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One week later. Are they flops? How do they compare to Myth, Promise, and Advent?
They did better than expected, especially the chubby hag
The red one is doing exceptionally well.
The others are flops.
they will get another chance to win over more people once the collab bans are over
there's barely any threads about them outside ERB drama baiting

They all have active generals. They all have cultivated followings.

Current ranking

Cecilia >= Raora > Gigi > Elizabeth

Cecilia is the breakout star of her gen. Sure she's shy and makes mistakes, but she's creative as fuck. Had the best debut of her gen, and her jingle stream was one of the best.
Raora originally hard filtered anons because of her thick accent. But it was more like a flu shot. After five minutes you appreciate her for the Italian mama she is. While lower than Cecilia, Raora is at her best when arting or zatsuing. On a good day she matches Cecilia.
Gigi has been a bit weak, being Ame 2.0, but she collabs well with Cecilia. Needs more time to shine.
Elizabeth has been the weakest. But even as the weakest, she arguably has the best karaokes. But thats about it. She's been spamming karaokes, and she sucks at Valorant. Not a good outlook on her. That said, her music and willingness to homocollab garners her controversy, which is good for that metric - people are talkung about her.

But yes, fairly good gen. Not as good as Myth and Advent, but definitely better than Council.
The pink cat has the best zatsu potential I've seen in a while
Pink cat is super adorable and her zatsu are very good. Cecilia is super creative but talk like Joe Biden.

Didn’t really watch the others
The green one is doing exceptionally well.
The others are flops.
good gen
she barely got 10k on her last stream
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I like GG and CC, and am neutral on the others.
>Elizabeth has been the weakest. But even as the weakest, she arguably has the best karaokes. But thats about it. She's been spamming karaokes, and she sucks at Valorant. Not a good outlook on her. That said, her music and willingness to homocollab garners her controversy, which is good for that metric - people are talking about her.
>Most subs, most consistent viewership for her Karaoke.

Dude, I donno what to tell you, except you don't know what "weakest" means.
I like RR and CC and I am savior fagging GG.
CC and GG are good, the other two are bad. ERB only has a good singing voice, and it’s not even that good compared to Mumei/Irys. RR is like talking to an ESL with normalfag tastes and her voice is not Holo material, even Towa has a higher quality hag voice. She’s 2nd monitor material but JPs are better for that and stream at her time.
CC has bad jokes but knows how to keep chat engaged. GG has high IQ jokes and is a gamer. Both of them together already rival amesame
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Get filtered fag
Liz is the only one that matters
>saving thumbnails

Obvious bait thread.
>Raora originally hard filtered anons because of her
interactions with males, especially Nijis.
Hard to compare them with other gen because they have their own strength and weakness but they're definitely not better than Promise.
CC might be oshi material but it's too early to tell. GG is slowly growing on me, she's funny. CCGG has amazing chemistry, my fav duo. RR is likable but terrible choice of game. ERB is talented but she's soo goddamn boring, I'd rather be doing anything else, even work, she's basically another Mori to me. Best thing about this gen is that they fill in dead timeslot, which is desperately needed.
I don't care about them, but they can't be worse than advent
The only reason advent is loved here is because they cater to the mentally ill, they don't have a single redeeming quality besides that
Pink and Red are whores. Pink has an awful voice. Yellow is just boring. Green might have potential.
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She loves chattini.
I coomed to chinese gachas with better designs than that
Except for ERB they are fine additions to the cast. Red needs to be stamped out before we lose idol culture though.
cute and I like her accent and leaning into the Italian stuff, and I love art streams.
I thought her debut was strong but content-wise she's not really grabbing me. She sounds like a softer Kiara, which is nice
I love karaoke and she does a lot of it, with songs that aren't the standard Holo repertoire. She really seems to be having fun while singing, too
She's hilarious, but I do see how some of her bits feel like she's actively trying to filter people. Her voice is kinda rough
It's still early, and the game selection has sucked, but so far their collabs have been very weak. I would say the same for early Advent too, though
shit taste confirmed
waste of a gen
They make sisters seethe so they're a huge success.
I love my new pink panther mamma, viva yagoo viva cover corp
>I love karaoke and she does a lot of it, with songs that aren't the standard Holo repertoire. She really seems to be having fun while singing, too
She takes requests from chat and checks the Holo perms app to make sure she can sing them. There is a surprising amount of songs on there, the fact Holo had Grease perms surprised everyone, including Liz.
I will max supa any Holo that does a full cover of the grease soundtrack
Raora is the OG Niji anti before it was cool to shit on Niji
She's Sayu's mama
subbing to based pink cat if true
she was the OG Niji Fangirl sucking off Vox and Ren, she didn't become an anti until years later
the OG Niji anti is actually in Advent and was shitting on them since Obsydia.
Everyone has remained consistent but red's momentum is steadily dropping.
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Being a musician made me love CC right off the bat. The rest aren't for me, but don't dislike them.
>CCfags shitting on all her genmates
Why are dollfuckers like this?
Who was that? Genuinely don't know.
I like Raora and Ceci. Don't care for the other 2.
Underaged summer pedos skewed the board's sentiment. Anyone over 18 knew that Italian cougar is a winning combo.
>How do they compare to Myth, Promise, and Advent?
they have four members
worst gen in EN, but still aren’t that bad
I can't wait for the next twenty versions of this exact same thread that only change how much time has passed and get the exact same answers.
Yet another absolute win for Hololive.
Not flops. It seems like they're doing ok, if not great. Personally, I wonder if these were really the best that Cover could pick from all of the people who applied to them.
The fact that there are only 4 of them in the group probably means that there wasn't anyone good enough to be a 5th member.
Raora = Sex
Elizabeth = Sex
Gigi = Didn't watch
Cecillia = NuKiara
>Are they flops?
no, they are great
next question
As gen
-Promise/Myth(they have gura bruh)
-Justice(Red woman is not enough)
-Council(very newbies)

Advent feel like mates that have been for a while since debut none before got that they set the bar too high to justice even between council and myth I didn't feel that difference. Red woman is good but they will need more.
CC and GG are obvious, RR is less common but it works, but what about Liz? What would work for her? LL? ZZ?
Anon, these are official:
If she is supposed to only be a singer, sure. But she can't keep spamming karaokes all the time. Unarchived karaokes are special occasions on other members channels, that's what makes people want to tune in. If it's keep happen 2-3 times a week, no one care anymore.
Gigi is my favorite so far and the one im gonna be watching, Cecilia is pretty good but her choice of games are boring af, Raora looks promising as well but sadly she streams too early for me, Elizabeth is a skip for me.
you are retarded
Yeah, but LZ (or ERB) aren't two of the same letter, so it feels unsatisfying
I like the CC and GG pairing.
Roara's art is nice but her voice filters me hard.
Not really liking ERB, feels she's trying to force that same style of singing on songs where it just doesn't fit.
Green is my waifu. EU über alles
They're great. Better than advent.
My favorite of the gen. Funny personality, her accent adds to her cuteness and humor. Energetic and chatty in collabs. Glad she's starting to engage with chat more.
Controversies aside, I like watching her. Love the ojou laugh, the impressions, the singing, and I find her dorky dad humor endearing. As long as she doesn't try to force an agenda on the other girls and is willing to experiment with new games, I'll probably keep watching.
Took me a few streams, but I started to see the appeal. She can go into a giggle fit about some stupid thing, and suddenly I'm giggling along with her. Always leaves me in a pleasant mood.
Not really sold on her solo streams yet, but so far I think she really shines in collabs with someone to bounce off of. Wonderful screams.
Ceci is the only one that clicked for me and the only one I'd try to make an effort to watch.
Better than Myth, worse than Promise, about as good as Advent.
Shiori. Though she was one of those bitter oldfag Vtubers that shat on everyone, so I don't think that counts.
Better than Advent out of the gate, but lets see where it goes from here before tossing crowns around.
I finally got around to watching them so I wouldn't be affected by any hype factor. They're all degenerate whores. Justice are whores of Babylon.
Eu women, what else did you expected?
I was hoping for some classy ladies that are into anime and games. I absolutely hate this gen.
they're killing it .. their growth will be exponential when the collab ban is over. This marks the start of the next golden age of vtubing
Advent felt, at least to me, like the last proper gen we were going to get. I don't know what convinced me of this. There were recruitment ads and Nerissa had a couple of shorts telling people "hey even if you failed keep applying, you might get in eventually like I did", but advent still felt like the end.

Now I think I was a fool.
People praise Cecilia a lot and it's deserved, but Raora filled a void called Sana and people needed that.
ERB is questionable in how she acts, but I don't think she's malicious. She's just on the spectrum and unable to understand social norms. She will be corrected.

My only question mark is gg, but I have't watched enough of her to form an opinion.
Shiori never shat on holo. Though yeah, it's kinda funny how she "forgot" to mention nijisanji in her vtuber history lesson.
I like Gigi. She's my wife. Don't watch the others so can't say.
>Raora originally hard filtered anons because of her thick accent.
Nobody cares about the accent. It's the voice that people don't like.
How the fuck can people hate eyetalian Shylily?
>she sucks at Valorant. Not a good outlook on her
Truly a stunning condemnations.
This is true except that it has only ben a week.
It's impossible to see what kind of content they actually plan to stream.
I recently had a look over some old HoloJP debuts for a nostalgia trip and it really puts in perspective the fact that some of these girls could end up a big hit in the distant future despite their unimpressive first week.
>Flop this
>Flop that
What a sad existence
How's the ticket refunding going nijikek ?
red british nerissa
the patrician's choice
filthy plebs stay the fuck out
better kiara
great with GG
mamma mia
new favorite sleeptuber, her timeslot is actually perfect for me since i work weird hours
>compared to other gens
for me, not as good as promise, but better than myth or advent
given how saturated vtubing has become, i think theyre doing just fine, not amazing, but not a flop
They’re the ruffians of justice.
Honestly I think they did amazing so far.
Anon she can't game. Thats the gist of it. She could have done the Rissa thing and playes simple chill games while zatsuing. Instead she picked a competitive FPS and played like a casual. Its not entertaining.

Exactly. That said, the nijisister/homocollaber you replied to shows the following ERB has attracted. It will be interesting to see what the next months bring.

PL shit. We don't talk PL shit. As long as she doesnt homocollab, she's CGDCT candidate

Anon, the "voice" is really the accent. A thick husky Italian, an Italian Towa. But 5 minutes in and her personality wins out. You got hard filtered, and should give her another chance when you can
Ehhhh I think they'll be okay. certainly much better than nijisanji. Liz has her singing and impressions. gigi has her unhinged behavior. roara has her ramblings. and cc has her musical talent. all of them have something unique about them and that's what matters
That's also my question, is this really the best the market had to offer?
Dunno, there some successful jp vtubers like Yoshika that spam karaoke all week. You need a lot of song variety though and be very good at zatsudans.

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