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Tsunami Edition

Previous thread: >>79402282
OP Pic: >>79587448

>Post names and references, keep it all in one post
>Requests must be vtuber related
>AI-generated deliveries don't count
>Don't spam or bump your requests
>If reposting your unfulfilled request from the last thread, repost it in its entirety
>If you get a delivery, wait a week before requesting again so other anons have a chance to get one
>If you post a delivery, please remember to anchor it; it makes archiving them easier
>Provide constructive criticism, and don't be afraid to ask for it
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Have fun

Past Threads: https://warosu.org/vt/?task=search2&ghost=yes&search_text=&search_subject=drawthread

NSFW Deliveries:
>>>/i/746083 or https://catbox.moe/

hololive https://holo.booru.org/
/vt/booru https://youtube.booru.org/
>search the tag "drawthread" for deliveries only

Drawing Books: >>>/ic/artbook
/ic/ sticky: >>>/ic/1579290
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1.61 MB PNG
Anchor deliveries and WIPs here.
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Survive anchor, use if the thread comes close to dying.
File: great ass.jpg (2.25 MB, 5279x1678)
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Requesting the meme on the left with Gigi referring to Panthera big booba and her own cute cat butt.
File: Pipebomb.png (406 KB, 1120x646)
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Requesting Shodo throwing a pipebomb at (You) Eminem style
File: hhhhh.png (1.7 MB, 1606x1000)
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Requesting same pose and angle but Shiori is making a dirty face with her tongue out that and making a little blowjob face
File: image.jpg (1.57 MB, 3450x1890)
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Requesting Deme having her ass rimmed
Requesting Mumei or Nerissa suggestively laying an egg .
File: botan-chanreference.jpg (1.33 MB, 5347x1342)
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Could someone draw a fanart of Ebihurai's version of young Botan, please? I love this design and find it just as adorable as the original Botan with her lovely smile and beautiful hair. Anything is welcome. Thank you.

Anon, just make a reference already.
File: ectoreed.jpg (294 KB, 2048x1309)
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Requesting Ecto the Undead Rat twerking. The following are additional details that can be ignored, but it would be nice if she were wearing nothing more than a micro bikini or something suggestive of that nature.

Trust me, it makes sense in context.


Some twerking references.

Nice Kobutt
File: lovenectar.png (912 KB, 1477x743)
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Requesting Fauna or Kronii trying to charm one of their male fans offering a bottle of their love nectar, cut to the next scene, we see Bae stuck in one of those exercise wheels for pet rats, frantically running and sweating with trays gather below hr to collect her rat sweat.
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Requesting Vain being tortured by members of a rival mafia, relentlessly extracting every penny from him. They are bluntly conveying that unless he swiftly hands over the money, they will not hesitate to break his legs.
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Requesting ZONE-Bot fucked from behind as she sucks another guy's dick similar to this pose.
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Requesting Liz orgasming as she's being fucked by Paul Revere yelling "The British are coming!"
I mean, I do have a reference for the idea but it is a bit too lewd for the board.
File: Sinuuki_ref.png (1.97 MB, 2790x1379)
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Requesting Sinuuki, the cute zombie girl, lying on her stomach, playing on a switch, with a nice view of her plumpy bottom as she receives an ass pounding —anal— from behind, causing heart-shaped pupils in her eyes due to the excitement of the game and the pleasure she is experiencing.

>Some context
This but Kiara is there too
File: file.jpg (2.98 MB, 3000x4000)
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requesting this stealth sex scenario with an anon and OkaKoro; Okayu under the kotatsu, and Korone outside of it
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requesting a plush, curvy shortstack Luna picked up and sexed in this manner(and with these proportions)
Just use a catbox link
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Requesting Shion, Gura, Bijou, and Anya rigged up to a Newton's cradle with their exposed asses facing the viewer and Shion about to be dropped.
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Requesting Echo in a similar pose as shown in the image on the right. I just want to propose that her expression should look more flirtatious and playful, with her glowing tongue visible.

File: honk honk.jpg (89 KB, 1000x582)
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Requesting Coni Confetti in a gloryhole hole giving a rainbow blowjob to multiple guys


Requesting slutty cheebs Fauna or Kronii(or whatever other chuuba of your choice, but those are prefered) being used as an onahole or pleasuring a big dick in some other way. Anything as long as it's more cheebs sex.
>Collage of some refs for inspiration and extra examples of cheeb proportions
What are you doing? You got this already. You even thanked the artist before.
If you are the fag reposting old requests to "bump" the thread stop doing that shit already.
File: bodegarrat.jpg (815 KB, 2713x1914)
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Requesting Bodegarat's giving a deepthroat blowjob to an anon's cock while she suck his penis with her thick meaty lips, plenty of saliva included.

I'll do it next thread
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Requesting Yui (@yuibearvt) in a sexy summer pinup, if you can draw her smoking from one of those long pipes, that'd be cool.
The need for cheebs sex does not stop this easily anon. I even waited (almost) a week like a good boy before posting it again.
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Requesting FoxyReine in cowgirl position with a guy in his PoV, but there's no sex involved: both will be fully clothed, the guy would have his jeans unzipped, but his crotch would be covered by her cloth; and Foxyreine would be holding both guy's hands, and doing a licking expression. If you like, feel free to make a second version where she lifts her middle cloth with her right hand to show that the viewer has an erection through his underwear and show her panties. Another add up is the same scene, but actually having sex, but I would like the first idea.
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Requesting Rosedoodle watching a very sad Basil the Wolf drink toilet water while she looks completely smug, and he looks retarded, regretful, and sad.

Here is the context

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Requesting Punkalopi shaking her fat ass riding a cock lie this
This isn't how it works that's not a open source endless idea you can repost every week after getting a delivery. Change the characters requested or accept you got this done already.
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Requesting a parody of the doujin page on the right with Tomomi Toraya instead

Shinchou-sa Max Fuufu
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Requesting pic related with Nerissa (left) and Aradia (right)
File: Come play Ojisan.jpg (570 KB, 3215x1080)
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Requesting pic on the left with Ignis and Koa except the guys is a much older male-anon
File: Mifuyu.jpg (1.23 MB, 1920x1080)
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Requesting schoolgirl Mifuyu having her asshole fucked at the school's bathroom
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Requesting Lyra's pulling an ahegao face, like she's surprised or shocked, while someone puts a lamp in front of her.
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Requesting Mococo-chan getting bellyrubs and headpats causing her to moan and act a bit horny
>or whatever other chuuba of your choice
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Requesting Miw sneezing, the cuter the better.

You are starting the request with the same character you already got done, with the same reference you already used for it. You could easily change the cheeb reference, you mentioned there are other pics and even posted the link to the booru with more of those.
Otherwise, take your Kronii delivery and just accept you already got it.
File: Stretch.jpg (638 KB, 1931x1200)
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Requesting Kiara stretching like this
If you'd take a look into the ref collage you'd see there are two other cheebs refs, and no I will not be changing it. It being an open source request wasn't a problem before and it isn't now. I am done talking about this, if you're still mad I suggest you go drink some choccy milk and watch your oshi's old streams to indulge in nostalgia.
have a great day anon <3
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requesting warm, soft, fuzzy paizuri
Back in my day anons would complain about virgin killer sweater anon getting 20 deliveries out of the same request
You're trying to hard to find a loophole to get yet another Kronii delivery. But if you want things to be this way fine. I'll just keep linking your delivery every thread til you accept you already got Kronii done.
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Requesting pic on the left with Dokibird and Selen.
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Requesting my Oshi LaPlus parodying the pic on the right with all her mighty glory to display.
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Requesting the meme on the left with Onolumi
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Requesting the laughing cat pointing @ (You) meme with Raora Panthera.
Just change the stupid reference and stop getting the thread derailed with unnecessary drama.
Requesting Mio giving a double armpitjob with a third guy ticking her breasts
Why did he only ask for $500?!?
That's stupidly cheap
cry about it wannabe janny tranny
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Requesting Petra in a similar scene to this
Oh you are a troll.
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requesting this with raora
Not a good look my dude.
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requesting the reference on the right with aradia ravencroft
He's stupid. That's why most of his female "friends" bully him.
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Requesting Selen fanart. Thinking of having her strike a really suggestive and sexy pose, you know, with her body language and all that jazz. Please draw her with a super lustful and sensual expression on her face, showing off those sharp dragon teeth of hers. Maybe add a hint of saliva dripping or some droplets, tongue out, and steam coming from her mouth. Kinda like what I have in the references on the far right. No needed but if you can include the text from the middle reference that would be really awesome.
you really thinks anybody here buys your blatant samefagging every time you try to police the thread? stupid fucking threadshitter
File: x1u8um.png (2.41 MB, 2179x1729)
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Requesting pic related with Tomoshika and Noruju on each side and Miuneru in the middle.
The only thread shitter here is you trying to get another delivery after having a great one using poorly made excuses to cover your pathetic greed.
I spit on your face.
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Requesting pic related with Okayu
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Requesting Pia (in slime form) saying she is absolutely seiso as she slowly turns thicker and curvier.
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Requesting Bat and Bat double buttjob
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Requesting Minimaali in her pajama outfit getting proneboned like-so by the guy on the right.
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Requesting Grimm gangbang with lots of cock suckig, handjob, anal, vaginal and feet for the freaks.
>Not even a day
Lmao get rekt idiot
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Requesting Kiara doing some suggestive stretching in front of a guy leaving her cleavage exposed or her cameltoe visible.
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Requesting Randon fucking a tree
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Requesting Mococo to have sex with a ruffian while Fuwawa is distracted playing a game. Make sure Mococo is mocking her older sister as if she had no idea what was happening on her back.
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Requesting Momseki x Biboo

Pose idea:
AkiRose dressed like Zenobia
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Requesting smug Laimu giving Squ a handjob or milking her with onahole while hugging her from behind, can include Laimu grabbing breast with other hand https://files.catbox.moe/8iepi1.jpg
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requesting a shota adventurer defeating Mel, the evil vampire lord, by sticking his "stake" in her "heart"
technique illustrated in this image:
Requesting sexy cop Botan, or any of holoJustice as sexy cops
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Requesting Shimo (@Shimobits) in this pose
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Requesting a close-up of IRyS wearing armor and doing the same pose as the protagonist of SMT V, with her armor resembling Tehom's appereance.
Today is my birthday. Can I get a simple sketch of Towa giving a thumb up for me please? Thank you.
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Seconding and happy birthday anon!
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Requesting this tiny Bae being lifted by her tail and spanked while she looks aroused or surprised
Requesting Subaru in a cheerleader outfit, fucked in anal reverse suspended congress in front of an entire stadium. Her expression is delirious and ecstatic from the rush of thousands watching her. Include anime-style spiral pupils.
So something like this scenario:
But with this pose:
(putting her arms up to include pom-poms in the frame would be appreciated)
requesting an extremely tiny, chibi version of a chuuba still trying their best to stream normally despite how absurdly small they are
Requesting a follow-up to this pic where drunk Lui's getting reamed in the ass straight through the latex of her booty shorts
pose refs
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requesting officer bae raping (you) at gunpoint while saying this line
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Requesting a futa Choco with a more traditional succubus-type look(purple skin, black iris) mind controlling Luna and cumming inside her
Complete with engraving a demonic womb tattoo on her as a result
(choco with balls and no vag)
So something similar to this:
(obviously, no need for it to be an animation)
As the OP I second this
File: doki.png (1.59 MB, 1700x1203)
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Requesting this with Dokibird
Please keep her smug aura and smile on
That fag tries to hard to be cool
File: dogdayafternoon.jpg (3.07 MB, 7398x2680)
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Requesting Shishiro Botan in either her usual clothes or the casual outfit from the reference on the far left, experiencing a double wardrobe malfunction. The first wardrobe malfunction in this situation occurs when she attempts to put on her top or bra, having trouble with her cropped top in one outfit and her baggy shirt in another. The second incident takes place after she struggled earlier, noticing that all the pulling made her ass partly visible, exposing her thong and part of her buttocks, leaving her with a resigned look on her face much to her grief.
Fuck the police
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Requesting bottom pic with Pippa and an anon.
I love the way Nuezo draw Holos
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Requesting pic related with Biboo
File: @godofpumpkin.webm (3.21 MB, 1228x690)
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Requesting Rina wearing a fancy micro bikini
In Soviet Russia, police fuck YOU
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Requesting a slutty Gyaru Mumei taking a selfe while sucking cock or being fucked from behind
Requesting a sequel to this with an angry Sora dominating both Suisei and the guy
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Requesting this big busty bull boy fucked while he jerks off his cock and plays with his huge tits

Here is a pose reference just, just something along these concepts.
File: Fream_VTUBER.jpg (1.59 MB, 3427x2483)
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Requesting Fream chomping on a handful of Doritos and gulping down some Monster Energy, swirling them around in her mouth like a wild concoction. Then, with that crazy mix in her mouth, she decides to surprise one of her fans by attempting to deepthroat his... "'"soda can""" while flashing a double peace sign with her hands. All while she's looking quite pleased with her mischievous antics.
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Requesting Koa, Ignis and Lullaby from Idol Corp looking menacingly sexy.
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Requesting Irys at a striptease club throwing money at holos poledancing
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Nerissa's hot mom makes my penis diamond hard, someone draw this sexy elegant woman giving a nursing handjob with breasts feeding or having her wide motherly hips fucked doggystyle
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Requesting the reference on the right with Kiri, she cool.
Happy birthday fellow TMT enjoyer
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Requesting Will-O deepthroating a cock with the guy using her horns as handles
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Requesting correction with a side of spank, this brat needs it
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requesting a slutty bimbo-aesthetic Kobo(picrel) getting her face fucked hard, smearing lipstick all over the cock and her mouth
pose ref:
Requesting the breeding following picrel
/r/ pekora sexually punishing (you) for being more attracted to her mom than her. nothing too extreme, though. orgasm denial, light cbt, post-orgasm torture, something along those lines
File: Sinuuneko.jpg (410 KB, 1920x1080)
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Requesting Cat Sinuuki playing with a yarn ball or alternatively, if NSFW is your fancy, have her fucked from behind while she stretch like a cat.

Thanks guys!
File: oppai.png (1.66 MB, 1854x1169)
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Requesting Coyote having her surprisingly big tits grabbed from behind as she bites her lips suggestively.
NuezoU, but yeah me too. He's been doing a lot of them lately.
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Requesting Amedoll giving a paizuri while she sucks the guy's cock at the same time
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Requesting Roberu attempting to mix a cocktail while being sandwiched between Bae and Ollie's chests, just like in the reference image on the right.
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Requesting Deme sex or grinding on (you)
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requesting selen sucking cock in a gloryhole
make it quite funny like she is laughing hysterical as she always does
Sorry for the reply but do you have the original source? I like this artist's take on Suisei
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Requesting Raora put in the box
Not him but the artist is xelsword
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Requesting Nouvelle giving multiple handjobs and blowjobs, something like this:


More references
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Requesting Ci-chan bent over a bed or table and fucked in her first outfit, with the camera angle low and from behind, so that just about only her legs are visible. Please make the male transparent or invisible.

Design sheet:

Pose refs:
File: F6JNnjWaIAAuDtU.jpg (228 KB, 1920x1080)
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228 KB JPG
Redraw this screenshot of Aki Rosenthal on a bed so its normal and not Minecraft
Requesting Cecilia opening her chest to show off her heart or whatever you think her equivalent is.
requesting Roboco as an educational sexbot for young boys during an elementary school health class
some scenario/pose refs:
looking for quick sketch requests
Fattest juiciest italian cat ass you can imagine
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Froot getting spanked/with a spanked booty
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2.18 MB GIF
Well, look no further. There is look of ideas above your post.
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Turn gura into a marketable plushie
I hate you for this mediocre bait
I hate you for falling for the mediocre sketch bait
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Requesting Petra holding a long penguin
Requesting... Hey wait a minute you are stealing LF gimmick.
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Requesting the scene in the link reference with Gururu from KemoV
He doesn't want to do those because its a BAIT
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Requesting BooBee (chibi form) having her huge shortstack ass fucked, something like this.


She has a normal form but that fucking chibi has been haunting me for months, because she uses it on screen to check if the stream is frozen,

More references there.
You had them right above your post
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Could someone please draw porn of Savehymn? She's adorable and deserves more attention in that regard.

I'm up for anything, but if you need a recommendation, I've got one. Thank you.


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Requesting a lewder sequel to this with the same concept but actual fucking happening.

some sketchy shit

File: smoosh.png (41 KB, 219x228)
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Quality fap content, anon.
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File: sobs.jpg (39 KB, 544x553)
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Good heavens, Andy... You didn't have to crush my feelings. I just wanted some porn. Anyway, it's a cool sketch. Thanks for making that idea work, even though I have to admit, it was kinda silly.

here's a sketch i'm working on
Damn dude that's looking really nice for a simple sketch
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I wasn't supposed to fap today I have work tomorrow
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Oi! That's way lewdwer... I like it! Nice surprise no gonna lie. Thanks for the sketch... Dehgwo? Please take your time I will make sure to anchor if needed.
hope those are piercings
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Requesting Ducktective in a "surprise anal" scene, have her searching for clues or something like that while someone comes from behind to fuck her shithole
Happy B-day
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She looks beautiful.Thank for the birthday gift anon! Very nice Towa!
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requesting koseki bijou as gaius van baelsar from final fantasy xiv (jaius van bibaelsar) reciting any part of the famous Praetorium speech
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Requesting KUUL having her throat fucked as another man fucks her pussy.
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Requesying gawr gura being surrounded by feet like picrel
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Requesting a strongfat mori calliope delivering an amazon package
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Requesting pic related with Holo Advent after having their asses kicked by JUSTICE
OR here. It was only a preview, it will be posted once its done.
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Requesting a lineup with these three. Pippa, Uruka and Airi in the middle. All three giving the viewer their anal autograph. My main thought is to have these three at a fan event where they show their backsides to fans while signing autographs, just like the poses shown in the pictures from my link.

Best graduation by far
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Requesting Deme raping Kenji for not sharing his nuggets
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Requesting Michi chilling in a gamer's chair, totally over it after getting killed 192 times in Minecraft this month, just there holding an energy drink bottle, looking like she's had enough of life.
Not a drawfag but what order?
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Requesting sallie resting her disembodied head on her breasts
I had no particular order in mind but I guess Biboo as beginner. Mococo as intermediate, Fuwawa as Advanced, Nerissa as Expert and Shiori as Master.

Edit, fixed typo.
I think you gotta rethink that. Nerissa is physically incapable of bending her back due to a spinal issue
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Requesting slutty Dokibird plushie sex
Very good order, Shiorin always the best
Nah I gave a suggestion. That's all. I'll just keep on requesting regardless. Now I go back to my game.
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Requesting LaPlus giving a blowjob leaving lipstick marks on it
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Requesting gura and shion being very good friends
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Requesting big titty Subaru ovulating/orgasming after being told "I love you", kind of like this: https://files.catbox.moe/cf1icf.jpg
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Man why you always have to ignore the previous suggestions when the thread dies.
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Requesting Fraiki cursing while being fucked in this pose

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Requesting Ina in the midst of painting a naked Ame (who's posed like the catbox'd image, with Ina also being naked and with her butt visible
its just some arbitrary rule i decided to prevent myself from burning out from backlog hell
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Requesting Justice Cats facesitting an anon and crushing his pelvis with their ass at the same time.
You should at least consider those of us who bother making a reference, hard to reply asap when you have to find references and put em together.
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Requesting Pippa tripping while eating expired food
alright ill keep it in mind, but im not doing every single one
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Requesting pic related with Subaru
Any futa requests?
I got this one
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Futa Kat having her ass fucked while the guy fucking her jerks off her cock
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Futa Misma(the leftmost one) getting a triple blowjob from the 3 semen demons in the pic with her (from left to right: Inami Yoki, Aishii Ai and Lilrya Prisvielle)
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Futa Moriko engaging in some good ol' urethra penetration. Make sure her cock is bigger than her partner's.
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Botan giving a balljob to an anon or Watame, with both cocks rubbing against each other. Add some precum if possible.
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Requesting Botan taking a selfie like that reference on the right with the guy being switched with a random SSRB who looks extremely surprised or blushing.
Why is there always someone posting the same character as me when I get to make a reference!
Bad luck I suppose? Good luck with your own Botan request
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Nerissa ravencroft using ollie's detatched feet to jerk herself off
Requesting Futa Cecilia with some new modifications to her body. Give her an onahole futa cock that doubles as dildo to give and take pleasure. Just be creative, she has infinite potential with her mechanical body.
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requesting Sallie's huge MILF ass getting rimmed by Mama Mori in this pose
but with the tongue actually going inside her anus
maybe also have Sallie reaching back and spreading her left cheek for easier access
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Requesting a thick raora and mori calliope showing off their ass in an Italian flag bikini
Requesting Gigi Murin fucking hard. Interpret that however you will.
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Requesting Oko presenting her ass in the pose inside the link looking back with a sexy smug smirk on her face and having a talisman covering her pussy.
Cute Towa!
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Requesting Routie with her breasts being titfucked or her lifting her skirt in a sexy way, showing off her butt in nice lingerie while waiting for her ass to be fucked from behind.

>assorted of extra references
requesting Mori pinning Tsukumo San down in bed like the linked pic, locking eyes with him dreamily as she puts a cigar out on his chest
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Requesting a 2koma:
>1st panel: Kaminari Qpi(picrel) approached in an alley she's hanging out in by a shota trying to pay her for sex, her expression showing shock and embarrassment at what's happening
>2nd panel: Shota fucking her into a hotel bed with his face buried in her cleavage, with her looking down at him, an expression of ecstatic pleasure on her face while she locks her arms and legs behind him
refs for sex:
(just the second panel works, too)
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Requesting Runie Ruse from Phase Connect wearing the same as pic related but the panties on one side of her leg (doesn't matter which side) and her breasts outside her bra, doing sexual intercourse on the cowgirl position, where she's holding hand with the viewer, and her other is pinching the viewer's nipple and saying "Stoopid, you let your guard down" with a smug expression. I would appreciate an alternate version where the viewer cums inside her and she's surprised for that.
Yes, that's the actual size of the image. The original source on twitter is that same size, maybe that guy doesn't want to share the full size, and probably the alts.
Oh shit nice, thanks anon!
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requesting gigi putting her 20 dexterity and +3 animal handling to good use (i.e. horsecock and/or dogcock milking)

alternatively, she could be milking one or both of fuwamoco's futacocks
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Requesting a redraw of this with Dokibird
here u go, this was fun

you are next

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