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Fuwalter Edition
Previous Thread >>79627053

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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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Mococo's fat fat ass
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Are you ready for the OSRS collab, ruffians?
Fuwawa's boobs are too small and Mococo's too big
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Stayed up just long enough to catch the new bread. Good night ruffians.

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sex with fuwawa
fuwawa and mococo scissoring on top of your face letting you lick up the drippings
I'll try to make more later, apparently you can make too many new character in a short time period
I put a silly fan name on my main account
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yes, still need a few more and more messages too
why is it all coomer names
It's the only place I can say it to them openly without getting bonked by mane chan or blocked on twitter. I am going full gorilla autotyper
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Do NOT have sex with Fuwawa. She is a succubus, she'll drain all of your vitality if she touches your dick.
tf even is this
They're going to block chat with Pero or something kek
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How many streams of scs do they have to go through for this week's sc reading?
Ruffians can't be clever or funny.
Don't worry, I'll make use clique names
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Full isn't even that lewd
I doubt they will even know how to do that because chat is above player heads too unless they turn off public chat. They still will see the usernames at least
FuwaMoco have cuter underwear than this.
That's not the full one. Notice that there's cum on her face in the one you're replying to.
Everything since the last superchat reading
+ freecat which I still hope they drop but the traumadump fag will guilt them into doing it
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and thats a good thing
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> but the traumadump fag will guilt them into doing it
Which one of the lot
im going to filter this i actually fucking cant handle it its so erotic i need to cum gallons into her mouth
Fuwawa would never do something as dirty as have cum on her face. She's a pure innocent idol. It's all sweat
Character names for OSRS. They are going to play it on a collab with advent, and we'll be able to use the chat in the game and appear in the stream if we find their world.
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Yes she would because she loves me very much. She would also smile at me like this.
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gnight ruffians
If hiding the names is an option they'll 100% do it
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>Hey some anonymous fans are planning on trolling you in OSRS by appearing on your stream during the collad with rude and possibly flag-worthy names since OSRS allows it. Please be warned and take precautions #helpfwmc
There isn't an option as far as I know.
Benis :DDD
>take precautions
They literally can't do anything about the names KEK. The best they can do is to not play the game, and I hate OSRS, so it's a win-win for me.
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>you arent able to censor names and there are no private servers, so just be both warned and cautious 2/2 #helpfwmc
all they have to do is put pero to block the chatbox and then ignore any name they see, give 0 reaction
>Artist still hasn't uploaded the lewd version to pixiv like he said he would
>His las upload there is from fucking april
We're never getting it are we
if they were actually baused they'd leave the chat visible and maybe say "you're so silly, raffianz"
I mean if you end up getting the collab changed to a better game like chained together it's all a win win win for everyone
Kek that's the absolute last thing they would ever do
i need more mogogo...
they will have it hidden by the stream time but I will have a scout in every world on tutorial island tracking usernames until I find them and I will say hi to them and get on their friends list early because I'm so kind to them
>chained together
someone absolutely should #helpFWMC this for their future advent collabs, good call anon
That image is related how?
image unrelated
Why is this board so vitriolic towards FWMC now? It's not just bait threads even globalfags are piling on. I genuinely don't know why, is it just because Ruffians are passionate and they think it's cringe to support your oshi?
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ok, sister
not even on fanbox or something? then araki forgot
I mean... They can be cautious if they want, but they won't be able to stop it from happening. A person with 1 account can create 20 characters with different names, and you can open multiple instances of the game, so 3 very dedicated gorillas could have 60 characters with names like that at the same time.
They can't do anything to stop it, the gorillas win.
Anti thread.
Don't the names appear near the player's head?
I asked for evidence earlier when you said this and you just disappeared.
>the gorillas win
Win what? There's nothing to win.
any vitriol you supposedly see towards FWMC are:
1. fags who resent them because ruffians are passionate
2. fags who resent them because they associate them with ruffians who shit on all other oshis for not living up to the standard that FWMC set
3. trannies/normalfags who hate them for setting a nigh unattainable standard for what beautiful flawless sweet idol oshis should be
4. sisters who hate them for being silent when homos were on screen during summerfes or whatever (they STILL seethe about this specific incident hardcore like you wouldn't believe)
5. faggots who are filtered by them being """teletubbies"""
I win because FWMC seemed really interested in this game for some reason and they get to play it. I win because I'll laugh when the dumb funny name pops up on screen for 2 seconds. I win because this shit thread will be seething while nobody else will give a shit.
Actually they might kill the possibility of marshmallow mania 2 since this is a direct effect of it. I don't mind but it'd be hilarious if they hold back because the trouble isn't worth of it.
they say they aren't perfect/flawless stop calling them that
and they really aren't perfect and thats what makes them lovely, in their words; it'd be boring to be perfect
>they associate them with ruffians who shit on all other oshis for not living up to the standard that FWMC set
Ironically enough, the people who get "angry" about this are the same ones who do it in the first place. It's all falseflagging
Oh and I'm not one of the people doing it, so I win because I don't have to play this shit game either
>I win because FWMC seemed really interested in this game for some reason
They literally aren't. They're just interested in it because Nerissa is.
Doesn't seem to have anything like that, only skeb and most of the things there are set to private
flash2:wave: CUM FOR FUWAWA
I think the post you're replying to is as well. I keep seeing people coming here to say everyone is apparently pissed at how passionate ruffians are, but they can't fetch a post to exemplify exactly how. What is bothering people? How can it be this hard to provide proof if you're supposedly coming here right after seeing such behavior?
I don't think anyone cares how passionate or not passionate another fanbase is. Even gachikoischizo probably doesn't concern himself with gachikoi from other fanbases, who gives a shit about fans of other chuubas?
Yes a lot of it seems to be sour grapes from myth and promise fans, as well as the /cgl/ sisters
A lot of it is jealousy though. They won't admit it but the unnatural amount of seethe from other HoloEN fanbases is because FWMC set a high bar
All of those people are shitting on ruffians not FWMC.
>nigh unattainable standard
I think you mean "having standards at all"
Seems like internal drama of the reddit thread to me. I never left that thread because I was never in it in the first place. None of the replies are about Ruffians' relationship with FWMC either.
It's full of people unironically using the term "split", it's people who are fans of this website. I do not consider any of that conversation to be about "ruffians"
it's because they were so good at debut that Ruffians were shitting on other fanbases and FUWAMOCO were making many EN senpai look even worse by their hard work. But now that they've started canceling streams people are cashing in on grudges
Shitting on Ruffians is shitting on FWMC. Sad even people here don't understand that.
Most of it generally is
>X is doing Y
>you should be mad at them
>repeat enough times
>it works because this board is filled with NPCs
They're hilariously easy to astroturf. Worse even, they believe they can't get astroturfed so they deepthroat the bait.
You made this post earlier today already
You forgot:
6. Ruffians who feel jilted by the sudden shift in their content
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How come fuwawa isn't depicted as chubby more...
meant for >>79642112
>Because i'm still getting replies. Because there is still meta discussion here because of me. I can mass reply as i wish. You might not fall for it but others will. Discussion will be unpleasant.
You tried this earlier today. I only shit on people when they come bring other whores into the FuwaMoco threads.
>I saw other people using FuwaMoco to shit on other girls in the catalog/global
Your fault for going to those shitholes. I don't care what the board thinks.
>reading the replies
>people using split
>the same schizo shit that tries to get peddled here
>except it's people believing it now
sisters just fucking hate ruffians because we're happy that we have oshis who love us
Who cares, I left global long before I became a Ruffian. Right around the time they started ERPing with avatarposters. They're a bunch of Homo and whore lovers now anyways.
I still struggle to believe they're so desentized to lewd stuff as some people claim
No, that was just you
Most ruffians don't leave this thread. They simply couldn't be assed to look outside of it
They were playing RapeLay before they were 18. Mococo has nude loli figures.
Sometimes I check to see if /ahoy/ is up. It usally isn't. So I come back here and that's it.
You know, if they were just names like FuwawasFloofies or SexyMocochan, it could be funny, but you're just going to make them uncomfortable with graphic names and stress them out. You'll also embarrass them in front of the rest of Advent and they'll feel personally responsible for ruining the collab.
I hope you don't actually do this.
No, I'm also here to rub season 2 in your faces because you shat on my oshi
A lot of global posters are teamates who had to kneel to the homos when she started collabing with them. Global is pro unity so they had no choice but to accept homoshit since half the branch did it
Were you not there when they sang thay one song from Maggot Baits
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We already knew anyone who uses "season 2" is a shotposting anti though?
>he thinks anyone in this thread actually cares about how they feel
Is your oshi a Niji?
Unity never meant homos until fags started pushing that it did. As someone who was around since Gen 4, Unity was created simply because KFP and Deadbeats wanted to get fans of thd Trinity to stop shitting on Kiara and Mori, mostly Mori.
FWMC season 2 is still better than the entire run of Myth and Council.
That's what I don't get. Even if I see some of the Jailbird get a little riled up here, very little of it touches streams. No one really fucked around, but I 100% believe there are honest to goodness Ruffians who would push the envelope like that. Hell, just look at the stupid Gorilla shit.
I guess if you enjoy zero karaoke and numberfarming vertical kusoge slop?
>immediate holo v holo
Stop replying to yourself, sister.
I wish gorilla would kill himself already and end off the entire species. They've been a lot less prevalent which is good but it's time to finish the job. No one likes them and their disgusting creepy sex pest bullshit
That trinity shit was utter cancer. Before Council debut, /hlgg/ was full of that shit. It chilled a little with Council into Promise and all but died with Advent. But the same fags pushing that trinity shit are still there trying to be mad about other EN holos, just like there's some /jp/fags in /baubau/ who try to anti all EN Holos.
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If your oshi is a homocollaber she deserved it desu
I enjoy hanging out in the thread of my oshi. Does your whore not have a thread? Is that why you come here to shit things up?
Unity doesn't mean pro-homo and it never did. Thats unironically a catalog invention from nijiniggers
Not all EN Holos just the whores and/or lazy ones.
No, I will still rather watch the worst Holo than a Niji.
She does, and it's a lot less mentally ill than here.
But your definition of 'whore' and the next Anon's could be totally different. It's such a non-defined term/label, your faggot ass would just slap it onto anyone you don't like.
Cool go back there.
Nice, you managed to turn this into Global 2 again. Congratulations. You should all kill yourselves immediately.
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That reaction is why I'm here :)
It's not quite the same. It's containment breaking for sure, but a gorilla pfp or a superchat mentioning a gorilla isn't something explicit on its face the way "cuminsideFWMC" or "MOCOCOsWetPussy" is. They might even get a kick out of the former if they're aware of the inside joke and play along.
But they can't feign ignorance or play off someone showing up talking about eating their ass and mouth raping them.
I really hope you understand the difference.
I wish Moco-chan would just sit on my face. I would be praying the entire time for her to sneeze during it because she might invouluntarily let out a fart.
FuwaMoco not being whores like your oshi is why I'm here. :^)
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If you're talking about pics then yeah I guess you do become desensitized after a while if you read eroge. This is just a sprite, for example.
I do, but I still think the former isn't great because it's pushing an envelope that may make them uncomfortable. Sexpost here all you want, I do it often.
>Pero is mexican
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Why do you think they call him nasty, he's a filthy beaner
I don't think the gorilla retard is even sexposting in his messages, he's just being a cringe retard like 2schizos used to be. They haven't openly been disgusted at him but god it hurts to see his messages to me. They got 2 very viral clip moments out of the responses to his so maybe it's what they want right now
>Gorilla is actually Fuwawa sending herself SCs for content
>They got 2 very viral clip moments out of the responses
i dont think it made much of a difference when they just kinda go off whatever's on their mind
you probably could send some nonsensical SC and the same shit would happen
>Maybe that's what they want
We all know that's what they want. They are unironically numberchasing really hard right now, which I won't get into, but they're not willing to cross a few boundaries that will make FuwaMoco not FuwaMoco. Things like swearing, overt sexuality on purpose, and the like is never going to be a 'them' thing, and who knows how they'd react to thoze gorilla comments if it were 6 months earlier.
God, this Fuwawa laugh is delicious
forgot they sang a gegege kitaro song
they should watch the movie with Fubuki
>they're not willing to cross a few boundaries that will make FuwaMoco not FuwaMoco
Kek at first I read this as you saying they ARE willing to cross those boundaries
nta but constantly shitting on other holos is why no one likes you guys
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>still replying to himself
they'd get tossed into the bin if they were that far
most of us like all the holos except ollie
i cant type, whatever
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Oji-san, you know you can't go on the computer without your glasses.
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I need to do my marshmallow mania reps
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One more time for fluffy before going to work
I miss Friday Night Freddy
And even with Ollie, she's a great performer.
I'm surprised there was so much bitching about it here. I thought it was a great stream and probably the best they've done in a horror game
you're coming here to start the fight
Being a good performer doesn't outweigh the stunt she pulled trying to spring homos on Nene
>"cuminsideFWMC" or "MOCOCOsWetPussy"
Those are good names, thanks.
I feel a bit bad if it makes FWMC feel uncomfortable, but I'll do everything in my power to stop them from playing OSRS in the future, even if it hurts them. That game is dogshit, watching people play it is boring, and it's a huge timesink.
I don't want them to become addicted and waste time playing it off-stream or for them to make membership streams of that shitty game.
snuggling my face against mococo's butt
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Goodnight friends.
character limit is 12 for names, LARPchama
What's the source? Why are you saving m.jpgs?
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Sorry, I'm bad at math.
it was worse than mbembe, there was nothing to talk about from either side
I don't even remember what he superchatted. Which were the two that went viral?
The "Mococo is sexy" one
if they werent willing to play fagworld beyond like 3 streams there's no way they'll play that game beyond 1 unless nerissa drags them into another collab
The one about the sweat reply on the twitter art and the MOCOCO IS SEXY one. I guess viral is debatable but my feed on youtube had a lot of clips of both with 10k-100k+ views so I'd say that's not bad
they want to play palworld though, they'll come back to it eventually
Your oshi being a lazy whore is why we don't like her.
While I wish all gorillas died, if he doesn't get too weird it's a nice excuse for them to tease with more sexy stuff in a controlled way without bringing it up themselves
Palworld is already dead. No one is playing it anymore, so they missed out. Well at least they had a couple really fun, lojg streams before it died
Palworld just got a Japan update. It's definitely going to start a new arc
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Let's test that theory.
Hey ruffians, how do you feel about Bae?
they can play with each other
and Shiori also wanted to come back to it if people start playing it again
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she's cute and a good dancer with good orisongs
100k isn't any more "viral" than their normal popular clips.
She's alright.
good night fubukinon
Fuck, someone already took the name "CUM_in_FWMC".
I wanted to use that...
good night Fubuki thanks for the kiss
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Like her songs and dancing, bought Zodiac. She's got good chemistry with my daughter Biboo.
Get that whore out of here.
I don't watch her but sometimes I do get the urge to mating press her into absolute submission and fill her completely before discarding her until the next fleeting interest. Her dancing makes me rock hard too.
stop bookmarking my tweets
why would you care about the number of bookmarks?
She's a whore. I don't go around to other threads saying this. I don't go around to other threads period. But since you insist on trying to push her here, I'll let you know she's the biggest fucking slut EN has hired, and if Rushia didn't exist, would have been the biggest one Hololive has hired.
because FUWAMOCO do it and you fags doing it drives me crazy because my stupid brain thinks it is them even though I know it isn't except when it is
She's cute and does her idol stuff. I like to hear her sing. Not the biggest fan of jrpg stream #109 and I don't watch her homo stuff, but she's pretty entertaining when I watch the content I prefer.
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pride month was a howl of a time but now it is over. I saw so many FUWAMOCO flags out in my city. bau bau byou is spreading like mad it seems
she's pretty good
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ojisans don't forget to register your AED to qualify for commemorative friend postcard. FUWAMOCO would feel better knowing you are safe in case the worst happens.
Baused and true. I'm getting tired of the brats trying to promote that whore /here/, if they keep doing this I'm going to start anti-ing her.
#fwmcscoop *
She should cut her own throat on a public stream.
Do Japanese people have AEDs in their home?
I want a Fubuki postcard...
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Stop being a mentally ill faggot
She has done this for a few years at least, hasn't she? Or am I losing my mind
You're probably a falseflagging sister but on the off chance you aren't, going out and shitting up other threads does nothing.
Only a few hours left to pay 60 bucks apiece for penlights.
I can't believe I bought two fucking sets just for pen lights that don't even match the event. Am I retarded? What do I do with all the other shit that it came with? I should have just bought them at ANYC
>What do I do with all the other shit that it came with?
resell in a couple of months?
I'm only buying one set. Sorry Fuwawa...
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Okay, finished up. Love you Fuwawa and see you tomorrow! Good luck with the rest of the day and hope FWMC MORNING is a good recharge for you.
I'm not buying shit
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Do you forgive FWMC?
fuwamoco will be so disappointed when they see you without penlights ruffian.
for what
I'm going to wear the t-shirt and towel to the concert. Why don't you?
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there's nothing to forgive. now bend over, Mocochan
No they won't and you won't gaslight me into believing you.
No, not yet. I need to see a return to form. Consistent schedules with no cancellations. Rock N Rawr's again. Visual novels again. An end to vertical slop. An end to shitty fotm games. More member's content.
I'll forgive them if they give me big, sloppy kisses.
because I'm wearing the FWMC Happi but I guess I will wear the BD shirt and towel too
>the set is 2 dollars cheaper than when i bought it because yen is going to shit
should have waited i guess
There's a time where irrational and clouded judgement gets to a degree where it's outright comedic. This is one of those times.
maybe not disappointed but they'll just love you a bit less than ruffians who have them.
Your shitposting has 0 effect on me
That's my dick.
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I love Fuwalter
no one was shilling her you retard
he's not wrong. they download and replay videos of ruffians that recorded their penlights and chants and listen to it when feeling down.
Took me 30 minutes to realize what OSRS stands for and now I really don't want that stream
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hehehhhh fuck it dood

Omega Sapphire and Ruby Sapphire
I normally don't say this here just in case they're here but I really think you should kill yourself
No I'll never forgive you, Mococo. And in case you are actually reading this:

Mococo, you are worthless. You fail at everything you do and you'll never improve. Every bad thing that happened to you in the past was your fault, and you'll keep failing in the future. You are nothing more than Fuwawa's shadow, and not a single ruffian loves you, they just pity how pathetic you are.
you know i can't tell if this is an anti thread or if its just being raided all day long
>An end to shitty fotm games.
That's always been there though
both and shitposters
you don't like Ice Poseidon?

Literally the greatest fleshtuber to ever live?
is it really a raid if it's an anti thread
that just means it's normal posting
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He thinks I'm trolling but I'm a big Ice Poseidon fan since his 2023 Japan stream (I knew of him beforehand but didn't watch him at all, thought he was a complete faggot, he is kind of a literal faggot but I'm big enough to admit I was wrong figuratively). That shit was fire, so entertaining. He wasn't disrespectful either like a ton of IRL streamers in Japan are nowadays. He also wasn't doing the dogshit pickup type stuff I was dreading, I thought he'd just be going around trying to fuck Japanese girls, it was nothing lie that.

Ice Poseidon is a really entertaining streamer. I believe this and also value good sweet lovely idols like Fuwamoco.
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I think we should just leave this thread to die and become global2, and make a new /バウバウ/ or /FWMC/ or something for actual FUWAMOCO discussion
It's being raided because people are jealous of how great FUWAMOCO are. Since their latest efforts have been sub par, they take delight in rubbing it in. Same thing happened with Gura.
>and make a new /バウバウ/
Eren don't look...
I support this, I always get it mixed up. Either I type that or フワ and nothing shows up
this is an anti post
it'd still show up if you search "bau"
I'm pretty sure he's shitposting though
nevermind the fucking website doesnt support japanese strings in the url
Not an anti thread btw
Anti post
It isn't.
I'm not.
This thread has been unbearable >50% of the time the last 2 months. I just want something similar to how /baubau/ used to be
I love FWMC, I'm doing them a favor.
So true sis lets just split threads, surely nobody will follow.
what about /buabua/?
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shitposters just comes here because ruffians bite everything, they'll just follow you into whatever new thread you make
You have to be retarded or an anti to suggest making /バウバウ/
That wouldn't fix anything. The antis would just go to the new one, and they would have extra shitposting material with the "holoEN btw" angle if the fucking thread's name is in JP.
I'm really hoping they love it and play even more.
People are biting for the sake of arguing with someone on the internet just to pass the time until the next stream
I have my 20 characters ready. I'm going to rape them on stream.
god forbid someone shares FWMC's interest in japanese
You're glowing
She'll have that pregnancy glow after I'm done with her
seethe harder anti
only antis shit on them for speaking japanese
just came to their jp asmr again...
Good thing I'm not doing that
so do /FWMC/, I don't care what it's called. It's just exhausting dealing with shitposts
>make new FWMC thread
>jannies delete one of the threads
>if not shitposters raid both threads
Just ignore them and don't respond retard.
unironically take a break from 4chan my guy
Nah, i consider it tough love more than anything
I guess that's possible. Are we allowed an Advent general?
>thinking that changing the thread name will change anything
You can't actually believe that'll work
i think there was one for a bit but no one went to it
Didn't /ggg/ try this? They went back eventually
Well if jannies don't delete it I don't mind having their genmates be a topic of discussion too.
Well maybe it's all of Advent people will contain their FWMC seethe.

Anyway, I'm no baker, but if someone starts an advent general I'd post there
>can't even be assed to make the thread
good luck with that bro
We've talked about making /advent/ or /fire/ before. I don't see why we couldn't have one, but you need at least one dedicated baker and one autist to keep the thread alive until it takes off. I sure as fuck ain't doing either
>Are we allowed an Advent general
New generals are allowed as long as they're properly formatted (no shitposting). Personally Im not interested but go ahead if you are. As the other guy said you gotta keep it alive for a while before it takes off, if it does
What isnt allowed is 2 generals for the same topic
i'm going to make you a grandpa, papa puppy
Fuwamoco is extremely distinguished by being both bilingual and never breaking their cute character.
That, combined with their unique gimmick of being 2 vtubers in 1, and they stand out so much from the rest of the crowd.

Like, I open a collab stream and I hear Fuwamoco playing their cute selfs, then I hear a generic English woman pitching her voice a tiny bit higher than normal and she doesn't even try to play a character, at all. It's like watching a Let's Player who just gave herself a vtuber avatar to be more appealing.
Just go to global they have exactly what you're looking for!
>everyone but fuwamoco sucks
>"just go to [everyone]"
fuwamoco believe black people are animals and they are correct
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>she doesn't even try to play a character,
Every single vtuber and livestreamer is "playing a character." Yes that includes whatever dumb girl you're vagueposting aboutm Who you are on stream is an exaggerated version of who you actually are for the sake of entertainment. This will always be a retarded nonargument made by dumb catalogtards
except the lack of FWMC antis
>FUWAMOCO not the twin slide
What the fuck, are they even trying?
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*blocks ur path*
No some whores are just the same whores they would be as fleshtubers.
>thinking they'd use the twin slide and not sit on each others laps
Wrong. Even whore fleshtubers are "playing characters"
Fucking prominent livestreamers talk about this all the time. All of them do it. You have pretty much have to. Now go back.
Are you playing the character of a retarded nigger? I don't watch prominent fleshstreamers. Sounds like you should go back to watching them.
Thank you for proving my point, dumbass.
Some people clearly "play a character" more than other people.
They should play with my dick instead.
you did submit things for FWMCMORNING right?
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>mfw I just learned that mococo's boobs are actually about the same size as fuwawa's
>samefagging and lashing out angrily for no reason
You're lost. Global is that way, brown tranny
I think it's because that slide they associated with them is more chaotic with the twists and turns and I guess that also fits them.
no they aren’t are you blind?
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gn ruffians
>the single samefagging schizo goes to sleep
>thread slows down to 5% speed
we need post IDs
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I donno, they look pretty similar size irl.
FUWAMOCO should play Baba is You.
Here brain would break too much
She should play Chip's Challenge
You might not believe this but they are twins
I love them
good night
>Here brain would break too much
I know lol it starts out ez enough so they would be really confident at first
Good night!
If we don't get a RnR after AX week I'm going to start anti-ing them. I will give them one chance to make up for the panel exclusive bullshit
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This but sloppy twincest blowjob ASMR in English

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