those his biggest paypigs?
ok so out of all nijiEN...whomst've has the least amount of drama, whether it be from them or their fanbase?
Petra probably
Holy night..maybe eugenics was the right path after all. Legitimate question: how do these kind of people survive in the real world? What happens to them when it all collapses? Do they slink back into whatever primordial ooze spewed them out? Are these real humans? Oh god,...theres no way i share a genetic structure with these things
brother does not know Petra's previous life lmao...
are they? i know a bunch of bettel’s early paypigs were ex-sicklings that left him for too much toxicity and somehow ended up performing this same behavior on twitter
>not even hiding that they oshi the stocks and Riku
Petra is at fault for accidentally leaking the ALL OUT WAR discord convo, also she's basically abandoned Rosemi by her lonesome and joined Ethyria
Maybe Maria? The only drama I've seen of her is her refusing to remove zaion from their song cover.
>also she's basically abandoned Rosemi by her lonesome
They just started a collab project together
society coddles everyone now. Natural selection should have weeded out a lot of people as well for the stupid shit they do but many safety measures means they continue to survive. Also there exist jobs that have an over inflated price to other peoples well being that continue to exist disproportionate to their importance / usefulness.
>Maybe Maria?
Maria is the cause why Ren and his gf broke up. She started menhera posting about trust issues a few weeks after the australian offcollab with him luca and maria doing that morning twitter space
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>the source of all Hololive's flaws is prioritizing quality over quantity
one is the mod of his fancord
Christ that fourth paragraph.. complain about gatekeeping while demonstrating the importance of gatekeeping these niggers out.
>how do these kind of people survive in the real world?
well in his defense he has the right to be schizo about nijisanji since he was supposedly an old clipper as well but left due to low views
So we know vtubing is unsustainable in the long run as a singular mode of income, so long as you are able to save properly you should be fine, point being, eventually it will end. But, what happens to obsessive fans once it is all over like this poor soul?
>actual schizophrenic going "so what if people are getting worked to death, not getting paid and driven to suicide I still support nijisanji"
This is what real mental illness looks like
How much money do you think he invested into the stocks and he cant afford to fail? All of it?
>See, the problem is that I'm not a Nijisanji fan. I'm a fan of some bizzaro version of Nijisanji that doesn't actually exist
I pity the man, what a horrible realization to have.
>also she's basically abandoned Rosemi by her lonesome
>Trust me dude Rosemi is all by herself and not friends with anyone in the branch
Is such a fucking pathetic "one of the good ones" cope when she's been collabing with NijiEN still
i dont even know what to say.
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>See, te problem is that I'm not a Nijisanji fan. I'm a fan of some bizarro version of Nijisanji that doesn't actually exist
If only more sisters realized this maybe the organs would be a little happier.
Plus friends behind the scenes and stuff from that WoW leak.
Scarle, Vivi and Kunai are the only ones who have stopped doing collabs.
He encourages this kind of behaviour. And is also being a hypocrite about it. Waah mental health problems are srs business I have one. Oh a minor inconvenience? Let me just tweet about killing myself.
I can't even feel bad for them. It's genuinely just hilarious how they're eating each other, now.
oh neat both khyo and false might be interested in this
thanks op
Scarle was never big on collabs and the clique shilled her recent outfit reveal, and Vivi was joking around with Fullgut on twitter the other day.
Once again your "one of the good ones" attempt falls on its face
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yeah around last year
troubles started after the overnight offcollab
>Legitimate question: how do these kind of people survive in the real world?
idk what kind of "world" you guys living in your "first world country" but how the fuck you guys can create ppl like this? like seriously and just because they survived now doesnt mean its a good thing even for themself.
>Scarle was never big on collabs and the clique shilled her recent outfit reveal, and Vivi was joking around with Fullgut on twitter the other day.
So they are not doing collabs. Thanks for proving my point.
I though this nigga married
>omits pertinent information to try and paint them as one of the good ones
>For any new sicklings
>implying there are new nijiEN fans
Holy copium, batman
holy shit he choose this black company and their livers over her KEK
Short hair is a downgrade.
I never tried to paint them as "one of the good ones", I just said:
>Scarle, Vivi and Kunai are the only ones who have stopped doing collabs.
Just take the L and fuck off if you don't know how to read.
Spare me the damage control, we all know what subtext you were trying to convey, loser.
Hey man keep the goalpost in place ok?
they are truly mentally ill
Anon, please, stop crying and just read more carefully next time.
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>company is cutting off life support
>audience is infighting
>nothing you do generates excitement
>mentally most of your colleagues are either in a spiral or exhausted
What's the best course of action for an organ right now? How do you even begin preparing an exit with a "we'll let you go when we feel like it" date without drowning in the sea of indie?
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>doesn't even watch streams
What a piece of shit
You are entitled to your objectively wrong opinion
I would start sad posting in the PL twitter and talking to old friends, try to have a decent collab network for when I get out.
If I could draw, I would take commissions and generate twitter activity with that too.
On my niji account, I would go for isolation. Low collab amount, fun but short streams. Maybe show a bit of sadness at the end of streams, to hint not everything is okay. Try to get away with turning off superchats as much as possible, and have a streamlabs link up and running on my PL.
Oh wow. I wonder if Maria and Ren were one of the couples that Raziel was talking about.
Holozhang deflection thread
This seems to be the way Kunai and to certain extent Vivi are going. Kunai now follows Sayu, Doki, and Mint on her PL account. The Mint follow is probably forgivable by sisters and not a clear indication of anything, but following Sayu and Doki is a pretty clear statement.
very likely
Like that anon said it a downgrade, i love the old doki smug and cute face, she look like tanya now.
>On my niji account, I would go for isolation. Low collab amount, fun but short streams.
I'd probably do the rest, start spamming collabs so that people would see me more and follow me more.
>start spamming collabs
maybe, but outside niji, the goal is to have your name as detached from nijiEN as possible
Periodically deluded anons on /vt/ tries to persuade the board that this or that random liver they like is "one of the good ones " and "just about to leave", but Kunai in the only one I 100% believe is ready to check out at any moment.
>They even started not writing the names of niji organs and just using their oshi marks or outright censoring the names, to avoid people being able to find their posts with search
Anon, people have been doing that for as long as vtubers have been a thing. NijiENfags are retarded for only adopting that practice now though.
>acts like proper adults
most of are minors
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nijisanji EN
Egosearching NijiEN livers of the archive
>>79594397 This is the post you are looking for. This is the way. Quietly quit. Tang ping.
was suprised to see vivi do a collab mari mari underscore en recently
Full on damage control now, aren't ya sis?
I mean, he's also called Haywire. So it's mental illness all around, baby
It's gotta be Doppio, right? That dude even kept himself clear of the Zaion thing when every other XSOLEIL put something out about it. I can't think of anything with him.
Oh I know that guy
he's just a kid, let him be.
wasnt it alban knox, feel like ive never seen any drama with him, same with doppio, probably the only 2 liver i know of that has no yab, or at the very least, no big yab
Kunai as well. But yes Doppio always seems to be pretty clean, and iirc his PL has been in Sayu's chat at least once.
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Doppio always seemed like a legit cool guy, I feel bad for him.
>iirc his PL has been in Sayu's chat at least once
It was Scarle.
It’s kind of funny that the guy who actually did asmr on pornhub on his PL has a cleaner slate than Vox
Shit, I can't.
He was having fun with Selen when she was still doing the wrestlesanji thing, iirc
Luxiem, mental illness
Scarle is a good girl, don't be surprised when she graduates and collabs with Doki
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Trolling or retarded
Pick one
Would they though? They don't really seem to have similar content.
No fucking way the company lets her go, not with the SC money she brings to the table. And who even knows if she wants to leave right now. Either she just doesn't give a fuck anymore, or the management broke her in after the Raziel leaks, the Kurosanji comment, and the Starbucks shitshow.
Scarle is a lost cause.
I don't think such a collab would ever happen, they have basically nothing in common.
I wish Scarle well nonetheless, even more so since she had the spine to not retweet the black stream.
Nta but the bottom "unknown" one is clearly Mysta. The first one I can't make out but all they say is "too scared to go to sleep." The anon you're replying to didn't mention any of those who seemed to be involved it the chat at this point.

And besides, as much of that chat seemed awful at the time it completely pales in comparison to everything that's happened since.
Fatgut should've graduated over this. Sad fat little shit.
>No fucking way the company lets her go, not with the SC money she brings to the table.
Pomu and Selen were by far the two most profitable women in the entire branch and they let both of them go over very petty reasons. Niji management aren't known for making sound financial decisions.
Anon, who are these motherfuckers and more importantly how did you find them?
I don't keep up with nijis PLs who's wolfychu?
The fuck?
Maria is literally the definition of 6/10.
She's nothing compared to Wolfy.
Risotto's gf
Anyone that believes america or europe is first world in anything but name is genuinely retarded. Secondly, it's unfortunately illegal to administer intelligence tests and then cull the lowest percent.
Genuinely I think the winning move is to give 2 weeks notice.
>b-but Niji doesn't do 2 weeks notice! they decide when you quit
Sue me then. See how that goes when I release your email threatening to sue me onto twitter.
Woman moment
Wait, so Maria is a dorobou neko?
Im not reading all that shit
Explain it in 2 sentences please
This is not confirmed or anything, but I've seen some people say it and it sounds plausible - it might be that Nijisanji is withholding payments. So for example, they pay some % of what you a liver made in a month at the end of the month and then they pay the rest of the % several months down later. This will allow Niji to give financial payments, without having to ask the liver back for their money.
So if you have to burn something like 50% of your income for the last 3-4-5-6 months just to walk away, it becomes an issue, especially when you have to
>Pay for a new model, because you either didn't have one or it's from 2020
>Pay for new rigging
>Pay for new assets assets
>Pay for your living expenses and other stuff
And this doesn't even factor in stuff like your mama/papa needing 3-9 months to make your model, because they have a backlog to go through.
>I'll still support them but I draw a hard line at watching streams.
>This is not confirmed or anything,
Actually wasn't a lot of this in that leaked contract?
Financial penalties for up to an year were there, but there was nothing about delayed payment. I think the contract was very barebones and it's probably just one of several documents that need to be signed.
>ASMR on Pornhub
I don't think I'd be comfortable listening to ASMR while multiple thumbnails of 19-year-old SunnySwallows97 getting fisted is up to the side.
The Nijisisters are eating each other. And not the hot kind.
Pretty much.
lmfao I can't, they truly don't give a shit about any of the livers, for them the company is like a god, truly a cult til the end
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Imagine being an organ and finding out this is your fanbase.
Withholding income for X months like that only works as a deterrent if you have been working there for less than X months. After that point your "income" is just what you were always getting since it is your up-front money and the backpay. Quitting then doesn't cause you any more financial damage than leaving a job with an equivalent normal wage (although admittedly if you are a fucking moron like half the livers, it might *seem* scarier to leave).
>stuff about redebuting as an indie is expensive
Grab a pngtuber model or recolor one of those stock vtuber rigs and get to grinding. If you can't retain an audience with that, and if no other corpo will take you in and fund a debut for you, then you were always fucked no matter what. At least McDonalds is hiring.
Damn, I thought she's a good girl based on how she approached the Cover with Zaion.
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This is the closest thing to "receipts" I've seen so far.
Shoe replied to "too scared to go to sleep" message with let's go Reimu so its reasonable to assume it's her. Probably got nothing to do with the all out war though
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Lurkers, what is your opinion on shota Pio?
Sex Gaywire
He needs to be free so he can collab with Flay in peace
The fuck do you mean shadow bullied???? Are these people children??
Yes, literally and unironically.
Needs correction.
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>kind human beings like him
lmao even
Fans reflect the streamer.
Hey, just like /nijien/
How should I be reading this? Manga or western?
Organs and play buttons
Vanta "quit saying fucked up shit on my channel" black?
Cute legs, would bite and kiss.
holy fucking kek I am howling, this guy literally got mindbroken by 2d anime girl streamers
Imagine joining the company to unite with your oshis only to watch them all leave one by one and then having the entire fucking thing collapse due to your own coworkers' stupidity, all while becoming a laughingstock by association, having your employers give you zero support for whatever reason and essentially not even getting paid for enduring all this shit.
kys pedo
i wonder if this anon is still /here/ or if he killed himself out of shame
Yeah Vanta is the only organ I GENUINELY feel bad for, ESPECIALLY since his birthday celebration was either later in the day after Selen was terminated or the next day afterward and he couldn't cancel on such short notice.
Oh yeah almost forgot about that.
Be honest, if you replaced "Niji" with "Hololive" and posted this in the catalog you'd have a thread full of anons saying "based"
You know you'll be doing that to Gura, kek
I wouldn't kiss Gura, shark skin is infamously rough due to being made of teeth
There would be a lot of anons saying that, yeah, and I'd shit on them too. The way Kronii got screwed over with her latest outfit reveal was fucking appalling from the EN social media team.
hatefucking culture is a thing
As a sister, I see this only as a good thing. The fanbase needs a purging and maybe we can get back to enjoying our oshis rather than playing sick life ruination games over entertainment.
Downgrade with no boobies and short hair
>feel like ive never seen any drama with him
>ignoring his meltdown before his break to own le haters
Not all of us watch them so there will be gaps. The only thing about him I know is that he's altare's friend and he called petra Gura.
>hololive out of nowhere
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What is going on with this guy?
I thought Maria has that 'roommate' freeloader bullshit going on
Male vtubers were a mistake
>would start sad posting in the PL twitter and talking to old friends, try to have a decent collab network for when I get out
Vivi is doing it right now
she had a collab with Marimari_en and Miia this week
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These are the people condemning imaginary unicorns /here/ btw.
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You are making it too obvious
>Marimari underscore EN collab with a NijiEN organ
Disappointed, ngl.
Oh yeah. Is this because of them doxxing and harassing the hex clipper?
Fucking disgusting.
literal mental illness, these femcels need to touch grass
That was a great stream. I caught most of it and they have hilarious chemistry. Way better than any of her Niji collabs unless there's a good one I don't know about.
Imagine having the gall to put words into your oshi's mouth like this. Do they think he's a puppet or something?
>Do they think he's a puppet or something?
lmao of course they do, after all Niji is their oshi not the actual livers
I feel like nowadays it’s 50/50 with starsisters, I guess this explains why
So wait this is not Hex, it's Doppio. Harassment happened in TWO different communities?
This shit piss me off to no end, especially because they do this even with talents outside NijiEN.
If someone behaves or says things that you don't like just stop following, who the fuck are you to decide what they have to say or how they should manage their community.
>What's the best course of action for an organ right now?
Reopen your PL and start using it more than the corporate account (why not? half the NijiID that remains already does that and Any Color doesn't give a fuck)
Also, try your best to start, or restart, all the contacts you've had before joining Niji and also the once you acquired after joining them. You will need all the support from both the community, and your fellow streamers to get yourself back together if you plan to keep on streaming as an indie.
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Anon maybe it's mandated to shill the only profitable female talent in the sinking ship that is nijiEN
How much you want to bet that Nijisister doesn’t watch streams and only harassed that Doppio clipper because they got attention rather than her
>half the NijiID that remains already does that and Any Color doesn't give a fuck
I suspect that former ID have different contracts compared to EN. For example, IIRC they even sporadically stream with their personal accounts, that seems to be a big no no for EN.
Imagine stanning that hard for a fucking sea monkey. I'd rather kill myself.
Why censor the names if you’re gonna do a call out post
you are a huge penis faggot
But a number of NijiEN members were caught reopening their PL accounts and posting on them. Even if their contracts are different and would officialy be considered a breach, Nijisanji isn't doing anything to them.
Maybe their incompetent, or maybe just indifferent, but they aren't punishing them for it.
Hololive fans consider actually watching content to be the minimum to consider yourself a fan, you’d probably get called a homobeggar here if you did that.
Reopening PL accounts is one thing, streaming in them like some ex-ID did/do is another.
The closest thing for EN is Kunai appearing with her PL in a friend's video (no model shown on screen IIRC), I guess.
This never gets old
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I actually really liked Doppio, he was easily my favorite of the dudes. Was really into the first Pocopio stream because bratty shota's turn me on, outside of oneeshota where they're a sin against god. But then I stopped watching him due to conflicting timezones, and then by the time I could start catching EN streams again something that, in my opinion, was not a form of harassment, happened. So I can't watch anyone there in good confidence anymore.

More importantly I have absolutely no fucking idea what's happening in this thread beyond Sicklings being lesser but still more annoying Kindreds in every single way which is the usual, but it's still confusing. Is this the same incident as the clipper where people tried to dun goof'd 'em, or something else entirely?
Fucking seriously. I expected nothing but red flags from the guy between this and his friendship with Layna who even in the best of times is a controversial person but turns out he's just the fun kind of autist rather than the weird type of autist. Plus he introduced me to Chrono Ark which is probably one of my GOTY's.
Saying that on the board with at least two holoanti threads at a time is funny
>twitter screencap thread
It's genuinely puzzling when people take random posts from one social media just to repost them on another one. Is this going on reddit next OP? Or perhaps you got it there in the first place
Just a regular day in the bullysanji community
Would Sayu hit it?
Yeah, didn't a jp organ leave precisely because some crazy bitches wanted him to play the part of a fuckboy but he didn't play along?
Both of them are insufferable faggots, as well as any other corpo fanboys.
No different to sports fans supporting teams to vicious extremes.
Literal animal behaviour.
Alban or Doppio. I don't think I've heard anything bad about them... ever, really.
I've heard a lot of good things Ren's done for people, but I vaguely remember sisters being mad at him for something once.
Is his hole trained?
I guess the fans really do reflect the sreamer.
Truly a femoid moment
You do know if you hatefuck a hex fan you're going to jail right?
>So I can't watch anyone there in good confidence anymore
Fucking same, I really do want to watch Doppio and Scarle but holy hell I rather not when stupid shit happens every time whenever I have a slight idea of watching one of them. So I took an anons advice of stacking money for their PLs and if they ever graduate just donate to them and if they plan on streaming again
Maria and Doppio (I'm biased tho)
The only thing that could even resemble drama with Maria was, as one anon said, the Zaion cover thing (based Maria btw)
Doppio is completely clean I think. During the Zaion thing he was the only one who didn't even mention her which, in that case, was the best thing he could've done
That's awful... I hoped Maria and Doppio were the ones secretly fucking
I'll admit I'm very out of the loop here, but did Rosemi do anything bad. or at least really dumb?
Hi Kenji. The cartel still didn't rape and/or kill you?
She destroyed a small vtubing company and spammed threads here to advertise herself
I don't know if a couple of estrogen individuals imploding is a yab, its just nature.
The real yab will happen in the next 12-24 hours
>small vtubing company
What, you're trying to say she killed Tsunderia?
She left long before that ship crushed and burned.
Wasn't this hex retard the moron who came along on debut and said
>confess to me I will be your psychiatrist please trauma dump to me on stream I will listen!
female fans have to be some of the most retarded people on earth. They can't even hate like normal people with out eventually turning on them selves.
Those people are the sole reason why mental health isn't taken seriously
I just want NijiEN to end already. Just, have everyone still employed there either graduate or get terminated, than close the branch's doors and throw away the key.
As another anon pointed out in the yen thread - with the japanese yen collapsing, there is no way they'll announce closure of NijiEN.
at least this is a compilation sister
He's probably in /HAHA/ right now, considering this is exactly how dragoons used to act before the drama.
Yes, because it's well known that anons use pics of their oshi for shitposting/baitposting. Just like all the shitposting in every single non-holo general when EN4 was announced that all had pics of Gura. That was definitely a chumbud, right?
There's a timeline where Doppio got into Holostars instead and ushered in a golden age of corpo brotubers
Why'd he have to end up in NijiEN?
I genuinely cannot imagine choosing nijisanji over your long term relationship, especially a sweet girl like Wolfy
>Venting channels
Just kill yourself at that point
Does Niji only have mentally ill fans?
Most of the remaining ones (possibly including most of those in OP's pic) are teenage girls. So basically yes.
Just look at them now, using this thread as a hugbox
Burn down all the Nijinigs
Disagreed, they'll launch the new brand first and after it outperforms NijiEN, they'll shutter NijiEN.
Yeah, good fucking luck with that.
Higher chance than NijiEN rising from the ashes with the way Riku is handling it.
Both are 0.
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! i bet on that nijinigger vs that nijikek! and that nijifag over that nijidrone! oh and but that nijisister and nijibrony i be on losing!
They already killed ID, KR and even India(did that one even have a shortened name?). What market besides JP could possibly outperform EN even in its current state?
This thread can be summarized with that TF2 Sniper SFM saying "women"
I thought at some point I forgot to take my meds but after reading this, made me think this is what happenes when the inmate runs the asylum.
Hes got schizos in his backpack, dunno how this is a yab for him though
Fanbases are just as crazy in other companies too
>India(did that one even have a shortened name?)
IN, and then they briefly changed it to the first NijiEN not long before it ended.
Seems like the Dookie virus is still in the company. Niji needs to purge it. Nijichads will stand by our oshis!
Yagoo wants these retards to watch Holostars
> India(did that one even have a shortened name?)
They shortened it to EN.
Then scrapped it and pretended it never happened.
Bold strategy
i... don't care... i will just gonna go and watch a stream or something
/vt/ isn't your blog, anon.
who's gonna stop me?
Just mentally unstable teenage girl shit, nothing special.
>being this invested in a male vtuber
Just call this board /lgbt2/ already
>the only reason why anycolor looks bad is because hololive treats their livers better so anycolor being bad is hololives fault
He's right though.
When the whole music industry screws their singers, can't say that one is bad.
Imagine if Goldbullet got into Niji instead, I’m sure he’ll fit right in
i mean just look at majority of nijiniggers these days
>minors and pronouns in bio also pride flag
>so afraid their delusion gets called out that they censor names like nij1 and h0lo
>attacks livers who dare to tweet something that doesn't align with twitter politics meanwhile other corpos can casually tweet they love starbucks
>thinks parasocial unicorns are the problem then acts much worse than them, classic bitch behavior of rules for thee but not for me
>oshis the company instead of the livers
every corpo has mentally ill fans that might need straitjackets but nijiniggers makes them look well behaved
Claude and fucking asking
The company is greater than one liver. The traitor showed that, to their detriment. Niji is still the 2nd largest EN sphere and will take first as h0l0 focuses on pedos with Gura.
Your mistake is thinking lunatics from twitter represent anyone.
for nijien their audience is mostly twitter
it wasn't like this at first..
>Niji is still the 2nd largest EN sphere
I think he's technically correct. On a scale of how much money they bring in they're second only to Holo.
And they will beat h0l0. Niji brings in fresh talent and H0l0 focuses on pedo bait like Gura and doesn't recruit.
Cover and Anycolor are the only companies that are publicly-traded and therefore required to disclose their revenue (and, as we have seen, even they are not required to specify how much they earn in EN-land). There's no way to verify that they actually bring in revenue more than, for example, VShojo.
Twisty has been ramping up external networking lately. Raiding and sliding into the DMs of small corpo girls like PixelLink and Vreverie.
Vsh0j0 is 2 people and a bunch of failures.
All out civil war, they meant.
yeah, everyone instead says the whole industry is bad and everyone involved except for maybe the artists needs to be hanged
What the fuck are you on about dude
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I agree
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i have no fucking idea what i'm reading
I hope they don't stop at just doxxing and just fucking kill each other as well
>dragoons happy to stay out of tribalism drama
>pomuniggers revel in it
all out war indeed...
Maybe I'm just jaded and hang out in the wrong circles, but if someone was sending me deranged messages like that, I'd probably just start laughing at about the part where they were threatening to sell my organs.
Sayu go stick up a dragon dildo up your asshole. Don't you have some BJ ASMR to do? Fucking prostitue.
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yep, there is a reason why dragoons were called "holofagoons" in the /nijien/ threads
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god I wish
>Only insane fans remain
I just stick around for Rosemi and Petra... and honestly that time they had Finana in their 'podcast' was pretty funny. It's fair to assume these 3 in particular didn't take part in any bullying. I just don't think they have the balls, they are too shy and awkward.
It's alright but I prefer the OG dokibird to this dokiboard.
I didn't know that was her bf. Honestly it's good for her that she got away from him. He's always been a little creepy. She should come back to Vtubing now that the dead weight is gone.
but og dokibird was also a dokiboard
Girls: Rosemi, Peto and Maririn
Men: Shu, Doppio and probably Ren.
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>Massive amount of incredible annoucements for EN today
>Hori shit guys Le nijiyab
>Literally nothing, someone in Hex's community was an asshole and somehow its his fault
Is this the monkey cope over the merger shit being well, a bunch of shit?
Well I guess it doesn't matter.
I remember watching an animation of her and her bf moving and getting annoyed but tolerating it because they have each other. Big oof.
No I'm sure she has big babrunskiz even her yootuze dose.
Just because someone is awkward in public it doesn't mean they aren't pieces of shit on the inside. Just think about how many anons say the foulest stuff here while being complete doormats in real life
her og character reference sheet doesn't but to each their own
If you're a male vtuber it is just not worth chasing the female audience.
So the traitor has a gun now? To shoot her coworkers in the back rather than stab them?
Well I should've mentioned Nina/Matara hanged out with Rosemi and Petra, still hangs out with Rosemi, and she said they are the same silly and kind people irl. Dunno about Finana but probably you're right about her the most considering what happened with Sayu. But still I think she's cute and funny.
This entire thread reeks of seamonkey drama newfaggotry, i want to reach into all of your guys throat and pull out your oesophagus. Fuck all of you twitter NIGGERS.
Are you going to sell my organs?
why are they all women

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