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Pick One Edition

This thread is made to discuss the streams of Brave US branch, V4Mirai. globie and VSPO! EN are welcome too!

The talents of V4Mirai:
>Gen 1: Crystalis
【Graduated】 Abi Kadabura:
https://www.youtube.com/@AbiKadabura | https://twitter.com/AbiKadabura
Serina Maiko:
https://www.youtube.com/@SerinaMaiko | https://twitter.com/SerinaMaiko

>Gen 2: Petalight
Kou Mariya:
https://www.youtube.com/@Kou_Mariya | https://www.twitch.tv/mariya | https://twitter.com/KouMariya
Mono Monet:
https://www.youtube.com/@MonoMonet | https://twitter.com/Mono_Monet
Yae Yugiri:
https://www.youtube.com/@YaeYugiri | https://twitter.com/YaeYugiri
https://www.youtube.com/@V4Biscotti | https://twitter.com/V4Biscotti

>Gen 3: Lunalia
Alias Anono:
https://www.youtube.com/@AliasAnono | https://twitter.com/AliasAnono
Dr. NOVA(e):
https://www.youtube.com/@DrNovae | https://www.twitch.tv/drnovae | https://twitter.com/DrNOVAe
REM Kanashibari:
https://www.youtube.com/@REMKanashibari | https://twitter.com/REMKanashibari
Yumi the Witch:
https://www.youtube.com/@YumitheWitch | https://www.twitch.tv/YumiTheWitch | https://twitter.com/YumitheWitch

Sensei's Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeeSensei

Current happenings:
>AX is coming up so let's suffer together :)
>The Petalight ASMR race is over (for now)
>VSPO! EN is real!
>It's V4Mirai's anniversary! Make sure to stock up on merch for all the girls! Maybe consider getting a full manju plush set for a bonus Sensei plush! https://shop.bravegroup-us.com/products/v4mirai-1st-year-anniversary-merch
>We've been invited to the minecraft VSMP server! https://pomu.pages.dev/vsmp
>Alicja is having a drawing contest! Check out her twitter for more info
>Mariya's birthday merch is up for grabs! It'll be available for purchase until July 8th!
>Serina's birthday merch is out now! It'll be available for purchase until June 30th LAST DAY!
>Look forward to Petalight's 6 month anniversary art
honse <3

Other Brave EN groups:

>Gen 1
Kumanui Miel:
https://www.youtube.com/@KumanuiMiel | https://twitter.com/KumanuiMiel
Reina Ronronea:
https://www.youtube.com/@ReinaRonronea | https://twitter.com/ReinaRonronea
Taring Hu:
https://www.youtube.com/@TaringHu | https://twitter.com/TaringHu
Pippa Pebblesworth:
https://www.youtube.com/@PippaPebblesworth | https://twitter.com/PippaPebble

>Gen 2
Bonnie Barkswell:
https://www.youtube.com/@BonnieBarkswell | https://twitter.com/BonnieBarkswell
Kiri Kilovolt:
https://www.youtube.com/@KiriKilovolt | https://twitter.com/KiriKilovolt
Rhubarb N. Kustard:
https://www.youtube.com/@RhubarbNKustard | https://twitter.com/RhubarbNKustard
Alicja Da Lontano:
https://www.youtube.com/@AlicjaDaLontano | https://twitter.com/AlicjaDaLontano

Remia Aotsuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@RemiaAotsuki | https://twitter.com/RemiaAotsuki
Arya Kuroha
https://www.youtube.com/@AryaKuroha | https://twitter.com/AryaKuroha
Jira Jisaki
https://www.youtube.com/@JiraJisaki | https://twitter.com/JiraJisaki

>Other Useful Links

Previous Thread >>79587584
My wife is singing
Yae is too over here
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I love my wife
Last day to get Seri's birthday merch
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I love my vampire wife Mariya Kou
She says she's gonna miss us while she goes around kissing girls....
Yae already collabed with this Kawaii girl before right? I remember because of the amount of boobage on my screen.
Also Mono
I'm going to kou myself and it's your fault Mari
>tries to give you paizuri but she's too drunk
>gives you a nursing handjob
>says she's the best at blowjobs, nicks you with her teeth
>one week
yeah but what if you get sick
>vampire fangs
all my fluids belong to mari
Worth it
I am going to track Mari down at AX to cough on her
Reminds me of that one poster in /jidf/ who kept posting about how he wanted Coni Confetti to crush his balls with her teeth and then bite them off while his dick was in a too-small chastity cage that would destroy his cock with spikes if he got a boner.
what the fuck
Mono is cute. That is all.
I'm gonna say it
Clownfuckers are really built different huh
[Mariya News]
The color of the day is oxygen, but not by choice. She packed every pair of panties she owns for AX.
I like smaller mono
Still pretty funny Mari didn't know what this song was about
He had other ones like her crushing his nuts with a hammer or cutting his dick off and blending it up.
I love Mari so much bros
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isp kept dying..
>She packed every pair of panties she owns for AX.
Grim for kekhais
>do you want to see my butthole
yes mono, yes
This is the body tabemonos fuck Mono with
tabemonos also kiss each other a lot
Yae now
She's doing it to me again...
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I break every time I hear Mari sing this
V4 overlap to the last day, is maris karaoke archived?
Probably not, but I am recording
She said it would be.
My inexperienced observation is that Mono appears to enjoy drinking quite a bit? Is that unfounded?
It was until she started singing songs that will get her shot
They're all lightweights, especially Mono.
You're drunk, Mono would never even drink a bit, she's as pure as the biggest whores you've ever seen... wait
I thought I had an oshi before, but no vtuber has ever made me nearly as happy just from hearing their voice as Mari does
Mono is doing one of her streams where she's a dork and yaps about Japan stuff. I love these, they're my favorite.
My wife's cover is dropping soon
I fucking love Kancolle
That shot with her body covered in shadow and yet her tits still shine through
I liked it.
Don't say she joined Seri
wish anyone from the company attended the premiere
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Look at them
I love Mono's Monets
they feel like they are in imminent danger of slipping out
I think everyone should have a bikini like Mono
What we need is a V4Mirai summer swimsuit extravaganza
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Now you know what to skeb, tabemonos
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They're totally gonna announce a summer something with AXA, right? Please
DCL makes me cry too Mari...
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Why are Mari and Alias such crybabies
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I will love LazuLight until the day I die.
Jesas Mono
Dear god
She has a really wild imagination, that's for sure
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Sometimes I think this woman might be trying to seduce us.
Yae's experiment seemed to have worked really well. I hope that's the direction petalight takes when they all get back from AX
But what if Yae doesn't disclose the experiment and goes ahead with the race
Mono love
Wardens in Minecraft sound like a guy on the toilet having really bad diarrhea like URRRGHHHH *pbbbbt*
Hi, first mono member's stream. She's pretty erotic, huh
Enjoy your stay
mari yura mendako song
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Welcome. If you don't leave now, you never will.
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Erotic is an understatement
Uh, where might I be able to find this?
I'm leaking.
mono said it was ok
Much appreciated
clean your links
>The chat is discussing a vstreamer, "the piano lady," and her provocative transformation.
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>welcome back ASMR
I miss Mari...
She did the Pomu bit too...
Tabemonos don't notice the kouhais that suddenly popped up
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Pentalight...will always...be four.
Go back please
Sorry, fat finger, eheh.
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I need her to do this right now
huh, is mono horny?
Haha no
Are you not?
I hate Whorse
that traitor
fuck wrong soundpost
Mono would do the same if given the chance and you know it. Except she lacks the self-confidence and agency to every create that chance thankfully.
i heard your corpo bots subs is this true?
He should throw the whole rod next time
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Yaemen was your ninja an idol
Whelp, she's cast a spell on me.
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That's Vspo, they're just cousins. If v4mirai was actually botting we'd have way bigger numbers by now.
Yae's been literally profession at this point for all I know
no mono don't touch my willie
God I love Mono
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"nodding" with that angle mono...
If you mean that concert from today, then yes.
I love Mari
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Why is there an idiot leaking pics of the member stream?
Oh nooooo
Autist who took mono saying "you can take screenshots if you want" to mean "you can leak membership screenshots"
Gifted members were a mistake.
Tabemonos are not very smart
You need to teach new tabemonos about the NDA
KYS tripfag
So this is why there is a class system among tabemonos...
doesn't leaks like this just peak people's interest into buying membership? does for me
Yo this is sex music
It's one thing to livepost a member stream but posting pics of one is just bad manners.
No shit
I bet you Mono herself has leaked some of her member streams here.
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>just think about how the welcome back asmr is gonna sound
>you just have to wait one week, it'll feel soooo good
oh shit time to save up again
I miss her already but this promise will keep me going
This, I love soundposting Mono but I avoid doing it for members streams. Even though this one in particular was a goldmine.
Does mono need a dedicated archiver? I could add her to my auto setup.
Who's the fucker who asked that
noted, some generals are fine with it and I tend to think it just acts as a form of advertisement. I'd never actually post about any important things said. I'll respect that here, though
I was considering suicide but now that I know she'll be extra needy when she's back I have to live.
How are we supposed to survive now
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And so the lonely week begins...
she's amazing
ALF'd again, one last time
yes, I too think of Alf this way
>no yae
>no mari
>no mono
Someone put me into a coma that will last exactly one week please
And so we suffer together...
I will suffer this week
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yaemen... kouhais.... tabemonos... I'm tearing up already...
Does mono even think about the poor alf channel and the influence a bunch of dirty EOPs will have on it's culture?
>got home 5 minutes after the stream ended
>not even in time to get alf'd
I am a tenth class tabemono.
PetaLight Bros... We're gonna make it (Maybe)
I don't know how the fuck I'm going to even make it through these next 24 hours...
Is Mono's last DJ set supposed to be unlisted instead of privated?
Vods and being a whore... my only survival tactic
Small memba leak- she said it was unlisted first just to see if YouTube would be okay with it, but she will still probably delete it soon-ish to be safe.
I'm actually enjoying JP Alf...
Bros I don't think I'm gonna make it this time around..
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It's gonna be a long week trying to bump
We could hibernate for a week...
Seri is a certified mouth breather when she focuses
>Looks at her creation after hours of work
>I kind of want to lower it two levels
This fucking girl
Okay NOW we die for real
I love Mari and am going to miss her. Goodnight.
How do you live with this woman, booquets
God damn, Alias...
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Alias, talking with you over the phone before you both sleep, GFE...
>ouija board
>lie detector
What is this woman going to do
This is where all my hard earned cash goes. True GFE.
Have fun without me...
Did they already give her the donothon money
I'm in love...
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Intimate relationship company encompassing Friends with benefits, prostitution, girlfriend experience, and wife experience.
No it was all on my credit card
Is this how girl brain works? Weird.
This woman just fucking spends money without a second thought
drunkenly question people who died at sea?
Alias literally is my soulmate
I can relate to her
Yeah mine
my greedy wife
Genuinely one of the worst kinds of people to work with
Vee sensei...
Huh, who are you talking about?
Y'know the vagueness of your comment will lead to wild speculation...
We hate Vee sensei here
Cool, I don't care
Management abuse...
Hey for the bouquets in the chat, what does the ai chat summary say and is it accurate?
alias messaged art sensei at 3am JST for help with an upcoming stream, and she delivered the thumbnail, the goals graphic, and went back to sleep
Booquets won
I wonder how much shorter Alias' content would be if she removed her vocal tics
I need to protect Alias from herself
My greedy wife Alias
Wow staff hate REM
Alias twitter spaces all week
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I love Alias so much
alias wants to show her mom a car with her face on it
I don't really understand what medical shit Alias is having done
big booty
Except you don't do any of those, Alias
She averaged 6 "you know"s per minute
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What a cute gecko ghoul, cheers booquets!
Alias spaces are literally you on the phone with your girlfriend.
Alias has GFE down to an art
Then she occasionally group calls with your other girlfriends concubines and wives
now what? Is alf still on?
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Gonna go to bed now. If we die I'll bake again when there's a stream or something up. I'm not sure about hibernating because of the occasional guerilla or twitter space but I'm sure we'll reach a consensus while we go through the week
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I love Alias so much
Good night!
please remember vspo exists
Yeah they and the globie girls are included in the "when there's a stream" part
I don't like males
VSPO doesn't have any males?
I miss Yumi!
It's so kouver
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Kouyasumi /v4m/, there will be spaces this time and she'll reward us when she's back so I will stay strong. I love Mari.
remember it's fine to cheat on your gf when she is on a business travel
What about my wife..
cheat on her with her daughter
I feel lioe you're trying to trick me. I sincerely doubt that's allowed.
this is what a student sees everyday on the v4mirai school
Yae posted Petalight anniversary art on her community tab.
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So much lens flare on the Youtube preview. She tweeted about it as well.
Looks like I'm a petalite now. It's officially not cheating if you're a petalite yippee
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Why is there no V4M JP?
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I mean the closest equivalent in Brave Group would be Palette Project and that is looking pretty grim
Bonnie monetization marathon this weekend
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Dino schedule
Holy boobers
arya streaming when i finish work

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