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I guess the merger is real
What if they're all intentionally doomposting to bait people into thinking the july 1st rrat is real?
buy an ad
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>Wait what happened D:
Forming a mean girls clique has consequences. Cultivating a fanbase of narcissistic BPD sociopaths has consequences.

Most of Niji will not learn their lesson from this situation, because they are also BPD narcissists, thoughever.
Wasn't just Selen the only one with confirmed BPD?
At least she knows it, and tries to overcome her curse. Most femoids just embrace the BPDemon.
Nta but the BPD thing isn't even confirmed. It's a supposed screenshot from her twitter bio - one that was changed years ago. As far as I know there's never been a link to an archive of the old version of the account.
Happiest year in her life
should've went with Moona instead of enna huh Millie?
at least Moona would've made sure to straighten out Lyrica's shit if she went for HoloID
Enna's life, not hers.
Thank fucking god that didn't happen
I cant tell if Enna would've been worse than Ollie as a hire
eh didn't have to include the Millie-enna package deal
I mean if just Millie alone chose Moona over her, while enna and Elira starts the Niji clique
obviously they'd be a disaster together if both got into HoloID, but at least Lyrica was salvageable
her dog died
That doesn't make any sense. If they are NOT about to close the branch, why would they be trying to trick people into thinking they ARE? How does the company benefit from the talents doomposting?
that's so weird, I think any one feeling down has never encountered anything like this before . did you received a confirmation/OK sign from manesan before getting through this predicament?
What does being a failure have to do with it?
she couldn't get her hands on Doki's dog for organ transplants
>Doing secret GC again but worse
I won't put it past them to be honest
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Eat shit and live, Millie.
She's probably in a depression spiral trying to keep her spirits up by addressing any insecurity about herself she may have
So she's doing the sigma grind self affirmation thing?
fix your crab mentality millie
....so who's getting "graduated" tomorrow?
>transplanting doki's dog
knowing this fine canadian specimen that is allergic to maple trees, chances are his organs will be allergic to recipient's body
So what if it is? A merge only means you're working as part of the main branch, and in practice that should increase the livers' notoriety as they get all the benefits of direct JP management and their resources. It's just a merge, which isn't bad. It's not bad.
look I never said Millie was smart
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he dog graduated days ago
They didn't fail to create one of the most toxic vtubers branches in history
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>"Back to retail, I guess."
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Oki doki Anatoly, lets ask the ex-KR livers and especially the ex-ID livers just how "not bad" their merger has been for them.
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uh oh
KRs got the better end of the deal. However EN is getting the ID treatment.
The dog died from liver failure obviously.
they are going schizo?
>I guess the merger is real
The merge has been on since August 2021, OP
I fucking hate this faggot.
He's already past 30 ffs
Not really, they just "survive" better because all of them can speak japanese to begin with.
The same can't be said to exID.
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>liver failure
Gura deflection thread
KR's original management was true survival so in comparison they did get the better deal out of the merger. It is still Nijisanji though.
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Just make /doom/ already
Deflection from what, you dumbass NPC? At least say what she did.
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Yeah Gura's cunny is too delicious deflection thread
Finana is the weakest member. She is the canary of the branch. If she is not doomposting then everything is good.
Isn't Finana together with Elira in Japan right now?
>Elira's vizier
>weakest member
I wont settle for anything less then the IN treatment.
is the rrat post even written by the same person at the first place?
first of all, the rrat post image file name didnt use space
i want to believe but still not fully
So turned into EN?
But I remember Millie saying it too at one point.
And then executed shortly afterwards, yes.
Finana has the intelligence of a fucking pencil; I'm surprised she's able to clothe and feed herself - let alone be aware of everything going on around her.
most nijiEN members are doomposting now
two so far. Not counting Vivi and Kunai since they would be clearly out soon no matter what.
Add Elira and Claude too.
Only Kunai. Screenshot this.
Elira is an Arabic sultan?
where are they doomposting
is this fucking roommate posting again
didn't Vivi have a comeback date on her PL account or was that Kunai?
Since fucking when it was Finana? It was always Millie.
But yeah, surmising it is accurate, she and the average Nijisister are BPD the same way Isaac Newton & Chris-chan are both autistic.
Millie's the poop to Elira's goldfish.
Or is that Enna?
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Not the point of the thread, but I had a good laugh when I checked Elira's twitter and I saw her trying to shill the NBA merch
>Make sure to check out the online lottery and super cute support goods here!!
Yeah, good luck with that if you don't live in Japan
Nijifaggots can't help but doxx their own people, it's the only thing they know how to do and also the reason why nijisanji is collapsing. Only doxxfaggots are left.
Elira has a sponsor collab with a Taiwanese cafe and that's under the NijiEN brand, I suspect as soon as that collab ends, news about the merger will ensue.
Until then, we're getting nothing but these kind of doomposts.
Both of them.
Finana is a piece of shit in a completely independent manner from the way the hanamori clique are pieces of shit. They fuck up in their own way
Mika was attending con as guest under nijiID brand long after the merger anon.
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who TALKS like THAT!!...
I wonder if we will ever see Kotoka again. Alban is on break until Fall. Would be funny if he comes back to the ruins of ex-EN. Explains why he is grinding japanese.
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>I'm so excited to be teaming up with *doesn't checks notes* Manitoba Tundrawolves!
>Make sure to check out the online lottery and super cute support goods here!!
Elira... it's all in japanese...
because you can't buy it outside of Japan. The nijifans cope of just use third party sites to order and overpay twice as much has been amazing
There's been some renewed debate recently as to whether Newton was actually autistic or not. His eccentricities in later life could be explained by mercury poisoning (he was big into alchemy, like many scientists of the time) and his lifelong virginity could have just been a case of simple asexuality.
to "own the dramatubers" by making them look wrong, I guess?
Never said it's a GOOD plan, but it's NijiEN so being stupid and self-destructive makes it more likely, if anything.
>collabs with NBA, a sport mostly popular outside of Japan
>use nijien talents, whose fanbase are mostly outside Japan
>only sell within Japan
That's just the Imposter Syndrome
Rakuten's fault and Riku's because he is incompetent at dealing with EN
It's not really Rakuten's fault; they only have merchandise rights in the JP market. What are they meant to do?
Rakuten could've just fucking asked for merch rights outside of Japan
not advertise it with EN and posting literal English on Twitter

if they let Elira and Kotoka wrote in Japanese only everything could be avoided
Rakuten should ask Biden personally so that we get Nijisanji EN merch from Japan
Kotoka is pure gyaru sex in every image she is in, but the person behind the model is terrible. Making me hate a gyaru, my fetish, is enough for me to hate Niji EN even without everything else.
that's is so weird, i think any one who uploads failures have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you recieved a confirmation/OK sigh from TIME before uploading the failure?
Did Rakuten themselves post anything about it on twitter though? They can't control another company bizarrely trying to advertise it to a market outside of Japan who can't even buy it.
the thing is, even the overseas buying option was literally translated only
she is just your standard japanese bitch.... i still don't get why she had to lie in her first month
that falls perfectly inline with Riku's idea for EN being nothing more than a driving force that drives western viewers to the main branch. Nothing matters outside of Japan and if you are a westerner you will check out NijiJP and buy NijiJPs merch. So it makes perfect sense why they would not bother to provide some kind of international shipping for EN merch even if they could.
I totally get it. It makes perfect sense, NijiJP is the main market
I'll never forgive her for the Zaion black screen stream. Also, I imagine she went into EN instead of JP to skip the VTA.
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I have some empathy for her having health issues unless that is a lie but everything she did to try and get ahead was disgusting. And in the end it didn't matter and Meloco was the one that succeeded.
I cannot wait till Millie graduates and that copypasta is the top comment on the tweet.
To gain mindshare in JP viewer heads for the merger
Have you seen her membership vod at least, while it wasn't privated yet?

I know she sounds backstabby but she is not. But unironically she must have checked Japanese social sites and she became afraid of fucking everything. She is easily mindbroken like that.
she threw away everything even her alleged closest person in NijiEN for crumbs of fame and all she is left with now is an empire of dirt. It is almost poetic. I hope it was worth it.
Meloco did not try to lie her way out of everything at least, she proudly confessed she was Japanese and that she was there to enjoy the ride, and have fun in English as much as in Japanese. Even if it was to dodge VTA.
Hey, where's sana one where her dog superchatted her after it died
At least she didn't kill it like Sayu her previous cat for the pity attention after being fired.
Suha, Hayun, and Nari are doing great and are in and out of Japan doing collabs
It can't be her closest person in NijiEN because she literally lives in Japan, hence she can not get close to them.
The only way she could was when EN visited at the Japan trips. Which took multiple rounds and god it was so annoying that she wanted to hide literally everything and did not mention anything about meeting anyone. She just loves to hide away from everything. Fucking annoying, that truth.
you kotofaggs made sure we would see them. She is still a backstabbing whore
nta but I have and while she did cry she still chose to stand by the company and threw multiple jabs at Sayu later down the line. Even if we ignore Sayu Kotoka constantly tried to do everything to get ahead and in the end she pissed off both the japanese and the western part of her audience.
Fuck off then, whatever fanbase you are part of.
Spotted the briskadet
this is textbook cope
I'll give you a proper rrat..
There is supposedly a partner proxy for international shipping...
But since riku is cutting all efforts to support EN side, they just didnt bother to have one.
She just wanted to hide from her Japanese heritage. I think her boyfriend mindbroke her too much.
doesn't she live with her parents
He must have put that money and effort into Denauth and Ayakaki debuts.
How much you wanna bet EN organs didn't know this was exclusive to the JP market until they went officially on sale?
to be fair Denauth got more support than whatever the fuck happened with ttt and the EN hero wave
Yeah tell that to NijiID lol

The only one who got benefited from the merge is the Korean branch. That shit's management was so bad that they made Wactor look tame in comparison so they had no problem with the merge even if it will kill off any Korean reach. Meanwhile ID got kneecapped because they didn't bring as much money as EN (used to) and now they are forgotten, especially when Mika left
Proof next thread?
she's release receipts
it's so over you wouldn't believe
>"The Ny Mets are my favourite baseball squadron."
Considering that some of them didn't know this collab was happening at all until Niji made the public announcement, I'd say that there's a fairly high chance that none of them knew this collab would be a JP-exclusive collab until the sale actually began.
They didn't close ID because the branch wasn't bringing in enough money, they closed ID so that they could pretend for the investors that they were not closing KR due to gross mismanagement. ID was killed off so JP and KR management could save face.
>Millie thread
> Zaion and kotoka sperging

Anyways it's a run of the mill 'motivational' message thing that content creators. The mood of the entire branch is not really a secret. This doesn't mean anything new has happened.
you jest but remaining members likely have so much dirt on each other and barely anything left to loose that the moment this thing collapses the hunger games will go into full effect.
I want to put Millie through a difficult time in my sex dungeon. I don't care if people say she's evil, she's pure sex.
Millie alone doomposting doesn't mean anything, but the aggregate of how many other organs do and the rising frequency during the past month and a half does paint a pretty clear picture.
I'm surprised we haven't seen any of the livers try to sell each other out yet. Seems like a lot of them are trying to isolate themselves from their EN colleagues by deleting EN member links on their YouTube page.
dead language, learn chinese instead tojo-chan
More than that.
Kunai removing her pinned tweet on her PL of being on "indefinite hiatus".
Rosemi removing every EN talent shortcut from her channel.
Elira's weird behaviour over the cancelled concert.
Hex basically screaming on his PL that he is Hex.
Alban preparing to study more japanese.

The problem with TTT is that Claude is retarded, only plays apex/valo/league like a faggot, and the girls just go their own way, Kunai is sick, Vivi is a Mintfag and only likes her indie friends. They literally have no connection. And I know the most they collab is Kunai/Vivi.
Millie does not have any shortcut on her channel either. Will she graduate too?
She's from Philippines right?
She might get hired as one of the fast food cashiers that get streamed all the way to the US to lower the wages.
Girls go their own way cause not even the company wants to associate with them.
Vivi hasnt even been mentioned on the EN Twitter in months, like she doesnt even exist.
If they all have dirt on each other, the best thing to do is stay silent unless you want your own closet skeletons revealed.
Claude sadposting on PL, too.
Yeah, it all adds up. There'll 100% be something major happening affecting the entirety of EN, and the most likely event is a merger/mass graduations.

On a completely unrelated note, I hop Doki has fun at Dokomi today. :)
Why are you lying?
I've never met a flip cashier. They're all maids or medical workers. Then again I live on the East coast maybe that exists in California.
Fuck I typed Millie automatically, I wanted to say Maria
flips come to Europe as well
>Seems like a lot of them are trying to isolate themselves from their EN colleagues by deleting EN member links on their YouTube page
Who's doing this, besides Rosemi and Maria?
Vivi is an open Mintfag, that means she is against the company by default. You see my point?
Trying to overcome it by tripling up on the recommended tyonal isnt really the right way to go about it
Apperamtly happened in New York City. No idea if bullshit or not, but would a fun (and fitting) end for Millie.
>They literally have no connection
I'm pretty sure that the only good thing that came out of them joining Niji was Vivi and Kunai actually becoming good friends irl
You know the company can't force them to be friends? Happened with Xsoleil
>yfw luxiem will die before getting their 3D debuts
turn that frown upside down
NTA but I think he's talking about those remote cashier terminals being experimented with that livestream some third worlder to man the register.
it's this >>79605584 at least until everything starts crashing down and ir's a rat's race there is no benefit for it. I will not put it above some members of the EN leaking things or even doxxing their coworkers and spreading rrats about others to kneecap competition.
luxiem is in Japan....
Her fucking dog died, you sociopath
It's literally a Millie copypasta.
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Nah, that title belongs to Enna, fish is just a worthless retard
...to give blowjobs to Japanese investors
Her dog died?
>“Today, this is a Filipino woman behind a screen, controlling a POS system — but it’s not crazy to believe that probably in the next six to twelve months, this could be an AI avatar doing all the same things,” he said.
hopefully this happens to millie as well
Are there nijiEn members born and raised SEA? I thought they were all in western countries and Australia.
literally doesn't count because he's a known elira nepohire hanamori clique friend member
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>The NijiEN NBA collab is japan-focused and it has JP organs on it
>Special NijiEN stream to get the JP fans to know the EN organs
>Multiple organs are working on their JP reps (Alban has even taken a break just to study)
>Rosemi has deleted the EN shortcuts from her youtube channel
>Vivi and Kunai are making moves on their respective PL Twitter accounts, even though they debuted less than a year ago
>the company can't force them to be friends
Nor either can the company prohibit them from becoming friends
If anything that's why him feeling like shit is even more telling of the situation.
Millie. Pretty sure there's at least one of the males too but I can't remember which.
I guess if you count Japan as a "western" country.
They also plaster Shu on everything. The guy who is fluent in japanese.
Look at the NijiEN Twitter.
Barely even a mention of Vox anymore, its Shu EVERYWHERE.
Two more weeks, right?
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The merger is a small setback. With them as part of the main branch, we can focus our resources into bringing Elira, milord and the other one back to their former glory. Push themin Bilibili as hard as you have to.
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You got the ok sign from kamimane-san (Riku) that you'll be merging with the main branch, Millie. Try to keep up, you horrible cow.
Maybe you should read the reply chain again since it's clearly dramafaggots like yourself. Did you already forget how you tried and failed to doxx the latest enfaggot male?
I think Hex gaywire is one. That's wild though. How would Elira even become such close friends with someone half way over the world.
Merged like HoloEN was in the financial report because of how hard they dropped?
Because Millie lives in Canada? She, Enna, and Elira went to school together.
Are you guys gonna watch the Netflix documentary about this that comes out in 15 years?
Ah the poster above me said that millie was born and raised flip so I that's why said that. Apparently not. I suppose Hex probably also lives in the west.
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We really going to talk about numbers, sister?
Who will get raceswapped and why is it Doki?
No because Hololive likes to hide their numbers so there's really nothing to compare. They didn't hide the fact that Nijisanji earns more than double that Hololive does though
Shu also did not kill his fanbase like the rest of the guys
They have the same revenue but double the profit because they pay their organs 2%. Not something to brag about.
I don't think he's wrong. She probably moved to Canada when she was a teenager. I have filipino friends who kind of have the same accent as her because they grew up in the Philippines until they were tweens
As far as I can tell, Shu and Ike stay away from bullshit whenever possible. Unfortunately for the latter, he was in the black screen stream, but he contributed so little that nobody even remembers what he said, nothing would change if he was removed entirely.
>sisters are bragging about Riku not paying shit to his employees
jesus christ
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Riku is their oshi.
I remember some of them defending the 2% cut because
>They are already getting a lot of SCs and they are not the ones making the merch
Have to have a fanbase that could be killed first.
The company is their oshi.
It's specially funny because they could have prevented most of the yabs if they just invested their money on proper management instead of... doing buybacks? pocketing it?
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how does she still have a career at this point?
almost killed selen, and over what? putting nina and mysta in her music video?
Sex with Towa
People call them nijiniggers because they have always been subhuman . It's been like this for years.
>how does she still have a career at this point?
Does she though? She's bleeding in every conceivable metrics, and her name will forever be connected to WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D:
i can think of some more metrics
>putting herself in Selen's MV
Or maybe it was Enna, idk.
>how does she still have a career at this point?
She doesn't.
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I hope the leak is real
If they know Japanese, they'll be fine. If they don't they're SOL. How are miload's reps? Will sisters like him as much if he's stuck competing with Chronoir?
israel? that's so messed up if true.
>competing with chronoir
You're a funny one, aren't you
>Niji only made double what Holo does because Hololive is a benevolent company and pays their employees millions

Literally look at their 2023 financial reports retard sis.
I think there is a non-zero chance that they are all getting sued by nijiEN as they shift the blame from the company to the talents. They were all ordered to go to japan and many of them are still there. Seeing as you need to be in japan to be sued for breaking japanese law...
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Hmm but i though this was the greatest year of her life ..
The more important question is who was the one talent that didn't want to be in Selen's music video? Who holds a grudge against her? Nina, Yugo, Pomu, Rosemi and Petra are already out of the question (unless Rosemi or Petra could have been jealous of Selen) so that leaves Mysta and the rest of the talents still in nijisanji, so who is it?
I'm so glad niji was so full of terrible people. I'd never have found Dokibird without their absolute inability to be good human beings.
They went there presumably to stream the live parts of the concert, and luxiem was probably recording their 3d debuts
Her cat was sick a little bit after she joined Niji and it passed during her suspension.
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despite throwing shit at Anycolour Mysta still sucks Enna's cock to this day so there is a miniscule chance it could have been him but more than likely other current NijiEN members. It did not specify if it was an exLivers or current Liver just that the new rule requires consent of both. Enna, Millie, Elira are main suspects since they selfreported.
Yessir. Happily, proudly.
Probably nobody, unless there's some shithead we don't publicly know about. It was likely the management being fuckheads and throwing out new rules to mess with her.
Remember the ones who Selen mentioned on the legal documents that Vox thoroughly *chuckles* reviewed
It's probably one of them
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>Nina, Yugo, Pomu
These are the only three I'd exonerate without a second thought. But pic related makes me think it was some active organ, not a graduated one, so Mysta in probably innocent too.
Does Millie have the most fascinating potential for a redemption arc?

Like if she left and immediately started dropping pipe bombs that show she wasn't part of the clique or was to dumb to realize what was happening. How many APOLOGIZE threads are there?

On the flip side she has the most potential for true Final Yab energy.
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honestly, same
>Niji only made double what Holo does because Hololive is a benevolent company and pays their employees millions

This but unironically. It's called reinvestment, sister. Money goes into supporting the talents rather than lining their pockets.
>NIJIEN members
Doesn't have to refer to an organ, could be people from the backstage. They're still members of the company.
Here's a more realistic answer. Management didn't even try to get permissions from talents until the day the project was finished and was scrambling that day to get all the permissions from talents who were celebrating Christmas. They've appeared in other MV for Selen, I don't think they would all of a sudden say "No" this far in.
If there was only one (which I doubt), it has to be Enna.
>some livers did not want to be in the MV when it got released
Read anon, read.
Money is on Enna who was the most outspoken passive-aggressive cunt to her.
was there ever a confirmation of this being real from any people that worked on the Last Cup?
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There wasn't and there will probably never be, but after her manager posted a screen of a convo between him and Doki on twitter the probability of it being fake is lower than ever.
Hindi MLLLE, palpak ka! Saksak mo sa baga mo yang pagpag, punyeta!
>legends say that if you listen real close on a black computer screen you can hear a plastic water bottle crinkling coming from near by speakers
>Retard actually believes benevolent companies exist
What a joke. Nijisanji just bought a studio bigger than Holo's and investing in stocks is better than wasting money developing a dead on launch scam MMO
two more weeks sister
This is the happiest year of her life OP
what the fuck
There's two reasons I think Ike was included.
1) He was probably Selen's closest remaining friend in NijiEN after Pomu left, at least from on-screen interactions, this fact might have been lost on the wider audience but would be obvious to longtime NijiEN fans.
2) He repeats at least twice in his speech that "there's a lot more we can't say". Since the speech was vetted by lawyers and management, he likely had planned to level further accusations at Selen but those were shot down.
He was left in because even if 2 no longer applied, his presence still accomplished one.
What accusations, retard? She fucking confirmed everything they said was true
Holy mother of cope. Nijiniggers defending the stock buyback as a good use of money instead of reinvesting it into the talents is fucking comedy gold.
If they announce a merger, at what time JST would they do it?

as a selen turned dokibird fan i will forever remeber ike as the water bottle guy
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Based Ao and Doki enjoyer
Tell me what profit the talents get from their scam MMO and while you're at it, why don't you acknowledge that they bought a studio bigger than Holo's?
>It's an unironic sister
Quick, defend your fellow sisters harassing and doxxing each other!
No Millie. You absolutely are a failure and you should feel bad for being a black company dick sucker.
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This is why management suddenly decided they needed to check to see if the company still had the IP rights to the likenesses of the Nina Kosaka and Mysta Rias characters, despite the "no using graduated livers in MVs" rule not being used in any other MV before or since.

I'd be willing to bet a nickel that Niji EN is gonna have a Fall Guys tournament soon, with members from EN, JP, ex-ID, and ex-KR; and I'd be willing to bet a second nickel that it will either happen on July 17 (Obsydia's 3rd anniversary), or it will be announced on July 17 and take place on August 8 (the anniversary of Selen's tweet announcing that not only was she denied permission to host literally that exact tournament, but had also been permanently denied permission to host ANY event with anyone from outside of Niji EN)
Ike being able to escape that shit clean by being so plain and constantly popping a water bottle deserves to have a novel written about it.
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>>79614406 (me)
>the Fall Guys tournament tweet
Juuuurard save your oshi tell ERB we need unity collabs to save niji EN
She's a pagpag eater. They were born that way.
Interesting, lets see what happens
That's stupid af and i won't be surprised these retards will do it
>disgusting nijihomos

if you're addicted to sucking cock perhaps
i see canada in reddit and /v/ a lot recently
sounds like the mass importation of brown people is catching up to them finally
millie deportation arc soon hopefully
its the one thing sisters are good for
sadly they can still post on twitter while doing it
>What's cunny officer, I was just being sad
who even cares about the flips kek, at least they want to work, the problem is the rich chinks buying up all the housing while behaving like overgrown children.
Why try? His fanbase will do the job for him (for free)
The actual important question is when in gods name has there ever been a case of people who could just say
>no actually I don't want to be in this UnityMV of the entire branch
If you get 90% of people you can force the last 10% with zero issues. It can't be an active talent just for this fact alone.
ERB doesnt like bullies,nice try tho
>Motivational mirror speech with an audience of strangers
who would have thought that niji en will survived longer than holokeks veterans like a-chan and mel ? lmao.
with fans like that
who needs antis?
Ao cute
Huh. I wonder if A-chan is secretly "retiring" so she can go manage the new EN/JP merger.
Why would someone who gets paid out the ass go to a place where the only payment is getting to lick whatever comes out of Riku's ass?
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It's always the same, every single time.
Ahdunno, it'd just be funny to me. Maybe she enjoys a challenge, and niji is willing to beat her current salary in desperation.
Mostly it'd just be hilarious to me.
Loosen up dude.
>I know she sounds backstabby but she is not
Tell that to the people she backstabbed.
I still won't forgive her for Zaion. That black screen video she pulled was vile, especially combined with the other little "omg I totally love zaion guys" she was throwing out while the actual person was barely keeping herself from ending it all.
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Jesus Christ
>merger is real
Kotoka killing Mel was the final straw.
God, my sweet princess Vivi can't get out of that hellhole fast enough.
The fucking sob story they wrote. Boo-fucking-hoo, Chinks. Canadian housing for Canadians. Don't like it? Become a citizen or fuck off.
People really don't believe NijiEN will survive?
Didn't realize this kind of problem even existed over there. At least they're doing something about it now.
Part of me wonders if Ike still considers Doki a friend or maybe he's neutral and just realized that harassing the talent is just wrong. To my knowledge, outside of what amounts to a cameo appearance in the black screen he hasn't really thrown shade at anything.
To think the branch would rival HoloEN at some point .

Got a lucky break with the Male Chubbas and just needed to ride the wave and gradually increase the rest of the branch.

Wasted potential
>To think the branch would rival HoloEN at some point.
Look at the positives anon! Now the Homostars have someone to compete with on equal terms!
I just remembered the talent academy posting they had for Fuwamoclones a month back.

>must be able to attend interview in tokyo
>must be able to attend night lessons in Tokyo

There's no possible way they're going to be debuting legally-distinct-from-fuwamoco without the merger first happening. Whenever they debut, if they debut at all, that's when the merge has to have happened by.

Or this could be old news and I only just made the connection.
>I just remembered the talent academy posting they had for Fuwamoclones a month back.
That was for the JP branch.
Did she trying just fucking asking a vet for help
Bon Appetit!
Cute boy
>Part of me wonders if Ike still considers Doki a friend or maybe he's neutral
He hates her
Scarle's turn
Yup, something not good is happening to NijiEN.
Which will be the only branch soon.
Anon Kotoka and Sayu hung out in person in Japan before they debuted
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My god, the rrat is gaining strength
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so where is the merger
ignore the gura look at the clock
Ok, someone bake a new /doom/.
Oh this must be really bad if Scarle is doomposting. Doesn't she have a new outfit in the works?
No way... Is the leak real?
My fellow eurofag. We should be sleeping.
Explain why Kotoka refused to talk to Sayu after pretending to be open to it and lying about how "Xsoleil will always be six" and that she still liked Zaion?
It's a quarter to nine in Japland. You didn't really expect an announcement in your timezone did you?
But what if I go to sleep now, NijiEN folds and I loose all the shitposts?
i'm a NEET so i don't have to be worried about that
my condolences to anyone that has to go into work today
i'm just joking around :D
An anon yesterday said that most of the EN white notices have dropped at 11am GMT, so possibly expect it 1pm CEST. Though to be honest I still don't believe the rrat.
Fucking FINALLY. I was beginning to fear that she doesn't give a fuck and she's gonna go ride or die.
Don't worry there'll be festivities for a while, so you won't miss everything
once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action
>verification not required
inb4 We aren't firing you but
>you have to move to japan or quit
>reduced pay
>increase required stream time.
>you have to pay us for your Equipment and IP rights.
>required projects per year.
>have to pay for all projects.
>get paid in Yen
Most likely it's just one graduation.
It's still too soon to merge
Bake a /doom/ thread pls
Yeah. The FOMO is killing me. I didn't believe the rrat, but all the doomposting saya otherwise.
>>Verification not required.
What the FUCK is happening at NijiEN??? Is Luca cumguzzling Riku???
hey look it's gura
Eh? This is just regular luca acting like a retard nothing to see here...
there was no better end of the deal
the KR that kept going surived because they spoke japanese
the rest graduated even before the merge was complete
I'd be surprised of Zaion didn't have BPD
Bruh. If that many people want to leave, they should just let them all do it at once. Just rip the bandaid off and move onto the future.
I thought what it was that they didn't get "all the perms" for appearances and that's why they took it down. Not because someone said they didn't want to be in the video.
Post the full wallpaper
If it was a merger, I don't think they'll be dooming. If anything they'll be instructed to make it sound like a positive thing.
Someone is graduating, maybe even multiple someones.
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it's not a wallpaper, it's a a custom mascot i have set up to show up in the sidebar using the "oneechan" userscript
A merger will most likely result in graduations and less support. There's no way to sugarcoat this after the second cancelation of their concert.
Merger with graduations attached.
Rosemi is one of them.
I'm sure all these bitches have BPD
share the script please
Yes cute tomboy indeed
>Rosemi is one of them.
Stop anon, it's been nearly 5 months, clinging so hard to a cope it's not healthy.
you don’t get to give me orders. however the case, the situation looks grim for the branch.
What was it? It's deleted now
That she needed a hug because she wasn't having a good day
>be nice to me I'm sad
Something like that.
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It's not deleted, but here.
It was about how today was a bad day.
Well yes, but they will initially be told to make it look good, not doompost.
that she wasn’t having a good day
They aren't helping their case by doing shit like that. I can't believe that after Selen's blunder they still don't have any semblance of PR training.
For me is deleted too.
I'm going to sleep. It's 9:00 in Tokyo. I really hope nothing funny happens meanwhile, but if It happens, please screencap everything.
>any semblance of PR training
If anything kicking at Anycolor is better for their PR. It's dog eat dog world for them now and Niji ain't the yacht to stick to.

>scarle doomposting gets memory-hole'd

rrats rrats, we're the rats.
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If the rrat turns out to be true I'd be somewhat disappointed. I know it sounds naive, but I was hoping that "the clique" would have decided to grow into better people, instead of sinking with the yacht.
You are not allowed to be sad. There is no sadness in Nijisanji EN.
"character development" only happens in fiction. this isn't some melodrama anime.
It was never just about their existence. But it was someone in management that keeps on using favouritism for thr clique and the boys. That's why the Elira rrat stuck, because Livers and sisters bent over backwards to not throw management under thr bus despite being the root cause of it.

And so quickly, too. God, somebody in management must hate Scarle personally for how quickly they shut her down for any transgressions.


I feel that, anon. As much fun as it is to watch a trainwreck, a redemption arc would have been the best outcome. Now we've just got a sinking ship and an imminent swarm of rats leaving it. I have to wonder if management actually denied any graduations until the merge happens so that niji looks like it's still stable. Would explain some of the people opening up their old accounts as a lifeboat, disappearing from service or otherwise acting a bit weird.
That's not true anon, people change. Sometimes for the better, don't be so negative.
Well it probably didn't help that her hearting the Kurosanji comment spread like wildfire /here/ and on twitter. She's probably being closely monitored now.
favoritism and targeted harassment? in niji? surely not.
>I was hoping that "the clique" would have decided to grow into better people
Nah, maybe in 10 years.

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